//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // //=======================================================================================// #ifndef IREPLAYSYSTEM_H #define IREPLAYSYSTEM_H #ifdef _WIN32 #pragma once #endif //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "appframework/IAppSystem.h" //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class IClientReplayContext; class IServerReplayContext; class IGameEvent; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- abstract_class IReplaySystem : public IAppSystem { public: // IAppSystem: virtual bool Connect( CreateInterfaceFn fnFactory ) = 0; virtual void Disconnect() = 0; virtual InitReturnVal_t Init() = 0; virtual void Shutdown() = 0; // To be called client- & server-side virtual void Think() = 0; virtual bool IsReplayEnabled() = 0; virtual bool IsRecording() = 0; // To be called client-side only - on dedicated servers, only subs defined virtual bool CL_Init( CreateInterfaceFn fnClientFactory ) = 0; virtual void CL_Shutdown() = 0; virtual void CL_Render() = 0; virtual IClientReplayContext *CL_GetContext() = 0; // To be called server-side only virtual bool SV_Init( CreateInterfaceFn fnFactory ) = 0; virtual void SV_Shutdown() = 0; virtual void SV_EndRecordingSession( bool bForceSynchronousPublish = false ) = 0; virtual void SV_SendReplayEvent( const char *pEventName, int nClientSlot ) = 0; virtual void SV_SendReplayEvent( IGameEvent *pEvent, int nClientSlot ) = 0; virtual bool SV_ShouldBeginRecording( bool bIsInWaitingForPlayers ) = 0; virtual void SV_NotifyReplayRequested() = 0; virtual IServerReplayContext *SV_GetContext() = 0; }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define REPLAY_INTERFACE_VERSION "ReplaySystem001" //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #endif // IREPLAYSYSTEM_H