//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // tf_bot_nav_ent_move_to.cpp // Move onto target and wait, as directed by nav entity // Michael Booth, September 2009 #include "cbase.h" #include "nav_mesh.h" #include "tf_player.h" #include "bot/tf_bot.h" #include "bot/behavior/nav_entities/tf_bot_nav_ent_move_to.h" extern ConVar tf_bot_path_lookahead_range; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CTFBotNavEntMoveTo::CTFBotNavEntMoveTo( const CFuncNavPrerequisite *prereq ) { m_prereq = prereq; m_pGoalArea = NULL; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ActionResult< CTFBot > CTFBotNavEntMoveTo::OnStart( CTFBot *me, Action< CTFBot > *priorAction ) { if ( m_prereq == NULL ) { return Done( "Prerequisite has been removed before we started" ); } m_path.SetMinLookAheadDistance( me->GetDesiredPathLookAheadRange() ); m_waitTimer.Invalidate(); CBaseEntity *target = m_prereq->GetTaskEntity(); if ( target == NULL ) { return Done( "Prerequisite target entity is NULL" ); } Extent targetExtent; targetExtent.Init( target ); // pick random ground position within target entity as move-to goal m_goalPosition = targetExtent.lo + Vector( RandomFloat( 0.0f, targetExtent.SizeX() ), RandomFloat( 0.0f, targetExtent.SizeY() ), targetExtent.SizeZ() ); TheNavMesh->GetSimpleGroundHeight( m_goalPosition, &m_goalPosition.z ); m_pGoalArea = (CTFNavArea*)TheNavMesh->GetNavArea( m_goalPosition ); if ( !m_pGoalArea ) { return Done( "There's no nav area for the goal position" ); } return Continue(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ActionResult< CTFBot > CTFBotNavEntMoveTo::Update( CTFBot *me, float interval ) { if ( m_prereq == NULL ) { return Done( "Prerequisite has been removed" ); } if ( !m_prereq->IsEnabled() ) { return Done( "Prerequisite has been disabled" ); } const CKnownEntity *threat = me->GetVisionInterface()->GetPrimaryKnownThreat(); if ( threat && threat->IsVisibleRecently() ) { // prepare to fight me->EquipBestWeaponForThreat( threat ); } if ( m_waitTimer.HasStarted() ) { if ( m_waitTimer.IsElapsed() ) { return Done( "Wait duration elapsed" ); } } else { // move to the goal area if ( m_pGoalArea == me->GetLastKnownArea() ) { // in area m_waitTimer.Start( m_prereq->GetTaskValue() ); } else { if ( m_repathTimer.IsElapsed() ) { m_repathTimer.Start( RandomFloat( 1.0f, 2.0f ) ); CTFBotPathCost cost( me, FASTEST_ROUTE ); m_path.Compute( me, m_goalPosition, cost ); } // move into position m_path.Update( me ); } } return Continue(); }