//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Describes the way to compile data in DCC files (describes an export step)


#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once

#include "movieobjects/dmemakefile.h"

// Describes a source for DCC makefiles
class CDmeSourceDCCFile : public CDmeSource
	DEFINE_ELEMENT( CDmeSourceDCCFile, CDmeSource );

	CDmaStringArray m_RootDCCObjects;
	CDmaVar< int > m_ExportType;	// 0 == model, 1 == skeletal animation
	CDmaVar< float > m_FrameStart;
	CDmaVar< float > m_FrameEnd;
	CDmaVar< float > m_FrameIncrement;

// Strictly here to customize OpenEditor
class CDmeSourceMayaFile : public CDmeSourceDCCFile
	DEFINE_ELEMENT( CDmeSourceMayaFile, CDmeSourceDCCFile );

class CDmeSourceMayaModelFile : public CDmeSourceMayaFile
	DEFINE_ELEMENT( CDmeSourceMayaModelFile, CDmeSourceMayaFile );

class CDmeSourceMayaAnimationFile : public CDmeSourceMayaFile
	DEFINE_ELEMENT( CDmeSourceMayaAnimationFile, CDmeSourceMayaFile );

class CDmeSourceXSIFile : public CDmeSourceDCCFile
	DEFINE_ELEMENT( CDmeSourceXSIFile, CDmeSourceDCCFile );

// Describes a DCC asset
class CDmeDCCMakefile : public CDmeMakefile
	DEFINE_ELEMENT( CDmeDCCMakefile, CDmeMakefile );

	virtual void GetOutputs( CUtlVector<CUtlString> &fullPaths );

	virtual CDmElement *CreateOutputElement( );
	virtual void DestroyOutputElement( CDmElement *pOutput );
	virtual const char *GetOutputDirectoryID() { return "makefiledir:..\\dmx"; }
	bool m_bFlushFile;

// Describes a Maya asset
class CDmeMayaMakefile : public CDmeDCCMakefile
	DEFINE_ELEMENT( CDmeMayaMakefile, CDmeDCCMakefile );

// Describes a XSI asset
class CDmeXSIMakefile : public CDmeDCCMakefile
	DEFINE_ELEMENT( CDmeXSIMakefile, CDmeDCCMakefile );

	// Compiling is just exporting the data in the file
	virtual DmeMakefileType_t *GetMakefileType();
	virtual DmeMakefileType_t* GetSourceTypes();

// Describes a Maya model/animation asset
class CDmeMayaModelMakefile : public CDmeMayaMakefile
	DEFINE_ELEMENT( CDmeMayaModelMakefile, CDmeMayaMakefile );

	// Compiling is just exporting the data in the file
	virtual DmeMakefileType_t *GetMakefileType();
	virtual DmeMakefileType_t* GetSourceTypes();

class CDmeMayaAnimationMakefile : public CDmeMayaMakefile
	DEFINE_ELEMENT( CDmeMayaAnimationMakefile, CDmeMayaMakefile );

	// Compiling is just exporting the data in the file
	virtual DmeMakefileType_t *GetMakefileType();
	virtual DmeMakefileType_t* GetSourceTypes();

// Describes a XSI animation asset
class CDmeXSIAnimationMakefile : public CDmeXSIMakefile
	DEFINE_ELEMENT( CDmeXSIAnimationMakefile, CDmeXSIMakefile );