//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: // // $NoKeywords: $ //============================================================================= #include "cbase.h" #include "tf_duckleaderboard.h" #ifdef CLIENT_DLL #include "vgui_avatarimage.h" #include "tf_item_inventory.h" #endif // memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!! #include <tier0/memdbgon.h> //------------------------------- const char *g_szDuckLeaderboardNames[] = { "TF_DUCK_SCORING_OVERALL_RATING", // TF_DUCK_SCORING_OVERALL_RATING "TF_DUCK_SCORING_PERSONAL_GENERATION", // TF_DUCK_SCORING_PERSONAL_GENERATION "TF_DUCK_SCORING_PERSONAL_PICKUP_OFFENSE", // TF_DUCK_SCORING_PERSONAL_PICKUP_OFFENSE "TF_DUCK_SCORING_PERSONAL_PICKUP_DEFENDED", // TF_DUCK_SCORING_PERSONAL_PICKUP_DEFENDED "TF_DUCK_SCORING_PERSONAL_PICKUP_OBJECTIVE", // TF_DUCK_SCORING_PERSONAL_PICKUP_OBJECTIVE "TF_DUCK_SCORING_TEAM_PICKUP_MY_DUCKS", // TF_DUCK_SCORING_TEAM_PICKUP_MY_DUCKS "TF_DUCK_SCORING_PERSONAL_BONUS_PICKUP", // TF_DUCK_SCORING_PERSONAL_BONUS_PICKUP }; COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( ARRAYSIZE( g_szDuckLeaderboardNames ) == DUCK_NUM_LEADERBOARDS ); #ifdef CLIENT_DLL //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CDucksLeaderboard::CDucksLeaderboard( Panel *parent, const char *panelName, const char *pszDuckLeaderboardname ) : CTFLeaderboardPanel( parent, panelName ) , m_pszDuckLeaderboardName( pszDuckLeaderboardname ) , m_pToolTip( NULL ) { m_pToolTip = new CTFTextToolTip( this ); m_pToolTipEmbeddedPanel = new vgui::EditablePanel( this, "TooltipPanel" ); m_pToolTipEmbeddedPanel->SetKeyBoardInputEnabled( false ); m_pToolTipEmbeddedPanel->SetMouseInputEnabled( false ); m_pToolTip->SetEmbeddedPanel( m_pToolTipEmbeddedPanel ); m_pToolTip->SetTooltipDelay( 0 ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CDucksLeaderboard::~CDucksLeaderboard() {} //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CDucksLeaderboard::ApplySchemeSettings( IScheme *pScheme ) { BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings( pScheme ); LoadControlSettings( "Resource/UI/econ/DucksLeaderboardPanel.res" ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CDucksLeaderboard::GetLeaderboardData( CUtlVector< LeaderboardEntry_t* > &scores ) { return Leaderboards_GetDuckLeaderboard( scores, m_pszDuckLeaderboardName ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CDucksLeaderboard::UpdateLeaderboards() { CUtlVector< LeaderboardEntry_t* > scores; if ( !GetLeaderboardData( scores ) ) return false; CSteamID localSteamID; if ( steamapicontext && steamapicontext->SteamUser() ) { localSteamID = steamapicontext->SteamUser()->GetSteamID(); } // Scores were empty but the leaderboard query was OK? This will happen while the user // and their friends has no scores. For now, insert a dummy value for the local player. LeaderboardEntry_t dummyentry; if ( scores.IsEmpty() ) { dummyentry.m_nScore = 0; dummyentry.m_steamIDUser = localSteamID; scores.AddToTail( &dummyentry ); } int nStartingIndex = 0; FOR_EACH_VEC( scores, i ) { if ( scores[ i ]->m_steamIDUser == localSteamID ) { // Try to go 3 past where the player is if we can, then go back 6 nStartingIndex = Max( Min( i + 3, scores.Count() ) - 6, 0 ); break; } } int x=0,y=0; FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecLeaderboardEntries, i ) { Color colorToUse = i % 2 == 1 ? m_OddTextColor : m_EvenTextColor; EditablePanel *pContainer = dynamic_cast< EditablePanel* >( m_vecLeaderboardEntries[i] ); int nScoreIndex = nStartingIndex + i; if ( pContainer ) { bool bIsEntryVisible = nScoreIndex < scores.Count(); pContainer->SetVisible( bIsEntryVisible ); pContainer->SetPos( x, y ); y += m_yEntryStep; if ( bIsEntryVisible ) { const LeaderboardEntry_t *leaderboardEntry = scores[nScoreIndex]; const CSteamID &steamID = leaderboardEntry->m_steamIDUser; bool bIsLocalPlayer = steamapicontext && steamapicontext->SteamUser() && steamapicontext->SteamUser()->GetSteamID() == steamID; pContainer->SetDialogVariable( "username", InventoryManager()->PersonaName_Get( steamID.GetAccountID() ) ); float flXPToLevel = DUCK_XP_SCALE; const float flPreciseLevel = leaderboardEntry->m_nScore / flXPToLevel; const int nCurrentLevel = floor( flPreciseLevel ); const float flPercentToNextLevel = flPreciseLevel - nCurrentLevel; pContainer->SetDialogVariable( "score", nCurrentLevel ); ProgressBar* pProgressBar = pContainer->FindControl<ProgressBar>( "ProgressToNextLevel", true ); if ( pProgressBar ) { pProgressBar->SetProgress( 1.f - flPercentToNextLevel ); pProgressBar->SetProgressDirection( ProgressBar::PROGRESS_WEST ); //const int nNextLevelXP = ( nCurrentLevel + 1 ) * DUCK_XP_SCALE; pProgressBar->SetTooltip( m_pToolTip, CFmtStr( "%d / %d", leaderboardEntry->m_nScore % DUCK_XP_SCALE, DUCK_XP_SCALE ) ); } CExLabel *pText = pContainer->FindControl< CExLabel >( "UserName" ); if ( pText ) { pText->SetColorStr( bIsLocalPlayer ? m_LocalPlayerTextColor : colorToUse ); } pText = pContainer->FindControl< CExLabel >( "Score" ); if ( pText ) { pText->SetColorStr( bIsLocalPlayer ? m_LocalPlayerTextColor : colorToUse ); } CAvatarImagePanel *pAvatar = dynamic_cast< CAvatarImagePanel* >( pContainer->FindChildByName( "AvatarImage" ) ); if ( pAvatar ) { pAvatar->SetShouldDrawFriendIcon( false ); pAvatar->SetPlayer( steamID, k_EAvatarSize32x32 ); } } } } return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CDucksLeaderboardManager::CDucksLeaderboardManager( Panel *parent, const char *panelName ) : EditablePanel( parent, panelName ) , m_nCurrentPage( 0 ) , m_flFadeStartTime( Plat_FloatTime() ) , m_pDimmer( NULL ) { ListenForGameEvent( "gameui_hidden" ); m_pToolTip = new CTFTextToolTip( this ); m_pToolTipEmbeddedPanel = new vgui::EditablePanel( this, "TooltipPanel" ); m_pToolTipEmbeddedPanel->SetKeyBoardInputEnabled( false ); m_pToolTipEmbeddedPanel->SetMouseInputEnabled( false ); m_pToolTip->SetEmbeddedPanel( m_pToolTipEmbeddedPanel ); m_pToolTip->SetTooltipDelay( 0 ); static CSchemaItemDefHandle pDuckBadgeDef( "Duck Badge" ); // Prevent users who don't own the badge from opening the duck leaderboards if( CTFPlayerInventory::GetFirstItemOfItemDef( pDuckBadgeDef->GetDefinitionIndex() ) == NULL ) { SetVisible( false ); MarkForDeletion(); return; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CDucksLeaderboardManager::ApplySchemeSettings( IScheme *pScheme ) { BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings( pScheme ); LoadControlSettings( "Resource/UI/econ/DucksLeaderboards.res" ); m_pDimmer = FindControl<EditablePanel>( "Dimmer" ); ShowPage( 0 ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CDucksLeaderboardManager::ApplySettings( KeyValues *inResourceData ) { BaseClass::ApplySettings( inResourceData ); m_vecLeaderboards.PurgeAndDeleteElements(); EditablePanel* pBackgroundPanel = FindControl< EditablePanel >( "Background", true ); if ( pBackgroundPanel ) { EDuckLeaderboardTypes eShowLeaderboard = TF_DUCK_SCORING_OVERALL_RATING; CDucksLeaderboard *pLeaderboard = new