//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: // //============================================================================= #include "dme_controls/BaseAnimSetPresetFaderPanel.h" #include "dme_controls/DmePresetGroupEditorPanel.h" #include "vgui_controls/InputDialog.h" #include "vgui_controls/Button.h" #include "vgui_controls/Slider.h" #include "vgui_controls/ComboBox.h" #include "vgui_controls/TextImage.h" #include "vgui_controls/TextEntry.h" #include "vgui_controls/MessageBox.h" #include "vgui_controls/Menu.h" #include "vgui_controls/PanelListPanel.h" #include "movieobjects/dmeanimationset.h" #include "tier1/KeyValues.h" #include "dme_controls/dmecontrols_utils.h" #include "vstdlib/random.h" #include "vgui/IInput.h" #include "vgui/ISurface.h" #include "dme_controls/BaseAnimSetAttributeSliderPanel.h" #include "dme_controls/BaseAnimationSetEditor.h" // memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!! #include "tier0/memdbgon.h" using namespace vgui; float ifm_fader_timescale = 5.0f; class CPresetSlider; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Utility dialog, used to let user type in some text //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CAddPresetDialog : public vgui::BaseInputDialog { DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( CAddPresetDialog, vgui::BaseInputDialog ); public: CAddPresetDialog( vgui::Panel *parent ); void DoModal( CDmeAnimationSet *pAnimationSet, KeyValues *pContextKeyValues = NULL ); protected: // command buttons virtual void OnCommand(const char *command); private: vgui::TextEntry *m_pInput; vgui::ComboBox *m_pPresetGroup; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Constructor //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAddPresetDialog::CAddPresetDialog( vgui::Panel *parent ) : BaseClass( parent, "Enter Preset Name" ) { m_pInput = new TextEntry( this, "PresetName" ); m_pPresetGroup = new vgui::ComboBox( this, "PresetGroup", 8, true ); SetDeleteSelfOnClose( false ); LoadControlSettings( "resource/addpresetdialog.res" ); } void CAddPresetDialog::DoModal( CDmeAnimationSet *pAnimationSet, KeyValues *pContextKeyValues ) { int nTextLength = m_pInput->GetTextLength() + 1; char* pCurrentGroupName = (char*)_alloca( nTextLength * sizeof(char) ); m_pInput->GetText( pCurrentGroupName, nTextLength ); m_pPresetGroup->DeleteAllItems(); // Populate the combo box with preset group names CDmrElementArray< CDmePresetGroup > presetGroupList = pAnimationSet->GetPresetGroups(); int nCount = presetGroupList.Count(); for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i ) { CDmePresetGroup *pPresetGroup = presetGroupList[i]; if ( pPresetGroup->m_bIsReadOnly ) continue; KeyValues *kv = new KeyValues( "entry" ); SetElementKeyValue( kv, "presetGroup", pPresetGroup ); int nItemID = m_pPresetGroup->AddItem( pPresetGroup->GetName(), kv ); if ( pCurrentGroupName && !Q_stricmp( pPresetGroup->GetName(), pCurrentGroupName ) ) { m_pPresetGroup->ActivateItem( nItemID ); } } BaseClass::DoModal( pContextKeyValues ); m_pInput->SetText( "" ); m_pInput->RequestFocus(); PlaceUnderCursor( ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // command handler //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CAddPresetDialog::OnCommand( const char *command ) { if ( !Q_stricmp( command, "OK" ) ) { int nTextLength = m_pInput->GetTextLength() + 1; char* txt = (char*)_alloca( nTextLength * sizeof(char) ); m_pInput->GetText( txt, nTextLength ); nTextLength = m_pPresetGroup->GetTextLength() + 1; char* pPresetGroupName = (char*)_alloca( nTextLength * sizeof(char) ); m_pPresetGroup->GetText( pPresetGroupName, nTextLength ); KeyValues *pCurrentGroup = m_pPresetGroup->GetActiveItemUserData(); CDmePresetGroup *pPresetGroup = pCurrentGroup ? GetElementKeyValue<CDmePresetGroup>( pCurrentGroup, "presetGroup" ) : NULL; if ( pPresetGroup && Q_stricmp( pPresetGroup->GetName(), pPresetGroupName ) ) { pPresetGroup = NULL; } KeyValues *kv = new KeyValues( "PresetNameSelected", "text", txt ); kv->SetString( "presetGroupName", pPresetGroupName ); SetElementKeyValue( kv, "presetGroup", pPresetGroup ); if ( m_pContextKeyValues ) { kv->AddSubKey( m_pContextKeyValues ); m_pContextKeyValues = NULL; } PostActionSignal( kv ); CloseModal(); return; } if ( !Q_stricmp( command, "Cancel") ) { CloseModal(); return; } BaseClass::OnCommand( command ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // CPresetSliderEdgeButton: The buttons that lie on either side of the PresetSlider // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CPresetSliderEdgeButton : public Button { DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( CPresetSliderEdgeButton, Button ); public: