//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: // //=============================================================================// #define PROTECTED_THINGS_DISABLE #undef PROTECT_FILEIO_FUNCTIONS #undef fopen #include <windows.h> #include "basetypes.h" #include "utlvector.h" #include "utlsymbol.h" #include "utldict.h" #include "utlbuffer.h" #include "bugreporter/bugreporter.h" #include "trktool.h" #include "filesystem_tools.h" #include "KeyValues.h" #define SCR_TYPE 1 #define TRACKER_SETTINGS "resource/bugreporter.res" #define TRACKER_LOGIN "cfg/bugreporter_login.res" #define DEFAULT_DBMS "tracker" #define DEFAULT_PROJECT "Half-Life 2" #define DEFAULT_USERNAME "" #define DEFAULT_PASSWORD DEFAULT_USERNAME IBaseFileSystem *g_pFileSystem = NULL; class CBug { public: CBug() { Clear(); } void Clear() { Q_memset( title, 0, sizeof( title ) ); Q_memset( desc, 0, sizeof( desc ) ); Q_memset( submitter, 0, sizeof( submitter ) ); Q_memset( owner, 0, sizeof( owner ) ); Q_memset( severity, 0, sizeof( severity ) ); Q_memset( priority, 0, sizeof( priority ) ); Q_memset( area, 0, sizeof( area ) ); Q_memset( mapnumber, 0, sizeof( mapnumber) ); Q_memset( reporttype, 0, sizeof( reporttype ) ); Q_memset( level, 0, sizeof( level ) ); Q_memset( build, 0, sizeof( build ) ); Q_memset( position, 0, sizeof( position ) ); Q_memset( orientation, 0, sizeof( orientation ) ); Q_memset( screenshot_unc, 0, sizeof( screenshot_unc ) ); Q_memset( savegame_unc, 0, sizeof( savegame_unc ) ); Q_memset( bsp_unc, 0, sizeof( bsp_unc ) ); Q_memset( vmf_unc, 0, sizeof( vmf_unc ) ); Q_memset( driverinfo, 0, sizeof( driverinfo ) ); Q_memset( misc, 0, sizeof( misc ) ); includedfiles.Purge(); } char title[ 256 ]; char desc[ 8192 ]; char owner[ 256 ]; char submitter[ 256 ]; char severity[ 256 ]; char priority[ 256 ]; char area[ 256 ]; char mapnumber[ 256 ]; char reporttype[ 256 ]; char level[ 256 ]; char build[ 256 ]; char position[ 256 ]; char orientation[ 256 ]; char screenshot_unc[ 256 ]; char savegame_unc[ 256 ]; char bsp_unc[ 256 ]; char vmf_unc[ 256 ]; char driverinfo[ 2048 ]; char misc[ 1024 ]; struct incfile { char name[ 256 ]; }; CUtlVector< incfile > includedfiles; }; class CBugReporter : public IBugReporter { public: CBugReporter(); virtual ~CBugReporter(); // Initialize and login with default username/password for this computer (from resource/bugreporter.res) virtual bool Init( CreateInterfaceFn engineFactory ); virtual void Shutdown(); virtual bool IsPublicUI() { return false; } virtual char const *GetUserName(); virtual char const *GetUserName_Display(); virtual int GetNameCount(); virtual char const *GetName( int index ); virtual int GetDisplayNameCount(); virtual char const *GetDisplayName( int index ); virtual char const *GetDisplayNameForUserName( char const *username ); virtual char const *GetUserNameForDisplayName( char const *display ); virtual int GetSeverityCount(); virtual char const *GetSeverity( int index ); virtual int GetPriorityCount(); virtual char const *GetPriority( int index ); virtual int GetAreaCount(); virtual char const *GetArea( int index ); virtual int GetAreaMapCount(); virtual char const *GetAreaMap( int index ); virtual int GetMapNumberCount(); virtual char const *GetMapNumber( int index ); virtual int GetReportTypeCount(); virtual char const *GetReportType( int index ); virtual char const *GetRepositoryURL( void ) { return NULL; } virtual char const *GetSubmissionURL( void ) { return NULL; } virtual int GetLevelCount(int area) { return 0; } virtual char const *GetLevel(int area, int index ) { return ""; } // Submission API virtual void StartNewBugReport(); virtual void CancelNewBugReport(); virtual bool CommitBugReport( int& bugSubmissionId ); virtual void SetTitle( char const *title ); virtual void SetDescription( char const *description ); // NULL for current user virtual void SetSubmitter( char const *username = 0 ); virtual void SetOwner( char const *username ); virtual void SetSeverity( char const *severity ); virtual void SetPriority( char const *priority ); virtual void SetArea( char const *area ); virtual void SetMapNumber ( char const *mapnumber ); virtual void SetReportType( char const *reporttype ); virtual void SetLevel( char const *levelnamne ); virtual void SetPosition( char const *position ); virtual void SetOrientation( char const *pitch_yaw_roll ); virtual void SetBuildNumber( char const *build_num ); virtual void SetScreenShot( char const *screenshot_unc_address ); virtual void SetSaveGame( char const *savegame_unc_address ); virtual void SetBSPName( char const *bsp_unc_address ); virtual void SetVMFName( char const *vmf_unc_address ); virtual void AddIncludedFile( char const *filename ); virtual void ResetIncludedFiles(); virtual void SetZipAttachmentName( char const *zipfilename ) {} // only used by public bug reporter virtual void SetDriverInfo( char const *info ); virtual void SetMiscInfo( char const *info ); // These are stubbed here, but are used by the public version... virtual void SetCSERAddress( const struct netadr_s& adr ) {} virtual void SetExeName( char const *exename ) {} virtual void SetGameDirectory( char const *gamedir ) {} virtual void SetRAM( int ram ) {} virtual void SetCPU( int cpu ) {} virtual void SetProcessor( char const *processor ) {} virtual void SetDXVersion( unsigned int high, unsigned int low, unsigned int vendor, unsigned int device ) {} virtual void SetOSVersion( char const *osversion ) {} virtual void SetSteamUserID( void *steamid, int idsize ) {}; private: void ReportError(TRK_UINT rc, char const *func, char const *msg ); TRK_UINT Login(TRK_HANDLE* pTrkHandle); bool PopulateLists(); bool PopulateChoiceList( char const *listname, CUtlVector< CUtlSymbol >& list ); void SubstituteBugId( int bugid, char *out, int outlen, CUtlBuffer& src ); CUtlSymbolTable m_BugStrings; CUtlVector< CUtlSymbol > m_Severity; CUtlVector< CUtlSymbol > m_Names; CUtlVector< CUtlSymbol > m_SortedDisplayNames; CUtlDict< CUtlSymbol, int > m_InternalNameMapping; CUtlVector< CUtlSymbol > m_Priority; CUtlVector< CUtlSymbol > m_Area; CUtlVector< CUtlSymbol > m_AreaMap; CUtlVector< CUtlSymbol > m_MapNumber; CUtlVector< CUtlSymbol > m_ReportType; TRK_HANDLE trkHandle; TRK_RECORD_HANDLE trkRecHandle; CUtlSymbol m_UserName; CBug *m_pBug; }; CBugReporter::CBugReporter() { m_pBug = NULL; trkHandle = (TRK_HANDLE)0; trkRecHandle = (TRK_RECORD_HANDLE)0; } CBugReporter::~CBugReporter() { m_BugStrings.RemoveAll(); m_Severity.Purge(); m_Names.Purge(); m_SortedDisplayNames.Purge(); m_InternalNameMapping.Purge(); m_Priority.Purge(); m_Area.Purge(); m_MapNumber.Purge(); m_ReportType.Purge(); delete m_pBug; } struct TRKELookup { unsigned int id; char const *str; }; #define