//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: 
// $NoKeywords: $

#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once

#include "tier1/utldict.h"
#include "vstdlib/random.h"
#include "soundflags.h"
#include "mathlib/compressed_vector.h"
#include "appframework/IAppSystem.h"


#define SOUNDGENDER_MACRO "$gender"
#define SOUNDGENDER_MACRO_LENGTH 7		// Length of above including $


class IFileList;

// Purpose: 
struct CSoundParameters
		channel		= CHAN_AUTO; // 0
		volume		= VOL_NORM;  // 1.0f
		pitch		= PITCH_NORM; // 100

		pitchlow	= PITCH_NORM;
		pitchhigh	= PITCH_NORM;

		soundlevel	= SNDLVL_NORM; // 75dB
		soundname[ 0 ] = 0;
		play_to_owner_only = false;
		count		= 0;

		delay_msec	= 0;

	int				channel;
	float			volume;
	int				pitch;
	int				pitchlow, pitchhigh;
	soundlevel_t	soundlevel;
	// For weapon sounds...
	bool			play_to_owner_only;
	int				count;
	char 			soundname[ 128 ];
	int				delay_msec;

// A bit of a hack, but these are just utility function which are implemented in the SouneParametersInternal.cpp file which all users of this lib also compile
const char *SoundLevelToString( soundlevel_t level );
const char *ChannelToString( int channel );
const char *VolumeToString( float volume );
const char *PitchToString( float pitch );
soundlevel_t TextToSoundLevel( const char *key );
int TextToChannel( const char *name );

enum gender_t

#pragma pack(1)
struct SoundFile
		symbol = UTL_INVAL_SYMBOL;
		gender = GENDER_NONE;
		available = true;
		COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( sizeof(SoundFile) == 4 );

	CUtlSymbol	symbol;
	byte		gender;
	byte		available;

#pragma pack()

#pragma pack(1)
template<typename T>
struct sound_interval_t
	T start;
	T range;

	interval_t &ToInterval( interval_t &dest ) const	{ dest.start = start; dest.range = range; return dest; }
	void FromInterval( const interval_t &from )			{ start = from.start; range = from.range; }
	float Random() const								{ return RandomFloat( start, start + range ); }

#pragma pack()

typedef sound_interval_t<float16_with_assign> volume_interval_t;
typedef sound_interval_t<uint16> soundlevel_interval_t;
typedef sound_interval_t<uint8> pitch_interval_t;

#pragma pack(1)
struct CSoundParametersInternal

	void CopyFrom( const CSoundParametersInternal& src );

	bool operator == ( const CSoundParametersInternal& other ) const;

	const char *VolumeToString( void ) const;
	const char *ChannelToString( void ) const;
	const char *SoundLevelToString( void ) const;
	const char *PitchToString( void ) const;

	void		VolumeFromString( const char *sz );
	void		ChannelFromString( const char *sz );
	void		PitchFromString( const char *sz );
	void		SoundLevelFromString( const char *sz );

	int			GetChannel() const							{ return channel; }
	const volume_interval_t &GetVolume() const				{ return volume; }
	const pitch_interval_t &GetPitch() const				{ return pitch; }
	const soundlevel_interval_t &GetSoundLevel() const		{ return soundlevel; }
	int			GetDelayMsec() const						{ return delay_msec; }
	bool		OnlyPlayToOwner() const						{ return play_to_owner_only; }
	bool		HadMissingWaveFiles() const					{ return had_missing_wave_files; }
	bool		UsesGenderToken() const						{ return uses_gender_token; }
	bool		ShouldPreload() const						{ return m_bShouldPreload; }

	void		SetChannel( int newChannel )				{ channel = newChannel; }
	void		SetVolume( float start, float range = 0.0 )	{ volume.start = start; volume.range = range; }
	void		SetPitch( float start, float range = 0.0 )	{ pitch.start = start; pitch.range = range; }
	void		SetSoundLevel( float start, float range = 0.0 )	{ soundlevel.start = start; soundlevel.range = range; }
	void		SetDelayMsec( int delay )					{ delay_msec = delay; }
	void		SetShouldPreload( bool bShouldPreload )		{ m_bShouldPreload = bShouldPreload;	}
	void		SetOnlyPlayToOwner( bool b )				{ play_to_owner_only = b; }
	void		SetHadMissingWaveFiles( bool b )			{ had_missing_wave_files = b; }
	void		SetUsesGenderToken( bool b )				{ uses_gender_token = b; }

	void		AddSoundName( const SoundFile &soundFile )	{ AddToTail( &m_pSoundNames, &m_nSoundNames, soundFile ); }
	int			NumSoundNames() const						{ return m_nSoundNames; }
	SoundFile * GetSoundNames()								{ return ( m_nSoundNames == 1 ) ? (SoundFile *)&m_pSoundNames : m_pSoundNames; }
	const SoundFile *GetSoundNames() const					{ return ( m_nSoundNames == 1 ) ? (SoundFile *)&m_pSoundNames : m_pSoundNames; }

	void		AddConvertedName( const SoundFile &soundFile ) { AddToTail( &m_pConvertedNames, &m_nConvertedNames, soundFile ); }
	int			NumConvertedNames() const					{ return m_nConvertedNames; }
	SoundFile * GetConvertedNames()							{ return ( m_nConvertedNames == 1 ) ? (SoundFile *)&m_pConvertedNames : m_pConvertedNames; }
	const SoundFile *GetConvertedNames() const				{ return ( m_nConvertedNames == 1 ) ? (SoundFile *)&m_pConvertedNames : m_pConvertedNames; }

	void operator=( const CSoundParametersInternal& src ); // disallow implicit copies
	CSoundParametersInternal( const CSoundParametersInternal& src );

	void		AddToTail( SoundFile **pDest, uint16 *pDestCount, const SoundFile &source );

