//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: Client DLL VGUI2 Viewport // // $Workfile: $ // $Date: $ // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // $Log: $ // // $NoKeywords: $ //=============================================================================// #include "cbase.h" #pragma warning( disable : 4800 ) // disable forcing int to bool performance warning // VGUI panel includes #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "tier0/icommandline.h" // client dll/engine defines #include "hud.h" #include // viewport definitions #include #include "tf_viewport.h" #include "tf_teammenu.h" #include "vguicenterprint.h" #include "text_message.h" #include "tf_classmenu.h" #include "tf_textwindow.h" #include "tf_clientscoreboard.h" #include "tf_spectatorgui.h" #include "intromenu.h" #include "tf_intromenu.h" #include "tf_controls.h" #include "tf_mapinfomenu.h" #include "tf_roundinfo.h" #include "item_pickup_panel.h" #include "character_info_panel.h" #include "tf_hud_arena_winpanel.h" #include "tf_arenateammenu.h" #include "tf_hud_pve_winpanel.h" #include "hud_chat.h" #include "tf_giveawayitempanel.h" #if defined( REPLAY_ENABLED ) #include "replay/vgui/replaybrowsermainpanel.h" #endif #include "clientmode_tf.h" #include "ienginevgui.h" #include "tf_hud_mainmenuoverride.h" #include "c_tf_objective_resource.h" #include "quest_log_panel.h" //#include "tf_overview.h" /* CON_COMMAND( spec_help, "Show spectator help screen") { if ( gViewPortInterface ) gViewPortInterface->ShowPanel( PANEL_INFO, true ); } CON_COMMAND( spec_menu, "Activates spectator menu") { bool bShowIt = true; C_CSPlayer *pPlayer = C_CSPlayer::GetLocalCSPlayer(); if ( pPlayer && !pPlayer->IsObserver() ) return; if ( args.ArgC() == 2 ) { bShowIt = atoi( args[ 1 ] ) == 1; } if ( gViewPortInterface ) gViewPortInterface->ShowPanel( PANEL_SPECMENU, bShowIt ); } */ CON_COMMAND( showmapinfo, "Show map info panel" ) { if ( !gViewPortInterface ) return; C_TFPlayer *pPlayer = C_TFPlayer::GetLocalTFPlayer(); // don't let the player open the team menu themselves until they're a spectator or they're on a regular team and have picked a class if ( pPlayer ) { if ( ( pPlayer->GetTeamNumber() == TEAM_SPECTATOR ) || ( ( pPlayer->GetTeamNumber() != TEAM_UNASSIGNED ) && ( pPlayer->GetPlayerClass()->GetClassIndex() != TF_CLASS_UNDEFINED ) ) ) { // close all the other panels that could be open gViewPortInterface->ShowPanel( PANEL_TEAM, false ); gViewPortInterface->ShowPanel( PANEL_ARENA_TEAM, false ); gViewPortInterface->ShowPanel( PANEL_ARENA_WIN, false ); gViewPortInterface->ShowPanel( PANEL_PVE_WIN, false ); gViewPortInterface->ShowPanel( PANEL_CLASS_RED, false ); gViewPortInterface->ShowPanel( PANEL_CLASS_BLUE, false ); gViewPortInterface->ShowPanel( PANEL_INTRO, false ); gViewPortInterface->ShowPanel( PANEL_ROUNDINFO, false ); gViewPortInterface->ShowPanel( PANEL_MAPINFO, true ); gViewPortInterface->ShowPanel( PANEL_GIVEAWAY_ITEM, false ); } } } CON_COMMAND( changeteam, "Choose a new team" ) { if ( !gViewPortInterface ) return; C_TFPlayer *pPlayer = C_TFPlayer::GetLocalTFPlayer(); // don't let the player open the team menu themselves until they're on a team if ( pPlayer && pPlayer->CanShowTeamMenu() ) { if ( TFGameRules()->IsInArenaMode() == true && tf_arena_use_queue.GetBool() == true ) { gViewPortInterface->ShowPanel( PANEL_ARENA_TEAM, true ); } else { gViewPortInterface->ShowPanel( PANEL_TEAM, true ); } } } CON_COMMAND( changeclass, "Choose a new class" ) { if ( !gViewPortInterface ) return; C_TFPlayer *pPlayer = C_TFPlayer::GetLocalTFPlayer(); if ( pPlayer && pPlayer->CanShowClassMenu() ) { if ( TFGameRules() && TFGameRules()->IsInArenaMode() && pPlayer->IsAlive() == true ) { if ( pPlayer->GetTeamNumber() > LAST_SHARED_TEAM && ( tf_arena_force_class.GetBool() == true || TFGameRules()->InStalemate() == true ) ) { CBaseHudChat *pHUDChat = (CBaseHudChat *)GET_HUDELEMENT( CHudChat ); if ( pHUDChat ) { char szLocalized[100]; g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertUnicodeToANSI( g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#TF_Arena_NoClassChange" ), szLocalized, sizeof(szLocalized) ); pHUDChat->ChatPrintf( pPlayer->entindex(), CHAT_FILTER_NONE, "%s ", szLocalized ); } return; } } if ( TFGameRules() && TFGameRules()->IsMannVsMachineMode() ) { if ( !TFGameRules()->InSetup() ) { CBaseHudChat *pHUDChat = (CBaseHudChat *)GET_HUDELEMENT( CHudChat ); if ( pHUDChat ) { char szLocalized[100]; g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertUnicodeToANSI( g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#TF_MVM_NoClassChangeAfterSetup" ), szLocalized, sizeof(szLocalized) ); pHUDChat->ChatPrintf( pPlayer->entindex(), CHAT_FILTER_NONE, "%s ", szLocalized ); } return; } } switch( pPlayer->GetTeamNumber() ) { case TF_TEAM_RED: gViewPortInterface->ShowPanel( PANEL_CLASS_RED, true ); break; case TF_TEAM_BLUE: gViewPortInterface->ShowPanel( PANEL_CLASS_BLUE, true ); break; case TEAM_SPECTATOR: { if( TFGameRules() && TFGameRules()->IsInArenaMode() == true && tf_arena_use_queue.GetBool() == true ) { gViewPortInterface->ShowPanel( PANEL_CLASS_BLUE, true ); } } break; default: break; } } } CON_COMMAND( togglescores, "Toggles score panel") { if ( !gViewPortInterface ) return; IViewPortPanel *scoreboard = gViewPortInterface->FindPanelByName( PANEL_SCOREBOARD ); if ( !scoreboard ) return; if ( scoreboard->IsVisible() ) { gViewPortInterface->ShowPanel( scoreboard, false ); GetClientVoiceMgr()->StopSquelchMode(); } else { gViewPortInterface->ShowPanel( scoreboard, true ); } } CON_COMMAND( show_quest_log, "Show the quest log panel" ) { if ( !gViewPortInterface ) return; IViewPortPanel *pQuestLog = gViewPortInterface->FindPanelByName( PANEL_QUEST_LOG ); if ( !pQuestLog ) return; if ( pQuestLog->IsVisible() ) { gViewPortInterface->ShowPanel( pQuestLog, false ); } else { gViewPortInterface->ShowPanel( pQuestLog, true ); } } TFViewport::TFViewport() { ivgui()->AddTickSignal( GetVPanel(), 0 ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TFViewport::~TFViewport() { } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: called when the VGUI subsystem starts up // Creates the sub panels and initialises them //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void TFViewport::Start( IGameUIFuncs *pGameUIFuncs, IGameEventManager2 * pGameEventManager ) { BaseClass::Start( pGameUIFuncs, pGameEventManager ); } void TFViewport::ApplySchemeSettings( vgui::IScheme *pScheme ) { BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings( pScheme ); gHUD.InitColors( pScheme ); SetPaintBackgroundEnabled( false ); // Precache some font characters for the 360 if ( IsX360() || CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-precachefontchars" ) || CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-precachefontintlchars" ) ) { const wchar_t *pAllChars = L"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789,.!:"; const wchar_t *pNumbers = L"0123456789"; // Try some tricky characters and some international characters with accents, etc. static const wchar_t IntlChars[] = { 'a', 'b', 'c', 'i', 'o', 'y', 'A', 'B', 'C', 0xbf, 0xc1, 0xd1, 0xd3, 0x00 }; if ( CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-precachefontintlchars" ) ) pAllChars = IntlChars; vgui::surface()->PrecacheFontCharacters( pScheme->GetFont( "ScoreboardTeamName" ), pAllChars ); vgui::surface()->PrecacheFontCharacters( pScheme->GetFont( "ScoreboardMedium" ), pAllChars ); vgui::surface()->PrecacheFontCharacters( pScheme->GetFont( "ScoreboardSmall" ), pAllChars ); vgui::surface()->PrecacheFontCharacters( pScheme->GetFont( "ScoreboardVerySmall" ), pAllChars ); vgui::surface()->PrecacheFontCharacters( pScheme->GetFont( "TFFontMedium" ), pAllChars ); vgui::surface()->PrecacheFontCharacters( pScheme->GetFont( "TFFontSmall" ), pAllChars ); vgui::surface()->PrecacheFontCharacters( pScheme->GetFont( "HudFontMedium" ), pAllChars ); vgui::surface()->PrecacheFontCharacters( pScheme->GetFont( "HudFontMediumSmallSecondary" ), pAllChars ); vgui::surface()->PrecacheFontCharacters( pScheme->GetFont( "HudFontSmall" ), pAllChars ); vgui::surface()->PrecacheFontCharacters( pScheme->GetFont( "DefaultSmall" ), pAllChars ); vgui::surface()->PrecacheFontCharacters( pScheme->GetFont( "ScoreboardTeamScore" ), pNumbers ); } } // // This is the main function of the viewport. Right here is where we create our class menu, // team menu, and anything else that we want to turn on and off in the UI. // IViewPortPanel* TFViewport::CreatePanelByName(const char *szPanelName) { IViewPortPanel* newpanel = NULL; // overwrite MOD specific panel creation if ( Q_strcmp( PANEL_SCOREBOARD, szPanelName ) == 0 ) { newpanel = new CTFClientScoreBoardDialog( this ); } else if ( Q_strcmp( PANEL_SPECGUI, szPanelName ) == 0 ) { newpanel = new CTFSpectatorGUI( this ); } else if ( Q_strcmp( PANEL_SPECMENU, szPanelName ) == 0 ) { // newpanel = new CTFSpectatorGUI( this ); } else if ( Q_strcmp( PANEL_OVERVIEW, szPanelName ) == 0 ) { // newpanel = new CTFMapOverview( this ); } else if ( Q_strcmp( PANEL_INFO, szPanelName ) == 0 ) { newpanel = new CTFTextWindow( this ); } else if ( Q_strcmp( PANEL_MAPINFO, szPanelName ) == 0 ) { newpanel = new CTFMapInfoMenu( this ); } else if ( Q_strcmp( PANEL_ROUNDINFO, szPanelName ) == 0 ) { newpanel = new CTFRoundInfo( this ); } else if ( Q_strcmp( PANEL_TEAM, szPanelName ) == 0 ) { newpanel = new CTFTeamMenu( this ); } else if ( Q_strcmp( PANEL_CLASS_RED, szPanelName ) == 0 ) { newpanel = new CTFClassMenu_Red( this ); } else if ( Q_strcmp( PANEL_CLASS_BLUE, szPanelName ) == 0 ) { newpanel = new