TRKERROR( id ) { id, #id } static TRKELookup g_Lookup[] = { TRKERROR( TRK_SUCCESS ), TRKERROR( TRK_E_VERSION_MISMATCH ), TRKERROR( TRK_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY ), TRKERROR( TRK_E_BAD_HANDLE ), TRKERROR( TRK_E_BAD_INPUT_POINTER ), TRKERROR( TRK_E_BAD_INPUT_VALUE ), TRKERROR( TRK_E_DATA_TRUNCATED ), TRKERROR( TRK_E_NO_MORE_DATA ), TRKERROR( TRK_E_LIST_NOT_INITIALIZED ), TRKERROR( TRK_E_END_OF_LIST ), TRKERROR( TRK_E_NOT_LOGGED_IN ), TRKERROR( TRK_E_SERVER_NOT_PREPARED ), TRKERROR( TRK_E_BAD_DATABASE_VERSION ), TRKERROR( TRK_E_UNABLE_TO_CONNECT ), TRKERROR( TRK_E_UNABLE_TO_DISCONNECT ), TRKERROR( TRK_E_UNABLE_TO_START_TIMER ), TRKERROR( TRK_E_NO_DATA_SOURCES ), TRKERROR( TRK_E_NO_PROJECTS ), TRKERROR( TRK_E_WRITE_FAILED ), TRKERROR( TRK_E_PERMISSION_DENIED ), TRKERROR( TRK_E_SET_FIELD_DENIED ), TRKERROR( TRK_E_ITEM_NOT_FOUND ), TRKERROR( TRK_E_CANNOT_ACCESS_DATABASE ), TRKERROR( TRK_E_CANNOT_ACCESS_QUERY ), TRKERROR( TRK_E_CANNOT_ACCESS_INTRAY ), TRKERROR( TRK_E_CANNOT_OPEN_FILE ), TRKERROR( TRK_E_INVALID_DBMS_TYPE ), TRKERROR( TRK_E_INVALID_RECORD_TYPE ), TRKERROR( TRK_E_INVALID_FIELD ), TRKERROR( TRK_E_INVALID_CHOICE ), TRKERROR( TRK_E_INVALID_USER ), TRKERROR( TRK_E_INVALID_SUBMITTER ), TRKERROR( TRK_E_INVALID_OWNER ), TRKERROR( TRK_E_INVALID_DATE ), TRKERROR( TRK_E_INVALID_STORED_QUERY ), TRKERROR( TRK_E_INVALID_MODE ), TRKERROR( TRK_E_INVALID_MESSAGE ), TRKERROR( TRK_E_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE ), TRKERROR( TRK_E_WRONG_FIELD_TYPE ), TRKERROR( TRK_E_NO_CURRENT_RECORD ), TRKERROR( TRK_E_NO_CURRENT_NOTE ), TRKERROR( TRK_E_NO_CURRENT_ATTACHED_FILE ), TRKERROR( TRK_E_NO_CURRENT_ASSOCIATION ), TRKERROR( TRK_E_NO_RECORD_BEGIN ), TRKERROR( TRK_E_NO_MODULE ), TRKERROR( TRK_E_USER_CANCELLED ), TRKERROR( TRK_E_SEMAPHORE_TIMEOUT ), TRKERROR( TRK_E_SEMAPHORE_ERROR ), TRKERROR( TRK_E_INVALID_SERVER_NAME ), TRKERROR( TRK_E_NOT_LICENSED ) }; void CBugReporter::ReportError(TRK_UINT rc, char const *func, char const *msg ) { if ( rc != TRK_SUCCESS ) { switch (rc) { case TRK_E_ITEM_NOT_FOUND: Msg( "%s %s was not found!\n", func, msg ); break; case TRK_E_INVALID_FIELD: Msg( "%s %s Invalid field!\n", func, msg ); break; default: int i = 0; for ( i; i < ARRAYSIZE( g_Lookup ) ; ++i ) { if ( g_Lookup[ i ].id == rc ) { Msg( "%s returned %i - %s!\n", func, rc, g_Lookup[ i ].str ); break; } } if ( i >= ARRAYSIZE( g_Lookup ) ) { Msg( "%s returned %i - %s!\n", func, rc, "???" ); } break; } } } TRK_UINT CBugReporter::Login(TRK_HANDLE* pTrkHandle) { char dbms[50] = DEFAULT_DBMS; char proj[50] = DEFAULT_PROJECT; char username[ 50 ]; char password[ 50 ]; GetPrivateProfileStringA( "login", "userid1", DEFAULT_USERNAME, // default username, sizeof( username ), "PVCSTRK.ini" ); if ( !Q_stricmp( username, DEFAULT_USERNAME) || !Q_stricmp( username, "BELMAPNTKY" ) ) // if userid1 didn't have a valid name in it try userid0 { GetPrivateProfileStringA( "login", "userid0", DEFAULT_USERNAME, // default username, sizeof( username ), "PVCSTRK.ini" ); } Q_strncpy( password, username, sizeof( password ) ); if ( g_pFileSystem ) { KeyValues *kv = new KeyValues( "tracker_login" ); Assert( kv ); if ( kv ) { if ( kv->LoadFromFile( g_pFileSystem, TRACKER_SETTINGS ) ) { Q_strncpy( dbms, kv->GetString( "database_server", DEFAULT_DBMS ), sizeof( dbms ) ); Q_strncpy( proj, kv->GetString( "project_name", DEFAULT_PROJECT ), sizeof( proj ) ); } kv->Clear(); // Load optional login info if ( g_pFileSystem->FileExists( TRACKER_LOGIN, "GAME" ) ) { if ( kv->LoadFromFile( g_pFileSystem, TRACKER_LOGIN ) ) { Q_strncpy( username, kv->GetString( "username", username ), sizeof( username ) ); Q_strncpy( password, kv->GetString( "password", password ), sizeof( password ) ); } } kv->deleteThis(); } } bool maybeNoPVCSInstalled = false; // We still don't know the username. . try to get it from the environment if( username[0] == '\0' ) { if( getenv( "username" ) ) { Q_strncpy( username, getenv( "username" ), sizeof( username ) ); maybeNoPVCSInstalled = true; } } m_UserName = m_BugStrings.AddString( username ); TRK_UINT rc = TrkProjectLogin(*pTrkHandle, username, password, proj, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, TRK_USE_INI_FILE_DBMS_LOGIN); if (rc != TRK_SUCCESS) { rc = TrkProjectLogin(*pTrkHandle, username, "", proj, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, TRK_USE_INI_FILE_DBMS_LOGIN); if (rc != TRK_SUCCESS) { if ( maybeNoPVCSInstalled ) { Msg("Bug reporter failed: Make sure you have PVCS installed and that you have logged into it successfully at least once.\n"); } else { Msg("Bug reporter init failed: Your tracker password must be your user name or blank.\n"); } return rc; } } TrkGetLoginDBMSName(*pTrkHandle, sizeof(dbms), dbms ); TrkGetLoginProjectName(*pTrkHandle, sizeof(proj), proj ); Msg( "Project: %s\n", proj ); Msg( "Server: %s\n", dbms ); return rc; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Initialize and login with default username/password for this computer (from resource/bugreporter.res) // Output : Returns true on success, false on failure. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CBugReporter::Init( CreateInterfaceFn engineFactory ) { if ( engineFactory ) { g_pFileSystem = (IFileSystem *)engineFactory( FILESYSTEM_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL ); if ( !g_pFileSystem ) { AssertMsg( 0, "Failed to create/get IFileSystem" ); return false; } } TRK_UINT rc; rc = TrkHandleAlloc( TRK_VERSION_ID, &trkHandle); if ( rc != TRK_SUCCESS ) { ReportError(rc, "TrkHandleAlloc", "Failed to Allocate Tracker Handle!"); return false; } // Login to default project out of INI file. rc = Login( &trkHandle ); if (rc != TRK_SUCCESS) { return false; } rc = TrkRecordHandleAlloc(trkHandle, &trkRecHandle); if (rc != TRK_SUCCESS) { ReportError(rc, "TrkRecordHandleAlloc", "Failed to Allocate Tracker Record Handle!"); return false; } PopulateLists(); return true; } void CBugReporter::Shutdown() { TRK_UINT rc; if ( trkRecHandle ) { rc = TrkRecordHandleFree(&trkRecHandle); if (rc != TRK_SUCCESS) { ReportError(rc, "TrkRecordHandleFree", "Failed to Free Tracker Record Handle!"); } } if ( trkHandle ) { rc = TrkProjectLogout(trkHandle); if (rc != TRK_SUCCESS) { ReportError(rc, "TrkProjectLogout", "Failed to Logout of Project!"); } else { rc = TrkHandleFree(&trkHandle); if (rc != TRK_SUCCESS) { ReportError(rc, "TrkHandleFree", "Failed to Free Tracker Handle!"); } } } } char const *CBugReporter::GetUserName() { return m_BugStrings.String( m_UserName ); } char const *CBugReporter::GetUserName_Display() { return GetDisplayNameForUserName( GetUserName() ); } int CBugReporter::GetNameCount() { return m_Names.Count(); } char const *CBugReporter::GetName( int