//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: .360 Creation for all studiomdl generated files (mdl, vvd, vtx, ani, phy) // //=====================================================================================// #include "MakeGameData.h" #include "filesystem.h" #include "../../common/bsplib.h" #include "ibsppack.h" #include "vtf/vtf.h" #include "../../game/server/ai_hull.h" #include "zip_utils.h" #define AINET_VERSION_NUMBER 37 #define MAX_NODES 1500 bool ReadBSPHeader( const char *pFilename, dheader_t *pHeader ) { V_memset( pHeader, 0, sizeof( dheader_t ) ); int handle = _open( pFilename, _O_RDONLY|_O_BINARY ); if ( handle == -1 ) { return false; } _read( handle, pHeader, sizeof( dheader_t ) ); close( handle ); return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Run possible lod culling fixup //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool ConvertVHV( const char *pVhvFilename, const char *pModelName, CUtlBuffer &sourceBuffer, CUtlBuffer &targetBuffer ) { // find strip info from model char vsiFilename[MAX_PATH]; V_strncpy( vsiFilename, pModelName, sizeof( vsiFilename ) ); V_SetExtension( vsiFilename, ".vsi", sizeof( vsiFilename ) ); CUtlBuffer vsiBuffer; if ( !g_pFullFileSystem->ReadFile( vsiFilename, NULL, vsiBuffer ) ) { // cannot convert bsp's without model converions Msg( "Error! Missing expected model conversion file '%s'. Cannot perform VHV fixup.\n", vsiFilename ); return false; } IMdlStripInfo *pMdlStripInfo = NULL; if ( !mdllib->CreateNewStripInfo( &pMdlStripInfo ) ) { Msg( "Error! Failed to allocate strip info object\n" ); return false; } if ( !pMdlStripInfo->UnSerialize( vsiBuffer ) ) { Msg( "Error! Failed to unserialize strip info object '%s'\n", vsiFilename ); pMdlStripInfo->DeleteThis(); return false; } long originalChecksum = 0; long newChecksum = 0; if ( !pMdlStripInfo->GetCheckSum( &originalChecksum, &newChecksum ) ) { Msg( "Error! Failed to get checksums from '%s'\n", vsiFilename ); pMdlStripInfo->DeleteThis(); return false; } HardwareVerts::FileHeader_t *pVHVhdr = (HardwareVerts::FileHeader_t*)sourceBuffer.Base(); if ( pVHVhdr->m_nChecksum != originalChecksum ) { // vhv file should have matching original checksums Msg( "Error! Mismatched checksums from '%s' and '%s'\n", vsiFilename, pVhvFilename ); pMdlStripInfo->DeleteThis(); return false; } targetBuffer.EnsureCapacity( sourceBuffer.TellMaxPut() ); targetBuffer.Put( sourceBuffer.Base(), sourceBuffer.TellMaxPut() ); if ( !pMdlStripInfo->StripHardwareVertsBuffer( targetBuffer ) ) { pMdlStripInfo->DeleteThis(); return false; } // success pMdlStripInfo->DeleteThis(); return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Generate .360 bsp //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CreateTargetFile_BSP( const char *pSourceName, const char *pTargetName, bool bWriteToZip ) { CUtlBuffer targetBuffer; CUtlBuffer zipBuffer; CUtlBuffer fileBuffer; CUtlBuffer tempBuffer; char tempZipName[MAX_PATH]; char tempSwapName[MAX_PATH]; tempZipName[0] = '\0'; tempSwapName[0] = '\0'; void *pPakData = NULL; int pakSize = 0; CXZipTool *pNewXZip = NULL; if ( !g_bModPathIsValid ) { Msg( "Indeterminate mod path, Cannot perform BSP conversion\n" ); return false; } // Load bsppack.dll void *pBSPPack; CSysModule *pBSPModule; if ( !Sys_LoadInterface( "bsppack.dll", IBSPPACK_VERSION_STRING, &pBSPModule, &pBSPPack ) ) { Msg( "Failed to load bsppack