//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: // // $NoKeywords: $ // //===========================================================================// #ifndef ISHADERAPI_H #define ISHADERAPI_H #ifdef _WIN32 #pragma once #endif #include "mathlib/vector4d.h" #include "shaderapi/ishaderdynamic.h" #include "shaderapi/IShaderDevice.h" #include "materialsystem/deformations.h" //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // forward declarations //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class IShaderUtil; class IFileSystem; class CPixelWriter; class CMeshBuilder; struct MaterialVideoMode_t; class IMesh; class IVertexBuffer; class IIndexBuffer; struct MeshDesc_t; enum MaterialCullMode_t; class IDataCache; struct MorphWeight_t; class IVTFTexture; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This must match the definition in playback.cpp! //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- enum ShaderRenderTarget_t { SHADER_RENDERTARGET_BACKBUFFER = -1, SHADER_RENDERTARGET_DEPTHBUFFER = -1, // GR - no RT, used to disable depth buffer SHADER_RENDERTARGET_NONE = -2, }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This must match the definition in playback.cpp! //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef intp ShaderAPITextureHandle_t; #define INVALID_SHADERAPI_TEXTURE_HANDLE 0 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // The state snapshot handle //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef short StateSnapshot_t; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // The state snapshot handle //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef int ShaderDLL_t; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Texture creation //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- enum CreateTextureFlags_t { TEXTURE_CREATE_CUBEMAP = 0x0001, TEXTURE_CREATE_RENDERTARGET = 0x0002, TEXTURE_CREATE_MANAGED = 0x0004, TEXTURE_CREATE_DEPTHBUFFER = 0x0008, TEXTURE_CREATE_DYNAMIC = 0x0010, TEXTURE_CREATE_AUTOMIPMAP = 0x0020, TEXTURE_CREATE_VERTEXTEXTURE = 0x0040, // for internal use only TEXTURE_CREATE_FALLBACK = 0x0080, // 360 only TEXTURE_CREATE_NOD3DMEMORY = 0x0100, // 360 only TEXTURE_CREATE_SYSMEM = 0x0200, // This texture should be alloc'd in the sysmem pool TEXTURE_CREATE_UNUSED4 = 0x0400, // Dead TEXTURE_CREATE_UNUSED5 = 0x0800, // Dead TEXTURE_CREATE_UNFILTERABLE_OK = 0x1000, TEXTURE_CREATE_CANCONVERTFORMAT = 0x2000, // 360 only, allow format conversions at load TEXTURE_CREATE_SRGB = 0x4000, // Posix/GL only, for textures which are SRGB-readable }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Fill modes //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- enum ShaderFillMode_t { SHADER_FILL_SOLID = 0, SHADER_FILL_WIREFRAME, }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Rasterization state object //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct ShaderRasterState_t { ShaderFillMode_t m_FillMode; MaterialCullMode_t m_CullMode; bool m_bCullEnable : 1; bool m_bDepthBias : 1; bool m_bScissorEnable : 1; bool m_bMultisampleEnable : 1; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Used for occlusion queries //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DECLARE_POINTER_HANDLE( ShaderAPIOcclusionQuery_t ); #define INVALID_SHADERAPI_OCCLUSION_QUERY_HANDLE ( (ShaderAPIOcclusionQuery_t)0 ) enum ShaderAPIOcclusionQueryResult_t { OCCLUSION_QUERY_RESULT_PENDING = -1, OCCLUSION_QUERY_RESULT_ERROR = -2 }; #define OCCLUSION_QUERY_FINISHED( iQueryResult ) ( ( iQueryResult ) != OCCLUSION_QUERY_RESULT_PENDING ) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This is what the material system gets to see. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define SHADERAPI_INTERFACE_VERSION "ShaderApi030" abstract_class IShaderAPI : public IShaderDynamicAPI { public: // // NOTE: These methods have been ported to DX10 // // Viewport methods virtual void SetViewports( int nCount, const ShaderViewport_t* pViewports ) = 0; virtual int GetViewports( ShaderViewport_t* pViewports, int nMax ) const = 0; // Buffer clearing virtual void ClearBuffers( bool bClearColor, bool bClearDepth, bool bClearStencil, int renderTargetWidth, int renderTargetHeight ) = 0; virtual void ClearColor3ub( unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b ) = 0; virtual void ClearColor4ub( unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b, unsigned char a ) = 0; // Methods related to binding shaders virtual void BindVertexShader( VertexShaderHandle_t hVertexShader ) = 0; virtual void BindGeometryShader( GeometryShaderHandle_t hGeometryShader ) = 0; virtual void BindPixelShader( PixelShaderHandle_t hPixelShader ) = 0; // Methods related to state objects virtual void SetRasterState( const ShaderRasterState_t& state ) = 0; // // NOTE: These methods have not yet been ported to DX10 // // Sets the mode... virtual bool SetMode( void* hwnd, int nAdapter, const ShaderDeviceInfo_t &info ) = 0; virtual void ChangeVideoMode( const ShaderDeviceInfo_t &info ) = 0; // Returns the snapshot id for the shader state virtual StateSnapshot_t TakeSnapshot( ) = 0; virtual void TexMinFilter( ShaderTexFilterMode_t texFilterMode ) = 0; virtual void TexMagFilter( ShaderTexFilterMode_t texFilterMode ) = 0; virtual void TexWrap( ShaderTexCoordComponent_t coord, ShaderTexWrapMode_t wrapMode ) = 0; virtual void CopyRenderTargetToTexture( ShaderAPITextureHandle_t textureHandle ) = 0; // Binds a particular material to render with virtual void Bind( IMaterial* pMaterial ) = 0; // Flushes any primitives that are buffered virtual void FlushBufferedPrimitives() = 0; // Gets the dynamic mesh; note that you've got to render the mesh // before calling this function a second time. Clients should *not* // call DestroyStaticMesh on the mesh returned by this call. virtual IMesh* GetDynamicMesh( IMaterial* pMaterial, int nHWSkinBoneCount, bool bBuffered = true, IMesh* pVertexOverride = 0, IMesh* pIndexOverride = 0) = 0; virtual IMesh* GetDynamicMeshEx( IMaterial* pMaterial, VertexFormat_t vertexFormat, int nHWSkinBoneCount, bool bBuffered = true, IMesh* pVertexOverride = 0, IMesh* pIndexOverride = 0 ) = 0; // Methods to ask about particular state snapshots virtual bool IsTranslucent( StateSnapshot_t id ) const = 0; virtual bool IsAlphaTested( StateSnapshot_t id ) const = 0; virtual bool UsesVertexAndPixelShaders( StateSnapshot_t id ) const = 0; virtual bool IsDepthWriteEnabled( StateSnapshot_t id ) const = 0; // Gets the vertex format for a set of snapshot ids virtual VertexFormat_t ComputeVertexFormat( int numSnapshots, StateSnapshot_t* pIds ) const = 0; // What fields in the vertex do we actually use? virtual VertexFormat_t ComputeVertexUsage( int numSnapshots, StateSnapshot_t* pIds ) const = 0; // Begins a rendering pass virtual void BeginPass( StateSnapshot_t snapshot ) = 0; // Renders a single pass of a material virtual void RenderPass( int nPass, int nPassCount ) = 0; // Set the number of bone weights virtual void SetNumBoneWeights( int numBones ) = 0; // Sets the lights virtual void SetLight( int lightNum, const LightDesc_t& desc ) = 0; // Lighting origin for the current model virtual void SetLightingOrigin( Vector vLightingOrigin ) = 0; virtual void SetAmbientLight( float r, float g, float b ) = 0; virtual void SetAmbientLightCube( Vector4D cube[6] ) = 