mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 05:31:17 +00:00
some things
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,10 +4,8 @@
#include <windows.h>
#include <eh.h>
#include "appframework/AppFramework.h"
#include "ihammer.h"
#include "IHammer.h"
#include "tier0/dbg.h"
#include "vstdlib/cvar.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
@ -17,12 +15,21 @@
#include "datacache/idatacache.h"
#include "datacache/imdlcache.h"
#include "vphysics_interface.h"
#include "vgui/ivgui.h"
#include "vgui/IVGui.h"
#include "vgui/ISurface.h"
#include "inputsystem/iinputsystem.h"
#include "tier0/icommandline.h"
#include "p4lib/ip4.h"
#ifdef USE_SDL
# include <SDL.h>
# include <SDL_version.h>
# ifndef _WIN32
# define MB_OK 0
# define MB_ICONSTOP 0
# endif
// Global systems
@ -129,6 +136,16 @@ void CHammerApp::Destroy()
#if defined( USE_SDL ) && !defined( _WIN32 )
int MessageBox( HWND hWnd, const char *message, const char *header, unsigned uType )
SDL_ShowSimpleMessageBox( 0, header, message, GetAssertDialogParent() );
return 0;
SpewRetval_t HammerSpewFunc( SpewType_t type, tchar const *pMsg )
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
#! /usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
from waflib import Utils
import os
top = '.'
PROJECT_NAME = 'hammer_launcher'
def options(opt):
# stub
def configure(conf):
def build(bld):
if bld.env.DEST_OS == 'android':
source = ['main.cpp']
includes = [
] + bld.env.INCLUDES_SDL2
defines = []
libs = ['tier0', 'appframework', 'tier1', 'vstdlib', 'SDL2']
if bld.env.DEST_OS != 'win32':
libs += [ 'DL', 'LOG' ]
libs += ['USER32', 'SHELL32']
source += ['hammer_launcher.rc']
install_path = bld.env.BINDIR
source = source,
target = PROJECT_NAME,
features = 'c cxx cxxprogram',
includes = includes,
defines = defines,
use = libs,
install_path = install_path,
subsystem = bld.env.MSVC_SUBSYSTEM,
idx = bld.get_taskgen_count()
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ void CDbgLogger::Init(const char *logfile)
fprintf(file, ">>> Engine(arch:%s commit:" GIT_COMMIT_HASH ") started at %s\n", GetProcessorArchName(), szTime);
fprintf(file, ">>> Engine(arch:%s) started at %s\n", GetProcessorArchName(), szTime);
fprintf(file, ">>> Engine(arch:%s version:" REL_VERSION ") started at %s\n", GetProcessorArchName(), szTime);
#ifdef GNUC
@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ def configure(conf):
conf.define('WAF_LDFLAGS', conf.env.LINKFLAGS)
# conf.define('NO_HOOK_MALLOC',1)
conf.define('GIT_COMMIT_HASH', conf.env.GIT_VERSION)
conf.define('REL_VERSION', conf.env.REL_VERSION)
def build(bld):
source = [
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ void LoadMaterialSystemInterface( CreateInterfaceFn fileSystemFactory )
if (!g_pMaterialSystem->Init( "shaderapiempty" DLL_EXT_STRING, 0, fileSystemFactory ))
Error( "Could not start the empty shader (shaderapiempty)!" );
Error( "Could not start the empty shader (shaderapiempty)!\n" );
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
//========= Copyright © 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#include "vbsp.h"
#include "disp_vbsp.h"
#include "builddisp.h"
#include "disp_common.h"
#include "ivp.h"
#include "disp_vbsp.h"
#include "vphysics_interface.h"
#include "vphysics/virtualmesh.h"
#include "utlrbtree.h"
#include "tier1/utlbuffer.h"
#include "materialpatch.h"
struct disp_grid_t
int gridIndex;
CUtlVector<int> dispList;
static CUtlVector<disp_grid_t> gDispGridList;
disp_grid_t &FindOrInsertGrid( int gridIndex )
// linear search is slow, but only a few grids will be present
for ( int i = gDispGridList.Count()-1; i >= 0; i-- )
if ( gDispGridList[i].gridIndex == gridIndex )
return gDispGridList[i];
int index = gDispGridList.AddToTail();
gDispGridList[index].gridIndex = gridIndex;
// must be empty
Assert( gDispGridList[index].dispList.Count() == 0 );
return gDispGridList[index];
// UNDONE: Tune these or adapt them to map size or triangle count?
