////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // File: d3dx9shader.h // Content: D3DX Shader APIs // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "d3dx9.h" #ifndef __D3DX9SHADER_H__ #define __D3DX9SHADER_H__ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // D3DXTX_VERSION: // -------------- // Version token used to create a procedural texture filler in effects // Used by D3DXFill[]TX functions //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define D3DXTX_VERSION(_Major,_Minor) (('T' << 24) | ('X' << 16) | ((_Major) << 8) | (_Minor)) //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // D3DXSHADER flags: // ----------------- // D3DXSHADER_DEBUG // Insert debug file/line/type/symbol information. // // D3DXSHADER_SKIPVALIDATION // Do not validate the generated code against known capabilities and // constraints. This option is only recommended when compiling shaders // you KNOW will work. (ie. have compiled before without this option.) // Shaders are always validated by D3D before they are set to the device. // // D3DXSHADER_SKIPOPTIMIZATION // Instructs the compiler to skip optimization steps during code generation. // Unless you are trying to isolate a problem in your code using this option // is not recommended. // // D3DXSHADER_PACKMATRIX_ROWMAJOR // Unless explicitly specified, matrices will be packed in row-major order // on input and output from the shader. // // D3DXSHADER_PACKMATRIX_COLUMNMAJOR // Unless explicitly specified, matrices will be packed in column-major // order on input and output from the shader. This is generally more // efficient, since it allows vector-matrix multiplication to be performed // using a series of dot-products. // // D3DXSHADER_PARTIALPRECISION // Force all computations in resulting shader to occur at partial precision. // This may result in faster evaluation of shaders on some hardware. // // D3DXSHADER_FORCE_VS_SOFTWARE_NOOPT // Force compiler to compile against the next highest available software // target for vertex shaders. This flag also turns optimizations off, // and debugging on. // // D3DXSHADER_FORCE_PS_SOFTWARE_NOOPT // Force compiler to compile against the next highest available software // target for pixel shaders. This flag also turns optimizations off, // and debugging on. // // D3DXSHADER_NO_PRESHADER // Disables Preshaders. Using this flag will cause the compiler to not // pull out static expression for evaluation on the host cpu // // D3DXSHADER_AVOID_FLOW_CONTROL // Hint compiler to avoid flow-control constructs where possible. // // D3DXSHADER_PREFER_FLOW_CONTROL // Hint compiler to prefer flow-control constructs where possible. // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define D3DXSHADER_DEBUG (1 << 0) #define D3DXSHADER_SKIPVALIDATION (1 << 1) #define D3DXSHADER_SKIPOPTIMIZATION (1 << 2) #define D3DXSHADER_PACKMATRIX_ROWMAJOR (1 << 3) #define D3DXSHADER_PACKMATRIX_COLUMNMAJOR (1 << 4) #define D3DXSHADER_PARTIALPRECISION (1 << 5) #define D3DXSHADER_FORCE_VS_SOFTWARE_NOOPT (1 << 6) #define D3DXSHADER_FORCE_PS_SOFTWARE_NOOPT (1 << 7) #define D3DXSHADER_NO_PRESHADER (1 << 8) #define D3DXSHADER_AVOID_FLOW_CONTROL (1 << 9) #define D3DXSHADER_PREFER_FLOW_CONTROL (1 << 10) #define D3DXSHADER_ENABLE_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY (1 << 12) #define D3DXSHADER_IEEE_STRICTNESS (1 << 13) #define D3DXSHADER_USE_LEGACY_D3DX9_31_DLL (1 << 16) // optimization level flags #define D3DXSHADER_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL0 (1 << 14) #define D3DXSHADER_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL1 0 #define D3DXSHADER_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL2 ((1 << 14) | (1 << 15)) #define D3DXSHADER_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL3 (1 << 15) //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // D3DXCONSTTABLE flags: // ------------------- #define D3DXCONSTTABLE_LARGEADDRESSAWARE (1 << 17) //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // D3DXHANDLE: // ----------- // Handle values used to efficiently reference shader and effect parameters. // Strings can be used as handles. However, handles are not always strings. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef D3DXFX_LARGEADDRESS_HANDLE typedef LPCSTR D3DXHANDLE; #else typedef UINT_PTR D3DXHANDLE; #endif typedef D3DXHANDLE *LPD3DXHANDLE; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // D3DXMACRO: // ---------- // Preprocessor macro definition. The application pass in a NULL-terminated // array of this structure to various D3DX APIs. This enables the application // to #define tokens at runtime, before the file is parsed. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef struct _D3DXMACRO { LPCSTR Name; LPCSTR Definition; } D3DXMACRO, *LPD3DXMACRO; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // D3DXSEMANTIC: //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef struct _D3DXSEMANTIC { UINT Usage; UINT UsageIndex; } D3DXSEMANTIC, *LPD3DXSEMANTIC; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // D3DXREGISTER_SET: //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef enum _D3DXREGISTER_SET { D3DXRS_BOOL, D3DXRS_INT4, D3DXRS_FLOAT4, D3DXRS_SAMPLER, // force 32-bit size enum D3DXRS_FORCE_DWORD = 0x7fffffff } D3DXREGISTER_SET, *LPD3DXREGISTER_SET; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // D3DXPARAMETER_CLASS: //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef enum _D3DXPARAMETER_CLASS { D3DXPC_SCALAR, D3DXPC_VECTOR, D3DXPC_MATRIX_ROWS, D3DXPC_MATRIX_COLUMNS, D3DXPC_OBJECT, D3DXPC_STRUCT, // force 32-bit size enum D3DXPC_FORCE_DWORD = 0x7fffffff } D3DXPARAMETER_CLASS, *LPD3DXPARAMETER_CLASS; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // D3DXPARAMETER_TYPE: //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef enum _D3DXPARAMETER_TYPE { D3DXPT_VOID, D3DXPT_BOOL, D3DXPT_INT, D3DXPT_FLOAT, D3DXPT_STRING, D3DXPT_TEXTURE, D3DXPT_TEXTURE1D, D3DXPT_TEXTURE2D, D3DXPT_TEXTURE3D, D3DXPT_TEXTURECUBE, D3DXPT_SAMPLER, D3DXPT_SAMPLER1D, D3DXPT_SAMPLER2D, D3DXPT_SAMPLER3D, D3DXPT_SAMPLERCUBE, D3DXPT_PIXELSHADER, D3DXPT_VERTEXSHADER, D3DXPT_PIXELFRAGMENT, D3DXPT_VERTEXFRAGMENT, D3DXPT_UNSUPPORTED, // force 32-bit size enum D3DXPT_FORCE_DWORD = 0x7fffffff } D3DXPARAMETER_TYPE, *LPD3DXPARAMETER_TYPE; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // D3DXCONSTANTTABLE_DESC: //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef struct _D3DXCONSTANTTABLE_DESC { LPCSTR Creator; // Creator string DWORD Version; // Shader version UINT Constants; // Number of constants } D3DXCONSTANTTABLE_DESC, *LPD3DXCONSTANTTABLE_DESC; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // D3DXCONSTANT_DESC: //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef struct _D3DXCONSTANT_DESC { LPCSTR Name; // Constant name D3DXREGISTER_SET RegisterSet; // Register set UINT RegisterIndex; // Register index UINT RegisterCount; // Number of registers occupied D3DXPARAMETER_CLASS Class; // Class D3DXPARAMETER_TYPE Type; // Component type UINT Rows; // Number of rows UINT Columns; // Number of columns UINT Elements; // Number of array elements UINT StructMembers; // Number of structure member sub-parameters UINT Bytes; // Data size, in bytes LPCVOID DefaultValue; // Pointer to default value } D3DXCONSTANT_DESC, *LPD3DXCONSTANT_DESC; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ID3DXConstantTable: //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef interface ID3DXConstantTable ID3DXConstantTable; typedef interface ID3DXConstantTable *LPD3DXCONSTANTTABLE; // {AB3C758F-093E-4356-B762-4DB18F1B3A01} DEFINE_GUID(IID_ID3DXConstantTable, 0xab3c758f, 0x93e, 0x4356, 0xb7, 0x62, 0x4d, 0xb1, 0x8f, 0x1b, 0x3a, 0x1); #undef INTERFACE #define INTERFACE ID3DXConstantTable