//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: // //===========================================================================// #ifndef DYNAMICIB_H #define DYNAMICIB_H #ifdef _WIN32 #pragma once #endif #include "locald3dtypes.h" #include "recording.h" #include "shaderapidx8_global.h" #include "shaderapidx8.h" #include "shaderapi/ishaderutil.h" #include "materialsystem/ivballoctracker.h" #include "tier1/memstack.h" #include "gpubufferallocator.h" ///////////////////////////// // D. Sim Dietrich Jr. // sim.dietrich@nvidia.com ///////////////////////////// #ifdef _WIN32 #pragma warning (disable:4189) #endif #include "locald3dtypes.h" #include "tier1/strtools.h" #include "tier1/utlqueue.h" #include "tier0/memdbgon.h" // Helper function to unbind an index buffer void Unbind( IDirect3DIndexBuffer9 *pIndexBuffer ); #define X360_INDEX_BUFFER_SIZE_MULTIPLIER 4.0 //minimum of 1, only affects dynamic buffers //#define X360_BLOCK_ON_IB_FLUSH //uncomment to block until all data is consumed when a flush is requested. Otherwise we only block when absolutely necessary #define SPEW_INDEX_BUFFER_STALLS //uncomment to allow buffer stall spewing. class CIndexBuffer { public: CIndexBuffer( IDirect3DDevice9 *pD3D, int count, bool bSoftwareVertexProcessing, bool dynamic = false ); #ifdef _X360 CIndexBuffer(); void Init( IDirect3DDevice9 *pD3D, uint16 *pIndexMemory, int count ); #endif int AddRef() { return ++m_nReferenceCount; } int Release() { int retVal = --m_nReferenceCount; if ( retVal == 0 ) delete this; return retVal; } LPDIRECT3DINDEXBUFFER GetInterface() const { // If this buffer still exists, then Late Creation didn't happen. Best case: we'll render the wrong image. Worst case: Crash. Assert( !m_pSysmemBuffer ); return m_pIB; } // Use at beginning of frame to force a flush of VB contents on first draw void FlushAtFrameStart() { m_bFlush = true; } // lock, unlock unsigned short *Lock( bool bReadOnly, int numIndices, int &startIndex, int startPosition = -1 ); void Unlock( int numIndices ); void HandleLateCreation( ); // Index position int IndexPosition() const { return m_Position; } // Index size int IndexSize() const { return sizeof(unsigned short); } // Index count int IndexCount() const { return m_IndexCount; } #if _X360 // For some IBs, memory allocation is managed by CGPUBufferAllocator, via ShaderAPI const GPUBufferHandle_t *GetBufferAllocationHandle( void ); void SetBufferAllocationHandle( const GPUBufferHandle_t &bufferAllocationHandle ); bool IsPooled( void ) { return m_GPUBufferHandle.IsValid(); } // Expose the data pointer for read-only CPU access to the data // (double-indirection supports relocation of the data by CGPUBufferAllocator) const byte **GetBufferDataPointerAddress( void ); #endif // _X360 // Do we have enough room without discarding? bool HasEnoughRoom( int numIndices ) const; bool IsDynamic() const { return m_bDynamic; } bool IsExternal() const { return m_bExternalMemory; } // Block until there's a free portion of the buffer of this size, m_Position will be updated to point at where this section starts void BlockUntilUnused( int nAllocationSize ); #ifdef CHECK_INDICES void UpdateShadowIndices( unsigned short *pData ) { Assert( m_LockedStartIndex + m_LockedNumIndices <= m_NumIndices ); memcpy( m_pShadowIndices + m_LockedStartIndex, pData, m_LockedNumIndices * IndexSize() ); } unsigned short GetShadowIndex( int i ) { Assert( i >= 0 && i < (int)m_NumIndices ); return m_pShadowIndices[i]; } #endif // UID unsigned int UID() const { #ifdef RECORDING return m_UID; #else return 0; #endif } void