//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: 
// $NoKeywords: $

// Author: Michael S. Booth (mike@turtlerockstudios.com), 2003

#include "cbase.h"

#include "bot.h"
#include "bot_manager.h"
#include "nav_area.h"
#include "bot_util.h"
#include "basegrenade_shared.h"

#include "cs_bot.h"

#include "tier0/vprof.h"

// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"

float g_BotUpkeepInterval = 0.0f;
float g_BotUpdateInterval = 0.0f;



 * Invoked when the round is restarting
void CBotManager::RestartRound( void )

 * Invoked at the start of each frame
void CBotManager::StartFrame( void )


	// debug smoke grenade visualization
	if (cv_bot_debug.GetInt() == 5)
		Vector edge, lastEdge;

		FOR_EACH_LL( m_activeGrenadeList, it )
			ActiveGrenade *ag = m_activeGrenadeList[ it ];

			const Vector &pos = ag->GetDetonationPosition();

			UTIL_DrawBeamPoints( pos, pos + Vector( 0, 0, 50 ), 1, 255, 100, 0 );

			lastEdge = Vector( ag->GetRadius() + pos.x, pos.y, pos.z );
			float angle;
			for( angle=0.0f; angle <= 180.0f; angle += 22.5f )
				edge.x = ag->GetRadius() * BotCOS( angle ) + pos.x;
				edge.y = pos.y;
				edge.z = ag->GetRadius() * BotSIN( angle ) + pos.z;

				UTIL_DrawBeamPoints( edge, lastEdge, 1, 255, 50, 0 );

				lastEdge = edge;

			lastEdge = Vector( pos.x, ag->GetRadius() + pos.y, pos.z );
			for( angle=0.0f; angle <= 180.0f; angle += 22.5f )
				edge.x = pos.x;
				edge.y = ag->GetRadius() * BotCOS( angle ) + pos.y;
				edge.z = ag->GetRadius() * BotSIN( angle ) + pos.z;

				UTIL_DrawBeamPoints( edge, lastEdge, 1, 255, 50, 0 );

				lastEdge = edge;

	// set frame duration
	g_BotUpkeepInterval = m_frameTimer.GetElapsedTime();

	g_BotUpdateInterval = (g_BotUpdateSkipCount+1) * g_BotUpkeepInterval;

	// Process each active bot
	for( int i = 1; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients; ++i )
		CBasePlayer *player = static_cast<CBasePlayer *>( UTIL_PlayerByIndex( i ) );

		if (!player)

		// Hack for now so the temp bot code works. The temp bots are very useful for debugging
		// because they can be setup to mimic the player's usercmds.
		if (player->IsBot() && IsEntityValid( player ) )
			// EVIL: Messes up vtables
			//CBot< CBasePlayer > *bot = static_cast< CBot< CBasePlayer > * >( player );
			CCSBot *bot = dynamic_cast< CCSBot * >( player );

			if ( bot )

				if (((gpGlobals->tickcount + bot->entindex()) % g_BotUpdateSkipCount) == 0)


 * Add an active grenade to the bot's awareness
void CBotManager::AddGrenade( CBaseGrenade *grenade )
	ActiveGrenade *ag = new ActiveGrenade( grenade );
	m_activeGrenadeList.AddToTail( ag );

 * The grenade entity in the world is going away
void CBotManager::RemoveGrenade( CBaseGrenade *grenade )
	FOR_EACH_LL( m_activeGrenadeList, it )
		ActiveGrenade *ag = m_activeGrenadeList[ it ];

		if (ag->IsEntity( grenade ))

 * The grenade entity has changed its radius
void CBotManager::SetGrenadeRadius( CBaseGrenade *grenade, float radius )
	FOR_EACH_LL( m_activeGrenadeList, it )
		ActiveGrenade *ag = m_activeGrenadeList[ it ];

		if (ag->IsEntity( grenade ))
			ag->SetRadius( radius );

 * Destroy any invalid active grenades
void CBotManager::ValidateActiveGrenades( void )
	int it = m_activeGrenadeList.Head();

	while( it != m_activeGrenadeList.InvalidIndex() )
		ActiveGrenade *ag = m_activeGrenadeList[ it ];

		int current = it;
		it = m_activeGrenadeList.Next( it );

		// lazy validation
		if (!ag->IsValid())
			m_activeGrenadeList.Remove( current );
			delete ag;

void CBotManager::DestroyAllGrenades( void )

