//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: A planar textured surface that breaks into increasingly smaller fragments // as it takes damage. Undamaged pieces remain attached to the world // until they are damaged. Used for window panes. // // $NoKeywords: $ //=============================================================================// #include "cbase.h" #include "ndebugoverlay.h" #include "filters.h" #include "player.h" #include "func_breakablesurf.h" #include "shattersurfacetypes.h" #include "materialsystem/imaterialsystem.h" #include "materialsystem/imaterial.h" #include "materialsystem/imaterialvar.h" #include "globals.h" #include "physics_impact_damage.h" #include "te_effect_dispatch.h" //============================================================================= // HPE_BEGIN // [dwenger] Necessary for stats tracking //============================================================================= #include "gamestats.h" //============================================================================= // HPE_END //============================================================================= // memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!! #include "tier0/memdbgon.h" // Spawn flags #define SF_BREAKABLESURF_CRACK_DECALS 0x00000001 #define SF_BREAKABLESURF_DAMAGE_FROM_HELD_OBJECTS 0x00000002 //############################################################################# // > CWindowPane //############################################################################# #define WINDOW_PANEL_SIZE 12 #define WINDOW_SMALL_SHARD_SIZE 4 #define WINDOW_LARGE_SHARD_SIZE 7 #define WINDOW_MAX_SUPPORT 6.75 #define WINDOW_BREAK_SUPPORT 0.20 #define WINDOW_PANE_BROKEN -1 #define WINDOW_PANE_HEALTHY 1 // Also defined in WC #define QUAD_ERR_NONE 0 #define QUAD_ERR_MULT_FACES 1 #define QUAD_ERR_NOT_QUAD 2 // // func_breakable - bmodel that breaks into pieces after taking damage // LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( window_pane, CWindowPane ); BEGIN_DATADESC( CWindowPane ) // Function Pointers DEFINE_FUNCTION( Die ), DEFINE_FUNCTION( PaneTouch ), END_DATADESC() //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Purpose : // Input : // Output : //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CWindowPane::Spawn( void ) { Precache( ); SetSolid( SOLID_BBOX ); SetMoveType( MOVETYPE_FLYGRAVITY ); m_takedamage = DAMAGE_YES; SetCollisionGroup( COLLISION_GROUP_BREAKABLE_GLASS ); SetModel( "models/brokenglass_piece.mdl" );//set size and link into world. } void CWindowPane::Precache( void ) { PrecacheModel( "models/brokenglass_piece.mdl" ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : pOther - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CWindowPane::PaneTouch( CBaseEntity *pOther ) { if (pOther && pOther->GetCollisionGroup() != COLLISION_GROUP_BREAKABLE_GLASS) { Die(); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Purpose : // Input : // Output : //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CWindowPane::Die( void ) { CPASFilter filter( GetAbsOrigin() ); te->ShatterSurface( filter, 0.0, &GetAbsOrigin(), &GetAbsAngles(), &GetAbsVelocity(), &GetAbsOrigin(), WINDOW_PANEL_SIZE, WINDOW_PANEL_SIZE,WINDOW_SMALL_SHARD_SIZE,SHATTERSURFACE_GLASS, 255,255,255,255,255,255); UTIL_Remove(this); } ///------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Purpose : // Input : // Output : //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CWindowPane* CWindowPane::CreateWindowPane( const Vector &vecOrigin, const QAngle &vecAngles ) { CWindowPane *pGlass = (CWindowPane*)CreateEntityByName( "window_pane" ); if ( !pGlass ) { Msg( "NULL Ent in CreateWindowPane!