HandlePerFrameTextureStats( int frame ) { #ifdef VPROF_ENABLED if ( m_Frame != frame && !m_bDynamic ) { m_Frame = frame; VPROF_INCREMENT_GROUP_COUNTER( "TexGroup_frame_" TEXTURE_GROUP_STATIC_INDEX_BUFFER, COUNTER_GROUP_TEXTURE_PER_FRAME, IndexCount() * IndexSize() ); } #endif } static int BufferCount() { #ifdef _DEBUG return s_BufferCount; #else return 0; #endif } inline int AllocationSize() const; inline int AllocationCount() const; // Marks a fence indicating when this buffer was used void MarkUsedInRendering() { #ifdef _X360 if ( m_bDynamic && m_pIB ) { Assert( m_AllocationRing.Count() > 0 ); m_AllocationRing[m_AllocationRing.Tail()].m_Fence = Dx9Device()->GetCurrentFence(); } #endif } private : void Create( IDirect3DDevice9 *pD3D ); inline void ReallyUnlock( int unlockBytes ) { #if DX_TO_GL_ABSTRACTION // Knowing how much data was actually written is critical for performance under OpenGL. m_pIB->UnlockActualSize( unlockBytes ); #else unlockBytes; // Unused here m_pIB->Unlock(); #endif } enum LOCK_FLAGS { LOCKFLAGS_FLUSH = D3DLOCK_NOSYSLOCK | D3DLOCK_DISCARD, #if !defined( _X360 ) LOCKFLAGS_APPEND = D3DLOCK_NOSYSLOCK | D3DLOCK_NOOVERWRITE #else // X360BUG: forcing all locks to gpu flush, otherwise bizarre mesh corruption on decals // Currently iterating with microsoft 360 support to track source of gpu corruption LOCKFLAGS_APPEND = D3DLOCK_NOSYSLOCK #endif }; LPDIRECT3DINDEXBUFFER m_pIB; #ifdef _X360 struct DynamicBufferAllocation_t { DWORD m_Fence; //track whether this memory is safe to use again. int m_iStartOffset; int m_iEndOffset; unsigned int m_iZPassIdx; // The zpass during which this allocation was made }; int m_iNextBlockingPosition; // m_iNextBlockingPosition >= m_Position where another allocation is still in use. unsigned char *m_pAllocatedMemory; int m_iAllocationCount; //The total number of indices the buffer we allocated can hold. Usually greater than the number of indices asked for IDirect3DIndexBuffer9 m_D3DIndexBuffer; //Only need one shared D3D header for our usage patterns. CUtlLinkedList<DynamicBufferAllocation_t> m_AllocationRing; //tracks what chunks of our memory are potentially still in use by D3D GPUBufferHandle_t m_GPUBufferHandle; // Handle to a memory allocation within a shared physical memory pool (see CGPUBufferAllocator) #endif int m_IndexCount; int m_Position; byte *m_pSysmemBuffer; int m_nSysmemBufferStartBytes; unsigned char m_bLocked : 1; unsigned char m_bFlush : 1; unsigned char m_bDynamic : 1; unsigned char m_bExternalMemory : 1; unsigned char m_bSoftwareVertexProcessing : 1; unsigned char m_bLateCreateShouldDiscard : 1; #ifdef VPROF_ENABLED int m_Frame; #endif CInterlockedInt m_nReferenceCount; #ifdef _DEBUG static int s_BufferCount; #endif #ifdef RECORDING unsigned int m_UID; #endif #if !defined( _X360 ) //LockedBufferContext m_LockData; #endif protected: #ifdef CHECK_INDICES unsigned short *m_pShadowIndices; unsigned int m_NumIndices; #endif unsigned int m_LockedStartIndex; unsigned int m_LockedNumIndices; private: // Must use reference counting functions above ~CIndexBuffer(); }; #if defined( _X360 ) #include "utlmap.h" MEMALLOC_DECLARE_EXTERNAL_TRACKING( XMem_CIndexBuffer ); #endif //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // constructor, destructor //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline CIndexBuffer::CIndexBuffer( IDirect3DDevice9 *pD3D, int count, bool bSoftwareVertexProcessing, bool dynamic ) : m_pIB(0), m_Position(0), m_bFlush(true), m_bLocked(false), m_bExternalMemory(false), m_bDynamic(dynamic), m_bSoftwareVertexProcessing( bSoftwareVertexProcessing ), m_bLateCreateShouldDiscard( false ) #ifdef _X360 ,m_pAllocatedMemory(NULL) ,m_iNextBlockingPosition(0) ,m_iAllocationCount(0) #endif #ifdef VPROF_ENABLED ,m_Frame( -1 ) #endif , m_nReferenceCount( 0 ) { // For write-combining, ensure we always have locked memory aligned to 4-byte boundaries count = ALIGN_VALUE( count, 2 ); m_IndexCount = count; MEM_ALLOC_CREDIT_( m_bDynamic ? ( "D3D: " TEXTURE_GROUP_DYNAMIC_INDEX_BUFFER ) : ( "D3D: " TEXTURE_GROUP_STATIC_INDEX_BUFFER ) ); #ifdef CHECK_INDICES m_pShadowIndices = NULL; #endif #ifdef RECORDING // assign a UID static unsigned int uid = 0; m_UID = uid++; #endif #ifdef _DEBUG ++s_BufferCount; #endif #ifdef CHECK_INDICES m_pShadowIndices = new unsigned short[ m_IndexCount ]; m_NumIndices = m_IndexCount; #endif if ( g_pShaderUtil->GetThreadMode() != MATERIAL_SINGLE_THREADED || !ThreadInMainThread() ) { m_pSysmemBuffer = ( byte * )malloc( count * IndexSize() ); m_nSysmemBufferStartBytes = 0; } else { m_pSysmemBuffer = NULL; Create( pD3D ); } #else // _X360 int nBufferSize = (count * IndexSize()); if ( m_bDynamic ) { m_iAllocationCount = count * X360_INDEX_BUFFER_SIZE_MULTIPLIER; Assert( m_iAllocationCount >= count ); m_iAllocationCount = ALIGN_VALUE( m_iAllocationCount, 2 ); m_pAllocatedMemory = (unsigned char*)XPhysicalAlloc( m_iAllocationCount * IndexSize(), MAXULONG_PTR, 0, PAGE_READWRITE | MEM_LARGE_PAGES | PAGE_WRITECOMBINE ); } else if ( MeshMgr()->AllocatePooledIB( this, nBufferSize, TEXTURE_GROUP_STATIC_INDEX_BUFFER ) ) { // Successfully allocated in a shared ShaderAPI memory pool (SetBufferAllocationHandle will have been called to set the pointer and stream offset) m_iAllocationCount = count; Assert( m_pAllocatedMemory ); } else { // Fall back to allocating a standalone IB // NOTE: write-combining (PAGE_WRITECOMBINE) is deliberately not used, since it slows down CPU access to the data (decals+defragmentation) m_iAllocationCount = count; m_pAllocatedMemory = (unsigned char*)XPhysicalAlloc( nBufferSize, MAXULONG_PTR, 0, PAGE_READWRITE ); } if ( m_pAllocatedMemory && !IsPooled() ) { MemAlloc_RegisterExternalAllocation( XMem_CIndexBuffer, m_pAllocatedMemory, XPhysicalSize( m_pAllocatedMemory ) ); if ( !m_bDynamic ) { // Track non-pooled physallocs, to help tune CGPUBufferAllocator usage g_SizeIndividualIBPhysAllocs += XPhysicalSize( m_pAllocatedMemory ); g_NumIndividualIBPhysAllocs++; } } m_iNextBlockingPosition = m_iAllocationCount; #endif // _X360 #ifdef VPROF_ENABLED if ( !m_bDynamic ) { VPROF_INCREMENT_GROUP_COUNTER( "TexGroup_global_" TEXTURE_GROUP_STATIC_INDEX_BUFFER, COUNTER_GROUP_TEXTURE_GLOBAL, IndexCount() * IndexSize() ); } else if ( IsX360() ) { VPROF_INCREMENT_GROUP_COUNTER( "TexGroup_global_" TEXTURE_GROUP_DYNAMIC_INDEX_BUFFER, COUNTER_GROUP_TEXTURE_GLOBAL, IndexCount() * IndexSize() ); } #endif } void CIndexBuffer::Create( IDirect3DDevice9 *pD3D ) { D3DINDEXBUFFER_DESC desc; memset( &desc, 0x00, sizeof( desc ) ); desc.Format = D3DFMT_INDEX16; desc.Size = sizeof(unsigned short) * m_IndexCount; desc.Type = D3DRTYPE_INDEXBUFFER; desc.Pool = D3DPOOL_DEFAULT; desc.Usage = D3DUSAGE_WRITEONLY; if ( m_bDynamic ) { desc.Usage |= D3DUSAGE_DYNAMIC; } if ( m_bSoftwareVertexProcessing ) { desc.Usage |= D3DUSAGE_SOFTWAREPROCESSING; } RECORD_COMMAND( DX8_CREATE_INDEX_BUFFER, 6 ); RECORD_INT( m_UID ); RECORD_INT( m_IndexCount * IndexSize() ); RECORD_INT( desc.Usage ); RECORD_INT( desc.Format ); RECORD_INT( desc.Pool ); RECORD_INT( m_bDynamic ); #if !defined( _X360 ) HRESULT hr = pD3D->CreateIndexBuffer( m_IndexCount * IndexSize(), desc.Usage, desc.Format, desc.Pool, &m_pIB, NULL ); if ( hr != D3D_OK ) { Warning( "CreateIndexBuffer failed!