CPresetSliderEdgeButton( CPresetSlider *parent, const char *panelName, const char *text ); private: virtual void OnCursorMoved(int x, int y); virtual void OnMousePressed( vgui::MouseCode code ); virtual void OnMouseReleased( vgui::MouseCode code ); virtual void OnMouseDoublePressed( vgui::MouseCode code ); CPresetSlider *m_pSlider; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // CPresetSlider: The actual preset slider itself! // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CPresetSlider : public Slider { DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( CPresetSlider, Slider ); public: friend class CPresetSliderEdgeButton; CPresetSlider( CBaseAnimSetPresetFaderPanel *parent, const char *panelName, CDmePreset *pPreset ); ~CPresetSlider(); void SetControlValues( ); void SetGradientColor( const Color& clr ); float GetCurrent(); void SetPos( float frac ); AttributeDict_t *GetAttributeDict(); bool IsPreviewSlider(); bool IsDragging(); void UpdateProceduralValues(); CDmePreset *GetPreset(); protected: virtual void Paint(); virtual void PaintBackground(); virtual void ApplySchemeSettings( IScheme *scheme ); virtual void GetTrackRect( int &x, int &y, int &w, int &h ); virtual void PerformLayout(); virtual void OnMousePressed(MouseCode code); virtual void OnMouseDoublePressed(MouseCode code); virtual void OnMouseReleased(MouseCode code); virtual void OnKeyCodeTyped( KeyCode code ); virtual void OnCursorMoved(int x, int y); MESSAGE_FUNC( OnShowContextMenu, "OnShowContextMenu" ); MESSAGE_FUNC( OnRename, "OnRename" ); MESSAGE_FUNC( OnDelete, "OnDelete" ); MESSAGE_FUNC( OnOverwrite, "OnOverwrite" ); MESSAGE_FUNC_PARAMS( OnInputCompleted, "InputCompleted", params ); MESSAGE_FUNC( OnDeleteConfirmed, "OnDeleteConfirmed" ); MESSAGE_FUNC( OnOverwriteConfirmed, "OnOverwriteConfirmed" ); private: void OnRenameCompleted( const char *pText, KeyValues *pContextKeyValues ); void OnDragCompleted( float flValue ); void UpdateTickPos( int x, int y ); CBaseAnimSetPresetFaderPanel *m_pParent; Color m_GradientColor; Color m_ZeroColor; Color m_TextColor; Color m_TextColorFocus; TextImage *m_pName; float m_flCurrent; bool m_bSuppressCompletion; CPresetSliderEdgeButton *m_pEdgeButtons[ 2 ]; vgui::DHANDLE< vgui::Menu > m_hContextMenu; vgui::DHANDLE< vgui::InputDialog > m_hInputDialog; AttributeDict_t m_AttributeLookup; vgui::DHANDLE< MessageBox > m_hConfirm; CDmeHandle< CDmePreset > m_hSelf; static bool s_bResetMousePosOnMouseUp; static int s_nMousePosX; static int s_nMousePosY; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // CPresetSliderEdgeButton: The buttons that lie on either side of the PresetSlider // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CPresetSliderEdgeButton::CPresetSliderEdgeButton( CPresetSlider *parent, const char *panelName, const char *text ) : BaseClass( (Panel *)parent, panelName, text ), m_pSlider( parent ) { SetPaintBorderEnabled( false ); } void CPresetSliderEdgeButton::OnCursorMoved(int x, int y) { LocalToScreen( x, y ); m_pSlider->ScreenToLocal( x, y ); m_pSlider->OnCursorMoved( x, y ); } void CPresetSliderEdgeButton::OnMousePressed( vgui::MouseCode code ) { BaseClass::OnMousePressed( code ); PostMessage( m_pSlider->GetVPanel(), new KeyValues( "MousePressed", "code", code ) ); PostMessage( m_pSlider->GetVPanel(), new KeyValues( "MouseReleased", "code", code ), 0.001f ); } void CPresetSliderEdgeButton::OnMouseReleased( vgui::MouseCode code ) { BaseClass::OnMouseReleased( code ); PostMessage( m_pSlider->GetVPanel(), new KeyValues( "MouseReleased", "code", code ) ); } void CPresetSliderEdgeButton::OnMouseDoublePressed( vgui::MouseCode code ) { BaseClass::OnMouseDoublePressed( code ); PostMessage( m_pSlider->GetVPanel(), new KeyValues( "MouseDoublePressed", "code", code ) ); PostMessage( m_pSlider->GetVPanel(), new KeyValues( "MouseReleased", "code", code ), 0.001f ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // CPresetSlider: The actual preset slider itself! // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Static members //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CPresetSlider::s_bResetMousePosOnMouseUp = false; int CPresetSlider::s_nMousePosX; int CPresetSlider::s_nMousePosY; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Constructor, destructor //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CPresetSlider::CPresetSlider( CBaseAnimSetPresetFaderPanel *parent, const char *panelName, CDmePreset *preset ) : BaseClass( (Panel *)parent, panelName ), m_pParent( parent ), m_bSuppressCompletion( false ) { Assert( preset ); m_hSelf = preset; SetRange( 0, 1000 ); SetDragOnRepositionNob( true ); SetPaintBackgroundEnabled( true ); m_pName = new TextImage( panelName ); m_pEdgeButtons[ 