//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Generates a file list based on command line wildcard spec and drives
// conversion routines based on file extension.  The conversion routines should be
// !!!elsewhere!!! in libraries that the game also uses at runtime to convert data.
// This tool as spec'd should just be file iteration.

#include "MakeGameData.h"

// MAKESCENESIMAGE is defined for the external tool. In general, it only
//  supports the -pcscenes option. This gets built into MakeScenesImage.exe.

// The application object
class MakeGameDataApp : public CDefaultAppSystemGroup< CSteamAppSystemGroup >
	// Methods of IApplication
	virtual bool Create();
	virtual bool PreInit( );
	virtual int Main();
	virtual void PostShutdown();


char			g_szSourcePath[MAX_PATH];
char			g_targetPath[MAX_PATH];
char			g_zipPath[MAX_PATH];
bool			g_bForce;
bool			g_bTest;
bool			g_bMakeZip;
CXZipTool		g_MasterXZip;
DiskWriteMode_t	g_WriteModeForConversions;
char			g_szGamePath[MAX_PATH];
char			g_szModPath[MAX_PATH];
bool			g_bModPathIsValid;
bool			g_bQuiet;
bool			g_bMakeScenes;
bool			g_bMakeScenesPC;
bool			g_bIsPlatformZip;
bool			g_bUseMapList;

IPhysicsCollision	*g_pPhysicsCollision;
CSysModule			*g_pPhysicsModule;

CUtlVector< CUtlString > g_ValidMapList;
CUtlVector< errorList_t > g_errorList;

const char *g_GameNames[] = 

// all known languages
const char *g_pLanguageSuffixes[] = 

// 360 is shipping with support for only these languages
const char *g_pTargetLanguageSuffixes[] = 

// Master list of files that can go into the zip
static char *s_AllowedExtensionsInZip[] = 
	// Explicitly lacking from this list, thus excluded from the zip
	// .ain - AINs are external to the zip
	// .bsp - BSPs are external to the zip
	// .mp3 - MP3s aren't supported

	// Extensions with conversions
	// Purposely using .360 encoding to ensure pc versions don't leak in

	// Extensions without conversions (taken as is)

// Determine game path
void GetGamePath()
	GetCurrentDirectory( sizeof( g_szGamePath ), g_szGamePath );

	char szFullPath[MAX_PATH];
	if ( _fullpath( szFullPath, g_szGamePath, sizeof( szFullPath ) ) )
		strcpy( g_szGamePath, szFullPath );
	V_AppendSlash( g_szGamePath, sizeof( g_szGamePath ) );

	char *pGameDir = V_stristr( g_szGamePath, "game\\" );
	if ( !pGameDir )
		Msg( "ERROR: Failed to determine game directory from current path. Expecting 'game' in current path." );
		exit( 1 );

	// kill any trailing dirs
	pGameDir[4] = '\0';

// Determine mod path
bool GetModPath()
	char	szDirectory[MAX_PATH];
	char	szLastDirectory[MAX_PATH];

	// non destructively determine the mod directory
	bool bFound = false;
	szLastDirectory[0] = '\0';
	GetCurrentDirectory( sizeof( szDirectory ), szDirectory );
	while ( 1 )
		V_ComposeFileName( szDirectory, "gameinfo.txt", g_szModPath, sizeof( g_szModPath ) );
		struct _stat statBuf;
		if ( _stat( g_szModPath, &statBuf ) != -1 )
			bFound = true;
			V_strncpy( g_szModPath, szDirectory, sizeof( g_szModPath ) );

		// previous dir
		V_ComposeFileName( szDirectory, "..", g_szModPath, sizeof( g_szModPath ) );

		char fullPath[MAX_PATH];
		if ( _fullpath( fullPath, g_szModPath, sizeof( fullPath ) ) )
			strcpy( szDirectory, fullPath );

		if ( !V_stricmp( szDirectory, szLastDirectory ) )
			// can back up no further
		strcpy( szLastDirectory, szDirectory );

	if ( !bFound )
		// use current directory instead
		GetCurrentDirectory( sizeof( g_szModPath ), g_szModPath );

	return bFound;

// Setup File system and search paths
bool SetupFileSystem()
	if ( g_bModPathIsValid )
		CFSSteamSetupInfo steamInfo;
		steamInfo.m_pDirectoryName = g_szModPath;
		steamInfo.m_bOnlyUseDirectoryName = true;
		steamInfo.m_bToolsMode = true;
		steamInfo.m_bSetSteamDLLPath = true;
		steamInfo.m_bSteam = false;
		if ( FileSystem_SetupSteamEnvironment( steamInfo ) != FS_OK )
			return false;

