//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: 

#include "cbase.h"


bool CheckWinNoEnemyCaps( IGameEvent *event, int iRole );
bool IsLocalTFPlayerClass( int iClass );
bool GameRulesAllowsAchievements( void );

// All achievements should derive from this. It takes care of ensuring that MVM mode isn't active for
// non MVM achievements and that MVM is active for MVM achievements
class CBaseTFAchievementSimple : public CBaseAchievement
	DECLARE_CLASS( CBaseTFAchievementSimple, CBaseAchievement );
	virtual bool LocalPlayerCanEarn( void );

	virtual void FireGameEvent( IGameEvent *event );

// All class specific achievements should derive from this. It takes care of ensuring that the class
// check is performed, and saves needless event handling for other class's achievements.
class CBaseTFAchievement : public CBaseTFAchievementSimple
	DECLARE_CLASS( CBaseTFAchievement, CBaseTFAchievementSimple );
	virtual bool LocalPlayerCanEarn( void );

// Helper class for achievements that check that the player was playing on a game team for the full round
class CTFAchievementFullRound : public CBaseTFAchievement
	DECLARE_CLASS( CTFAchievementFullRound, CBaseTFAchievement );
	void Init() ;
	virtual void ListenForEvents();
	void FireGameEvent_Internal( IGameEvent *event );
	bool PlayerWasInEntireRound( float flRoundTime );

	virtual void Event_OnRoundComplete( float flRoundTime, IGameEvent *event ) = 0 ;

class CAchievementTopScoreboard : public CTFAchievementFullRound
	DECLARE_CLASS( CAchievementTopScoreboard, CTFAchievementFullRound );

	void Init();
	virtual void ListenForEvents();
	virtual void Event_OnRoundComplete( float flRoundTime, IGameEvent *event );

// Helper class for achievements that involve killing players after walking through a teleporter
template < class tBaseClass >
class CTFAchievementTeleporterTimingKills : public tBaseClass
	DECLARE_CLASS( CTFAchievementTeleporterTimingKills, CBaseTFAchievement );

	void Init() 
		this->SetGoal( 1 );

	virtual void Event_EntityKilled( CBaseEntity *pVictim, CBaseEntity *pAttacker, CBaseEntity *pInflictor, IGameEvent *event ) 
		if ( !pVictim || !pVictim->IsPlayer() )

		C_BasePlayer *pLocalPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
		if ( pAttacker == pLocalPlayer && pVictim != pLocalPlayer )
			C_TFPlayer *pTFAttacker = ToTFPlayer( pAttacker );
			if ( pTFAttacker && pTFAttacker->m_Shared.InCond( TF_COND_TELEPORTED ) && ( gpGlobals->curtime - pTFAttacker->m_Shared.GetTimeTeleEffectAdded() <= 5.0f ) )

extern CAchievementMgr g_AchievementMgrTF;	// global achievement mgr for TF

#endif // CLIENT_DLL