//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: // // $NoKeywords: $ //=============================================================================// // Author: Michael S. Booth (mike@turtlerockstudios.com), 2003 #include "cbase.h" #include "cs_bot.h" #include "basecsgrenade_projectile.h" // memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!! #include "tier0/memdbgon.h" //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Fire our active weapon towards our current enemy * NOTE: Aiming our weapon is handled in RunBotUpkeep() */ void CCSBot::FireWeaponAtEnemy( void ) { if (cv_bot_dont_shoot.GetBool()) { return; } CBasePlayer *enemy = GetBotEnemy(); if (enemy == NULL) { return; } Vector myOrigin = GetCentroid( this ); if (IsUsingSniperRifle()) { // if we're using a sniper rifle, don't fire until we are standing still, are zoomed in, and not rapidly moving our view if (!IsNotMoving() || IsWaitingForZoom() || !HasViewBeenSteady( GetProfile()->GetReactionTime() ) ) { return; } } if (gpGlobals->curtime > m_fireWeaponTimestamp && GetTimeSinceAcquiredCurrentEnemy() >= GetProfile()->GetAttackDelay() && !IsSurprised()) { if (!(IsRecognizedEnemyProtectedByShield() && IsPlayerFacingMe( enemy )) && // don't shoot at enemies behind shields !IsReloading() && !IsActiveWeaponClipEmpty() && //gpGlobals->curtime > m_reacquireTimestamp && IsEnemyVisible()) { // we have a clear shot - pull trigger if we are aiming at enemy Vector toAimSpot = m_aimSpot - EyePosition(); float rangeToEnemy = toAimSpot.NormalizeInPlace(); if ( IsUsingSniperRifle() ) { // check our accuracy versus our target distance float fProjectedSpread = rangeToEnemy * GetActiveCSWeapon()->GetInaccuracy(); float fRequiredSpread = IsUsing( WEAPON_AWP ) ? 50.0f : 25.0f; // AWP will kill with any hit if ( fProjectedSpread > fRequiredSpread ) return; } // get actual view direction vector Vector aimDir = GetViewVector(); float onTarget = DotProduct( toAimSpot, aimDir ); // aim more precisely with a sniper rifle // because rifles' bullets spray, don't have to be very precise const float halfSize = (IsUsingSniperRifle()) ? HalfHumanWidth : 2.0f * HalfHumanWidth; // aiming tolerance depends on how close the target is - closer targets subtend larger angles float aimTolerance = (float)cos( atan( halfSize / rangeToEnemy ) ); if (onTarget > aimTolerance) { bool doAttack; // if friendly fire is on, don't fire if a teammate is blocking our line of fire if (TheCSBots()->AllowFriendlyFireDamage()) { if (IsFriendInLineOfFire()) doAttack = false; else doAttack = true; } else { // fire freely doAttack = true; } if (doAttack) { // if we are using a knife, only swing it if we're close if (IsUsingKnife()) { const float knifeRange = 75.0f; // 50 if (rangeToEnemy < knifeRange) { // since we've given ourselves away - run! ForceRun( 5.0f ); // if our prey is facing away, backstab him! if (!IsPlayerFacingMe( enemy )) { SecondaryAttack(); } else { // randomly choose primary and secondary attacks with knife const float knifeStabChance = 33.3f; if (RandomFloat( 0, 100 ) < knifeStabChance) SecondaryAttack(); else PrimaryAttack(); } } } else { PrimaryAttack(); } } if (IsUsingPistol()) { // high-skill bots fire their pistols quickly at close range const float closePistolRange = 360.0f; if (GetProfile()->GetSkill() > 0.75f && rangeToEnemy < closePistolRange) { // fire as fast as possible m_fireWeaponTimestamp = 0.0f; } else { // fire somewhat quickly m_fireWeaponTimestamp = RandomFloat( 0.15f, 0.4f ); } } else // not using a pistol { const float sprayRange = 400.0f; if (GetProfile()->GetSkill() < 0.5f || rangeToEnemy < sprayRange || IsUsingMachinegun()) { // spray 'n pray if enemy is close, or we're not that good, or