0 ] = new CPresetSliderEdgeButton( this, "PresetSliderLeftEdge", "" ); m_pEdgeButtons[ 1 ] = new CPresetSliderEdgeButton( this, "PresetSliderRightEdge", "" ); SetBgColor( Color( 128, 128, 128, 128 ) ); m_ZeroColor = Color( 69, 69, 69, 255 ); m_GradientColor = Color( 194, 120, 0, 255 ); m_TextColor = Color( 200, 200, 200, 255 ); m_TextColorFocus = Color( 208, 143, 40, 255 ); } CPresetSlider::~CPresetSlider() { delete m_pName; } CDmePreset *CPresetSlider::GetPreset() { return m_hSelf; } // #define PRORCEDURAL_PRESET_TIMING void CPresetSlider::UpdateProceduralValues() { if ( !m_hSelf->IsProcedural() ) return; #if defined( PRORCEDURAL_PRESET_TIMING ) double st = Plat_FloatTime(); #endif // Figure out what we need to do int nPresetType = m_hSelf->GetProceduralPresetType(); switch ( nPresetType ) { default: Assert( 0 ); break; case PROCEDURAL_PRESET_REVEAL: case PROCEDURAL_PRESET_PASTE: case PROCEDURAL_PRESET_JITTER: case PROCEDURAL_PRESET_SMOOTH: case PROCEDURAL_PRESET_SHARPEN: case PROCEDURAL_PRESET_SOFTEN: case PROCEDURAL_PRESET_STAGGER: // These are handled elsewhere right now... at some point we'll copy in values at head position in order to do ctrl-key preview mode break; case PROCEDURAL_PRESET_IN_CROSSFADE: { m_pParent->ProceduralPreset_UpdateCrossfade( m_hSelf, true ); } break; case PROCEDURAL_PRESET_OUT_CROSSFADE: { m_pParent->ProceduralPreset_UpdateCrossfade( m_hSelf, false ); } break; } #if defined( PRORCEDURAL_PRESET_TIMING ) double ed = Plat_FloatTime(); Msg( "Update %.3f msec\n", 1000.0 * ( ed - st ) ); #endif } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Reads the sliders, sets control values into the attribute dictionary //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CPresetSlider::SetControlValues( ) { m_AttributeLookup.Purge(); if ( !m_hSelf.Get() ) return; CDmrElementArray< CDmElement > values = m_hSelf->GetControlValues(); int nControlValueCount = values.Count(); for ( int i = 0; i < nControlValueCount; ++i ) { CDmElement *v = values[ i ]; AnimationControlAttributes_t val; val.m_pAttribute[ANIM_CONTROL_VALUE] = v->GetAttribute( "value" ); val.m_pAttribute[ANIM_CONTROL_BALANCE] = v->GetAttribute( "balance" ); val.m_pAttribute[ANIM_CONTROL_MULTILEVEL] = v->GetAttribute( "multilevel" ); val.m_pValue[ANIM_CONTROL_VALUE] = v->GetValue< float >( "value" ); val.m_pValue[ANIM_CONTROL_BALANCE] = v->GetValue< float >( "balance" ); val.m_pValue[ANIM_CONTROL_MULTILEVEL] = v->GetValue< float >( "multilevel" ); m_AttributeLookup.Insert( v->GetName(), val ); } } AttributeDict_t *CPresetSlider::GetAttributeDict() { return &m_AttributeLookup; } void CPresetSlider::OnMouseDoublePressed(MouseCode code) { if ( code != MOUSE_LEFT ) { BaseClass::OnMouseDoublePressed( code ); return; } } void CPresetSlider::OnMousePressed(MouseCode code) { if ( code == MOUSE_RIGHT ) return; BaseClass::OnMousePressed( code ); if ( !_dragging ) return; SetCursor( dc_blank ); int mx, my; input()->GetCursorPos( mx, my ); int tx, ty, tw, th; GetTrackRect( tx, ty, tw, th ); ScreenToLocal( mx, my ); // Off right? bool offright = mx >= ( tx + tw ) ? true : false; bool ctrldown = input()->IsKeyDown( KEY_LCONTROL ) || input()->IsKeyDown( KEY_RCONTROL ); if ( !ctrldown && !offright ) { if ( mx >= tx ) { Assert( !s_bResetMousePosOnMouseUp ); s_bResetMousePosOnMouseUp = true; s_nMousePosX = mx; s_nMousePosY = my; LocalToScreen( s_nMousePosX, s_nMousePosY ); int offset = mx - tx; mx -= offset; LocalToScreen( mx, my ); input()->SetCursorPos( mx, my ); } SetPos( 0 ); } } void CPresetSlider::OnMouseReleased(MouseCode code) { if ( code == MOUSE_RIGHT ) { OnShowContextMenu(); return; } float flLastValue = GetCurrent(); bool bWasDragging = _dragging; BaseClass::OnMouseReleased( code ); if ( bWasDragging ) { OnDragCompleted( flLastValue ); SetCursor( dc_arrow ); } if( s_bResetMousePosOnMouseUp ) { s_bResetMousePosOnMouseUp = false; input()->SetCursorPos( s_nMousePosX, s_nMousePosY ); } } void CPresetSlider::OnKeyCodeTyped( KeyCode code ) { if ( code != KEY_ESCAPE || !_dragging ) { BaseClass::OnKeyCodeTyped( code ); return; } m_bSuppressCompletion = true; OnMouseReleased( MOUSE_LEFT ); m_bSuppressCompletion = false; SetCursor( dc_arrow ); } void CPresetSlider::OnDragCompleted( float flValue ) { if ( m_bSuppressCompletion ) return; char sz[ 128 ]; m_pName->GetText( sz, sizeof( sz ) ); // Msg( "CPresetSlider slider drag completed %s [%.3f ]\n", sz, flValue ); // Apply settings to attribute sliders m_pParent->ApplyPreset( flValue, m_AttributeLookup ); } void CPresetSlider::OnRename() { if ( m_hInputDialog.Get() ) { delete m_hInputDialog.Get(); } m_hInputDialog = new InputDialog( this, "Rename Preset", "Name:", GetName() ); if ( m_hInputDialog.Get() ) { KeyValues *pContextKeyValues = new KeyValues( "RenamePreset" ); m_hInputDialog->SetSmallCaption( true ); m_hInputDialog->SetMultiline( false ); m_hInputDialog->DoModal( pContextKeyValues ); } else { Assert( 0 ); } } void CPresetSlider::OnRenameCompleted( const char *pText, KeyValues *pContextKeyValues ) { if ( !pText || !