#define DISP_GRID_SIZEX 4096
#define DISP_GRID_SIZEY 4096
#define DISP_GRID_SIZEZ 8192
int Disp_GridIndex( CCoreDispInfo *pDispInfo )
// quick hash the center into the grid and put the whole terrain in that grid
Vector mins, maxs;
pDispInfo->GetNode(0)->GetBoundingBox( mins, maxs );
Vector center;
center = 0.5 * (mins + maxs);
// make sure it's positive
int gridX = center.x / DISP_GRID_SIZEX;
int gridY = center.y / DISP_GRID_SIZEY;
int gridZ = center.z / DISP_GRID_SIZEZ;
gridX &= 0xFF;
gridY &= 0xFF;
gridZ &= 0xFF;
return MAKEID( gridX, gridY, gridZ, 0 );
void AddToGrid( int gridIndex, int dispIndex )
disp_grid_t &grid = FindOrInsertGrid( gridIndex );
grid.dispList.AddToTail( dispIndex );
MaterialSystemMaterial_t GetMatIDFromDisp( mapdispinfo_t *pMapDisp )
texinfo_t *pTexInfo = &texinfo[pMapDisp->face.texinfo];
dtexdata_t *pTexData = GetTexData( pTexInfo->texdata );
MaterialSystemMaterial_t matID = FindOriginalMaterial( TexDataStringTable_GetString( pTexData->nameStringTableID ), NULL, true );
return matID;
// adds all displacement faces as a series of convex objects
// UNDONE: Only add the displacements for this model?
void Disp_AddCollisionModels( CUtlVector<CPhysCollisionEntry *> &collisionList, dmodel_t *pModel, int contentsMask)
int dispIndex;
// Add each displacement to the grid hash
for ( dispIndex = 0; dispIndex < g_CoreDispInfos.Count(); dispIndex++ )
CCoreDispInfo *pDispInfo = g_CoreDispInfos[ dispIndex ];
mapdispinfo_t *pMapDisp = &mapdispinfo[ dispIndex ];
// not solid for this pass
if ( !(pMapDisp->contents & contentsMask) )
int gridIndex = Disp_GridIndex( pDispInfo );
AddToGrid( gridIndex, dispIndex );
// now make a polysoup for the terrain in each grid
for ( int grid = 0; grid < gDispGridList.Count(); grid++ )
int triCount = 0;
CPhysPolysoup *pTerrainPhysics = physcollision->PolysoupCreate();
// iterate the displacements in this grid
for ( int listIndex = 0; listIndex < gDispGridList[grid].dispList.Count(); listIndex++ )
dispIndex = gDispGridList[grid].dispList[listIndex];
CCoreDispInfo *pDispInfo = g_CoreDispInfos[ dispIndex ];
mapdispinfo_t *pMapDisp = &mapdispinfo[ dispIndex ];
// Get the material id.
MaterialSystemMaterial_t matID = GetMatIDFromDisp( pMapDisp );
// Build a triangle list. This shares the tesselation code with the engine.
CUtlVector<unsigned short> indices;
CVBSPTesselateHelper helper;
helper.m_pIndices = &indices;
helper.m_pActiveVerts = pDispInfo->GetAllowedVerts().Base();
helper.m_pPowerInfo = pDispInfo->GetPowerInfo();
::TesselateDisplacement( &helper );
Assert( indices.Count() > 0 );
Assert( indices.Count() % 3 == 0 ); // Make sure indices are a multiple of 3.
