//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// The copyright to the contents herein is the property of Valve, L.L.C.
// The contents may be used and/or copied only with the written permission of
// Valve, L.L.C., or in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated in
// the agreement/contract under which the contents have been supplied.
// $Header: $
// $NoKeywords: $
// model loading and caching


#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once

#include "appframework/IAppSystem.h"

// Forward declarations
struct studiohdr_t;
struct studiohwdata_t;
struct vcollide_t;
struct virtualmodel_t;
struct vertexFileHeader_t;

namespace OptimizedModel
	struct FileHeader_t;

// Reference to a loaded studiomdl 
typedef unsigned short MDLHandle_t;

// MoeMod : integer promotion keeps sign on arm, but discards sign on x86
inline MDLHandle_t VoidPtrToMDLHandle( void *ptr )
    return ( MDLHandle_t ) ( ( uintp ) ptr & 0xffff );

inline void* MDLHandleToVirtual( MDLHandle_t hndl )
    return (void*)(uintp)hndl;


// Cache data types
enum MDLCacheDataType_t
	// Callbacks to get called when data is loaded or unloaded for these:

	// Callbacks NOT called when data is loaded or unloaded for these:

abstract_class IMDLCacheNotify
	// Called right after the data is loaded
	virtual void OnDataLoaded( MDLCacheDataType_t type, MDLHandle_t handle ) = 0;

	// Called right before the data is unloaded
	virtual void OnDataUnloaded( MDLCacheDataType_t type, MDLHandle_t handle ) = 0;

// Flags for flushing 
enum MDLCacheFlush_t

	MDLCACHE_FLUSH_IGNORELOCK       = 0x80000000,


namespace MDLCacheV4

abstract_class IMDLCache : public IAppSystem
	// Used to install callbacks for when data is loaded + unloaded
	virtual void SetCacheNotify( IMDLCacheNotify *pNotify ) = 0;
	// NOTE: This assumes the "GAME" path if you don't use
	// the UNC method of specifying files. This will also increment
	// the reference count of the MDL
	virtual MDLHandle_t FindMDL( const char *pMDLRelativePath ) = 0;

	// Reference counting
	virtual int AddRef( MDLHandle_t handle ) = 0;
	virtual int Release( MDLHandle_t handle ) = 0;

	// Gets at the various data associated with a MDL
	virtual studiohdr_t *GetStudioHdr( MDLHandle_t handle ) = 0;
	virtual studiohwdata_t *GetHardwareData( MDLHandle_t handle ) = 0;
	virtual vcollide_t *GetVCollide( MDLHandle_t handle ) = 0;
	virtual unsigned char *GetAnimBlock( MDLHandle_t handle, int nBlock ) = 0;
	virtual virtualmodel_t *GetVirtualModel( MDLHandle_t handle ) = 0;
	virtual int GetAutoplayList( MDLHandle_t handle, unsigned short **pOut ) = 0;
	virtual vertexFileHeader_t *GetVertexData( MDLHandle_t handle ) = 0;

	// Brings all data associated with an MDL into memory
	virtual void TouchAllData( MDLHandle_t handle ) = 0;

	// Gets/sets user data associated with the MDL
	virtual void SetUserData( MDLHandle_t handle, void* pData ) = 0;
	virtual void *GetUserData( MDLHandle_t handle ) = 0;

	// Is this MDL using the error model?
	virtual bool IsErrorModel( MDLHandle_t handle ) = 0;

	// Flushes the cache, force a full discard
	virtual void Flush( int nFlushFlags = MDLCACHE_FLUSH_ALL ) = 0;

	// Flushes a particular model out of memory
	virtual void Flush( MDLHandle_t handle, int nFlushFlags = MDLCACHE_FLUSH_ALL ) = 0;

	// Returns the name of the model (its relative path)
	virtual const char *GetModelName( MDLHandle_t handle ) = 0;

	// faster access when you already have the studiohdr
	virtual virtualmodel_t *GetVirtualModelFast( const studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr, MDLHandle_t handle ) = 0;

	// all cache entries that subsequently allocated or successfully checked 
	// are considered "locked" and will not be freed when additional memory is needed
	virtual void BeginLock() = 0;

	// reset all protected blocks to normal
	virtual void EndLock() = 0;

	// returns a pointer to a counter that is incremented every time the cache has been out of the locked state (EVIL)
	virtual int *GetFrameUnlockCounterPtr()  = 0;

	// Finish all pending async operations
	virtual void FinishPendingLoads() = 0;	


// The main MDL cacher 
abstract_class IMDLCache : public IAppSystem
	// Used to install callbacks for when data is loaded + unloaded
	// Returns the prior notify
	virtual void SetCacheNotify( IMDLCacheNotify *pNotify ) = 0;

	// NOTE: This assumes the "GAME" path if you don't use
	// the UNC method of specifying files. This will also increment
	// the reference count of the MDL
	virtual MDLHandle_t FindMDL( const char *pMDLRelativePath ) = 0;