*pText ) { Warning( "Can't rename preset for %s to an empty name\n", GetName() ); return; } // No change( case sensitive) if ( !Q_strcmp( GetName(), pText ) ) return; CUndoScopeGuard guard( 0, NOTIFY_SETDIRTYFLAG, "Rename Preset" ); SetName( pText ); m_pName->SetText( pText ); m_pName->ResizeImageToContent(); // Assert( m_hSelf.Get() ); if ( m_hSelf.Get() ) { m_hSelf->SetName( pText ); } } void CPresetSlider::OnInputCompleted( KeyValues *pParams ) { const char *pText = pParams->GetString( "text", NULL ); KeyValues *pContextKeyValues = pParams->FindKey( "RenamePreset" ); if ( pContextKeyValues ) { OnRenameCompleted( pText, pContextKeyValues ); return; } Assert( 0 ); } void CPresetSlider::OnDelete() { if ( m_hConfirm.Get() ) delete m_hConfirm.Get(); char sz[ 256 ]; Q_snprintf( sz, sizeof( sz ), "Delete '%s'?", GetName() ); m_hConfirm = new MessageBox( "Delete Preset", sz, this ); Assert( m_hConfirm.Get() ); if ( m_hConfirm ) { m_hConfirm->SetCancelButtonVisible( true ); m_hConfirm->SetCancelButtonText( "#VGui_Cancel" ); m_hConfirm->SetCommand( new KeyValues( "OnDeleteConfirmed" ) ); m_hConfirm->AddActionSignalTarget( this ); m_hConfirm->DoModal(); } } void CPresetSlider::OnDeleteConfirmed() { m_pParent->OnDeletePreset( m_hSelf.Get() ); } void CPresetSlider::OnOverwrite() { if ( m_hConfirm.Get() ) delete m_hConfirm.Get(); char sz[ 256 ]; Q_snprintf( sz, sizeof( sz ), "Overwrite '%s'?", GetName() ); m_hConfirm = new MessageBox( "Overwrite Preset", sz, this ); Assert( m_hConfirm.Get() ); if ( m_hConfirm ) { m_hConfirm->ShowMessageBoxOverCursor( true ); m_hConfirm->SetCancelButtonVisible( true ); m_hConfirm->SetCancelButtonText( "#VGui_Cancel" ); m_hConfirm->SetCommand( new KeyValues( "OnOverwriteConfirmed" ) ); m_hConfirm->AddActionSignalTarget( this ); m_hConfirm->DoModal(); } } void CPresetSlider::OnOverwriteConfirmed() { m_pParent->OnOverwritePreset( m_hSelf.Get() ); } void CPresetSlider::OnShowContextMenu() { if ( m_hContextMenu.Get() ) { delete m_hContextMenu.Get(); m_hContextMenu = NULL; } m_hContextMenu = new Menu( this, "ActionMenu" ); bool bIsReadOnly = m_hSelf.Get() ? m_hSelf->IsReadOnly() : false; bool bCanOverwrite = !bIsReadOnly; if ( m_hSelf->IsProcedural() ) { switch ( m_hSelf->GetProceduralPresetType() ) { default: break; case PROCEDURAL_PRESET_REVEAL: bCanOverwrite = true; break; } } if ( bCanOverwrite ) { m_hContextMenu->AddMenuItem( "Overwrite", new KeyValues( "OnOverwrite" ), this ); m_hContextMenu->AddSeparator(); } if ( !bIsReadOnly ) { m_hContextMenu->AddMenuItem( "Rename...", new KeyValues( "OnRename" ), this ); if ( Q_stricmp( GetName(), "Default" ) ) { m_hContextMenu->AddMenuItem( "Delete...", new KeyValues( "OnDelete" ), this ); } m_hContextMenu->AddSeparator(); } m_hContextMenu->AddMenuItem( "Add...", new KeyValues( "AddPreset" ), m_pParent ); m_hContextMenu->AddMenuItem( "Change Crossfade Speed...", new KeyValues( "SetPresetCrossfadeSpeed" ), m_pParent ); m_hContextMenu->AddSeparator(); m_hContextMenu->AddMenuItem( "Manage...", new KeyValues( "ManagePresets" ), m_pParent ); Menu::PlaceContextMenu( this, m_hContextMenu.Get() ); } void CPresetSlider::UpdateTickPos( int x, int y ) { int tx, ty, tw, th; GetTrackRect( tx, ty, tw, th ); bool bIsCtrlKeyDown = vgui::input()->IsKeyDown( KEY_LCONTROL ) || vgui::input()->IsKeyDown( KEY_RCONTROL ); bool bIsAltKeyDown = vgui::input()->IsKeyDown( KEY_LALT ) || vgui::input()->IsKeyDown( KEY_RALT ); if ( bIsCtrlKeyDown && bIsAltKeyDown && !_dragging ) { x = tx + tw; } float previewValue = 0.0f; if ( x > tx ) { if ( x >= ( tx + tw ) || tw <= 0 ) { previewValue = 1.0f; } else { previewValue = (float)( x - tx ) / (float)tw; } } SetPos( previewValue ); } void CPresetSlider::OnCursorMoved(int x, int y) { UpdateTickPos( x, y ); } bool CPresetSlider::IsDragging() { return _dragging; } bool CPresetSlider::IsPreviewSlider() { VPANEL capturePanel = input()->GetMouseCapture(); if ( capturePanel ) { if ( capturePanel != GetVPanel() ) return false; return true; } VPANEL appModal = input()->GetAppModalSurface(); if ( appModal ) return false; int mx, my; input()->GetCursorPos( mx, my ); /* VPANEL topMost = IsWithinTraverse( mx, my, true ); if ( topMost && topMost != GetVPanel() ) { const char *name = ipanel()->GetName( topMost ); return false; } */ return IsWithin( mx, my ); } float CPresetSlider::GetCurrent() { return GetValue() * 0.001f; } void