		CFSMountContentInfo fsInfo;
		fsInfo.m_pFileSystem = g_pFullFileSystem;
		fsInfo.m_bToolsMode = true;
		fsInfo.m_pDirectoryName = steamInfo.m_GameInfoPath;
		if ( FileSystem_MountContent( fsInfo ) != FS_OK )
			return false;

		// Finally, load the search paths for the "GAME" path.
		CFSSearchPathsInit searchPathsInit;
		searchPathsInit.m_pDirectoryName = steamInfo.m_GameInfoPath;
		searchPathsInit.m_pFileSystem = fsInfo.m_pFileSystem;
		if ( FileSystem_LoadSearchPaths( searchPathsInit ) != FS_OK )
			return false;

		char platform[MAX_PATH];
		Q_strncpy( platform, steamInfo.m_GameInfoPath, MAX_PATH );
		Q_StripTrailingSlash( platform );
		Q_strncat( platform, "/../platform", MAX_PATH, MAX_PATH );
		fsInfo.m_pFileSystem->AddSearchPath( platform, "PLATFORM" );

	return true;

// Purpose: Helper utility, read file into buffer
bool ReadFileToBuffer( const char *pSourceName, CUtlBuffer &buffer, bool bText, bool bNoOpenFailureWarning )
	return scriptlib->ReadFileToBuffer( pSourceName, buffer, bText, bNoOpenFailureWarning );

// Purpose: Helper utility, Write buffer to file
bool WriteBufferToFile( const char *pTargetName, CUtlBuffer &buffer, bool bWriteToZip, DiskWriteMode_t writeMode )
	if ( g_bTest )
		return true;

	bool bSuccess = scriptlib->WriteBufferToFile( pTargetName, buffer, writeMode );
	bool bZipSuccess = true;

	if ( bSuccess && g_bMakeZip && !g_bTest && bWriteToZip )
		if ( !g_MasterXZip.AddBuffer( pTargetName, buffer, true ) )
			Msg( "WriteBufferToFile(): Error adding file %s\n", pTargetName );
			bZipSuccess = false;

	return bSuccess && bZipSuccess;

// Compress data
bool CompressCallback( CUtlBuffer &inputBuffer, CUtlBuffer &outputBuffer )
	if ( !inputBuffer.TellPut() )
		// nothing to do
		return false;

	unsigned int compressedSize;
	unsigned char *pCompressedOutput = LZMA_OpportunisticCompress( (unsigned char *)inputBuffer.Base() + inputBuffer.TellGet(), inputBuffer.TellPut() - inputBuffer.TellGet(), &compressedSize );
	if ( pCompressedOutput )
		outputBuffer.EnsureCapacity( compressedSize );
		outputBuffer.Put( pCompressedOutput, compressedSize );
		free( pCompressedOutput );
		return true;

	return false;

// Some converters need to run a final pass.
void DoPostProcessingFunctions( bool bWriteToZip )
	if ( g_bMakeScenes || g_bMakeScenesPC )
		// scenes are converted and aggregated into one image
		CreateSceneImageFile( g_szModPath, bWriteToZip, g_bMakeScenesPC, g_bQuiet, g_WriteModeForConversions );

	ProcessDXSupportConfig( bWriteToZip );

// Startup any conversion modules.
bool InitConversionModules()
	return true;

// Shutdown and cleanup any conversion modules.
void ShutdownConversionModules()

// Purpose: Distribute to worker function
bool CreateTargetFile( const char *pSourceName, const char *pTargetName, fileType_e fileType, bool bWriteToZip )
	// resolve relative source to absolute path
	// same workers use subdir name to determine conversion parameters
	char fullSourcePath[MAX_PATH];
	if ( _fullpath( fullSourcePath, pSourceName, sizeof( fullSourcePath ) ) )
		pSourceName = fullSourcePath;