int nTriCount = indices.Count() / 3;
triCount += nTriCount;
if ( triCount >= 65536 )
// don't put more than 64K tris in any single collision model
CPhysCollide *pCollide = physcollision->ConvertPolysoupToCollide( pTerrainPhysics, false );
if ( pCollide )
collisionList.AddToTail( new CPhysCollisionEntryStaticMesh( pCollide, NULL ) );
// Throw this polysoup away and start over for the remaining triangles
physcollision->PolysoupDestroy( pTerrainPhysics );
pTerrainPhysics = physcollision->PolysoupCreate();
triCount = nTriCount;
Vector tmpVerts[3];
for ( int iTri = 0; iTri < nTriCount; ++iTri )
float flAlphaTotal = 0.0f;
for ( int iTriVert = 0; iTriVert < 3; ++iTriVert )
pDispInfo->GetVert( indices[iTri*3+iTriVert], tmpVerts[iTriVert] );
flAlphaTotal += pDispInfo->GetAlpha( indices[iTri*3+iTriVert] );
int nProp = g_SurfaceProperties[texinfo[pMapDisp->face.texinfo].texdata];
if ( flAlphaTotal > DISP_ALPHA_PROP_DELTA )
int nProp2 = GetSurfaceProperties2( matID, "surfaceprop2" );
if ( nProp2 != -1 )
nProp = nProp2;
int nMaterialIndex = RemapWorldMaterial( nProp );
physcollision->PolysoupAddTriangle( pTerrainPhysics, tmpVerts[0], tmpVerts[1], tmpVerts[2], nMaterialIndex );
// convert the whole grid's polysoup to a collide and store in the collision list
CPhysCollide *pCollide = physcollision->ConvertPolysoupToCollide( pTerrainPhysics, false );
if ( pCollide )
collisionList.AddToTail( new CPhysCollisionEntryStaticMesh( pCollide, NULL ) );
// now that we have the collide, we're done with the soup
physcollision->PolysoupDestroy( pTerrainPhysics );
class CDispMeshEvent : public IVirtualMeshEvent
CDispMeshEvent( unsigned short *pIndices, int indexCount, CCoreDispInfo *pDispInfo );
virtual void GetVirtualMesh( void *userData, virtualmeshlist_t *pList );
virtual void GetWorldspaceBounds( void *userData, Vector *pMins, Vector *pMaxs );
virtual void GetTrianglesInSphere( void *userData, const Vector ¢er, float radius, virtualmeshtrianglelist_t *pList );
CUtlVector<Vector> m_verts;
unsigned short *m_pIndices;
int m_indexCount;
CDispMeshEvent::CDispMeshEvent( unsigned short *pIndices, int indexCount, CCoreDispInfo *pDispInfo )
m_pIndices = pIndices;
m_indexCount = indexCount;
int maxIndex = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < indexCount; i++ )
if ( pIndices[i] > maxIndex )
maxIndex = pIndices[i];
for ( int i = 0; i < indexCount/2; i++ )
V_swap( pIndices[i], pIndices[(indexCount-i)-1] );
int count = maxIndex + 1;
m_verts.SetCount( count );
for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
m_verts[i] = pDispInfo->GetVert(i);
void CDispMeshEvent::GetVirtualMesh( void *userData, virtualmeshlist_t *pList )
Assert(userData==((void *)this));
pList->pVerts = m_verts.Base();
pList->indexCount = m_indexCount;
pList->triangleCount = m_indexCount/3;
pList->vertexCount = m_verts.Count();
pList->surfacePropsIndex = 0; // doesn't matter here, reset at runtime
pList->pHull = NULL;
int indexMax = ARRAYSIZE(pList->indices);
int indexCount = min(m_indexCount, indexMax);
Assert(m_indexCount < indexMax);
Q_memcpy( pList->indices, m_pIndices, sizeof(*m_pIndices) * indexCount );
void CDispMeshEvent::GetWorldspaceBounds( void *userData, Vector *pMins, Vector *pMaxs )
Assert(userData==((void *)this));
ClearBounds( *pMins, *pMaxs );
for ( int i = 0; i < m_verts.Count(); i++ )
AddPointToBounds( m_verts[i], *pMins, *pMaxs );
void CDispMeshEvent::GetTrianglesInSphere( void *userData, const Vector ¢er, float radius, virtualmeshtrianglelist_t *pList )
Assert(userData==((void *)this));
pList->triangleCount = m_indexCount/3;
int indexMax = ARRAYSIZE(pList->triangleIndices);
int indexCount = min(m_indexCount, indexMax);
Assert(m_indexCount < MAX_VIRTUAL_TRIANGLES*3);
Q_memcpy( pList->triangleIndices, m_pIndices, sizeof(*m_pIndices) * indexCount );
void Disp_BuildVirtualMesh( int contentsMask )
CUtlVector<CPhysCollide *> virtualMeshes;
virtualMeshes.EnsureCount( g_CoreDispInfos.Count() );
for ( int i = 0; i < g_CoreDispInfos.Count(); i++ )
CCoreDispInfo *pDispInfo = g_CoreDispInfos[ i ];
mapdispinfo_t *pMapDisp = &mapdispinfo[ i ];
virtualMeshes[i] = NULL;
// not solid for this pass
if ( !(pMapDisp->contents & contentsMask) )
// Build a triangle list. This shares the tesselation code with the engine.