0; // The shade mode virtual void ShadeMode( ShaderShadeMode_t mode ) = 0; // The cull mode virtual void CullMode( MaterialCullMode_t cullMode ) = 0; // Force writes only when z matches. . . useful for stenciling things out // by rendering the desired Z values ahead of time. virtual void ForceDepthFuncEquals( bool bEnable ) = 0; // Forces Z buffering to be on or off virtual void OverrideDepthEnable( bool bEnable, bool bDepthEnable ) = 0; virtual void SetHeightClipZ( float z ) = 0; virtual void SetHeightClipMode( enum MaterialHeightClipMode_t heightClipMode ) = 0; virtual void SetClipPlane( int index, const float *pPlane ) = 0; virtual void EnableClipPlane( int index, bool bEnable ) = 0; // Put all the model matrices into vertex shader constants. virtual void SetSkinningMatrices() = 0; // Returns the nearest supported format virtual ImageFormat GetNearestSupportedFormat( ImageFormat fmt, bool bFilteringRequired = true ) const = 0; virtual ImageFormat GetNearestRenderTargetFormat( ImageFormat fmt ) const = 0; // When AA is enabled, render targets are not AA and require a separate // depth buffer. virtual bool DoRenderTargetsNeedSeparateDepthBuffer() const = 0; // Texture management methods // For CreateTexture also see CreateTextures below virtual ShaderAPITextureHandle_t CreateTexture( int width, int height, int depth, ImageFormat dstImageFormat, int numMipLevels, int numCopies, int flags, const char *pDebugName, const char *pTextureGroupName ) = 0; virtual void DeleteTexture( ShaderAPITextureHandle_t textureHandle ) = 0; virtual ShaderAPITextureHandle_t CreateDepthTexture( ImageFormat renderTargetFormat, int width, int height, const char *pDebugName, bool bTexture ) = 0; virtual bool IsTexture( ShaderAPITextureHandle_t textureHandle ) = 0; virtual bool IsTextureResident( ShaderAPITextureHandle_t textureHandle ) = 0; // Indicates we're going to be modifying this texture // TexImage2D, TexSubImage2D, TexWrap, TexMinFilter, and TexMagFilter // all use the texture specified by this function. virtual void ModifyTexture( ShaderAPITextureHandle_t textureHandle ) = 0; virtual void TexImage2D( int level, int cubeFaceID, ImageFormat dstFormat, int zOffset, int width, int height, ImageFormat srcFormat, bool bSrcIsTiled, // NOTE: for X360 only void *imageData ) = 0; virtual void TexSubImage2D( int level, int cubeFaceID, int xOffset, int yOffset, int zOffset, int width, int height, ImageFormat srcFormat, int srcStride, bool bSrcIsTiled, // NOTE: for X360 only void *imageData ) = 0; virtual void TexImageFromVTF( IVTFTexture* pVTF, int iVTFFrame ) = 0; // An alternate (and faster) way of writing image data // (locks the current Modify Texture). Use the pixel writer to write the data // after Lock is called // Doesn't work for compressed textures virtual bool TexLock( int level, int cubeFaceID, int xOffset, int yOffset, int width, int height, CPixelWriter& writer ) = 0; virtual void TexUnlock( ) = 0; // These are bound to the texture virtual void TexSetPriority( int priority ) = 0; // Sets the texture state virtual void BindTexture( Sampler_t sampler, ShaderAPITextureHandle_t textureHandle ) = 0; // Set the render target to a texID. // Set to SHADER_RENDERTARGET_BACKBUFFER if you want to use the regular framebuffer. // Set to SHADER_RENDERTARGET_DEPTHBUFFER if you want to use the regular z buffer. virtual void SetRenderTarget( ShaderAPITextureHandle_t colorTextureHandle = SHADER_RENDERTARGET_BACKBUFFER, ShaderAPITextureHandle_t depthTextureHandle = SHADER_RENDERTARGET_DEPTHBUFFER ) = 0; // stuff that isn't to be used from within a shader virtual void ClearBuffersObeyStencil( bool bClearColor, bool bClearDepth ) = 