\n" ); return NULL; } if ( pGlass->edict() ) { pGlass->SetLocalOrigin( vecOrigin ); pGlass->SetLocalAngles( vecAngles ); pGlass->Spawn(); pGlass->SetTouch(&CWindowPane::PaneTouch); pGlass->SetLocalAngularVelocity( RandomAngle(-50,50) ); pGlass->m_nBody = random->RandomInt(0,2); } return pGlass; } //#################################################################################### // > CBreakableSurface //#################################################################################### LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( func_breakable_surf, CBreakableSurface ); BEGIN_DATADESC( CBreakableSurface ) DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_nSurfaceType, FIELD_INTEGER, "surfacetype"), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_nFragility, FIELD_INTEGER, "fragility"), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_vLLVertex, FIELD_VECTOR, "lowerleft" ), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_vULVertex, FIELD_VECTOR, "upperleft" ), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_vLRVertex, FIELD_VECTOR, "lowerright" ), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_vURVertex, FIELD_VECTOR, "upperright" ), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_nQuadError, FIELD_INTEGER, "error" ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_nNumWide, FIELD_INTEGER), DEFINE_FIELD( m_nNumHigh, FIELD_INTEGER), DEFINE_FIELD( m_flPanelWidth, FIELD_FLOAT), DEFINE_FIELD( m_flPanelHeight, FIELD_FLOAT), DEFINE_FIELD( m_vNormal, FIELD_VECTOR), DEFINE_FIELD( m_vCorner, FIELD_POSITION_VECTOR), DEFINE_FIELD( m_bIsBroken, FIELD_BOOLEAN), DEFINE_FIELD( m_nNumBrokenPanes, FIELD_INTEGER), // UNDONE: How to load save this? Need a way to update // the client about the state of the window upon load... // We should use client-side save/load to fix this problem. DEFINE_AUTO_ARRAY2D( m_flSupport, FIELD_FLOAT), DEFINE_ARRAY( m_RawPanelBitVec, FIELD_BOOLEAN, MAX_NUM_PANELS*MAX_NUM_PANELS ), // Function Pointers DEFINE_THINKFUNC( BreakThink ), DEFINE_ENTITYFUNC( SurfaceTouch ), DEFINE_INPUTFUNC( FIELD_VECTOR, "Shatter", InputShatter ), // DEFINE_FIELD( m_ForceUpdateClientData, CBitVec < MAX_PLAYERS > ), // No need to save/restore this, it's just a temporary flag field END_DATADESC() IMPLEMENT_SERVERCLASS_ST(CBreakableSurface, DT_BreakableSurface) SendPropInt(SENDINFO(m_nNumWide), 8, SPROP_UNSIGNED), SendPropInt(SENDINFO(m_nNumHigh), 8, SPROP_UNSIGNED), SendPropFloat(SENDINFO(m_flPanelWidth), 0, SPROP_NOSCALE), SendPropFloat(SENDINFO(m_flPanelHeight), 0, SPROP_NOSCALE), SendPropVector(SENDINFO(m_vNormal), -1, SPROP_COORD), SendPropVector(SENDINFO(m_vCorner), -1, SPROP_COORD), SendPropInt(SENDINFO(m_bIsBroken), 1, SPROP_UNSIGNED), SendPropInt(SENDINFO(m_nSurfaceType), 2, SPROP_UNSIGNED), SendPropArray3(SENDINFO_ARRAY3(m_RawPanelBitVec), SendPropInt( SENDINFO_ARRAY( m_RawPanelBitVec ), 1, SPROP_UNSIGNED ) ), END_SEND_TABLE() //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CBreakableSurface::Precache(void) { UTIL_PrecacheOther( "window_pane" ); // Load the edge types and styles for the specific surface type if (m_nSurfaceType == SHATTERSURFACE_TILE) { PrecacheMaterial( "models/brokentile/tilebroken_03a" ); PrecacheMaterial( "models/brokentile/tilebroken_03b" ); PrecacheMaterial( "models/brokentile/tilebroken_03c" ); PrecacheMaterial( "models/brokentile/tilebroken_03d" ); PrecacheMaterial( "models/brokentile/tilebroken_02a" ); PrecacheMaterial( "models/brokentile/tilebroken_02b" ); PrecacheMaterial( "models/brokentile/tilebroken_02c" ); PrecacheMaterial( "models/brokentile/tilebroken_02d" ); PrecacheMaterial( "models/brokentile/tilebroken_01a" ); PrecacheMaterial( "models/brokentile/tilebroken_01b" ); PrecacheMaterial( "models/brokentile/tilebroken_01c" ); PrecacheMaterial( "models/brokentile/tilebroken_01d" ); } else { PrecacheMaterial( "models/brokenglass/glassbroken_solid" ); PrecacheMaterial( "models/brokenglass/glassbroken_01a" ); PrecacheMaterial( "models/brokenglass/glassbroken_01b" ); PrecacheMaterial( "models/brokenglass/glassbroken_01c" ); PrecacheMaterial( "models/brokenglass/glassbroken_01d" ); PrecacheMaterial( "models/brokenglass/glassbroken_02a" ); PrecacheMaterial( "models/brokenglass/glassbroken_02b" ); PrecacheMaterial( "models/brokenglass/glassbroken_02c" ); PrecacheMaterial( "models/brokenglass/glassbroken_02d" ); PrecacheMaterial( "models/brokenglass/glassbroken_03a" ); PrecacheMaterial( "models/brokenglass/glassbroken_03b" ); PrecacheMaterial( "models/brokenglass/glassbroken_03c" ); PrecacheMaterial( "models/brokenglass/glassbroken_03d" ); } BaseClass::Precache(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Purpose : Window has been touched. Break out pieces based on touching // entity's bounding box // Input : // Output : //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CBreakableSurface::SurfaceTouch( CBaseEntity *pOther ) { // If tile only break if object is moving fast