\n" ); } if ( ( hr == D3DERR_OUTOFVIDEOMEMORY ) || ( hr == E_OUTOFMEMORY ) ) { // Don't have the memory for this. Try flushing all managed resources // out of vid mem and try again. // FIXME: need to record this pD3D->EvictManagedResources(); hr = pD3D->CreateIndexBuffer( m_IndexCount * IndexSize(), desc.Usage, desc.Format, desc.Pool, &m_pIB, NULL ); } Assert( m_pIB ); Assert( hr == D3D_OK ); #ifdef MEASURE_DRIVER_ALLOCATIONS int nMemUsed = 1024; VPROF_INCREMENT_GROUP_COUNTER( "ib count", COUNTER_GROUP_NO_RESET, 1 ); VPROF_INCREMENT_GROUP_COUNTER( "ib driver mem", COUNTER_GROUP_NO_RESET, nMemUsed ); VPROF_INCREMENT_GROUP_COUNTER( "total driver mem", COUNTER_GROUP_NO_RESET, nMemUsed ); #endif #if defined( _DEBUG ) if ( IsPC() && m_pIB && !m_pSysmemBuffer ) { D3DINDEXBUFFER_DESC aDesc; m_pIB->GetDesc( &aDesc ); Assert( memcmp( &aDesc, &desc, sizeof( desc ) ) == 0 ); } #endif } #ifdef _X360 void *AllocateTempBuffer( size_t nSizeInBytes ); inline CIndexBuffer::CIndexBuffer() : m_pIB(0), m_Position(0), m_bFlush(false), m_bLocked(false), m_bExternalMemory( true ), m_bDynamic( false ) #ifdef VPROF_ENABLED ,m_Frame( -1 ) #endif { m_IndexCount = 0; #ifdef CHECK_INDICES m_pShadowIndices = NULL; #endif m_iAllocationCount = 0; m_pAllocatedMemory = NULL; m_iNextBlockingPosition = 0; } #include "tier0/memdbgoff.h" inline void CIndexBuffer::Init( IDirect3DDevice9 *pD3D, uint16 *pIndexMemory, int count ) { m_IndexCount = count; m_Position = count; m_iAllocationCount = count; m_pAllocatedMemory = (uint8*)pIndexMemory; m_iNextBlockingPosition = m_iAllocationCount; int nBufferSize = count * sizeof(uint16); m_pIB = new( AllocateTempBuffer( sizeof( IDirect3DIndexBuffer9 ) ) ) IDirect3DIndexBuffer9; XGSetIndexBufferHeader( nBufferSize, 0, D3DFMT_INDEX16, 0, 0, m_pIB ); XGOffsetResourceAddress( m_pIB, pIndexMemory ); } #include "tier0/memdbgon.h" #endif // _X360 inline CIndexBuffer::~CIndexBuffer() { #ifdef _DEBUG if ( !m_bExternalMemory ) { --s_BufferCount; } #endif Unlock(0); #ifdef CHECK_INDICES if ( m_pShadowIndices ) { delete [] m_pShadowIndices; m_pShadowIndices = NULL; } #endif if ( m_pSysmemBuffer ) { free( m_pSysmemBuffer ); m_pSysmemBuffer = NULL; } #ifdef MEASURE_DRIVER_ALLOCATIONS if ( !m_bExternalMemory ) { int nMemUsed = 1024; VPROF_INCREMENT_GROUP_COUNTER( "ib count", COUNTER_GROUP_NO_RESET, -1 ); VPROF_INCREMENT_GROUP_COUNTER( "ib driver mem", COUNTER_GROUP_NO_RESET, -nMemUsed ); VPROF_INCREMENT_GROUP_COUNTER( "total driver mem", COUNTER_GROUP_NO_RESET, -nMemUsed ); } #endif #if !defined( _X360 ) if ( m_pIB ) { RECORD_COMMAND( DX8_DESTROY_INDEX_BUFFER, 1 ); RECORD_INT( m_UID ); m_pIB->Release(); } #else if ( m_pIB && m_pIB->IsSet( Dx9Device() ) ) { Unbind( m_pIB ); } if ( m_pAllocatedMemory && !m_bExternalMemory ) { if ( IsPooled() ) { MeshMgr()->DeallocatePooledIB( this ); } else { MemAlloc_RegisterExternalDeallocation( XMem_CIndexBuffer, m_pAllocatedMemory, XPhysicalSize( m_pAllocatedMemory ) ); if ( !m_bDynamic ) { // Track non-pooled physallocs, to help tune CGPUBufferAllocator usage g_SizeIndividualIBPhysAllocs -= XPhysicalSize( m_pAllocatedMemory ); g_NumIndividualIBPhysAllocs--; } XPhysicalFree( m_pAllocatedMemory ); } } m_pAllocatedMemory = NULL; m_pIB = NULL; #endif #ifdef VPROF_ENABLED if ( !m_bExternalMemory ) { if ( !m_bDynamic ) { VPROF_INCREMENT_GROUP_COUNTER( "TexGroup_global_" TEXTURE_GROUP_STATIC_INDEX_BUFFER, COUNTER_GROUP_TEXTURE_GLOBAL, - IndexCount() * IndexSize() ); } else if ( IsX360() ) { VPROF_INCREMENT_GROUP_COUNTER( "TexGroup_global_" TEXTURE_GROUP_DYNAMIC_INDEX_BUFFER, COUNTER_GROUP_TEXTURE_GLOBAL, - IndexCount() * IndexSize() ); } } #endif } #ifdef _X360 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Get memory allocation data //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline const GPUBufferHandle_t *CIndexBuffer::GetBufferAllocationHandle( void ) { Assert( IsPooled() ); return ( IsPooled() ? &m_GPUBufferHandle : NULL ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Update memory allocation data //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void CIndexBuffer::SetBufferAllocationHandle( const GPUBufferHandle_t &bufferAllocationHandle ) { // This IB's memory has been reallocated or freed, update our cached pointer and the D3D header // NOTE: this should never be called while any rendering is in flight! Assert( ( m_pAllocatedMemory == NULL ) || IsPooled() ); if ( ( m_pAllocatedMemory == NULL ) || IsPooled() ) { m_GPUBufferHandle = bufferAllocationHandle; m_pAllocatedMemory = m_GPUBufferHandle.pMemory; if ( m_pIB ) { int nBufferSize = m_IndexCount * IndexSize(); XGSetIndexBufferHeader( nBufferSize, 0, D3DFMT_INDEX16, 0, 0, m_pIB ); XGOffsetResourceAddress( m_pIB, m_pAllocatedMemory ); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Expose the data pointer for read-only CPU access to the data //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline const byte **CIndexBuffer::GetBufferDataPointerAddress( void ) { if ( m_bDynamic /* FIXME: || m_bExternalMemory */ ) return NULL; return (const byte **)&m_pAllocatedMemory; } #endif // _X360 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Do we have enough room without discarding? //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline bool CIndexBuffer::HasEnoughRoom( int numIndices ) const { #if !defined( _X360 ) return ( numIndices + m_Position ) <= m_IndexCount; #else return numIndices <= m_IndexCount; //the ring buffer will free room as needed #endif } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Block until this part of the index buffer is free //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void CIndexBuffer::BlockUntilUnused( int nAllocationSize ) { Assert( nAllocationSize <= m_IndexCount ); #ifdef _X360 Assert( (m_AllocationRing.Count() != 0) || ((m_Position == 0) && (m_iNextBlockingPosition == m_iAllocationCount)) ); if ( (m_iNextBlockingPosition - m_Position) >= nAllocationSize ) return; Assert( (m_AllocationRing[m_AllocationRing.Head()].m_iStartOffset == 0) || ((m_iNextBlockingPosition == m_AllocationRing[m_AllocationRing.Head()].m_iStartOffset) && (m_Position <= m_iNextBlockingPosition)) ); int iMinBlockPosition = m_Position + nAllocationSize; if( iMinBlockPosition > m_iAllocationCount ) { //Allocation requires us to wrap iMinBlockPosition = nAllocationSize; m_Position = 0; //modify the last allocation so that it uses up the whole tail end of the buffer. Makes other code simpler Assert( m_AllocationRing.Count() != 0 ); m_AllocationRing[m_AllocationRing.Tail()].m_iEndOffset = m_iAllocationCount; //treat all allocations between the current position and the tail end of the ring as freed since they will be before we unblock while( m_AllocationRing.Count() ) { unsigned int head = m_AllocationRing.Head(); if( m_AllocationRing[head].m_iStartOffset == 0 ) break; m_AllocationRing.Remove( head ); } } //now we go through the allocations until we find the last fence we care about. Treat everything up until that fence as freed. DWORD FinalFence = 0; unsigned int