interface\n" ); return false; } scriptlib->MakeTemporaryFilename( g_szModPath, tempSwapName, sizeof( tempSwapName ) ); // Swaps the bsp directly to disk bool bOK = ((IBSPPack*)pBSPPack)->SwapBSPFile( g_pFullFileSystem, pSourceName, tempSwapName, false, ConvertVTFTo360Format, ConvertVHV, CompressCallback ); if ( !bOK ) { goto cleanUp; } // get the pak file from the swapped bsp bOK = ((IBSPPack*)pBSPPack)->GetPakFileLump( g_pFullFileSystem, tempSwapName, &pPakData, &pakSize ); if ( !bOK ) { goto cleanUp; } // build an xzip version of the pak file if ( pPakData && pakSize ) { // mount current pak file IZip *pOldZip = IZip::CreateZip( false, true ); pOldZip->ParseFromBuffer( pPakData, pakSize ); // start a new xzip version scriptlib->MakeTemporaryFilename( g_szModPath, tempZipName, sizeof( tempZipName ) ); pNewXZip = new CXZipTool; pNewXZip->Begin( tempZipName, XBOX_DVD_SECTORSIZE ); // iterate each file in existing zip, add to new zip int zipIndex = -1; for ( ;; ) { char filename[MAX_PATH]; filename[0] = '\0'; int fileSize = 0; zipIndex = pOldZip->GetNextFilename( zipIndex, filename, sizeof( filename ), fileSize ); if ( zipIndex == -1 ) { break; } fileBuffer.Purge(); bOK = pOldZip->ReadFileFromZip( filename, false, fileBuffer ); if ( !bOK ) { goto cleanUp; } bOK = pNewXZip->AddBuffer( filename, fileBuffer, true ); if ( !bOK ) { goto cleanUp; } } IZip::ReleaseZip( pOldZip ); pNewXZip->End(); // read the new zip into memory bOK = scriptlib->ReadFileToBuffer( tempZipName, zipBuffer ); if ( !bOK ) { goto cleanUp; } // replace old pak lump with new zip bOK = ((IBSPPack*)pBSPPack)->SetPakFileLump( g_pFullFileSystem, tempSwapName, tempSwapName, zipBuffer.Base(), zipBuffer.TellMaxPut() ); if ( !bOK ) { goto cleanUp; } } bOK = scriptlib->ReadFileToBuffer( tempSwapName, targetBuffer ); if ( !bOK ) { goto cleanUp; } // never zip, always write local file bOK = WriteBufferToFile( pTargetName, targetBuffer, false, WRITE_TO_DISK_ALWAYS ); cleanUp: if ( tempZipName[0] ) { _unlink( tempZipName ); } if ( tempSwapName[0] ) { _unlink( tempSwapName ); } Sys_UnloadModule( pBSPModule ); if ( pPakData ) { free( pPakData ); } delete pNewXZip; return bOK; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Generate .360 node graphs //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CreateTargetFile_AIN( const char *pSourceName, const char *pTargetName, bool bWriteToZip ) { CUtlBuffer sourceBuf; if ( !scriptlib->ReadFileToBuffer( pSourceName, sourceBuf ) ) { return false; } // the pc ain is tied to the pc bsp and should have been generated after the bsp char szBspName[MAX_PATH]; char szBspPath[MAX_PATH]; V_FileBase( pSourceName, szBspName, sizeof( szBspName ) ); V_ExtractFilePath( pSourceName, szBspPath, sizeof( szBspPath ) ); V_AppendSlash( szBspPath, sizeof( szBspPath ) ); V_strncat( szBspPath, "..\\", sizeof( szBspPath ) ); V_strncat( szBspPath, szBspName, sizeof( szBspPath ) ); V_strncat( szBspPath, ".bsp", sizeof( szBspPath ) ); if ( scriptlib->CompareFileTime( pSourceName, szBspPath ) < 0 ) { // ain has a smaller filetime, thus older than bsp Msg( "%s: Need to regenerate PC nodegraph (stale)\n", pSourceName ); if ( !g_bForce ) { return false; } } // Check the version if ( sourceBuf.GetChar() == 'V' && sourceBuf.GetChar() == 'e' && sourceBuf.GetChar() == 'r' ) { Msg( "%s: Need to regenerate PC nodegraph (bad format)\n", pSourceName ); return false; } // reset