//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: Runs the state machine for the host & server // // $NoKeywords: $ //=============================================================================// #include "host_state.h" #include "eiface.h" #include "quakedef.h" #include "server.h" #include "sv_main.h" #include "host_cmd.h" #include "host.h" #include "screen.h" #include "icliententity.h" #include "icliententitylist.h" #include "client.h" #include "host_jmp.h" #include "tier0/vprof.h" #include "tier0/icommandline.h" #include "filesystem_engine.h" #include "zone.h" #include "iengine.h" #include "snd_audio_source.h" #include "sv_steamauth.h" #ifndef SWDS #include "vgui_baseui_interface.h" #endif #include "sv_plugin.h" #include "cl_main.h" #include "sv_steamauth.h" #include "datacache/imdlcache.h" #include "sys_dll.h" #include "testscriptmgr.h" #if defined( REPLAY_ENABLED ) #include "replay_internal.h" #include "replayserver.h" #endif #include "GameEventManager.h" #include "tier0/etwprof.h" #include "ccs.h" // memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!! #include "tier0/memdbgon.h" extern bool g_bAbortServerSet; #ifndef SWDS extern ConVar reload_materials; #endif typedef enum { HS_NEW_GAME = 0, HS_LOAD_GAME, HS_CHANGE_LEVEL_SP, HS_CHANGE_LEVEL_MP, HS_RUN, HS_GAME_SHUTDOWN, HS_SHUTDOWN, HS_RESTART, } HOSTSTATES; // a little class that manages the state machine for the host class CHostState { public: CHostState() = default; void Init(); void FrameUpdate( float time ); void SetNextState( HOSTSTATES nextState ); void RunGameInit(); void SetState( HOSTSTATES newState, bool clearNext ); void GameShutdown(); void State_NewGame(); void State_LoadGame(); void State_ChangeLevelMP(); void State_ChangeLevelSP(); void State_Run( float time ); void State_GameShutdown(); void State_Shutdown(); void State_Restart(); bool IsGameShuttingDown(); void RememberLocation(); void OnClientConnected(); // Client fully connected void OnClientDisconnected(); // Client disconnected HOSTSTATES m_currentState; HOSTSTATES m_nextState; Vector m_vecLocation; QAngle m_angLocation; char m_levelName[256]; char m_landmarkName[256]; char m_saveName[256]; float m_flShortFrameTime; // run a few one-tick frames to avoid large timesteps while loading assets bool m_activeGame; bool m_bRememberLocation; bool m_bBackgroundLevel; bool m_bWaitingForConnection; }; static bool Host_ValidGame( void ); static CHostState g_HostState; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // external API for manipulating the host state machine //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void HostState_Init() { g_HostState.Init(); } void HostState_Frame( float time ) { g_HostState.FrameUpdate( time ); } void HostState_RunGameInit() { g_HostState.RunGameInit(); g_ServerGlobalVariables.bMapLoadFailed = false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // start a new game as soon as possible //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void HostState_NewGame( char const *pMapName, bool remember_location, bool background ) { Q_strncpy( g_HostState.m_levelName, pMapName, sizeof( g_HostState.m_levelName ) ); g_HostState.m_landmarkName[0] = 0; g_HostState.m_bRememberLocation = remember_location; g_HostState.m_bWaitingForConnection = true; g_HostState.m_bBackgroundLevel = background; if ( remember_location ) { g_HostState.RememberLocation(); } g_HostState.SetNextState( HS_NEW_GAME ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // load a new game as soon as possible //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void HostState_LoadGame( char const *pSaveFileName, bool remember_location ) { #ifndef SWDS // Make sure the freaking save file exists.... if ( !saverestore->SaveFileExists( pSaveFileName ) ) { Warning("Save file %s can't be found!