//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: // // $NoKeywords: $ //=============================================================================// // Author: Michael S. Booth (mike@turtlerockstudios.com), 2003 #include "cbase.h" #include "cs_simple_hostage.h" #include "cs_bot.h" // memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!! #include "tier0/memdbgon.h" // range for snipers to select a hiding spot const float sniperHideRange = 2000.0f; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * The Idle state. * We never stay in the Idle state - it is a "home base" for the state machine that * does various checks to determine what we should do next. */ void IdleState::OnEnter( CCSBot *me ) { me->DestroyPath(); me->SetBotEnemy( NULL ); // lurking death if (me->IsUsingKnife() && me->IsWellPastSafe() && !me->IsHurrying()) me->Walk(); // // Since Idle assigns tasks, we assume that coming back to Idle means our task is complete // me->SetTask( CCSBot::SEEK_AND_DESTROY ); me->SetDisposition( CCSBot::ENGAGE_AND_INVESTIGATE ); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Determine what we should do next */ void IdleState::OnUpdate( CCSBot *me ) { // all other states assume GetLastKnownArea() is valid, ensure that it is if (me->GetLastKnownArea() == NULL && me->StayOnNavMesh() == false) return; // zombies never leave the Idle state if (cv_bot_zombie.GetBool()) { me->ResetStuckMonitor(); return; } // if we are in the early "safe" time, grab a knife or grenade if (me->IsSafe()) { // if we have a grenade, use it if (!me->EquipGrenade()) { // high-skill bots run with the knife, unless using the Scout (which moves faster) if (me->GetProfile()->GetSkill() > 0.33f && !me->IsUsing( WEAPON_SCOUT )) { me->EquipKnife(); } } } // if round is over, hunt if (me->GetGameState()->IsRoundOver()) { // if we are escorting hostages, try to get to the rescue zone if (me->GetHostageEscortCount()) { const CCSBotManager::Zone *zone = TheCSBots()->GetClosestZone( me->GetLastKnownArea(), PathCost( me, FASTEST_ROUTE ) ); const Vector *zonePos = TheCSBots()->GetRandomPositionInZone( zone ); if (zonePos) { me->SetTask( CCSBot::RESCUE_HOSTAGES ); me->Run(); me->SetDisposition( CCSBot::SELF_DEFENSE ); me->MoveTo( *zonePos, FASTEST_ROUTE ); me->PrintIfWatched( "Trying to rescue hostages at the end of the round\n" ); return; } } me->Hunt(); return; } const float defenseSniperCampChance = 75.0f; const float offenseSniperCampChance = 10.0f; // if we were following someone, continue following them if (me->IsFollowing()) { me->ContinueFollowing(); return; } // // Scenario logic // switch (TheCSBots()->GetScenario()) { //====================================================================================================== case CCSBotManager::SCENARIO_DEFUSE_BOMB: { // if this is a bomb game and we have the bomb, go plant it if (me->GetTeamNumber() == TEAM_TERRORIST) { if (me->GetGameState()->IsBombPlanted()) { if (me->GetGameState()->GetPlantedBombsite() != CSGameState::UNKNOWN) { // T's always know where the bomb is - go defend it const CCSBotManager::Zone *zone = TheCSBots()->GetZone( me->GetGameState()->GetPlantedBombsite() ); if (zone) { me->SetTask( CCSBot::GUARD_TICKING_BOMB ); Place place = TheNavMesh->GetPlace( zone->m_center ); if (place != UNDEFINED_PLACE) { // pick a random hiding spot in this place const Vector *spot = FindRandomHidingSpot( me, place, me->IsSniper() ); if (spot) { me->Hide( *spot ); return; } } // hide nearby me->Hide( TheNavMesh->GetNearestNavArea( zone->m_center ) ); return; } } else { // ask our teammates where the bomb is me->GetChatter()->RequestBombLocation(); // we dont know where the bomb is - we must search the bombsites int zoneIndex = me->GetGameState()->GetNextBombsiteToSearch(); // move to bombsite - if we reach it, we'll update its cleared status, causing us to select another const Vector *pos = TheCSBots()->GetRandomPositionInZone( TheCSBots()->GetZone( zoneIndex ) ); if (pos) { me->SetTask( CCSBot::FIND_TICKING_BOMB ); me->MoveTo( *pos ); return; } } } else if (me->HasC4()) { // if we're at a bomb site, plant the bomb if (me->IsAtBombsite()) { // plant it me->SetTask( CCSBot::PLANT_BOMB ); me->PlantBomb(); // radio to the team me->GetChatter()->PlantingTheBomb( me->GetPlace() ); return; } else if (TheCSBots()->IsTimeToPlantBomb()) { // move to the closest bomb site const CCSBotManager::Zone *zone = TheCSBots()->GetClosestZone( me->GetLastKnownArea(), PathCost( me ) ); if (zone) { // pick a random spot within the bomb zone const Vector *pos = TheCSBots()->GetRandomPositionInZone( zone ); if (pos) { // move to bombsite me->SetTask( CCSBot::PLANT_BOMB ); me->Run(); me->MoveTo( *pos ); return; } } } } else { // at the start of the round, we may decide to defend "initial encounter" areas // where we will first meet the enemy rush if (me->IsSafe()) { float defendRushChance = -17.0f * (me->GetMorale() - 2); if (me->IsSniper() || RandomFloat( 0.0f, 100.0f ) < defendRushChance) { if (me->MoveToInitialEncounter()) { me->PrintIfWatched( "I'm guarding an initial encounter area\n" ); me->SetTask( CCSBot::GUARD_INITIAL_ENCOUNTER ); me->SetDisposition( CCSBot::OPPORTUNITY_FIRE ); return; } } } // small chance of sniper camping on offense, if we aren't carrying the bomb if (me->GetFriendsRemaining() && me->IsSniper() && RandomFloat( 0, 100.0f ) < offenseSniperCampChance) { me->SetTask( CCSBot::MOVE_TO_SNIPER_SPOT ); me->Hide( me->GetLastKnownArea(), RandomFloat( 10.0f, 30.0f ), sniperHideRange ); me->SetDisposition( CCSBot::OPPORTUNITY_FIRE ); me->PrintIfWatched( "Sniping!\n" ); return; } // if the bomb is loose (on the ground), go get it if (me->NoticeLooseBomb()) { me->FetchBomb(); return; } // if bomb has been planted, and we hear it, move to a hiding spot near the bomb and guard it if (!me->IsRogue() && me->GetGameState()->IsBombPlanted() && me->GetGameState()->GetBombPosition()) { const Vector *bombPos = me->GetGameState()->GetBombPosition(); if (bombPos) { me->SetTask( CCSBot::GUARD_TICKING_BOMB ); me->Hide( TheNavMesh->GetNavArea( *bombPos ) ); return; } } } } else // CT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ { if (me->GetGameState()->IsBombPlanted()) { // if the bomb has been planted, attempt to defuse it const Vector *bombPos = me->GetGameState()->GetBombPosition(); if (bombPos) { // if someone is defusing the bomb, guard them if (TheCSBots()->GetBombDefuser()) { if (!me->IsRogue()) { me->SetTask( CCSBot::GUARD_BOMB_DEFUSER ); me->Hide( TheNavMesh->GetNavArea( *bombPos ) ); return; } } else if (me->IsDoingScenario()) { // move to the bomb and defuse it me->SetTask( CCSBot::DEFUSE_BOMB ); me->SetDisposition( CCSBot::OPPORTUNITY_FIRE ); me->MoveTo( *bombPos ); return; } else { // we're not allowed to defuse, guard the bomb zone me->SetTask( CCSBot::GUARD_BOMB_ZONE ); me->Hide( TheNavMesh->GetNavArea( *bombPos ) ); me->SetDisposition( CCSBot::OPPORTUNITY_FIRE ); return; } } else if (me->GetGameState()->GetPlantedBombsite() != CSGameState::UNKNOWN) { // we know which bombsite, but not exactly where the bomb is, go there const CCSBotManager::Zone *zone = TheCSBots()->GetZone( me->GetGameState()->GetPlantedBombsite() ); if (zone) { if (me->IsDoingScenario()) { me->SetTask( CCSBot::DEFUSE_BOMB ); me->MoveTo( zone->m_center ); me->SetDisposition( CCSBot::OPPORTUNITY_FIRE ); return; } else { // we're not allowed to defuse, guard the bomb zone me->SetTask( CCSBot::GUARD_BOMB_ZONE ); me->Hide( TheNavMesh->GetNavArea( zone->m_center ) ); me->SetDisposition( CCSBot::OPPORTUNITY_FIRE ); return; } } } else { // we dont know where the bomb is - we must search the bombsites // find closest un-cleared bombsite const CCSBotManager::Zone *zone = NULL; float travelDistance = 9999999.9f; for( int z=0; z<TheCSBots()->GetZoneCount(); ++z ) { if (TheCSBots()->GetZone(z)->m_areaCount == 0) continue; // don't check bombsites that have been cleared if (me->GetGameState()->IsBombsiteClear( z )) continue; // just use the first overlapping nav area as a reasonable approximation ShortestPathCost cost = ShortestPathCost(); float dist = NavAreaTravelDistance( me->GetLastKnownArea(), TheNavMesh->GetNearestNavArea( TheCSBots()->GetZone(z)->m_center ), cost ); if (dist >= 0.0f && dist < travelDistance) { zone = TheCSBots()->GetZone(z); travelDistance = dist; } } if (zone) { const float farAwayRange = 2000.0f; if (travelDistance > farAwayRange) { zone = NULL; } } // if closest bombsite is "far away", pick one at random if (zone == NULL) { int zoneIndex = me->GetGameState()->GetNextBombsiteToSearch(); zone = TheCSBots()->GetZone( zoneIndex ); } // move to bombsite - if we reach it, we'll update its cleared status, causing us to select another if (zone) { const Vector *pos = TheCSBots()->GetRandomPositionInZone( zone ); if (pos) { me->SetTask( CCSBot::FIND_TICKING_BOMB ); me->MoveTo( *pos ); return; } } } AssertMsg( 0, "A CT bot doesn't know what to do while the bomb is planted!\n" ); } // if we have a sniper rifle, we like to camp, whether rogue or not if (me->IsSniper() && !me->IsSafe()) { if (RandomFloat( 0, 100 ) <= defenseSniperCampChance) { CNavArea *snipingArea = NULL; // if the bomb is loose, snipe near it const Vector *bombPos = me->GetGameState()->GetBombPosition(); if (me->GetGameState()->IsLooseBombLocationKnown() && bombPos) { snipingArea = TheNavMesh->GetNearestNavArea( *bombPos ); me->PrintIfWatched( "Sniping near loose bomb\n" ); } else { // snipe bomb zone(s) const CCSBotManager::Zone *zone = TheCSBots()->GetRandomZone(); if (zone) { snipingArea = TheCSBots()->GetRandomAreaInZone( zone ); me->PrintIfWatched( "Sniping near bombsite\n" ); } } if (snipingArea) { me->SetTask( CCSBot::MOVE_TO_SNIPER_SPOT ); me->Hide( snipingArea, -1.0, sniperHideRange ); me->SetDisposition( CCSBot::OPPORTUNITY_FIRE ); return; } } } // rogues just hunt, unless they want to snipe // if the whole team has decided to rush, hunt // if we know the bomb is dropped, hunt for enemies and the loose bomb if (me->IsRogue() || TheCSBots()->IsDefenseRushing() || me->GetGameState()->IsLooseBombLocationKnown()) { me->Hunt(); return; } // the lower our morale gets, the more we want to camp the bomb zone(s) // only decide to camp at the start of the round, or if we haven't seen anything for a long time if (me->IsSafe() || me->HasNotSeenEnemyForLongTime()) { float guardBombsiteChance = -34.0f * me->GetMorale(); if (RandomFloat( 0.0f, 100.0f ) < guardBombsiteChance) { float guardRange = 500.0f + 100.0f * (me->GetMorale() + 3); // guard bomb zone(s) const CCSBotManager::Zone *zone = TheCSBots()->GetRandomZone(); if (zone) { CNavArea *area = TheCSBots()->GetRandomAreaInZone( zone ); if (area) { me->PrintIfWatched( "I'm guarding a bombsite\n" ); me->GetChatter()->GuardingBombsite( area->GetPlace() ); me->SetTask( CCSBot::GUARD_BOMB_ZONE ); me->Hide( area, -1.0, guardRange ); me->SetDisposition( CCSBot::OPPORTUNITY_FIRE ); return; } } } // at the start of the round, we may decide to defend "initial encounter" areas // where we will first meet the enemy rush if (me->IsSafe()) { float defendRushChance = -17.0f * (me->GetMorale() - 2); if (me->IsSniper() || RandomFloat( 0.0f, 100.0f ) < defendRushChance) { if (me->MoveToInitialEncounter()) { me->PrintIfWatched( "I'm guarding an initial encounter area\n" ); me->SetTask( CCSBot::GUARD_INITIAL_ENCOUNTER ); me->SetDisposition( CCSBot::OPPORTUNITY_FIRE ); return; } } } } } break; } //====================================================================================================== case CCSBotManager::SCENARIO_ESCORT_VIP: { if (me->GetTeamNumber() == TEAM_TERRORIST) { // if we have a sniper rifle, we like to camp, whether rogue or not if (me->IsSniper()) { if (RandomFloat( 0, 100 ) <= defenseSniperCampChance) { // snipe escape zone(s) const CCSBotManager::Zone *zone = TheCSBots()->GetRandomZone(); if (zone) { CNavArea *area = TheCSBots()->GetRandomAreaInZone( zone ); if (area) { me->SetTask( CCSBot::MOVE_TO_SNIPER_SPOT ); me->Hide( area, -1.0, sniperHideRange ); me->SetDisposition( CCSBot::OPPORTUNITY_FIRE ); me->PrintIfWatched( "Sniping near escape zone\n" ); return; } } } } // rogues just hunt, unless they want to snipe // if the whole team has decided to rush, hunt if (me->IsRogue() || TheCSBots()->IsDefenseRushing()) break; // the lower our morale gets, the more we want to camp the escape zone(s) float guardEscapeZoneChance = -34.0f * me->GetMorale(); if (RandomFloat( 0.0f, 100.0f ) < guardEscapeZoneChance) { // guard escape zone(s) const CCSBotManager::Zone *zone = TheCSBots()->GetRandomZone(); if (zone) { CNavArea *area = TheCSBots()->GetRandomAreaInZone( zone ); if (area) { // guard the escape zone - stay closer if our morale is low me->SetTask( CCSBot::GUARD_VIP_ESCAPE_ZONE ); me->PrintIfWatched( "I'm guarding an escape zone\n" ); float escapeGuardRange = 750.0f + 250.0f * (me->GetMorale() + 3); me->Hide( area, -1.0, escapeGuardRange ); me->SetDisposition( CCSBot::OPPORTUNITY_FIRE ); return; } } } } else // CT { if (me->m_bIsVIP) { // if early in round, pick a random zone, otherwise pick closest zone const float earlyTime = 20.0f; const CCSBotManager::Zone *zone = NULL; if (TheCSBots()->GetElapsedRoundTime() < earlyTime) { // pick random zone zone = TheCSBots()->GetRandomZone(); } else { // pick closest zone zone = TheCSBots()->GetClosestZone( me->GetLastKnownArea(), PathCost( me ) ); } if (zone) { // pick a random spot within the escape zone const Vector *pos = TheCSBots()->GetRandomPositionInZone( zone ); if (pos) { // move to escape zone me->SetTask( CCSBot::VIP_ESCAPE ); me->Run(); me->MoveTo( *pos ); // tell team to follow const float repeatTime = 30.0f; if (me->GetFriendsRemaining() && TheCSBots()->GetRadioMessageInterval( RADIO_FOLLOW_ME, me->GetTeamNumber() ) > repeatTime) me->SendRadioMessage( RADIO_FOLLOW_ME ); return; } } } else { // small chance of sniper camping on offense, if we aren't VIP if (me->GetFriendsRemaining() && me->IsSniper() && RandomFloat( 0, 100.0f ) < offenseSniperCampChance) { me->SetTask( CCSBot::MOVE_TO_SNIPER_SPOT ); me->Hide( me->GetLastKnownArea(), RandomFloat( 10.0f, 30.0f ), sniperHideRange ); me->SetDisposition( CCSBot::OPPORTUNITY_FIRE ); me->PrintIfWatched( "Sniping!\n" ); return; } } } break; } //====================================================================================================== case CCSBotManager::SCENARIO_RESCUE_HOSTAGES: { if (me->GetTeamNumber() == TEAM_TERRORIST) { bool campHostages; // if we are in early game, camp the hostages if (me->IsSafe()) { campHostages = true; } else if (me->GetGameState()->HaveSomeHostagesBeenTaken() || me->GetGameState()->AreAllHostagesBeingRescued()) { campHostages = false; } else { // later in the game, camp either hostages or escape zone const float campZoneChance = 100.0f * (TheCSBots()->GetElapsedRoundTime() - me->GetSafeTime())/120.0f; campHostages = (RandomFloat( 0, 100 ) > campZoneChance) ? true : false; } // if we have a sniper rifle, we like to camp, whether rogue or not if (me->IsSniper()) { // the at start of the round, snipe the initial rush if (me->IsSafe()) { if (me->MoveToInitialEncounter()) { me->PrintIfWatched( "I'm sniping an initial encounter area\n" ); me->SetTask( CCSBot::GUARD_INITIAL_ENCOUNTER ); me->SetDisposition( CCSBot::OPPORTUNITY_FIRE ); return; } } if (RandomFloat( 0, 100 ) <= defenseSniperCampChance) { const Vector *hostagePos = me->GetGameState()->GetRandomFreeHostagePosition(); if (hostagePos && campHostages) { me->SetTask( CCSBot::MOVE_TO_SNIPER_SPOT ); me->PrintIfWatched( "Sniping near hostages\n" ); me->Hide( TheNavMesh->GetNearestNavArea( *hostagePos ), -1.0, sniperHideRange ); me->SetDisposition( CCSBot::OPPORTUNITY_FIRE ); return; } else { // camp the escape zone(s) if (me->GuardRandomZone( sniperHideRange )) { me->SetTask( CCSBot::MOVE_TO_SNIPER_SPOT ); me->PrintIfWatched( "Sniping near a rescue zone\n" ); me->SetDisposition( CCSBot::OPPORTUNITY_FIRE ); return; } } } } // if safe time is up, and we stumble across a hostage, guard it if (!me->IsSafe() && !me->IsRogue()) { CBaseEntity *hostage = me->GetGameState()->GetNearestVisibleFreeHostage(); if (hostage) { // we see a free hostage, guard it CNavArea *area = TheNavMesh->GetNearestNavArea( GetCentroid( hostage ) ); if (area) { me->SetTask( CCSBot::GUARD_HOSTAGES ); me->Hide( area ); me->PrintIfWatched( "I'm guarding hostages I found\n" ); // don't chatter here - he'll tell us when he's in his hiding spot return; } } } // decide if we want to hunt, or guard const float huntChance = 70.0f + 25.0f * me->GetMorale(); // rogues just hunt, unless they want to snipe // if the whole team has decided to rush, hunt if (me->GetFriendsRemaining()) { if (me->IsRogue() || TheCSBots()->IsDefenseRushing() || RandomFloat( 0, 100 ) < huntChance) { me->Hunt(); return; } } // at the start of the round, we may decide to defend "initial encounter" areas // where we will first meet the enemy rush if (me->IsSafe()) { float defendRushChance = -17.0f * (me->GetMorale() - 2); if (me->IsSniper() || RandomFloat( 0.0f, 100.0f ) < defendRushChance) { if (me->MoveToInitialEncounter()) { me->PrintIfWatched( "I'm guarding an initial encounter area\n" ); me->SetTask( CCSBot::GUARD_INITIAL_ENCOUNTER ); me->SetDisposition( CCSBot::OPPORTUNITY_FIRE ); return; } } } // decide whether to camp the hostages or the escape zones const Vector *hostagePos = me->GetGameState()->GetRandomFreeHostagePosition(); if (hostagePos && campHostages) { CNavArea *area = TheNavMesh->GetNearestNavArea( *hostagePos ); if (area) { // guard the hostages - stay closer to hostages if our morale is low me->SetTask( CCSBot::GUARD_HOSTAGES ); me->PrintIfWatched( "I'm guarding hostages\n" ); float hostageGuardRange = 750.0f + 250.0f * (me->GetMorale() + 3); // 2000 me->Hide( area, -1.0, hostageGuardRange ); me->SetDisposition( CCSBot::OPPORTUNITY_FIRE ); if (RandomFloat( 0, 100 ) < 50) me->GetChatter()->GuardingHostages( area->GetPlace(), IS_PLAN ); return; } } // guard rescue zone(s) if (me->GuardRandomZone()) { me->SetTask( CCSBot::GUARD_HOSTAGE_RESCUE_ZONE ); me->PrintIfWatched( "I'm guarding a rescue zone\n" ); me->SetDisposition( CCSBot::OPPORTUNITY_FIRE ); me->GetChatter()->GuardingHostageEscapeZone( IS_PLAN ); return; } } else // CT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- { // only decide to do something else if we aren't already rescuing hostages if (!me->GetHostageEscortCount()) { // small chance of sniper camping on offense if (me->GetFriendsRemaining() && me->IsSniper() && RandomFloat( 0, 100.0f ) < offenseSniperCampChance) { me->SetTask( CCSBot::MOVE_TO_SNIPER_SPOT ); me->Hide( me->GetLastKnownArea(), RandomFloat( 10.0f, 30.0f ), sniperHideRange ); me->SetDisposition( CCSBot::OPPORTUNITY_FIRE ); me->PrintIfWatched( "Sniping!