	// distribute to actual worker
	// workers can expect exact final decorated filenames
	bool bSuccess = false;
	switch ( fileType )

			bSuccess = CreateTargetFile_VTF( pSourceName, pTargetName, bWriteToZip );

			bSuccess = CreateTargetFile_WAV( pSourceName, pTargetName, bWriteToZip );

			bSuccess = CreateTargetFile_Model( pSourceName, pTargetName, bWriteToZip );

			bSuccess = CreateTargetFile_BSP( pSourceName, pTargetName, bWriteToZip );

			bSuccess = CreateTargetFile_AIN( pSourceName, pTargetName, bWriteToZip );

			bSuccess = CreateTargetFile_CCDAT( pSourceName, pTargetName, bWriteToZip );

		case FILETYPE_MP3:
			bSuccess = CreateTargetFile_MP3( pSourceName, pTargetName, bWriteToZip );

			bSuccess = CreateTargetFile_RESLST( pSourceName, pTargetName, bWriteToZip );

			bSuccess = CreateTargetFile_PCF( pSourceName, pTargetName, bWriteToZip );

			// others...

	return bSuccess;

// Purpose: Determine file type based on source extension.  Generate .360.xxx
// target name.
fileType_e ResolveFileType( const char *pSourceName, char *pTargetName, int targetNameSize )
	char szFullSourcePath[MAX_PATH];
	_fullpath( szFullSourcePath, pSourceName, sizeof( szFullSourcePath ) );

	char sourceExtension[MAX_PATH];
	V_ExtractFileExtension( pSourceName, sourceExtension, sizeof( sourceExtension ) );

	// default unrecognized
	fileType_e fileType = FILETYPE_UNKNOWN;

	if ( !V_stricmp( sourceExtension, "wav" ) )
		 fileType = FILETYPE_WAV;
	else if ( !V_stricmp( sourceExtension, "vtf" ) )
		 fileType = FILETYPE_VTF;
	else if ( !V_stricmp( sourceExtension, "mdl" ) )
		fileType = FILETYPE_MDL;
	else if ( !V_stricmp( sourceExtension, "ani" ) )
		fileType = FILETYPE_ANI;
	else if ( !V_stricmp( sourceExtension, "vvd" ) )
		fileType = FILETYPE_VVD;
	else if ( !V_stricmp( sourceExtension, "phy" ) )
		fileType = FILETYPE_PHY;
	else if ( !V_stricmp( sourceExtension, "bsp" ) )
		fileType = FILETYPE_BSP;
	else if ( !V_stricmp( sourceExtension, "ain" ) )
		fileType = FILETYPE_AIN;
	else if ( !V_stricmp( sourceExtension, "dat" ) )
		if ( V_stristr( pSourceName, "closecaption_" ) )
			// only want closecaption dat files, ignore all others
			fileType = FILETYPE_CCDAT;
	else if ( !V_stricmp( sourceExtension, "vtx" ) )
		if ( V_stristr( pSourceName, ".dx90" ) )
			// only want dx90 version, ignore all others
			fileType = FILETYPE_VTX;
	else if ( !V_stricmp( sourceExtension, "mp3" ) )
		// mp3's are already pre-converted into .360.wav
		// slam the expected name here to simplify the external logic which will do the right thing
		V_StripExtension( pSourceName, pTargetName, targetNameSize );
		V_strcat( pTargetName, ".360.wav", targetNameSize );
		return FILETYPE_MP3;
	else if ( !V_stricmp( sourceExtension, "lst" ) )
		if ( V_stristr( szFullSourcePath, "reslists_xbox\\" ) )
			// only want reslists map versions, due to special processing, ignore all others
			fileType = FILETYPE_RESLST;
	else if ( !V_stricmp( sourceExtension, "pcf" ) )
		fileType = FILETYPE_PCF;
	else if ( !V_stricmp( sourceExtension, "image" ) )
		if ( V_stristr( szFullSourcePath, "scenes\\" ) )
			// only want scene image, ignore all others

	if ( fileType != FILETYPE_UNKNOWN && !V_stristr( pSourceName, ".360." ) )
		char targetExtension[MAX_PATH];
		sprintf( targetExtension, ".360.%s", sourceExtension );

		V_StripExtension( pSourceName, pTargetName, targetNameSize );
		V_strcat( pTargetName, targetExtension, targetNameSize );
		// unknown or already converted, target is same as input
		V_strncpy( pTargetName, pSourceName, targetNameSize );

	return fileType;

// Purpose: Returns TRUE if file is a known localized file.
bool IsLocalizedFile( const char *pFileName )
	for ( int i = 0; i<ARRAYSIZE( g_pLanguageSuffixes ); i++ )
		if ( V_stristr( pFileName, g_pLanguageSuffixes[i] ) )
			// a localized file
			return true;

