     File:       HFSVolumes.h
     Contains:   On-disk data structures for HFS and HFS Plus volumes.
     Version:    QuickTime 7.3
     Copyright:  (c) 2007 (c) 1984-2001 by Apple Computer, Inc.  All rights reserved.
     Bugs?:      For bug reports, consult the following page on
                 the World Wide Web:
#ifndef __HFSVOLUMES__
#define __HFSVOLUMES__

#ifndef __MACTYPES__
#include <MacTypes.h>

#ifndef __FILES__
#include <Files.h>

#ifndef __FINDER__
#include <Finder.h>

#pragma once

#pragma import on

    #pragma options align=mac68k
    #pragma pack(push, 2)
    #pragma pack(2)

/* Signatures used to differentiate between HFS and HFS Plus volumes */
enum {
  kHFSSigWord                   = 0x4244, /* 'BD' in ASCII */
  kHFSPlusSigWord               = 0x482B, /* 'H+' in ASCII */
  kHFSPlusVersion               = 0x0004, /* will change as format changes (version 4 shipped with Mac OS 8.1) */
  kHFSPlusMountVersion          = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('8.10') /* will change as implementations change ('8.10' in Mac OS 8.1) */

/* CatalogNodeID is used to track catalog objects */
typedef UInt32                          HFSCatalogNodeID;
enum {
  kHFSMaxVolumeNameChars        = 27,
  kHFSMaxFileNameChars          = 31,
  kHFSPlusMaxFileNameChars      = 255

/* Extent overflow file data structures */
/* HFS Extent key */
struct HFSExtentKey {
  UInt8               keyLength;              /* length of key, excluding this field */
  UInt8               forkType;               /* 0 = data fork, FF = resource fork */
  HFSCatalogNodeID    fileID;                 /* file ID */
  UInt16              startBlock;             /* first file allocation block number in this extent */
typedef struct HFSExtentKey             HFSExtentKey;
/* HFS Plus Extent key */
struct HFSPlusExtentKey {
  UInt16              keyLength;              /* length of key, excluding this field */
  UInt8               forkType;               /* 0 = data fork, FF = resource fork */
  UInt8               pad;                    /* make the other fields align on 32-bit boundary */
  HFSCatalogNodeID    fileID;                 /* file ID */
  UInt32              startBlock;             /* first file allocation block number in this extent */
typedef struct HFSPlusExtentKey         HFSPlusExtentKey;
/* Number of extent descriptors per extent record */
enum {
  kHFSExtentDensity             = 3,
  kHFSPlusExtentDensity         = 8

/* HFS extent descriptor */
struct HFSExtentDescriptor {
  UInt16              startBlock;             /* first allocation block */
  UInt16              blockCount;             /* number of allocation blocks */
typedef struct HFSExtentDescriptor      HFSExtentDescriptor;
/* HFS Plus extent descriptor */
struct HFSPlusExtentDescriptor {
  UInt32              startBlock;             /* first allocation block */
  UInt32              blockCount;             /* number of allocation blocks */
typedef struct HFSPlusExtentDescriptor  HFSPlusExtentDescriptor;
/* HFS extent record */

typedef HFSExtentDescriptor             HFSExtentRecord[3];
/* HFS Plus extent record */
typedef HFSPlusExtentDescriptor         HFSPlusExtentRecord[8];

