/* * CVPixelBufferPool.h * CoreVideo * * Copyright 2004 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. * */ /*! @header CVPixelBufferPool.h @copyright 2004 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. @availability Mac OS X 10.4 or later @discussion CVPixelBufferPool is a utility object for managing a set of CVPixelBuffer objects that are going to be recycled. */ #if !defined(__COREVIDEO__CVPIXELBUFFERPOOL_H__) #define __COREVIDEO__CVPIXELBUFFERPOOL_H__ 1 #include <TargetConditionals.h> #if TARGET_OS_MAC #include <QuartzCore/CVBase.h> #include <QuartzCore/CVReturn.h> #include <QuartzCore/CVPixelBuffer.h> #else #include <CVBase.h> #include <CVReturn.h> #include <CVPixelBuffer.h> #endif #if defined(__cplusplus) extern "C" { #endif typedef struct __CVPixelBufferPool *CVPixelBufferPoolRef; // By default, buffers will age out after one second. If required, setting an age of zero will disable // the age-out mechanism completely. #if TARGET_OS_MAC CV_EXPORT const CFStringRef kCVPixelBufferPoolMinimumBufferCountKey AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_4_AND_LATER; CV_EXPORT const CFStringRef kCVPixelBufferPoolMaximumBufferAgeKey AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_4_AND_LATER; #else #define kCVPixelBufferPoolMinimumBufferCountKey CFSTR("MinimumBufferCount") #define kCVPixelBufferPoolMaximumBufferAgeKey CFSTR("MaximumBufferAge") #endif CV_EXPORT CFTypeID CVPixelBufferPoolGetTypeID() AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_4_AND_LATER; /*! @function CVPixelBufferPoolRetain @abstract Retains a CVPixelBufferPoolRef object @discussion Equivalent to CFRetain, but NULL safe @param buffer A CVPixelBufferPoolRef object that you want to retain. @result A CVPixelBufferPoolRef object that is the same as the passed in buffer. */ CV_EXPORT CVPixelBufferPoolRef CVPixelBufferPoolRetain( CVPixelBufferPoolRef pixelBufferPool ) AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_4_AND_LATER; // NULL-safe /*! @function CVPixelBufferPoolRelease @abstract Releases a CVPixelBufferPoolRef object @discussion Equivalent to CFRelease, but NULL safe @param buffer A CVPixelBufferPoolRef object that you want to release. */ CV_EXPORT void CVPixelBufferPoolRelease( CVPixelBufferPoolRef pixelBufferPool ) AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_4_AND_LATER; // NULL-safe /*! @function CVPixelBufferPoolCreate @abstract Creates a new Pixel Buffer pool. @param allocator The CFAllocatorRef to use for allocating this buffer pool. May be NULL. @param attributes A CFDictionaryRef containing the attributes to be used for creating new PixelBuffers within the pool. @param poolOut The newly created pool will be placed here @result Returns kCVReturnSuccess on success */ CV_EXPORT CVReturn CVPixelBufferPoolCreate(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFDictionaryRef poolAttributes, CFDictionaryRef pixelBufferAttributes, CVPixelBufferPoolRef *poolOut) AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_4_AND_LATER; /*! @function CVPixelBufferPoolGetAttributes @abstract Returns the pool attributes dictionary for a CVPixelBufferPool @param pool The CVPixelBufferPoolRef to retrieve the attributes from @result Returns the pool attributes dictionary, or NULL on failure. */ CV_EXPORT CFDictionaryRef CVPixelBufferPoolGetAttributes(CVPixelBufferPoolRef pool) AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_4_AND_LATER; /*! @function CVPixelBufferPoolGetPixelBufferAttributes @abstract Returns the attributes of pixel buffers that will be created from this pool. @discussion This function is provided for those cases where you may need to know some information about the buffers that will be created up front. @param pool The CVPixelBufferPoolRef to retrieve the attributes from @result Returns the pixel buffer attributes dictionary, or NULL on failure. */ CV_EXPORT CFDictionaryRef CVPixelBufferPoolGetPixelBufferAttributes(CVPixelBufferPoolRef pool) AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_4_AND_LATER; /*! @function CVPixelBufferPoolCreatePixelBuffer @abstract Creates a new PixelBuffer object from the pool. @discussion The function creates a new (attachment-free) CVPixelBuffer using the pixel buffer attributes specifed during pool creation. @param allocator The CFAllocatorRef to use for creating the pixel buffer. May be NULL. @param pool The CVPixelBufferPool that should create the new CVPixelBuffer. @param pixelBufferOut The newly created pixel buffer will be placed here @result Returns kCVReturnSuccess on success */ CV_EXPORT CVReturn CVPixelBufferPoolCreatePixelBuffer(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CVPixelBufferPoolRef pixelBufferPool, CVPixelBufferRef *pixelBufferOut) AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_4_AND_LATER; #if defined(__cplusplus) } #endif #endif