	// not a known localized file
	return false;

// Purpose: Returns TRUE if file is a supported localization.
bool IsLocalizedFileValid( const char *pFileName, const char *pLanguageSuffix )
	// file is a localized version
	if ( pLanguageSuffix )
		if ( V_stristr( pFileName, pLanguageSuffix ) )
			// allow it
			return true;

		return false;

	// must match the target supported languages
	for ( int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE( g_pTargetLanguageSuffixes ); i++  )
		if ( V_stristr( pFileName, g_pTargetLanguageSuffixes[i] ) )
			// allow it
			return true;
	// does not match a target language, not allowed
	return false;

// Purpose: Check against a list of allowed filetypes for inclusion in the zip
bool IncludeInZip( const char *pSourceName )
	if ( g_bIsPlatformZip )
		// only allow known valid platform directories
		if ( !V_stristr( pSourceName, "materials\\" ) &&
			 !V_stristr( pSourceName, "resource\\" ) &&
			 !V_stristr( pSourceName, "vgui\\" ) )
			// exclude it
			return false;

	for ( int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE( s_AllowedExtensionsInZip ); ++i )
		const char *pAllowedExtension = s_AllowedExtensionsInZip[i];
		if ( !V_stristr( pSourceName, pAllowedExtension ) )
		if ( !V_stricmp( pAllowedExtension, ".lst" ) )
			// only want ???_exclude.lst files
			if  ( V_stristr( pSourceName, "_exclude.lst" ) )
				return true;
			return false;

		if ( !V_stricmp( pAllowedExtension, ".txt" ) || !V_stricmp( pAllowedExtension, ".360.dat" ) )
			if ( IsLocalizedFile( pSourceName ) && !IsLocalizedFileValid( pSourceName ) )
				// exclude unsupported languages
				return false;

			if ( !V_stricmp( pAllowedExtension, ".txt" ) && V_stristr( pSourceName, "closecaption_" ) )
				// exclude all the closecaption_<language>.txt files
				return false;

		return true;

	// exclude it
	return false;

// Returns true if map is in list, otherwise false
bool IsMapNameInList( const char *pMapName, CUtlVector< CUtlString > &mapList )
	char szBaseName[MAX_PATH];

	V_FileBase( pMapName, szBaseName, sizeof( szBaseName ) );
	V_strlower( szBaseName );

	if ( mapList.Find( szBaseName ) != mapList.InvalidIndex() )
		// found
		return true;

	// not found
	return false;

// Purpose: Get the list of valid BSPs
void BuildValidMapList( CUtlVector< CUtlString > &mapList )
	char szFilename[MAX_PATH];
	V_ComposeFileName( g_szModPath, "maplist.txt", szFilename, sizeof( szFilename ) );

	CUtlBuffer buffer;
	if ( !ReadFileToBuffer( szFilename, buffer, true, true ) )

	characterset_t breakSet;
	CharacterSetBuild( &breakSet, "" );

	char szToken[MAX_PATH];
	char szMapName[MAX_PATH];
	for ( ;; )
		int nTokenSize = buffer.ParseToken( &breakSet, szToken, sizeof( szToken ) );
		if ( nTokenSize <= 0 )

		// reslists are pc built, filenames can be sloppy
		V_FileBase( szToken, szMapName, sizeof( szMapName ) );
		V_strlower( szMapName );

		mapList.AddToTail( szMapName );

#define DO_UPDATE	0x01
#define DO_ZIP		0x02

// Purpose: drive the file creation
void GenerateTargetFiles( CUtlVector<fileList_t> &fileList )
	char			sourcePath[MAX_PATH];
	char			sourceFile[MAX_PATH];
	char			targetFile[MAX_PATH];
	struct _stat	sourceStatBuf;
	struct _stat	targetStatBuf;

	strcpy( sourcePath, g_szSourcePath );
	V_StripFilename( sourcePath );
	if ( !sourcePath[0] )
		strcpy( sourcePath, "." );
	V_AppendSlash( sourcePath, sizeof( sourcePath ) );

	// default is to update and zip
	CUtlVector< int > updateList;
	updateList.AddMultipleToTail( fileList.Count() );
	for ( int i=0; i<fileList.Count(); i++ )
		updateList[i] = DO_UPDATE|DO_ZIP;
	int numMatches = 0;