0; virtual void ReadPixels( int x, int y, int width, int height, unsigned char *data, ImageFormat dstFormat ) = 0; virtual void ReadPixels( Rect_t *pSrcRect, Rect_t *pDstRect, unsigned char *data, ImageFormat dstFormat, int nDstStride ) = 0; virtual void FlushHardware() = 0; // Use this to begin and end the frame virtual void BeginFrame() = 0; virtual void EndFrame() = 0; // Selection mode methods virtual int SelectionMode( bool selectionMode ) = 0; virtual void SelectionBuffer( unsigned int* pBuffer, int size ) = 0; virtual void ClearSelectionNames( ) = 0; virtual void LoadSelectionName( int name ) = 0; virtual void PushSelectionName( int name ) = 0; virtual void PopSelectionName() = 0; // Force the hardware to finish whatever it's doing virtual void ForceHardwareSync() = 0; // Used to clear the transition table when we know it's become invalid. virtual void ClearSnapshots() = 0; virtual void FogStart( float fStart ) = 0; virtual void FogEnd( float fEnd ) = 0; virtual void SetFogZ( float fogZ ) = 0; // Scene fog state. virtual void SceneFogColor3ub( unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b ) = 0; virtual void GetSceneFogColor( unsigned char *rgb ) = 0; virtual void SceneFogMode( MaterialFogMode_t fogMode ) = 0; // Can we download textures? virtual bool CanDownloadTextures() const = 0; virtual void ResetRenderState( bool bFullReset = true ) = 0; // We use smaller dynamic VBs during level transitions, to free up memory virtual int GetCurrentDynamicVBSize( void ) = 0; virtual void DestroyVertexBuffers( bool bExitingLevel = false ) = 0; virtual void EvictManagedResources() = 0; // Level of anisotropic filtering virtual void SetAnisotropicLevel( int nAnisotropyLevel ) = 0; // For debugging and building recording files. This will stuff a token into the recording file, // then someone doing a playback can watch for the token. virtual void SyncToken( const char *pToken ) = 0; // Setup standard vertex shader constants (that don't change) // This needs to be called anytime that overbright changes. virtual void SetStandardVertexShaderConstants( float fOverbright ) = 0; // // Occlusion query support // // Allocate and delete query objects. virtual ShaderAPIOcclusionQuery_t CreateOcclusionQueryObject( void ) = 0; virtual void DestroyOcclusionQueryObject( ShaderAPIOcclusionQuery_t ) = 0; // Bracket drawing with begin and end so that we can get counts next frame. virtual void BeginOcclusionQueryDrawing( ShaderAPIOcclusionQuery_t ) = 0; virtual void EndOcclusionQueryDrawing( ShaderAPIOcclusionQuery_t ) = 0; // OcclusionQuery_GetNumPixelsRendered // Get the number of pixels rendered between begin and end on an earlier frame. // Calling this in the same frame is a huge perf hit! // Returns iQueryResult: // iQueryResult >= 0 - iQueryResult is the number of pixels rendered // OCCLUSION_QUERY_RESULT_PENDING - query results are not available yet // OCCLUSION_QUERY_RESULT_ERROR - query failed // Use OCCLUSION_QUERY_FINISHED( iQueryResult ) to test if query finished. virtual int OcclusionQuery_GetNumPixelsRendered( ShaderAPIOcclusionQuery_t hQuery, bool bFlush = false ) = 0; virtual void SetFlashlightState( const FlashlightState_t &state, const VMatrix &worldToTexture ) = 0; virtual void ClearVertexAndPixelShaderRefCounts() = 0; virtual void PurgeUnusedVertexAndPixelShaders() = 0; // Called when the dx support level has changed virtual void DXSupportLevelChanged() = 0; // By default, the material system applies the VIEW and PROJECTION matrices to the user clip // planes (which are specified in world space) to generate projection-space user clip planes // Occasionally (for the particle system in hl2, for example), we