//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: 
// $NoKeywords: $
// text_message.cpp
// implementation of CHudTextMessage class
// this class routes messages through titles.txt for localisation
#include "cbase.h"
#include "text_message.h"
#include "client_textmessage.h"
#include "vgui_controls/Controls.h"
#include "vgui/ILocalize.h"

// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"

// Purpose: Implements IHudTextMessage
class CHudTextMessage : public IHudTextMessage
	virtual char *LocaliseTextString( const char *msg, char *dst_buffer, int buffer_size );
	virtual char *BufferedLocaliseTextString( const char *msg );
	virtual char *LookupString( const char *msg_name, int *msg_dest = NULL );

// Singleton
static CHudTextMessage g_HudTextMessage;
IHudTextMessage *hudtextmessage = &g_HudTextMessage;

// Purpose:  Searches through the string for any msg names (indicated by a '#')
// any found are looked up in titles.txt and the new message substituted
// the new value is pushed into dst_buffer
// Input  : *msg - 
//			*dst_buffer - 
//			buffer_size - 
// Output : char
char *CHudTextMessage::LocaliseTextString( const char *msg, char *dst_buffer, int buffer_size )
	char *dst = dst_buffer;
	for ( char *src = (char*)msg; *src != 0 && buffer_size > 0; buffer_size-- )
		if ( *src == '#' )
			// cut msg name out of string
			static char word_buf[255];
			char *wdst = word_buf, *word_start = src;
			for ( ++src ; *src >= 'A' && *src <= 'z'; wdst++, src++ )
				*wdst = *src;
			*wdst = 0;

			// lookup msg name in titles.txt
			client_textmessage_t *clmsg = TextMessageGet( word_buf );
			if ( !clmsg || !(clmsg->pMessage) )
				src = word_start;
				*dst = *src;
				dst++, src++;

			// Does titles.txt want to lookup into cstrike_<language>.txt?
			wchar_t *pLocalizedStr;
			if ( clmsg->pMessage[0] == '#' && ((pLocalizedStr = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( clmsg->pMessage )) != NULL ) )
				g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertUnicodeToANSI( pLocalizedStr, dst, buffer_size );
				// copy string into message over the msg name
				for ( char *wsrc = (char*)clmsg->pMessage; *wsrc != 0; wsrc++, dst++ )
					*dst = *wsrc;
				*dst = 0;
			*dst = *src;
			dst++, src++;
			*dst = 0;

// ensure null termination
	dst_buffer[buffer_size-1] = 0; 
	return dst_buffer;

// Purpose: As above, but with a local static buffer
// Input  : *msg - 
// Output : char
char *CHudTextMessage::BufferedLocaliseTextString( const char *msg )
	static char dst_buffer[1024];
	return LocaliseTextString( msg, dst_buffer, 1024 );

// Purpose:  Simplified version of LocaliseTextString;  assumes string is only one word
// Input  : *msg - 
//			*msg_dest - 
// Output : char
char *CHudTextMessage::LookupString( const char *msg, int *msg_dest )
	if ( !msg )
		return "";

	// '#' character indicates this is a reference to a string in titles.txt, and not the string itself
	if ( msg[0] == '#' ) 
		// this is a message name, so look up the real message
		client_textmessage_t *clmsg = TextMessageGet( msg+1 );

		if ( !clmsg || !(clmsg->pMessage) )
			return (char*)msg; // lookup failed, so return the original string
		if ( msg_dest )
			// check to see if titles.txt info overrides msg destination
			// if clmsg->effect is less than 0, then clmsg->effect holds -1 * message_destination
			if ( clmsg->effect < 0 )  // 
				*msg_dest = -clmsg->effect;

		return (char*)clmsg->pMessage;
	{  // nothing special about this message, so just return the same string
		return (char*)msg;