we're using the big machinegun m_fireWeaponTimestamp = 0.0f; } else { const float distantTargetRange = 800.0f; if (!IsUsingSniperRifle() && rangeToEnemy > distantTargetRange) { // if very far away, fire slowly for better accuracy m_fireWeaponTimestamp = RandomFloat( 0.3f, 0.7f ); } else { // fire short bursts for accuracy m_fireWeaponTimestamp = RandomFloat( 0.15f, 0.25f ); // 0.15, 0.5 } } } // subtract system latency m_fireWeaponTimestamp -= g_BotUpdateInterval; m_fireWeaponTimestamp += gpGlobals->curtime; } } } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Set the current aim offset using given accuracy (1.0 = perfect aim, 0.0f = terrible aim) */ void CCSBot::SetAimOffset( float accuracy ) { // if our accuracy is less than perfect, it will improve as we "focus in" while not rotating our view if (accuracy < 1.0f) { // if we moved our view, reset our "focus" mechanism if (IsViewMoving( 100.0f )) m_aimSpreadTimestamp = gpGlobals->curtime; // focusTime is the time it takes for a bot to "focus in" for very good aim, from 2 to 5 seconds const float focusTime = MAX( 5.0f * (1.0f - accuracy), 2.0f ); float focusInterval = gpGlobals->curtime - m_aimSpreadTimestamp; float focusAccuracy = focusInterval / focusTime; // limit how much "focus" will help const float maxFocusAccuracy = 0.75f; if (focusAccuracy > maxFocusAccuracy) focusAccuracy = maxFocusAccuracy; accuracy = MAX( accuracy, focusAccuracy ); } //PrintIfWatched( "Accuracy = %4.3f\n", accuracy ); // aim error increases with distance, such that actual crosshair error stays about the same float range = (m_lastEnemyPosition - EyePosition()).Length(); float maxOffset = (GetFOV()/GetDefaultFOV()) * 0.05f * range; // 0.1 float error = maxOffset * (1.0f - accuracy); m_aimOffsetGoal.x = RandomFloat( -error, error ); m_aimOffsetGoal.y = RandomFloat( -error, error ); m_aimOffsetGoal.z = RandomFloat( -error, error ); // define time when aim offset will automatically be updated m_aimOffsetTimestamp = gpGlobals->curtime + RandomFloat( 0.25f, 1.0f ); // 0.25, 1.5f } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Wiggle aim error based on GetProfile()->GetSkill() */ void CCSBot::UpdateAimOffset( void ) { if (gpGlobals->curtime >= m_aimOffsetTimestamp) { SetAimOffset( GetProfile()->GetSkill() ); } // move current offset towards goal offset Vector d = m_aimOffsetGoal - m_aimOffset; const float stiffness = 0.1f; m_aimOffset.x += stiffness * d.x; m_aimOffset.y += stiffness * d.y; m_aimOffset.z += stiffness * d.z; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Change our zoom level to be appropriate for the given range. * Return true if the zoom level changed. */ bool CCSBot::AdjustZoom( float range ) { bool adjustZoom = false; if (IsUsingSniperRifle()) { const float sniperZoomRange = 150.0f; // NOTE: This must be less than sniperMinRange in AttackState const float sniperFarZoomRange = 1500.0f; // if range is too close, don't zoom if (range <= sniperZoomRange) { // zoom out if (GetZoomLevel() != NO_ZOOM) { adjustZoom = true; } } else if (range < sniperFarZoomRange) { // maintain low zoom if (GetZoomLevel() != LOW_ZOOM) { adjustZoom = true; } } else { // maintain high zoom if (GetZoomLevel() != HIGH_ZOOM) { adjustZoom = true; } } } else { // zoom out if (GetZoomLevel() != NO_ZOOM) { adjustZoom = true; } } if (adjustZoom) { SecondaryAttack(); // pause after zoom to allow "eyes" to refocus // m_zoomTimer.Start( 0.25f + (1.0f - GetProfile()->GetSkill()) ); m_zoomTimer.Start( 0.25f ); } return adjustZoom; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Returns true if using the specific weapon */ bool CCSBot::IsUsing( CSWeaponID weaponID ) const { CWeaponCSBase *weapon = GetActiveCSWeapon(); if (weapon == NULL) return false; if (weapon->IsA( weaponID )) return true; return false; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Returns true if we are using a weapon with a removable silencer */ bool CCSBot::DoesActiveWeaponHaveSilencer( void ) const { CWeaponCSBase *weapon = GetActiveCSWeapon(); if (weapon == NULL) return false; if (weapon->IsA( WEAPON_M4A1 ) || weapon->IsA( WEAPON_USP )) return true; return false; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Return true if we are using a sniper rifle */ bool CCSBot::IsUsingSniperRifle( void ) const { CWeaponCSBase *weapon = GetActiveCSWeapon(); if (weapon && IsSniperRifle( weapon )) return true; return false; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Return true if we have a sniper rifle in our inventory */ bool CCSBot::IsSniper( void ) const { CWeaponCSBase *weapon = static_cast<CWeaponCSBase *>( Weapon_GetSlot( WEAPON_SLOT_RIFLE ) ); if (weapon && IsSniperRifle( weapon )) return true; return false; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Return true if we are actively sniping (moving to sniper spot or settled in) */ bool CCSBot::IsSniping( void ) const { if (GetTask() == MOVE_TO_SNIPER_SPOT || GetTask() == SNIPING) return true; return false; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Return true if we are using a shotgun */ bool CCSBot::IsUsingShotgun( void ) const { CWeaponCSBase *weapon = GetActiveCSWeapon(); if (weapon == NULL) return false; return weapon->IsKindOf(WEAPONTYPE_SHOTGUN); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Returns true if using the big 'ol machinegun */ bool CCSBot::IsUsingMachinegun( void ) const { CWeaponCSBase *weapon = GetActiveCSWeapon(); if (weapon && weapon->IsA( WEAPON_M249 )) return true; return false; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Return true if primary weapon doesn't exist or is totally out of ammo */ bool CCSBot::IsPrimaryWeaponEmpty( void ) const { CWeaponCSBase *weapon = static_cast<CWeaponCSBase *>( Weapon_GetSlot( WEAPON_SLOT_RIFLE ) ); if (weapon == NULL) return true; // check if gun has any ammo left if (weapon->HasAnyAmmo()) return false; return true; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Return true if pistol doesn't exist or is totally out of ammo */ bool CCSBot::IsPistolEmpty( void ) const { CWeaponCSBase *weapon = static_cast<CWeaponCSBase *>( Weapon_GetSlot( WEAPON_SLOT_PISTOL ) ); if (weapon == NULL) return true; // check if gun has any ammo left if (weapon->HasAnyAmmo()) return false; return true; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Equip the given item */ bool CCSBot::DoEquip( CWeaponCSBase *weapon ) { if (weapon == NULL) return false; // check if weapon has any ammo left if (!weapon->HasAnyAmmo()) return false; // equip it SelectItem( weapon->GetClassname() ); m_equipTimer.Start(); return true; } // throttle how often equipping is allowed const float minEquipInterval = 5.0f; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Equip the best weapon we are carrying that has ammo */ void CCSBot::EquipBestWeapon( bool mustEquip ) { // throttle how often equipping is allowed if (!mustEquip && m_equipTimer.GetElapsedTime() < minEquipInterval) return; CCSBotManager *ctrl = static_cast<CCSBotManager *>( TheBots ); CWeaponCSBase *primary = static_cast<CWeaponCSBase *>( Weapon_GetSlot( WEAPON_SLOT_RIFLE ) ); if (primary) { CSWeaponType weaponClass = primary->GetCSWpnData().m_WeaponType; if ((ctrl->AllowShotguns() && weaponClass == WEAPONTYPE_SHOTGUN) || (ctrl->AllowMachineGuns() && weaponClass == WEAPONTYPE_MACHINEGUN) || (ctrl->AllowRifles() && weaponClass == WEAPONTYPE_RIFLE) || (ctrl->AllowShotguns() && weaponClass == WEAPONTYPE_SHOTGUN) || (ctrl->AllowSnipers() && weaponClass == WEAPONTYPE_SNIPER_RIFLE) || (ctrl->AllowSubMachineGuns() && weaponClass == WEAPONTYPE_SUBMACHINEGUN)) { if (DoEquip( primary )) return; } } if (ctrl->AllowPistols()) { if (DoEquip( static_cast<CWeaponCSBase *>( Weapon_GetSlot( WEAPON_SLOT_PISTOL ) ) )) return; } // always have a knife EquipKnife(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Equip our pistol */ void CCSBot::EquipPistol( void ) { // throttle how often equipping is allowed if (m_equipTimer.GetElapsedTime() < minEquipInterval) return; if (TheCSBots()->AllowPistols() && !IsUsingPistol()) { CWeaponCSBase *pistol = static_cast<CWeaponCSBase *>( Weapon_GetSlot( WEAPON_SLOT_PISTOL ) ); DoEquip( pistol ); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Equip the knife */ void CCSBot::EquipKnife( void ) { if (!IsUsingKnife()) { SelectItem( "weapon_knife" ); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Return true if we have a grenade in our inventory */ bool CCSBot::HasGrenade( void ) const { CWeaponCSBase *grenade = static_cast<CWeaponCSBase *>( Weapon_GetSlot( WEAPON_SLOT_GRENADES ) ); return (grenade) ? true : false; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Equip a grenade, return false if we cant */ bool CCSBot::EquipGrenade( bool noSmoke ) { // snipers don't use grenades if (IsSniper()) return false; if (IsUsingGrenade()) return true; if (HasGrenade()) { CWeaponCSBase *grenade = static_cast<CWeaponCSBase *>( Weapon_GetSlot( WEAPON_SLOT_GRENADES ) ); if (noSmoke && grenade->IsA( WEAPON_SMOKEGRENADE )) return false; SelectItem( grenade->GetClassname() ); return true; } return false; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Returns true if we have knife equipped */ bool CCSBot::IsUsingKnife( void ) const { CWeaponCSBase *weapon = GetActiveCSWeapon(); if (weapon && weapon->IsA( WEAPON_KNIFE )) return true; return false; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Returns true if we have pistol equipped */ bool CCSBot::IsUsingPistol( void ) const { CWeaponCSBase *weapon = GetActiveCSWeapon(); if (weapon && weapon->IsPistol()) return true; return false; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Returns true if we have a grenade equipped */ bool CCSBot::IsUsingGrenade( void ) const { CWeaponCSBase *weapon = GetActiveCSWeapon(); if (!weapon) return false; if (weapon->IsA( WEAPON_FLASHBANG ) || weapon->IsA( WEAPON_SMOKEGRENADE ) || weapon->IsA( WEAPON_HEGRENADE )) return true; return false; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Begin the process of throwing the grenade */ void CCSBot::ThrowGrenade( const Vector &target ) { if (IsUsingGrenade() && m_grenadeTossState == NOT_THROWING && !IsOnLadder()) { m_grenadeTossState = START_THROW; m_tossGrenadeTimer.Start( 2.0f ); const float angleTolerance = 3.0f; SetLookAt( "GrenadeThrow", target, PRIORITY_UNINTERRUPTABLE, 4.0f, false, angleTolerance ); Wait( RandomFloat( 2.0f, 4.0f ) ); if (cv_bot_debug.GetBool() && IsLocalPlayerWatchingMe()) { NDebugOverlay::Cross3D( target, 25.0f, 255, 125, 0, true, 3.0f ); } PrintIfWatched( "%3.2f: Grenade: START_THROW\n", gpGlobals->curtime ); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Returns true if our weapon can attack */ bool CCSBot::CanActiveWeaponFire( void ) const { return ( GetActiveWeapon() && GetActiveWeapon()->m_flNextPrimaryAttack <= gpGlobals->curtime ); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Find spot to throw grenade ahead of us and "around the corner" along our path */ bool CCSBot::FindGrenadeTossPathTarget( Vector *pos ) { if (!HasPath()) return false; // find farthest point we can see on the path int i; for( i=m_pathIndex; i<m_pathLength; ++i ) { if (!FVisible( m_path[i].pos + Vector( 0, 0, HalfHumanHeight ) )) break; } if (i == m_pathIndex) return false; // find exact spot where we lose sight Vector dir = m_path[i].pos - m_path[i-1].pos; float length = dir.NormalizeInPlace(); const float inc = 25.0f; Vector p; Vector visibleSpot = m_path[i-1].pos; for( float t = 0.0f; t<length; t += inc ) { p = m_path[i-1].pos + t * dir; p.z += HalfHumanHeight; if (!FVisible( p )) break; visibleSpot = p; } // massage the location a bit visibleSpot.z += 10.0f; const float bufferRange = 50.0f; trace_t result; Vector check; // check +X check = visibleSpot + Vector( 999.9f, 0, 0 ); UTIL_TraceLine( visibleSpot, check, MASK_PLAYERSOLID, this, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &result ); if (result.fraction < 1.0f) { float range = result.endpos.x - visibleSpot.x; if (range < bufferRange) { visibleSpot.x = result.endpos.x - bufferRange; } } // check -X check = visibleSpot + Vector( -999.9f, 0, 0 ); UTIL_TraceLine( visibleSpot, check, MASK_PLAYERSOLID, this, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &result ); if (result.fraction < 1.0f) { float range = visibleSpot.x - result.endpos.x; if (range < bufferRange) { visibleSpot.x = result.endpos.x + bufferRange; } } // check +Y check = visibleSpot + Vector( 0, 999.9f, 0 ); UTIL_TraceLine( visibleSpot, check, MASK_PLAYERSOLID, this, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &result ); if (result.fraction < 1.0f) { float range = result.endpos.y - visibleSpot.y; if (range < bufferRange) { visibleSpot.y = result.endpos.y - bufferRange; } } // check -Y check = visibleSpot + Vector( 0, -999.9f, 0 ); UTIL_TraceLine( visibleSpot, check, MASK_PLAYERSOLID, this, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &result ); if (result.fraction < 1.0f) { float range = visibleSpot.y - result.endpos.y; if (range < bufferRange) { visibleSpot.y = result.endpos.y + bufferRange; } } *pos = visibleSpot; return true; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Look for grenade throw targets and throw the grenade */ void CCSBot::LookForGrenadeTargets( void ) { if (!IsUsingGrenade() || IsThrowingGrenade()) { return; } const CNavArea *tossArea = GetInitialEncounterArea(); if (tossArea == NULL) { return; } int enemyTeam = OtherTeam( GetTeamNumber() ); // check if we should put our grenade away if (tossArea->GetEarliestOccupyTime( enemyTeam ) > gpGlobals->curtime) { EquipBestWeapon( MUST_EQUIP ); return; } // throw grenades at initial encounter area Vector tossTarget = Vector( 0, 0, 0 ); if (!tossArea->IsVisible( EyePosition(), &tossTarget )) { return; } CWeaponCSBase *weapon = GetActiveCSWeapon(); if (weapon && weapon->IsA( WEAPON_SMOKEGRENADE )) { // don't worry so much about smokes ThrowGrenade( tossTarget ); PrintIfWatched( "Throwing smoke grenade!" ); SetInitialEncounterArea( NULL ); return; } else // explosive and flashbang grenades { // initial encounter area is visible, wait to throw until timing is right const float leadTime = 1.5f; float enemyTime = tossArea->GetEarliestOccupyTime( enemyTeam ); if (enemyTime - TheCSBots()->GetElapsedRoundTime() > leadTime) { // don't throw yet return; } Vector to = tossTarget - EyePosition(); float range = to.Length(); const float slope = 0.2f; // 0.25f; float tossHeight = slope * range; trace_t result; CTraceFilterNoNPCsOrPlayer traceFilter( this, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE ); const float heightInc = tossHeight / 10.0f; Vector target; float safeSpace = tossHeight / 2.0f; // Build a box to sweep along the ray when looking for obstacles const Vector& eyePosition = EyePosition(); Vector mins = VEC_HULL_MIN; Vector maxs = VEC_HULL_MAX; mins.z = 0; maxs.z = heightInc; // find low and high bounds of