//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // //============================================================================= #include <windows.h> // Valve includes #include "itemtest/itemtest.h" #include "p4lib/ip4.h" #include "tier0/icommandline.h" // Local includes #include "itemtestapp.h" #include "runexe.h" // Last include #include <tier0/memdbgon.h> //============================================================================= // //============================================================================= class CItemTestConApp : public CItemTestApp { typedef CItemTestApp BaseClass; public: // Methods of IApplication virtual bool Create(); virtual int Main(); protected: static bool DoSteamId(); static bool DoHelp(); }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFINE_CONSOLE_STEAM_APPLICATION_OBJECT( CItemTestConApp ); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CItemTestConApp::Create() { AppSystemInfo_t appSystems[] = { { "", "" } // Required to terminate the list }; if ( FindParam( kDev ) && !FindParam( kNoP4 ) ) { AppModule_t p4Module = LoadModule( "p4lib.dll" ); AddSystem( p4Module, P4_INTERFACE_VERSION ); } return AddSystems( appSystems ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool View( CAsset &asset ) { CUtlString sBinDir; if ( !CItemUpload::GetBinDirectory( sBinDir ) ) { Warning( "Cannot determine bin directory\n" ); return false; } CSmartPtr< CTargetMDL > pTargetMDL = asset.GetTargetMDL(); if ( !pTargetMDL.IsValid() ) { Warning( "No target MDL\n" ); return false; } CUtlString sMdlPath; if ( !pTargetMDL->GetOutputPath( sMdlPath ) ) { Warning( "Cannot determine path to MDL\n" ); return false; } CFmtStrMax sHlmvCmd; if ( CItemUpload::GetDevMode() ) { sHlmvCmd.sprintf( "\"%s\\hlmv.exe\" \"%s\"", sBinDir.Get(), sMdlPath.Get() ); } else { CUtlString sVProjectDir; if ( CItemUpload::GetVProjectDir( sVProjectDir ) ) { sHlmvCmd.sprintf( "\"%s\\hlmv.exe\" -allowdebug -game \"%s\" -nop4 \"%s\"", sBinDir.Get(), sVProjectDir.Get(), sMdlPath.Get() ); } else { Warning( "Cannot determine VPROJECT (gamedir)\n" ); return false; } } char szBinLaunchDir[ MAX_PATH ]; V_ExtractFilePath( sBinDir.String(), szBinLaunchDir, ARRAYSIZE( szBinLaunchDir ) ); return CItemUpload::RunCommandLine( sHlmvCmd.String(), szBinLaunchDir, false ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool Explore( CAsset &asset ) { CUtlString sBinDir; if ( !CItemUpload::GetBinDirectory( sBinDir ) ) { Warning( "Cannot determine bin directory\n" ); return false; } CUtlString sDir; asset.GetAbsoluteDir( sDir, NULL, &asset ); char szBuf[ MAX_PATH ]; V_FixupPathName( szBuf, ARRAYSIZE( szBuf ), sDir.Get() ); char szBinLaunchDir[ MAX_PATH ]; V_ExtractFilePath( sBinDir.String(), szBinLaunchDir, ARRAYSIZE( szBinLaunchDir ) ); ShellExecute( NULL, "explore", NULL, NULL, szBuf, SW_SHOWNORMAL ); return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int CItemTestConApp::Main() { if ( DoHelp() ) return 0; if ( DoSteamId() ) return 0; CItemUpload::InitManifest(); // If launched with -batch stay in console app and run from parameters specified on the command line only const bool bListMats = FindParam( kListMats ); if ( bListMats || FindParam( kBatch ) ) { CAssetTF assetTF; if ( !ProcessCommandLine( &assetTF, bListMats ) ) return 1; if ( !bListMats ) { if ( !assetTF.Compile() ) { Warning( "Error! Compile Failed\n" ); return 1; } Msg( "Compile OK!\n" ); if ( FindParam( kView ) ) { View( assetTF ); } if ( FindParam( kExplore ) ) { Explore( assetTF ); } } } else { // If launched without -batch then launch the .exe with the same name in the same directory as this .com executable RunExe(); } return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CItemTestConApp::DoHelp() { if ( !FindParam( kHelp ) ) return false; PrintHelp(); return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CItemTestConApp::DoSteamId() { if ( !FindParam( kSteamId ) ) return false; CUtlString sSteamId; if ( CItemUpload::GetSteamId( sSteamId ) ) { Msg( "%s\n", sSteamId.String() ); } else { Warning( "Error! Couldn't determine SteamId\n" ); } return true; }