iFinalAllocationZPassIdx = 0; while( m_AllocationRing.Count() ) { unsigned int head = m_AllocationRing.Head(); if( m_AllocationRing[head].m_iEndOffset >= iMinBlockPosition ) { //When this frees, we'll finally have enough space for the allocation FinalFence = m_AllocationRing[head].m_Fence; iFinalAllocationZPassIdx = m_AllocationRing[head].m_iZPassIdx; m_iNextBlockingPosition = m_AllocationRing[head].m_iEndOffset; m_AllocationRing.Remove( head ); break; } m_AllocationRing.Remove( head ); } Assert( FinalFence != 0 ); if( Dx9Device()->IsFencePending( FinalFence ) ) { #ifdef SPEW_INDEX_BUFFER_STALLS float st = Plat_FloatTime(); #endif if ( ( Dx9Device()->GetDeviceState() & D3DDEVICESTATE_ZPASS_BRACKET ) && ( iFinalAllocationZPassIdx == ShaderAPI()->Get360ZPassCounter() ) ) { // We're about to overrun our IB ringbuffer in a single Z prepass. To avoid rendering corruption, close out the // Z prepass and continue. This will reduce early-Z rejection efficiency and could cause a momentary framerate drop, // but it's better than rendering corruption. Warning( "Dynamic IB ring buffer overrun in Z Prepass. Tell Thorsten.\n" ); ShaderAPI()->End360ZPass(); } Dx9Device()->BlockOnFence( FinalFence ); #ifdef SPEW_INDEX_BUFFER_STALLS float dt = Plat_FloatTime() - st; Warning( "Blocked locking dynamic index buffer for %f ms!\n", 1000.0 * dt ); #endif } #endif } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // lock, unlock //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline unsigned short* CIndexBuffer::Lock( bool bReadOnly, int numIndices, int& startIndex, int startPosition ) { Assert( !m_bLocked ); #if defined( _X360 ) if ( m_pIB && m_pIB->IsSet( Dx9Device() ) ) { Unbind( m_pIB ); } #endif unsigned short* pLockedData = NULL; // For write-combining, ensure we always have locked memory aligned to 4-byte boundaries if( m_bDynamic ) numIndices = ALIGN_VALUE( numIndices, 2 ); // Ensure there is enough space in the IB for this data if ( numIndices > m_IndexCount ) { Error( "too many indices for index buffer. . tell a programmer (%d>%d)\n", ( int )numIndices, ( int )m_IndexCount ); Assert( false ); return 0; } if ( !IsX360() && !m_pIB && !m_pSysmemBuffer ) return 0; DWORD dwFlags; if ( m_bDynamic ) { // startPosition now can be != -1, when calling in here with a static (staging) buffer. #if !defined( _X360 ) dwFlags = LOCKFLAGS_APPEND; // If either user forced us to flush, // or there is not enough space for the vertex data, // then flush the buffer contents // xbox must not append at position 0 because nooverwrite cannot be guaranteed if ( !m_Position || m_bFlush || !HasEnoughRoom(numIndices) ) { if ( m_pSysmemBuffer || !g_pShaderUtil->IsRenderThreadSafe() ) m_bLateCreateShouldDiscard = true; m_bFlush = false; m_Position = 0; dwFlags = LOCKFLAGS_FLUSH; } #else if ( m_bFlush ) { # if ( defined( X360_BLOCK_ON_IB_FLUSH ) ) { if( m_AllocationRing.Count() ) { DWORD FinalFence = m_AllocationRing[m_AllocationRing.Tail()].m_Fence; m_AllocationRing.RemoveAll(); m_Position = 0; m_iNextBlockingPosition = m_iAllocationCount; # if ( defined( SPEW_VERTEX_BUFFER_STALLS ) ) if( Dx9Device()->IsFencePending( FinalFence ) ) { float st = Plat_FloatTime(); # endif Dx9Device()->BlockOnFence( FinalFence ); # if ( defined ( SPEW_VERTEX_BUFFER_STALLS ) ) float dt = Plat_FloatTime() - st; Warning( "Blocked FLUSHING dynamic index buffer for %f ms!