toss window float low = 0.0f; float high = tossHeight + safeSpace; bool gotLow = false; float lastH = 0.0f; for( float h = 0.0f; h < 3.0f * tossHeight; h += heightInc ) { target = tossTarget + Vector( 0, 0, h ); // make sure toss line is clear QAngle angles( 0, 0, 0 ); Ray_t ray; ray.Init( eyePosition, target, mins, maxs ); enginetrace->TraceRay( ray, MASK_VISIBLE_AND_NPCS | CONTENTS_GRATE, &traceFilter, &result ); if (result.fraction == 1.0f) { //NDebugOverlay::SweptBox( eyePosition, target, mins, maxs, angles, 0, 0, 255, 40, 10.0f ); // line is clear if (!gotLow) { low = h; gotLow = true; } } else { //NDebugOverlay::SweptBox( eyePosition, target, mins, maxs, angles, 255, 0, 0, 5, 10.0f ); // line is blocked if (gotLow) { high = lastH; break; } } lastH = h; } if (gotLow) { // throw grenade into toss window if (tossHeight < low) { if (low + safeSpace > high) { // narrow window tossHeight = (high + low)/2.0f; } else { tossHeight = low + safeSpace; } } else if (tossHeight > high - safeSpace) { if (high - safeSpace < low) { // narrow window tossHeight = (high + low)/2.0f; } else { tossHeight = high - safeSpace; } } ThrowGrenade( tossTarget + Vector( 0, 0, tossHeight ) ); SetInitialEncounterArea( NULL ); return; } } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class FOVClearOfFriends { public: FOVClearOfFriends( CCSBot *me ) { m_me = me; } bool operator() ( CBasePlayer *player ) { if (player == m_me || !player->IsAlive()) return true; if (m_me->InSameTeam( player )) { Vector to = player->EyePosition() - m_me->EyePosition(); to.NormalizeInPlace(); Vector forward; m_me->EyeVectors( &forward ); if (DotProduct( to, forward ) > 0.95f) { if (m_me->IsVisible( (CCSPlayer *)player )) { // we see a friend in our FOV return false; } } } return true; } CCSBot *m_me; }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Process the grenade throw state machine */ void CCSBot::UpdateGrenadeThrow( void ) { switch( m_grenadeTossState ) { case START_THROW: { if (m_tossGrenadeTimer.IsElapsed()) { // something prevented the throw - give up EquipBestWeapon( MUST_EQUIP ); ClearLookAt(); m_grenadeTossState = NOT_THROWING; PrintIfWatched( "%3.2f: Grenade: THROW FAILED\n", gpGlobals->curtime ); return; } if (m_lookAtSpotState == LOOK_AT_SPOT) { // don't throw if there are friends ahead of us FOVClearOfFriends fovClear( this ); if (ForEachPlayer( fovClear )) { m_grenadeTossState = FINISH_THROW; m_tossGrenadeTimer.Start( 1.0f ); PrintIfWatched( "%3.2f: Grenade: FINISH_THROW\n", gpGlobals->curtime ); } else { PrintIfWatched( "%3.2f: Grenade: Friend is in the way...\n", gpGlobals->curtime ); } } // hold in the trigger and be ready to throw PrimaryAttack(); break; } case FINISH_THROW: { // throw the grenade and hold our aiming line for a moment if (m_tossGrenadeTimer.IsElapsed()) { ClearLookAt(); m_grenadeTossState = NOT_THROWING; PrintIfWatched( "%3.2f: Grenade: THROW COMPLETE\n", gpGlobals->curtime ); } break; } default: { if (IsUsingGrenade()) { // pull the pin PrimaryAttack(); } break; } } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class GrenadeResponse { public: GrenadeResponse( CCSBot *me ) { m_me = me; } bool operator() ( ActiveGrenade *ag ) const { const float retreatRange = 300.0f; const float hideTime = 1.0f; // do we see this grenade if (m_me->IsVisible( ag->GetPosition(), CHECK_FOV, (CBaseEntity *)ag->GetEntity() )) { // we see it if (ag->IsSmoke()) { // ignore smokes return true; } Vector velDir = ag->GetEntity()->GetAbsVelocity(); float grenadeSpeed = velDir.NormalizeInPlace(); const float atRestSpeed = 50.0f; const float aboutToBlow = 0.5f; if (ag->IsFlashbang() && ag->GetEntity()->m_flDetonateTime - gpGlobals->curtime < aboutToBlow) { // turn away