CUtlVector<unsigned short> indices;
CVBSPTesselateHelper helper;
helper.m_pIndices = &indices;
helper.m_pActiveVerts = pDispInfo->GetAllowedVerts().Base();
helper.m_pPowerInfo = pDispInfo->GetPowerInfo();
::TesselateDisplacement( &helper );
// validate the collision data
if ( 1 )
int triCount = indices.Count() / 3;
for ( int j = 0; j < triCount; j++ )
int index = j * 3;
Vector v0 = pDispInfo->GetVert( indices[index+0] );
Vector v1 = pDispInfo->GetVert( indices[index+1] );
Vector v2 = pDispInfo->GetVert( indices[index+2] );
if ( v0 == v1 || v1 == v2 || v2 == v0 )
Warning( "Displacement %d has bad geometry near %.2f %.2f %.2f\n", i, v0.x, v0.y, v0.z );
texinfo_t *pTexInfo = &texinfo[pMapDisp->face.texinfo];
dtexdata_t *pTexData = GetTexData( pTexInfo->texdata );
const char *pMatName = TexDataStringTable_GetString( pTexData->nameStringTableID );
Error( "Can't compile displacement physics, exiting. Texture is %s\n", pMatName );
CDispMeshEvent meshHandler( indices.Base(), indices.Count(), pDispInfo );
virtualmeshparams_t params;
params.buildOuterHull = true;
params.pMeshEventHandler = &meshHandler;
params.userData = &meshHandler;
virtualMeshes[i] = physcollision->CreateVirtualMesh( params );
unsigned int totalSize = 0;
CUtlBuffer buf;
dphysdisp_t header;
header.numDisplacements = g_CoreDispInfos.Count();
buf.PutObjects( &header );
CUtlVector<char> dispBuf;
for ( int i = 0; i < header.numDisplacements; i++ )
if ( virtualMeshes[i] )
unsigned int testSize = physcollision->CollideSize( virtualMeshes[i] );
totalSize += testSize;
buf.PutShort( testSize );
buf.PutShort( -1 );
for ( int i = 0; i < header.numDisplacements; i++ )
if ( virtualMeshes[i] )
unsigned int testSize = physcollision->CollideSize( virtualMeshes[i] );
unsigned int outSize = physcollision->CollideWrite( dispBuf.Base(), virtualMeshes[i], false );
Assert( outSize == testSize );
buf.Put( dispBuf.Base(), outSize );
g_PhysDispSize = totalSize + sizeof(dphysdisp_t) + (sizeof(unsigned short) * header.numDisplacements);
Assert( buf.TellMaxPut() == g_PhysDispSize );
g_PhysDispSize = buf.TellMaxPut();
g_pPhysDisp = new byte[g_PhysDispSize];
Q_memcpy( g_pPhysDisp, buf.Base(), g_PhysDispSize );
@ -67,4 +67,6 @@ bool HasDispInfo( mapbrush_t *pBrush );
// Computes the bounds for a disp info
void ComputeDispInfoBounds( int dispinfo, Vector& mins, Vector& maxs );
extern void Disp_AddCollisionModels( CUtlVector<CPhysCollisionEntry *> &collisionList, dmodel_t *pModel, int contentsMask );
extern void Disp_BuildVirtualMesh( int contentsMask );
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
//========= Copyright © 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#ifndef IVP_H
#define IVP_H
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "utlvector.h"
class CPhysCollide;
class CTextBuffer;
class IPhysicsCollision;
extern IPhysicsCollision *physcollision;
// a list of all of the materials in the world model
extern int RemapWorldMaterial( int materialIndexIn );
class CPhysCollisionEntry
CPhysCollisionEntry( CPhysCollide *pCollide );
virtual void WriteToTextBuffer( CTextBuffer *pTextBuffer, int modelIndex, int collideIndex ) = 0;
virtual void DumpCollide( CTextBuffer *pTextBuffer, int modelIndex, int collideIndex ) = 0;
unsigned int GetCollisionBinarySize();
unsigned int WriteCollisionBinary( char *pDest );
void DumpCollideFileName( const char *pName, int modelIndex, CTextBuffer *pTextBuffer );
CPhysCollide *m_pCollide;
class CPhysCollisionEntryStaticMesh : public CPhysCollisionEntry
CPhysCollisionEntryStaticMesh( CPhysCollide *pCollide, const char *pMaterialName );
virtual void WriteToTextBuffer( CTextBuffer *pTextBuffer, int modelIndex, int collideIndex );
virtual void DumpCollide( CTextBuffer *pTextBuffer, int modelIndex, int collideIndex );
const char *m_pMaterial;
class CTextBuffer
CTextBuffer( void );
~CTextBuffer( void );
inline int GetSize( void ) { return m_buffer.Count(); }
inline char *GetData( void ) { return m_buffer.Base(); }
void WriteText( const char *pText );
void WriteIntKey( const char *pKeyName, int outputData );
void WriteStringKey( const char *pKeyName, const char *outputData );
void WriteFloatKey( const char *pKeyName, float outputData );
void WriteFloatArrayKey( const char *pKeyName, const float *outputData, int count );
void CopyStringQuotes( const char *pString );
void Terminate( void );
void CopyData( const char *pData, int len );
CUtlVector<char> m_buffer;
#endif // IVP_H
@ -931,7 +931,7 @@ void WriteBSP (node_t *headnode, face_t *pLeafFaceList )
// EmitWaterVolumesForBSP( &dmodels[nummodels], headnode );
EmitWaterVolumesForBSP( &dmodels[nummodels], headnode );
qprintf ("%5i nodes with faces\n", c_facenodes);
qprintf ("%5i nodes without faces\n", c_nofaces);
qprintf ("%5i faces\n", numfaces-oldfaces);
@ -1257,7 +1257,7 @@ void EndBSPFile (void)
// phys collision needs dispinfo to operate (needs to generate phys collision for displacement surfs)
// EmitPhysCollision();
// We can't calculate this properly until vvis (since we need vis to do this), so we set
// to zero everywhere by default.