\n", 1000.0 * dt ); } # endif } } # endif m_bFlush = false; } #endif } else { dwFlags = D3DLOCK_NOSYSLOCK; } if ( bReadOnly ) { dwFlags |= D3DLOCK_READONLY; } int position = m_Position; if( startPosition >= 0 ) { position = startPosition; } RECORD_COMMAND( DX8_LOCK_INDEX_BUFFER, 4 ); RECORD_INT( m_UID ); RECORD_INT( position * IndexSize() ); RECORD_INT( numIndices * IndexSize() ); RECORD_INT( dwFlags ); m_LockedStartIndex = position; m_LockedNumIndices = numIndices; HRESULT hr = D3D_OK; #if !defined( _X360 ) // If the caller isn't in the thread that owns the render lock, need to return a system memory pointer--cannot talk to GL from // the non-current thread. if ( !m_pSysmemBuffer && !g_pShaderUtil->IsRenderThreadSafe() ) { m_pSysmemBuffer = ( byte * )malloc( m_IndexCount * IndexSize() ); m_nSysmemBufferStartBytes = position * IndexSize(); } if ( m_pSysmemBuffer != NULL ) { // Ensure that we're never moving backwards in a buffer--this code would need to be rewritten if so. // We theorize this can happen if you hit the end of a buffer and then wrap before drawing--but // this would probably break in other places as well. Assert( position * IndexSize() >= m_nSysmemBufferStartBytes ); pLockedData = ( unsigned short * )( m_pSysmemBuffer + ( position * IndexSize() ) ); } else { hr = m_pIB->Lock( position * IndexSize(), numIndices * IndexSize(), reinterpret_cast< void** >( &pLockedData ), dwFlags ); } #else if ( m_bDynamic ) { // Block until earlier parts of the buffer are free BlockUntilUnused( numIndices ); position = m_Position; m_pIB = NULL; Assert( (m_Position + numIndices) <= m_iAllocationCount ); } else { //static, block until last lock finished? m_Position = position; } pLockedData = (unsigned short *)(m_pAllocatedMemory + (position * IndexSize())); #endif switch ( hr ) { case D3DERR_INVALIDCALL: Msg( "D3DERR_INVALIDCALL - Index Buffer Lock Failed in %s on line %d(offset %d, size %d, flags 0x%x)\n", V_UnqualifiedFileName(__FILE__), __LINE__, position * IndexSize(), numIndices * IndexSize(), dwFlags ); break; case D3DERR_DRIVERINTERNALERROR: Msg( "D3DERR_DRIVERINTERNALERROR - Index Buffer Lock Failed in %s on line %d (offset %d, size %d, flags 0x%x)\n", V_UnqualifiedFileName(__FILE__), __LINE__, position * IndexSize(), numIndices * IndexSize(), dwFlags ); break; case D3DERR_OUTOFVIDEOMEMORY: Msg( "D3DERR_OUTOFVIDEOMEMORY - Index Buffer Lock Failed in %s on line %d (offset %d, size %d, flags 0x%x)\n", V_UnqualifiedFileName(__FILE__), __LINE__, position * IndexSize(), numIndices * IndexSize(), dwFlags ); break; } Assert( pLockedData != NULL ); if ( !IsX360() ) { startIndex = position; } else { startIndex = 0; } Assert( m_bLocked == false ); m_bLocked = true; return pLockedData; } inline void CIndexBuffer::Unlock( int numIndices ) { #if defined( _X360 ) Assert( (m_Position + numIndices) <= m_iAllocationCount ); #else Assert( (m_Position + numIndices) <= m_IndexCount ); #endif if ( !m_bLocked ) return; // For write-combining, ensure we always have locked memory aligned to 4-byte boundaries // if( m_bDynamic ) // numIndices = ALIGN_VALUE( numIndices, 2 ); if ( !IsX360() && !m_pIB && !m_pSysmemBuffer ) return; RECORD_COMMAND( DX8_UNLOCK_INDEX_BUFFER, 1 ); RECORD_INT( m_UID ); #if !defined( _X360 ) if ( m_pSysmemBuffer ) { } else { #if DX_TO_GL_ABSTRACTION // Knowing how much data was actually written is critical for performance under OpenGL. // Important notes: numIndices indicates how much we could move the current position. For dynamic buffer, it should indicate the # of actually written indices, for static buffers it's typically 0. // If it's a dynamic buffer (where we actually care about perf), assume the caller isn't lying about numIndices, otherwise just assume they wrote the entire thing. // If you modify