/* Fork data info (HFS Plus only) - 80 bytes */
struct HFSPlusForkData {
  UInt64              logicalSize;            /* fork's logical size in bytes */
  UInt32              clumpSize;              /* fork's clump size in bytes */
  UInt32              totalBlocks;            /* total blocks used by this fork */
  HFSPlusExtentRecord  extents;               /* initial set of extents */
typedef struct HFSPlusForkData          HFSPlusForkData;
/* Permissions info (HFS Plus only) - 16 bytes */
struct HFSPlusPermissions {
  UInt32              ownerID;                /* user or group ID of file/folder owner */
  UInt32              groupID;                /* additional user of group ID */
  UInt32              permissions;            /* permissions (bytes: unused, owner, group, everyone) */
  UInt32              specialDevice;          /* UNIX: device for character or block special file */
typedef struct HFSPlusPermissions       HFSPlusPermissions;
/* Catalog file data structures */
enum {
  kHFSRootParentID              = 1,    /* Parent ID of the root folder */
  kHFSRootFolderID              = 2,    /* Folder ID of the root folder */
  kHFSExtentsFileID             = 3,    /* File ID of the extents file */
  kHFSCatalogFileID             = 4,    /* File ID of the catalog file */
  kHFSBadBlockFileID            = 5,    /* File ID of the bad allocation block file */
  kHFSAllocationFileID          = 6,    /* File ID of the allocation file (HFS Plus only) */
  kHFSStartupFileID             = 7,    /* File ID of the startup file (HFS Plus only) */
  kHFSAttributesFileID          = 8,    /* File ID of the attribute file (HFS Plus only) */
  kHFSBogusExtentFileID         = 15,   /* Used for exchanging extents in extents file */
  kHFSFirstUserCatalogNodeID    = 16

/* HFS catalog key */
struct HFSCatalogKey {
  UInt8               keyLength;              /* key length (in bytes) */
  UInt8               reserved;               /* reserved (set to zero) */
  HFSCatalogNodeID    parentID;               /* parent folder ID */
  Str31               nodeName;               /* catalog node name */
typedef struct HFSCatalogKey            HFSCatalogKey;
/* HFS Plus catalog key */
struct HFSPlusCatalogKey {
  UInt16              keyLength;              /* key length (in bytes) */
  HFSCatalogNodeID    parentID;               /* parent folder ID */
  HFSUniStr255        nodeName;               /* catalog node name */
typedef struct HFSPlusCatalogKey        HFSPlusCatalogKey;

/* Catalog record types */
enum {
                                        /* HFS Catalog Records */
  kHFSFolderRecord              = 0x0100, /* Folder record */
  kHFSFileRecord                = 0x0200, /* File record */
  kHFSFolderThreadRecord        = 0x0300, /* Folder thread record */
  kHFSFileThreadRecord          = 0x0400, /* File thread record */
                                        /* HFS Plus Catalog Records */
  kHFSPlusFolderRecord          = 1,    /* Folder record */
  kHFSPlusFileRecord            = 2,    /* File record */
  kHFSPlusFolderThreadRecord    = 3,    /* Folder thread record */
  kHFSPlusFileThreadRecord      = 4     /* File thread record */

/* Catalog file record flags */
enum {
  kHFSFileLockedBit             = 0x0000, /* file is locked and cannot be written to */
  kHFSFileLockedMask            = 0x0001,
  kHFSThreadExistsBit           = 0x0001, /* a file thread record exists for this file */
  kHFSThreadExistsMask          = 0x0002