DECLARE_INTERFACE_(ID3DXConstantTable, IUnknown) { // IUnknown STDMETHOD(QueryInterface)(THIS_ REFIID iid, LPVOID *ppv) PURE; STDMETHOD_(ULONG, AddRef)(THIS) PURE; STDMETHOD_(ULONG, Release)(THIS) PURE; // Buffer STDMETHOD_(LPVOID, GetBufferPointer)(THIS) PURE; STDMETHOD_(DWORD, GetBufferSize)(THIS) PURE; // Descs STDMETHOD(GetDesc)(THIS_ D3DXCONSTANTTABLE_DESC *pDesc) PURE; STDMETHOD(GetConstantDesc)(THIS_ D3DXHANDLE hConstant, D3DXCONSTANT_DESC *pConstantDesc, UINT *pCount) PURE; STDMETHOD_(UINT, GetSamplerIndex)(THIS_ D3DXHANDLE hConstant) PURE; // Handle operations STDMETHOD_(D3DXHANDLE, GetConstant)(THIS_ D3DXHANDLE hConstant, UINT Index) PURE; STDMETHOD_(D3DXHANDLE, GetConstantByName)(THIS_ D3DXHANDLE hConstant, LPCSTR pName) PURE; STDMETHOD_(D3DXHANDLE, GetConstantElement)(THIS_ D3DXHANDLE hConstant, UINT Index) PURE; // Set Constants STDMETHOD(SetDefaults)(THIS_ LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 pDevice) PURE; STDMETHOD(SetValue)(THIS_ LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 pDevice, D3DXHANDLE hConstant, LPCVOID pData, UINT Bytes) PURE; STDMETHOD(SetBool)(THIS_ LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 pDevice, D3DXHANDLE hConstant, BOOL b) PURE; STDMETHOD(SetBoolArray)(THIS_ LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 pDevice, D3DXHANDLE hConstant, CONST BOOL* pb, UINT Count) PURE; STDMETHOD(SetInt)(THIS_ LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 pDevice, D3DXHANDLE hConstant, INT n) PURE; STDMETHOD(SetIntArray)(THIS_ LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 pDevice, D3DXHANDLE hConstant, CONST INT* pn, UINT Count) PURE; STDMETHOD(SetFloat)(THIS_ LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 pDevice, D3DXHANDLE hConstant, FLOAT f) PURE; STDMETHOD(SetFloatArray)(THIS_ LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 pDevice, D3DXHANDLE hConstant, CONST FLOAT* pf, UINT Count) PURE; STDMETHOD(SetVector)(THIS_ LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 pDevice, D3DXHANDLE hConstant, CONST D3DXVECTOR4* pVector) PURE; STDMETHOD(SetVectorArray)(THIS_ LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 pDevice, D3DXHANDLE hConstant, CONST D3DXVECTOR4* pVector, UINT Count) PURE; STDMETHOD(SetMatrix)(THIS_ LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 pDevice, D3DXHANDLE hConstant, CONST D3DXMATRIX* pMatrix) PURE; STDMETHOD(SetMatrixArray)(THIS_ LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 pDevice, D3DXHANDLE hConstant, CONST D3DXMATRIX* pMatrix, UINT Count) PURE; STDMETHOD(SetMatrixPointerArray)(THIS_ LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 pDevice, D3DXHANDLE hConstant, CONST D3DXMATRIX** ppMatrix, UINT Count) PURE; STDMETHOD(SetMatrixTranspose)(THIS_ LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 pDevice, D3DXHANDLE hConstant, CONST D3DXMATRIX* pMatrix) PURE; STDMETHOD(SetMatrixTransposeArray)(THIS_ LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 pDevice, D3DXHANDLE hConstant, CONST D3DXMATRIX* pMatrix, UINT Count) PURE; STDMETHOD(SetMatrixTransposePointerArray)(THIS_ LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 pDevice, D3DXHANDLE hConstant, CONST D3DXMATRIX** ppMatrix, UINT Count) PURE; }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ID3DXTextureShader: //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef interface ID3DXTextureShader ID3DXTextureShader; typedef interface ID3DXTextureShader *LPD3DXTEXTURESHADER; // {3E3D67F8-AA7A-405d-A857-BA01D4758426} DEFINE_GUID(IID_ID3DXTextureShader, 0x3e3d67f8, 0xaa7a, 0x405d, 0xa8, 0x57, 0xba, 0x1, 0xd4, 0x75, 0x84, 0x26); #undef INTERFACE #define INTERFACE ID3DXTextureShader DECLARE_INTERFACE_(ID3DXTextureShader, IUnknown) { // IUnknown STDMETHOD(QueryInterface)(THIS_ REFIID iid, LPVOID *ppv) PURE; STDMETHOD_(ULONG, AddRef)(THIS) PURE; STDMETHOD_(ULONG, Release)(THIS) PURE; // Gets STDMETHOD(GetFunction)(THIS_ LPD3DXBUFFER *ppFunction) PURE; STDMETHOD(GetConstantBuffer)(THIS_ LPD3DXBUFFER *ppConstantBuffer) PURE; // Descs STDMETHOD(GetDesc)(THIS_ D3DXCONSTANTTABLE_DESC *pDesc) PURE; STDMETHOD(GetConstantDesc)(THIS_ D3DXHANDLE hConstant, D3DXCONSTANT_DESC *pConstantDesc, UINT *pCount) PURE; // Handle operations STDMETHOD_(D3DXHANDLE, GetConstant)(THIS_ D3DXHANDLE hConstant, UINT Index) PURE; STDMETHOD_(D3DXHANDLE, GetConstantByName)(THIS_ D3DXHANDLE hConstant, LPCSTR pName) PURE; STDMETHOD_(D3DXHANDLE, GetConstantElement)(THIS_ D3DXHANDLE hConstant, UINT Index) PURE; // Set Constants STDMETHOD(SetDefaults)(THIS) PURE; STDMETHOD(SetValue)(THIS_ D3DXHANDLE hConstant, LPCVOID pData, UINT Bytes) PURE; STDMETHOD(SetBool)(THIS_ D3DXHANDLE hConstant, BOOL b) PURE; STDMETHOD(SetBoolArray)(THIS_ D3DXHANDLE hConstant, CONST BOOL* pb, UINT Count) PURE; STDMETHOD(SetInt)(THIS_ D3DXHANDLE hConstant, INT n) PURE; STDMETHOD(SetIntArray)(THIS_ D3DXHANDLE hConstant, CONST INT* pn, UINT Count) PURE; STDMETHOD(SetFloat)(THIS_ D3DXHANDLE hConstant, FLOAT f) PURE; STDMETHOD(SetFloatArray)(THIS_ D3DXHANDLE hConstant, CONST FLOAT* pf, UINT Count) PURE; STDMETHOD(SetVector)(THIS_ D3DXHANDLE hConstant, CONST D3DXVECTOR4* pVector) PURE; STDMETHOD(SetVectorArray)(THIS_ D3DXHANDLE hConstant, CONST D3DXVECTOR4* pVector, UINT Count) PURE; STDMETHOD(SetMatrix)(THIS_ D3DXHANDLE hConstant, CONST D3DXMATRIX* pMatrix) PURE; STDMETHOD(SetMatrixArray)(THIS_ D3DXHANDLE hConstant, CONST D3DXMATRIX* pMatrix, UINT Count) PURE; STDMETHOD(SetMatrixPointerArray)(THIS_ D3DXHANDLE hConstant, CONST D3DXMATRIX** ppMatrix, UINT Count) PURE; STDMETHOD(SetMatrixTranspose)(THIS_ D3DXHANDLE hConstant, CONST D3DXMATRIX* pMatrix) PURE; STDMETHOD(SetMatrixTransposeArray)(THIS_ D3DXHANDLE hConstant, CONST D3DXMATRIX* pMatrix, UINT Count) PURE; STDMETHOD(SetMatrixTransposePointerArray)(THIS_ D3DXHANDLE hConstant, CONST D3DXMATRIX** ppMatrix, UINT Count) PURE; }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // D3DXINCLUDE_TYPE: //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef enum _D3DXINCLUDE_TYPE { D3DXINC_LOCAL, D3DXINC_SYSTEM, // force 32-bit size enum D3DXINC_FORCE_DWORD = 0x7fffffff } D3DXINCLUDE_TYPE, *LPD3DXINCLUDE_TYPE; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ID3DXInclude: // ------------- // This interface is intended to be implemented by the application, and can // be used by various D3DX APIs. This enables application-specific handling // of #include directives in source files. // // Open() // Opens an include file. If successful, it should fill in ppData and // pBytes. The data pointer returned must remain valid until Close is // subsequently called. The name of the file is encoded in UTF-8 format. // Close() // Closes an include file. If Open was successful, Close is guaranteed // to be called before the API using this interface returns. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef interface ID3DXInclude ID3DXInclude; typedef interface ID3DXInclude *LPD3DXINCLUDE; #undef INTERFACE #define INTERFACE ID3DXInclude DECLARE_INTERFACE(ID3DXInclude) { STDMETHOD(Open)(THIS_ D3DXINCLUDE_TYPE IncludeType, LPCSTR pFileName, LPCVOID pParentData, LPCVOID *ppData, UINT *pBytes) PURE; STDMETHOD(Close)(THIS_ LPCVOID pData) PURE; }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // APIs ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif //__cplusplus //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // D3DXAssembleShader: // ------------------- // Assembles a shader. // // Parameters: // pSrcFile // Source file name // hSrcModule // Module handle. if NULL, current module will be used // pSrcResource // Resource name in module // pSrcData // Pointer to source code // SrcDataLen // Size of source code, in bytes // pDefines // Optional NULL-terminated array of preprocessor macro definitions. // pInclude // Optional interface