sourceBuf.SeekGet( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_HEAD, 0 ); // Version number int version = sourceBuf.GetInt(); if ( version != AINET_VERSION_NUMBER ) { Msg( "%s: Need to regenerate PC nodegraph (got version '%d', expected '%d')\n", pSourceName, version, AINET_VERSION_NUMBER ); return false; } // check the map revision int mapVersion = sourceBuf.GetInt(); dheader_t bspHeader; if ( ReadBSPHeader( szBspPath, &bspHeader ) ) { if ( mapVersion != bspHeader.mapRevision ) { Msg( "%s: Need to regenerate PC nodegraph (ai revision '%d' does not match bsp revision '%d')\n", pSourceName, mapVersion, bspHeader.mapRevision ); return false; } } else { Msg( "%s: Could not find expected bsp '%s'\n", pSourceName, szBspPath ); } // Nodes int nodeCt = sourceBuf.GetInt(); if ( nodeCt > MAX_NODES || nodeCt < 0 ) { Msg( "%s: Need to regenerate PC nodegraph (corrupt)\n", pSourceName ); return false; } CUtlBuffer targetBuf; targetBuf.ActivateByteSwapping( true ); CByteswap swap; swap.ActivateByteSwapping( true ); targetBuf.PutInt( version ); targetBuf.PutInt( mapVersion ); targetBuf.PutInt( nodeCt ); int numFloats = NUM_HULLS + 4; for ( int node = 0; node < nodeCt; ++node ) { targetBuf.EnsureCapacity( targetBuf.TellPut() + numFloats * sizeof( float ) ); swap.SwapBufferToTargetEndian<float>( (float*)targetBuf.PeekPut(), (float*)sourceBuf.PeekGet(), numFloats ); sourceBuf.SeekGet( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_CURRENT, numFloats * sizeof( float ) ); targetBuf.SeekPut( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_CURRENT, numFloats * sizeof( float ) ); targetBuf.PutChar( sourceBuf.GetChar() ); // Align the remaining data targetBuf.SeekPut( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_CURRENT, 3 ); targetBuf.PutUnsignedShort( sourceBuf.GetUnsignedShort() ); targetBuf.PutShort( sourceBuf.GetShort() ); } // Node links int totalNumLinks = sourceBuf.GetInt(); targetBuf.PutInt( totalNumLinks ); for ( int link = 0; link < totalNumLinks; ++link ) { targetBuf.PutShort( sourceBuf.GetShort() ); targetBuf.PutShort( sourceBuf.GetShort() ); targetBuf.Put( sourceBuf.PeekGet(), NUM_HULLS ); sourceBuf.SeekGet( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_CURRENT, NUM_HULLS ); } // WC lookup table targetBuf.EnsureCapacity( targetBuf.TellPut() + nodeCt * sizeof( int ) ); swap.SwapBufferToTargetEndian<int>( (int*)targetBuf.PeekPut(), (int*)sourceBuf.PeekGet(), nodeCt ); targetBuf.SeekPut( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_CURRENT, nodeCt * sizeof( int ) ); // Write the file out return WriteBufferToFile( pTargetName, targetBuf, bWriteToZip, WRITE_TO_DISK_ALWAYS ); } bool GetDependants_BSP( const char *pBspName, CUtlVector< CUtlString > *pList ) { if ( !g_bModPathIsValid ) { Msg( "Indeterminate mod path, Cannot perform BSP conversion\n" ); return false; } // Load bsppack.dll void *pBSPPack; CSysModule *pBSPModule; if ( !Sys_LoadInterface( "bsppack.dll", IBSPPACK_VERSION_STRING, &pBSPModule, &pBSPPack ) ) { Msg( "Failed to load bsppack interface\n" ); return false; } // 360 builds a more complete reslist that includes bsp internal files // build full path to bsp file char szBspFilename[MAX_PATH]; V_ComposeFileName( g_szGamePath, pBspName, szBspFilename, sizeof( szBspFilename ) ); bool bOK = ((IBSPPack*)pBSPPack)->GetBSPDependants( g_pFullFileSystem, szBspFilename, pList ); Sys_UnloadModule( pBSPModule ); return bOK; }