from flashbangs about to explode QAngle eyeAngles = m_me->EyeAngles(); float yaw = RandomFloat( 100.0f, 135.0f ); eyeAngles.y += (RandomFloat( -1.0f, 1.0f ) < 0.0f) ? (-yaw) : yaw; Vector forward; AngleVectors( eyeAngles, &forward ); Vector away = m_me->EyePosition() - 1000.0f * forward; const float duration = 2.0f; m_me->ClearLookAt(); m_me->SetLookAt( "Avoid Flashbang", away, PRIORITY_UNINTERRUPTABLE, duration ); m_me->StopAiming(); return false; } // flee from grenades if close by or thrown towards us const float throwDangerRange = 750.0f; const float nearDangerRange = 300.0f; Vector to = ag->GetPosition() - m_me->GetAbsOrigin(); float range = to.NormalizeInPlace(); if (range > throwDangerRange) { return true; } if (grenadeSpeed > atRestSpeed) { // grenade is moving if (DotProduct( to, velDir ) >= -0.5f) { // going away from us return true; } m_me->PrintIfWatched( "Retreating from a grenade thrown towards me!\n" ); } else if (range < nearDangerRange) { // grenade has come to rest near us m_me->PrintIfWatched( "Retreating from a grenade that landed near me!\n" ); } // retreat! m_me->TryToRetreat( retreatRange, hideTime ); return false; } return true; } CCSBot *m_me; }; /** * React to enemy grenades we see */ void CCSBot::AvoidEnemyGrenades( void ) { // low skill bots dont avoid grenades if (GetProfile()->GetSkill() < 0.5) { return; } if (IsAvoidingGrenade()) { // already avoiding one return; } // low skill bots don't avoid grenades if (GetProfile()->GetSkill() < 0.6f) { return; } GrenadeResponse respond( this ); if (TheBots->ForEachGrenade( respond ) == false) { const float avoidTime = 4.0f; m_isAvoidingGrenade.Start( avoidTime ); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Reload our weapon if we must */ void CCSBot::ReloadCheck( void ) { const float safeReloadWaitTime = 3.0f; const float reloadAmmoRatio = 0.6f; // don't bother to reload if there are no enemies left if (GetEnemiesRemaining() == 0) return; if (IsDefusingBomb() || IsReloading()) return; if (IsActiveWeaponClipEmpty()) { // high-skill players switch to pistol instead of reloading during combat if (GetProfile()->GetSkill() > 0.5f && IsAttacking()) { if (!GetActiveCSWeapon()->IsPistol() && !IsPistolEmpty()) { // switch to pistol instead of reloading EquipPistol(); return; } } } else if (GetTimeSinceLastSawEnemy() > safeReloadWaitTime && GetActiveWeaponAmmoRatio() <= reloadAmmoRatio) { // high-skill players use all their ammo and switch to pistol instead of reloading during combat if (GetProfile()->GetSkill() > 0.5f && IsAttacking()) return; } else { // do not need to reload return; } // don't reload the AWP until it is totally out of ammo if (IsUsing( WEAPON_AWP ) && !IsActiveWeaponClipEmpty()) return; Reload(); // move to cover to reload if there are enemies nearby if (GetNearbyEnemyCount()) { // avoid enemies while reloading (above 0.75 skill always hide to reload) const float hideChance = 25.0f + 100.0f * GetProfile()->GetSkill(); if (!IsHiding() && RandomFloat( 0, 100 ) < hideChance) { const float safeTime = 5.0f; if (GetTimeSinceLastSawEnemy() < safeTime) { PrintIfWatched( "Retreating to a safe spot to reload!\n" ); const Vector *spot = FindNearbyRetreatSpot( this, 1000.0f ); if (spot) { // ignore enemies for a second to give us time to hide // reaching our hiding spot clears our disposition IgnoreEnemies( 10.0f ); Run(); StandUp(); Hide( *spot, 0.0f ); } } } } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Silence/unsilence our weapon if we must */ void CCSBot::SilencerCheck( void ) { const float safeSilencerWaitTime = 3.5f; // longer than reload check because reloading should take precedence if (IsDefusingBomb() || IsReloading() || IsAttacking()) return; // M4A1 