echo off if "%1" == "" goto usage @rem ********************************************************************** @REM If the mapbuild directory ever moves out of src\devools, @REM update this relative path to the tree's "main" directory. @rem ********************************************************************** set maindir=..\..\.. if not exist %maindir%\game\%1 goto usage set vproject=%maindir%\game\%1 @rem ********************************************************************** @rem build options are -reslist, -nodegraph, -bsp, and -forcebuild. @rem The "-forcebuild" flag is used to build all changed maps, even if they @rem didn't use the 'autocompile' keyword. This is currently being used @rem to build only reslists and nodegraphs of changed maps each night. @rem ********************************************************************** set defaultflags=%2 set buildflags=%defaultflags% set TIME= for /F "tokens=1-4 delims=:., " %%a in ("%TIME%") do set TIME=%%a%%b%%c @rem if %TIME% GTR 030000 set buildflags="-forcebuild -reslist -nodegraph" @rem if %TIME% GTR 060000 set buildflags=%defaultflags% @rem ********************************************************************** @rem Generate a list of changed vmf's without actually syncing them @rem ********************************************************************** p4 sync -n %maindir%\content\%1\maps\*.vmf >> %1_buildlist.txt @rem ********************************************************************** @rem Sync specified vmf's only. If "-forcebuild" flag is set, @rem all changed vmf's will be synced. Otherwise, only maps @rem that had the "autocompile" keyword in the checkin comments @rem will be synced. @rem ********************************************************************** %1 %buildflags% if errorlevel 1 goto end @rem ********************************************************************** @rem Sync all other files @rem ********************************************************************** p4 sync %maindir%\game\... p4 sync %maindir%\src\... @rem ********************************************************************** @rem Build bsp's, cubemaps, and checkin @rem ********************************************************************** echo compiling %1 maps >> log.txt time /t >> log.txt -mod %1 -maindir %maindir% %buildflags% %2 echo Finished %1 >> log.txt time /t >> log.txt echo. >> log.txt echo. >> log.txt goto end :usage echo Usage: buildmod [modname] :end echo > %1_buildlist.txt