pointer to use for handling #include directives. // If this parameter is NULL, #includes will be honored when assembling // from file, and will error when assembling from resource or memory. // Flags // See D3DXSHADER_xxx flags // ppShader // Returns a buffer containing the created shader. This buffer contains // the assembled shader code, as well as any embedded debug info. // ppErrorMsgs // Returns a buffer containing a listing of errors and warnings that were // encountered during assembly. If you are running in a debugger, // these are the same messages you will see in your debug output. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT WINAPI D3DXAssembleShaderFromFileA( LPCSTR pSrcFile, CONST D3DXMACRO* pDefines, LPD3DXINCLUDE pInclude, DWORD Flags, LPD3DXBUFFER* ppShader, LPD3DXBUFFER* ppErrorMsgs); HRESULT WINAPI D3DXAssembleShaderFromFileW( LPCWSTR pSrcFile, CONST D3DXMACRO* pDefines, LPD3DXINCLUDE pInclude, DWORD Flags, LPD3DXBUFFER* ppShader, LPD3DXBUFFER* ppErrorMsgs); #ifdef UNICODE #define D3DXAssembleShaderFromFile D3DXAssembleShaderFromFileW #else #define D3DXAssembleShaderFromFile D3DXAssembleShaderFromFileA #endif HRESULT WINAPI D3DXAssembleShaderFromResourceA( HMODULE hSrcModule, LPCSTR pSrcResource, CONST D3DXMACRO* pDefines, LPD3DXINCLUDE pInclude, DWORD Flags, LPD3DXBUFFER* ppShader, LPD3DXBUFFER* ppErrorMsgs); HRESULT WINAPI D3DXAssembleShaderFromResourceW( HMODULE hSrcModule, LPCWSTR pSrcResource, CONST D3DXMACRO* pDefines, LPD3DXINCLUDE pInclude, DWORD Flags, LPD3DXBUFFER* ppShader, LPD3DXBUFFER* ppErrorMsgs); #ifdef UNICODE #define D3DXAssembleShaderFromResource D3DXAssembleShaderFromResourceW #else #define D3DXAssembleShaderFromResource D3DXAssembleShaderFromResourceA #endif HRESULT WINAPI D3DXAssembleShader( LPCSTR pSrcData, UINT SrcDataLen, CONST D3DXMACRO* pDefines, LPD3DXINCLUDE pInclude, DWORD Flags, LPD3DXBUFFER* ppShader, LPD3DXBUFFER* ppErrorMsgs); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // D3DXCompileShader: // ------------------ // Compiles a shader. // // Parameters: // pSrcFile // Source file name. // hSrcModule // Module handle. if NULL, current module will be used. // pSrcResource // Resource name in module. // pSrcData // Pointer to source code. // SrcDataLen // Size of source code, in bytes. // pDefines // Optional NULL-terminated array of preprocessor macro definitions. // pInclude // Optional interface pointer to use for handling #include directives. // If this parameter is NULL, #includes will be honored when compiling // from file, and will error when compiling from resource or memory. // pFunctionName // Name of the entrypoint function where execution should begin. // pProfile // Instruction set to be used when generating code. Currently supported // profiles are "vs_1_1", "vs_2_0", "vs_2_a", "vs_2_sw", "ps_1_1", // "ps_1_2", "ps_1_3", "ps_1_4", "ps_2_0", "ps_2_a", "ps_2_sw", "tx_1_0" // Flags // See D3DXSHADER_xxx flags. // ppShader // Returns a buffer containing the created shader. This buffer contains // the compiled shader code, as well as any embedded debug and symbol // table info. (See D3DXGetShaderConstantTable) // ppErrorMsgs // Returns a buffer containing a listing of errors and warnings that were // encountered during the compile. If you are running in a debugger, // these are the same messages you will see in your debug output. // ppConstantTable // Returns a ID3DXConstantTable object which can be used to set // shader constants to the device. Alternatively, an application can // parse the D3DXSHADER_CONSTANTTABLE block embedded as a comment within // the shader. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT WINAPI D3DXCompileShaderFromFileA( LPCSTR pSrcFile, CONST D3DXMACRO* pDefines, LPD3DXINCLUDE pInclude, LPCSTR pFunctionName, LPCSTR pProfile, DWORD Flags, LPD3DXBUFFER* ppShader, LPD3DXBUFFER* ppErrorMsgs, LPD3DXCONSTANTTABLE* ppConstantTable); HRESULT WINAPI D3DXCompileShaderFromFileW( LPCWSTR pSrcFile, CONST D3DXMACRO* pDefines, LPD3DXINCLUDE pInclude, LPCSTR pFunctionName, LPCSTR pProfile, DWORD Flags, LPD3DXBUFFER* ppShader, LPD3DXBUFFER* ppErrorMsgs, LPD3DXCONSTANTTABLE* ppConstantTable); #ifdef UNICODE #define D3DXCompileShaderFromFile D3DXCompileShaderFromFileW #else #define D3DXCompileShaderFromFile D3DXCompileShaderFromFileA #endif HRESULT WINAPI D3DXCompileShaderFromResourceA( HMODULE hSrcModule, LPCSTR pSrcResource, CONST D3DXMACRO* pDefines, LPD3DXINCLUDE pInclude, LPCSTR pFunctionName, LPCSTR pProfile, DWORD Flags, LPD3DXBUFFER* ppShader, LPD3DXBUFFER* ppErrorMsgs, LPD3DXCONSTANTTABLE* ppConstantTable); HRESULT WINAPI D3DXCompileShaderFromResourceW( HMODULE hSrcModule, LPCWSTR pSrcResource, CONST D3DXMACRO* pDefines, LPD3DXINCLUDE pInclude, LPCSTR pFunctionName, LPCSTR pProfile, DWORD Flags, LPD3DXBUFFER* ppShader, LPD3DXBUFFER* ppErrorMsgs, LPD3DXCONSTANTTABLE* ppConstantTable); #ifdef UNICODE #define D3DXCompileShaderFromResource D3DXCompileShaderFromResourceW #else #define D3DXCompileShaderFromResource D3DXCompileShaderFromResourceA #endif HRESULT WINAPI D3DXCompileShader( LPCSTR pSrcData, UINT SrcDataLen, CONST D3DXMACRO* pDefines, LPD3DXINCLUDE pInclude, LPCSTR pFunctionName, LPCSTR pProfile, DWORD Flags, LPD3DXBUFFER* ppShader, LPD3DXBUFFER* ppErrorMsgs, LPD3DXCONSTANTTABLE* ppConstantTable); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // D3DXDisassembleShader: // ---------------------- // Takes a binary shader, and returns a buffer containing text assembly. // // Parameters: // pShader // Pointer to the shader byte code. // ShaderSizeInBytes // Size of the shader byte code in bytes. // EnableColorCode // Emit HTML tags for color coding the output? // pComments // Pointer to a comment string to include at the top of the shader. // ppDisassembly // Returns a buffer containing the disassembled shader. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT WINAPI D3DXDisassembleShader( CONST DWORD* pShader, BOOL EnableColorCode, LPCSTR pComments, LPD3DXBUFFER* ppDisassembly); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // D3DXGetPixelShaderProfile/D3DXGetVertexShaderProfile: // ----------------------------------------------------- // Returns the name of the HLSL profile best suited to a given device. // // Parameters: // pDevice // Pointer to the device in question //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- LPCSTR WINAPI D3DXGetPixelShaderProfile( LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 pDevice); LPCSTR WINAPI D3DXGetVertexShaderProfile( LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 pDevice); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // D3DXFindShaderComment: // ---------------------- // Searches through a shader for a particular comment, denoted by a FourCC in // the first DWORD of the comment. If the comment is not found, and no other // error has occurred, S_FALSE is returned. // // Parameters: // pFunction // Pointer to the function DWORD stream // FourCC // FourCC used to identify the desired comment block. // ppData // Returns a pointer to the comment data (not including comment token // and FourCC). Can be NULL. // pSizeInBytes // Returns the size of the comment data in bytes. Can be NULL. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT WINAPI D3DXFindShaderComment( CONST DWORD* pFunction, DWORD FourCC, LPCVOID* ppData, UINT* pSizeInBytes); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // D3DXGetShaderSize: // ------------------ // Returns the size of the shader byte-code, in bytes. // // Parameters: // pFunction // Pointer to the function DWORD stream //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- UINT WINAPI D3DXGetShaderSize( CONST DWORD* pFunction); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // D3DXGetShaderVersion: // ----------------------- // Returns