#include "cbase.h" #include "ai_default.h" #include "ai_task.h" #include "ai_schedule.h" #include "ai_node.h" #include "ai_hull.h" #include "ai_hint.h" #include "ai_squad.h" #include "ai_senses.h" #include "ai_navigator.h" #include "ai_motor.h" #include "ai_behavior.h" #include "ai_baseactor.h" #include "ai_behavior_lead.h" #include "ai_behavior_follow.h" #include "ai_behavior_standoff.h" #include "ai_behavior_assault.h" #include "ai_playerally.h" #include "ai_pathfinder.h" #include "ai_link.h" #include "soundent.h" #include "game.h" #include "npcevent.h" #include "entitylist.h" #include "activitylist.h" #include "vstdlib/random.h" #include "engine/IEngineSound.h" #include "sceneentity.h" #include "asw_marine.h" #include "asw_player.h" #include "asw_marine_resource.h" #include "asw_marine_profile.h" #include "asw_weapon.h" #include "asw_marine_speech.h" //#include "asw_drone.h" #include "asw_pickup.h" #include "asw_pickup_weapon.h" #include "asw_gamerules.h" #include "asw_mission_manager.h" #include "weapon_flaregun.h" #include "ammodef.h" #include "asw_shareddefs.h" #include "asw_sentry_base.h" #include "asw_button_area.h" #include "asw_equipment_list.h" #include "asw_weapon_parse.h" #include "asw_weapon_ammo_bag_shared.h" #include "asw_fx_shared.h" #include "asw_parasite.h" #include "shareddefs.h" #include "datacache/imdlcache.h" #include "asw_bloodhound.h" #include "beam_shared.h" #include "rope.h" #include "shot_manipulator.h" #include "asw_use_area.h" #include "asw_computer_area.h" #include "ai_network.h" #include "ai_networkmanager.h" #include "asw_util_shared.h" #include "asw_ammo.h" #include "asw_ammo_drop.h" #include "asw_door_area.h" #include "asw_door.h" #include "smartptr.h" #include "ai_waypoint.h" #include "particle_parse.h" #include "asw_alien_goo_shared.h" #include "asw_prop_physics.h" #include "asw_weapon_heal_gun_shared.h" // memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!! #include "tier0/memdbgon.h" // anim events int AE_MARINE_KICK; int AE_MARINE_UNFREEZE; // activities int ACT_MARINE_GETTING_UP; int ACT_MARINE_LAYING_ON_FLOOR; ConVar asw_marine_aim_error_max("asw_marine_aim_error_max", "20.0f", FCVAR_CHEAT, "Maximum firing error angle for AI marines with base accuracy skill\n"); ConVar asw_marine_aim_error_min("asw_marine_aim_error_min", "5.0f", FCVAR_CHEAT, "Minimum firing error angle for AI marines with base accuracy skill\n"); // todo: have this value vary based on marine skill/level/distance ConVar asw_marine_aim_error_decay_multiplier("asw_marine_aim_error_decay_multiplier", "0.9f", FCVAR_CHEAT, "Value multiplied per turn to reduce aim error over time\n"); ConVar asw_blind_follow( "asw_blind_follow", "0", FCVAR_NONE, "Set to 1 to give marines short sight range while following (old school alien swarm style)" ); ConVar asw_debug_marine_aim( "asw_debug_marine_aim", "0", FCVAR_CHEAT, "Shows debug info on marine aiming" ); ConVar asw_debug_throw( "asw_debug_throw", "0", FCVAR_CHEAT, "Show node debug info on throw visibility checks" ); ConVar asw_debug_order_weld( "asw_debug_order_weld", "0", FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY, "Debug lines for ordering marines to offhand weld a door" ); extern ConVar ai_lead_time; #define ASW_MARINE_GOO_SCAN_TIME 0.5f // offsets and yaws for following formation const static Vector g_MarineFollowOffset[]= { Vector( -60, -70, 0 ), Vector( -120, 0, 0 ), Vector( -60, 70, 0 ), Vector( -40, -80, 0 ), Vector( -40, -80, 0 ), Vector( -40, -80, 0 ), }; const static float g_MarineFollowDirection[]= { -70, 180, 70, 90, 90, 90 }; bool CASW_Marine::CreateBehaviors() { //AddBehavior( &m_ActBusyBehavior ); //AddBehavior( &m_AssaultBehavior ); //AddBehavior( &m_StandoffBehavior ); return true; } // make the view cone bool CASW_Marine::FInViewCone( const Vector &vecSpot ) { Vector los = ( vecSpot - EyePosition() ); float flDist = los.NormalizeInPlace(); if ( flDist <= GetCloseCombatSightRange() ) // see 360 up close return true; if ( GetASWOrders() == ASW_ORDER_HOLD_POSITION ) { // otherwise check if this enemy is within our holding cone Vector holdingDir = vec3_origin; QAngle holdingAng(0, m_fHoldingYaw, 0); AngleVectors(holdingAng, &holdingDir); float flDot = DotProduct( los, holdingDir ); return ( flDot > m_flFieldOfView ); } else if ( GetASWOrders() == ASW_ORDER_FOLLOW ) { Vector vecHead = HeadDirection2D(); float flDot = DotProduct( los, vecHead ); return ( flDot > m_flFieldOfView ); } // see 360 otherwise return true; } float CASW_Marine::GetFollowSightRange() { return GetSenses()->GetDistLook(); } float CASW_Marine::GetCloseCombatSightRange() { if (ASWGameRules()) { switch (ASWGameRules()->GetSkillLevel()) { case 1: return ASW_CLOSE_COMBAT_SIGHT_RANGE_EASY; break; case 2: return ASW_CLOSE_COMBAT_SIGHT_RANGE_NORMAL; break; case 3: return ASW_CLOSE_COMBAT_SIGHT_RANGE_HARD; break; case 4: case 5: default: return ASW_CLOSE_COMBAT_SIGHT_RANGE_INSANE; break; } } return ASW_CLOSE_COMBAT_SIGHT_RANGE_INSANE; } bool CASW_Marine::WeaponLOSCondition(const Vector &ownerPos, const Vector &targetPos, bool bSetConditions ) { if (!BaseClass::WeaponLOSCondition(ownerPos, targetPos, bSetConditions)) return false; if (!GetSenses()) { if (bSetConditions) SetCondition(COND_NOT_FACING_ATTACK); return false; } float flDist = targetPos.DistTo(ownerPos); // too far away? if (flDist > GetSenses()->GetDistLook()) { if (bSetConditions) SetCondition(COND_TOO_FAR_TO_ATTACK); return false; } if ( flDist < GetCloseCombatSightRange() ) { return true; } Vector vBodyDir = BodyDirection2D( ); float flDot = DotProduct( targetPos - ownerPos, vBodyDir ); // in hold mode, we can shoot if it's in our cone, or if it's very close if (GetASWOrders() == ASW_ORDER_HOLD_POSITION) { if ( flDot > ASW_HOLD_POSITION_FOV_DOT ) { //if (bSetConditions) //SetCondition(COND_CAN_RANGE_ATTACK1); return true; } if (bSetConditions) SetCondition(COND_NOT_FACING_ATTACK); return false; } if ( GetASWOrders() == ASW_ORDER_FOLLOW ) { if ( flDot < ASW_FOLLOW_MODE_FOV_DOT ) return false; } if ( flDist < GetFollowSightRange() ) //&& flDot > 0.5f ) { //if (bSetConditions) //SetCondition(COND_CAN_RANGE_ATTACK1); return true; } if (bSetConditions) SetCondition(COND_TOO_FAR_TO_ATTACK); return false; } /* int CASW_Marine::RangeAttack1Conditions ( float flDot, float flDist ) { if (!GetSenses()) return COND_NOT_FACING_ATTACK; // too far away? if (flDist > GetSenses()->GetDistLook()) { return COND_TOO_FAR_TO_ATTACK; } // in hold mode, we can shoot if it's in our cone, or if it's very close if (GetASWOrders() == ASW_ORDER_HOLD_POSITION) { if (flDist < GetCloseCombatSightRange()) return COND_CAN_RANGE_ATTACK1; if (flDot > 0.5f) return COND_CAN_RANGE_ATTACK1; else return COND_NOT_FACING_ATTACK; } if (flDist < GetFollowSightRange()) { Msg("%f in follow mode, alien is within follow range (r=%f fw=%f\n", gpGlobals->curtime, flDist, GetFollowSightRange()); return COND_CAN_RANGE_ATTACK1; } Msg("%f in follow mode, alien IS NOT in follow range (r=%f fw=%f\n", gpGlobals->curtime, flDist, GetFollowSightRange()); // must mean we're in follow mode and it's too far away return COND_TOO_FAR_TO_ATTACK; } */ // ========== ASW Schedule Stuff ========= int CASW_Marine::SelectSchedule() { if ( (HasCondition(COND_ENEMY_DEAD) || HasCondition(COND_ENEMY_OCCLUDED) || HasCondition(COND_WEAPON_SIGHT_OCCLUDED)) && m_fOverkillShootTime > gpGlobals->curtime) { return SCHED_ASW_OVERKILL_SHOOT; } if (m_bWaitingToRappel && !m_bOnGround) { return SCHED_ASW_RAPPEL; } if (m_bPreventMovement) return SCHED_ASW_HOLD_POSITION; // if we acquire a new enemy, create our aim error offset if (HasCondition(COND_NEW_ENEMY)) SetNewAimError(GetEnemy()); ClearCondition( COND_ASW_NEW_ORDERS ); if ( HasCondition( COND_PATH_BLOCKED_BY_PHYSICS_PROP ) || HasCondition( COND_COMPLETELY_OUT_OF_AMMO ) ) { int iMeleeSchedule = SelectMeleeSchedule(); if( iMeleeSchedule != -1 ) return iMeleeSchedule; } int iOffhandSchedule = SelectOffhandItemSchedule(); if ( iOffhandSchedule != -1 ) return iOffhandSchedule; int iHackingSchedule = SelectHackingSchedule(); if ( iHackingSchedule != -1 ) return iHackingSchedule; if ( m_hUsingEntity.Get() ) return SCHED_ASW_USING_OVER_TIME; int iHealSchedule = SelectHealSchedule(); if( iHealSchedule != -1) return iHealSchedule; if ( HasCondition( COND_SQUADMATE_NEEDS_AMMO ) ) { int iResupplySchedule = SelectGiveAmmoSchedule(); if ( iResupplySchedule != -1 ) return iResupplySchedule; } int iTakeAmmoSchedule = SelectTakeAmmoSchedule(); if ( iTakeAmmoSchedule != -1 ) return iTakeAmmoSchedule; if ( HasCondition ( COND_SQUADMATE_WANTS_AMMO ) ) { int iResupplySchedule = SelectGiveAmmoSchedule(); if ( iResupplySchedule != -1 ) return iResupplySchedule; } // === following === if ( GetASWOrders() == ASW_ORDER_FOLLOW ) { int iFollowSchedule = SelectFollowSchedule(); if ( iFollowSchedule != -1 ) return iFollowSchedule; } if ( GetASWOrders() == ASW_ORDER_MOVE_TO ) {/* if ( HasCondition(COND_CAN_RANGE_ATTACK1) ) { //Msg("Marine's select schedule returning SCHED_RANGE_ATTACK1\n"); CBaseEntity* pEnemy = GetEnemy(); if (pEnemy) // don't shoot unless we actually have an enemy return SCHED_RANGE_ATTACK1; } */ // if we're already there, hold position float dist = GetAbsOrigin().DistTo(m_vecMoveToOrderPos); if ( dist > 30 ) { return SCHED_ASW_MOVE_TO_ORDER_POS; } SetASWOrders(ASW_ORDER_HOLD_POSITION, m_fHoldingYaw); } // === holding position === if ( HasCondition( COND_CAN_RANGE_ATTACK1 ) ) { //Msg("Marine's select schedule returning SCHED_RANGE_ATTACK1\n"); CBaseEntity* pEnemy = GetEnemy(); if (pEnemy) // don't shoot unless we actually have an enemy return SCHED_RANGE_ATTACK1; } //Msg("Marine's select schedule returning SCHED_ASW_HOLD_POSITION\n"); return SCHED_ASW_HOLD_POSITION; } // translation of schedules int CASW_Marine::TranslateSchedule( int scheduleType ) { Assert(scheduleType != SCHED_STANDOFF); Assert(scheduleType != SCHED_CHASE_ENEMY); int result = CAI_PlayerAlly::TranslateSchedule(scheduleType); if (result == SCHED_RANGE_ATTACK1) result = SCHED_ASW_RANGE_ATTACK1; return result; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CASW_Marine::TaskFail( AI_TaskFailureCode_t code ) { if ( IsCurSchedule( SCHED_ASW_MOVE_TO_ORDER_POS, false ) ) { // if we failed to reach some ammo to pickup, then don't try to pick it up again for a while if ( m_hTakeAmmo.Get() ) { m_hIgnoreAmmo.AddToTail( m_hTakeAmmo ); m_hTakeAmmo = NULL; m_flResetAmmoIgnoreListTime = gpGlobals->curtime + 15.0f; } if ( m_hTakeAmmoDrop.Get() ) { m_hIgnoreAmmo.AddToTail( m_hTakeAmmoDrop ); m_hTakeAmmoDrop = NULL; m_flResetAmmoIgnoreListTime = gpGlobals->curtime + 15.0f; } // change orders back to hold/follow m_hAreaToUse = NULL; if ( m_bWasFollowing ) { SetASWOrders( ASW_ORDER_FOLLOW ); } else { SetASWOrders( ASW_ORDER_HOLD_POSITION, GetHoldingYaw() ); } } else if ( IsCurSchedule( SCHED_MELEE_ATTACK_PROP1, false ) ) { m_hPhysicsPropTarget = NULL; } BaseClass::TaskFail( code ); } ConVar asw_marine_auto_hack( "asw_marine_auto_hack", "0", FCVAR_CHEAT, "If set to 1, marine will automatically hack nearby computers and button panels" ); #define AUTO_HACK_DIST 768.0f int CASW_Marine::SelectHackingSchedule() { if ( !GetMarineProfile() || GetMarineProfile()->GetMarineClass() != MARINE_CLASS_TECH ) return -1; if ( asw_marine_auto_hack.GetBool() ) { CASW_Use_Area *pClosestArea = NULL; float flClosestDist = FLT_MAX; // check for a computer hack nearby for ( int i = 0; i < IASW_Use_Area_List::AutoList().Count(); i++ ) { CASW_Use_Area *pArea = static_cast< CASW_Use_Area* >( IASW_Use_Area_List::AutoList()[ i ] ); if ( pArea->Classify() == CLASS_ASW_BUTTON_PANEL ) { CASW_Button_Area *pButton = assert_cast< CASW_Button_Area* >( pArea ); if ( !pButton->IsLocked() || !pButton->HasPower() ) continue; float flDist = GetAbsOrigin().DistTo( pArea->WorldSpaceCenter() ); if ( flDist < flClosestDist && flDist < AUTO_HACK_DIST ) { flClosestDist = flDist; pClosestArea = pArea; } } else if ( pArea->Classify() == CLASS_ASW_COMPUTER_AREA ) { CASW_Computer_Area *pComputer = assert_cast< CASW_Computer_Area* >( pArea ); if ( pComputer->IsLocked() || ( pComputer->HasDownloadObjective() && pComputer->GetHackProgress() < 1.0f ) ) { float flDist = GetAbsOrigin().DistTo( pArea->WorldSpaceCenter() ); if ( flDist < flClosestDist && flDist < AUTO_HACK_DIST ) { flClosestDist = flDist; pClosestArea = pArea; } } } } if ( pClosestArea ) { m_hAreaToUse = pClosestArea; } } if ( m_hAreaToUse.Get() ) { if ( m_hAreaToUse->IsUsable( this ) ) { // notify to kill the effect in a couple of seconds CASW_Player *pPlayer = GetCommander(); if ( pPlayer && pPlayer->GetMarine() ) { CSingleUserRecipientFilter user( pPlayer ); UserMessageBegin( user, "ASWOrderStopItemFX" ); WRITE_SHORT( entindex() ); WRITE_BOOL( false ); WRITE_BOOL( false ); MessageEnd(); } if ( m_hUsingEntity.Get() == m_hAreaToUse.Get() ) { return SCHED_ASW_USING_OVER_TIME; } else { return SCHED_ASW_USE_AREA; } } else { m_vecMoveToOrderPos = m_hAreaToUse->WorldSpaceCenter(); // TODO: hacking spot marked up in the level? return SCHED_ASW_MOVE_TO_ORDER_POS; } } return -1; } void CASW_Marine::OrderHackArea( CASW_Use_Area *pArea ) { if ( !pArea ) return; bool bHackOrdered = false; if ( pArea->Classify() == CLASS_ASW_BUTTON_PANEL ) { CASW_Button_Area *pButton = assert_cast< CASW_Button_Area* >( pArea ); if ( !pButton->IsLocked() || !pButton->HasPower() ) return; float flDist = GetAbsOrigin().DistTo( pArea->WorldSpaceCenter() ); if ( flDist < AUTO_HACK_DIST ) { m_hAreaToUse = pArea; bHackOrdered = true; } } else if ( pArea->Classify() == CLASS_ASW_COMPUTER_AREA ) { CASW_Computer_Area *pComputer = assert_cast< CASW_Computer_Area* >( pArea ); if ( pComputer->IsLocked() || ( pComputer->HasDownloadObjective() && pComputer->GetHackProgress() < 1.0f ) ) { float flDist = GetAbsOrigin().DistTo( pArea->WorldSpaceCenter() ); if ( flDist < AUTO_HACK_DIST ) { m_hAreaToUse = pArea; bHackOrdered = true; } } } if( bHackOrdered ) { CASW_Player *pPlayer = GetCommander(); if ( pPlayer && pPlayer->GetMarine() ) { Vector vecOrigin = pArea->WorldSpaceCenter(); trace_t tr; // Find where that leg hits the ground UTIL_TraceLine(vecOrigin, vecOrigin + Vector(0, 0, -60), MASK_SOLID_BRUSHONLY, this, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr); CSingleUserRecipientFilter user( pPlayer ); UserMessageBegin( user, "ASWOrderUseItemFX" ); WRITE_SHORT( entindex() ); WRITE_SHORT( ASW_USE_ORDER_HACK ); WRITE_SHORT( -1 ); WRITE_FLOAT( tr.endpos.x ); WRITE_FLOAT( tr.endpos.y ); WRITE_FLOAT( tr.endpos.z ); MessageEnd(); } } } int CASW_Marine::SelectTakeAmmoSchedule() { if ( !m_hTakeAmmo.Get() && !m_hTakeAmmoDrop.Get() ) { if ( gpGlobals->curtime < m_flNextAmmoScanTime ) return -1; m_flNextAmmoScanTime = gpGlobals->curtime + 1.0f; if ( m_flResetAmmoIgnoreListTime != 0.0f && gpGlobals->curtime > m_flResetAmmoIgnoreListTime ) { m_hIgnoreAmmo.Purge(); m_flResetAmmoIgnoreListTime = 0.0f; } const float flAmmoScanRadiusSqr = 384.0f * 384.0f; int nAmmoPickupCount = IAmmoPickupAutoList::AutoList().Count(); for ( int i = 0; i < nAmmoPickupCount; i++ ) { CASW_Ammo *pAmmo = static_cast< CASW_Ammo* >( IAmmoPickupAutoList::AutoList()[ i ] ); EHANDLE hAmmo = pAmmo; if ( m_hIgnoreAmmo.Find( hAmmo ) != m_hIgnoreAmmo.InvalidIndex() ) continue; // check ammo is nearby if ( GetAbsOrigin().DistToSqr( pAmmo->GetAbsOrigin() ) > flAmmoScanRadiusSqr ) continue; // check we need this ammo if ( !pAmmo->AllowedToPickup( this ) ) continue; int nCurrentCount = GetAmmoCount( pAmmo->GetAmmoType() ); // check we don't have more ammo than a human player bool bHumanNeedsAmmo = false; for ( int m = 0; m < ASWGameResource()->GetMaxMarineResources(); m++ ) { CASW_Marine_Resource *pMR = ASWGameResource()->GetMarineResource( m ); if ( !pMR || pMR == GetMarineResource() || !pMR->IsInhabited() || !pMR->GetMarineEntity() ) continue; if ( !pAmmo->AllowedToPickup( pMR->GetMarineEntity() ) ) continue; if ( pMR->GetMarineEntity()->GetAmmoCount( pAmmo->GetAmmoType() ) < nCurrentCount ) { bHumanNeedsAmmo = true; break; } } if ( bHumanNeedsAmmo ) continue; m_hTakeAmmo = pAmmo; m_hTakeAmmoDrop = NULL; break; } // search for ammo satchel drops if ( !m_hTakeAmmo ) { int nAmmoDropCount = IAmmoDropAutoList::AutoList().Count(); for( int i = 0; i < nAmmoDropCount; i++ ) { CASW_Ammo_Drop *pAmmoDrop = static_cast< CASW_Ammo_Drop* >( IAmmoDropAutoList::AutoList()[ i ] ); EHANDLE hAmmoDrop = pAmmoDrop; EHANDLE hAmmo = pAmmoDrop; if ( m_hIgnoreAmmo.Find( hAmmoDrop ) != m_hIgnoreAmmo.InvalidIndex() ) continue; if( GetAbsOrigin().DistToSqr( pAmmoDrop->GetAbsOrigin() ) > flAmmoScanRadiusSqr ) continue; if( !pAmmoDrop->AllowedToPickup( this ) ) continue; bool bHumanNeedsAmmo = false; for( int j = 0; j < ASWGameResource()->GetMaxMarineResources(); j++) { CASW_Marine_Resource *pMR = ASWGameResource()->GetMarineResource( j ); if( !pMR || pMR == GetMarineResource() || !pMR->IsInhabited() || !pMR->GetMarineEntity() ) continue; if( !pAmmoDrop->AllowedToPickup( pMR->GetMarineEntity() ) ) continue; if ( !pAmmoDrop->NeedsAmmoMoreThan( this, pMR->GetMarineEntity() ) ) { bHumanNeedsAmmo = true; break; } } if( bHumanNeedsAmmo ) continue; m_hTakeAmmoDrop = pAmmoDrop; break; } } } EHANDLE hAmmo = ( m_hTakeAmmo.Get() ? m_hTakeAmmo : ( m_hTakeAmmoDrop.Get() ? m_hTakeAmmoDrop : NULL ) ); if ( hAmmo != NULL ) { SetPoseParameter( "move_x", 1.0f ); SetPoseParameter( "move_y", 0.0f ); // if we're in range of the deploy spot, then use the item if ( hAmmo->GetAbsOrigin().DistTo( GetAbsOrigin() ) < ASW_MARINE_USE_RADIUS ) { if( m_hTakeAmmo.Get() ) { m_hTakeAmmo->ActivateUseIcon( this, ASW_USE_RELEASE_QUICK ); } else { m_hTakeAmmoDrop->ActivateUseIcon( this, ASW_USE_RELEASE_QUICK ); } m_hTakeAmmo = NULL; m_hTakeAmmoDrop = NULL; DoAnimationEvent( PLAYERANIMEVENT_PICKUP ); m_flNextAmmoScanTime = gpGlobals->curtime + 1.0f; return SCHED_ASW_PICKUP_WAIT; } else { // move to the ammo m_vecMoveToOrderPos = hAmmo->GetAbsOrigin(); return SCHED_ASW_MOVE_TO_ORDER_POS; } } return -1; } bool CASW_Marine::OnObstructionPreSteer( AILocalMoveGoal_t *pMoveGoal, float distClear, AIMoveResult_t *pResult ) { SetPhysicsPropTarget( NULL ); if ( pMoveGoal->directTrace.pObstruction ) { CASW_Prop_Physics *pPropPhysics = dynamic_cast< CASW_Prop_Physics *>( pMoveGoal->directTrace.pObstruction ); if ( pPropPhysics && pPropPhysics->m_takedamage == DAMAGE_YES && pPropPhysics->m_iHealth > 0 ) { SetPhysicsPropTarget( pPropPhysics ); } } return false; } void CASW_Marine::GatherConditions() { BaseClass::GatherConditions(); ClearCondition( COND_PATH_BLOCKED_BY_PHYSICS_PROP ); ClearCondition( COND_PROP_DESTROYED ); ClearCondition( COND_COMPLETELY_OUT_OF_AMMO ); if( !GetCurSchedule() ) return; bool bClearTargets = false; if( GetCurSchedule()->GetId() == GetGlobalScheduleId( SCHED_MELEE_ATTACK_PROP1 ) ) { if( !GetPhysicsPropTarget() || GetPhysicsPropTarget()->GetHealth() <= 0 ) { SetCondition( COND_PROP_DESTROYED ); bClearTargets = true; } } else { if( GetPhysicsPropTarget() ) { if( GetPhysicsPropTarget()->GetHealth() > 0 ) { SetCondition( COND_PATH_BLOCKED_BY_PHYSICS_PROP ); } else { bClearTargets = true; } } } if( bClearTargets ) { if( GetEnemy() == GetPhysicsPropTarget() ) { SetEnemy( NULL ); } SetPhysicsPropTarget( NULL ); } int iCurSchedule = GetCurSchedule()->GetId(); bool bRangedAttackSchedule = false; switch( iCurSchedule ) { case SCHED_RANGE_ATTACK1: case SCHED_RANGE_ATTACK2: case SCHED_SPECIAL_ATTACK1: case SCHED_SPECIAL_ATTACK2: { bRangedAttackSchedule = true; } break; }; if( IsOutOfAmmo() && bRangedAttackSchedule ) { SetCondition( COND_COMPLETELY_OUT_OF_AMMO ); } } void CASW_Marine::BuildScheduleTestBits() { // ammo bag functionality needs to interrupt base class behaviors SetCustomInterruptCondition(COND_SQUADMATE_WANTS_AMMO); SetCustomInterruptCondition(COND_SQUADMATE_NEEDS_AMMO); SetCustomInterruptCondition(COND_PATH_BLOCKED_BY_PHYSICS_PROP); SetCustomInterruptCondition(COND_COMPLETELY_OUT_OF_AMMO); } int CASW_Marine::SelectGiveAmmoSchedule() { // iterate over all teammates, looking for most needy target for ammo CASW_Game_Resource *pGameResource = ASWGameResource(); for ( int i=0; iGetMaxMarineResources(); i++ ) { CASW_Marine_Resource* pMarineResource = pGameResource->GetMarineResource(i); if ( !pMarineResource ) continue; CASW_Marine* pMarine = pMarineResource->GetMarineEntity(); if ( !pMarine || ( pMarine == this ) ) continue; // see if the current marine can use ammo I have if ( CanGiveAmmoTo( pMarine ) ) { // $TODO: find most appropriate give ammo target a la AmmoNeed_t m_hGiveAmmoTarget = pMarine; return SCHED_ASW_GIVE_AMMO; } } m_hGiveAmmoTarget = NULL; return -1; } bool CASW_Marine::CanHeal() const { for ( int iWeapon = 0; iWeapon < ASW_NUM_INVENTORY_SLOTS; iWeapon++ ) { CASW_Weapon *pWeapon = GetASWWeapon( iWeapon ); if ( pWeapon && pWeapon->Classify() == CLASS_ASW_HEAL_GUN && pWeapon->HasAmmo() ) { return true; } } return false; } #define MARINE_START_HEAL_THRESHOLD 0.65f #define MARINE_STOP_HEAL_THRESHOLD 0.85f int CASW_Marine::SelectHealSchedule() { // iterate over all teammates, looking for most needy target for health CASW_Game_Resource *pGameResource = ASWGameResource(); for ( int i=0; iGetMaxMarineResources(); i++ ) { CASW_Marine_Resource* pMarineResource = pGameResource->GetMarineResource(i); if ( !pMarineResource ) continue; CASW_Marine* pMarine = pMarineResource->GetMarineEntity(); if ( !pMarine ) continue; // see if the current marine can use ammo I have if ( CanHeal() && pMarine->GetHealth() < pMarine->GetMaxHealth() * MARINE_START_HEAL_THRESHOLD ) { m_hHealTarget = pMarine; return SCHED_ASW_HEAL_MARINE; } } m_hHealTarget = NULL; return -1; } void CASW_Marine::SetASWOrders(ASW_Orders NewOrders, float fHoldingYaw, const Vector *pOrderPos) { Vector vecPos = vec3_origin; if (pOrderPos) vecPos = *pOrderPos; if (m_ASWOrders != NewOrders || m_vecMoveToOrderPos != vecPos || (fHoldingYaw != -1 && fHoldingYaw != m_fHoldingYaw)) { SetCondition( COND_ASW_NEW_ORDERS ); if (NewOrders == ASW_ORDER_HOLD_POSITION) { SetDistLook( ASW_HOLD_POSITION_SIGHT_RANGE ); // make marines see further when holding position m_flFieldOfView = ASW_HOLD_POSITION_FOV_DOT; } else { m_flFieldOfView = ASW_FOLLOW_MODE_FOV_DOT; if ( !asw_blind_follow.GetBool() ) { SetDistLook( ASW_FOLLOW_MODE_SIGHT_RANGE ); SetHeightLook( ASW_FOLLOW_MODE_SIGHT_HEIGHT ); } else { SetDistLook( ASW_DUMB_FOLLOW_MODE_SIGHT_RANGE ); SetHeightLook( ASW_DUMB_FOLLOW_MODE_SIGHT_HEIGHT ); } } } if ( NewOrders != ASW_ORDER_FOLLOW ) { GetSquadFormation()->Remove(this, true); m_hMarineFollowTarget = NULL; } m_bWasFollowing = ( NewOrders == ASW_ORDER_FOLLOW || ( NewOrders != ASW_ORDER_HOLD_POSITION && m_ASWOrders == ASW_ORDER_FOLLOW ) ); // keeps track of follow vs hold, so we can return to the right orders after completing the new ones m_ASWOrders = NewOrders; m_vecMoveToOrderPos = vecPos; if (fHoldingYaw != -1) m_fHoldingYaw = fHoldingYaw; //Msg("Marine receives asw orders: %d\n", NewOrders); } void CASW_Marine::OrdersFromPlayer(CASW_Player *pPlayer, ASW_Orders NewOrders, CBaseEntity *pMarine, bool bChatter, float fHoldingYaw, Vector *pVecOrderPos) { MDLCACHE_CRITICAL_SECTION(); // asw temp - AI ignore follow orders in SP //if (gpGlobals->maxClients <= 1 && NewOrders == ASW_ORDER_FOLLOW) //return; if (fHoldingYaw == -1) fHoldingYaw = GetAbsAngles()[YAW]; m_bDoneOrderChatter = false; SetASWOrders(NewOrders, fHoldingYaw, pVecOrderPos); if (NewOrders == ASW_ORDER_FOLLOW) { if ( pMarine && pMarine->Classify() == CLASS_ASW_MARINE ) { // Assert( assert_cast( pMarine )->GetSquadFormation()->Leader() == pMarine ); CASW_Marine *pReallyMarine = assert_cast( pMarine ); if ( pReallyMarine != GetSquadLeader() ) GetSquadFormation()->ChangeLeader( pReallyMarine ); if ( !GetSquadFormation()->IsValid( GetSquadFormation()->Find(this) ) ) pReallyMarine->GetSquadFormation()->Add( this ); } else { GetSquadFormation()->Remove( this, true ); } //DoEmote(2); // make them smile on receiving orders // make sure his move_x/y pose parameters are at full moving forwards, so the AI follow movement will detect some sequence motion when calculating goal speed SetPoseParameter( "move_x", 1.0f ); SetPoseParameter( "move_y", 0.0f ); if (bChatter && !IsInfested()) GetMarineSpeech()->QueueChatter(CHATTER_USE, gpGlobals->curtime + 0.1f, gpGlobals->curtime + 5.0f); } else if (NewOrders == ASW_ORDER_HOLD_POSITION) { //m_fHoldingYaw = GetAbsAngles().y; if (bChatter && !IsInfested() && ( GetFlags() & FL_ONGROUND ) && !m_hUsingEntity.Get()) GetMarineSpeech()->QueueChatter(CHATTER_HOLDING_POSITION, gpGlobals->curtime + 0.1f, gpGlobals->curtime + 5.0f); } else if (NewOrders == ASW_ORDER_MOVE_TO && pVecOrderPos != NULL) { //DoEmote(2); // make them smile on receiving orders // make sure his move_x/y pose parameters are at full moving fowards, so the AI follow movement will detect some sequence motion when calculating goal speed SetPoseParameter( "move_x", 1.0f ); SetPoseParameter( "move_y", 0.0f ); //Msg("Recieived orders to move to %f %f %f\n", //pVecOrderPos[0], pVecOrderPos[1], pVecOrderPos[2]); //m_vecMoveToOrderPos = *pVecOrderPos; //Msg("m_vecMoveToOrderPos= %f %f %f\n", // m_vecMoveToOrderPos[0], m_vecMoveToOrderPos[1], m_vecMoveToOrderPos[2]); } m_fCachedIdealSpeed = MaxSpeed(); } static void DebugWaypoint( AI_Waypoint_t * pWay, int r, int g, int b, float flDuration = 3 ) { if ( pWay && pWay->GetNext() ) { NDebugOverlay::Line( pWay->GetPos(), pWay->GetNext()->GetPos(), r, g, b, true, 3 ); return DebugWaypoint( pWay->GetNext(), r, g, b, flDuration ); } } /// because AI_Waypoint_t::flPathDistGoal is broken static float GetWaypointDistToEnd( const Vector &vStartPos, AI_Waypoint_t *way ) { if ( !way ) return FLT_MAX; float ret = way->GetPos().DistTo(vStartPos); while ( way->GetNext() ) { ret += way->GetNext()->GetPos().DistTo( way->GetPos() ); way = way->GetNext(); } return ret; } /// When a marine uses an offhand item, sometimes you need to pick a different /// location for its use than exactly where the cursor was. And sometimes /// you need to kibosh the use altogether. Returns true if the offhand use /// should continue, false means it should be aborted static bool AdjustOffhandItemDestination( CASW_Marine *pMarine, CASW_Weapon *pWeapon, const Vector &vecDestIn, Vector * RESTRICT vecDestOut ) { // NDebugOverlay::Cross3D( vecDestIn, 16, 255, 16, 16, true, 3 ); if ( pWeapon->Classify() == CLASS_ASW_WELDER ) { // find a door near the given position CASW_Door_Area *pClosestArea = NULL; CASW_Door * RESTRICT pDoor = NULL; float flClosestDist = FLT_MAX; for ( int i = 0; i < IASW_Use_Area_List::AutoList().Count(); i++ ) { CASW_Use_Area *pArea = static_cast< CASW_Use_Area* >( IASW_Use_Area_List::AutoList()[ i ] ); if ( pArea->Classify() == CLASS_ASW_DOOR_AREA ) { CASW_Door_Area *pDoorArea = assert_cast( pArea ); float flDist = (vecDestIn - pArea->WorldSpaceCenter()).Length2D( ); if ( flDist < flClosestDist && flDist < 240 ) { flClosestDist = flDist; pClosestArea = pDoorArea; } } } if ( !pClosestArea ) { return false; } pDoor = pClosestArea->GetASWDoor(); if ( !pDoor ) { AssertMsg( false, "Door area is missing its door!\n" ); return false; } if ( asw_debug_order_weld.GetBool() ) NDebugOverlay::EntityBounds( pDoor, 0, 0, 255, 64, 3 ); // pick a point to either side of the door and build routes to them Vector vStandPoints[2]; float fkickout = pMarine->BoundingRadius() * 1.1f; float flTolerance = pMarine->BoundingRadius() * 1.1f; // get the door's transform, and punch its saved "closed position" into the translate row if ( true ) { matrix3x4_t mat = pDoor->EntityToWorldTransform(); mat.SetOrigin( pDoor->GetClosedPosition() ); VectorTransform( Vector(fkickout,0,0), mat, vStandPoints[0] ); VectorTransform( Vector(-fkickout,0,0), mat, vStandPoints[1] ); } else { pDoor->EntityToWorldSpace( Vector(fkickout,0,0), vStandPoints + 0 ); // forward pDoor->EntityToWorldSpace( Vector(-fkickout,0,0), vStandPoints + 1 ); } CAI_Pathfinder *pathfinder = pMarine->GetPathfinder(); AI_Waypoint_t *routeFwd = pathfinder->BuildRoute( pMarine->GetAbsOrigin(), vStandPoints[0], NULL, flTolerance, NAV_GROUND, bits_BUILD_GET_CLOSE ); AI_Waypoint_t *routeBack = pathfinder->BuildRoute( pMarine->GetAbsOrigin(), vStandPoints[1], NULL, flTolerance, NAV_GROUND, bits_BUILD_GET_CLOSE ); if ( asw_debug_order_weld.GetBool() ) { if ( routeFwd ) { NDebugOverlay::Circle( vStandPoints[0], QAngle(90, 0, 0), 24, 0, 128, 255, 255, true, 3 ); } else { NDebugOverlay::Circle( vStandPoints[0], QAngle(90, 0, 0), 24, 255, 0, 0, 255, true, 3 ); } if ( routeBack ) { NDebugOverlay::Circle( vStandPoints[1], QAngle(90, 0, 0), 24, 0, 255, 128, 255, true, 3 ); } else { NDebugOverlay::Circle( vStandPoints[1], QAngle(90, 0, 0), 24, 255, 0, 0, 255, true, 3 ); } } if ( !routeBack && !routeFwd ) { delete routeFwd; delete routeBack; return false; } CASW_Marine *pLeader = static_cast< CASW_Marine* >( pMarine->GetSquadLeader() ); float flDists[2]; flDists[0] = routeFwd ? GetWaypointDistToEnd( pMarine->GetAbsOrigin(), routeFwd ) : FLT_MAX; flDists[1] = routeBack ? GetWaypointDistToEnd( pMarine->GetAbsOrigin(), routeBack ) : FLT_MAX; bool bUseForwardRoute = ( routeFwd && ( !routeBack || flDists[0] < flDists[1] ) ); if ( pLeader ) { // move to whichever one is closer to our follow leader CAI_Pathfinder *pathfinder = pLeader->GetPathfinder(); CPlainAutoPtr leaderRouteFwd( pathfinder->BuildRoute( pLeader->GetAbsOrigin(), vStandPoints[0], NULL, flTolerance, NAV_GROUND, bits_BUILD_GET_CLOSE ) ); CPlainAutoPtr leaderRouteBack( pathfinder->BuildRoute( pLeader->GetAbsOrigin(), vStandPoints[1], NULL, flTolerance, NAV_GROUND, bits_BUILD_GET_CLOSE ) ); float flLeaderDists[2]; flLeaderDists[0] = leaderRouteFwd.IsValid() ? GetWaypointDistToEnd( pLeader->GetAbsOrigin(), leaderRouteFwd.Get() ) : FLT_MAX; flLeaderDists[1] = leaderRouteBack.IsValid() ? GetWaypointDistToEnd( pLeader->GetAbsOrigin(), leaderRouteBack.Get()) : FLT_MAX; if ( leaderRouteFwd.IsValid() || leaderRouteBack.IsValid() ) { bool bLeaderUseForwardRoute = ( leaderRouteFwd.IsValid() && ( !leaderRouteBack.IsValid() || flLeaderDists[0] < flLeaderDists[1] ) ); if ( bLeaderUseForwardRoute != bUseForwardRoute ) { // leader is on an opposite side to the marine, push the point forward a bit more so marine clears the doorway he's running through matrix3x4_t mat = pDoor->EntityToWorldTransform(); mat.SetOrigin( pDoor->GetClosedPosition() ); float fkickout = pMarine->BoundingRadius() * 2.2f; VectorTransform( Vector(fkickout,0,0), mat, vStandPoints[0] ); VectorTransform( Vector(-fkickout,0,0), mat, vStandPoints[1] ); delete routeFwd; delete routeBack; routeFwd = pathfinder->BuildRoute( pMarine->GetAbsOrigin(), vStandPoints[0], NULL, flTolerance, NAV_GROUND, bits_BUILD_GET_CLOSE ); routeBack = pathfinder->BuildRoute( pMarine->GetAbsOrigin(), vStandPoints[1], NULL, flTolerance, NAV_GROUND, bits_BUILD_GET_CLOSE ); if ( !routeBack && !routeFwd ) { delete routeFwd; delete routeBack; return false; } flDists[0] = routeFwd ? GetWaypointDistToEnd( pMarine->GetAbsOrigin(), routeFwd ) : FLT_MAX; flDists[1] = routeBack ? GetWaypointDistToEnd( pMarine->GetAbsOrigin(), routeBack ) : FLT_MAX; if ( ( bLeaderUseForwardRoute && routeFwd ) || ( !bLeaderUseForwardRoute && routeBack ) ) { bUseForwardRoute = bLeaderUseForwardRoute; } } } } // pick the shorter (or only existing) route if ( bUseForwardRoute ) { *vecDestOut = routeFwd->GetLast()->GetPos(); // vStandPoints[0]; if ( asw_debug_order_weld.GetBool() ) { DebugWaypoint( routeFwd, 255, 255, 0 ); if ( routeBack ) { Msg( "%.3f < %.3f\n", flDists[0], flDists[1] ); DebugWaypoint( routeBack, 0, 255, 0 ); } } } else { *vecDestOut = routeBack->GetLast()->GetPos(); // vStandPoints[1]; if ( asw_debug_order_weld.GetBool() ) { DebugWaypoint( routeBack, 255, 255, 0 ); if ( routeFwd ) { Msg( "%.3f < %.3f\n", flDists[1], flDists[0] ); DebugWaypoint( routeFwd, 0, 255, 0 ); } } } delete routeFwd; delete routeBack; return true; } else { // do nothing, just copy through *vecDestOut = vecDestIn; return true; } } void CASW_Marine::OrderUseOffhandItem( int iInventorySlot, const Vector &vecDest ) { // check we have an item in that slot CASW_Weapon* pWeapon = GetASWWeapon( iInventorySlot ); if ( !pWeapon || !pWeapon->GetWeaponInfo() || !pWeapon->GetWeaponInfo()->m_bOffhandActivate ) return; // m_vecOffhandItemSpot = vecDest; if ( !AdjustOffhandItemDestination( this, pWeapon, vecDest, &m_vecOffhandItemSpot) ) return; else if ( asw_debug_order_weld.GetBool() ) { NDebugOverlay::Cross( m_vecOffhandItemSpot, 12.0f, 255, 0, 0, true, 3 ); } if ( pWeapon->GetWeaponInfo()->m_nOffhandOrderType == ASW_OFFHAND_USE_IMMEDIATELY ) { pWeapon->OffhandActivate(); return; } CASW_Player *pPlayer = GetCommander(); if ( pPlayer ) { //DispatchParticleEffect( "marine_hit_blood_ff", vecDest, QAngle( 0, 0, 0 ) ); // Tell the player's client that he's been hurt. CSingleUserRecipientFilter user( pPlayer ); UserMessageBegin( user, "ASWOrderUseItemFX" ); WRITE_SHORT( entindex() ); WRITE_SHORT( ASW_USE_ORDER_WITH_ITEM ); WRITE_SHORT( iInventorySlot ); WRITE_FLOAT( m_vecOffhandItemSpot.x ); WRITE_FLOAT( m_vecOffhandItemSpot.y ); WRITE_FLOAT( m_vecOffhandItemSpot.z ); MessageEnd(); } m_ASWOrders = ASW_ORDER_USE_OFFHAND_ITEM; m_hOffhandItemToUse = pWeapon; SetCondition( COND_ASW_NEW_ORDERS ); } #define ASW_DEPLOY_RANGE 75.0f int CASW_Marine::SelectOffhandItemSchedule() { if ( m_bWaitingForWeld ) { if( gpGlobals->curtime > m_flBeginWeldTime + 5.0f ) { FinishedUsingOffhandItem( false ); return SCHED_ASW_FOLLOW_WAIT; } return SCHED_ASW_FOLLOW_WAIT; } if ( GetASWOrders() != ASW_ORDER_USE_OFFHAND_ITEM ) return -1; if ( !m_hOffhandItemToUse.Get() ) return -1; const CASW_WeaponInfo *pInfo = m_hOffhandItemToUse->GetWeaponInfo(); if ( !pInfo ) return -1; SetPoseParameter( "move_x", 1.0f ); SetPoseParameter( "move_y", 0.0f ); if ( pInfo->m_nOffhandOrderType == ASW_OFFHAND_DEPLOY ) { // if we're in range of the deploy spot, then use the item if ( ( m_vecOffhandItemSpot - GetAbsOrigin() ).Length2D() < ASW_DEPLOY_RANGE ) { m_hOffhandItemToUse->OffhandActivate(); FinishedUsingOffhandItem( false ); if ( m_bWaitingForWeld ) { return SCHED_ASW_FOLLOW_WAIT; } } else { // otherwise, move to just in front of the deploy spot Vector dir = GetAbsOrigin() - m_vecOffhandItemSpot; dir.z = 0; dir.NormalizeInPlace(); m_vecMoveToOrderPos = m_vecOffhandItemSpot + dir * 50.0f; return SCHED_ASW_MOVE_TO_ORDER_POS; } } else { // if we have line of sight to the target spot if ( CanThrowOffhand( m_hOffhandItemToUse, GetOffhandThrowSource(), m_vecOffhandItemSpot, asw_debug_throw.GetInt() == 3 ) ) { m_hOffhandItemToUse->OffhandActivate(); FinishedUsingOffhandItem( true ); } else { const float MIN_THROW_RANGE = 50.0f; const float MAX_THROW_RANGE = 700.0f; Vector pos; int iNode = FindThrowNode( m_vecOffhandItemSpot, MIN_THROW_RANGE, MAX_THROW_RANGE, 1.0f ); if ( iNode != NO_NODE ) { // move to the spot with line of sight m_vecMoveToOrderPos = g_pBigAINet->GetNode(iNode)->GetPosition(GetHullType()); return SCHED_ASW_MOVE_TO_ORDER_POS; } else { // abort Msg( "Failed to find throw node\n" ); FinishedUsingOffhandItem( true, true ); } } } return -1; } void CASW_Marine::FinishedUsingOffhandItem( bool bItemThrown, bool bFailed ) { // go back to following our commander's marine CASW_Player *pPlayer = GetCommander(); if ( pPlayer && pPlayer->GetMarine() ) { OrdersFromPlayer( pPlayer, ASW_ORDER_FOLLOW, pPlayer->GetMarine(), true ); CSingleUserRecipientFilter user( pPlayer ); UserMessageBegin( user, "ASWOrderStopItemFX" ); WRITE_SHORT( entindex() ); WRITE_BOOL( bItemThrown ); WRITE_BOOL( bFailed ); MessageEnd(); } else { OrdersFromPlayer( NULL, ASW_ORDER_HOLD_POSITION, this, true, GetLocalAngles().y); } } // checks if our thrown offhand item will reach the destination bool CASW_Marine::CanThrowOffhand( CASW_Weapon *pWeapon, const Vector &vecSrc, const Vector &vecDest, bool bDrawArc ) { if ( !pWeapon ) return false; Vector vecVelocity = UTIL_LaunchVector( vecSrc, vecDest, pWeapon->GetThrowGravity() ) * 28.0f; Vector vecResult = UTIL_Check_Throw( vecSrc, vecVelocity, pWeapon->GetThrowGravity(), -Vector( 12,12,12 ), Vector( 12,12,12 ), MASK_NPCSOLID, COLLISION_GROUP_PROJECTILE, this, bDrawArc ); float flDist = vecResult.DistTo( vecDest ); return ( flDist < 50.0f ); } int CASW_Marine::FindThrowNode( const Vector &vThreatPos, float flMinThreatDist, float flMaxThreatDist, float flBlockTime ) { if ( !CAI_NetworkManager::NetworksLoaded() ) return NO_NODE; AI_PROFILE_SCOPE( CASW_Marine::FindThrowNode ); Remember( bits_MEMORY_TASK_EXPENSIVE ); int iMyNode = GetPathfinder()->NearestNodeToNPC(); if ( iMyNode == NO_NODE ) { Vector pos = GetAbsOrigin(); DevWarning( 2, "FindThrowNode() - %s has no nearest node! (Check near %f %f %f)\n", GetClassname(), pos.x, pos.y, pos.z); return NO_NODE; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // We're going to search for a shoot node by expanding to our current node's neighbors // and then their neighbors, until a shooting position is found, or all nodes are beyond MaxDist // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AI_NearNode_t *pBuffer = (AI_NearNode_t *)stackalloc( sizeof(AI_NearNode_t) * g_pBigAINet->NumNodes() ); CNodeList list( pBuffer, g_pBigAINet->NumNodes() ); CVarBitVec wasVisited(g_pBigAINet->NumNodes()); // Nodes visited // mark start as visited wasVisited.Set( iMyNode ); list.Insert( AI_NearNode_t(iMyNode, 0) ); static int nSearchRandomizer = 0; // tries to ensure the links are searched in a different order each time; while ( list.Count() ) { int nodeIndex = list.ElementAtHead().nodeIndex; // remove this item from the list list.RemoveAtHead(); const Vector &nodeOrigin = g_pBigAINet->GetNode(nodeIndex)->GetPosition(GetHullType()); // HACKHACK: Can't we rework this loop and get rid of this? // skip the starting node, or we probably wouldn't have called this function. if ( nodeIndex != iMyNode ) { bool skip = false; // Don't accept climb nodes, and assume my nearest node isn't valid because // we decided to make this check in the first place. Keep moving if ( !skip && !g_pBigAINet->GetNode(nodeIndex)->IsLocked() && g_pBigAINet->GetNode(nodeIndex)->GetType() != NODE_CLIMB ) { // Now check its distance and only accept if in range float flThreatDist = ( nodeOrigin - vThreatPos ).Length(); if ( flThreatDist < flMaxThreatDist && flThreatDist > flMinThreatDist ) { //CAI_Node *pNode = g_pBigAINet->GetNode(nodeIndex); if ( CanThrowOffhand( m_hOffhandItemToUse.Get(), GetOffhandThrowSource( &nodeOrigin ), vThreatPos, asw_debug_throw.GetInt() == 2 ) ) { // Note when this node was used, so we don't try // to use it again right away. g_pBigAINet->GetNode(nodeIndex)->Lock( flBlockTime ); if ( asw_debug_throw.GetBool() ) { NDebugOverlay::Text( nodeOrigin, CFmtStr( "%d:los", nodeIndex), false, 1 ); // draw the arc CanThrowOffhand( m_hOffhandItemToUse.Get(), GetOffhandThrowSource( &nodeOrigin ), vThreatPos, true ); } // The next NPC who searches should use a slight different pattern nSearchRandomizer = nodeIndex; return nodeIndex; } else { if ( asw_debug_throw.GetBool() ) { NDebugOverlay::Text( nodeOrigin, CFmtStr( "%d:!throw", nodeIndex), false, 1 ); } } } else { if ( asw_debug_throw.GetBool() ) { CFmtStr msg( "%d:%s", nodeIndex, ( flThreatDist < flMaxThreatDist ) ? "too close" : "too far" ); NDebugOverlay::Text( nodeOrigin, msg, false, 1 ); } } } } // Go through each link and add connected nodes to the list for (int link=0; link < g_pBigAINet->GetNode(nodeIndex)->NumLinks();link++) { int index = (link + nSearchRandomizer) % g_pBigAINet->GetNode(nodeIndex)->NumLinks(); CAI_Link *nodeLink = g_pBigAINet->GetNode(nodeIndex)->GetLinkByIndex(index); if ( !GetPathfinder()->IsLinkUsable( nodeLink, iMyNode ) ) continue; int newID = nodeLink->DestNodeID(nodeIndex); // If not already visited, add to the list if (!wasVisited.IsBitSet(newID)) { float dist = (GetLocalOrigin() - g_pBigAINet->GetNode(newID)->GetPosition(GetHullType())).LengthSqr(); list.Insert( AI_NearNode_t(newID, dist) ); wasVisited.Set( newID ); } } } // We failed. No range attack node node was found return NO_NODE; } // custom follow stuff #define ASW_FOLLOW_DISTANCE 230 #define ASW_FOLLOW_DISTANCE_NO_LOS 100 #define ASW_FORMATION_FOLLOW_DISTANCE 40 bool CASW_Marine::NeedToUpdateSquad() { // basically, if I am a leader and I've moved, an update is needed. return ( GetSquadLeader() == this && GetSquadFormation()->ShouldUpdateFollowPositions() ); } bool CASW_Marine::NeedToFollowMove() { CASW_Marine * RESTRICT pLeader = GetSquadLeader(); if ( !pLeader || pLeader == this ) return false; if( IsOutOfAmmo() && GetEnemy() ) return false; // only move if we're not near our saved follow point float dist = ( GetAbsOrigin() - GetFollowPos() ).Length2DSqr(); return dist > ( ASW_FORMATION_FOLLOW_DISTANCE * ASW_FORMATION_FOLLOW_DISTANCE ); } static bool ValidMarineMeleeTarget( CBaseEntity *pEnt ) { if ( !pEnt ) return false; // don't punch big scary aliens Class_T entClass = pEnt->Classify(); if ( entClass == CLASS_ASW_BOOMER || entClass == CLASS_ASW_SHIELDBUG || entClass == CLASS_ASW_HARVESTER || entClass == CLASS_ASW_MORTAR_BUG ) return false; return true; } int CASW_Marine::SelectMeleeSchedule() { if( GetPhysicsPropTarget() ) { SetEnemy( GetPhysicsPropTarget() ); return SCHED_MELEE_ATTACK_PROP1; } else if( GetEnemy() ) { bool bLastManStanding = true; CASW_Game_Resource *pGameResource = ASWGameResource(); for ( int i = 0; i < pGameResource->GetMaxMarineResources(); i++ ) { CASW_Marine_Resource *pMR = pGameResource->GetMarineResource(i); CASW_Marine *pMarine = pMR ? pMR->GetMarineEntity() : NULL; if( pMarine && pMarine != this && pMarine->GetHealth() > 0 ) { bLastManStanding = false; break; } } if( GetHealth() > GetMaxHealth() * 0.5f || bLastManStanding || GetAbsOrigin().DistToSqr( GetEnemyLKP() ) < Square( 100.0f ) ) { if ( ValidMarineMeleeTarget( GetEnemy() ) ) { return SCHED_ENGAGE_AND_MELEE_ATTACK1; } } } return -1; } ConVar asw_follow_slow_distance( "asw_follow_slow_distance", "1200.0f", FCVAR_CHEAT, "Marines will follow their leader slowly during combat if he's within this distance" ); int CASW_Marine::SelectFollowSchedule() { // if we don't have anyone to follow, revert to holding position orders if ( !GetSquadLeader() && ASWGameRules() && gpGlobals->curtime > ASWGameRules()->m_fMissionStartedTime + 4.0f ) { SetASWOrders(ASW_ORDER_HOLD_POSITION, GetAbsAngles()[YAW], &GetAbsOrigin()); return SCHED_ASW_HOLD_POSITION; } if (NeedToFollowMove()) { return SCHED_ASW_FOLLOW_MOVE; } // shoot if we need to if ( HasCondition(COND_CAN_RANGE_ATTACK1) ) { //Msg("Marine's select schedule returning SCHED_RANGE_ATTACK1\n"); CBaseEntity* pEnemy = GetEnemy(); if (pEnemy) // don't shoot unless we actually have an enemy return SCHED_RANGE_ATTACK1; } if( IsOutOfAmmo() && GetEnemy() ) { SetCondition( COND_COMPLETELY_OUT_OF_AMMO ); int iMeleeSchedule = SelectMeleeSchedule(); if( iMeleeSchedule != -1 ) return iMeleeSchedule; } // check if we're too near another marine //CASW_Marine *pCloseMarine = TooCloseToAnotherMarine(); //if (pCloseMarine) //{ //Msg("marine is too close to %d\n", pCloseMarine->entindex()); //return SCHED_ASW_FOLLOW_BACK_OFF; //} return SCHED_ASW_FOLLOW_WAIT; } #define ASW_MARINE_TOO_CLOSE 40 CASW_Marine* CASW_Marine::TooCloseToAnotherMarine() { if ( !ASWGameResource() ) return NULL; CASW_Game_Resource *pGameResource = ASWGameResource(); for (int i=0;iGetMaxMarineResources();i++) { CASW_Marine_Resource *pMR = pGameResource->GetMarineResource(i); if (!pMR) continue; CASW_Marine *pMarine = pMR->GetMarineEntity(); if (!pMarine || pMarine == this) continue; float dist = pMarine->GetAbsOrigin().DistTo(GetAbsOrigin()); if ( dist < ASW_MARINE_TOO_CLOSE) { Msg("marine %d is %f away\n", i, dist); return pMarine; } } return NULL; } void CASW_Marine::StartTask(const Task_t *pTask) { switch (pTask->iTask) { case TASK_ASW_ORDER_TO_DEPLOY_SPOT: { CASW_Bloodhound *pDropship = dynamic_cast(gEntList.FindEntityByClassname( NULL, "asw_bloodhound" )); if (pDropship) pDropship->MarineLanded(this); TaskComplete(); break; } case TASK_ASW_FACE_HOLDING_YAW: case TASK_ASW_FACE_USING_ITEM: { SetWait( pTask->flTaskData ); SetIdealActivity( ACT_IDLE ); break; } case TASK_ASW_START_USING_AREA: { if ( m_hAreaToUse.Get() && m_hAreaToUse->IsUsable( this ) ) { m_hAreaToUse->ActivateUseIcon( this, ASW_USE_RELEASE_QUICK ); } TaskComplete(); break; } case TASK_ASW_CHATTER_CONFIRM: { if (!m_bDoneOrderChatter) { m_bDoneOrderChatter = true; if (!IsInfested() && random->RandomFloat() <= pTask->flTaskData) GetMarineSpeech()->QueueChatter(CHATTER_USE, gpGlobals->curtime + 0.1f, gpGlobals->curtime + 5.0f, GetCommander()); } TaskComplete(); break; } case TASK_ASW_FACE_FOLLOW_WAIT: { SetWait( pTask->flTaskData ); break; } case TASK_ASW_FACE_ENEMY_WITH_ERROR: { break; } case TASK_ASW_OVERKILL_SHOOT: { m_fStartedFiringTime = gpGlobals->curtime; break; } case TASK_ASW_GET_PATH_TO_ORDER_POS: { //NDebugOverlay::Line( GetAbsOrigin(), m_vecMoveToOrderPos, 255, 0, 0, true, 4.0f ); float flTolerance = AIN_HULL_TOLERANCE; if ( m_vecMoveToOrderPos == m_vecOffhandItemSpot ) { flTolerance = 100.0f; } AI_NavGoal_t goal(m_vecMoveToOrderPos, ACT_RUN, flTolerance); GetNavigator()->SetGoal( goal ); TaskComplete(); break; } case TASK_ASW_GET_PATH_TO_FOLLOW_TARGET: { if ( !GetSquadLeader() ) TaskFail("No follow target"); else { AI_NavGoal_t goal( GetFollowPos(), ACT_RUN, 60 ); // AIN_HULL_TOLERANCE GetNavigator()->SetGoal( goal ); TaskComplete(); } } break; case TASK_ASW_GET_PATH_TO_PROP: { if ( !GetPhysicsPropTarget() ) TaskFail("No prop"); else { AI_NavGoal_t goal( GetPhysicsPropTarget()->WorldSpaceCenter(), ACT_RUN, 60 ); // AIN_HULL_TOLERANCE GetNavigator()->SetGoal( goal ); TaskComplete(); } } break; case TASK_ASW_WAIT_FOR_FOLLOW_MOVEMENT: case TASK_ASW_WAIT_FOR_MOVEMENT: { if (GetNavigator()->GetGoalType() == GOALTYPE_NONE) { TaskComplete(); GetNavigator()->ClearGoal(); // Clear residual state } else if (!GetNavigator()->IsGoalActive()) { SetIdealActivity( GetStoppedActivity() ); } else { // Check validity of goal type ValidateNavGoal(); } break; } case TASK_ASW_GET_BACK_OFF_PATH: { CASW_Marine *pCloseMarine = TooCloseToAnotherMarine(); if (!pCloseMarine) TaskFail("No marine too close"); else { Vector diff = GetAbsOrigin() - pCloseMarine->GetAbsOrigin(); Vector diffnorm = diff; VectorNormalize(diffnorm); Vector vecGoalPos = GetAbsOrigin() + diffnorm * 60; // move to x units away from this marine AI_NavGoal_t goal(vecGoalPos, ACT_RUN, AIN_HULL_TOLERANCE); GetNavigator()->SetGoal( goal ); TaskComplete(); } } break; case TASK_MOVE_AWAY_PATH: GetMotor()->SetIdealYaw( UTIL_AngleMod( GetLocalAngles().y - 180.0f ) ); BaseClass::StartTask( pTask ); break; case TASK_ASW_RAPPEL: { CreateZipline(); SetDescentSpeed(); } break; case TASK_ASW_HIT_GROUND: m_bOnGround = true; TaskComplete(); break; case TASK_ASW_GET_PATH_TO_GIVE_AMMO: if (!m_hGiveAmmoTarget) { TaskComplete(); } break; case TASK_ASW_MOVE_TO_GIVE_AMMO: if (!m_hGiveAmmoTarget) { TaskComplete(); } break; case TASK_ASW_SWAP_TO_AMMO_BAG: { CASW_Weapon *pWeapon = GetActiveASWWeapon(); if ( !pWeapon || pWeapon->Classify() != CLASS_ASW_AMMO_BAG ) { for ( int iWeapon = 0; iWeapon < ASW_NUM_INVENTORY_SLOTS; iWeapon++ ) { CASW_Weapon *pWeapon = GetASWWeapon( iWeapon ); if ( pWeapon && pWeapon->Classify() == CLASS_ASW_AMMO_BAG ) { Weapon_Switch( pWeapon ); break; } } } TaskComplete(); } break; case TASK_ASW_GIVE_AMMO_TO_MARINE: if (m_hGiveAmmoTarget) { CASW_Weapon *pWeapon = GetActiveASWWeapon(); if ( pWeapon && pWeapon->Classify() == CLASS_ASW_AMMO_BAG ) { CASW_Weapon_Ammo_Bag *pAmmoBag = dynamic_cast(pWeapon); pAmmoBag->ThrowAmmo(); } } TaskComplete(); break; case TASK_MELEE_ATTACK1: { if( !GetEnemy() ) { TaskFail("No enemy!"); } else if ( GetAbsOrigin().DistToSqr( GetEnemy()->GetAbsOrigin() ) > Square( 100.0f ) ) { if ( GetEnemy() == GetPhysicsPropTarget() ) { SetPhysicsPropTarget( NULL ); } TaskFail("Melee target too far!"); } else { DoAnimationEvent( (PlayerAnimEvent_t) ( PLAYERANIMEVENT_MELEE + ( int ) pTask->flTaskData ) ); // send anim event to clients BaseClass::StartTask(pTask); } } break; case TASK_ASW_GET_PATH_TO_HEAL: { if( !m_hHealTarget ) { TaskFail( FAIL_NO_GOAL ); } } break; case TASK_ASW_MOVE_TO_HEAL: { if( !m_hHealTarget ) { TaskFail( FAIL_NO_GOAL ); } } break; case TASK_ASW_SWAP_TO_HEAL_GUN: { CASW_Weapon *pWeapon = GetActiveASWWeapon(); if( !pWeapon || pWeapon->Classify() != CLASS_ASW_HEAL_GUN ) { for ( int iWeapon = 0; iWeapon < ASW_NUM_INVENTORY_SLOTS; iWeapon++ ) { CASW_Weapon *pWeapon = GetASWWeapon( iWeapon ); if ( pWeapon && pWeapon->Classify() == CLASS_ASW_HEAL_GUN && pWeapon->HasAmmo() ) { Weapon_Switch( pWeapon ); break; } } } TaskComplete(); } break; case TASK_ASW_HEAL_MARINE: { CASW_Weapon *pWeapon = GetActiveASWWeapon(); if( !pWeapon || pWeapon->Classify() != CLASS_ASW_HEAL_GUN || !pWeapon->HasAmmo() ) { TaskComplete(); } else { CASW_Weapon_Heal_Gun *pHealgun = static_cast( pWeapon ); // if the gun to longer has a target... if ( !pHealgun || !m_hHealTarget || m_hHealTarget->GetHealth() <= 0 || m_hHealTarget->GetHealth() >= m_hHealTarget->GetMaxHealth() * MARINE_STOP_HEAL_THRESHOLD || m_hHealTarget->GetAbsOrigin().DistToSqr( GetAbsOrigin() ) >= Square( CASW_Weapon_Heal_Gun::GetWeaponRange()*0.5 ) ) { TaskComplete(); } else { bool bHealFailed = false; // facing another direction Vector vecAttach = m_hHealTarget->GetAbsOrigin() - GetAbsOrigin(); Vector vecForward; AngleVectors( ASWEyeAngles(), &vecForward ); if ( DotProduct( vecForward, vecAttach ) < 0.0f ) { TaskComplete(); bHealFailed = true; } if ( !bHealFailed ) pHealgun->HealAttach( m_hHealTarget ); } } } break; default: { return BaseClass::StartTask(pTask); break; } } } CBaseEntity *CASW_Marine::BestAlienGooTarget() { CASW_Alien_Goo *pAlienGooTarget = NULL; float flClosestDistSqr = GetFollowSightRange() * GetFollowSightRange(); for ( int iAlienGoo = 0; iAlienGoo < g_AlienGoo.Count(); iAlienGoo++ ) { // Get the instance of alien goo - if it exists. CASW_Alien_Goo *pAlienGoo = g_AlienGoo[iAlienGoo]; if ( !pAlienGoo ) continue; float flDistSqr = GetAbsOrigin().DistToSqr( pAlienGoo->GetAbsOrigin() ); if( flDistSqr < flClosestDistSqr && FInViewCone( pAlienGoo->GetAbsOrigin() ) && !pAlienGoo->m_bHasGrubs ) // grubs = decorative, not a target { flClosestDistSqr = flDistSqr; pAlienGooTarget = pAlienGoo; } } return pAlienGooTarget; } bool CASW_Marine::EngageNewAlienGooTarget() { CASW_Weapon *pActiveWeapon = GetActiveASWWeapon(); CASW_Weapon *pFlamer = NULL; if( pActiveWeapon && pActiveWeapon->Classify() == CLASS_ASW_FLAMER && pActiveWeapon->HasAmmo() ) { pFlamer = pActiveWeapon; } else { for ( int iWeapon = 0; iWeapon < ASW_NUM_INVENTORY_SLOTS; iWeapon++ ) { CASW_Weapon *pWeapon = GetASWWeapon( iWeapon ); if ( pWeapon && pWeapon->Classify() == CLASS_ASW_FLAMER && pWeapon->HasAmmo() ) { pFlamer = pWeapon; break; } } } if( pFlamer ) { EHANDLE hAlienGooTarget = BestAlienGooTarget(); if( hAlienGooTarget.Get() ) { SetAlienGooTarget( hAlienGooTarget ); // only switch weapons if we have a valid target and the weapon is usable if( pFlamer != pActiveWeapon ) { Weapon_Switch( pFlamer ); } return true; } } return false; } const Vector &CASW_Marine::GetEnemyLKP() const { // Only override default behavior if we're tracking alien goo and have no other target if( GetAlienGooTarget() && ( !GetEnemy() || GetAlienGooTarget() == GetEnemy() ) ) { return GetAlienGooTarget()->GetAbsOrigin(); } else { CASW_Prop_Physics *pPropPhysics = dynamic_cast< CASW_Prop_Physics *>( GetEnemy() ); if ( pPropPhysics && pPropPhysics->m_takedamage == DAMAGE_YES && pPropPhysics->m_iHealth > 0 ) { return pPropPhysics->GetAbsOrigin(); } return BaseClass::GetEnemyLKP(); } } void CASW_Marine::RunTask( const Task_t *pTask ) { bool bOld = m_bWantsToFire; m_bWantsToFire = false; CheckForAIWeaponSwitch(); // check for firing on the move, if our enemy is in range, with LOS and we're facing him if (GetASWOrders() == ASW_ORDER_MOVE_TO || GetASWOrders() == ASW_ORDER_FOLLOW) { bool bMelee = GetCurSchedule()->GetId() == GetGlobalScheduleId( SCHED_MELEE_ATTACK_PROP1 ); if( !GetEnemy() ) { if ( m_flLastGooScanTime + ASW_MARINE_GOO_SCAN_TIME < gpGlobals->curtime ) { EngageNewAlienGooTarget(); m_flLastGooScanTime = gpGlobals->curtime; } // base AI doesn't see biomass - Need to override every time if biomass targeted if( GetAlienGooTarget() ) { SetEnemy( GetAlienGooTarget() ); } else if( bMelee && GetPhysicsPropTarget() ) { SetEnemy( GetPhysicsPropTarget() ); } } else if( !bMelee && GetEnemy() == GetPhysicsPropTarget() ) { SetEnemy( NULL ); SetPhysicsPropTarget( NULL ); } CASW_Weapon *pWeapon = GetActiveASWWeapon(); bool bOffensiveWeapon = (pWeapon && pWeapon->IsOffensiveWeapon()); if ( GetEnemy() ) { Vector vecEnemyLKP = GetEnemyLKP(); if ( bOffensiveWeapon && !bMelee && FInAimCone( vecEnemyLKP ) && GetAbsOrigin().DistTo( GetEnemy()->GetAbsOrigin() ) <= GetFollowSightRange() ) { // check it's a valid offensive weapon bool bWeaponHasLOS = WeaponLOSCondition( GetAbsOrigin(), GetEnemy()->EyePosition(), true ); if ( !bWeaponHasLOS ) { bWeaponHasLOS = WeaponLOSCondition( GetAbsOrigin(), GetEnemy()->BodyTarget( GetAbsOrigin() ), true ); } if ( bWeaponHasLOS && !HasCondition(COND_ENEMY_TOO_FAR) ) { m_bWantsToFire = true; m_fMarineAimError *= asw_marine_aim_error_decay_multiplier.GetFloat(); if (pTask->iTask != TASK_ASW_OVERKILL_SHOOT) m_vecOverkillPos = vecEnemyLKP; m_fRandomFacing = UTIL_VecToYaw(vecEnemyLKP - GetAbsOrigin()); float fTwitch = float(GetHealth()) / float(GetMaxHealth()); if (fTwitch < 0.2) fTwitch = 0.2f; m_fNewRandomFacingTime = gpGlobals->curtime + random->RandomFloat(5 * fTwitch, 9.0f * fTwitch); } else if ( asw_debug_marine_aim.GetBool() ) { Msg( "Following AI not shooting enemy as we don't have weapon LOS\n" ); } } else if ( asw_debug_marine_aim.GetBool() ) { Msg("Following AI not shooting enemy: InAimcone=%d FacingIdeal=%d\n", FInAimCone( vecEnemyLKP ), FacingIdeal()); Vector los = ( vecEnemyLKP - GetAbsOrigin() ); // do this in 2D los.z = 0; VectorNormalize( los ); Vector facingDir = BodyDirection2D( ); float flDot = DotProduct( los, facingDir ); Msg( " los = %f %f %f (%f)", VectorExpand( los ), UTIL_VecToYaw( los ) ); Msg( " fac = %f %f %f (%f)", VectorExpand( facingDir ), UTIL_VecToYaw( facingDir ) ); Msg( " flDot = %f eye = %f\n", flDot, UTIL_VecToYaw( EyeDirection2D() ) ); NDebugOverlay::Line( GetAbsOrigin(), GetAbsOrigin() + facingDir * 200, 0, 0, 255, true, 0.1f ); NDebugOverlay::Line( GetAbsOrigin(), GetAbsOrigin() + los * 200, 255, 0, 0, true, 0.1f ); } } } switch(pTask->iTask) { case TASK_ASW_FACE_HOLDING_YAW: { GetMotor()->SetIdealYawAndUpdate( m_fHoldingYaw ); Scan(); if ( IsWaitFinished()) { TaskComplete(); } break; } case TASK_ASW_FACE_USING_ITEM: { if (!m_hUsingEntity.Get()) { GetMotor()->SetIdealYawAndUpdate( m_fHoldingYaw ); TaskComplete(); } else { CASW_Use_Area *pArea = dynamic_cast< CASW_Use_Area* >( m_hUsingEntity->GetBaseEntity() ); Vector vecUseTarget = m_hUsingEntity.Get()->GetAbsOrigin(); if ( pArea && pArea->GetProp() ) vecUseTarget = pArea->GetProp()->GetAbsOrigin(); Vector diff = vecUseTarget - GetAbsOrigin(); float fUsingYaw = UTIL_VecToYaw( diff ); GetMotor()->SetIdealYawAndUpdate( fUsingYaw ); } break; } case TASK_ASW_FACE_FOLLOW_WAIT: { UpdateFacing(); if ( IsWaitFinished()) { TaskComplete(); } break; } case TASK_ASW_WAIT_FOR_FOLLOW_MOVEMENT: { UpdateFacing(); bool fTimeExpired = ( pTask->flTaskData != 0 && pTask->flTaskData < gpGlobals->curtime - GetTimeTaskStarted() ); if (fTimeExpired || GetNavigator()->GetGoalType() == GOALTYPE_NONE) { TaskComplete(); GetNavigator()->StopMoving(); // Stop moving } else if (!GetNavigator()->IsGoalActive()) { SetIdealActivity( GetStoppedActivity() ); } else { // Check validity of goal type ValidateNavGoal(); const Vector &vecFollowPos = GetFollowPos(); if ( ( GetNavigator()->GetGoalPos() - vecFollowPos ).LengthSqr() > Square( 60 ) ) { if ( GetNavigator()->GetNavType() != NAV_JUMP ) { if ( !GetNavigator()->UpdateGoalPos( vecFollowPos ) ) { TaskFail(FAIL_NO_ROUTE); } } } else if (!NeedToFollowMove()) { TaskComplete(); } else { // try to keep facing towards the last known position of the enemy //if (GetEnemy()) //{ //Vector vecEnemyLKP = GetEnemyLKP(); //AddFacingTarget( GetEnemy(), vecEnemyLKP, 