	// build update list
	for ( int i=0; i<fileList.Count(); i++ )
		if ( fileList[i].fileName.IsEmpty() )
			// ignore entries that have been culled
			updateList[i] = 0;

		const char *ptr = fileList[i].fileName.String();
		if ( !strnicmp( ptr, ".\\", 2 ) )
			ptr += 2;
		else if ( !strnicmp( ptr, sourcePath, strlen( sourcePath ) ) )
			ptr += strlen( sourcePath );

		strcpy( sourceFile, sourcePath );
		strcat( sourceFile, ptr );
		strcpy( targetFile, g_targetPath );
		strcat( targetFile, ptr );

		fileType_e fileType = ResolveFileType( sourceFile, targetFile, sizeof( targetFile ) );

		// check the target name for inclusion due to extension modifications
		if ( !IncludeInZip( targetFile ) )
			// exclude from zip
			updateList[i] &= ~DO_ZIP;

		if ( fileType == FILETYPE_UNKNOWN )
			// No conversion function, can't do anything
			updateList[i] &= ~DO_UPDATE;
			// known filetype, which has a conversion
			// the wildcard match may catch existing converted files, which need to be rejected
			// cull exisiting conversions from the work list 
			// the non-converted filename is part of the same wildcard match, gets caught and resolved
			// the non-converted filename will then go through the proper conversion path
			if ( V_stristr( sourceFile, ".360." ) )
				// cull completely
				updateList[i] = 0;

		if ( fileType == FILETYPE_BSP || fileType == FILETYPE_AIN || fileType == FILETYPE_RESLST )
			if ( g_ValidMapList.Count() && !IsMapNameInList( sourceFile, g_ValidMapList ) )
				// cull completely
				updateList[i] = 0;

		int retVal = _stat( sourceFile, &sourceStatBuf );
		if ( retVal != 0 )
			// couldn't get source, skip update or zip
			updateList[i] = 0;

		retVal = _stat( targetFile, &targetStatBuf );
		if ( retVal != 0 )
			// target doesn't exit, update is required

		// track valid candidates

		if ( fileType == FILETYPE_MDL || fileType == FILETYPE_ANI || fileType == FILETYPE_VTX || fileType == FILETYPE_VVD || fileType == FILETYPE_PHY )
			// models are converted in a pre-pass
			// let the update logic run and catch the conversions for zipping

		if ( !g_bForce )
			if ( difftime( sourceStatBuf.st_mtime, targetStatBuf.st_mtime ) <= 0 )
				// target is same or older, no update
				updateList[i] &= ~DO_UPDATE;
	// cleanse and determine totals, makes succeeding logic simpler
	int numWorkItems = 0;
	int numFilesToUpdate = 0;
	int numFilesToZip = 0;
	for ( int i=0; i<fileList.Count(); i++ )
		if ( updateList[i] & DO_UPDATE )
		if ( g_bMakeZip && ( updateList[i] & DO_ZIP ) )
			updateList[i] &= ~DO_ZIP;
		if ( updateList[i] )

	Msg( "\n" );
	Msg( "Matched %d/%d files.\n", numMatches, fileList.Count() );
	Msg( "Creating or Updating %d files.\n", numFilesToUpdate );
	if ( g_bMakeZip )
		Msg( "Zipping %d files.\n", numFilesToZip );


	if ( numFilesToZip && !g_bTest )
		Msg( "Creating Zip: %s\n", g_zipPath );
		if ( !g_MasterXZip.Begin( g_zipPath, XBOX_DVD_SECTORSIZE ) )
			Msg( "ERROR: Failed to open \"%s\" for writing.\n", g_zipPath );
			SetupCriticalPreloadScript( g_szModPath );

	// iterate work list
	int progress = 0;
	for ( int i=0; i<fileList.Count(); i++ )
		if ( !updateList[i] )
			// no update or zip needed, skip
		const char *ptr = fileList[i].fileName.String();
		if ( !strnicmp( ptr, ".\\", 2 ) )
			ptr += 2;
		else if ( !strnicmp( ptr, sourcePath, strlen( sourcePath ) ) )
			ptr += strlen( sourcePath );

		strcpy( sourceFile, sourcePath );
		strcat( sourceFile, ptr );
		strcpy( targetFile, g_targetPath );
		strcat( targetFile, ptr );

		fileType_e fileType = ResolveFileType( sourceFile, targetFile, sizeof( targetFile ) );