\n", pSaveFileName ); SCR_EndLoadingPlaque(); return; } Q_strncpy( g_HostState.m_saveName, pSaveFileName, sizeof( g_HostState.m_saveName ) ); // Tell the game .dll we are loading another game serverGameDLL->PreSaveGameLoaded( pSaveFileName, sv.IsActive() ); g_HostState.m_bRememberLocation = remember_location; g_HostState.m_bBackgroundLevel = false; g_HostState.m_bWaitingForConnection = true; if ( remember_location ) { g_HostState.RememberLocation(); } g_HostState.SetNextState( HS_LOAD_GAME ); #endif } // change level (single player style - smooth transition) void HostState_ChangeLevelSP( char const *pNewLevel, char const *pLandmarkName ) { Q_strncpy( g_HostState.m_levelName, pNewLevel, sizeof( g_HostState.m_levelName ) ); Q_strncpy( g_HostState.m_landmarkName, pLandmarkName, sizeof( g_HostState.m_landmarkName ) ); g_HostState.SetNextState( HS_CHANGE_LEVEL_SP ); } // change level (multiplayer style - respawn all connected clients) void HostState_ChangeLevelMP( char const *pNewLevel, char const *pLandmarkName ) { Steam3Server().NotifyOfLevelChange(); Q_strncpy( g_HostState.m_levelName, pNewLevel, sizeof( g_HostState.m_levelName ) ); Q_strncpy( g_HostState.m_landmarkName, pLandmarkName, sizeof( g_HostState.m_landmarkName ) ); g_HostState.SetNextState( HS_CHANGE_LEVEL_MP ); } // shutdown the game as soon as possible void HostState_GameShutdown() { Steam3Server().NotifyOfLevelChange(); // This will get called during shutdown, ignore it. if ( g_HostState.m_currentState != HS_SHUTDOWN && g_HostState.m_currentState != HS_RESTART && g_HostState.m_currentState != HS_GAME_SHUTDOWN ) { g_HostState.SetNextState( HS_GAME_SHUTDOWN ); } } // shutdown the engine/program as soon as possible void HostState_Shutdown() { #if defined( REPLAY_ENABLED ) // If we're recording the game, finalize the replay so players can download it. if ( sv.IsDedicated() && g_pReplay && g_pReplay->IsRecording() ) { // Stop recording and publish all blocks/session info data synchronously. g_pReplay->SV_EndRecordingSession( true ); } #endif g_HostState.SetNextState( HS_SHUTDOWN ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Restart the engine //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void HostState_Restart() { g_HostState.SetNextState( HS_RESTART ); } bool HostState_IsGameShuttingDown() { return g_HostState.IsGameShuttingDown(); } bool HostState_IsShuttingDown() { return ( g_HostState.m_currentState == HS_SHUTDOWN || g_HostState.m_currentState == HS_RESTART || g_HostState.m_currentState == HS_GAME_SHUTDOWN ); } void HostState_OnClientConnected() { g_HostState.OnClientConnected(); } void HostState_OnClientDisconnected() { g_HostState.OnClientDisconnected(); } void HostState_SetSpawnPoint(Vector &position, QAngle &angle) { g_HostState.m_angLocation = angle; g_HostState.m_vecLocation = position; g_HostState.m_bRememberLocation = true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void WatchDogHandler() { Host_Error( "WatchdogHandler called - server exiting.