//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: // // $NoKeywords: $ //============================================================================= #include "pch_serverbrowser.h" using namespace vgui; static const long RETRY_TIME = 10000; // refresh server every 10 seconds static const long CHALLENGE_ENTRIES = 1024; extern "C" { DLL_EXPORT bool JoiningSecureServerCall() { return true; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Comparison function used in query redblack tree //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool QueryLessFunc( const struct challenge_s &item1, const struct challenge_s &item2 ) { // compare port then ip if ( item1.addr.GetPort() < item2.addr.GetPort() ) return true; else if ( item1.addr.GetPort() > item2.addr.GetPort() ) return false; int ip1 = item1.addr.GetIPNetworkByteOrder(); int ip2 = item2.addr.GetIPNetworkByteOrder(); return ip1 < ip2; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Constructor //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CDialogGameInfo::CDialogGameInfo( vgui::Panel *parent, int serverIP, int queryPort, unsigned short connectionPort, const char *pszConnectCode ) : Frame(parent, "DialogGameInfo"), m_CallbackPersonaStateChange( this, &CDialogGameInfo::OnPersonaStateChange ), m_sConnectCode( pszConnectCode ) { SetBounds(0, 0, 512, 512); SetMinimumSize(416, 340); SetDeleteSelfOnClose(true); m_bConnecting = false; m_bServerFull = false; m_bShowAutoRetryToggle = false; m_bServerNotResponding = false; m_bShowingExtendedOptions = false; m_SteamIDFriend = 0; m_hPingQuery = HSERVERQUERY_INVALID; m_hPlayersQuery = HSERVERQUERY_INVALID; m_bPlayerListUpdatePending = false; m_szPassword[0] = 0; m_pConnectButton = new Button(this, "Connect", "#ServerBrowser_JoinGame"); m_pCloseButton = new Button(this, "Close", "#ServerBrowser_Close"); m_pRefreshButton = new Button(this, "Refresh", "#ServerBrowser_Refresh"); m_pInfoLabel = new Label(this, "InfoLabel", ""); m_pAutoRetry = new ToggleButton(this, "AutoRetry", "#ServerBrowser_AutoRetry"); m_pAutoRetry->AddActionSignalTarget(this); m_pAutoRetryAlert = new RadioButton(this, "AutoRetryAlert", "#ServerBrowser_AlertMeWhenSlotOpens"); m_pAutoRetryJoin = new RadioButton(this, "AutoRetryJoin", "#ServerBrowser_JoinWhenSlotOpens"); m_pPlayerList = new ListPanel(this, "PlayerList"); m_pPlayerList->AddColumnHeader(0, "PlayerName", "#ServerBrowser_PlayerName", 156); m_pPlayerList->AddColumnHeader(1, "Score", "#ServerBrowser_Score", 64); m_pPlayerList->AddColumnHeader(2, "Time", "#ServerBrowser_Time", 64); m_pPlayerList->SetSortFunc(2, &PlayerTimeColumnSortFunc); // set the defaults for sorting // hack, need to make this more explicit functions in ListPanel PostMessage(m_pPlayerList, new KeyValues("SetSortColumn", "column", 2)); PostMessage(m_pPlayerList, new KeyValues("SetSortColumn", "column", 1)); PostMessage(m_pPlayerList, new KeyValues("SetSortColumn", "column", 1)); m_pAutoRetryAlert->SetSelected(true); m_pConnectButton->SetCommand(new KeyValues("Connect")); m_pCloseButton->SetCommand(new KeyValues("Close")); m_pRefreshButton->SetCommand(new KeyValues("Refresh")); m_iRequestRetry = 0; // create a new server to watch memset(&m_Server, 0, sizeof(m_Server) ); m_Server.m_NetAdr.Init( serverIP, queryPort, connectionPort ); // refresh immediately RequestInfo(); // let us be ticked every frame ivgui()->AddTickSignal(this->GetVPanel()); LoadControlSettings("Servers/DialogGameInfo.res"); RegisterControlSettingsFile( "Servers/DialogGameInfo_SinglePlayer.res" ); RegisterControlSettingsFile( "Servers/DialogGameInfo_AutoRetry.res" ); MoveToCenterOfScreen(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Destructor //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CDialogGameInfo::~CDialogGameInfo() { if ( !steamapicontext->SteamMatchmakingServers() ) return; if ( m_hPingQuery != HSERVERQUERY_INVALID ) steamapicontext->SteamMatchmakingServers()->CancelServerQuery( m_hPingQuery ); if ( m_hPlayersQuery != HSERVERQUERY_INVALID ) steamapicontext->SteamMatchmakingServers()->CancelServerQuery( m_hPlayersQuery ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: send a player query to a server //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CDialogGameInfo::SendPlayerQuery( uint32 unIP, uint16 usQueryPort ) { if ( !steamapicontext->SteamMatchmakingServers() ) return; if ( m_hPlayersQuery != HSERVERQUERY_INVALID ) steamapicontext->SteamMatchmakingServers()->CancelServerQuery( m_hPlayersQuery ); m_hPlayersQuery = steamapicontext->SteamMatchmakingServers()->PlayerDetails( unIP, usQueryPort, this ); m_bPlayerListUpdatePending = true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Activates the dialog //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CDialogGameInfo::Run(const char *titleName) { if ( titleName ) { SetTitle( "#ServerBrowser_GameInfoWithNameTitle", true ); } else { SetTitle( "#ServerBrowser_GameInfoWithNameTitle", true ); } SetDialogVariable( "game", titleName ); // get the info from the user RequestInfo(); Activate(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Changes which server to watch //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CDialogGameInfo::ChangeGame( int serverIP, int queryPort, unsigned short connectionPort ) { memset( &m_Server, 0x0, sizeof(m_Server) ); m_Server.m_NetAdr.Init( serverIP, queryPort, connectionPort ); // remember the dialogs position so we can keep it the same int x, y; GetPos( x, y ); // see if we need to change dialog state if ( !m_Server.m_NetAdr.GetIP() || !m_Server.m_NetAdr.GetQueryPort() ) { // not in a server, load the simple settings dialog SetMinimumSize(0, 0); SetSizeable( false ); LoadControlSettings( "Servers/DialogGameInfo_SinglePlayer.res" ); } else { // moving from a single-player game -> multiplayer, reset dialog SetMinimumSize(416, 340); SetSizeable( true ); LoadControlSettings( "Servers/DialogGameInfo.res" ); } SetPos( x, y ); // Start refresh immediately m_iRequestRetry = 0; RequestInfo(); InvalidateLayout(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: updates the dialog if it's watching a friend who changes servers //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CDialogGameInfo::OnPersonaStateChange( PersonaStateChange_t *pPersonaStateChange ) { #if 0 // TBD delete this func if ( m_SteamIDFriend && m_SteamIDFriend == pPersonaStateChange->m_ulSteamID ) { // friend may have changed servers uint64 nGameID; uint32 unGameIP; uint16 usGamePort; uint16 usQueryPort; if ( SteamFriends()->GetFriendGamePlayed( m_SteamIDFriend, &nGameID, &unGameIP, &usGamePort, &usQueryPort ) ) { if ( pPersonaStateChange->m_nChangeFlags & k_EPersonaChangeGamePlayed ) { ChangeGame( unGameIP, usQueryPort, usGamePort ); } } else { // bugbug johnc: change to not be in a game anymore } } #endif } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Associates a user with this dialog //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CDialogGameInfo::SetFriend( uint64 ulSteamIDFriend ) { // set the title to include the friends name SetTitle( "#ServerBrowser_GameInfoWithNameTitle", true ); SetDialogVariable( "game", steamapicontext->SteamFriends()->GetFriendPersonaName( ulSteamIDFriend ) ); SetDialogVariable( "friend", steamapicontext->SteamFriends()->GetFriendPersonaName( ulSteamIDFriend ) ); // store the friend we're associated with m_SteamIDFriend = ulSteamIDFriend; FriendGameInfo_t friendGameInfo; if ( steamapicontext->SteamFriends()->GetFriendGamePlayed( ulSteamIDFriend, &friendGameInfo ) ) { uint16 usConnPort = friendGameInfo.m_usGamePort; if ( friendGameInfo.m_usQueryPort < QUERY_PORT_ERROR ) usConnPort = friendGameInfo.m_usQueryPort; ChangeGame( friendGameInfo.m_unGameIP, usConnPort, friendGameInfo.m_usGamePort ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: data access //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- uint64 CDialogGameInfo::GetAssociatedFriend() { return m_SteamIDFriend; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: lays out the data //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CDialogGameInfo::PerformLayout() { BaseClass::PerformLayout(); SetControlString( "ServerText", m_Server.GetName() ); SetControlString( "GameText", m_Server.m_szGameDescription ); SetControlString( "MapText", m_Server.m_szMap ); SetControlString( "GameTags", m_Server.m_szGameTags ); if ( !m_Server.m_bHadSuccessfulResponse ) { SetControlString("SecureText", ""); } else if ( m_Server.m_bSecure ) { SetControlString("SecureText", "#ServerBrowser_Secure"); } else { SetControlString("SecureText", "#ServerBrowser_NotSecure"); } char buf[128]; if ( m_Server.m_nMaxPlayers > 0) { Q_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d / %d", m_Server.m_nPlayers, m_Server.m_nMaxPlayers); } else { buf[0] = 0; } SetControlString("PlayersText", buf); SetControlString("ServerIPText", m_Server.m_NetAdr.GetConnectionAddressString() ); m_pConnectButton->SetEnabled(true); /* if ( m_Server.m_NetAdr.GetIP() && m_Server.m_NetAdr.GetQueryPort() ) { SetControlString("ServerIPText", m_Server.m_NetAdr.GetConnectionAddressString() ); m_pConnectButton->SetEnabled(true); if ( m_pAutoRetry->IsSelected() ) { m_pAutoRetryAlert->SetVisible(true); m_pAutoRetryJoin->SetVisible(true); } else { m_pAutoRetryAlert->SetVisible(false); m_pAutoRetryJoin->SetVisible(false); } } else { SetControlString("ServerIPText", ""); m_pConnectButton->SetEnabled(false); }*/ if ( m_Server.m_bHadSuccessfulResponse ) { Q_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", m_Server.m_nPing ); SetControlString("PingText", buf); } else { SetControlString("PingText", ""); } // set the info text if ( m_pAutoRetry->IsSelected() ) { if ( m_Server.m_nPlayers < m_Server.m_nMaxPlayers ) { m_pInfoLabel->SetText("#ServerBrowser_PressJoinToConnect"); } else if (m_pAutoRetryJoin->IsSelected()) { m_pInfoLabel->SetText("#ServerBrowser_JoinWhenSlotIsFree"); } else { m_pInfoLabel->SetText("#ServerBrowser_AlertWhenSlotIsFree"); } } else if (m_bServerFull) { m_pInfoLabel->SetText("#ServerBrowser_CouldNotConnectServerFull"); } else if (m_bServerNotResponding) { m_pInfoLabel->SetText("#ServerBrowser_ServerNotResponding"); } else { // clear the status m_pInfoLabel->SetText(""); } if ( m_Server.m_bHadSuccessfulResponse && !(m_Server.m_nPlayers + m_Server.m_nBotPlayers) ) { m_pPlayerList->SetEmptyListText("#ServerBrowser_ServerHasNoPlayers"); } else { m_pPlayerList->SetEmptyListText("#ServerBrowser_ServerNotResponding"); } // auto-retry layout m_pAutoRetry->SetVisible(m_bShowAutoRetryToggle); Repaint(); } void CDialogGameInfo::OnKeyCodePressed( vgui::KeyCode code ) { if ( code == KEY_XBUTTON_B || code == KEY_XBUTTON_A || code == STEAMCONTROLLER_A || code == STEAMCONTROLLER_B ) { m_pCloseButton->DoClick(); } else { BaseClass::OnKeyCodePressed(code); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Forces the game info dialog to try and connect //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CDialogGameInfo::Connect() { OnConnect(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Connects the user to this game //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CDialogGameInfo::OnConnect() { // flag that we are attempting connection m_bConnecting = true; // reset state m_bServerFull = false; m_bServerNotResponding = false; InvalidateLayout(); // need to refresh server before attempting to connect, to make sure there is enough room on the server m_iRequestRetry = 0; ConnectToServer(); //TODO(nillerusr): restore this later //RequestInfo(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Cancel auto-retry if we connect to the game by other means //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CDialogGameInfo::OnConnectToGame( int ip, int port ) { // if we just connected to the server we were looking at, close the dialog // important so that we don't auto-retry a server that we are already on if ( m_Server.m_NetAdr.GetIP() == (uint32)ip && m_Server.m_NetAdr.GetConnectionPort() == (uint16)port ) { // close this dialog Close(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Handles Refresh button press, starts a re-ping of the server //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CDialogGameInfo::OnRefresh() { m_iRequestRetry = 0; // re-ask the server for the game info RequestInfo(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Forces the whole dialog to redraw when the auto-retry button is toggled //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CDialogGameInfo::OnButtonToggled(Panel *panel) { if (panel == m_pAutoRetry) { ShowAutoRetryOptions(m_pAutoRetry->IsSelected()); } InvalidateLayout(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Sets whether the extended auto-retry options are visible or not //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CDialogGameInfo::ShowAutoRetryOptions(bool state) { // we need to extend the dialog int growSize = 60; if (!state) { growSize = -growSize; } // alter the dialog size accordingly int x, y, wide, tall; GetBounds( x, y, wide, tall ); // load a new layout file depending on the state SetMinimumSize(416, 340); if ( state ) LoadControlSettings( "Servers/DialogGameInfo_AutoRetry.res" ); else LoadControlSettings( "Servers/DialogGameInfo.res" ); // restore size and position as // load control settings will override them SetBounds( x, y, wide, tall + growSize ); // restore other properties of the dialog PerformLayout(); m_pAutoRetryAlert->SetSelected( true ); InvalidateLayout(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Requests the right info from the server //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CDialogGameInfo::RequestInfo() { if ( !steamapicontext->SteamMatchmakingServers() ) return; if ( m_iRequestRetry == 0 ) { // reset the time at which we auto-refresh m_iRequestRetry = system()->GetTimeMillis() + RETRY_TIME; if ( m_hPingQuery != HSERVERQUERY_INVALID ) steamapicontext->SteamMatchmakingServers()->CancelServerQuery( m_hPingQuery ); m_hPingQuery = steamapicontext->SteamMatchmakingServers()->PingServer( m_Server.m_NetAdr.GetIP(), m_Server.m_NetAdr.GetQueryPort(), this ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Called every frame, handles resending network messages //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CDialogGameInfo::OnTick() { // check to see if we should perform an auto-refresh if ( m_iRequestRetry && m_iRequestRetry < system()->GetTimeMillis() ) { m_iRequestRetry = 0; RequestInfo(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: called when the server has successfully responded //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CDialogGameInfo::ServerResponded( gameserveritem_t &server ) { if( m_Server.m_NetAdr.GetQueryPort() && m_Server.m_NetAdr.GetQueryPort() != server.m_NetAdr.GetQueryPort() ) { return; // this is not the guy we talked about } uint16 connectionPort = m_Server.m_NetAdr.GetConnectionPort(); // FIXME(johns): This is a workaround for a steam bug, where it inproperly reads signed bytes out of the // message. Once the upstream fix makes it into our SteamSDK, this block can be removed. server.m_nPlayers = (uint8)(int8)server.m_nPlayers; server.m_nBotPlayers = (uint8)(int8)server.m_nBotPlayers; server.m_nMaxPlayers = (uint8)(int8)server.m_nMaxPlayers; m_hPingQuery = HSERVERQUERY_INVALID; m_Server = server; // Preserve our connection port, since we may be querying the sourceTV port but getting a response for the real // server. This is a limitation of the steam Matchmaking API where it doesn't properly send us a sourcetv response // but instead the main server's response (unless we're connecting to a proxy, THEN we get the sourcetv response!) m_Server.m_NetAdr.SetConnectionPort( connectionPort ); if ( m_bConnecting ) { ConnectToServer(); } else if ( m_pAutoRetry->IsSelected() && server.m_nPlayers < server.m_nMaxPlayers ) { // there is a slot free, we can join // make the sound surface()->PlaySound("Servers/game_ready.wav"); // flash this window FlashWindow(); // if it's set, connect right away if (m_pAutoRetryJoin->IsSelected()) { ConnectToServer(); } } else { SendPlayerQuery( server.m_NetAdr.GetIP(), server.m_NetAdr.GetQueryPort() ); } m_bServerNotResponding = false; InvalidateLayout(); Repaint(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: called when a server response has timed out //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CDialogGameInfo::ServerFailedToRespond() { // the server didn't respond, mark that in the UI // only mark if we haven't ever received a response if ( !m_Server.m_bHadSuccessfulResponse ) { m_bServerNotResponding = true; } InvalidateLayout(); Repaint(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Constructs a command to send a running game to connect to a server, // based on the server type // // TODO it would be nice to push this logic into the IRunGameEngine interface; that // way we could ask the engine itself to construct arguments in ways that fit. // Might be worth the effort as we start to add more engines. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CDialogGameInfo::ApplyConnectCommand( const gameserveritem_t &server ) { char command[ 256 ]; // set the server password, if any if ( m_szPassword[0] ) { Q_snprintf( command, Q_ARRAYSIZE( command ), "password \"%s\"\n", m_szPassword ); g_pRunGameEngine->AddTextCommand( command ); } // send engine command to change servers Q_snprintf( command, Q_ARRAYSIZE( command ), "connect %s %s\n", server.m_NetAdr.GetConnectionAddressString(), m_sConnectCode.String() ); g_pRunGameEngine->AddTextCommand( command ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Constructs game options to use when running a game to connect to a server //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CDialogGameInfo::ConstructConnectArgs( char *pchOptions, int cchOptions, const gameserveritem_t &server ) { Q_snprintf( pchOptions, cchOptions, " +connect %s", server.m_NetAdr.GetConnectionAddressString() ); if ( m_szPassword[0] ) { Q_strcat( pchOptions, " +password \"", cchOptions ); Q_strcat( pchOptions, m_szPassword, cchOptions ); Q_strcat( pchOptions, "\"", cchOptions ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Connects to the server //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CDialogGameInfo::ConnectToServer() { m_bConnecting = false; // check to see if we need a password if ( m_Server.m_bPassword && !m_szPassword[0] ) { CDialogServerPassword *box = new CDialogServerPassword(this); box->AddActionSignalTarget(this); box->Activate( m_Server.GetName(), 0 ); return; } // check the player count // nillerusr /*if ( m_Server.m_nPlayers >= m_Server.m_nMaxPlayers ) { // mark why we cannot connect m_bServerFull = true; // give them access to auto-retry options m_bShowAutoRetryToggle = true; InvalidateLayout(); return; }*/ // tell the engine to connect const char *gameDir = m_Server.m_szGameDir; if (g_pRunGameEngine->IsRunning()) { ApplyConnectCommand( m_Server ); } else { char connectArgs[256]; ConstructConnectArgs( connectArgs, Q_ARRAYSIZE( connectArgs ), m_Server ); if ( ( m_Server.m_bSecure && JoiningSecureServerCall() )|| !m_Server.m_bSecure ) { switch ( g_pRunGameEngine->RunEngine( m_Server.m_nAppID, gameDir, connectArgs ) ) { case IRunGameEngine::k_ERunResultModNotInstalled: { MessageBox *dlg = new MessageBox( "#ServerBrowser_GameInfoTitle", "#ServerBrowser_ModNotInstalled" ); dlg->DoModal(); SetVisible(false); return; } break; case IRunGameEngine::k_ERunResultAppNotFound: { MessageBox *dlg = new MessageBox( "#ServerBrowser_GameInfoTitle", "#ServerBrowser_AppNotFound" ); dlg->DoModal(); SetVisible(false); return; } break; case IRunGameEngine::k_ERunResultNotInitialized: { MessageBox *dlg = new MessageBox( "#ServerBrowser_GameInfoTitle", "#ServerBrowser_NotInitialized" ); dlg->DoModal(); SetVisible(false); return; } break; case IRunGameEngine::k_ERunResultOkay: default: break; }; } } // close this dialog PostMessage(this, new KeyValues("Close")); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: called when the current refresh list is complete //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CDialogGameInfo::RefreshComplete( EMatchMakingServerResponse response ) { } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: handles response from the get password dialog //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CDialogGameInfo::OnJoinServerWithPassword(const char *password) { // copy out the password Q_strncpy(m_szPassword, password, sizeof(m_szPassword)); // retry connecting to the server again OnConnect(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: player list received //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CDialogGameInfo::ClearPlayerList() { m_pPlayerList->DeleteAllItems(); Repaint(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: on individual player added //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CDialogGameInfo::AddPlayerToList(const char *playerName, int score, float timePlayedSeconds) { if ( m_bPlayerListUpdatePending ) { m_bPlayerListUpdatePending = false; m_pPlayerList->RemoveAll(); } KeyValues *player = new KeyValues("player"); player->SetString("PlayerName", playerName); player->SetInt("Score", score); player->SetInt("TimeSec", (int)timePlayedSeconds); // construct a time string int seconds = (int)timePlayedSeconds; int minutes = seconds / 60; int hours = minutes / 60; seconds %= 60; minutes %= 60; char buf[64]; buf[0] = 0; if (hours) { Q_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%dh %dm %ds", hours, minutes, seconds); } else if (minutes) { Q_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%dm %ds", minutes, seconds); } else { Q_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%ds", seconds); } player->SetString("Time", buf); m_pPlayerList->AddItem(player, 0, false, true); player->deleteThis(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Sorting function for time column //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int CDialogGameInfo::PlayerTimeColumnSortFunc(ListPanel *pPanel, const ListPanelItem &p1, const ListPanelItem &p2) { int p1time = p1.kv->GetInt("TimeSec"); int p2time = p2.kv->GetInt("TimeSec"); if (p1time > p2time) return -1; if (p1time < p2time) return 1; return 0; }