#include "cbase.h" #include "softline.h" #include // memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!! #include SoftLine::SoftLine(vgui::Panel *parent, const char *panelName, Color col) : vgui::Panel(parent, panelName) { m_Color = col; m_iCornerType = 0; } void SoftLine::Paint() { if (m_iCornerType == 1) DrawSoftLine(1,GetTall() - 2, GetWide() - 2, 1, m_Color); else DrawSoftLine(1,1, GetWide() - 2, GetTall() - 2, m_Color); } int SoftLine::s_nWhiteTexture = -1; void SoftLine::DrawSoftLine(float x, float y, float x2, float y2, Color c) { vgui::Vertex_t start, end; if (s_nWhiteTexture == -1) { s_nWhiteTexture = vgui::surface()->CreateNewTextureID(); vgui::surface()->DrawSetTextureFile( s_nWhiteTexture, "vgui/white" , true, false); if (s_nWhiteTexture == -1) return; return; } // draw main line vgui::surface()->DrawSetTexture(s_nWhiteTexture); vgui::surface()->DrawSetColor(c); //vgui::surface()->DrawLine(x,y,x2,y2); start.Init(Vector2D(x,y), Vector2D(0,0)); end.Init(Vector2D(x2,y2), Vector2D(1,1)); DrawPolygonLine(start, end); // draw translucent ones around it to give it some softness vgui::surface()->DrawSetColor(c); start.Init(Vector2D(x - 0.50f,y - 0.50f), Vector2D(0,0)); end.Init(Vector2D(x2 - 0.50f,y2 - 0.50f), Vector2D(1,1)); DrawPolygonLine(start, end); start.Init(Vector2D(x + 0.50f,y - 0.50f), Vector2D(0,0)); end.Init(Vector2D(x2 + 0.50f,y2 - 0.50f), Vector2D(1,1)); DrawPolygonLine(start, end); start.Init(Vector2D(x - 0.50f,y + 0.50f), Vector2D(0,0)); end.Init(Vector2D(x2 - 0.50f,y2 + 0.50f), Vector2D(1,1)); DrawPolygonLine(start, end); start.Init(Vector2D(x + 0.50f,y + 0.50f), Vector2D(0,0)); end.Init(Vector2D(x2 + 0.50f,y2 + 0.50f), Vector2D(1,1)); DrawPolygonLine(start, end); } // draws a line using polygon calls void SoftLine::DrawPolygonLine(vgui::Vertex_t start, vgui::Vertex_t end, float width) { DrawPolygonLine(start.m_Position.x, start.m_Position.y, end.m_Position.x, end.m_Position.y, width); } void SoftLine::DrawPolygonLine(float x, float y, float x2, float y2, float width) { // find long edge Vector2D start(x, y); Vector2D end(x2, y2); Vector2D long_edge = end - start; // normalize and rotate 90 degrees to get our short edge Vector2D short_edge = long_edge; short_edge.NormalizeInPlace(); float newx = cos(1.5708f) * short_edge.x - sin(1.5708f) * short_edge.y; float newy = sin(1.5708f) * short_edge.x - cos(1.5708f) * short_edge.y; short_edge.x = newx; short_edge.y = newy; short_edge *= width; vgui::Vertex_t points[4] = { vgui::Vertex_t( Vector2D(x, y) - short_edge * 0.5f, Vector2D(0,0) ), vgui::Vertex_t( Vector2D(x, y) - short_edge * 0.5f + long_edge, Vector2D(1,0) ), vgui::Vertex_t( Vector2D(x, y) + short_edge * 0.5f + long_edge, Vector2D(1,1) ), vgui::Vertex_t( Vector2D(x, y) + short_edge * 0.5f, Vector2D(0,1) ) }; vgui::surface()->DrawTexturedPolygon(4, points); }