//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// #include "cbase.h" #include "NextBot.h" #include "tf_tank_boss.h" #include "tf_tank_boss_body.h" //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CTFTankBossBody::CTFTankBossBody( INextBot *bot ) : IBody( bot ) { } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CTFTankBossBody::StartSequence( const char *name ) { CTFTankBoss *me = (CTFTankBoss *)GetBot()->GetEntity(); int animSequence = me->LookupSequence( name ); if ( animSequence ) { me->SetSequence( animSequence ); me->SetPlaybackRate( 1.0f ); me->SetCycle( 0 ); me->ResetSequenceInfo(); return true; } return false; } void CTFTankBossBody::SetSkin( int nSkin ) { CTFTankBoss *me = (CTFTankBoss *)GetBot()->GetEntity(); me->m_nSkin = nSkin; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CTFTankBossBody::Update( void ) { CTFTankBoss *me = (CTFTankBoss *)GetBot()->GetEntity(); // move the animation ahead in time me->StudioFrameAdvance(); me->DispatchAnimEvents( me ); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // return the bot's collision mask (hack until we get a general hull trace abstraction here or in the locomotion interface) unsigned int CTFTankBossBody::GetSolidMask( void ) const { return CONTENTS_SOLID; }