CPresetSlider::SetPos( float frac ) { SetValue( (int)( frac * 1000.0f + 0.5f ), false ); } void CPresetSlider::ApplySchemeSettings( IScheme *scheme ) { BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings( scheme ); m_pName->SetFont( scheme->GetFont( "DefaultBold" ) ); m_pName->SetColor( m_TextColor ); m_pName->ResizeImageToContent(); SetFgColor( Color( 194, 120, 0, 255 ) ); SetThumbWidth( 3 ); Color fullColor1( Color( 118, 71, 41, 255 ) ); Color fullColor2( Color( 194, 120, 0, 255 ) ); m_pEdgeButtons[ 0 ]->SetDefaultColor( m_ZeroColor, m_ZeroColor ); m_pEdgeButtons[ 1 ]->SetDefaultColor( fullColor1, fullColor1 ); m_pEdgeButtons[ 0 ]->SetDepressedColor( m_ZeroColor, m_ZeroColor ); m_pEdgeButtons[ 1 ]->SetDepressedColor( fullColor2, fullColor2 ); m_pEdgeButtons[ 0 ]->SetArmedColor( m_ZeroColor, m_ZeroColor ); m_pEdgeButtons[ 1 ]->SetArmedColor( fullColor1, fullColor1 ); m_pEdgeButtons[ 0 ]->SetButtonActivationType( Button::ACTIVATE_ONPRESSED ); m_pEdgeButtons[ 1 ]->SetButtonActivationType( Button::ACTIVATE_ONPRESSED ); } void CPresetSlider::PerformLayout() { BaseClass::PerformLayout(); int w, h; GetSize( w, h ); int btnSize = 9; m_pEdgeButtons[ 0 ]->SetBounds( 3, ( h - btnSize ) / 2, btnSize, btnSize ); m_pEdgeButtons[ 1 ]->SetBounds( w - 12, ( h - btnSize ) / 2, btnSize, btnSize ); } void CPresetSlider::GetTrackRect( int &x, int &y, int &w, int &h ) { GetSize( w, h ); x = 15; y = 2; w -= 30; h -= 4; } void CPresetSlider::SetGradientColor( const Color& clr ) { m_GradientColor = clr; } void CPresetSlider::Paint() { if ( !IsPreviewSlider() ) return; bool bIsCtrlKeyDown = vgui::input()->IsKeyDown( KEY_LCONTROL ) || vgui::input()->IsKeyDown( KEY_RCONTROL ); if ( !IsDragging() && !bIsCtrlKeyDown ) return; int mx, my; input()->GetCursorPos( mx, my ); ScreenToLocal( mx, my ); UpdateTickPos( mx, my ); // horizontal nob int x, y; int wide,tall; GetTrackRect( x, y, wide, tall ); Color col = GetFgColor(); surface()->DrawSetColor( col ); surface()->DrawFilledRect( _nobPos[0], 1, _nobPos[1], GetTall() - 1 ); surface()->DrawSetColor( m_ZeroColor ); surface()->DrawFilledRect( _nobPos[0] - 1, y + 1, _nobPos[0], y + tall - 1 ); } void CPresetSlider::PaintBackground() { int w, h; GetSize( w, h ); bool hasFocus = IsPreviewSlider(); bool bIsCtrlKeyDown = vgui::input()->IsKeyDown( KEY_LCONTROL ) || vgui::input()->IsKeyDown( KEY_RCONTROL ); bool bIsAltKeyDown = vgui::input()->IsKeyDown( KEY_LALT ) || vgui::input()->IsKeyDown( KEY_RALT ); if ( hasFocus && ( IsDragging() || bIsCtrlKeyDown ) ) { int tx, ty, tw, th; GetTrackRect( tx, ty, tw, th ); surface()->DrawSetColor( Color( 0, 0, 0, 255 ) ); surface()->DrawOutlinedRect( tx, ty, tx + tw, ty + th ); surface()->DrawSetColor( m_GradientColor ); ++tx; ++ty; tw -= 2; th -= 2; // Gradient fill rectangle int fillw = (int)( (float)tw * GetCurrent() + 0.5f ); int minAlpha = 15; float alphaTarget = 255.0f; int curAlpha = max( (int)(GetCurrent() * alphaTarget), minAlpha ); if ( _dragging ) { surface()->DrawFilledRectFade( tx, ty, tx + fillw, ty + th, minAlpha, curAlpha, true ); surface()->DrawSetColor( m_ZeroColor ); surface()->DrawFilledRect( tx + fillw + 1, ty, tx + tw, ty + th ); } else { surface()->DrawSetColor( bIsAltKeyDown ? m_GradientColor : m_ZeroColor ); surface()->DrawFilledRect( tx, ty, tx + tw, ty + th ); } } int cw, ch; m_pName->SetColor( hasFocus ? m_TextColorFocus : m_TextColor ); m_pName->GetContentSize( cw, ch ); m_pName->SetPos( ( w - cw ) * 0.5f, ( h - ch ) * 0.5f ); m_pName->Paint(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Slider list panel //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CSliderListPanel : public PanelListPanel { DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( CSliderListPanel, vgui::PanelListPanel ); public: CSliderListPanel( CBaseAnimSetPresetFaderPanel *parent, vgui::Panel *pParent, const char *panelName ); virtual void OnMouseReleased( vgui::MouseCode code ); virtual void OnMousePressed( vgui::MouseCode code ); private: MESSAGE_FUNC( OnShowContextMenu, "OnShowContextMenu" ); vgui::DHANDLE< vgui::Menu > m_hContextMenu; CBaseAnimSetPresetFaderPanel *m_pParent; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Constructor //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CSliderListPanel::CSliderListPanel( CBaseAnimSetPresetFaderPanel *pFader, vgui::Panel *pParent, const char *panelName ) : BaseClass( pParent, panelName ) { m_pParent = pFader; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Context menu! //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CSliderListPanel::OnMousePressed( MouseCode code ) { if ( code == MOUSE_RIGHT ) return; BaseClass::OnMousePressed( code ); } void CSliderListPanel::OnMouseReleased( MouseCode