//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: XBox Core definitions // //============================================================================= #pragma once #define XBOX_DONTCARE 0 // for functions with don't care params #define XBX_MAX_DPORTS 4 #define XBX_MAX_BUTTONSAMPLE 32768 #define XBX_MAX_ANALOGSAMPLE 255 #define XBX_MAX_MESSAGE 2048 #define XBX_MAX_PATH MAX_PATH #define XBX_MAX_RCMDLENGTH 256 #define XBX_MAX_RCMDNAMELEN 32 #define XBX_HDD_CLUSTERSIZE 16384 // could be dvd or hdd, actual device depends on source of xex launch #define XBX_DVD_DRIVE "D:\\" #define XBX_BOOT_DRIVE "D:\\" #define XBX_IOTHREAD_STACKSIZE 32768 #define XBX_IOTHREAD_PRIORITY THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST // scale by screen dimension to get an inset #define XBOX_MINBORDERSAFE 0.05f #define XBOX_MAXBORDERSAFE 0.075f #define XBX_CALCSIG_TYPE XCALCSIG_FLAG_NON_ROAMABLE #define XBX_INVALID_STORAGE_ID ((DWORD)-1) #define XBX_STORAGE_DECLINED ((DWORD)-2) #define XBX_INVALID_USER_ID ((DWORD)-1) #define XBX_USER_SETTINGS_CONTAINER_DRIVE "CFG" // Path to our running executable #define XBX_XEX_BASE_FILENAME "default.xex" #define XBX_XEX_PATH XBX_BOOT_DRIVE XBX_XEX_BASE_FILENAME #define XBX_CLR_DEFAULT 0xFF000000 #define XBX_CLR_WARNING 0x0000FFFF #define XBX_CLR_ERROR 0x000000FF // disk space requirements #define XBX_SAVEGAME_BYTES ( 1024 * 1024 * 2 ) #define XBX_CONFIGFILE_BYTES ( 1024 * 100 ) #define XBX_USER_STATS_BYTES ( 1024 * 28 ) #define XBX_USER_SETTINGS_BYTES ( XBX_CONFIGFILE_BYTES + XBX_USER_STATS_BYTES ) #define XBX_PERSISTENT_BYTES_NEEDED ( XBX_SAVEGAME_BYTES * 10 ) // 8 save games, 1 autosave, 1 autosavedangerous #define XMAKECOLOR( r, g, b ) ((unsigned int)(((unsigned char)(r)|((unsigned int)((unsigned char)(g))<<8))|(((unsigned int)(unsigned char)(b))<<16))) #define MAKE_NON_SRGB_FMT(x) ((D3DFORMAT)( ((unsigned int)(x)) & ~(D3DFORMAT_SIGNX_MASK | D3DFORMAT_SIGNY_MASK | D3DFORMAT_SIGNZ_MASK))) #define IS_D3DFORMAT_SRGB( x ) ( MAKESRGBFMT(x) == (x) ) typedef enum { XEV_NULL, XEV_REMOTECMD, XEV_QUIT, XEV_LISTENER_NOTIFICATION, } xevent_e; typedef struct xevent_s { xevent_e event; int arg1; int arg2; int arg3; } xevent_t; typedef enum { XK_NULL, XK_BUTTON_UP, XK_BUTTON_DOWN, XK_BUTTON_LEFT, XK_BUTTON_RIGHT, XK_BUTTON_START, XK_BUTTON_BACK, XK_BUTTON_STICK1, XK_BUTTON_STICK2, XK_BUTTON_A, XK_BUTTON_B, XK_BUTTON_X, XK_BUTTON_Y, XK_BUTTON_LEFT_SHOULDER, XK_BUTTON_RIGHT_SHOULDER, XK_BUTTON_LTRIGGER, XK_BUTTON_RTRIGGER, XK_STICK1_UP, XK_STICK1_DOWN, XK_STICK1_LEFT, XK_STICK1_RIGHT, XK_STICK2_UP, XK_STICK2_DOWN, XK_STICK2_LEFT, XK_STICK2_RIGHT, XK_MAX_KEYS, } xKey_t; typedef struct { const char *pName; const char *pGroupName; const char *pFormatName; int size; int width; int height; int depth; int numLevels; int binds; int refCount; int sRGB; int edram; int procedural; int fallback; int final; int failed; } xTextureList_t; typedef struct { const char *pName; const char *pShaderName; int refCount; } xMaterialList_t; typedef struct { char name[MAX_PATH]; char formatName[32]; int rate; int bits; int channels; int looped; int dataSize; int numSamples; int streamed; } xSoundList_t; typedef struct { float position[3]; float angle[3]; char mapPath[256]; char savePath[256]; int build; int skill; } xMapInfo_t; /****************************************************************************** XBOX_SYSTEM.CPP ******************************************************************************/ #if defined( PLATFORM_H ) // redirect debugging output through xbox debug channel #define OutputDebugStringA XBX_OutputDebugStringA // Messages PLATFORM_INTERFACE void XBX_Error( const char* format, ... ); PLATFORM_INTERFACE void XBX_OutputDebugStringA( LPCSTR lpOutputString ); // Event handling PLATFORM_INTERFACE bool XBX_NotifyCreateListener( ULONG64 categories ); PLATFORM_INTERFACE void XBX_QueueEvent( xevent_e event, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3 ); PLATFORM_INTERFACE void XBX_ProcessEvents( void ); // Accessors PLATFORM_INTERFACE const char* XBX_GetLanguageString( void ); PLATFORM_INTERFACE bool XBX_IsLocalized( void ); PLATFORM_INTERFACE DWORD XBX_GetStorageDeviceId( void ); PLATFORM_INTERFACE void XBX_SetStorageDeviceId( DWORD id ); PLATFORM_INTERFACE DWORD XBX_GetPrimaryUserId( void ); PLATFORM_INTERFACE void XBX_SetPrimaryUserId( DWORD id ); PLATFORM_INTERFACE XNKID XBX_GetInviteSessionId( void ); PLATFORM_INTERFACE void XBX_SetInviteSessionId( XNKID nSessionId ); PLATFORM_INTERFACE DWORD XBX_GetInvitedUserId( void ); PLATFORM_INTERFACE void XBX_SetInvitedUserId( DWORD nUserId ); #endif