		if ( !g_bQuiet )
			Msg( "%d/%d:%s -> %s\n", progress+1, numWorkItems, sourceFile, targetFile );

		bool bSuccess = true;
		if ( updateList[i] & DO_UPDATE )
			// generate target file (and optionally zip output)
			bSuccess = CreateTargetFile( sourceFile, targetFile, fileType, (updateList[i] & DO_ZIP) != 0 );
			if ( !bSuccess )
				// add to error list
				int error = g_errorList.AddToTail();
				g_errorList[error].result = false;
				g_errorList[error].fileName.Set( sourceFile );
		else if ( updateList[i] & DO_ZIP )
			// existing target file is zipped
			CUtlBuffer targetBuffer;
			bSuccess = scriptlib->ReadFileToBuffer( targetFile, targetBuffer );
			if ( bSuccess )
				if ( !g_bTest )
					bSuccess = g_MasterXZip.AddBuffer( targetFile, targetBuffer, true );
			if ( !bSuccess )
				// add to error list
				int error = g_errorList.AddToTail();
				g_errorList[error].result = false;
				g_errorList[error].fileName.Set( targetFile );


	DoPostProcessingFunctions( !g_bTest );


	if ( numFilesToZip && !g_bTest )

	// iterate error list
	Msg( "\n" );
	for ( int i = 0; i < g_errorList.Count(); i++ )
		Msg( "ERROR: could not process %s\n", g_errorList[i].fileName.String() );

// Purpose: Spew Usage
void Usage()
	Msg( "usage: MakeGameData [filemask] [options]\n" );
	Msg( "options:\n" );
	Msg( "[-v]                    Version\n" );
	Msg( "[-q]                    Quiet (critical spew only)\n" );
	Msg( "[-h] [-help] [-?]       Help\n" );
	Msg( "[-t targetPath]         Alternate output path, will generate output at target\n" );
	Msg( "[-r] [-recurse]         Recurse into source directory\n" );
	Msg( "[-f] [-force]           Force update, otherwise checks timestamps\n" );
	Msg( "[-test]                 Skip writing to disk\n" );
	Msg( "[-z <zipname>]          Generate zip file AND create or update stale conversions\n" );
	Msg( "[-zo <zipname>]         Generate zip file ONLY (existing stale conversions get updated, no new conversions are written)\n" );
	Msg( "[-preloadinfo]          Spew contents of preload section in zip\n" );
	Msg( "[-xmaquality <quality>] XMA Encoding quality override, [0-100]\n" );
	Msg( "[-scenes]               Make 360 scene image cache.\n" );
	Msg( "[-pcscenes]             Make PC scene image cache.\n" );
    Msg( "[-usemaplist]           For BSP related conversions, restricts to maplist.txt.\n" );

	exit( 1 );

// Purpose: default output func
SpewRetval_t OutputFunc( SpewType_t spewType, char const *pMsg )
	printf( pMsg );

	if ( spewType == SPEW_ERROR )
		return SPEW_ABORT;

// The application object
bool MakeGameDataApp::Create()
	SpewOutputFunc( OutputFunc );

	AppSystemInfo_t appSystems[] = 
		{ "mdllib.dll",	MDLLIB_INTERFACE_VERSION },
		{ "", "" }	// Required to terminate the list


	// Load vphysics.dll
	if ( !Sys_LoadInterface( "vphysics.dll", VPHYSICS_COLLISION_INTERFACE_VERSION, &g_pPhysicsModule, (void**)&g_pPhysicsCollision ) )
		Msg( "Failed to load vphysics interface\n" );
		return false;

	bool bOk = AddSystems( appSystems );
	if ( !bOk )
		return false;

	return true;

bool MakeGameDataApp::PreInit()
	CreateInterfaceFn factory = GetFactory();

	ConnectTier1Libraries( &factory, 1 );
	ConnectTier2Libraries( &factory, 1 );

	if ( !g_pFullFileSystem || !g_pDataModel || !g_pPhysicsCollision || !mdllib )
		Warning( "MakeGameData is missing a required interface!\n" );
		return false;

	return true;

void MakeGameDataApp::PostShutdown()
	if ( g_pPhysicsModule )
		Sys_UnloadModule( g_pPhysicsModule );
		g_pPhysicsModule = NULL;
		g_pPhysicsCollision = NULL;

//	main
int MakeGameDataApp::Main()
	int			argnum;