code ) { if ( code == MOUSE_RIGHT ) { OnShowContextMenu(); return; } BaseClass::OnMouseReleased( code ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Shows the slider context menu //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CSliderListPanel::OnShowContextMenu() { if ( m_hContextMenu.Get() ) { delete m_hContextMenu.Get(); m_hContextMenu = NULL; } m_hContextMenu = new Menu( this, "ActionMenu" ); m_hContextMenu->AddMenuItem( "Add...", new KeyValues( "AddPreset" ), m_pParent ); m_hContextMenu->AddMenuItem( "Change Crossfade Speed...", new KeyValues( "SetPresetCrossfadeSpeed" ), m_pParent ); m_hContextMenu->AddSeparator(); m_hContextMenu->AddMenuItem( "Manage...", new KeyValues( "ManagePresets" ), m_pParent ); Menu::PlaceContextMenu( this, m_hContextMenu.Get() ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Constructor //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CBaseAnimSetPresetFaderPanel::CBaseAnimSetPresetFaderPanel( vgui::Panel *parent, const char *className, CBaseAnimationSetEditor *editor ) : BaseClass( parent, className ), m_flLastFrameTime( 0.0f ), m_pSliders( NULL ), m_pWorkspace( NULL ) { m_hEditor = editor; m_pWorkspace = new EditablePanel( this, "PresetWorkspace" ); m_pWorkspace->SetPaintBackgroundEnabled( false ); m_pWorkspace->SetPaintEnabled( false ); m_pWorkspace->SetPaintBorderEnabled( false ); m_pSliders = new CSliderListPanel( this, m_pWorkspace, "PresetSliders" ); m_pSliders->SetFirstColumnWidth( 0 ); m_pSliders->SetAutoResize ( Panel::PIN_TOPLEFT, Panel::AUTORESIZE_DOWNANDRIGHT, 0, 24, 0, 0 ); m_pSliders->SetPos( 0, 24 ); m_pSliders->SetVerticalBufferPixels( 0 ); m_pFilter = new TextEntry( m_pWorkspace, "PresetFilter" ); m_pFilter->AddActionSignalTarget( this ); m_pFilter->SetAutoResize ( Panel::PIN_TOPLEFT, Panel::AUTORESIZE_RIGHT, 2, 2, 2, 22 ); m_pFilter->SetPos( 0, 0 ); m_pWorkspace->SetAutoResize ( Panel::PIN_TOPLEFT, Panel::AUTORESIZE_DOWNANDRIGHT, 0, 0, 0, 0 ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: refreshes dialog on text changing //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CBaseAnimSetPresetFaderPanel::OnTextChanged( ) { int nLength = m_pFilter->GetTextLength(); m_Filter.SetLength( nLength ); if ( nLength > 0 ) { m_pFilter->GetText( m_Filter.GetForModify(), nLength+1 ); } PopulateList( true ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Called from the input dialogs used by this class //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CBaseAnimSetPresetFaderPanel::OnInputCompleted( KeyValues *pParams ) { const char *pText = pParams->GetString( "text", NULL ); KeyValues *pContextKeyValues = pParams->FindKey( "CrossfadeSpeed" ); if ( pContextKeyValues ) { float f = Q_atof( pText ); if ( f > 0.0f ) { ifm_fader_timescale = f; } else { Warning( "Crossfade [%f] invalid, must be a postive number\n", f ); } return; } Assert( 0 ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Called from the add preset name dialogs used by this class //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CBaseAnimSetPresetFaderPanel::OnPresetNameSelected( KeyValues *pParams ) { const char *pText = pParams->GetString( "text", NULL ); if ( !pText || !*pText ) { vgui::MessageBox *pError = new MessageBox( "Add Preset Error", "Can't add preset with an empty name\n", this ); pError->SetDeleteSelfOnClose( true ); pError->DoModal(); return; } CUndoScopeGuard guard( 0, NOTIFY_SETDIRTYFLAG, "Add Preset" ); CDmePresetGroup *pPresetGroup = GetElementKeyValue<CDmePresetGroup>( pParams, "presetGroup" ); if ( !pPresetGroup ) { const char *pGroupName = pParams->GetString( "presetGroupName" ); if ( !pGroupName ) return; pPresetGroup = m_AnimSet->FindOrAddPresetGroup( pGroupName ); } if ( pPresetGroup->m_bIsReadOnly ) { vgui::MessageBox *pError = new MessageBox( "Add Preset Error", "Can't add preset to a read-only preset group!\n", this ); pError->SetDeleteSelfOnClose( true ); pError->DoModal(); return; } if ( pPresetGroup->FindPreset( pText ) ) { vgui::MessageBox *pError = new MessageBox( "Add Preset Error", "A preset with that name already exists!