want to override that // behavior and explictly specify a View transform for user clip planes. The PROJECTION // will be mutliplied against this instead of the normal VIEW matrix. virtual void EnableUserClipTransformOverride( bool bEnable ) = 0; virtual void UserClipTransform( const VMatrix &worldToView ) = 0; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Everything after this point added after HL2 shipped. // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // What fields in the morph do we actually use? virtual MorphFormat_t ComputeMorphFormat( int numSnapshots, StateSnapshot_t* pIds ) const = 0; // Set the render target to a texID. // Set to SHADER_RENDERTARGET_BACKBUFFER if you want to use the regular framebuffer. // Set to SHADER_RENDERTARGET_DEPTHBUFFER if you want to use the regular z buffer. virtual void SetRenderTargetEx( int nRenderTargetID, ShaderAPITextureHandle_t colorTextureHandle = SHADER_RENDERTARGET_BACKBUFFER, ShaderAPITextureHandle_t depthTextureHandle = SHADER_RENDERTARGET_DEPTHBUFFER ) = 0; virtual void CopyRenderTargetToTextureEx( ShaderAPITextureHandle_t textureHandle, int nRenderTargetID, Rect_t *pSrcRect = NULL, Rect_t *pDstRect = NULL ) = 0; virtual void CopyTextureToRenderTargetEx( int nRenderTargetID, ShaderAPITextureHandle_t textureHandle, Rect_t *pSrcRect = NULL, Rect_t *pDstRect = NULL ) = 0; // For dealing with device lost in cases where SwapBuffers isn't called all the time (Hammer) virtual void HandleDeviceLost() = 0; virtual void EnableLinearColorSpaceFrameBuffer( bool bEnable ) = 0; // Lets the shader know about the full-screen texture so it can virtual void SetFullScreenTextureHandle( ShaderAPITextureHandle_t h ) = 0; // Rendering parameters control special drawing modes withing the material system, shader // system, shaders, and engine. renderparm.h has their definitions. virtual void SetFloatRenderingParameter(int parm_number, float value) = 0; virtual void SetIntRenderingParameter(int parm_number, int value) = 0; virtual void SetVectorRenderingParameter(int parm_number, Vector const &value) = 0; virtual float GetFloatRenderingParameter(int parm_number) const = 0; virtual int GetIntRenderingParameter(int parm_number) const = 0; virtual Vector GetVectorRenderingParameter(int parm_number) const = 0; virtual void SetFastClipPlane( const float *pPlane ) = 0; virtual void EnableFastClip( bool bEnable ) = 0; // Returns the number of vertices + indices we can render using the dynamic mesh // Passing true in the second parameter will return the max # of vertices + indices // we can use before a flush is provoked and may return different values // if called multiple times in succession. // Passing false into the second parameter will return // the maximum possible vertices + indices that can be rendered in a single batch virtual void GetMaxToRender( IMesh *pMesh, bool bMaxUntilFlush, int *pMaxVerts, int *pMaxIndices ) = 0; // Returns the max number of vertices we can render for a given material virtual int GetMaxVerticesToRender( IMaterial *pMaterial ) = 0; virtual int GetMaxIndicesToRender( ) = 0; // stencil methods virtual void SetStencilEnable(bool onoff) = 0; virtual void SetStencilFailOperation(StencilOperation_t op) = 0; virtual void SetStencilZFailOperation(StencilOperation_t op) = 0; virtual void SetStencilPassOperation(StencilOperation_t op) = 0; virtual void SetStencilCompareFunction(StencilComparisonFunction_t cmpfn) = 0; virtual void SetStencilReferenceValue(int ref) = 0; virtual void SetStencilTestMask(uint32 msk) = 0; virtual void SetStencilWriteMask(uint32 msk) = 0; virtual void ClearStencilBufferRectangle(int xmin, int ymin, int xmax, int ymax, int