if (m_nSurfaceType == SHATTERSURFACE_TILE) { Vector vVel; pOther->GetVelocity( &vVel, NULL ); if (vVel.Length() < 500) { return; } } // Find nearest point on plane for max Vector vecAbsMins, vecAbsMaxs; pOther->CollisionProp()->WorldSpaceAABB( &vecAbsMins, &vecAbsMaxs ); Vector vToPlane = (vecAbsMaxs - m_vCorner); float vDistToPlane = DotProduct(m_vNormal,vToPlane); Vector vTouchPos = vecAbsMaxs + vDistToPlane*m_vNormal; float flMinsWidth,flMinsHeight; PanePos(vTouchPos, &flMinsWidth, &flMinsHeight); // Find nearest point on plane for mins vToPlane = (vecAbsMins - m_vCorner); vDistToPlane = DotProduct(m_vNormal,vToPlane); vTouchPos = vecAbsMins + vDistToPlane*m_vNormal; float flMaxsWidth,flMaxsHeight; PanePos(vTouchPos, &flMaxsWidth, &flMaxsHeight); int nMinWidth = Floor2Int(MAX(0, MIN(flMinsWidth,flMaxsWidth))); int nMaxWidth = Ceil2Int(MIN(m_nNumWide,MAX(flMinsWidth,flMaxsWidth))); int nMinHeight = Floor2Int(MAX(0, MIN(flMinsHeight,flMaxsHeight))); int nMaxHeight = Ceil2Int(MIN(m_nNumHigh,MAX(flMinsHeight,flMaxsHeight))); Vector vHitVel; pOther->GetVelocity( &vHitVel, NULL ); // Move faster then penetrating object so can see shards vHitVel *= 5; // If I'm not broken yet, break me if ( !m_bIsBroken ) { Die( pOther, vHitVel ); } for (int height=nMinHeight;height<nMaxHeight;height++) { // Randomly break the one before so it doesn't look square if (random->RandomInt(0,1)) { ShatterPane(nMinWidth-1, height,vHitVel,pOther->GetLocalOrigin()); } for (int width=nMinWidth;width<nMaxWidth;width++) { ShatterPane(width, height,vHitVel,pOther->GetLocalOrigin()); } // Randomly break the one after so it doesn't look square if (random->RandomInt(0,1)) { ShatterPane(nMaxWidth+1, height,vHitVel,pOther->GetLocalOrigin()); } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Purpose : Only take damage in trace attack // Input : // Output : //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ int CBreakableSurface::OnTakeDamage( const CTakeDamageInfo &info ) { if ( !m_bIsBroken && info.GetDamageType() == DMG_CRUSH ) { // physics will kill me now Die( info.GetAttacker(), info.GetDamageForce() ); return 0; } if ( m_nSurfaceType == SHATTERSURFACE_GLASS && info.GetDamageType() & DMG_BLAST ) { Vector vecDir = info.GetInflictor()->GetAbsOrigin() - WorldSpaceCenter(); VectorNormalize( vecDir ); Die( info.GetAttacker(), vecDir ); return 0; } // Accept slash damage, too. Manhacks and such. if ( m_nSurfaceType == SHATTERSURFACE_GLASS && (info.GetDamageType() & DMG_SLASH) ) { Die( info.GetAttacker(), info.GetDamageForce() ); return 0; } return 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Purpose: Accepts damage and breaks if health drops below zero. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CBreakableSurface::TraceAttack( const CTakeDamageInfo &info, const Vector &vecDir, trace_t *ptr, CDmgAccumulator *pAccumulator ) { //============================================================================= // HPE_BEGIN: // [dwenger] Window break stat tracking //============================================================================= // Make sure this pane has not already been shattered bool bWasBroken = m_bIsBroken; //============================================================================= // HPE_END //============================================================================= // Decrease health m_iHealth -= info.GetDamage(); m_OnHealthChanged.Set( m_iHealth, info.GetAttacker(), this ); // If I'm not broken yet, break me if (!m_bIsBroken ) { Vector vSurfDir = ptr->endpos - ptr->startpos; Die( info.GetAttacker(), vSurfDir ); } if (info.GetDamageType() & (DMG_BULLET | DMG_CLUB)) { // Figure out which panel has taken the damage and break it float flWidth,flHeight; PanePos(ptr->endpos,&flWidth,&flHeight); int nWidth = flWidth; int nHeight = flHeight; if ( ShatterPane(nWidth, nHeight,vecDir*500,ptr->endpos) ) { //============================================================================= // HPE_BEGIN: // [dwenger] Window break stat tracking //============================================================================= CBasePlayer* pAttacker = ToBasePlayer(info.GetAttacker()); if ( ( pAttacker ) && ( !bWasBroken ) ) { gamestats->Event_WindowShattered( pAttacker ); } //============================================================================= // HPE_END //============================================================================= // Do an impact hit CEffectData data; data.m_vNormal = ptr->plane.normal; data.m_vOrigin = ptr->endpos; CPASFilter filter( data.m_vOrigin ); // client cannot trace against triggers filter.SetIgnorePredictionCull( true ); te->DispatchEffect( filter, 0.0, data.m_vOrigin, "GlassImpact", data ); } if (m_nSurfaceType == SHATTERSURFACE_GLASS) { // Break nearby panes if damages was near pane edge float flWRem = flWidth - nWidth; float flHRem = flHeight - nHeight; if (flWRem > 0.8 && nWidth != m_nNumWide-1) { ShatterPane(nWidth+1, nHeight,vecDir*500,ptr->endpos); } else if (flWRem < 0.2 && nWidth != 0) { ShatterPane(nWidth-1, nHeight,vecDir*500,ptr->endpos); } if (flHRem > 0.8 && nHeight != m_nNumHigh-1) { ShatterPane(nWidth, nHeight+1,vecDir*500,ptr->endpos); } else if (flHRem < 0.2 && nHeight != 0) { ShatterPane(nWidth, nHeight-1,vecDir*500,ptr->endpos); } // Occasionally break the pane above me if (random->RandomInt(0,1)==0) { ShatterPane(nWidth, nHeight+1,vecDir*1000,ptr->endpos); // Occasionally break the pane above that if (random->RandomInt(0,1)==0) { ShatterPane(nWidth, nHeight+2,vecDir*1000,ptr->endpos); } } } } else if (info.GetDamageType() & (DMG_SONIC | DMG_BLAST)) { // ---------------------------------------- // If it's tile blow out nearby tiles // ---------------------------------------- if (m_nSurfaceType == SHATTERSURFACE_TILE) { // Figure out which panel has taken the damage and break it float flWidth,flHeight; if (info.GetAttacker()) { PanePos(info.GetAttacker()->GetAbsOrigin(),&flWidth,&flHeight); } else { PanePos(ptr->endpos,&flWidth,&flHeight); } int nWidth = flWidth; int nHeight = flHeight; // Blow out a roughly circular patch of tile with some randomness for (int width =nWidth-4;width<nWidth+4;width++) { for (int height =nHeight-4;height<nHeight+4;height++) { if ((abs(nWidth-width)+abs(nHeight-height))<random->RandomInt(2,5)) { ShatterPane(width, height,vecDir*500,ptr->endpos); } } } } // ---------------------------------------- // If it's glass blow out the whole window // ---------------------------------------- else { //============================================================================= // HPE_BEGIN: // [pfreese] Window break stat tracking //============================================================================= CBasePlayer* pAttacker = ToBasePlayer(info.GetAttacker()); if ( ( pAttacker ) && ( !bWasBroken ) ) { gamestats->Event_WindowShattered( pAttacker ); } //============================================================================= // HPE_END //============================================================================= float flDot = DotProduct(m_vNormal,vecDir); #ifdef CSTRIKE_DLL float damageMultiplier = info.GetDamage(); #else float damageMultiplier = 1.0f; #endif Vector vBlastDir; if (flDot > 0) { vBlastDir = damageMultiplier * 3000 * m_vNormal; } else { vBlastDir = damageMultiplier * -3000 * m_vNormal; } // Has the window already been destroyed? if (m_nNumBrokenPanes >= m_nNumWide*m_nNumHigh) { return; } // --------------------------------------------------------------- // If less than 10% of my panels have been broken, blow me // up in one large glass shatter // --------------------------------------------------------------- else if ( m_nNumBrokenPanes < 0.1*(m_nNumWide*m_nNumHigh)) { QAngle vAngles; VectorAngles(-1*m_vNormal,vAngles); CreateShards(m_vCorner, vAngles,vBlastDir, ptr->endpos, m_nNumWide*m_flPanelWidth, m_nNumHigh*m_flPanelHeight, WINDOW_LARGE_SHARD_SIZE); } // --------------------------------------------------------------- // Otherwise break in the longest vertical strips possible // (to cut down on the network bandwidth) // --------------------------------------------------------------- else { QAngle vAngles; VectorAngles(-1*m_vNormal,vAngles); Vector vWidthDir,vHeightDir; AngleVectors(vAngles,NULL,&vWidthDir,&vHeightDir); for (int width=0;width<m_nNumWide;width++) { int height; int nHCount = 0; for ( height=0;height<m_nNumHigh;height++) { // Keep count of how many panes if (!IsBroken(width,height)) { nHCount++; } // Shatter the strip and start counting again else if (nHCount > 0) { Vector vBreakPos = m_vCorner + (width*vWidthDir*m_flPanelWidth) + ((height-nHCount)*vHeightDir*m_flPanelHeight); CreateShards(vBreakPos, vAngles, vBlastDir, ptr->endpos, m_flPanelWidth, nHCount*m_flPanelHeight, WINDOW_LARGE_SHARD_SIZE); nHCount = 0; } } if (nHCount) { Vector vBreakPos = m_vCorner + (width*vWidthDir*m_flPanelWidth) + ((height-nHCount)*vHeightDir*m_flPanelHeight); CreateShards(vBreakPos, vAngles, vBlastDir, ptr->endpos, m_flPanelWidth,nHCount*m_flPanelHeight, WINDOW_LARGE_SHARD_SIZE); } } } BreakAllPanes(); } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Purpose: Break into panels // Input : pBreaker - // vDir - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CBreakableSurface::Die( CBaseEntity *pBreaker, const Vector &vAttackDir ) { if ( m_bIsBroken ) return; // Play a break sound PhysBreakSound( this, VPhysicsGetObject(), GetAbsOrigin() ); m_bIsBroken = true; m_iHealth = 0.0f; if (pBreaker) { m_OnBreak.FireOutput( pBreaker, this ); } else { m_OnBreak.FireOutput( this, this ); } float flDir = -1; if ( vAttackDir.LengthSqr() > 0.001 ) { float flDot = DotProduct( m_vNormal, vAttackDir ); if (flDot < 0) { m_vLLVertex += m_vNormal; m_vLRVertex += m_vNormal; m_vULVertex += m_vNormal; m_vURVertex += m_vNormal; m_vNormal *= -1; flDir = 1; } } // ------------------------------------------------------- // The surface has two sides, when we are killed pick // the side that the damage came from // ------------------------------------------------------- Vector vWidth = m_vLLVertex - m_vLRVertex; Vector vHeight = m_vLLVertex - m_vULVertex; CrossProduct( vWidth, vHeight, m_vNormal.GetForModify() ); VectorNormalize(m_vNormal.GetForModify()); // --------------------------------------------------- // Make sure width and height are oriented correctly // --------------------------------------------------- QAngle vAngles; VectorAngles(-1*m_vNormal,vAngles); Vector vWidthDir,vHeightDir; AngleVectors(vAngles,NULL,&vWidthDir,&vHeightDir); float flWDist = DotProduct(vWidthDir,vWidth); if (fabs(flWDist)<0.5) { Vector vSaveHeight = vHeight; vHeight = vWidth * flDir; vWidth = vSaveHeight * flDir; } // ------------------------------------------------- // Find which corner to use // ------------------------------------------------- bool bLeft = (DotProduct(vWidthDir,vWidth) < 0); bool bLower = (DotProduct(vHeightDir,vHeight) < 0); if (bLeft) { m_vCorner = bLower ? m_vLLVertex : m_vULVertex; } else { m_vCorner = bLower ? m_vLRVertex : m_vURVertex; } // ------------------------------------------------- // Calculate the number of panels // ------------------------------------------------- float flWidth = vWidth.Length(); float flHeight = vHeight.Length(); m_nNumWide = flWidth / WINDOW_PANEL_SIZE; m_nNumHigh = flHeight / WINDOW_PANEL_SIZE; // If to many panels make panel size bigger if (m_nNumWide > MAX_NUM_PANELS) m_nNumWide = MAX_NUM_PANELS; if (m_nNumHigh > MAX_NUM_PANELS) m_nNumHigh = MAX_NUM_PANELS; m_flPanelWidth = flWidth / m_nNumWide; m_flPanelHeight = flHeight / m_nNumHigh; // Initialize panels for (int w=0;w<MAX_NUM_PANELS;w++) { for (int h=0;h<MAX_NUM_PANELS;h++) { SetSupport( w, h, WINDOW_PANE_HEALTHY ); } } // Reset onground flags for any entity that may // have been standing on me ResetOnGroundFlags(); VPhysicsDestroyObject(); AddSolidFlags( FSOLID_TRIGGER ); AddSolidFlags( FSOLID_NOT_SOLID ); SetTouch(&CBreakableSurface::SurfaceTouch); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Purpose: Set an instaneous force on the rope. // Input : Force vector. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CBreakableSurface::InputShatter( inputdata_t &inputdata ) { Vector vecShatterInfo; inputdata.value.Vector3D(vecShatterInfo); if (!m_bIsBroken) { Die( NULL, vec3_origin ); } // Figure out which panel has taken the damage and break it float flCenterX = vecShatterInfo.x * m_nNumWide; float flCenterY = vecShatterInfo.y * m_nNumHigh; // Bah: m_flPanelWidth is the width of a single panel int nMinX = (int)(flCenterX - vecShatterInfo.z / m_flPanelWidth); int nMaxX = (int)(flCenterX + vecShatterInfo.z / m_flPanelWidth) + 1; if (nMinX < 0) nMinX = 0; if (nMaxX > m_nNumWide) nMaxX = m_nNumWide; int nMinY = (int)(flCenterY - vecShatterInfo.z / m_flPanelHeight); int nMaxY = (int)(flCenterY + vecShatterInfo.z / m_flPanelHeight) + 1; if (nMinY < 0) nMinY = 0; if (nMaxY > m_nNumHigh) nMaxY = m_nNumHigh; QAngle