the shader version of a given shader. Returns zero if the shader // function is NULL. // // Parameters: // pFunction // Pointer to the function DWORD stream //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DWORD WINAPI D3DXGetShaderVersion( CONST DWORD* pFunction); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // D3DXGetShaderSemantics: // ----------------------- // Gets semantics for all input elements referenced inside a given shader. // // Parameters: // pFunction // Pointer to the function DWORD stream // pSemantics // Pointer to an array of D3DXSEMANTIC structures. The function will // fill this array with the semantics for each input element referenced // inside the shader. This array is assumed to contain at least // MAXD3DDECLLENGTH elements. // pCount // Returns the number of elements referenced by the shader //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT WINAPI D3DXGetShaderInputSemantics( CONST DWORD* pFunction, D3DXSEMANTIC* pSemantics, UINT* pCount); HRESULT WINAPI D3DXGetShaderOutputSemantics( CONST DWORD* pFunction, D3DXSEMANTIC* pSemantics, UINT* pCount); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // D3DXGetShaderSamplers: // ---------------------- // Gets semantics for all input elements referenced inside a given shader. // // pFunction // Pointer to the function DWORD stream // pSamplers // Pointer to an array of LPCSTRs. The function will fill this array // with pointers to the sampler names contained within pFunction, for // each sampler referenced inside the shader. This array is assumed to // contain at least 16 elements. // pCount // Returns the number of samplers referenced by the shader //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT WINAPI D3DXGetShaderSamplers( CONST DWORD* pFunction, LPCSTR* pSamplers, UINT* pCount); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // D3DXGetShaderConstantTable: // --------------------------- // Gets shader constant table embedded inside shader. A constant table is // generated by D3DXAssembleShader and D3DXCompileShader, and is embedded in // the body of the shader. // // Parameters: // pFunction // Pointer to the function DWORD stream // Flags // See D3DXCONSTTABLE_xxx // ppConstantTable // Returns a ID3DXConstantTable object which can be used to set // shader constants to the device. Alternatively, an application can // parse the D3DXSHADER_CONSTANTTABLE block embedded as a comment within // the shader. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT WINAPI D3DXGetShaderConstantTable( CONST DWORD* pFunction, LPD3DXCONSTANTTABLE* ppConstantTable); HRESULT WINAPI D3DXGetShaderConstantTableEx( CONST DWORD* pFunction, DWORD Flags, LPD3DXCONSTANTTABLE* ppConstantTable); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // D3DXCreateTextureShader: // ------------------------ // Creates a texture shader object, given the compiled shader. // // Parameters // pFunction // Pointer to the function DWORD stream // ppTextureShader // Returns a ID3DXTextureShader object which can be used to procedurally // fill the contents of a texture using the D3DXFillTextureTX functions. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT WINAPI D3DXCreateTextureShader( CONST DWORD* pFunction, LPD3DXTEXTURESHADER* ppTextureShader); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // D3DXPreprocessShader: // --------------------- // Runs the preprocessor on the specified shader or effect, but does // not actually compile it. This is useful for evaluating the #includes // and #defines in a shader and then emitting a reformatted token stream // for debugging purposes or for generating a self-contained shader. // // Parameters: // pSrcFile // Source file name // hSrcModule // Module handle. if NULL, current module will be used // pSrcResource // Resource name in module // pSrcData // Pointer to source code // SrcDataLen // Size of source code, in bytes // pDefines // Optional NULL-terminated array of preprocessor macro definitions. // pInclude // Optional interface pointer to use for handling #include directives. // If this parameter is NULL, #includes will be honored when assembling // from file, and will error when assembling from resource or memory. // ppShaderText // Returns a buffer containing a single large string that represents // the resulting formatted token stream // ppErrorMsgs // Returns a buffer containing a listing of errors and warnings that were // encountered during assembly. If you are running in a debugger, // these are the same messages you will see in your debug output. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT WINAPI D3DXPreprocessShaderFromFileA( LPCSTR pSrcFile, CONST D3DXMACRO* pDefines, LPD3DXINCLUDE pInclude, LPD3DXBUFFER* ppShaderText, LPD3DXBUFFER* ppErrorMsgs); HRESULT WINAPI D3DXPreprocessShaderFromFileW( LPCWSTR pSrcFile, CONST D3DXMACRO* pDefines, LPD3DXINCLUDE pInclude, LPD3DXBUFFER* ppShaderText, LPD3DXBUFFER* ppErrorMsgs); #ifdef UNICODE #define D3DXPreprocessShaderFromFile D3DXPreprocessShaderFromFileW #else #define D3DXPreprocessShaderFromFile D3DXPreprocessShaderFromFileA #endif HRESULT WINAPI D3DXPreprocessShaderFromResourceA( HMODULE hSrcModule, LPCSTR pSrcResource, CONST D3DXMACRO* pDefines, LPD3DXINCLUDE pInclude, LPD3DXBUFFER* ppShaderText, LPD3DXBUFFER* ppErrorMsgs); HRESULT WINAPI D3DXPreprocessShaderFromResourceW( HMODULE hSrcModule, LPCWSTR pSrcResource, CONST D3DXMACRO* pDefines, LPD3DXINCLUDE pInclude, LPD3DXBUFFER* ppShaderText, LPD3DXBUFFER* ppErrorMsgs); #ifdef UNICODE #define D3DXPreprocessShaderFromResource D3DXPreprocessShaderFromResourceW #else #define D3DXPreprocessShaderFromResource D3DXPreprocessShaderFromResourceA #endif HRESULT WINAPI D3DXPreprocessShader( LPCSTR pSrcData, UINT SrcDataSize, CONST D3DXMACRO* pDefines, LPD3DXINCLUDE pInclude, LPD3DXBUFFER* ppShaderText, LPD3DXBUFFER* ppErrorMsgs); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif //__cplusplus ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Shader comment block layouts ////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // D3DXSHADER_CONSTANTTABLE: // ------------------------- // Shader constant information; included as an CTAB comment block inside // shaders. All offsets are BYTE offsets from start of CONSTANTTABLE struct. // Entries in the table are sorted by Name in ascending order. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef struct _D3DXSHADER_CONSTANTTABLE { DWORD Size; // sizeof(D3DXSHADER_CONSTANTTABLE) DWORD Creator; // LPCSTR offset DWORD Version; // shader version DWORD Constants; // number of constants DWORD ConstantInfo; // D3DXSHADER_CONSTANTINFO[Constants] offset DWORD Flags; // flags shader was compiled with DWORD Target; // LPCSTR offset } D3DXSHADER_CONSTANTTABLE, *LPD3DXSHADER_CONSTANTTABLE; typedef struct _D3DXSHADER_CONSTANTINFO { DWORD Name; // LPCSTR offset WORD RegisterSet; // D3DXREGISTER_SET WORD RegisterIndex; // register number WORD RegisterCount; // number of registers WORD Reserved; // reserved DWORD TypeInfo; // D3DXSHADER_TYPEINFO offset DWORD DefaultValue; // offset of default value } D3DXSHADER_CONSTANTINFO, *LPD3DXSHADER_CONSTANTINFO; typedef struct _D3DXSHADER_TYPEINFO { WORD Class; // D3DXPARAMETER_CLASS WORD Type; // D3DXPARAMETER_TYPE WORD Rows; // number of rows (matrices) WORD Columns; // number of columns (vectors and matrices) WORD Elements; // array dimension WORD StructMembers; // number of struct members DWORD StructMemberInfo; // D3DXSHADER_STRUCTMEMBERINFO[Members] offset } D3DXSHADER_TYPEINFO, *LPD3DXSHADER_TYPEINFO; typedef struct _D3DXSHADER_STRUCTMEMBERINFO { DWORD Name; // LPCSTR offset DWORD TypeInfo; // D3DXSHADER_TYPEINFO offset } D3DXSHADER_STRUCTMEMBERINFO, *LPD3DXSHADER_STRUCTMEMBERINFO; #endif //__D3DX9SHADER_H__