\n" ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class implementation //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CHostState::Init() { SetState( HS_RUN, true ); m_currentState = HS_RUN; m_nextState = HS_RUN; m_activeGame = false; m_levelName[0] = 0; m_saveName[0] = 0; m_landmarkName[0] = 0; m_bRememberLocation = 0; m_bBackgroundLevel = false; m_vecLocation.Init(); m_angLocation.Init(); m_bWaitingForConnection = false; m_flShortFrameTime = 1.0; CCS_Init(); Plat_SetWatchdogHandlerFunction( WatchDogHandler ); } void CHostState::SetState( HOSTSTATES newState, bool clearNext ) { m_currentState = newState; if ( clearNext ) { m_nextState = newState; } } void CHostState::SetNextState( HOSTSTATES next ) { Assert( m_currentState == HS_RUN ); m_nextState = next; } void CHostState::RunGameInit() { Assert( !m_activeGame ); if ( serverGameDLL ) { serverGameDLL->GameInit(); } m_activeGame = true; } void CHostState::GameShutdown() { if ( m_activeGame ) { serverGameDLL->GameShutdown(); m_activeGame = false; } } // These State_ functions execute that state's code right away // The external API queues up state changes to happen when the state machine is processed. void CHostState::State_NewGame() { CETWScope timer( "CHostState::State_NewGame" ); if ( Host_ValidGame() ) { // Demand load game .dll if running with -nogamedll flag, etc. if ( !serverGameClients ) { SV_InitGameDLL(); } if ( !serverGameClients ) { Warning( "Can't start game, no valid server.dll loaded\n" ); } else { if ( Host_NewGame( m_levelName, false, m_bBackgroundLevel ) ) { // succesfully started the new game SetState( HS_RUN, true ); return; } } } SCR_EndLoadingPlaque(); // new game failed GameShutdown(); // run the server at the console SetState( HS_RUN, true ); } void CHostState::State_LoadGame() { #ifndef SWDS HostState_RunGameInit(); if ( saverestore->LoadGame( m_saveName ) ) { // succesfully started the new game GetTestScriptMgr()->CheckPoint( "load_game" ); SetState( HS_RUN, true ); return; } #endif SCR_EndLoadingPlaque(); // load game failed GameShutdown(); // run the server at the console SetState( HS_RUN, true ); if ( IsX360() ) { // On the 360 we need to return to the background map g_ServerGlobalVariables.bMapLoadFailed = true; Cbuf_Clear(); Cbuf_AddText( "startupmenu force" ); Cbuf_Execute(); } } void CHostState::State_ChangeLevelMP() { if ( Host_ValidGame() ) { Steam3Server().NotifyOfLevelChange(); #ifndef SWDS // start progress bar immediately for multiplayer level transitions EngineVGui()->EnabledProgressBarForNextLoad(); #endif if ( Host_Changelevel( false, m_levelName, m_landmarkName ) ) { SetState( HS_RUN, true ); return; } } // fail ConMsg( "Unable to change level!\n" ); SetState( HS_RUN, true ); IGameEvent *event = g_GameEventManager.CreateEvent( "server_changelevel_failed" ); if ( event ) { event->SetString( "levelname", m_levelName ); g_GameEventManager.FireEvent( event ); } } void CHostState::State_ChangeLevelSP() { if ( Host_ValidGame() ) { Host_Changelevel( true, m_levelName, m_landmarkName ); SetState( HS_RUN, true ); return; } // fail ConMsg( "Unable to change level!\n" ); SetState( HS_RUN, true ); } static bool IsClientActive() { if ( !sv.IsActive() ) return cl.IsActive(); for ( int i = 0; i < sv.GetClientCount(); i++ ) { CGameClient *pClient = sv.Client( i ); if ( pClient->IsActive() ) return true; } return false; } static bool IsClientConnected() { if ( !sv.IsActive() ) return cl.IsConnected(); for ( int i = 0; i < sv.GetClientCount(); i++ ) { CGameClient *pClient = sv.Client( i ); if ( pClient->IsConnected() ) return true; } return false; } void CHostState::State_Run( float frameTime ) { static bool s_bFirstRunFrame = true; if ( m_flShortFrameTime > 0 ) { if ( IsClientActive() ) { m_flShortFrameTime = (m_flShortFrameTime > frameTime) ? (m_flShortFrameTime-frameTime) : 0; } // Only clamp time if client is in process of connecting or is already connected. if ( IsClientConnected() ) { frameTime = min( frameTime, host_state.interval_per_tick ); } } // Nice big timeout to play it safe while still ensuring that we don't get stuck in // infinite loops. int nTimerWaitSeconds = 60; if ( s_bFirstRunFrame ) { // The first frame can take a while especially during fork startup. s_bFirstRunFrame = false; nTimerWaitSeconds *= 2; } if ( sv.IsDedicated() ) { Plat_BeginWatchdogTimer( nTimerWaitSeconds ); } Host_RunFrame( frameTime ); if ( sv.IsDedicated() ) { Plat_EndWatchdogTimer(); } switch( m_nextState ) { case HS_RUN: break; case HS_LOAD_GAME: case HS_NEW_GAME: #if !defined( SWDS ) SCR_BeginLoadingPlaque(); #endif // FALL THROUGH INTENTIONALLY TO SHUTDOWN case HS_SHUTDOWN: case HS_RESTART: // NOTE: The game must be shutdown before a new game can start, // before a game can load, and before the system can be shutdown. // This is done here instead of pathfinding through a state transition graph. // That would be equivalent as the only way to get from HS_RUN to HS_LOAD_GAME is through HS_GAME_SHUTDOWN. case HS_GAME_SHUTDOWN: SetState( HS_GAME_SHUTDOWN, false ); break; case HS_CHANGE_LEVEL_MP: case HS_CHANGE_LEVEL_SP: SetState( m_nextState, true ); break; default: SetState( HS_RUN, true ); break; } } void CHostState::State_GameShutdown() { if ( serverGameDLL ) { Steam3Server().NotifyOfLevelChange(); g_pServerPluginHandler->LevelShutdown(); #if !defined(SWDS) audiosourcecache->LevelShutdown(); #endif } GameShutdown(); #ifndef SWDS saverestore->ClearSaveDir(); #endif Host_ShutdownServer(); switch( m_nextState ) { case HS_LOAD_GAME: case HS_NEW_GAME: case HS_SHUTDOWN: case HS_RESTART: SetState( m_nextState, true ); break; default: SetState( HS_RUN, true ); break; } } // Tell the launcher we're done. void CHostState::State_Shutdown() { CCS_Shutdown(); #if !defined(SWDS) CL_EndMovie(); #endif eng->SetNextState( IEngine::DLL_CLOSE ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CHostState::State_Restart( void ) { // Just like a regular shutdown State_Shutdown(); // But signal launcher/front end to restart engine eng->SetNextState( IEngine::DLL_RESTART ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // this is the state machine's main processing loop //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CHostState::FrameUpdate( float time ) { CCS_Tick( time ); #if _DEBUG int loopCount = 0; #endif if ( setjmp (host_abortserver) ) { Init(); return; } g_bAbortServerSet = true; while ( true ) { int oldState = m_currentState; // execute the current state (and transition to the next state if not in HS_RUN) switch( m_currentState ) { case HS_NEW_GAME: g_pMDLCache->BeginMapLoad(); State_NewGame(); break; case HS_LOAD_GAME: g_pMDLCache->BeginMapLoad(); State_LoadGame(); break; case HS_CHANGE_LEVEL_MP: g_pMDLCache->BeginMapLoad(); m_flShortFrameTime = 0.5f; State_ChangeLevelMP(); break; case HS_CHANGE_LEVEL_SP: g_pMDLCache->BeginMapLoad(); m_flShortFrameTime = 1.5f; // 1.5s of slower frames State_ChangeLevelSP(); break; case HS_RUN: State_Run( time ); break; case HS_GAME_SHUTDOWN: State_GameShutdown(); break; case HS_SHUTDOWN: State_Shutdown(); break; case HS_RESTART: g_pMDLCache->BeginMapLoad(); State_Restart(); break; } // only do a single pass at HS_RUN per frame. All other states loop until they reach HS_RUN if ( oldState == HS_RUN ) break; // shutting down if ( oldState == HS_SHUTDOWN || oldState == HS_RESTART ) break; // Only HS_RUN is allowed to persist across loops!!! // Also, detect circular state graphs (more than 8 cycling changes is probably a loop) // NOTE: In the current graph, there are at most 2. #if _DEBUG if ( (m_currentState == oldState) || (++loopCount > 8) ) { Host_Error( "state crash!