vAngles; VectorAngles(-1*m_vNormal,vAngles); Vector vWidthDir,vHeightDir; AngleVectors(vAngles,NULL,&vWidthDir,&vHeightDir); // Blow out a roughly circular of tile with some randomness Vector2D vecActualCenter( flCenterX * m_flPanelWidth, flCenterY * m_flPanelHeight ); for (int width = nMinX; width < nMaxX; width++) { for (int height = nMinY; height < nMaxY; height++) { Vector2D pt( (width + 0.5f) * m_flPanelWidth, (height + 0.5f) * m_flPanelWidth ); if ( pt.DistToSqr(vecActualCenter) <= vecShatterInfo.z * vecShatterInfo.z ) { Vector vBreakPos = m_vCorner + (width*vWidthDir*m_flPanelWidth) + (height*vHeightDir*m_flPanelHeight); ShatterPane( width, height, m_vNormal * 500, vBreakPos ); } } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Purpose : // Input : // Output : //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CBreakableSurface::Event_Killed( CBaseEntity *pInflictor, CBaseEntity *pAttacker, float flDamage, int bitsDamageType ) { return; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Purpose : // Input : // Output : //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool CBreakableSurface::IsBroken(int nWidth, int nHeight) { if (nWidth < 0 || nWidth >= m_nNumWide) return true; if (nHeight < 0 || nHeight >= m_nNumHigh) return true; return (m_flSupport[nWidth][nHeight]==WINDOW_PANE_BROKEN); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : w - // h - // support - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CBreakableSurface::SetSupport( int w, int h, float support ) { m_flSupport[ w ][ h ] = support; int offset = w + h * m_nNumWide; bool prevval = m_RawPanelBitVec.Get( offset ); bool curval = prevval; if ( support < 0.0f ) { curval = false; } else { curval = true; } if ( curval != prevval ) { m_RawPanelBitVec.Set( offset, curval ); m_RawPanelBitVec.GetForModify( offset ); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Purpose : // Input : // Output : //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ float CBreakableSurface::GetSupport(int nWidth, int nHeight) { return MAX(0,m_flSupport[nWidth][nHeight]); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Purpose : Return the structural support for this pane. Assumes window // is upright. Still works for windows parallel to the ground // but simulation isn't quite as good // Input : // Output : //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ float CBreakableSurface::RecalcSupport(int nWidth, int nHeight) { // Always has some support. Zero signifies that it has been broken float flSupport = 0.01; // ------------ // Top support // ------------ if (nHeight == m_nNumHigh-1) { flSupport += 1.0; } else { flSupport += GetSupport(nWidth,nHeight+1); } // ------------ // Bottom Support // ------------ if (nHeight == 0) { flSupport += 1.25; } else { flSupport += 1.25 * GetSupport(nWidth,nHeight-1); } // ------------ // Left Support // ------------ if (nWidth == 0) { flSupport += 1.0; } else { flSupport += GetSupport(nWidth-1,nHeight); } // -------------- // Right Support // -------------- if (nWidth == m_nNumWide-1) { flSupport += 1.0; } else { flSupport += GetSupport(nWidth+1,nHeight); } // -------------------- // Bottom Left Support // -------------------- if (nHeight == 0 || nWidth == 0) { flSupport += 1.0; } else { flSupport += GetSupport(nWidth-1,nHeight-1); } // --------------------- // Bottom Right Support // --------------------- if (nHeight == 0 || nWidth == m_nNumWide-1) { flSupport += 1.0; } else { flSupport += GetSupport(nWidth+1,nHeight-1); } // ----------------- // Top Right Support // ----------------- if (nHeight == m_nNumHigh-1 || nWidth == m_nNumWide-1) { flSupport += 0.25; } else { flSupport += 0.25 * GetSupport(nWidth+1,nHeight+1); } // ----------------- // Top Left Support // ----------------- if (nHeight == m_nNumHigh-1 || nWidth == 0) { flSupport += 0.25; } else { flSupport += 0.25 * GetSupport(nWidth-1,nHeight+1); } return flSupport; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Purpose : Itterate through the panels and make sure none have become // unstable // Input : // Output : //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CBreakableSurface::BreakThink(void) { // Don't calculate support if I'm tile if (m_nSurfaceType == SHATTERSURFACE_TILE) { return; } // ----------------------- // Recalculate all support // ----------------------- int w; float flSupport[MAX_NUM_PANELS][MAX_NUM_PANELS]; for (w=0;w<m_nNumWide;w++) { for (int h=0;h<m_nNumHigh;h++) { if (!IsBroken(w,h)) { flSupport[w][h] = RecalcSupport(w,h); } } } // ---------------------------------------------------- // Set support and break inadequately supported panes // ---------------------------------------------------- float flBreakValue = WINDOW_BREAK_SUPPORT*(m_nFragility/100.0); for (w=0;w<m_nNumWide;w++) { for (int h=0;h<m_nNumHigh;h++) { if (!IsBroken(w,h)) { SetSupport( w, h, flSupport[w][h]/WINDOW_MAX_SUPPORT ); if (m_flSupport[w][h] < flBreakValue) { // Occasionaly drop a pane if (random->RandomInt(0,1)) { DropPane(w,h); } // Otherwise just shatter the glass else { ShatterPane(w,h,vec3_origin,vec3_origin); } SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime ); } } } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Purpose : Given a 3D position on the window in space return the height and // width of the position from the window's corner // Input : // Output : //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CBreakableSurface::PanePos(const Vector &vPos, float *flWidth, float *flHeight) { Vector vAttackVec = vPos - m_vCorner; QAngle vAngles; VectorAngles(-1*m_vNormal,vAngles); Vector vWidthDir,vHeightDir; AngleVectors(vAngles,NULL,&vWidthDir,&vHeightDir); float flWDist = DotProduct(vWidthDir,vAttackVec); float flHDist = DotProduct(vHeightDir,vAttackVec); // Figure out which quadrent I'm in *flWidth = flWDist/m_flPanelWidth; *flHeight = flHDist/m_flPanelHeight; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Purpose : // Input : // Output : //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CBreakableSurface::BreakAllPanes(void) { // Now tell the client all the panes have been broken for (int width=0;width<m_nNumWide;width++) { for (int height=0;height<m_nNumHigh;height++) { //SetSupport( width, height, WINDOW_PANE_BROKEN ); BreakPane(width,height); } } m_nNumBrokenPanes = m_nNumWide*m_nNumHigh; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Purpose : Drop a window pane entity // Input : // Output : //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CBreakableSurface::BreakPane(int nWidth, int nHeight) { // Check parameter range if (nWidth < 0 || nWidth >= m_nNumWide) return; if (nHeight < 0 || nHeight >= m_nNumHigh) return; // Count how many panes have been broken or dropped m_nNumBrokenPanes++; SetSupport( nWidth, nHeight, WINDOW_PANE_BROKEN ); SetThink(&CBreakableSurface::BreakThink); SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Purpose : Drop a window pane entity // Input : // Output : //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CBreakableSurface::DropPane(int nWidth, int nHeight) { // Check parameter range if (nWidth < 0 || nWidth >= m_nNumWide) return; if (nHeight < 0 || nHeight >= m_nNumHigh) return; if (!IsBroken(nWidth,nHeight)) { BreakPane(nWidth,nHeight); QAngle vAngles; VectorAngles(-1*m_vNormal,vAngles); Vector vWidthDir,vHeightDir; AngleVectors(vAngles,NULL,&vWidthDir,&vHeightDir); Vector vBreakPos = m_vCorner + (nWidth*vWidthDir*m_flPanelWidth) + (nHeight*vHeightDir*m_flPanelHeight); CreateShards(vBreakPos, vAngles, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, WINDOW_PANEL_SIZE, WINDOW_PANEL_SIZE, WINDOW_SMALL_SHARD_SIZE); DamageSound(); CWindowPane *pPane = CWindowPane::CreateWindowPane(vBreakPos, vAngles); if (pPane) { pPane->SetLocalAngularVelocity( RandomAngle(-120,120) ); } } } void CBreakableSurface::CreateShards(const Vector &vBreakPos, const QAngle &vAngles, const Vector &vForce, const Vector &vForcePos, float flWidth, float flHeight, int nShardSize) { Vector vAdjustedBreakPos = vBreakPos; Vector vAdjustedForce = vForce; int front_r,front_g,front_b; int back_r,back_g,back_b; // UNDONE: For now hardcode these colors. Later when used by more textures // we'll automate this process or expose the colors in WC if (m_nSurfaceType == SHATTERSURFACE_TILE) { // If tile shoot shards back from the shattered surface and offset slightly // from the surface. vAdjustedBreakPos -= 8*m_vNormal; vAdjustedForce = -0.75*vForce; front_r = 89; front_g = 120; front_b = 83; back_r = 99; back_g = 76; back_b = 21; } else { front_r = 255; front_g = 255; front_b = 255; back_r = 255; back_g = 255; back_b = 255; } CPASFilter