\n" ); return; } if (me->GetFriendsRemaining() && !me->GetHostageEscortCount()) { // rogues just hunt, unless all friends are dead // if we have friends left, we might go hunting instead of hostage rescuing const float huntChance = 33.3f; if (me->IsRogue() || RandomFloat( 0.0f, 100.0f ) < huntChance) { me->Hunt(); return; } } } // at the start of the round, we may decide to defend "initial encounter" areas // where we will first meet the enemy rush if (me->IsSafe()) { float defendRushChance = -17.0f * (me->GetMorale() - 2); if (me->IsSniper() || RandomFloat( 0.0f, 100.0f ) < defendRushChance) { if (me->MoveToInitialEncounter()) { me->PrintIfWatched( "I'm guarding an initial encounter area\n" ); me->SetTask( CCSBot::GUARD_INITIAL_ENCOUNTER ); me->SetDisposition( CCSBot::OPPORTUNITY_FIRE ); return; } } } // look for free hostages - CT's have radar so they know where hostages are at all times CHostage *hostage = me->GetGameState()->GetNearestFreeHostage(); // if we are not allowed to do the scenario, guard the hostages to clear the area for the human(s) if (!me->IsDoingScenario()) { if (hostage) { CNavArea *area = TheNavMesh->GetNearestNavArea( GetCentroid( hostage ) ); if (area) { me->SetTask( CCSBot::GUARD_HOSTAGES ); me->Hide( area ); me->PrintIfWatched( "I'm securing the hostages for a human to rescue\n" ); return; } } me->Hunt(); return; } bool fetchHostages = false; bool rescueHostages = false; const CCSBotManager::Zone *zone = NULL; me->SetGoalEntity( NULL ); // if we are escorting hostages, determine where to take them if (me->GetHostageEscortCount()) zone = TheCSBots()->GetClosestZone( me->GetLastKnownArea(), PathCost( me, FASTEST_ROUTE ) ); // if we are escorting hostages and there are more hostages to rescue, // determine whether it's faster to rescue the ones we have, or go get the remaining ones if (hostage) { Vector hostageOrigin = GetCentroid( hostage ); if (zone) { PathCost cost( me, FASTEST_ROUTE ); float toZone = NavAreaTravelDistance( me->GetLastKnownArea(), zone->m_area[0], cost ); float toHostage = NavAreaTravelDistance( me->GetLastKnownArea(), TheNavMesh->GetNearestNavArea( GetCentroid( hostage ) ), cost ); if (toHostage < 0.0f) { rescueHostages = true; } else { if (toZone < toHostage) rescueHostages = true; else fetchHostages = true; } } else { fetchHostages = true; } } else if (zone) { rescueHostages = true; } if (fetchHostages) { // go get hostages me->SetTask( CCSBot::COLLECT_HOSTAGES ); me->Run(); me->SetGoalEntity( hostage ); me->ResetWaitForHostagePatience(); // if we already have some hostages, move to the others by the quickest route RouteType route = (me->GetHostageEscortCount()) ? FASTEST_ROUTE : SAFEST_ROUTE; me->MoveTo( GetCentroid( hostage ), route ); me->PrintIfWatched( "I'm collecting hostages\n" ); return; } const Vector *zonePos = TheCSBots()->GetRandomPositionInZone( zone ); if (rescueHostages && zonePos) { me->SetTask( CCSBot::RESCUE_HOSTAGES ); me->Run(); me->SetDisposition( CCSBot::SELF_DEFENSE ); me->MoveTo( *zonePos, FASTEST_ROUTE ); me->PrintIfWatched( "I'm rescuing hostages\n" ); me->GetChatter()->EscortingHostages(); return; } } break; } default: // deathmatch { // sniping check if (me->GetFriendsRemaining() && me->IsSniper() && RandomFloat( 0, 100.0f ) < offenseSniperCampChance) { me->SetTask( CCSBot::MOVE_TO_SNIPER_SPOT ); me->Hide( me->GetLastKnownArea(), RandomFloat( 10.0f, 30.0f ), sniperHideRange ); me->SetDisposition( CCSBot::OPPORTUNITY_FIRE ); me->PrintIfWatched( "Sniping!\n" ); return; } break; } } // if we have nothing special to do, go hunting for enemies me->Hunt(); }