/* HFS catalog folder record - 70 bytes */
struct HFSCatalogFolder {
  SInt16              recordType;             /* record type */
  UInt16              flags;                  /* folder flags */
  UInt16              valence;                /* folder valence */
  HFSCatalogNodeID    folderID;               /* folder ID */
  UInt32              createDate;             /* date and time of creation */
  UInt32              modifyDate;             /* date and time of last modification */
  UInt32              backupDate;             /* date and time of last backup */
  DInfo               userInfo;               /* Finder information */
  DXInfo              finderInfo;             /* additional Finder information */
  UInt32              reserved[4];            /* reserved - set to zero */
typedef struct HFSCatalogFolder         HFSCatalogFolder;
/* HFS Plus catalog folder record - 88 bytes */
struct HFSPlusCatalogFolder {
  SInt16              recordType;             /* record type = HFS Plus folder record */
  UInt16              flags;                  /* file flags */
  UInt32              valence;                /* folder's valence (limited to 2^16 in Mac OS) */
  HFSCatalogNodeID    folderID;               /* folder ID */
  UInt32              createDate;             /* date and time of creation */
  UInt32              contentModDate;         /* date and time of last content modification */
  UInt32              attributeModDate;       /* date and time of last attribute modification */
  UInt32              accessDate;             /* date and time of last access (Rhapsody only) */
  UInt32              backupDate;             /* date and time of last backup */
  HFSPlusPermissions  permissions;            /* permissions (for Rhapsody) */
  DInfo               userInfo;               /* Finder information */
  DXInfo              finderInfo;             /* additional Finder information */
  UInt32              textEncoding;           /* hint for name conversions */
  UInt32              reserved;               /* reserved - set to zero */
typedef struct HFSPlusCatalogFolder     HFSPlusCatalogFolder;
/* HFS catalog file record - 102 bytes */
struct HFSCatalogFile {
  SInt16              recordType;             /* record type */
  UInt8               flags;                  /* file flags */
  SInt8               fileType;               /* file type (unused ?) */
  FInfo               userInfo;               /* Finder information */
  HFSCatalogNodeID    fileID;                 /* file ID */
  UInt16              dataStartBlock;         /* not used - set to zero */
  SInt32              dataLogicalSize;        /* logical EOF of data fork */
  SInt32              dataPhysicalSize;       /* physical EOF of data fork */
  UInt16              rsrcStartBlock;         /* not used - set to zero */
  SInt32              rsrcLogicalSize;        /* logical EOF of resource fork */
  SInt32              rsrcPhysicalSize;       /* physical EOF of resource fork */
  UInt32              createDate;             /* date and time of creation */
  UInt32              modifyDate;             /* date and time of last modification */
  UInt32              backupDate;             /* date and time of last backup */
  FXInfo              finderInfo;             /* additional Finder information */
  UInt16              clumpSize;              /* file clump size (not used) */
  HFSExtentRecord     dataExtents;            /* first data fork extent record */
  HFSExtentRecord     rsrcExtents;            /* first resource fork extent record */
  UInt32              reserved;               /* reserved - set to zero */
typedef struct HFSCatalogFile           HFSCatalogFile;
/* HFS Plus catalog file record - 248 bytes */
struct HFSPlusCatalogFile {
  SInt16              recordType;             /* record type = HFS Plus file record */
  UInt16              flags;                  /* file flags */
  UInt32              reserved1;              /* reserved - set to zero */
  HFSCatalogNodeID    fileID;                 /* file ID */
  UInt32              createDate;             /* date and time of creation */
  UInt32              contentModDate;         /* date and time of last content modification */
  UInt32              attributeModDate;       /* date and time of last attribute modification */
  UInt32              accessDate;             /* date and time of last access (Rhapsody only) */
  UInt32              backupDate;             /* date and time of last backup */
  HFSPlusPermissions  permissions;            /* permissions (for Rhapsody) */
  FInfo               userInfo;               /* Finder information */
  FXInfo              finderInfo;             /* additional Finder information */
  UInt32              textEncoding;           /* hint for name conversions */
  UInt32              reserved2;              /* reserved - set to zero */

                                              /* start on double long (64 bit) boundry */
  HFSPlusForkData     dataFork;               /* size and block data for data fork */
  HFSPlusForkData     resourceFork;           /* size and block data for resource fork */
typedef struct HFSPlusCatalogFile       HFSPlusCatalogFile;
/* HFS catalog thread record - 46 bytes */
struct HFSCatalogThread {
  SInt16              recordType;             /* record type */
  SInt32              reserved[2];            /* reserved - set to zero */
  HFSCatalogNodeID    parentID;               /* parent ID for this catalog node */
  Str31               nodeName;               /* name of this catalog node */
typedef struct HFSCatalogThread         HFSCatalogThread;
/* HFS Plus catalog thread record -- 264 bytes */
struct HFSPlusCatalogThread {
  SInt16              recordType;             /* record type */
  SInt16              reserved;               /* reserved - set to zero */
  HFSCatalogNodeID    parentID;               /* parent ID for this catalog node */
  HFSUniStr255        nodeName;               /* name of this catalog node (variable length) */
typedef struct HFSPlusCatalogThread     HFSPlusCatalogThread;