filter( vAdjustedBreakPos ); te->ShatterSurface(filter, 0.0, &vAdjustedBreakPos, &vAngles, &vAdjustedForce, &vForcePos, flWidth, flHeight,WINDOW_SMALL_SHARD_SIZE,m_nSurfaceType, front_r,front_g,front_b,back_r,back_g,back_b);//4); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Purpose : Break a panel // Input : // Output : //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool CBreakableSurface::ShatterPane(int nWidth, int nHeight, const Vector &vForce, const Vector &vForcePos) { // Check parameter range if (nWidth < 0 || nWidth >= m_nNumWide) return false; if (nHeight < 0 || nHeight >= m_nNumHigh) return false; if ( IsBroken(nWidth,nHeight) ) return false; BreakPane(nWidth,nHeight); QAngle vAngles; VectorAngles(-1*m_vNormal,vAngles); Vector vWidthDir,vHeightDir; AngleVectors(vAngles,NULL,&vWidthDir,&vHeightDir); Vector vBreakPos = m_vCorner + (nWidth*vWidthDir*m_flPanelWidth) + (nHeight*vHeightDir*m_flPanelHeight); CreateShards(vBreakPos, vAngles,vForce, vForcePos, m_flPanelWidth, m_flPanelHeight, WINDOW_SMALL_SHARD_SIZE); DamageSound(); return true; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Purpose : // Input : // Output : //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void CBreakableSurface::Spawn(void) { BaseClass::Spawn(); SetCollisionGroup( COLLISION_GROUP_BREAKABLE_GLASS ); m_bIsBroken = false; if (m_nQuadError == QUAD_ERR_MULT_FACES) { Warning("Rejecting func_breakablesurf. Has multiple faces that aren't NODRAW.\n"); UTIL_Remove(this); } else if (m_nQuadError == QUAD_ERR_NOT_QUAD) { Warning("Rejecting func_breakablesurf. Drawn face isn't a quad.\n"); UTIL_Remove(this); } int materialCount = modelinfo->GetModelMaterialCount( const_cast<model_t*>(GetModel()) ); if( materialCount != 1 ) { Warning( "Encountered func_breakablesurf that has a material applied to more than one surface!\n" ); UTIL_Remove(this); } // Get at the first material; even if there are more than one. IMaterial* pMaterial; modelinfo->GetModelMaterials( const_cast<model_t*>(GetModel()), 1, &pMaterial ); // The material should point to a cracked version of itself bool foundVar; IMaterialVar* pCrackName = pMaterial->FindVar( "$crackmaterial", &foundVar, false ); if (foundVar) { PrecacheMaterial( pCrackName->GetStringValue() ); } // Init the Panel bit vector to all true. ( no panes are broken ) int bitVecLength = MAX_NUM_PANELS * MAX_NUM_PANELS; for( int i=0;i<bitVecLength;i++ ) { m_RawPanelBitVec.Set( i, true ); } } void CBreakableSurface::VPhysicsCollision( int index, gamevcollisionevent_t *pEvent ) { if ( !m_bIsBroken ) { int damageType = 0; string_t iszDamageTable = ( ( m_nSurfaceType == SHATTERSURFACE_GLASS ) ? ( "glass" ) : ( NULL_STRING ) ); bool bDamageFromHeldObjects = ( ( m_spawnflags & SF_BREAKABLESURF_DAMAGE_FROM_HELD_OBJECTS ) != 0 ); float damage = CalculateDefaultPhysicsDamage( index, pEvent, 1.0, false, damageType, iszDamageTable, bDamageFromHeldObjects ); if ( damage > 10 ) { // HACKHACK: Reset mass to get correct collision response for the object breaking this pEvent->pObjects[index]->SetMass( 2.0f ); Vector normal, damagePos; pEvent->pInternalData->GetSurfaceNormal( normal ); if ( index == 0 ) { normal *= -1.0f; } pEvent->pInternalData->GetContactPoint( damagePos ); int otherIndex = !index; CBaseEntity *pInflictor = pEvent->pEntities[otherIndex]; CTakeDamageInfo info( pInflictor, pInflictor, normal, damagePos, damage, damageType ); PhysCallbackDamage( this, info, *pEvent, index ); } else if ( damage > 0 ) { if ( m_spawnflags & SF_BREAKABLESURF_CRACK_DECALS ) { Vector normal, damagePos; pEvent->pInternalData->GetSurfaceNormal( normal ); if ( index == 0 ) { normal *= -1.0f; } pEvent->pInternalData->GetContactPoint( damagePos ); trace_t tr; UTIL_TraceLine ( damagePos - normal, damagePos + normal, MASK_SOLID_BRUSHONLY, NULL, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr ); // Only place decals and draw effects if we hit something valid if ( tr.m_pEnt && tr.m_pEnt == this ) { // Build the impact data CEffectData data; data.m_vOrigin = tr.endpos; data.m_vStart = tr.startpos; data.m_nSurfaceProp = tr.surface.surfaceProps; data.m_nDamageType = DMG_CLUB; data.m_nHitBox = tr.hitbox; data.m_nEntIndex = entindex(); // Send it on its way DispatchEffect( "Impact", data ); } } } } BaseClass::VPhysicsCollision( index, pEvent ); }