1.0, 0.8 ); //Msg("follow task adding facing target\n"); //} } } break; } case TASK_ASW_WAIT_FOR_MOVEMENT: { UpdateFacing(); if ( IsMovementFrozen() ) { TaskFail(FAIL_FROZEN); break; } bool fTimeExpired = ( pTask->flTaskData != 0 && pTask->flTaskData < gpGlobals->curtime - GetTimeTaskStarted() ); if (fTimeExpired || GetNavigator()->GetGoalType() == GOALTYPE_NONE) { TaskComplete(); GetNavigator()->StopMoving(); // Stop moving } else if (!GetNavigator()->IsGoalActive()) { SetIdealActivity( GetStoppedActivity() ); } else { // Check validity of goal type ValidateNavGoal(); } break; } case TASK_ASW_FACE_ENEMY_WITH_ERROR: { // If the yaw is locked, this function will not act correctly Assert( GetMotor()->IsYawLocked() == false ); UpdateFacing(); if ( FacingIdeal() ) { TaskComplete(); } break; } case TASK_ASW_OVERKILL_SHOOT: { RunTaskRangeAttack1(pTask); break; } case TASK_ASW_RAPPEL: { // If we don't do this, the beam won't show up sometimes. Ideally, all beams would update their // bboxes correctly, but we're close to shipping and we can't change that now. if ( m_hLine ) { m_hLine->RelinkBeam(); } //if( GetEnemy() ) //{ // Face the enemy if there's one. //Vector vecEnemyLKP = GetEnemyLKP(); //GetMotor()->SetIdealYawToTargetAndUpdate( vecEnemyLKP ); //} SetDescentSpeed(); if( GetFlags() & FL_ONGROUND ) { //m_OnRappelTouchdown.FireOutput( GetOuter(), GetOuter(), 0 ); RemoveFlag( FL_FLY ); CutZipline(); TaskComplete(); } } break; case TASK_ASW_GET_PATH_TO_GIVE_AMMO: { if(m_hGiveAmmoTarget) { AI_NavGoal_t goal( m_hGiveAmmoTarget->GetAbsOrigin(), ACT_RUN, CASW_Weapon_Ammo_Bag::GetAIMaxAmmoGiveDistance() ); GetNavigator()->SetGoal( goal ); } TaskComplete(); } break; case TASK_ASW_MOVE_TO_GIVE_AMMO: // if target is still valid, move to target if( m_hGiveAmmoTarget) { UpdateFacing(); bool bTimeExpired = ( pTask->flTaskData != 0 && pTask->flTaskData < gpGlobals->curtime - GetTimeTaskStarted() ); bool bArrived = ( ( GetNavigator()->GetGoalPos() - GetAbsOrigin() ).LengthSqr() < Square( CASW_Weapon_Ammo_Bag::GetAIMaxAmmoGiveDistance() ) ); if ( bTimeExpired || GetNavigator()->GetGoalType() == GOALTYPE_NONE || bArrived ) { TaskComplete(); GetNavigator()->StopMoving(); } else if (!GetNavigator()->IsGoalActive()) { SetIdealActivity( GetStoppedActivity() ); } else { // Check validity of goal type ValidateNavGoal(); // see if target marine has moved far enough that we need to adjust path const Vector &vecCurrentPos = m_hGiveAmmoTarget->GetAbsOrigin(); if ( ( GetNavigator()->GetGoalPos() - vecCurrentPos ).LengthSqr() > Square( CASW_Weapon_Ammo_Bag::GetAIMaxAmmoGiveDistance() ) ) { if ( GetNavigator()->GetNavType() != NAV_JUMP ) { if ( !GetNavigator()->UpdateGoalPos( vecCurrentPos ) ) { TaskFail( FAIL_NO_ROUTE ); } } } } } else // otherwise, the move task is complete (either we've arrived or the target is invalid) { m_hGiveAmmoTarget = NULL; TaskComplete(); } break; case TASK_ASW_GET_PATH_TO_HEAL: { if( m_hHealTarget ) { AI_NavGoal_t goal( m_hHealTarget->GetAbsOrigin(), ACT_RUN, CASW_Weapon_Heal_Gun::GetWeaponRange() * 0.5f ); GetNavigator()->SetGoal( goal ); } TaskComplete(); } break; case TASK_ASW_MOVE_TO_HEAL: { // if target is still valid, move to target if( m_hHealTarget ) { UpdateFacing(); bool bTimeExpired = ( pTask->flTaskData != 0 && pTask->flTaskData < gpGlobals->curtime - GetTimeTaskStarted() ); bool bArrived = ( ( GetNavigator()->GetGoalPos() - GetAbsOrigin() ).LengthSqr() < Square( CASW_Weapon_Heal_Gun::GetWeaponRange()*0.5f ) ); if ( bTimeExpired || GetNavigator()->GetGoalType() == GOALTYPE_NONE || bArrived ) { TaskComplete(); GetNavigator()->StopMoving(); } else if (!GetNavigator()->IsGoalActive()) { SetIdealActivity( GetStoppedActivity() ); } else { // Check validity of goal type ValidateNavGoal(); // see if target marine has moved far enough that we need to adjust path const Vector &vecCurrentPos = m_hHealTarget->GetAbsOrigin(); if ( ( GetNavigator()->GetGoalPos() - vecCurrentPos ).LengthSqr() > Square( CASW_Weapon_Heal_Gun::GetWeaponRange()*0.5f ) ) { if ( GetNavigator()->GetNavType() != NAV_JUMP ) { if ( !GetNavigator()->UpdateGoalPos( vecCurrentPos ) ) { TaskFail( FAIL_NO_ROUTE ); } } } } } else // otherwise, the move task is complete (either we've arrived or the target is invalid) { m_hHealTarget = NULL; TaskComplete(); } } break; case TASK_ASW_SWAP_TO_HEAL_GUN: { // this is done in StartTask } break; case TASK_ASW_HEAL_MARINE: { CASW_Weapon *pWeapon = GetActiveASWWeapon(); if( !m_hHealTarget || !pWeapon || pWeapon->Classify() != CLASS_ASW_HEAL_GUN || !pWeapon->HasAmmo() ) { TaskComplete(); } else { CASW_Weapon_Heal_Gun *pHealgun = static_cast( pWeapon ); bool bHealSucceeded = true; // if the gun to longer has a target... if ( m_hHealTarget->GetHealth() <= 0 || m_hHealTarget->GetHealth() >= m_hHealTarget->GetMaxHealth() * MARINE_STOP_HEAL_THRESHOLD ) { TaskComplete(); bHealSucceeded = false; } else { if ( m_hHealTarget->GetAbsOrigin().DistToSqr( GetAbsOrigin() ) >= Square( CASW_Weapon_Heal_Gun::GetWeaponRange()*0.75 ) ) { TaskComplete(); } else { // facing another direction Vector vecAttach = m_hHealTarget->GetAbsOrigin() - GetAbsOrigin(); Vector vecForward; AngleVectors( ASWEyeAngles(), &vecForward ); if ( DotProduct( vecForward, vecAttach ) < 0.0f ) { TaskComplete(); } } } if ( !pHealgun || !pHealgun->HasHealAttachTarget() ) { bHealSucceeded = false; TaskComplete(); } if ( bHealSucceeded ) pHealgun->PrimaryAttack(); } } break; default: { BaseClass::RunTask(pTask); } } if (bOld && !m_bWantsToFire) { //Msg("Stopped firing\n"); } } void CASW_Marine::CheckForAIWeaponSwitch() { if ( !GetEnemy() ) return; CASW_Weapon *pWeapon = GetActiveASWWeapon(); if ( pWeapon && pWeapon->IsOffensiveWeapon() && pWeapon->HasPrimaryAmmo() ) return; // see if any of our other inventory items are valid weapons for ( int i = 0; i < ASW_NUM_INVENTORY_SLOTS; i++ ) { CASW_Weapon *pOtherWeapon = GetASWWeapon( i ); if ( pOtherWeapon != pWeapon && pOtherWeapon && pOtherWeapon->IsOffensiveWeapon() && pOtherWeapon->HasPrimaryAmmo() ) { Weapon_Switch( pOtherWeapon ); m_iHurtWithoutOffensiveWeapon = 0; return; } } // if we have no guns with primary ammo, search for one with secondary ammo for ( int i = 0; i < ASW_NUM_INVENTORY_SLOTS; i++ ) { CASW_Weapon *pOtherWeapon = GetASWWeapon( i ); if ( pOtherWeapon != pWeapon && pOtherWeapon && pOtherWeapon->IsOffensiveWeapon() && pOtherWeapon->HasAmmo() ) { Weapon_Switch( pOtherWeapon ); m_iHurtWithoutOffensiveWeapon = 0; return; } } } #define ASW_OVERKILL_TIME random->RandomFloat(0.5f,1.0f) void CASW_Marine::RunTaskRangeAttack1( const Task_t *pTask ) { m_bWantsToFire = true; AutoMovement( ); Vector vecEnemyLKP = GetEnemyLKP(); float fAimYaw; if (pTask->iTask != TASK_ASW_OVERKILL_SHOOT) fAimYaw = CalcIdealYaw(vecEnemyLKP); else fAimYaw = CalcIdealYaw(m_vecOverkillPos); //add in our aim error fAimYaw += m_fMarineAimError; // reduce the aim error m_fMarineAimError *= asw_marine_aim_error_decay_multiplier.GetFloat(); // If our enemy was killed, but I'm not done animating, the last known position comes // back as the origin and makes the me face the world origin if my attack schedule // doesn't break when my enemy dies. (sjb) if( vecEnemyLKP != vec3_origin ) { if ( ( pTask->iTask == TASK_RANGE_ATTACK1 || pTask->iTask == TASK_RELOAD || pTask->iTask == TASK_ASW_OVERKILL_SHOOT) && ( CapabilitiesGet() & bits_CAP_AIM_GUN ) && FInAimCone( vecEnemyLKP ) ) { GetMotor()->SetIdealYawAndUpdate( fAimYaw, AI_KEEP_YAW_SPEED ); if (pTask->iTask != TASK_ASW_OVERKILL_SHOOT) m_fOverkillShootTime = gpGlobals->curtime + ASW_OVERKILL_TIME; } else { GetMotor()->SetIdealYawAndUpdate( fAimYaw, AI_KEEP_YAW_SPEED ); } if (pTask->iTask != TASK_ASW_OVERKILL_SHOOT) { m_vecOverkillPos = vecEnemyLKP; } } if (pTask->iTask != TASK_ASW_OVERKILL_SHOOT) { if (gpGlobals->curtime > m_fStartedFiringTime + 0.3f) { TaskComplete(); return; } if (HasCondition(COND_ENEMY_DEAD) || HasCondition(COND_ENEMY_OCCLUDED) || HasCondition(COND_WEAPON_BLOCKED_BY_FRIEND) || HasCondition(COND_WEAPON_SIGHT_OCCLUDED) || HasCondition(COND_ASW_NEW_ORDERS)) { m_bWantsToFire = false; TaskComplete(); } } else { if (gpGlobals->curtime > m_fOverkillShootTime) { TaskComplete(); return; } } } void CASW_Marine::StartTaskRangeAttack1( const Task_t *pTask ) { if (GetEnemy() == NULL) { //Msg("Started ranged attack task with no enemy!"); } m_fStartedFiringTime = gpGlobals->curtime; BaseClass::StartTaskRangeAttack1(pTask); } bool CASW_Marine::SetNewAimError(CBaseEntity *pTarget) { if (!pTarget) return false; // find our current yaw to the enemy float currentYaw = UTIL_AngleMod( GetLocalAngles().y ); Vector enemyDir = GetEnemy()->WorldSpaceCenter() - WorldSpaceCenter(); VectorNormalize( enemyDir ); float angleDiff = VecToYaw( enemyDir ); angleDiff = UTIL_AngleDiff( angleDiff, currentYaw ); // create some random error amount, within our angle m_fMarineAimError = random->RandomFloat( asw_marine_aim_error_min.GetFloat(), asw_marine_aim_error_max.GetFloat() ); if ( m_fMarineAimError > fabs( angleDiff ) ) { m_fMarineAimError = fabs( angleDiff ); } if ( angleDiff > 0 ) { m_fMarineAimError = -m_fMarineAimError; } if ( asw_debug_marine_aim.GetBool() ) { Msg( "Set marine's aim error to %f\n", m_fMarineAimError ); } return true; } // adjusts a target point by our aim error angle void CASW_Marine::AddAimErrorToTarget(Vector &vecTarget) { Vector diff = vecTarget; Vector diff_rotated; matrix3x4_t fRotateMatrix; AngleMatrix(QAngle(0, m_fMarineAimError, 0), fRotateMatrix); VectorRotate( diff, fRotateMatrix, diff_rotated); VectorRotate(diff, QAngle(0, m_fMarineAimError, 0), diff_rotated); vecTarget = diff_rotated; return; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Return the actual position the NPC wants to fire at when it's trying // to hit it's current enemy. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vector CASW_Marine::GetActualShootPosition( const Vector &shootOrigin ) { // Project the target's location into the future. Vector vecEnemyLKP = GetEnemyLKP(); Vector vecEnemyOffset = GetEnemy()->BodyTarget( shootOrigin ) - GetEnemy()->GetAbsOrigin(); Vector vecTargetPosition = vecEnemyOffset + vecEnemyLKP; // lead for some fraction of a second. return (vecTargetPosition + ( GetEnemy()->GetSmoothedVelocity() * ai_lead_time.GetFloat() )); } // potentially miss // asw - this is mostly copied from ai_basenpc, but with our added aim error on top Vector CASW_Marine::GetActualShootTrajectory( const Vector &shootOrigin ) { const Task_t *pCurTask = GetTask(); if ( pCurTask && pCurTask->iTask == TASK_ASW_OVERKILL_SHOOT ) { // if we're overkill shooting, fire at the overkill pos Vector shotDir = m_vecOverkillPos+Vector(0,0,45) - shootOrigin; VectorNormalize( shotDir ); CollectShotStats( shootOrigin, shotDir ); CShotManipulator manipulator( shotDir ); manipulator.ApplySpread( GetAttackSpread( GetActiveWeapon(), GetEnemy() ), GetSpreadBias( GetActiveWeapon(), GetEnemy() ) ); shotDir = manipulator.GetResult(); return shotDir; } Vector vecShotDir; if( !GetEnemy() ) { vecShotDir = GetShootEnemyDir( shootOrigin ); } else { Vector vecProjectedPosition = GetActualShootPosition( shootOrigin ); vecShotDir = vecProjectedPosition - shootOrigin; VectorNormalize( vecShotDir ); // NOW we have a shoot direction. Where a 100% accurate bullet should go. // Modify it by weapon proficiency. // construct a manipulator CShotManipulator manipulator( vecShotDir ); manipulator.ApplySpread( GetAttackSpread( GetActiveWeapon(), GetEnemy() ), GetSpreadBias( GetActiveWeapon(), GetEnemy() ) ); vecShotDir = manipulator.GetResult(); } AddAimErrorToTarget( vecShotDir ); // asw return vecShotDir; } void CASW_Marine::DrawDebugGeometryOverlays() { if (GetASWOrders() == ASW_ORDER_MOVE_TO) { float flViewRange = acos(0.8); Vector vEyeDir = EyeDirection2D( ); Vector vLeftDir, vRightDir; float fSin, fCos; SinCos( flViewRange, &fSin, &fCos ); vLeftDir.x = vEyeDir.x * fCos - vEyeDir.y * fSin; vLeftDir.y = vEyeDir.x * fSin + vEyeDir.y * fCos; vLeftDir.z = vEyeDir.z; fSin = sin(-flViewRange); fCos = cos(-flViewRange); vRightDir.x = vEyeDir.x * fCos - vEyeDir.y * fSin; vRightDir.y = vEyeDir.x * fSin + vEyeDir.y * fCos; vRightDir.z = vEyeDir.z; //NDebugOverlay::BoxDirection(m_vecMoveToOrderPos, Vector(0,0,-40), Vector(200,0,40), vLeftDir, 255, 0, 0, 50, 0 ); //NDebugOverlay::BoxDirection(m_vecMoveToOrderPos, Vector(0,0,-40), Vector(200,0,40), vRightDir, 255, 0, 0, 50, 0 ); //NDebugOverlay::BoxDirection(m_vecMoveToOrderPos, Vector(0,0,-40), Vector(200,0,40), vEyeDir, 0, 255, 0, 50, 0 ); NDebugOverlay::Box(m_vecMoveToOrderPos, -Vector(2,2,2), Vector(2,2,2), 0, 255, 0, 128, 0 ); } BaseClass::DrawDebugGeometryOverlays(); if ( GetSquadFormation() ) { GetSquadFormation()->DrawDebugGeometryOverlays(); } } ConVar asw_marine_face_last_enemy_time( "asw_marine_face_last_enemy_time", "5.0", FCVAR_CHEAT, "Amount of time that AI marines will face their last enemy after losing it while in follow mode" ); void CASW_Marine::UpdateFacing() { if ( gpGlobals->curtime > m_flNextYawOffsetTime ) { RecalculateAIYawOffset(); } if ( m_vecFacingPointFromServer.Get() != vec3_origin ) { float flAimYaw = UTIL_VecToYaw( m_vecFacingPointFromServer.Get() - GetAbsOrigin() ); GetMotor()->SetIdealYawAndUpdate( flAimYaw ); } else if ( GetEnemy() ) { Vector vecEnemyLKP = GetEnemyLKP(); float flAimYaw = CalcIdealYaw( vecEnemyLKP ) + m_fMarineAimError; GetMotor()->SetIdealYawAndUpdate( flAimYaw ); m_flLastEnemyYaw = flAimYaw; m_flLastEnemyYawTime = gpGlobals->curtime; m_flAIYawOffset = 0; if ( asw_debug_marine_aim.GetBool() ) { Vector vecAim; QAngle angAim = QAngle( 0, flAimYaw, 0 ); AngleVectors( angAim, &vecAim ); NDebugOverlay::Line( GetAbsOrigin(), GetAbsOrigin() + vecAim * 50, 255, 255, 0, false, 0.1f ); NDebugOverlay::Line( GetAbsOrigin(), vecEnemyLKP, 255, 255, 255, false, 0.1f ); Msg( "aim error = %f fAimYaw = %f\n", m_fMarineAimError, flAimYaw ); } } else if ( IsCurSchedule( SCHED_ASW_MOVE_TO_ORDER_POS ) ) // face our order destination { Vector vecEnemyLKP = GetEnemyLKP(); float flAimYaw = CalcIdealYaw( m_vecMoveToOrderPos ); GetMotor()->SetIdealYawAndUpdate( flAimYaw ); if ( asw_debug_marine_aim.GetBool() ) { Vector vecAim; QAngle angAim = QAngle( 0, flAimYaw, 0 ); AngleVectors( angAim, &vecAim ); NDebugOverlay::Line( GetAbsOrigin(), GetAbsOrigin() + vecAim * 50, 255, 255, 0, false, 0.1f ); NDebugOverlay::Line( GetAbsOrigin(), vecEnemyLKP, 255, 255, 255, false, 0.1f ); Msg( "aim error = %f fAimYaw = %f\n", m_fMarineAimError, flAimYaw ); } } else if ( IsCurSchedule( SCHED_ASW_HEAL_MARINE ) ) // face the marine that we want to heal { if ( m_hHealTarget.Get() ) { float flAimYaw = CalcIdealYaw( m_hHealTarget.Get()->GetAbsOrigin() ); GetMotor()->SetIdealYawAndUpdate( flAimYaw ); if ( asw_debug_marine_aim.GetBool() ) { Vector vecAim; QAngle angAim = QAngle( 0, flAimYaw, 0 ); AngleVectors( angAim, &vecAim ); NDebugOverlay::Line( GetAbsOrigin(), GetAbsOrigin() + vecAim * 50, 0, 255, 0, false, 0.2f ); } } } else if ( GetASWOrders() == ASW_ORDER_FOLLOW ) { float flAimYaw = GetSquadFormation()->GetYaw( GetSquadFormation()->Find(this) ); if ( gpGlobals->curtime < m_flLastEnemyYawTime + asw_marine_face_last_enemy_time.GetFloat() ) { flAimYaw = m_flLastEnemyYaw; } flAimYaw += m_flAIYawOffset; GetMotor()->SetIdealYawAndUpdate( flAimYaw ); if ( asw_debug_marine_aim.GetBool() ) { Vector vecAim; QAngle angAim = QAngle( 0, flAimYaw, 0 ); AngleVectors( angAim, &vecAim ); NDebugOverlay::Line( GetAbsOrigin(), GetAbsOrigin() + vecAim * 50, 255, 255, 0, false, 0.1f ); Msg( "aim error = %f fAimYaw = %f m_flAIYawOffset = %f\n", m_fMarineAimError, flAimYaw, m_flAIYawOffset ); } } // else // { // // face our destination // Vector vecDest = GetNavigator()->GetGoalPos(); // // float fAimYaw = CalcIdealYaw( vecDest );// + m_fMarineAimError; // TODO: put aim error back in // GetMotor()->SetIdealYawAndUpdate( fAimYaw ); // } } bool CASW_Marine::OverrideMoveFacing( const AILocalMoveGoal_t &move, float flInterval ) { // make him looking towards his holding direction as he moves /* if (GetASWOrders() == ASW_ORDER_MOVE_TO) { QAngle holding(0, m_fHoldingYaw,0); Vector vecForward; AngleVectors(holding, &vecForward); Vector vDest = GetNavigator()->GetGoalPos(); Msg("Adding facing target..\n"); AddFacingTarget( vDest + vecForward * 100.0f, 10.0f, 1.0f ); }*/ // if we're moving to a specific spot, make sure we face our enemy so we can shoot while on the move if (GetEnemy() && (GetASWOrders()==ASW_ORDER_MOVE_TO || GetASWOrders() == ASW_ORDER_FOLLOW)) { // ASWTODO - is this move_yaw set needed? (or needs to be move_x/y?) //float flMoveYaw = UTIL_VecToYaw( move.dir ); //float idealYaw = UTIL_AngleMod( flMoveYaw ); //float flEYaw = UTIL_VecToYaw( GetEnemy()->WorldSpaceCenter() - WorldSpaceCenter() ); // UpdateFacing(); // find movement direction to compensate for not being turned far enough // ASWTODO - is this move_yaw set needed? (or needs to be move_x/y?) /* float fSequenceMoveYaw = GetSequenceMoveYaw( GetSequence() ); float flDiff = UTIL_AngleDiff( flMoveYaw, GetLocalAngles().y + fSequenceMoveYaw ); SetPoseParameter( "move_yaw", GetPoseParameter( "move_yaw" ) + flDiff ); */ return true; } return true; return BaseClass::OverrideMoveFacing( move, flInterval ); } // check for AI changing weapon if he's getting hurt and has a non-offensive weapon equipped bool CASW_Marine::CheckAutoWeaponSwitch() { CASW_Weapon *pWeapon = GetActiveASWWeapon(); if (pWeapon && pWeapon->IsOffensiveWeapon()) return true; // marine doesn't auto switch weapons the first two times he's hurt m_iHurtWithoutOffensiveWeapon++; if (m_iHurtWithoutOffensiveWeapon <3) return false; // find best offensive weapon CASW_Weapon *pBestWeapon = NULL; for (int i=0;iIsOffensiveWeapon()) { pBestWeapon = pWeapon; break; } } if (pBestWeapon) { Weapon_Switch( pWeapon ); m_iHurtWithoutOffensiveWeapon = 0; return true; } return false; } inline const Vector & CASW_Marine::GetFollowPos() { m_hMarineFollowTarget = GetSquadLeader(); // if I'm in a squad and it has a leader, then // use the computed position. Otherwise fall // back to current pos. unsigned slot = GetSquadFormation()->Find(this); return ( GetSquadFormation()->IsValid(slot) ? GetSquadFormation()->GetIdealPosition(slot) : GetAbsOrigin() ); } // ===== Rappeling =================================== void CASW_Marine::BeginRappel() { m_bWaitingToRappel = true; m_bOnGround = false; RemoveFlag(FL_ONGROUND); // Send the message to begin rappeling! SetCondition( COND_ASW_BEGIN_RAPPEL ); m_vecRopeAnchor = GetAbsOrigin(); } void CASW_Marine::CutZipline() { if( m_hLine.Get() ) { UTIL_Remove( m_hLine ); } // create one just hanging down in its place CBeam *pBeam; pBeam = CBeam::BeamCreate( "cable/cable.vmt", 1 ); pBeam->SetColor( 150, 150, 150 ); pBeam->SetWidth( 1.0 ); // was 0.3 pBeam->SetEndWidth( 1.0 ); //pBeam->PointEntInit( GetAbsOrigin() + Vector( 0, 0, 80 ), this ); //pBeam->SetEndAttachment( attachment ); //pBeam->SetAbsEndPos(GetAbsOrigin()); pBeam->PointsInit(m_vecRopeAnchor, GetAbsOrigin()); if( m_hLine.Get() ) { UTIL_Remove( m_hLine ); } m_hLine.Set( pBeam ); //CBaseEntity *pAnchor = CreateEntityByName( "asw_rope_anchor" ); //pAnchor->SetOwnerEntity( this ); //pAnchor->SetAbsOrigin( m_vecRopeAnchor ); //pAnchor->Spawn(); } void CASW_Marine::CreateZipline() { if( !m_hLine ) { int attachment = LookupAttachment( "zipline" ); if( attachment != -1 ) { CBeam *pBeam; pBeam = CBeam::BeamCreate( "cable/cable.vmt", 1 ); pBeam->SetColor( 150, 150, 150 ); pBeam->SetWidth( 1.0 ); // was 0.3 pBeam->SetEndWidth( 1.0 ); pBeam->PointEntInit( GetAbsOrigin() + Vector( 0, 0, 80 ), this ); pBeam->SetEndAttachment( attachment ); m_hLine.Set( pBeam ); } } } #define RAPPEL_MAX_SPEED 600 // Go this fast if you're really high. #define RAPPEL_MIN_SPEED 60 // Go no slower than this. #define RAPPEL_DECEL_DIST (20.0f * 12.0f) // Start slowing down when you're this close to the ground. void CASW_Marine::SetDescentSpeed() { // Trace to the floor and see how close we're getting. Slow down if we're close. // STOP if there's an NPC under us. trace_t tr; AI_TraceLine( GetAbsOrigin(), GetAbsOrigin() - Vector( 0, 0, 8192 ), MASK_SHOT, this, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr ); float flDist = fabs( GetAbsOrigin().z - tr.endpos.z ); float speed = RAPPEL_MAX_SPEED; if( flDist <= RAPPEL_DECEL_DIST ) { float factor; factor = flDist / RAPPEL_DECEL_DIST; speed = MAX( RAPPEL_MIN_SPEED, speed * factor ); } Vector vecNewVelocity = vec3_origin; vecNewVelocity.z = -speed; SetAbsVelocity( vecNewVelocity ); } void CASW_Marine::CleanupOnDeath( CBaseEntity *pCulprit, bool bFireDeathOutput ) { BaseClass::CleanupOnDeath( pCulprit, bFireDeathOutput ); //This will remove the beam and create a rope if the NPC dies while rappeling down. if ( m_hLine ) { CutZipline(); } } // use head direction to determine if spot is shootable bool CASW_Marine::FInAimCone( const Vector &vecSpot ) { return BaseClass::FInAimCone( vecSpot ); Vector los = ( vecSpot - Weapon_ShootPosition() ); // do this in 2D los.z = 0; VectorNormalize( los ); Vector facingDir = HeadDirection2D( ); float flDot = DotProduct( los, facingDir ); if (CapabilitiesGet() & bits_CAP_AIM_GUN) { // FIXME: query current animation for ranges return ( flDot > DOT_30DEGREE ); } if ( flDot > 0.994 )//!!!BUGBUG - magic number same as FacingIdeal(), what is this? return true; return false; } void CASW_Marine::OnWeldStarted() { m_bWaitingForWeld = true; m_flBeginWeldTime = gpGlobals->curtime; SetCondition( COND_ASW_NEW_ORDERS ); } void CASW_Marine::OnWeldFinished() { m_bWaitingForWeld = false; SetCondition( COND_ASW_NEW_ORDERS ); } ConVar asw_debug_combat_status( "asw_debug_combat_status", "0", FCVAR_CHEAT, "Show marine's combat status on the screen" ); void CASW_Marine::UpdateCombatStatus() { const float flCombatEnemyDist = 512.0f; const float flNearbyMarineDist = 768.0f; CASW_Game_Resource *pGameResource = ASWGameResource(); if ( !IsInhabited() && GetEnemy() && GetEnemy()->GetAbsOrigin().DistTo( GetAbsOrigin() ) < flCombatEnemyDist ) { m_flLastSquadEnemyTime = gpGlobals->curtime; } else { // check nearby squad mates for ( int i = 0; i < pGameResource->GetMaxMarineResources(); i++ ) { CASW_Marine_Resource *pMR = pGameResource->GetMarineResource(i); CASW_Marine *pOtherMarine = pMR ? pMR->GetMarineEntity() : NULL; if ( pOtherMarine && pOtherMarine != this && !pOtherMarine->IsInhabited() && pOtherMarine->GetEnemy() && pOtherMarine->GetAbsOrigin().DistTo( GetAbsOrigin() ) < flNearbyMarineDist && pOtherMarine->GetEnemy()->GetAbsOrigin().DistTo( pOtherMarine->GetAbsOrigin() ) < flCombatEnemyDist ) { m_flLastSquadEnemyTime = gpGlobals->curtime; break; } } } m_flLastSquadShotAlienTime = 0.0f; for ( int i = 0; i < pGameResource->GetMaxMarineResources(); i++ ) { CASW_Marine_Resource *pMR = pGameResource->GetMarineResource(i); CASW_Marine *pOtherMarine = pMR ? pMR->GetMarineEntity() : NULL; if ( pOtherMarine != this && pOtherMarine && pOtherMarine->GetAbsOrigin().DistTo( GetAbsOrigin() ) < flNearbyMarineDist ) { m_flLastSquadShotAlienTime = MAX( m_flLastSquadShotAlienTime, pOtherMarine->m_flLastHurtAlienTime ); } } if ( asw_debug_combat_status.GetBool() ) { engine->Con_NPrintf( GetMarineResource()->m_MarineProfileIndex, "%s: %s", GetMarineProfile()->GetShortName(), IsInCombat() ? "COMBAT" : "not in combat" ); } } ConVar asw_marine_force_combat_status( "asw_marine_force_combat_status", "0", FCVAR_CHEAT ); bool CASW_Marine::IsInCombat() { if ( asw_marine_force_combat_status.GetBool() ) return true; const float flCombatTime = 10.0f; return ( ( m_flLastSquadEnemyTime != 0.0f && m_flLastSquadEnemyTime > gpGlobals->curtime - flCombatTime ) || ( m_flLastSquadShotAlienTime != 0.0f && m_flLastSquadShotAlienTime > gpGlobals->curtime - flCombatTime ) ); } bool CASW_Marine::FValidateHintType( CAI_Hint *pHint ) { if ( pHint->HintType() == HINT_FOLLOW_WAIT_POINT ) return true; return BaseClass::FValidateHintType( pHint ); } ConVar asw_marine_random_yaw( "asw_marine_random_yaw", "40", FCVAR_NONE, "Min/max angle the marine will change his yaw when idling in follow mode" ); ConVar asw_marine_yaw_interval_min( "asw_marine_yaw_interval_min", "3", FCVAR_NONE, "Min time between AI marine shifting his yaw" ); ConVar asw_marine_yaw_interval_max( "asw_marine_yaw_interval_max", "8", FCVAR_NONE, "Max time between AI marine shifting his yaw" ); ConVar asw_marine_toggle_crouch_chance( "asw_marine_toggle_crouch_chance", "0.4", FCVAR_NONE, "Chance of AI changing between crouched and non-crouched while idling in follow mode" ); void CASW_Marine::RecalculateAIYawOffset() { m_flAIYawOffset = RandomFloat( -asw_marine_random_yaw.GetFloat(), asw_marine_random_yaw.GetFloat() ); if ( asw_blind_follow.GetBool() ) { m_bAICrouch = ( GetASWOrders() == ASW_ORDER_HOLD_POSITION ); } else if ( RandomFloat() < asw_marine_toggle_crouch_chance.GetFloat() ) { m_bAICrouch = !m_bAICrouch; } m_flNextYawOffsetTime = gpGlobals->curtime + RandomFloat( asw_marine_yaw_interval_min.GetFloat(), asw_marine_yaw_interval_max.GetFloat() ); } // disables collision between the marine and certain props that the marine cannot break reliably void CASW_Marine::CheckForDisablingAICollision( CBaseEntity *pEntity ) { if ( !pEntity ) return; // don't disable collision between the marine and breakable crates const char *szModelName = STRING( pEntity->GetModelName() ); if ( !szModelName ) return; if ( !CanMarineGetStuckOnProp( szModelName ) ) return; PhysDisableEntityCollisions( this, pEntity ); SetPhysicsPropTarget( NULL ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Schedules //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- AI_BEGIN_CUSTOM_NPC( asw_marine, CASW_Marine ) DECLARE_CONDITION( COND_ASW_NEW_ORDERS ) DECLARE_CONDITION( COND_ASW_BEGIN_RAPPEL ) DECLARE_CONDITION( COND_SQUADMATE_WANTS_AMMO ) DECLARE_CONDITION( COND_SQUADMATE_NEEDS_AMMO ) DECLARE_CONDITION( COND_PATH_BLOCKED_BY_PHYSICS_PROP ) DECLARE_CONDITION( COND_PROP_DESTROYED ) DECLARE_CONDITION( COND_COMPLETELY_OUT_OF_AMMO ) DECLARE_TASK( TASK_ASW_FACE_HOLDING_YAW ) DECLARE_TASK( TASK_ASW_FACE_USING_ITEM ) DECLARE_TASK( TASK_ASW_START_USING_AREA ) DECLARE_TASK( TASK_ASW_FACE_ENEMY_WITH_ERROR ) DECLARE_TASK( TASK_ASW_OVERKILL_SHOOT ) DECLARE_TASK( TASK_ASW_GET_PATH_TO_ORDER_POS ) DECLARE_TASK( TASK_ASW_GET_PATH_TO_FOLLOW_TARGET ) DECLARE_TASK( TASK_ASW_GET_PATH_TO_PROP ) DECLARE_TASK( TASK_ASW_FACE_FOLLOW_WAIT ) DECLARE_TASK( TASK_ASW_GET_BACK_OFF_PATH ) DECLARE_TASK( TASK_ASW_WAIT_FOR_FOLLOW_MOVEMENT ) DECLARE_TASK( TASK_ASW_WAIT_FOR_MOVEMENT ) DECLARE_TASK( TASK_ASW_CHATTER_CONFIRM ) DECLARE_TASK( TASK_ASW_RAPPEL ) DECLARE_TASK( TASK_ASW_HIT_GROUND ) DECLARE_TASK( TASK_ASW_ORDER_TO_DEPLOY_SPOT ) DECLARE_TASK( TASK_ASW_GET_PATH_TO_GIVE_AMMO ) DECLARE_TASK( TASK_ASW_MOVE_TO_GIVE_AMMO ) DECLARE_TASK( TASK_ASW_SWAP_TO_AMMO_BAG ) DECLARE_TASK( TASK_ASW_GIVE_AMMO_TO_MARINE ) DECLARE_TASK( TASK_ASW_GET_PATH_TO_HEAL ) DECLARE_TASK( TASK_ASW_MOVE_TO_HEAL ) DECLARE_TASK( TASK_ASW_SWAP_TO_HEAL_GUN ) DECLARE_TASK( TASK_ASW_HEAL_MARINE ) DECLARE_ANIMEVENT( AE_MARINE_KICK ) DECLARE_ANIMEVENT( AE_MARINE_UNFREEZE ) // Activities DECLARE_ACTIVITY( ACT_MARINE_GETTING_UP ) DECLARE_ACTIVITY( ACT_MARINE_LAYING_ON_FLOOR ) DEFINE_SCHEDULE ( SCHED_ASW_HOLD_POSITION, " Tasks" " TASK_STOP_MOVING 0" //" TASK_SET_ACTIVITY ACTIVITY:ACT_IDLE" " TASK_ASW_FACE_HOLDING_YAW 2" "" " Interrupts" " COND_NEW_ENEMY" " COND_ENEMY_DEAD" " COND_LIGHT_DAMAGE" " COND_HEAVY_DAMAGE" " COND_SEE_ENEMY" " COND_CAN_RANGE_ATTACK1" " COND_CAN_RANGE_ATTACK2" " COND_CAN_MELEE_ATTACK1" " COND_CAN_MELEE_ATTACK2" " COND_IDLE_INTERRUPT" " COND_ASW_NEW_ORDERS" " COND_ASW_BEGIN_RAPPEL" ) DEFINE_SCHEDULE ( SCHED_ASW_USE_AREA, " Tasks" " TASK_STOP_MOVING 0" " TASK_ASW_START_USING_AREA 0" " TASK_ASW_FACE_USING_ITEM 0" "" " Interrupts" " COND_NEW_ENEMY" " COND_ENEMY_DEAD" " COND_LIGHT_DAMAGE" " COND_HEAVY_DAMAGE" " COND_SEE_ENEMY" " COND_CAN_RANGE_ATTACK1" " COND_CAN_RANGE_ATTACK2" " COND_CAN_MELEE_ATTACK1" " COND_CAN_MELEE_ATTACK2" " COND_IDLE_INTERRUPT" " COND_ASW_NEW_ORDERS" " COND_ASW_BEGIN_RAPPEL" ) DEFINE_SCHEDULE ( SCHED_ASW_USING_OVER_TIME, " Tasks" " TASK_STOP_MOVING 0" " TASK_ASW_FACE_USING_ITEM 0" "" " Interrupts" " COND_NEW_ENEMY" " COND_ENEMY_DEAD" " COND_LIGHT_DAMAGE" " COND_HEAVY_DAMAGE" " COND_SEE_ENEMY" " COND_CAN_RANGE_ATTACK1" " COND_CAN_RANGE_ATTACK2" " COND_CAN_MELEE_ATTACK1" " COND_CAN_MELEE_ATTACK2" " COND_IDLE_INTERRUPT" " COND_ASW_NEW_ORDERS" " COND_ASW_BEGIN_RAPPEL" ) DEFINE_SCHEDULE ( SCHED_ASW_OVERKILL_SHOOT, " Tasks" " TASK_ASW_OVERKILL_SHOOT 0" "" " Interrupts" " COND_NO_PRIMARY_AMMO" " COND_ASW_NEW_ORDERS" ) DEFINE_SCHEDULE ( SCHED_ASW_RANGE_ATTACK1, " Tasks" " TASK_STOP_MOVING 0" " TASK_ASW_FACE_ENEMY_WITH_ERROR 0" " TASK_ANNOUNCE_ATTACK 1" // 1 = primary attack " TASK_RANGE_ATTACK1 0" "" " Interrupts" " COND_NEW_ENEMY" " COND_ENEMY_DEAD" " COND_LIGHT_DAMAGE" " COND_HEAVY_DAMAGE" " COND_ENEMY_OCCLUDED" " COND_NO_PRIMARY_AMMO" " COND_HEAR_DANGER" " COND_WEAPON_BLOCKED_BY_FRIEND" " COND_WEAPON_SIGHT_OCCLUDED" " COND_LOST_ENEMY" " COND_ASW_NEW_ORDERS" ) DEFINE_SCHEDULE ( SCHED_ASW_MOVE_TO_ORDER_POS, " Tasks" " TASK_SET_FAIL_SCHEDULE SCHEDULE:SCHED_ASW_FOLLOW_WAIT" " TASK_ASW_GET_PATH_TO_ORDER_POS 0" " TASK_ASW_CHATTER_CONFIRM 0.4" " TASK_RUN_PATH 0" " TASK_ASW_WAIT_FOR_MOVEMENT 0" " TASK_STOP_MOVING 1" "" " Interrupts" " COND_ASW_NEW_ORDERS" " COND_NEW_ENEMY" " COND_SEE_ENEMY" " COND_CAN_RANGE_ATTACK1" " COND_CAN_RANGE_ATTACK2" ) DEFINE_SCHEDULE ( SCHED_ASW_FOLLOW_MOVE, " Tasks" " TASK_SET_FAIL_SCHEDULE SCHEDULE:SCHED_ASW_FOLLOW_WAIT" " TASK_ASW_GET_PATH_TO_FOLLOW_TARGET 0" " TASK_RUN_PATH 0" " TASK_ASW_WAIT_FOR_FOLLOW_MOVEMENT 0" " TASK_STOP_MOVING 1" "" " Interrupts" " COND_ASW_NEW_ORDERS" " COND_NEW_ENEMY" " COND_SEE_ENEMY" " COND_CAN_RANGE_ATTACK1" " COND_CAN_RANGE_ATTACK2" ) DEFINE_SCHEDULE ( SCHED_ASW_FOLLOW_WAIT, " Tasks" " TASK_STOP_MOVING 0" " TASK_ASW_FACE_FOLLOW_WAIT 0.3" "" " Interrupts" " COND_NEW_ENEMY" " COND_ENEMY_DEAD" " COND_LIGHT_DAMAGE" " COND_HEAVY_DAMAGE" " COND_SEE_ENEMY" " COND_CAN_RANGE_ATTACK1" " COND_CAN_RANGE_ATTACK2" " COND_CAN_MELEE_ATTACK1" " COND_CAN_MELEE_ATTACK2" " COND_IDLE_INTERRUPT" " COND_ASW_NEW_ORDERS" " COND_GIVE_WAY" ) DEFINE_SCHEDULE ( SCHED_ASW_PICKUP_WAIT, " Tasks" " TASK_STOP_MOVING 0" " TASK_WAIT 1.5" "" " Interrupts" ) DEFINE_SCHEDULE ( SCHED_ASW_FOLLOW_BACK_OFF, " Tasks" " TASK_SET_FAIL_SCHEDULE SCHEDULE:SCHED_ASW_FOLLOW_WAIT" " TASK_ASW_GET_BACK_OFF_PATH 0" " TASK_RUN_PATH 0" " TASK_WAIT_FOR_MOVEMENT 0" " TASK_STOP_MOVING 1" "" " Interrupts" " COND_ASW_NEW_ORDERS" " COND_NEW_ENEMY" " COND_SEE_ENEMY" " COND_CAN_RANGE_ATTACK1" " COND_CAN_RANGE_ATTACK2" ) //=============================================== //=============================================== DEFINE_SCHEDULE ( SCHED_ASW_RAPPEL_WAIT, " Tasks" " TASK_SET_ACTIVITY ACTIVITY:ACT_RAPPEL_LOOP" " TASK_WAIT_INDEFINITE 0" "" " Interrupts" " COND_ASW_BEGIN_RAPPEL" ); //=============================================== //=============================================== DEFINE_SCHEDULE ( SCHED_ASW_RAPPEL, " Tasks" " TASK_SET_ACTIVITY ACTIVITY:ACT_RAPPEL_LOOP" " TASK_WAIT 0.2" " TASK_ASW_RAPPEL 0" " TASK_ASW_HIT_GROUND 0" " TASK_ASW_ORDER_TO_DEPLOY_SPOT 0" //" TASK_SET_SCHEDULE SCHEDULE:SCHED_ASW_CLEAR_RAPPEL_POINT" "" " Interrupts" "" " COND_NEW_ENEMY" // Only so the enemy selection code will pick an enemy! ); //=============================================== //=============================================== DEFINE_SCHEDULE ( SCHED_ASW_CLEAR_RAPPEL_POINT, " Tasks" " TASK_ASW_HIT_GROUND 0" " TASK_MOVE_AWAY_PATH 128" // Clear this spot for other rappellers " TASK_RUN_PATH 0" " TASK_WAIT_FOR_MOVEMENT 0" "" " Interrupts" "" ); //=============================================== //=============================================== DEFINE_SCHEDULE ( SCHED_ASW_GIVE_AMMO, " Tasks" " TASK_ASW_GET_PATH_TO_GIVE_AMMO 0" " TASK_ASW_MOVE_TO_GIVE_AMMO 0" " TASK_ASW_SWAP_TO_AMMO_BAG 0" " TASK_ASW_GIVE_AMMO_TO_MARINE 0" "" " Interrupts" "" ); //=============================================== //=============================================== DEFINE_SCHEDULE ( SCHED_ASW_HEAL_MARINE, " Tasks" " TASK_ASW_GET_PATH_TO_HEAL 0" " TASK_ASW_MOVE_TO_HEAL 0" " TASK_ASW_SWAP_TO_HEAL_GUN 0" " TASK_ASW_HEAL_MARINE 0" "" " Interrupts" "" ); //========================================================= //========================================================= DEFINE_SCHEDULE ( SCHED_MELEE_ATTACK_PROP1, " Tasks" " TASK_STOP_MOVING 0" " TASK_ASW_GET_PATH_TO_PROP 40" // 40 = attack distance " TASK_RUN_PATH 0" " TASK_WAIT_FOR_MOVEMENT 0" " TASK_FACE_ENEMY 0" " TASK_ANNOUNCE_ATTACK 1" // 1 = primary attack " TASK_MELEE_ATTACK1 1" " TASK_FACE_ENEMY 0" " TASK_ANNOUNCE_ATTACK 1" // 1 = primary attack " TASK_MELEE_ATTACK1 2" " TASK_FACE_ENEMY 0" " TASK_ANNOUNCE_ATTACK 1" // 1 = primary attack " TASK_MELEE_ATTACK1 3" "" " Interrupts" //" COND_NEW_ENEMY" " COND_PROP_DESTROYED" " COND_LIGHT_DAMAGE" " COND_HEAVY_DAMAGE" " COND_ENEMY_OCCLUDED" ); //========================================================= //========================================================= DEFINE_SCHEDULE ( SCHED_ENGAGE_AND_MELEE_ATTACK1, " Tasks" " TASK_STOP_MOVING 0" " TASK_GET_CHASE_PATH_TO_ENEMY 40" // 40 = attack distance " TASK_RUN_PATH 0" " TASK_WAIT_FOR_MOVEMENT 0" " TASK_FACE_ENEMY 0" " TASK_ANNOUNCE_ATTACK 1" // 1 = primary attack " TASK_MELEE_ATTACK1 1" " TASK_FACE_ENEMY 0" " TASK_ANNOUNCE_ATTACK 1" // 1 = primary attack " TASK_MELEE_ATTACK1 2" " TASK_FACE_ENEMY 0" " TASK_ANNOUNCE_ATTACK 1" // 1 = primary attack " TASK_MELEE_ATTACK1 3" "" " Interrupts" " COND_NEW_ENEMY" " COND_ENEMY_DEAD" " COND_LIGHT_DAMAGE" " COND_HEAVY_DAMAGE" " COND_ENEMY_OCCLUDED" ); AI_END_CUSTOM_NPC() // DECLARE_TASK( TASK_ASW_TRACK_AND_FIRE )