value) = 0; // disables all local lights virtual void DisableAllLocalLights() = 0; virtual int CompareSnapshots( StateSnapshot_t snapshot0, StateSnapshot_t snapshot1 ) = 0; virtual IMesh *GetFlexMesh() = 0; virtual void SetFlashlightStateEx( const FlashlightState_t &state, const VMatrix &worldToTexture, ITexture *pFlashlightDepthTexture ) = 0; virtual bool SupportsMSAAMode( int nMSAAMode ) = 0; #if defined( _X360 ) virtual HXUIFONT OpenTrueTypeFont( const char *pFontname, int tall, int style ) = 0; virtual void CloseTrueTypeFont( HXUIFONT hFont ) = 0; virtual bool GetTrueTypeFontMetrics( HXUIFONT hFont, XUIFontMetrics *pFontMetrics, XUICharMetrics charMetrics[256] ) = 0; // Render a sequence of characters and extract the data into a buffer // For each character, provide the width+height of the font texture subrect, // an offset to apply when rendering the glyph, and an offset into a buffer to receive the RGBA data virtual bool GetTrueTypeGlyphs( HXUIFONT hFont, int numChars, wchar_t *pWch, int *pOffsetX, int *pOffsetY, int *pWidth, int *pHeight, unsigned char *pRGBA, int *pRGBAOffset ) = 0; virtual ShaderAPITextureHandle_t CreateRenderTargetSurface( int width, int height, ImageFormat format, const char *pDebugName, const char *pTextureGroupName ) = 0; virtual void PersistDisplay() = 0; virtual bool PostQueuedTexture( const void *pData, int nSize, ShaderAPITextureHandle_t *pHandles, int nHandles, int nWidth, int nHeight, int nDepth, int nMips, int *pRefCount ) = 0; virtual void *GetD3DDevice() = 0; virtual void PushVertexShaderGPRAllocation( int iVertexShaderCount = 64 ) = 0; virtual void PopVertexShaderGPRAllocation( void ) = 0; virtual void EnableVSync_360( bool bEnable ) = 0; //360 allows us to bypass vsync blocking up to 60 fps without creating a new device #endif virtual bool OwnGPUResources( bool bEnable ) = 0; //get fog distances entered with FogStart(), FogEnd(), and SetFogZ() virtual void GetFogDistances( float *fStart, float *fEnd, float *fFogZ ) = 0; // Hooks for firing PIX events from outside the Material System... virtual void BeginPIXEvent( unsigned long color, const char *szName ) = 0; virtual void EndPIXEvent() = 0; virtual void SetPIXMarker( unsigned long color, const char *szName ) = 0; // Enables and disables for Alpha To Coverage virtual void EnableAlphaToCoverage() = 0; virtual void DisableAlphaToCoverage() = 0; // Computes the vertex buffer pointers virtual void ComputeVertexDescription( unsigned char* pBuffer, VertexFormat_t vertexFormat, MeshDesc_t& desc ) const = 0; virtual bool SupportsShadowDepthTextures( void ) = 0; virtual void SetDisallowAccess( bool ) = 0; virtual void EnableShaderShaderMutex( bool ) = 0; virtual void ShaderLock() = 0; virtual void ShaderUnlock() = 0; virtual ImageFormat GetShadowDepthTextureFormat( void ) = 0; virtual bool SupportsFetch4( void ) = 0; virtual void SetShadowDepthBiasFactors( float fShadowSlopeScaleDepthBias, float fShadowDepthBias ) = 0; // ------------ New Vertex/Index Buffer interface ---------------------------- virtual void BindVertexBuffer( int nStreamID, IVertexBuffer *pVertexBuffer, int nOffsetInBytes, int nFirstVertex, int nVertexCount, VertexFormat_t fmt, int nRepetitions = 1 ) = 0; virtual void BindIndexBuffer( IIndexBuffer *pIndexBuffer, int nOffsetInBytes ) = 0; virtual void Draw( MaterialPrimitiveType_t primitiveType, int nFirstIndex, int nIndexCount ) = 0; // ------------ End ---------------------------- // Apply stencil operations to every pixel on the screen without disturbing depth or color buffers virtual void PerformFullScreenStencilOperation( void ) = 0; virtual void SetScissorRect( const int nLeft, const int nTop, const