//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // //=======================================================================================// #ifndef IENGINEREPLAY_H #define IENGINEREPLAY_H #ifdef _WIN32 #pragma once #endif //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "interface.h" //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define ENGINE_REPLAY_INTERFACE_VERSION "EngineReplay001" #if !defined( DEDICATED ) # define ENGINE_REPLAY_CLIENT_INTERFACE_VERSION "EngineClientReplay001" #endif //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class IServer; class INetChannel; class IReplayServer; class IClientEntityList; class IClientReplay; struct demoheader_t; class CGlobalVarsBase; class IDemoBuffer; class CBaseRecordingSessionBlock; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Allows the replay, client & server DLL's to talk to the engine // class IEngineReplay : public IBaseInterface { public: virtual bool IsSupportedModAndPlatform() = 0; virtual float GetHostTime() = 0; virtual int GetHostTickCount() = 0; virtual int TimeToTicks( float flTime ) = 0; virtual float TicksToTime( int nTick ) = 0; virtual bool ReadDemoHeader( const char *pFilename, demoheader_t &header ) = 0; virtual const char *GetGameDir() = 0; virtual void Cbuf_AddText( const char *pCmd ) = 0; virtual void Cbuf_Execute() = 0; virtual void Host_Disconnect( bool bShowMainMenu ) = 0; virtual void HostState_Shutdown() = 0; virtual const char *GetModDir() = 0; virtual bool CopyFile( const char *pSource, const char *pDest ) = 0; virtual bool LZSS_Compress( char *pDest, unsigned int *pDestLen, const char *pSource, unsigned int nSourceLen ) = 0; virtual bool LZSS_Decompress( char *pDest, unsigned int *pDestLen, const char *pSource, unsigned int nSourceLen ) = 0; virtual bool MD5_HashBuffer( unsigned char pDigest[16], const unsigned char *pBuffer, int nSize, unsigned int pSeed[4] ) = 0; // Server-specific virtual IReplayServer *GetReplayServer() = 0; virtual IServer *GetReplayServerAsIServer() = 0; virtual IServer *GetGameServer() = 0; virtual bool GetSessionRecordBuffer( uint8 **ppSessionBuffer, int *pSize ) = 0; virtual bool IsDedicated() = 0; virtual void ResetReplayRecordBuffer() = 0; virtual demoheader_t *GetReplayDemoHeader() = 0; virtual void RecalculateTags() = 0; virtual bool NET_GetHostnameAsIP( const char *pHostname, char *pOut, int nOutSize ) = 0; }; // // Allows the replay and client DLL's to talk to the engine // #if !defined( DEDICATED ) class IEngineClientReplay : public IBaseInterface { public: virtual INetChannel *GetNetChannel() = 0; virtual bool IsConnected() = 0; virtual bool IsListenServer() = 0; virtual float GetLastServerTickTime() = 0; virtual const char *GetLevelName() = 0; virtual const char *GetLevelNameShort() = 0; virtual int GetPlayerSlot() = 0; virtual bool IsPlayingReplayDemo() = 0; virtual IClientEntityList *GetClientEntityList() = 0; virtual IClientReplay *GetClientReplayInt() = 0; virtual uint32 GetClientSteamID() = 0; virtual void Con_NPrintf( int nPos, PRINTF_FORMAT_STRING const char *pFormat, ... ) = 0; virtual CGlobalVarsBase *GetClientGlobalVars() = 0; virtual void VGui_PlaySound( const char *pSound ) = 0; virtual void EngineVGui_ConfirmQuit() = 0; virtual int GetScreenWidth() = 0; virtual int GetScreenHeight() = 0; virtual bool IsDemoPlayingBack() = 0; virtual bool IsGamePathValidAndSafeForDownload( const char *pGamePath ) = 0; virtual bool IsInGame() = 0; virtual void InitSoundRecord() = 0; virtual void Wave_CreateTmpFile( const char *pFilename ) = 0; virtual void Wave_AppendTmpFile( const char *pFilename, void *pBuffer, int nNumSamples ) = 0; virtual void Wave_FixupTmpFile( const char *pFilename ) = 0; }; #endif // !defined( DEDICATED ) //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #endif // IENGINEREPLAY_H