\n", this ); pError->SetDeleteSelfOnClose( true ); pError->DoModal(); return; } CDmePreset *pPreset = pPresetGroup->FindOrAddPreset( pText ); AddNewPreset( pPreset ); guard.Release(); ChangeAnimationSet( m_AnimSet ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // The 'set crossfade speed' context menu option //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CBaseAnimSetPresetFaderPanel::OnSetCrossfadeSpeed() { if ( m_hInputDialog.Get() ) { delete m_hInputDialog.Get(); } char sz[32 ]; Q_snprintf( sz, sizeof( sz ), "%f", ifm_fader_timescale ); m_hInputDialog = new InputDialog( this, "Crossfade Speed", "Fader Crossfade Rate:", sz ); if ( m_hInputDialog.Get() ) { KeyValues *pContextKeyValues = new KeyValues( "CrossfadeSpeed" ); m_hInputDialog->SetSmallCaption( true ); m_hInputDialog->SetMultiline( false ); m_hInputDialog->DoModal( pContextKeyValues ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // The 'add preset' context menu option //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CBaseAnimSetPresetFaderPanel::OnAddPreset() { if ( !m_AnimSet.Get() ) return; if ( !m_hAddPresetDialog.Get() ) { m_hAddPresetDialog = new CAddPresetDialog( this ); m_hAddPresetDialog->AddActionSignalTarget( this ); } m_hAddPresetDialog->DoModal( m_AnimSet, NULL ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Called by the preset group editor panel when it changes presets //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CBaseAnimSetPresetFaderPanel::OnPresetsChanged() { ChangeAnimationSet( m_AnimSet ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Brings up the preset manager //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CBaseAnimSetPresetFaderPanel::OnManagePresets() { if ( !m_hPresetEditor.Get() ) { m_hPresetEditor = new CDmePresetGroupEditorFrame( this, "Manage Presets" ); m_hPresetEditor->AddActionSignalTarget( this ); m_hPresetEditor->SetVisible( false ); m_hPresetEditor->SetDeleteSelfOnClose( false ); m_hPresetEditor->MoveToCenterOfScreen(); } m_hPresetEditor->SetAnimationSet( m_AnimSet ); m_hPresetEditor->DoModal( ); } void CBaseAnimSetPresetFaderPanel::ApplySchemeSettings( IScheme *scheme ) { BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings( scheme ); m_pSliders->SetBgColor( Color( 42, 42, 42, 255 ) ); } void CBaseAnimSetPresetFaderPanel::GetPreviewFader( FaderPreview_t& fader ) { Q_memset( &fader, 0, sizeof( fader ) ); fader.isbeingdragged = false; fader.holdingctrl = input()->IsKeyDown( KEY_LCONTROL ) || input()->IsKeyDown( KEY_RCONTROL ); int mx, my; input()->GetCursorPos( mx, my ); if ( !IsWithin( mx, my ) ) { fader.holdingctrl = false; } // Walk through sliders and figure out which is under the mouse CPresetSlider *mouseOver = NULL; for ( int i = m_pSliders->FirstItem(); i != m_pSliders->InvalidItemID(); i = m_pSliders->NextItem(i) ) { CPresetSlider *slider = static_cast< CPresetSlider * >( m_pSliders->GetItemPanel( i ) ); if ( !slider || !slider->IsPreviewSlider() ) continue; mouseOver = slider; fader.isbeingdragged = slider->IsDragging(); break; } if ( mouseOver ) { // Deal with procedural presets here if ( fader.holdingctrl || fader.isbeingdragged ) { mouseOver->UpdateProceduralValues(); } fader.name = mouseOver->GetName(); fader.amount = mouseOver->GetCurrent(); fader.values = mouseOver->GetAttributeDict(); fader.preset = mouseOver->GetPreset(); } } void CBaseAnimSetPresetFaderPanel::PopulateList( bool bChanged ) { if ( !m_AnimSet.Get() ) { m_CurrentPresetList.RemoveAll(); m_pSliders->DeleteAllItems(); return; } CDmrElementArray< CDmePresetGroup > presetGroups = m_AnimSet->GetPresetGroups(); Assert( presetGroups.IsValid() ); int c = presetGroups.Count(); bool bNeedRebuild = false; int slot = 0; for ( int i = 0 ; i < c; ++i ) { CDmePresetGroup *pPresetGroup = presetGroups[ i ]; Assert( pPresetGroup ); if ( !pPresetGroup || !pPresetGroup->m_bIsVisible ) continue; CDmrElementArray< CDmePreset > presets = pPresetGroup->GetPresets(); int cp = presets.Count(); for ( int j = 0; j < cp; ++j ) { CDmePreset *pPreset = presets[ j ]; Assert( pPreset ); const char *pElementName = pPreset->GetName(); if ( Q_stricmp( pElementName, "Default" ) ) { if ( m_Filter.Length() && !Q_stristr( pElementName, m_Filter.Get() ) ) continue; } if ( slot >= m_CurrentPresetList.Count() ) { bNeedRebuild = true; break; } if ( pPreset != m_CurrentPresetList[ slot ] ) { bNeedRebuild = true; break; } ++slot; } } if ( slot != m_CurrentPresetList.Count() ) { bNeedRebuild = true; } if ( bNeedRebuild ) { m_CurrentPresetList.RemoveAll(); m_pSliders->DeleteAllItems(); for ( int i = 0 ; i < c; ++i ) { CDmePresetGroup *pPresetGroup = presetGroups[ i ]; Assert( pPresetGroup ); if ( !pPresetGroup || !pPresetGroup->m_bIsVisible ) continue; CDmrElementArray< CDmePreset > presets = pPresetGroup->GetPresets(); int cp = presets.Count(); for ( int j = 0; j < cp; ++j ) { CDmePreset *pPreset = presets[ j ]; Assert( pPreset ); const char *pElementName = pPreset->GetName(); if ( Q_stricmp( pElementName, "Default" ) ) { if ( m_Filter.Length() && !Q_stristr( pElementName, m_Filter.Get() ) ) continue; } CPresetSlider *pSlider = new CPresetSlider( this, pPreset->GetName(), pPreset ); pSlider->SetPos( 0 ); pSlider->SetSize( 100, 20 ); pSlider->SetGradientColor( Color( 194, 120, 0, 255 ) ); pSlider->SetControlValues( ); m_pSliders->AddItem( NULL, pSlider ); m_CurrentPresetList.AddToTail( pPreset->GetHandle() ); } } } else { UpdateControlValues(); } } void CBaseAnimSetPresetFaderPanel::ChangeAnimationSet( CDmeAnimationSet *newAnimSet ) { bool bChanged = m_AnimSet != newAnimSet; m_AnimSet = newAnimSet; PopulateList( bChanged ); } void CBaseAnimSetPresetFaderPanel::UpdateControlValues() { for ( int i = m_pSliders->FirstItem(); i != m_pSliders->InvalidItemID(); i = m_pSliders->NextItem(i) ) { CPresetSlider *pSlider = static_cast< CPresetSlider * >( m_pSliders->GetItemPanel( i ) ); if ( pSlider ) { pSlider->SetControlValues( ); } } } void CBaseAnimSetPresetFaderPanel::ApplyPreset( float flScale, AttributeDict_t& dict ) { CBaseAnimSetAttributeSliderPanel *sliderPanel = m_hEditor->GetAttributeSlider(); if ( sliderPanel ) { sliderPanel->ApplyPreset( flScale, dict ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Reads the current animation set control values, creates presets //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CBaseAnimSetPresetFaderPanel::SetPresetFromSliders( CDmePreset *pPreset ) { if ( !m_AnimSet.Get() ) return; CBaseAnimSetAttributeSliderPanel *pSliderPanel = m_hEditor->GetAttributeSlider(); if ( !pSliderPanel ) return; CUndoScopeGuard guard( 0, NOTIFY_SETDIRTYFLAG, "Set Preset" ); const CDmrElementArray< CDmElement > controlList = m_AnimSet->GetControls(); // Now set values for each known control int numControls = controlList.Count(); for ( int i = 0; i < numControls; ++i ) { CDmElement *pControl = controlList[ i ]; if ( pControl->GetValue<bool>( "transform" ) ) continue; // Facial sliders below AttributeValue_t value; bool bIsDefault = !pSliderPanel->GetAttributeSliderValue( &value, pControl->GetName() ); if ( !bIsDefault ) { float flDefaultValue = pControl->GetValue< float >( "defaultValue" ); float flDefaultBalance = pControl->GetValue< float >( "defaultBalance" ); float flDefaultMultilevel = pControl->GetValue< float >( "defaultMultilevel" ); bIsDefault = ( value.m_pValue[ANIM_CONTROL_VALUE] == flDefaultValue ) && ( value.m_pValue[ANIM_CONTROL_BALANCE] == flDefaultBalance ) && ( value.m_pValue[ANIM_CONTROL_MULTILEVEL] == flDefaultMultilevel ); } // Blow away preset values for controls that contain the default values if ( bIsDefault ) { pPreset->RemoveControlValue( pControl->GetName() ); continue; } bool bIsCombo = pControl->GetValue< bool >( "combo" ); bool bIsMulti = pControl->GetValue< bool >( "multi" ); // Stamp the control value CDmElement *pControlValue = pPreset->FindOrAddControlValue( pControl->GetName() ); pControlValue->SetValue< float >( "value", value.m_pValue[ANIM_CONTROL_VALUE] ); if ( bIsCombo ) { pControlValue->SetValue< float >( "balance", value.m_pValue[ANIM_CONTROL_BALANCE] ); } else { pControlValue->RemoveAttribute( "balance" ); } if ( bIsMulti ) { pControlValue->SetValue< float >( "multilevel", value.m_pValue[ANIM_CONTROL_MULTILEVEL] ); } else { pControlValue->RemoveAttribute( "multilevel" ); } } } void CBaseAnimSetPresetFaderPanel::AddNewPreset( CDmePreset *pPreset ) { if ( !pPreset ) return; SetPresetFromSliders( pPreset ); CPresetSlider *pSlider = new CPresetSlider( this, pPreset->GetName(), pPreset ); if ( pSlider ) { pSlider->SetPos( 0 ); pSlider->SetSize( 100, 20 ); pSlider->SetGradientColor( Color( 194, 120, 0, 255 ) ); pSlider->SetControlValues( ); m_pSliders->AddItem( NULL, pSlider ); } } void CBaseAnimSetPresetFaderPanel::OnAddNewPreset( KeyValues *pKeyValues ) { CDmePreset *pPreset = GetElementKeyValue<CDmePreset>( pKeyValues, "preset" ); CUndoScopeGuard guard( 0, NOTIFY_SETDIRTYFLAG, "Overwrite Preset" ); AddNewPreset( pPreset ); guard.Release(); ChangeAnimationSet( m_AnimSet ); } void CBaseAnimSetPresetFaderPanel::AddNewPreset( const char *pGroupName, const char *pName ) { if ( !m_AnimSet.Get() ) return; CBaseAnimSetAttributeSliderPanel *sliderPanel = m_hEditor->GetAttributeSlider(); if ( !sliderPanel ) return; CUndoScopeGuard guard( 0, NOTIFY_SETDIRTYFLAG, "Add Preset" ); CDmePresetGroup *pPresetGroup = m_AnimSet->FindOrAddPresetGroup( pGroupName ); CDmePreset *pPreset = pPresetGroup->FindOrAddPreset( pName ); AddNewPreset( pPreset ); guard.Release(); ChangeAnimationSet( m_AnimSet ); } void CBaseAnimSetPresetFaderPanel::OnOverwritePreset( CDmePreset *pPreset ) { SetPresetFromSliders( pPreset ); UpdateControlValues(); } void CBaseAnimSetPresetFaderPanel::OnDeletePreset( CDmePreset *pPreset ) { { // Delete it from various things CUndoScopeGuard guard( 0, NOTIFY_SETDIRTYFLAG, "Delete Preset" ); m_AnimSet->RemovePreset( pPreset ); } ChangeAnimationSet( m_AnimSet ); } void CBaseAnimSetPresetFaderPanel::ProceduralPreset_UpdateCrossfade( CDmePreset *pPreset, bool bFadeIn ) { // Handled by derived class in SFM }