@ -24,8 +24,10 @@ def build(bld):
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ from waflib import Logs, Context, Configure
import sys
import os
VERSION = '1.0'
VERSION = '1.17'
APPNAME = 'source-engine'
top = '.'
@ -174,29 +174,26 @@ def define_platform(conf):
if conf.options.ALLOW64:
conf.define('PLATFORM_64BITS', 1)
conf.env.projects = ['base']
conf.env.targets = []
conf.env.targets = projects['base']
if conf.options.DEDICATED:
conf.env.DEDICATED = True
conf.env.projects += ['dedicated']
conf.env.targets += projects['dedicated']
conf.options.SDL = False
conf.define('DEDICATED', 1)
if conf.options.LAUNCHER:
conf.env.projects += ['main']
conf.env.targets += projects['main']
conf.env.GL = conf.options.GL or conf.options.TOGLES
if conf.options.TOGLES:
conf.env.TOGLES = True
conf.env.targets += ['togles']
conf.env.append_unique('DEFINES', ['TOGLES'])
if conf.env.GL:
if not conf.env.TOGLES:
conf.env.targets += ['togl']
conf.env.append_unique('DEFINES', [
conf.env.targets += ['togles' if conf.env.TOGLES else 'togl']
if conf.options.SDL:
conf.env.SDL = True
@ -204,11 +201,11 @@ def define_platform(conf):
if conf.options.TESTS:
conf.env.TESTS = True
conf.env.projects += ['tests']
conf.env.targets += projects['tests']
conf.define('UNITTESTS', 1)
if conf.options.UTILS:
conf.env.projects += ['utils']
conf.env.targets += projects['utils']
if conf.env.DEST_OS == 'win32' and not conf.env.TESTS:
conf.env.targets += ['utils/bzip2']
@ -458,7 +455,8 @@ def configure(conf):
conf.define('GIT_COMMIT_HASH', conf.env.GIT_VERSION)
conf.env.targets = set(conf.env.targets)
conf.env.BIT32_MANDATORY = not conf.options.ALLOW64
if conf.env.BIT32_MANDATORY:
@ -612,21 +610,16 @@ def configure(conf):
conf.env.CC.insert(0, 'ccache')
conf.env.CXX.insert(0, 'ccache')
for proj in conf.env.projects:
for targ in conf.env.targets:
def build(bld):
os.environ["CCACHE_DIR"] = os.path.abspath('.ccache/'+bld.env.COMPILER_CC+'/'+bld.env.DEST_OS+'/'+bld.env.DEST_CPU)
if not os.environ.get('CCACHE_DIR'):
os.environ['CCACHE_DIR'] = os.path.abspath('.ccache/'+bld.env.COMPILER_CC+'/'+bld.env.DEST_OS+'/'+bld.env.DEST_CPU)
if bld.env.DEST_OS in ['win32', 'android']:
sdl_name = 'SDL2.dll' if bld.env.DEST_OS == 'win32' else 'libSDL2.so'
sdl_path = os.path.join('lib', bld.env.DEST_OS, bld.env.DEST_CPU, sdl_name)
bld.install_files(bld.env.LIBDIR, [sdl_path])
for proj in bld.env.projects:
for targ in bld.env.targets:
Reference in New Issue
Block a user