CTFClassMenu_Blue( this ); } else if ( Q_strcmp( PANEL_INTRO, szPanelName ) == 0 ) { newpanel = new CTFIntroMenu( this ); } else if ( Q_strcmp( PANEL_ARENA_TEAM, szPanelName ) == 0 ) { newpanel = new CTFArenaTeamMenu( this ); } else if ( Q_strcmp( PANEL_ARENA_WIN, szPanelName ) == 0 ) { newpanel = new CTFArenaWinPanel( this ); } else if ( Q_strcmp( PANEL_PVE_WIN, szPanelName ) == 0 ) { newpanel = new CTFPVEWinPanel( this ); } else if ( Q_strcmp( PANEL_GIVEAWAY_ITEM, szPanelName ) == 0 ) { newpanel = new CTFGiveawayItemPanel( this ); } else if ( Q_strcmp( PANEL_MAINMENUOVERRIDE, szPanelName ) == 0 ) { newpanel = new CHudMainMenuOverride( this ); } else if ( V_strcmp( PANEL_QUEST_LOG, szPanelName ) == 0 ) { newpanel = new CQuestLogPanel( this ); } else { // create a generic base panel, don't add twice newpanel = BaseClass::CreatePanelByName( szPanelName ); } return newpanel; } void TFViewport::CreateDefaultPanels( void ) { AddNewPanel( CreatePanelByName( PANEL_MAPINFO ), "PANEL_MAPINFO" ); AddNewPanel( CreatePanelByName( PANEL_TEAM ), "PANEL_TEAM" ); AddNewPanel( CreatePanelByName( PANEL_CLASS_RED ), "PANEL_CLASS_RED" ); AddNewPanel( CreatePanelByName( PANEL_CLASS_BLUE ), "PANEL_CLASS_BLUE" ); AddNewPanel( CreatePanelByName( PANEL_INTRO ), "PANEL_INTRO" ); AddNewPanel( CreatePanelByName( PANEL_ROUNDINFO ), "PANEL_ROUNDINFO" ); AddNewPanel( CreatePanelByName( PANEL_ARENA_WIN ), "PANEL_ARENA_WIN" ); AddNewPanel( CreatePanelByName( PANEL_ARENA_TEAM ), "PANEL_ARENA_TEAM" ); AddNewPanel( CreatePanelByName( PANEL_PVE_WIN ), "PANEL_PVE_WIN" ); AddNewPanel( CreatePanelByName( PANEL_GIVEAWAY_ITEM ), "PANEL_GIVEAWAY_ITEM" ); AddNewPanel( CreatePanelByName( PANEL_QUEST_LOG ), "PANEL_QUEST_LOG" ); CHudMainMenuOverride *pMMOverride = (CHudMainMenuOverride*)CreatePanelByName( PANEL_MAINMENUOVERRIDE ); if ( pMMOverride ) { AddNewPanel( pMMOverride, "PANEL_MAINMENUOVERRIDE" ); pMMOverride->AttachToGameUI(); } BaseClass::CreateDefaultPanels(); } int TFViewport::GetDeathMessageStartHeight( void ) { int y = YRES(2); if ( IsX360() ) { y = YRES(36); } if ( g_pSpectatorGUI && g_pSpectatorGUI->IsVisible() ) { y = YRES(2) + g_pSpectatorGUI->GetTopBarHeight(); } return y; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void TFViewport::OnScreenSizeChanged( int iOldWide, int iOldTall ) { BaseClass::OnScreenSizeChanged( iOldWide, iOldTall ); // we've changed resolution, let's try to figure out if we need to show any of our menus if ( !gViewPortInterface ) return; C_TFPlayer *pPlayer = C_TFPlayer::GetLocalTFPlayer(); if ( pPlayer ) { // are we on a team yet? if ( pPlayer->GetTeamNumber() == TEAM_UNASSIGNED ) { engine->ClientCmd( "show_motd" ); } else if ( ( pPlayer->GetTeamNumber() != TEAM_SPECTATOR ) && ( pPlayer->m_Shared.GetDesiredPlayerClassIndex() == TF_CLASS_UNDEFINED ) ) { if ( tf_arena_force_class.GetBool() == false ) { switch( pPlayer->GetTeamNumber() ) { case TF_TEAM_RED: gViewPortInterface->ShowPanel( PANEL_CLASS_RED, true ); break; case TF_TEAM_BLUE: gViewPortInterface->ShowPanel( PANEL_CLASS_BLUE, true ); break; } } } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void TFViewport::OnTick() { m_pAnimController->UpdateAnimations( gpGlobals->curtime ); }