# GM GameMonkey LANGUAGE SPECIFICATION FILE FOR CRIMSON EDITOR # FIRST EDITED BY Greg $CASESENSITIVE=YES $DELIMITERS=~`!@#$%^&*()-+=|\{}[]:;"',.<>/? # There are currently no preprocessor commands in GM, but there maybe sometime # $KEYWORDPREFIX=# # Bit of a hack to highlight binary constants # Will need to set Variable color to match constants #$BINARYMARK=0x Be nice if this was available # The below lines don't behave as expected #$VARIABLEPREFIX=0b #$SPECIALVARIABLECHARS=0b $HEXADECIMALMARK=0x $ESCAPECHAR=\ $QUOTATIONMARK1=" $QUOTATIONMARK2=' # In the current version of CrimsonEditor (3.51), the $QUOTATIONMARK3 # tag isn't supported, but maybe it will be in the future... #$QUOTATIONMARK3=` $LINECOMMENT=// $BLOCKCOMMENTON=/* $BLOCKCOMMENTOFF=*/ $INDENTATIONON={ $INDENTATIONOFF=} $PAIRS1=() $PAIRS2=[] $PAIRS3={}