//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: // //=============================================================================// #include "cbase.h" #include "tf_matchmaking_dashboard.h" #include "tf_gc_client.h" #include "tf_gamerules.h" using namespace vgui; using namespace GCSDK; #ifdef STAGING_ONLY extern ConVar tf_mm_popup_state_override; #endif class CNewMatchFoundDashboardState : public CTFMatchmakingPopup { public: CNewMatchFoundDashboardState( const char* pszName, const char* pszResFile ) : CTFMatchmakingPopup( pszName, pszResFile ) , m_flAutoJoinTime( 0.f ) {} virtual void OnEnter() OVERRIDE { CTFMatchmakingPopup::OnEnter(); // We want to coincide the auto-join time with a short pause after the match-summary sequence if we're in // a match. if ( GTFGCClientSystem()->BConnectedToMatchServer( false ) ) { Assert( TFGameRules()->State_Get() == GR_STATE_GAME_OVER || TFGameRules()->State_Get() == GR_STATE_TEAM_WIN ); const double flNow = gpGlobals->curtime; // There's a point that's the earliest we want to autojoin and also a point that's the latest we want to autojoin. const double flDesiredAutoJoinTime = flNow + 10.; const double flLatestJoinTime = TFGameRules()->State_Get() == GR_STATE_GAME_OVER ? TFGameRules()->GetStateTransitionTime() - 1. : TFGameRules()->GetStateTransitionTime() + TFGameRules()->GetPostMatchPeriod(); const double flEarliestJoinTime = TFGameRules()->State_Get() == GR_STATE_GAME_OVER ? 0. : TFGameRules()->GetStateTransitionTime() + 10.; // We also want the minimum time of the autojoin to be 10 seconds long. If the earliest join time is greater than // the now + 10, go with that. If now + 10 is beyond the latest join time, go with the latest join time. m_flAutoJoinTime = Max( flEarliestJoinTime, flDesiredAutoJoinTime ); m_flAutoJoinTime = Min( m_flAutoJoinTime, flLatestJoinTime ); } } virtual void OnUpdate() OVERRIDE { CTFMatchmakingPopup::OnUpdate(); // Autojoin time wchar_t *pwszAutoJoinTime = NULL; // Update the countdown label double flTimeUntilAutoJoin = Max( 0., m_flAutoJoinTime - gpGlobals->curtime ); pwszAutoJoinTime = LocalizeNumberWithToken( "TF_Matchmaking_RollingQueue_AutojoinWarning", ceil( flTimeUntilAutoJoin ) ); SetDialogVariable( "auto_join", pwszAutoJoinTime ); if ( m_flAutoJoinTime != 0.f && gpGlobals->curtime > m_flAutoJoinTime ) { GTFGCClientSystem()->JoinMMMatch(); } } virtual void OnExit() OVERRIDE { CTFMatchmakingPopup::OnExit(); // No more auto join timer m_flAutoJoinTime = 0.f; } virtual bool ShouldBeActve() const OVERRIDE { #ifdef STAGING_ONLY if ( FStrEq( const_cast(this)->GetName(), tf_mm_popup_state_override.GetString() ) ) return true; #endif if ( BInEndOfMatch() && !GTFGCClientSystem()->BConnectedToMatchServer( true ) && GTFGCClientSystem()->BHaveLiveMatch() ) { return true; } return false; } private: double m_flAutoJoinTime; }; REG_MM_POPUP_FACTORY( CNewMatchFoundDashboardState, "NewMatchFound", "resource/UI/MatchMakingDashboardPopup_NewMatch.res" )