    These are the types of records in the attribute B-tree.  The values were chosen
    so that they wouldn't conflict with the catalog record types.
enum {
  kHFSPlusAttrInlineData        = 0x10, /* if size <  kAttrOverflowSize */
  kHFSPlusAttrForkData          = 0x20, /* if size >= kAttrOverflowSize */
  kHFSPlusAttrExtents           = 0x30  /* overflow extents for large attributes */

    For small attributes, whose entire value is stored within this one
    B-tree record.
    There would not be any other records for this attribute.
struct HFSPlusAttrInlineData {
  UInt32              recordType;             /*    = kHFSPlusAttrInlineData*/
  UInt32              reserved;
  UInt32              logicalSize;            /*    size in bytes of userData*/
  UInt8               userData[2];            /*    variable length; space allocated is a multiple of 2 bytes*/
typedef struct HFSPlusAttrInlineData    HFSPlusAttrInlineData;
    For larger attributes, whose value is stored in allocation blocks.
    If the attribute has more than 8 extents, there will be additonal
    records (of type HFSPlusAttrExtents) for this attribute.
struct HFSPlusAttrForkData {
  UInt32              recordType;             /*    = kHFSPlusAttrForkData*/
  UInt32              reserved;
  HFSPlusForkData     theFork;                /*    size and first extents of value*/
typedef struct HFSPlusAttrForkData      HFSPlusAttrForkData;
    This record contains information about overflow extents for large,
    fragmented attributes.
struct HFSPlusAttrExtents {
  UInt32              recordType;             /*    = kHFSPlusAttrExtents*/
  UInt32              reserved;
  HFSPlusExtentRecord  extents;               /*    additional extents*/
typedef struct HFSPlusAttrExtents       HFSPlusAttrExtents;
/*  A generic Attribute Record*/
union HFSPlusAttrRecord {
  UInt32              recordType;
  HFSPlusAttrInlineData  inlineData;
  HFSPlusAttrForkData  forkData;
  HFSPlusAttrExtents  overflowExtents;
typedef union HFSPlusAttrRecord         HFSPlusAttrRecord;
/* Key and node lengths */
enum {
  kHFSPlusExtentKeyMaximumLength = sizeof(HFSPlusExtentKey) - sizeof(UInt16),
  kHFSExtentKeyMaximumLength    = sizeof(HFSExtentKey) - sizeof(UInt8),
  kHFSPlusCatalogKeyMaximumLength = sizeof(HFSPlusCatalogKey) - sizeof(UInt16),
  kHFSPlusCatalogKeyMinimumLength = kHFSPlusCatalogKeyMaximumLength - sizeof(HFSUniStr255) + sizeof(UInt16),
  kHFSCatalogKeyMaximumLength   = sizeof(HFSCatalogKey) - sizeof(UInt8),
  kHFSCatalogKeyMinimumLength   = kHFSCatalogKeyMaximumLength - sizeof(Str31) + sizeof(UInt8),
  kHFSPlusCatalogMinNodeSize    = 4096,
  kHFSPlusExtentMinNodeSize     = 512,
  kHFSPlusAttrMinNodeSize       = 4096