and USP are the only weapons with removable silencers if (!DoesActiveWeaponHaveSilencer()) return; if (GetTimeSinceLastSawEnemy() < safeSilencerWaitTime) return; // don't touch the silencer if there are enemies nearby if (GetNearbyEnemyCount() == 0) { CWeaponCSBase *weapon = GetActiveCSWeapon(); if (weapon == NULL) return; bool isSilencerOn = weapon->IsSilenced(); if ( weapon->m_flNextSecondaryAttack >= gpGlobals->curtime ) return; // equip silencer if we want to and we don't have a shield. if ( isSilencerOn != (GetProfile()->PrefersSilencer() || GetProfile()->GetSkill() > 0.7f) && !HasShield() ) { PrintIfWatched( "%s silencer!\n", (isSilencerOn) ? "Unequipping" : "Equipping" ); weapon->SecondaryAttack(); } } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Invoked when in contact with a CBaseCombatWeapon */ bool CCSBot::BumpWeapon( CBaseCombatWeapon *pWeapon ) { CWeaponCSBase *droppedGun = dynamic_cast< CWeaponCSBase* >( pWeapon ); // right now we only care about primary weapons on the ground if ( droppedGun && droppedGun->GetSlot() == WEAPON_SLOT_RIFLE ) { CWeaponCSBase *myGun = dynamic_cast< CWeaponCSBase* >( Weapon_GetSlot( WEAPON_SLOT_RIFLE ) ); // if the gun on the ground is the same one we have, dont bother if ( myGun && droppedGun->GetWeaponID() != myGun->GetWeaponID() ) { // if we don't have a weapon preference, give up if ( GetProfile()->HasPrimaryPreference() ) { // don't change weapons if we've seen enemies recently const float safeTime = 2.5f; if ( GetTimeSinceLastSawEnemy() >= safeTime ) { // we have a primary weapon - drop it if the one on the ground is better for( int i = 0; i < GetProfile()->GetWeaponPreferenceCount(); ++i ) { CSWeaponID prefID = GetProfile()->GetWeaponPreference( i ); if (!IsPrimaryWeapon( prefID )) continue; // if the gun we are using is more desirable, give up if ( prefID == myGun->GetWeaponID() ) break; if ( prefID == droppedGun->GetWeaponID() ) { // the gun on the ground is better than the one we have - drop our gun DropRifle(); break; } } } } } } return BaseClass::BumpWeapon( droppedGun ); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Return true if a friend is in our weapon's way * @todo Check more rays for safety. */ bool CCSBot::IsFriendInLineOfFire( void ) { // compute the unit vector along our view Vector aimDir = GetViewVector(); // trace the bullet's path trace_t result; UTIL_TraceLine( EyePosition(), EyePosition() + 10000.0f * aimDir, MASK_PLAYERSOLID, this, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &result ); if (result.DidHitNonWorldEntity()) { CBaseEntity *victim = result.m_pEnt; if (victim && victim->IsPlayer() && victim->IsAlive()) { CBasePlayer *player = static_cast<CBasePlayer *>( victim ); if (player->InSameTeam( this )) return true; } } return false; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Return line-of-sight distance to obstacle along weapon fire ray * @todo Re-use this computation with IsFriendInLineOfFire() */ float CCSBot::ComputeWeaponSightRange( void ) { // compute the unit vector along our view Vector aimDir = GetViewVector(); // trace the bullet's path trace_t result; UTIL_TraceLine( EyePosition(), EyePosition() + 10000.0f * aimDir, MASK_PLAYERSOLID, this, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &result ); return (EyePosition() - result.endpos).Length(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Return true if the given player just fired their weapon */ bool CCSBot::DidPlayerJustFireWeapon( const CCSPlayer *player ) const { // if this player has just fired his weapon, we notice him CWeaponCSBase *weapon = player->GetActiveCSWeapon(); return (weapon && !weapon->IsSilenced() && weapon->m_flNextPrimaryAttack > gpGlobals->curtime); }