	SoundFile *				m_pSoundNames;			// 4
	SoundFile *				m_pConvertedNames;		// 8
	uint16					m_nSoundNames;			// 10
	uint16					m_nConvertedNames;		// 12

	volume_interval_t		volume;					// 16
	soundlevel_interval_t	soundlevel;				// 20
	pitch_interval_t		pitch;					// 22
	uint16					channel;				// 24
	uint16					delay_msec;				// 26
	bool			play_to_owner_only:1; // For weapon sounds...	// 27
	// Internal use, for warning about missing .wav files
	bool			had_missing_wave_files:1;
	bool			uses_gender_token:1;
	bool			m_bShouldPreload:1;

	byte			reserved;						// 28

#pragma pack()

// Purpose: Base class for sound emitter system handling (can be used by tools)
abstract_class ISoundEmitterSystemBase : public IAppSystem
	// Init, shutdown called after we know what mod is running
	virtual bool			ModInit() = 0;
	virtual void			ModShutdown() = 0;

	virtual int				GetSoundIndex( const char *pName ) const = 0;
	virtual bool			IsValidIndex( int index ) = 0;
	virtual int				GetSoundCount( void ) = 0;

	virtual const char		*GetSoundName( int index ) = 0;
	virtual bool			GetParametersForSound( const char *soundname, CSoundParameters& params, gender_t gender, bool isbeingemitted = false ) = 0;

	virtual const char		*GetWaveName( CUtlSymbol& sym ) = 0;
	virtual CUtlSymbol		AddWaveName( const char *name ) = 0;

	virtual soundlevel_t	LookupSoundLevel( const char *soundname ) = 0;
	virtual const char		*GetWavFileForSound( const char *soundname, char const *actormodel ) = 0;
	virtual const char		*GetWavFileForSound( const char *soundname, gender_t gender ) = 0;
	virtual int				CheckForMissingWavFiles( bool verbose ) = 0;
	virtual const char		*GetSourceFileForSound( int index ) const = 0;

	// Iteration methods
	virtual int				First() const = 0;
	virtual int				Next( int i ) const = 0;
	virtual int				InvalidIndex() const = 0;

	virtual CSoundParametersInternal *InternalGetParametersForSound( int index ) = 0;

	// The host application is responsible for dealing with dirty sound scripts, etc.
	virtual bool			AddSound( const char *soundname, const char *scriptfile, const CSoundParametersInternal& params ) = 0;
	virtual void			RemoveSound( const char *soundname ) = 0;
	virtual void			MoveSound( const char *soundname, const char *newscript ) = 0;
	virtual void			RenameSound( const char *soundname, const char *newname ) = 0;

	virtual void			UpdateSoundParameters( const char *soundname, const CSoundParametersInternal& params ) = 0;

	virtual int				GetNumSoundScripts() const = 0;
	virtual char const		*GetSoundScriptName( int index ) const = 0;
	virtual bool			IsSoundScriptDirty( int index ) const = 0;
	virtual int				FindSoundScript( const char *name ) const = 0;
	virtual void			SaveChangesToSoundScript( int scriptindex ) = 0;

	virtual void			ExpandSoundNameMacros( CSoundParametersInternal& params, char const *wavename ) = 0;
	virtual gender_t		GetActorGender( char const *actormodel ) = 0;
	virtual void			GenderExpandString( char const *actormodel, char const *in, char *out, int maxlen ) = 0;
	virtual void			GenderExpandString( gender_t gender, char const *in, char *out, int maxlen ) = 0;
	virtual bool			IsUsingGenderToken( char const *soundname ) = 0;

	// For blowing away caches based on filetimstamps of the manifest, or of any of the
	//  .txt files that are read into the sound emitter system
	virtual unsigned int	GetManifestFileTimeChecksum() = 0;

	// Called from both client and server (single player) or just one (server only in dedicated server and client only if connected to a remote server)
	// Called by LevelInitPreEntity to override sound scripts for the mod with level specific overrides based on custom mapnames, etc.
	virtual void			AddSoundOverrides( char const *scriptfile, bool bPreload = false ) = 0;

	// Called by either client or server in LevelShutdown to clear out custom overrides
	virtual void			ClearSoundOverrides() = 0;

	virtual bool			GetParametersForSoundEx( const char *soundname, HSOUNDSCRIPTHANDLE& handle, CSoundParameters& params, gender_t gender, bool isbeingemitted = false ) = 0;
	virtual soundlevel_t	LookupSoundLevelByHandle( char const *soundname, HSOUNDSCRIPTHANDLE& handle ) = 0;

	virtual void			ReloadSoundEntriesInList( IFileList *pFilesToReload ) = 0;

	// Called by either client or server to force ModShutdown and ModInit
	virtual void			Flush() = 0;