CDucksLeaderboard( pBackgroundPanel, "DuckLeaderboard", g_szDuckLeaderboardNames[eShowLeaderboard] ); pLeaderboard->SetDialogVariable( "title", g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( CFmtStr( "#%s", g_szDuckLeaderboardNames[eShowLeaderboard] ) ) ); pLeaderboard->SetDialogVariable( "description", g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( CFmtStr( "#%s_Desc", g_szDuckLeaderboardNames[eShowLeaderboard] ) ) ); pLeaderboard->InvalidateLayout( true, true ); m_vecLeaderboards.AddToTail( pLeaderboard ); EditablePanel *pStatsPanel = pBackgroundPanel->FindControl<EditablePanel>( "SecondaryStatsContainer", true ); if ( pStatsPanel ) { m_vecLeaderboards.AddToTail( pStatsPanel ); Panel* pScoresContainer = pStatsPanel->FindChildByName( "ScoresContainer", true ); if ( pScoresContainer ) { CSteamID localSteamID; if ( steamapicontext && steamapicontext->SteamUser() ) { localSteamID= steamapicontext->SteamUser()->GetSteamID(); } KeyValues* pScoreEntryKVs = inResourceData->FindKey( "ScoreEntryKVs" ); if ( pScoreEntryKVs ) { for( int i = 1; i < DUCK_NUM_LEADERBOARDS; ++i ) { EditablePanel *pNewEntry = new EditablePanel( pScoresContainer , "Score%d" ); pNewEntry->ApplySettings( pScoreEntryKVs ); pNewEntry->SetDialogVariable( "name", g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( CFmtStr( "#%s", g_szDuckLeaderboardNames[i] ) ) ); pNewEntry->SetTooltip( m_pToolTip, CFmtStr( "#%s_Desc", g_szDuckLeaderboardNames[i] ) ); pNewEntry->SetVisible( true ); pNewEntry->SetPos( 0, m_iScoreStep * i ); // This is off by 1, but that's what we want. It starts at 1, but we want it to start lower // so it matches the leaderboard entries CUtlVector< LeaderboardEntry_t* > scores; Leaderboards_GetDuckLeaderboard( scores, g_szDuckLeaderboardNames[i] ); int nScore = 0; FOR_EACH_VEC( scores, j ) { if ( scores[j]->m_steamIDUser == localSteamID ) { nScore = scores[j]->m_nScore; break; } } pNewEntry->SetDialogVariable( "score", nScore ); } } } } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CDucksLeaderboardManager::OnCommand( const char *command ) { if ( FStrEq( command, "close" ) ) { SetVisible( false ); MarkForDeletion(); return; } else if ( FStrEq( command, "nextpage" ) ) { NextPage(); } else if ( FStrEq( command, "prevpage" ) ) { PrevPage(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CDucksLeaderboardManager::FireGameEvent( IGameEvent *event ) { if ( FStrEq( event->GetName(), "gameui_hidden" ) ) { SetVisible( false ); MarkForDeletion(); return; } } void CDucksLeaderboardManager::OnThink() { if ( m_pDimmer ) { float flDelta = Plat_FloatTime() - m_flFadeStartTime; float flAlpha = RemapValClamped( flDelta, 0.f, 0.2f, 0.f, 253.f ); m_pDimmer->SetAlpha( flAlpha ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CDucksLeaderboardManager::NextPage() { ++m_nCurrentPage; if ( m_nCurrentPage == m_vecLeaderboards.Count() ) { m_nCurrentPage = 0; } ShowPage( m_nCurrentPage ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CDucksLeaderboardManager::PrevPage() { --m_nCurrentPage; if ( m_nCurrentPage < 0 ) { m_nCurrentPage = m_vecLeaderboards.Count() - 1; } ShowPage( m_nCurrentPage ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CDucksLeaderboardManager::ShowPage( int nPage ) { for( int i=0; i < m_vecLeaderboards.Count(); ++i ) { m_vecLeaderboards[i]->SetVisible( i == nPage ); } EditablePanel* pBackgroundPanel = dynamic_cast< EditablePanel* >( FindChildByName( "Background", true ) ); if ( pBackgroundPanel ) { pBackgroundPanel->SetDialogVariable( "pagenumber", CFmtStr( "%d/%d", nPage + 1, m_vecLeaderboards.Count() ) ); } } #endif