int nRight, const int nBottom, const bool bEnableScissor ) = 0; // nVidia CSAA modes, different from SupportsMSAAMode() virtual bool SupportsCSAAMode( int nNumSamples, int nQualityLevel ) = 0; //Notifies the shaderapi to invalidate the current set of delayed constants because we just finished a draw pass. Either actual or not. virtual void InvalidateDelayedShaderConstants( void ) = 0; // Gamma<->Linear conversions according to the video hardware we're running on virtual float GammaToLinear_HardwareSpecific( float fGamma ) const =0; virtual float LinearToGamma_HardwareSpecific( float fLinear ) const =0; //Set's the linear->gamma conversion textures to use for this hardware for both srgb writes enabled and disabled(identity) virtual void SetLinearToGammaConversionTextures( ShaderAPITextureHandle_t hSRGBWriteEnabledTexture, ShaderAPITextureHandle_t hIdentityTexture ) = 0; virtual ImageFormat GetNullTextureFormat( void ) = 0; virtual void BindVertexTexture( VertexTextureSampler_t nSampler, ShaderAPITextureHandle_t textureHandle ) = 0; // Enables hardware morphing virtual void EnableHWMorphing( bool bEnable ) = 0; // Sets flexweights for rendering virtual void SetFlexWeights( int nFirstWeight, int nCount, const MorphWeight_t* pWeights ) = 0; virtual void FogMaxDensity( float flMaxDensity ) = 0; // Create a multi-frame texture (equivalent to calling "CreateTexture" multiple times, but more efficient) virtual void CreateTextures( ShaderAPITextureHandle_t *pHandles, int count, int width, int height, int depth, ImageFormat dstImageFormat, int numMipLevels, int numCopies, int flags, const char *pDebugName, const char *pTextureGroupName ) = 0; virtual void AcquireThreadOwnership() = 0; virtual void ReleaseThreadOwnership() = 0; virtual bool SupportsNormalMapCompression() const { Assert( !"This has all been removed." ); return false; } // Only does anything on XBox360. This is useful to eliminate stalls virtual void EnableBuffer2FramesAhead( bool bEnable ) = 0; virtual void SetDepthFeatheringPixelShaderConstant( int iConstant, float fDepthBlendScale ) = 0; // debug logging // only implemented in some subclasses virtual void PrintfVA( char *fmt, va_list vargs ) = 0; virtual void Printf( PRINTF_FORMAT_STRING const char *fmt, ... ) = 0; virtual float Knob( char *knobname, float *setvalue = NULL ) = 0; // Allows us to override the alpha write setting of a material virtual void OverrideAlphaWriteEnable( bool bEnable, bool bAlphaWriteEnable ) = 0; virtual void OverrideColorWriteEnable( bool bOverrideEnable, bool bColorWriteEnable ) = 0; //extended clear buffers function with alpha independent from color virtual void ClearBuffersObeyStencilEx( bool bClearColor, bool bClearAlpha, bool bClearDepth ) = 0; // Allows copying a render target to another texture by specifying them both. virtual void CopyRenderTargetToScratchTexture( ShaderAPITextureHandle_t srcRt, ShaderAPITextureHandle_t dstTex, Rect_t *pSrcRect = NULL, Rect_t *pDstRect = NULL ) = 0; // Allows locking and unlocking of very specific surface types. virtual void LockRect( void** pOutBits, int* pOutPitch, ShaderAPITextureHandle_t texHandle, int mipmap, int x, int y, int w, int h, bool bWrite, bool bRead ) = 0; virtual void UnlockRect( ShaderAPITextureHandle_t texHandle, int mipmap ) = 0; // Set the finest mipmap that can be used for the texture which is currently being modified. virtual void TexLodClamp( int finest ) = 0; // Set the Lod Bias for the texture which is currently being modified. virtual void TexLodBias( float bias ) = 0; virtual void CopyTextureToTexture( ShaderAPITextureHandle_t srcTex, ShaderAPITextureHandle_t dstTex ) = 0; }; #endif // ISHADERAPI_H