 * Return true if position is inside a smoke cloud
bool CBotManager::IsInsideSmokeCloud( const Vector *pos )
	int it = m_activeGrenadeList.Head();

	while( it != m_activeGrenadeList.InvalidIndex() )
		ActiveGrenade *ag = m_activeGrenadeList[ it ];

		int current = it;
		it = m_activeGrenadeList.Next( it );

		// lazy validation
		if (!ag->IsValid())
			m_activeGrenadeList.Remove( current );
			delete ag;

		if (ag->IsSmoke())
			const Vector &smokeOrigin = ag->GetDetonationPosition();

			if ((smokeOrigin - *pos).IsLengthLessThan( ag->GetRadius() ))
				return true;			

	return false;

 * Return true if line intersects smoke volume
 * Determine the length of the line of sight covered by each smoke cloud, 
 * and sum them (overlap is additive for obstruction).
 * If the overlap exceeds the threshold, the bot can't see through.
bool CBotManager::IsLineBlockedBySmoke( const Vector &from, const Vector &to, float grenadeBloat )

	float totalSmokedLength = 0.0f;	// distance along line of sight covered by smoke

	// compute unit vector and length of line of sight segment
	Vector sightDir = to - from;
	float sightLength = sightDir.NormalizeInPlace();

	FOR_EACH_LL( m_activeGrenadeList, it )
		ActiveGrenade *ag = m_activeGrenadeList[ it ];
		const float smokeRadiusSq = ag->GetRadius() * ag->GetRadius() * grenadeBloat * grenadeBloat;

		if (ag->IsSmoke())
			const Vector &smokeOrigin = ag->GetDetonationPosition();

			Vector toGrenade = smokeOrigin - from;

			float alongDist = DotProduct( toGrenade, sightDir );

			// compute closest point to grenade along line of sight ray
			Vector close;

			// constrain closest point to line segment
			if (alongDist < 0.0f)
				close = from;
			else if (alongDist >= sightLength)
				close = to;
				close = from + sightDir * alongDist;

			// if closest point is within smoke radius, the line overlaps the smoke cloud
			Vector toClose = close - smokeOrigin;
			float lengthSq = toClose.LengthSqr();

			if (lengthSq < smokeRadiusSq)
				// some portion of the ray intersects the cloud

				float fromSq = toGrenade.LengthSqr();
				float toSq = (smokeOrigin - to).LengthSqr();

				if (fromSq < smokeRadiusSq)
					if (toSq < smokeRadiusSq)
						// both 'from' and 'to' lie within the cloud
						// entire length is smoked
						totalSmokedLength += (to - from).Length();
						// 'from' is inside the cloud, 'to' is outside
						// compute half of total smoked length as if ray crosses entire cloud chord
						float halfSmokedLength = (float)sqrt( smokeRadiusSq - lengthSq );

						if (alongDist > 0.0f)
							// ray goes thru 'close'
							totalSmokedLength += halfSmokedLength + (close - from).Length();						
							// ray starts after 'close'
							totalSmokedLength += halfSmokedLength - (close - from).Length();						

				else if (toSq < smokeRadiusSq)
					// 'from' is outside the cloud, 'to' is inside
					// compute half of total smoked length as if ray crosses entire cloud chord
					float halfSmokedLength = (float)sqrt( smokeRadiusSq - lengthSq );

					Vector v = to - smokeOrigin;
					if (DotProduct( v, sightDir ) > 0.0f)
						// ray goes thru 'close'
						totalSmokedLength += halfSmokedLength + (close - to).Length();					
						// ray ends before 'close'
						totalSmokedLength += halfSmokedLength - (close - to).Length();
					// 'from' and 'to' lie outside of the cloud - the line of sight completely crosses it
					// determine the length of the chord that crosses the cloud
					float smokedLength = 2.0f * (float)sqrt( smokeRadiusSq - lengthSq );

					totalSmokedLength += smokedLength;

	// define how much smoke a bot can see thru
	const float maxSmokedLength = 0.7f * SmokeGrenadeRadius;

	// return true if the total length of smoke-covered line-of-sight is too much
	return (totalSmokedLength > maxSmokedLength);

void CBotManager::ClearDebugMessages( void )
	m_debugMessageCount = 0;
	m_currentDebugMessage = -1;

 * Add a new debug message to the message history
void CBotManager::AddDebugMessage( const char *msg )
	if (++m_currentDebugMessage >= MAX_DBG_MSGS)
		m_currentDebugMessage = 0;

	if (m_debugMessageCount < MAX_DBG_MSGS)

	Q_strncpy( m_debugMessage[ m_currentDebugMessage ].m_string, msg, MAX_DBG_MSG_SIZE );
	m_debugMessage[ m_currentDebugMessage ].m_age.Start();