	// Reference counting
	virtual int AddRef( MDLHandle_t handle ) = 0;
	virtual int Release( MDLHandle_t handle ) = 0;
	virtual int GetRef( MDLHandle_t handle ) = 0;

	// Gets at the various data associated with a MDL
	virtual studiohdr_t *GetStudioHdr( MDLHandle_t handle ) = 0;
	virtual studiohwdata_t *GetHardwareData( MDLHandle_t handle ) = 0;
	virtual vcollide_t *GetVCollide( MDLHandle_t handle ) = 0;
	virtual unsigned char *GetAnimBlock( MDLHandle_t handle, int nBlock ) = 0;
	virtual virtualmodel_t *GetVirtualModel( MDLHandle_t handle ) = 0;
	virtual int GetAutoplayList( MDLHandle_t handle, unsigned short **pOut ) = 0;
	virtual vertexFileHeader_t *GetVertexData( MDLHandle_t handle ) = 0;

	// Brings all data associated with an MDL into memory
	virtual void TouchAllData( MDLHandle_t handle ) = 0;

	// Gets/sets user data associated with the MDL
	virtual void SetUserData( MDLHandle_t handle, void* pData ) = 0;
	virtual void *GetUserData( MDLHandle_t handle ) = 0;

	// Is this MDL using the error model?
	virtual bool IsErrorModel( MDLHandle_t handle ) = 0;

	// Flushes the cache, force a full discard
	virtual void Flush( MDLCacheFlush_t nFlushFlags = MDLCACHE_FLUSH_ALL ) = 0;

	// Flushes a particular model out of memory
	virtual void Flush( MDLHandle_t handle, int nFlushFlags = MDLCACHE_FLUSH_ALL ) = 0;

	// Returns the name of the model (its relative path)
	virtual const char *GetModelName( MDLHandle_t handle ) = 0;

	// faster access when you already have the studiohdr
	virtual virtualmodel_t *GetVirtualModelFast( const studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr, MDLHandle_t handle ) = 0;

	// all cache entries that subsequently allocated or successfully checked 
	// are considered "locked" and will not be freed when additional memory is needed
	virtual void BeginLock() = 0;

	// reset all protected blocks to normal
	virtual void EndLock() = 0;

	// returns a pointer to a counter that is incremented every time the cache has been out of the locked state (EVIL)
	virtual int *GetFrameUnlockCounterPtrOLD() = 0;

	// Finish all pending async operations
	virtual void FinishPendingLoads() = 0;

	virtual vcollide_t *GetVCollideEx( MDLHandle_t handle, bool synchronousLoad = true ) = 0;
	virtual bool GetVCollideSize( MDLHandle_t handle, int *pVCollideSize ) = 0;

	virtual bool GetAsyncLoad( MDLCacheDataType_t type ) = 0;
	virtual bool SetAsyncLoad( MDLCacheDataType_t type, bool bAsync ) = 0;

	virtual void BeginMapLoad() = 0;
	virtual void EndMapLoad() = 0;
	virtual void MarkAsLoaded( MDLHandle_t handle ) = 0;

	virtual void InitPreloadData( bool rebuild ) = 0;
	virtual void ShutdownPreloadData() = 0;

	virtual bool IsDataLoaded( MDLHandle_t handle, MDLCacheDataType_t type ) = 0;

	virtual int *GetFrameUnlockCounterPtr( MDLCacheDataType_t type ) = 0;

	virtual studiohdr_t *LockStudioHdr( MDLHandle_t handle ) = 0;
	virtual void UnlockStudioHdr( MDLHandle_t handle ) = 0;

	virtual bool PreloadModel( MDLHandle_t handle ) = 0;

	// Hammer uses this. If a model has an error loading in GetStudioHdr, then it is flagged
	// as an error model and any further attempts to load it will just get the error model.
	// That is, until you call this function. Then it will load the correct model.
	virtual void ResetErrorModelStatus( MDLHandle_t handle ) = 0;

	virtual void MarkFrame() = 0;

// Critical section helper code
class CMDLCacheCriticalSection
	CMDLCacheCriticalSection( IMDLCache *pCache ) : m_pCache( pCache )


	IMDLCache *m_pCache;


#define MDLCACHE_CRITICAL_SECTION_( pCache ) CMDLCacheCriticalSection cacheCriticalSection(pCache)
#define MDLCACHE_COARSE_LOCK_( pCache ) ((void)(0))
#define MDLCACHE_CRITICAL_SECTION_( pCache )  ((void)(0))
#define MDLCACHE_COARSE_LOCK_( pCache ) ((void)(0))
#define MDLCACHE_CRITICAL_SECTION_( pCache ) ((void)(0))
#define MDLCACHE_COARSE_LOCK_( pCache ) CMDLCacheCriticalSection cacheCriticalSection(pCache)

#endif // IMDLCACHE_H