	// set the valve library printer
	SpewOutputFunc( OutputFunc );

	Msg( "\nMAKEGAMEDATA - Valve Xbox 360 Game Data Compiler (Build: %s %s)\n", __DATE__, __TIME__ );
	Msg( "(C) Copyright 1996-2006, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved.\n\n" );

	if ( CommandLine()->FindParm( "-v" ) || CommandLine()->FindParm( "-version" ) )
		// spew just the version, used by batches for logging
		return 0;

	if ( CommandLine()->ParmCount() < 2 || CommandLine()->FindParm( "?" ) || CommandLine()->FindParm( "-h" ) || CommandLine()->FindParm( "-help" ) )

	bool bHasFileMask = false;

	const char *pFirstArg = CommandLine()->GetParm( 1 );
	if ( pFirstArg[0] == '-' )
		// first arg is an option, assume *.*
		strcpy( g_szSourcePath, "*.*" );
		strcpy( g_szSourcePath, pFirstArg );
		bHasFileMask = true;

	bool bRecurse = false;
	bRecurse = CommandLine()->FindParm( "-recurse" ) || CommandLine()->FindParm( "-r" );
	g_bForce = CommandLine()->FindParm( "-force" ) || CommandLine()->FindParm( "-f" );
	g_bTest = CommandLine()->FindParm( "-test" ) != 0;
	g_bQuiet = CommandLine()->FindParm( "-quiet" ) || CommandLine()->FindParm( "-q" );
	g_bMakeScenes = CommandLine()->FindParm( "-scenes" ) != 0;
	g_bMakeScenesPC = CommandLine()->FindParm( "-pcscenes" ) != 0;
	g_bMakeScenesPC = true;

	g_bUseMapList = CommandLine()->FindParm( "-usemaplist" ) != 0;

	// Set up zip file options
	g_WriteModeForConversions = WRITE_TO_DISK_ALWAYS;
	argnum = CommandLine()->FindParm( "-z" );
	if ( argnum )
		strcpy( g_szSourcePath, "*.*" );
		g_bMakeZip = true;
		g_bMakeScenes = true;
		bRecurse = true;
		argnum = CommandLine()->FindParm( "-zo" );
		if ( argnum )
			strcpy( g_szSourcePath, "*.*" );
			g_bMakeZip = true;
			g_bMakeScenes = true;
			g_WriteModeForConversions = WRITE_TO_DISK_UPDATE;
			bRecurse = true;
	if ( g_bMakeZip )
		strcat( g_zipPath, CommandLine()->GetParm( argnum + 1 ) );

	// default target path is source
	strcpy( g_targetPath, g_szSourcePath );
	V_StripFilename( g_targetPath );
	if ( !g_targetPath[0] )
		strcpy( g_targetPath, "." );

	// override via command line
	argnum = CommandLine()->FindParm( "-t" );
	if ( argnum )
		V_strcpy_safe( g_targetPath, CommandLine()->GetParm( argnum + 1 ) );
	V_AppendSlash( g_targetPath, sizeof( g_targetPath ) );

	if ( CommandLine()->FindParm( "-preloadinfo" ) )
		g_MasterXZip.SpewPreloadInfo( g_szSourcePath );
		return 0;


	g_bModPathIsValid = GetModPath();
	if ( !SetupFileSystem() )
		Msg( "ERROR: Failed to setup file system.\n" );
		exit( 1 );

	// data model initialization
	g_pDataModel->SetUndoEnabled( false );
	g_pDataModel->OnlyCreateUntypedElements( true );
	g_pDataModel->SetDefaultElementFactory( NULL );

	g_bIsPlatformZip = g_bMakeZip && ( V_stristr( g_szModPath, "\\platform" ) != NULL );

	// cleanup any zombie temp files left from a possible prior abort or error 
	scriptlib->DeleteTemporaryFiles( "mgd_*.tmp" );

	if ( g_bMakeZip || g_bUseMapList )
		// zips use the map list to narrow the bsp conversion to actual shipping maps
		BuildValidMapList( g_ValidMapList );

	CUtlVector<fileList_t> fileList;
	if ( bHasFileMask || g_bMakeZip )
		scriptlib->FindFiles( g_szSourcePath, bRecurse, fileList );

	// model conversions require seperate pre-processing to achieve grouping
	if ( !PreprocessModelFiles( fileList ) )
		return 0;

	GenerateTargetFiles( fileList );

	return 0;