\n" ); } #endif } } bool CHostState::IsGameShuttingDown( void ) { return ( ( m_currentState == HS_GAME_SHUTDOWN ) || ( m_nextState == HS_GAME_SHUTDOWN ) ); } void CHostState::RememberLocation() { #ifndef SWDS Assert( m_bRememberLocation ); m_vecLocation = MainViewOrigin(); VectorAngles( MainViewForward(), m_angLocation ); IClientEntity *localPlayer = entitylist ? entitylist->GetClientEntity( cl.m_nPlayerSlot + 1 ) : NULL; if ( localPlayer ) { m_vecLocation = localPlayer->GetAbsOrigin(); } m_vecLocation.z -= 64.0f; // subtract out a bit of Z to position the player lower #endif } void CHostState::OnClientConnected() { if ( !m_bWaitingForConnection ) return; m_bWaitingForConnection = false; if ( m_bRememberLocation ) { m_bRememberLocation = false; Cbuf_AddText( va( "setpos_exact %f %f %f\n", m_vecLocation.x, m_vecLocation.y, m_vecLocation.z ) ); Cbuf_AddText( va( "setang_exact %f %f %f\n", m_angLocation.x, m_angLocation.y, m_angLocation.z ) ); } #if !defined( SWDS ) if ( reload_materials.GetBool() ) { // building cubemaps requires the materials to reload after map reload_materials.SetValue( 0 ); Cbuf_AddText( "mat_reloadallmaterials\n" ); } // Spew global texture memory usage if asked to if( CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-dumpvidmemstats" ) ) { FileHandle_t fp; fp = g_pFileSystem->Open( "vidmemstats.txt", "a" ); g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fp, "%s:\n", g_HostState.m_levelName ); #ifdef VPROF_ENABLED CVProfile *pProf = &g_VProfCurrentProfile; int prefixLen = strlen( "TexGroup_Global_" ); float total = 0.0f; for ( int i=0; i < pProf->GetNumCounters(); i++ ) { if ( pProf->GetCounterGroup( i ) == COUNTER_GROUP_TEXTURE_GLOBAL ) { // The counters are in bytes and the panel is all in kilobytes. float value = pProf->GetCounterValue( i ) * ( 1.0f / ( 1024.0f * 1024.0f ) ); total += value; const char *pName = pProf->GetCounterName( i ); if( Q_strnicmp( pName, "TexGroup_Global_", prefixLen ) == 0 ) { pName += prefixLen; } g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fp, "%s: %0.3fMB\n", pName, value ); } } g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fp, "vidmem total: %0.3fMB\n", total ); #endif #if 0 g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fp, "hunk total: %0.3fMB\n", Cache_TotalUsed() * ( 1.0f / ( 1024.0f * 1024.0f ) ) ); g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fp, "hunk sound: %0.3fMB\n", Cache_TotalUsed_Sound() * ( 1.0f / ( 1024.0f * 1024.0f ) ) ); g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fp, "hunk models: %0.3fMB\n", Cache_TotalUsed_Models() * ( 1.0f / ( 1024.0f * 1024.0f ) ) ); #endif g_pFileSystem->FPrintf( fp, "---------------------------------\n" ); g_pFileSystem->Close( fp ); Cbuf_AddText( "quit\n" ); } #endif } void CHostState::OnClientDisconnected() { } // Determine if this is a valid game static bool Host_ValidGame( void ) { // No multi-client single player games if ( sv.IsMultiplayer() ) { if ( deathmatch.GetInt() ) return true; } else { /* // Single player must have CD validation if ( IsValidCD() ) { return true; } */ return true; } ConDMsg("Unable to launch game\n"); return false; }