/* HFS and HFS Plus volume attribute bits */
enum {
                                        /* Bits 0-6 are reserved (always cleared by MountVol call) */
  kHFSVolumeHardwareLockBit     = 7,    /* volume is locked by hardware */
  kHFSVolumeUnmountedBit        = 8,    /* volume was successfully unmounted */
  kHFSVolumeSparedBlocksBit     = 9,    /* volume has bad blocks spared */
  kHFSVolumeNoCacheRequiredBit  = 10,   /* don't cache volume blocks (i.e. RAM or ROM disk) */
  kHFSBootVolumeInconsistentBit = 11,   /* boot volume is inconsistent (System 7.6 and later) */
                                        /* Bits 12-14 are reserved for future use */
  kHFSVolumeSoftwareLockBit     = 15,   /* volume is locked by software */
  kHFSVolumeHardwareLockMask    = 1 << kHFSVolumeHardwareLockBit,
  kHFSVolumeUnmountedMask       = 1 << kHFSVolumeUnmountedBit,
  kHFSVolumeSparedBlocksMask    = 1 << kHFSVolumeSparedBlocksBit,
  kHFSVolumeNoCacheRequiredMask = 1 << kHFSVolumeNoCacheRequiredBit,
  kHFSBootVolumeInconsistentMask = 1 << kHFSBootVolumeInconsistentBit,
  kHFSVolumeSoftwareLockMask    = 1 << kHFSVolumeSoftwareLockBit,
  kHFSMDBAttributesMask         = 0x8380

/* Master Directory Block (HFS only) - 162 bytes */
/* Stored at sector #2 (3rd sector) */
struct HFSMasterDirectoryBlock {

                                              /* These first fields are also used by MFS */

  UInt16              drSigWord;              /* volume signature */
  UInt32              drCrDate;               /* date and time of volume creation */
  UInt32              drLsMod;                /* date and time of last modification */
  UInt16              drAtrb;                 /* volume attributes */
  UInt16              drNmFls;                /* number of files in root folder */
  UInt16              drVBMSt;                /* first block of volume bitmap */
  UInt16              drAllocPtr;             /* start of next allocation search */
  UInt16              drNmAlBlks;             /* number of allocation blocks in volume */
  UInt32              drAlBlkSiz;             /* size (in bytes) of allocation blocks */
  UInt32              drClpSiz;               /* default clump size */
  UInt16              drAlBlSt;               /* first allocation block in volume */
  UInt32              drNxtCNID;              /* next unused catalog node ID */
  UInt16              drFreeBks;              /* number of unused allocation blocks */
  Str27               drVN;                   /* volume name */

                                              /* Master Directory Block extensions for HFS */

  UInt32              drVolBkUp;              /* date and time of last backup */
  UInt16              drVSeqNum;              /* volume backup sequence number */
  UInt32              drWrCnt;                /* volume write count */
  UInt32              drXTClpSiz;             /* clump size for extents overflow file */
  UInt32              drCTClpSiz;             /* clump size for catalog file */
  UInt16              drNmRtDirs;             /* number of directories in root folder */
  UInt32              drFilCnt;               /* number of files in volume */
  UInt32              drDirCnt;               /* number of directories in volume */
  SInt32              drFndrInfo[8];          /* information used by the Finder */
  UInt16              drEmbedSigWord;         /* embedded volume signature (formerly drVCSize) */
  HFSExtentDescriptor  drEmbedExtent;         /* embedded volume location and size (formerly drVBMCSize and drCtlCSize) */
  UInt32              drXTFlSize;             /* size of extents overflow file */
  HFSExtentRecord     drXTExtRec;             /* extent record for extents overflow file */
  UInt32              drCTFlSize;             /* size of catalog file */
  HFSExtentRecord     drCTExtRec;             /* extent record for catalog file */
typedef struct HFSMasterDirectoryBlock  HFSMasterDirectoryBlock;
/* HFSPlusVolumeHeader (HFS Plus only) - 512 bytes */
/* Stored at sector #2 (3rd sector) and second-to-last sector. */
struct HFSPlusVolumeHeader {
  UInt16              signature;              /* volume signature == 'H+' */
  UInt16              version;                /* current version is kHFSPlusVersion */
  UInt32              attributes;             /* volume attributes */
  UInt32              lastMountedVersion;     /* implementation version which last mounted volume */
  UInt32              reserved;               /* reserved - set to zero */