index ) { if ( index < 0 || index >= m_Names.Count() ) return "<<Invalid>>"; return m_BugStrings.String( m_Names[ index ] ); } int CBugReporter::GetDisplayNameCount() { return m_SortedDisplayNames.Count(); } char const *CBugReporter::GetDisplayName( int index ) { if ( index < 0 || index >= (int)m_SortedDisplayNames.Count() ) return "<<Invalid>>"; return m_BugStrings.String( m_SortedDisplayNames[ index ] ); } char const *CBugReporter::GetDisplayNameForUserName( char const *username ) { int c = GetDisplayNameCount(); for ( int i = 0; i < c ; i++ ) { CUtlSymbol sym = m_InternalNameMapping[ i ]; char const *testname = m_BugStrings.String( sym ); if ( !Q_stricmp( testname, username ) ) { return m_InternalNameMapping.GetElementName( i ); } } return "<<Invalid>>"; } char const *CBugReporter::GetUserNameForDisplayName( char const *display ) { int idx = m_InternalNameMapping.Find( display ); if ( idx == m_InternalNameMapping.InvalidIndex() ) return "<<Invalid>>"; CUtlSymbol sym; sym = m_InternalNameMapping[ idx ]; return m_BugStrings.String( sym ); } int CBugReporter::GetSeverityCount() { return m_Severity.Count() ; } char const *CBugReporter::GetSeverity( int index ) { if ( index < 0 || index >= m_Severity.Count() ) return "<<Invalid>>"; return m_BugStrings.String( m_Severity[ index ] ); } int CBugReporter::GetPriorityCount() { return m_Priority.Count(); } char const *CBugReporter::GetPriority( int index ) { if ( index < 0 || index >= m_Priority.Count() ) return "<<Invalid>>"; return m_BugStrings.String( m_Priority[ index ] ); } int CBugReporter::GetAreaCount() { return m_Area.Count(); } char const *CBugReporter::GetArea( int index ) { if ( index < 0 || index >= m_Area.Count() ) return "<<Invalid>>"; return m_BugStrings.String( m_Area[ index ] ); } int CBugReporter::GetAreaMapCount() { return m_AreaMap.Count(); } char const *CBugReporter::GetAreaMap( int index ) { if ( index < 0 || index >= m_AreaMap.Count() ) return "<<Invalid>>"; return m_BugStrings.String( m_AreaMap[ index ] ); } int CBugReporter::GetMapNumberCount() { return m_MapNumber.Count(); } char const *CBugReporter::GetMapNumber( int index ) { if ( index < 0 || index >= m_MapNumber.Count() ) return "<<Invalid>>"; return m_BugStrings.String( m_MapNumber[ index ] ); } int CBugReporter::GetReportTypeCount() { return m_ReportType.Count(); } char const *CBugReporter::GetReportType( int index ) { if ( index < 0 || index >= m_ReportType.Count() ) return "<<Invalid>>"; return m_BugStrings.String( m_ReportType[ index ] ); } void CBugReporter::StartNewBugReport() { if ( !m_pBug ) { m_pBug = new CBug(); } else { m_pBug->Clear(); } } void CBugReporter::CancelNewBugReport() { if ( !m_pBug ) return; m_pBug->Clear(); } void CBugReporter::SubstituteBugId( int bugid, char *out, int outlen, CUtlBuffer& src ) { out[ 0 ] = 0; char *dest = out; src.SeekGet( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_HEAD, 0 ); char const *replace = "\\BugId\\"; int replace_len = Q_strlen( replace ); for ( int pos = 0; pos <= src.TellPut() && ( ( dest - out ) < outlen ); ) { char const *str = ( char const * )src.PeekGet( pos ); if ( !Q_strnicmp( str, replace, replace_len ) ) { *dest++ = '\\'; char num[ 32 ]; Q_snprintf( num, sizeof( num ), "%i", bugid ); char *pnum = num; while ( *pnum ) { *dest++ = *pnum++; } *dest++ = '\\'; pos += replace_len; continue; } *dest++ = *str; ++pos; } *dest = 0; } bool CBugReporter::CommitBugReport( int& bugSubmissionId ) { bugSubmissionId = -1; if ( !m_pBug ) return false; TRK_UINT rc = 0; rc = TrkNewRecordBegin( trkRecHandle, SCR_TYPE ); if ( rc != TRK_SUCCESS ) { ReportError(rc, "TrkNewRecordBegin", "Failed to TrkNewRecordBegin!"); return false; } // Populate fields rc = TrkSetStringFieldValue( trkRecHandle, "Title", m_pBug->title ); if ( rc != TRK_SUCCESS ) { ReportError(rc, "TrkSetStringFieldValue", "Failed to add title!"); return false; } rc = TrkSetStringFieldValue( trkRecHandle, "Submitter", m_pBug->submitter ); if ( rc != TRK_SUCCESS ) { ReportError(rc, "TrkSetStringFieldValue", "Failed to set submitter!"); return false; } rc = TrkSetStringFieldValue( trkRecHandle, "Owner", m_pBug->owner ); if ( rc != TRK_SUCCESS ) { ReportError(rc, "TrkSetStringFieldValue", "Failed to set owner!"); return false; } rc = TrkSetStringFieldValue( trkRecHandle, "Severity", m_pBug->severity ); if ( rc != TRK_SUCCESS ) { ReportError(rc, "TrkSetStringFieldValue", "Failed to set severity!"); //return false; } rc = TrkSetStringFieldValue( trkRecHandle, "Report Type", m_pBug->reporttype ); if ( rc != TRK_SUCCESS ) { ReportError(rc, "TrkSetStringFieldValue", "Failed to set report type!"); //return false; } rc = TrkSetStringFieldValue( trkRecHandle, "Priority", m_pBug->priority ); if ( rc != TRK_SUCCESS ) { ReportError(rc, "TrkSetStringFieldValue", "Failed to set priority!"); //return false; } rc = TrkSetStringFieldValue( trkRecHandle, "Area", m_pBug->area ); if ( rc != TRK_SUCCESS ) { ReportError(rc, "TrkSetStringFieldValue", "Failed to set area!"); //return false; } rc = TrkSetStringFieldValue( trkRecHandle, "Map Number", m_pBug->mapnumber ); if ( rc != TRK_SUCCESS ) { ReportError(rc, "TrkSetStringFieldValue", "Failed to set map area!"); //return false; } CUtlBuffer buf( 0, 0, CUtlBuffer::TEXT_BUFFER ); buf.Printf( "%s\n\n", m_pBug->desc ); buf.Printf( "level: %s\nbuild: %s\nposition: setpos %s; setang %s\n", m_pBug->level, m_pBug->build, m_pBug->position, m_pBug->orientation ); if ( m_pBug->screenshot_unc[ 0 ] ) { buf.Printf( "screenshot: %s\n", m_pBug->screenshot_unc ); } if ( m_pBug->savegame_unc[ 0 ] ) { buf.Printf( "savegame: %s\n", m_pBug->savegame_unc ); } if ( m_pBug->bsp_unc[ 0 ] ) { buf.Printf( "bsp: %s\n", m_pBug->bsp_unc ); } if ( m_pBug->vmf_unc[ 0 ] ) { buf.Printf( "vmf: %s\n", m_pBug->vmf_unc ); } if ( m_pBug->includedfiles.Count() > 0 ) { int c = m_pBug->includedfiles.Count(); for ( int i = 0 ; i < c; ++i ) { buf.Printf( "include: %s\n", m_pBug->includedfiles[ i ].name ); } } if ( m_pBug->driverinfo[ 0 ] ) { buf.Printf( "%s\n", m_pBug->driverinfo ); } if ( m_pBug->misc[ 0 ] ) { buf.Printf( "%s\n", m_pBug->misc ); } buf.PutChar( 0 ); rc = TrkSetDescriptionData( trkRecHandle, buf.TellPut(), (const char * )buf.Base(), 0 ); if ( rc != TRK_SUCCESS ) { ReportError(rc, "TrkSetDescriptionData", "Failed to set description data!"); return false; } TRK_TRANSACTION_ID id; rc = TrkNewRecordCommit( trkRecHandle, &id ); if ( rc != TRK_SUCCESS ) { ReportError(rc, "TrkNewRecordCommit", "Failed to TrkNewRecordCommit!"); return false; } TRK_UINT bugId; rc = TrkGetNumericFieldValue( trkRecHandle, "Id", &bugId ); if ( rc != TRK_SUCCESS ) { ReportError(rc, "TrkGetNumericFieldValue", "Failed to TrkGetNumericFieldValue for bug Id #!"); } else { bugSubmissionId = (int)bugId; } rc = TrkGetSingleRecord( trkRecHandle, bugId, SCR_TYPE ); if ( rc != TRK_SUCCESS ) { ReportError( rc, "TrkGetSingleRecord", "Failed to open bug id for update" ); return false; } rc = TrkUpdateRecordBegin( trkRecHandle ); if ( rc != TRK_SUCCESS ) { ReportError( rc, "TrkUpdateRecordBegin", "Failed to open bug id for update" ); return false; } else { int textbuflen = 2 * buf.TellPut() + 1; char *textbuf = new char [ textbuflen ]; Q_memset( textbuf, 0, textbuflen ); SubstituteBugId( (int)bugId, textbuf, textbuflen, buf ); // Update the description with the substituted text!!! rc = TrkSetDescriptionData( trkRecHandle, Q_strlen( textbuf ) + 1, (const char * )textbuf, 0 ); delete[] textbuf; if ( rc != TRK_SUCCESS ) { ReportError(rc, "TrkSetDescriptionData(update)", "Failed to set description data!"); return false; } rc = TrkUpdateRecordCommit( trkRecHandle, &id ); if ( rc != TRK_SUCCESS ) { ReportError(rc, "TrkUpdateRecordCommit", "Failed to TrkUpdateRecordCommit for bug Id #!"); return false; } } m_pBug->Clear(); return true; } void CBugReporter::SetTitle( char const *title ) { Assert( m_pBug ); Q_strncpy( m_pBug->title, title, sizeof( m_pBug->title ) ); } void CBugReporter::SetDescription( char const *description ) { Assert( m_pBug ); Q_strncpy( m_pBug->desc, description, sizeof( m_pBug->desc ) ); } void CBugReporter::SetSubmitter( char const *username /*= 0*/ ) { if ( !username ) { username = GetUserName(); } Assert( m_pBug ); Q_strncpy( m_pBug->submitter, username, sizeof( m_pBug->submitter ) ); } void CBugReporter::SetOwner( char const *username ) { Assert( m_pBug ); Q_strncpy( m_pBug->owner, username, sizeof( m_pBug->owner ) ); } void CBugReporter::SetSeverity( char const *severity ) { Assert( m_pBug ); Q_strncpy( m_pBug->severity, severity, sizeof( m_pBug->severity ) ); } void CBugReporter::SetPriority( char const *priority ) { Assert( m_pBug ); Q_strncpy( m_pBug->priority, priority, sizeof( m_pBug->priority ) ); } void CBugReporter::SetArea( char const *area ) { Assert( m_pBug ); Q_strncpy( m_pBug->area, area, sizeof( m_pBug->area ) ); } void CBugReporter::SetMapNumber( char const *mapnumber ) { Assert( m_pBug); Q_strncpy( m_pBug->mapnumber, mapnumber, sizeof( m_pBug->mapnumber ) ); } void CBugReporter::SetReportType( char const *reporttype ) { Assert( m_pBug ); Q_strncpy( m_pBug->reporttype, reporttype, sizeof( m_pBug->reporttype ) ); } void CBugReporter::SetLevel( char const *levelnamne ) { Assert( m_pBug ); Q_strncpy( m_pBug->level, levelnamne, sizeof( m_pBug->level ) ); } void CBugReporter::SetDriverInfo( char const *info ) { Assert( m_pBug ); Q_strncpy( m_pBug->driverinfo, info, sizeof( m_pBug->driverinfo ) ); } void CBugReporter::SetMiscInfo( char const *info ) { Assert( m_pBug ); Q_strncpy( m_pBug->misc, info, sizeof( m_pBug->misc ) ); } void CBugReporter::SetPosition( char const *position ) { Assert( m_pBug ); Q_strncpy( m_pBug->position, position, sizeof( m_pBug->position ) ); } void CBugReporter::SetOrientation( char const *pitch_yaw_roll ) { Assert( m_pBug ); Q_strncpy( m_pBug->orientation, pitch_yaw_roll, sizeof( m_pBug->orientation ) ); } void CBugReporter::SetBuildNumber( char const *build_num ) { Assert( m_pBug ); Q_strncpy( m_pBug->build, build_num, sizeof( m_pBug->build ) ); } void CBugReporter::SetScreenShot( char const *screenshot_unc_address ) { Assert( m_pBug ); Q_strncpy( m_pBug->screenshot_unc, screenshot_unc_address, sizeof( m_pBug->screenshot_unc ) ); } void CBugReporter::SetSaveGame( char const *savegame_unc_address ) { Assert( m_pBug ); Q_strncpy( m_pBug->savegame_unc, savegame_unc_address, sizeof( m_pBug->savegame_unc ) ); } void CBugReporter::SetBSPName( char const *bsp_unc_address ) { Assert( m_pBug ); Q_strncpy( m_pBug->bsp_unc, bsp_unc_address, sizeof( m_pBug->bsp_unc ) ); } void CBugReporter::SetVMFName( char const *vmf_unc_address ) { Assert( m_pBug ); Q_strncpy( m_pBug->vmf_unc, vmf_unc_address, sizeof( m_pBug->vmf_unc ) ); } void CBugReporter::AddIncludedFile( char const *filename ) { CBug::incfile includedfile; Q_strncpy( includedfile.name, filename, sizeof( includedfile.name ) ); m_pBug->includedfiles.AddToTail( includedfile ); } void CBugReporter::ResetIncludedFiles() { m_pBug->includedfiles.Purge(); } bool CBugReporter::PopulateChoiceList( char const *listname, CUtlVector< CUtlSymbol >& list ) { TRK_UINT rc; rc = TrkInitChoiceList( trkHandle, listname, SCR_TYPE ); if ( TRK_SUCCESS != rc ) { ReportError( rc, "TrkInitChoiceList", listname ); return false; } else { char sz[ 256 ]; while ( TrkGetNextChoice( trkHandle, sizeof( sz ), sz ) != TRK_E_END_OF_LIST ) { CUtlSymbol sym = m_BugStrings.AddString( sz ); list.AddToTail( sym ); } } return true; } // owner, not required <<Unassigned>> // area <<None>> bool CBugReporter::PopulateLists() { CUtlSymbol unassigned = m_BugStrings.AddString( "<<Unassigned>>" ); CUtlSymbol none = m_BugStrings.AddString( "<<None>>" ); m_Area.AddToTail( none ); m_MapNumber.AddToTail( none ); m_Names.AddToTail( unassigned ); m_InternalNameMapping.Insert( "<<Unassigned>>", unassigned ); m_SortedDisplayNames.AddToTail( unassigned ); PopulateChoiceList( "Severity", m_Severity ); PopulateChoiceList( "Report Type", m_ReportType ); PopulateChoiceList( "Area", m_Area ); PopulateChoiceList( "Area@Dir%Map", m_AreaMap ); PopulateChoiceList( "Map Number", m_MapNumber ); PopulateChoiceList( "Priority", m_Priority ); // Need to gather names, too TRK_UINT rc; rc = TrkInitUserList( trkHandle ); if ( TRK_SUCCESS != rc ) { ReportError( rc, "TrkInitUserList", "Couldn't get userlist" ); return false; } else { char sz[ 256 ]; while ( TrkGetNextUser( trkHandle, sizeof( sz ), sz ) != TRK_E_END_OF_LIST ) { // Now lookup display name for user char displayname[ 256 ]; rc = TrkGetUserFullName( trkHandle, sz, sizeof( displayname ), displayname ); if ( TRK_SUCCESS == rc ) { // Fill in lookup table CUtlSymbol internal_name_sym = m_BugStrings.AddString( sz ); CUtlSymbol display_name_sym = m_BugStrings.AddString( displayname ); m_Names.AddToTail( internal_name_sym ); m_InternalNameMapping.Insert( displayname, internal_name_sym ); m_SortedDisplayNames.AddToTail( display_name_sym ); } } // Now sort display names int c = m_SortedDisplayNames.Count(); for ( int i = 1 ; i < c; i++ ) { for ( int j = i + 1; j < c; j++ ) { char const *p1 = m_BugStrings.String( m_SortedDisplayNames[ i ] ); char const *p2 = m_BugStrings.String( m_SortedDisplayNames[ j ] ); int cmp = Q_stricmp( p1, p2 ); if ( cmp > 0 ) { CUtlSymbol t = m_SortedDisplayNames[ i ]; m_SortedDisplayNames[ i ] = m_SortedDisplayNames[ j ]; m_SortedDisplayNames[ j ] = t; } } } } return true; } EXPOSE_SINGLE_INTERFACE( CBugReporter, IBugReporter, INTERFACEVERSION_BUGREPORTER );