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//====== Copyright <20> 1996-2006, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. =======
// Purpose:
#include "common_flashlight_fxc.h"
#include "shader_constant_register_map.h"
const float4 g_vShadowTweaks : register( PSREG_ENVMAP_TINT__SHADOW_TWEAKS );
sampler SpotSampler : register( s0 );
sampler BaseTextureSampler : register( s1 );
sampler IrisSampler : register( s3 );
sampler FlashlightDepthSampler : register( s4 );
sampler RandomRotationSampler : register( s5 );
#if defined( SHADER_MODEL_PS_1_1 ) || defined ( SHADER_MODEL_PS_1_4 )
const float4 g_FogParams : register( PSREG_FOG_PARAMS );
const float4 g_EyePos_SpecExponent : register( PSREG_EYEPOS_SPEC_EXPONENT );
struct PS_INPUT
float4 spotTexCoord : TEXCOORD0;
float2 baseTexCoord : TEXCOORD1;
float2 irisTexCoord : TEXCOORD3;
#if defined( SHADER_MODEL_PS_1_1 ) || defined ( SHADER_MODEL_PS_1_4 )
float3 vertAtten : COLOR0;
float3 vertAtten : TEXCOORD4;
float3 worldPos : TEXCOORD5;
float3 projPos : TEXCOORD7;
float4 main( PS_INPUT i ) : COLOR
#if defined(SHADER_MODEL_PS_2_0)
float3 spotColor = tex2Dproj( SpotSampler, i.spotTexCoord.xyzw ) * cFlashlightColor;
#elif ( defined(SHADER_MODEL_PS_2_B) || defined(SHADER_MODEL_PS_3_0) )
float3 vProjCoords = i.spotTexCoord.xyz / i.spotTexCoord.w;
float3 spotColor = tex2D( SpotSampler, vProjCoords ) * cFlashlightColor;
float3 spotColor = tex2D( SpotSampler, i.spotTexCoord );
float4 baseSample = tex2D( BaseTextureSampler, i.baseTexCoord );
float4 irisSample = tex2D( IrisSampler, i.irisTexCoord );
float3 outcolor = float3(1,1,1);
#if !defined( SHADER_MODEL_PS_1_1 ) && !defined( SHADER_MODEL_PS_1_4 )
if( i.spotTexCoord.w <= 0.0f )
outcolor = float3(0,0,0);
// Composite the iris and sclera together
#if defined( SHADER_MODEL_PS_1_1 ) || defined ( SHADER_MODEL_PS_1_4 )
float3 albedo = lerp( baseSample.xyz, irisSample.xyz, irisSample.a );
float3 albedo = lerp( baseSample.xyz, irisSample.xyz * 0.5f, irisSample.a ); // dim down the iris in HDR
// Do shadow depth mapping...
#if FLASHLIGHTSHADOWS && ( defined(SHADER_MODEL_PS_2_B) || defined(SHADER_MODEL_PS_3_0) )
float flShadow = DoFlashlightShadow( FlashlightDepthSampler, RandomRotationSampler, vProjCoords, i.projPos.xy / i.projPos.z, FLASHLIGHTDEPTHFILTERMODE, g_vShadowTweaks, true );
float flAttenuated = lerp( flShadow, 1.0f, g_vShadowTweaks.y ); // Blend between fully attenuated and not attenuated
flShadow = lerp( flAttenuated, flShadow, dot(i.vertAtten, float3(0.30f, 0.59f, 0.11f) ) ); // Blend between shadow and above, according to light attenuation
outcolor *= flShadow * spotColor * albedo;
outcolor *= spotColor * albedo;
// NOTE!! This has to be last to avoid loss of range.
outcolor *= i.vertAtten;
#if defined( SHADER_MODEL_PS_1_1 ) || defined ( SHADER_MODEL_PS_1_4 )
return float4( outcolor, baseSample.a );
float fogFactor = CalcPixelFogFactor( PIXELFOGTYPE, g_FogParams, g_EyePos_SpecExponent.z, i.worldPos.z, i.projPos.z );
return FinalOutput( float4( outcolor, 1.0f ), fogFactor, PIXELFOGTYPE, TONEMAP_SCALE_LINEAR );