  UInt32              createDate;             /* date and time of volume creation */
  UInt32              modifyDate;             /* date and time of last modification */
  UInt32              backupDate;             /* date and time of last backup */
  UInt32              checkedDate;            /* date and time of last disk check */

  UInt32              fileCount;              /* number of files in volume */
  UInt32              folderCount;            /* number of directories in volume */

  UInt32              blockSize;              /* size (in bytes) of allocation blocks */
  UInt32              totalBlocks;            /* number of allocation blocks in volume (includes this header and VBM*/
  UInt32              freeBlocks;             /* number of unused allocation blocks */

  UInt32              nextAllocation;         /* start of next allocation search */
  UInt32              rsrcClumpSize;          /* default resource fork clump size */
  UInt32              dataClumpSize;          /* default data fork clump size */
  HFSCatalogNodeID    nextCatalogID;          /* next unused catalog node ID */

  UInt32              writeCount;             /* volume write count */
  UInt64              encodingsBitmap;        /* which encodings have been use  on this volume */

  UInt8               finderInfo[32];         /* information used by the Finder */

  HFSPlusForkData     allocationFile;         /* allocation bitmap file */
  HFSPlusForkData     extentsFile;            /* extents B-tree file */
  HFSPlusForkData     catalogFile;            /* catalog B-tree file */
  HFSPlusForkData     attributesFile;         /* extended attributes B-tree file */
  HFSPlusForkData     startupFile;            /* boot file */
typedef struct HFSPlusVolumeHeader      HFSPlusVolumeHeader;
/* ---------- HFS and HFS Plus B-tree structures ---------- */
/* BTNodeDescriptor -- Every B-tree node starts with these fields. */
struct BTNodeDescriptor {
  UInt32              fLink;                  /*    next node at this level*/
  UInt32              bLink;                  /*    previous node at this level*/
  SInt8               kind;                   /*    kind of node (leaf, index, header, map)*/
  UInt8               height;                 /*    zero for header, map; child is one more than parent*/
  UInt16              numRecords;             /*    number of records in this node*/
  UInt16              reserved;               /*    reserved; set to zero*/
typedef struct BTNodeDescriptor         BTNodeDescriptor;
/* Constants for BTNodeDescriptor kind */
enum {
  kBTLeafNode                   = -1,
  kBTIndexNode                  = 0,
  kBTHeaderNode                 = 1,
  kBTMapNode                    = 2

/* BTHeaderRec -- The first record of a B-tree header node */
struct BTHeaderRec {
  UInt16              treeDepth;              /*    maximum height (usually leaf nodes)*/
  UInt32              rootNode;               /*    node number of root node*/
  UInt32              leafRecords;            /*    number of leaf records in all leaf nodes*/
  UInt32              firstLeafNode;          /*    node number of first leaf node*/
  UInt32              lastLeafNode;           /*    node number of last leaf node*/
  UInt16              nodeSize;               /*    size of a node, in bytes*/
  UInt16              maxKeyLength;           /*    reserved*/
  UInt32              totalNodes;             /*    total number of nodes in tree*/
  UInt32              freeNodes;              /*    number of unused (free) nodes in tree*/
  UInt16              reserved1;              /*    unused*/
  UInt32              clumpSize;              /*    reserved*/
  UInt8               btreeType;              /*    reserved*/
  UInt8               reserved2;              /*    reserved*/
  UInt32              attributes;             /*    persistent attributes about the tree*/
  UInt32              reserved3[16];          /*    reserved*/
typedef struct BTHeaderRec              BTHeaderRec;
/* Constants for BTHeaderRec attributes */
enum {
  kBTBadCloseMask               = 0x00000001, /*    reserved*/
  kBTBigKeysMask                = 0x00000002, /*    key length field is 16 bits*/
  kBTVariableIndexKeysMask      = 0x00000004 /*    keys in index nodes are variable length*/

    #pragma options align=reset
    #pragma pack(pop)
    #pragma pack()

#pragma import off
#pragma import reset

#endif /* __HFSVOLUMES__ */