this code, be sure to test on both AMD and NVidia drivers! Assert( numIndices <= (int)m_LockedNumIndices ); int unlockBytes = ( m_bDynamic ? numIndices : m_LockedNumIndices ) * IndexSize(); #else int unlockBytes = 0; #endif ReallyUnlock( unlockBytes ); } #else if ( m_bDynamic ) { Assert( (m_Position == 0) || (m_AllocationRing[m_AllocationRing.Tail()].m_iEndOffset == m_Position) ); DynamicBufferAllocation_t LockData; LockData.m_Fence = Dx9Device()->GetCurrentFence(); //This isn't the correct fence, but it's all we have access to for now and it'll provide marginal safety if something goes really wrong. LockData.m_iStartOffset = m_Position; LockData.m_iEndOffset = LockData.m_iStartOffset + numIndices; LockData.m_iZPassIdx = ( Dx9Device()->GetDeviceState() & D3DDEVICESTATE_ZPASS_BRACKET ) ? ShaderAPI()->Get360ZPassCounter() : 0; Assert( (LockData.m_iStartOffset == 0) || (LockData.m_iStartOffset == m_AllocationRing[m_AllocationRing.Tail()].m_iEndOffset) ); m_AllocationRing.AddToTail( LockData ); void* pLockedData = m_pAllocatedMemory + (LockData.m_iStartOffset * IndexSize()); //Always re-use the same index buffer header based on the assumption that D3D copies it off in the draw calls. m_pIB = &m_D3DIndexBuffer; XGSetIndexBufferHeader( numIndices * IndexSize(), 0, D3DFMT_INDEX16, 0, 0, m_pIB ); XGOffsetResourceAddress( m_pIB, pLockedData ); // Invalidate the GPU caches for this memory. // FIXME: Should dynamic allocations be 4k aligned? Dx9Device()->InvalidateGpuCache( pLockedData, numIndices * IndexSize(), 0 ); } else { if ( !m_pIB ) { int nBufferSize = m_IndexCount * IndexSize(); XGSetIndexBufferHeader( nBufferSize, 0, D3DFMT_INDEX16, 0, 0, &m_D3DIndexBuffer ); XGOffsetResourceAddress( &m_D3DIndexBuffer, m_pAllocatedMemory ); m_pIB = &m_D3DIndexBuffer; } // Invalidate the GPU caches for this memory. Dx9Device()->InvalidateGpuCache( m_pAllocatedMemory, m_IndexCount * IndexSize(), 0 ); } #endif m_Position += numIndices; m_bLocked = false; m_LockedStartIndex = 0; m_LockedNumIndices = 0; } inline void CIndexBuffer::HandleLateCreation( ) { if ( !m_pSysmemBuffer ) { return; } if( !m_pIB ) { bool bPrior = g_VBAllocTracker->TrackMeshAllocations( "HandleLateCreation" ); Create( Dx9Device() ); if ( !bPrior ) { g_VBAllocTracker->TrackMeshAllocations( NULL ); } } void* pWritePtr = NULL; const int dataToWriteBytes = ( m_Position * IndexSize() ) - m_nSysmemBufferStartBytes; DWORD dwFlags = D3DLOCK_NOSYSLOCK; if ( m_bDynamic ) dwFlags |= ( m_bLateCreateShouldDiscard ? D3DLOCK_DISCARD : D3DLOCK_NOOVERWRITE ); // Always clear this. m_bLateCreateShouldDiscard = false; // Don't use the Lock function, it does a bunch of stuff we don't want. HRESULT hr = m_pIB->Lock( m_nSysmemBufferStartBytes, dataToWriteBytes, &pWritePtr, dwFlags); // If this fails we're about to crash. Consider skipping the update and leaving // m_pSysmemBuffer around to try again later. (For example in case of device loss) Assert( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ); hr; memcpy( pWritePtr, m_pSysmemBuffer + m_nSysmemBufferStartBytes, dataToWriteBytes ); ReallyUnlock( dataToWriteBytes ); free( m_pSysmemBuffer ); m_pSysmemBuffer = NULL; } // Returns the allocated size inline int CIndexBuffer::AllocationSize() const { #ifdef _X360 return m_iAllocationCount * IndexSize(); #else return m_IndexCount * IndexSize(); #endif } inline int CIndexBuffer::AllocationCount() const { #ifdef _X360 return m_iAllocationCount; #else return m_IndexCount; #endif } #ifdef _WIN32 #pragma warning (default:4189) #endif #include "tier0/memdbgoff.h" #endif // DYNAMICIB_H