//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: // //============================================================================= #include "cbase.h" #include "c_dod_bombtarget.h" #include "dod_shareddefs.h" #include "c_dod_player.h" // memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!! #include "tier0/memdbgon.h" IMPLEMENT_NETWORKCLASS_ALIASED( DODBombTarget, DT_DODBombTarget ) BEGIN_NETWORK_TABLE(C_DODBombTarget, DT_DODBombTarget ) RecvPropInt( RECVINFO(m_iState) ), RecvPropInt( RECVINFO(m_iBombingTeam) ), RecvPropInt( RECVINFO(m_iTargetModel) ), RecvPropInt( RECVINFO(m_iUnavailableModel) ), END_NETWORK_TABLE() void C_DODBombTarget::NotifyShouldTransmit( ShouldTransmitState_t state ) { BaseClass::NotifyShouldTransmit( state ); // Turn off if ( state == SHOULDTRANSMIT_END ) { SetNextClientThink( CLIENT_THINK_NEVER ); } // Turn on if ( state == SHOULDTRANSMIT_START ) { SetNextClientThink( CLIENT_THINK_ALWAYS ); } } void C_DODBombTarget::ClientThink( void ) { // if we are near the player, maybe give them a hint! C_DODPlayer *pPlayer = C_DODPlayer::GetLocalDODPlayer(); if ( pPlayer && pPlayer->IsAlive() ) { Vector vecDist = GetAbsOrigin() - pPlayer->GetAbsOrigin(); if ( vecDist.Length() < 200 ) { int iOppositeTeam = ( m_iBombingTeam == TEAM_ALLIES ) ? TEAM_AXIS : TEAM_ALLIES; if ( pPlayer->GetTeamNumber() == m_iBombingTeam && m_iState == BOMB_TARGET_ACTIVE ) { pPlayer->CheckBombTargetPlantHint(); } else if ( pPlayer->GetTeamNumber() == iOppositeTeam && m_iState == BOMB_TARGET_ARMED ) { pPlayer->CheckBombTargetDefuseHint(); } } } SetNextClientThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.5 ); } int C_DODBombTarget::DrawModel( int flags ) { if ( m_iState == BOMB_TARGET_ACTIVE ) { C_DODPlayer *pPlayer = C_DODPlayer::GetLocalDODPlayer(); int iOppositeTeam = ( m_iBombingTeam == TEAM_ALLIES ) ? TEAM_AXIS : TEAM_ALLIES; #ifdef _DEBUG if ( m_iBombingTeam == TEAM_UNASSIGNED ) iOppositeTeam = TEAM_UNASSIGNED; #endif if ( pPlayer && pPlayer->GetTeamNumber() == iOppositeTeam ) { // draw a different model for the non-planting team if ( GetModelIndex() != m_iUnavailableModel ) { SetModelIndex( m_iUnavailableModel ); } } else { if ( GetModelIndex() != m_iTargetModel ) { SetModelIndex( m_iTargetModel ); } } } return BaseClass::DrawModel( flags ); } // a player of the passed team is looking at us, see if we should // play the hint telling them how to defuse bool C_DODBombTarget::ShouldPlayDefuseHint( int team ) { return ( m_iState == BOMB_TARGET_ARMED && team != m_iBombingTeam ); } // a player of the passed team is looking at us, see if we should // play the hint telling them how to plant a bomb here bool C_DODBombTarget::ShouldPlayPlantHint( int team ) { return ( m_iState == BOMB_TARGET_ACTIVE && team == m_iBombingTeam ); }