Modified source engine (2017) developed by valve and leaked in 2020. Not for commercial purporses
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

320 lines
12 KiB

5 years ago
//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#if !defined( TECHTREE_H )
#define TECHTREE_H
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
// Evil, Game DLL only code
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
class CBaseTFPlayer;
class CTFTeam;
class CInfoCustomTechnology;
class IFileSystem;
// Technology tree defines
#define MAX_TF_TECHLEVELS 6 // Number of TF2 tech levels
#define TECHLEVEL_PERCENTAGE_NEEDED 0.5 // Percentage of a tech level that must be owned before the next tech level becomes available
#define MAX_TECHNOLOGIES 128 // Max number of resource types
#define MAX_ASSOCIATED_WEAPONS 2 // Max number of weapons that a tech can be associated with
// Indexes into resource arrays
// Tech
#define TECHNOLOGY_NAME_LENGTH 64 // Max length of a tech name
#define TECHNOLOGY_PRINTNAME_LENGTH 128 // Max length of a tech's print name
#define TECHNOLOGY_DESC_LENGTH 256 // Max length of a tech's description
#define MAX_CONTAINED_TECHNOLOGIES 16 // Max number of technologies that can be contained within another technology
#define MAX_DEPENDANT_TECHNOLOGIES 16 // Max number of technologies that a tech can depend on
// Color codes for Resources
struct rescolor
int r;
int g;
int b;
// Class result structure for technologies
struct classresult_t
bool bClassTouched; // This technology directly affects this class
char pszSoundFile[TECHNOLOGY_SOUNDFILENAME_LENGTH]; // Filename of the sound
int iSound; // Sound played to members of this class when this technology is achieved
char pszDescription[TECHNOLOGY_DESC_LENGTH]; // Description for this technology shown only to this class
// If true, then we should determine what weapons should be given to the player
// of this class when this technology is received by looking at the "associated_weapons"
// data
bool m_bAssociateWeaponsForClass;
extern char sResourceName[32];
extern rescolor sResourceColor;
#include "utlvector.h"
#include "tf_shareddefs.h"
// Purpose: A Technology
class CBaseTechnology
// Constructions
CBaseTechnology( void );
virtual ~CBaseTechnology( void );
// Data read from the data file
virtual void SetName( const char *pName );
virtual void SetPrintName( const char *pName );
virtual void SetDescription( const char *pDesc );
virtual void SetButtonName( const char *pName );
virtual void SetLevel( int iLevel );
virtual void SetCost( float fResourceCost );
virtual void SetClassResultSound( int iClass, const char *pSound );
virtual void SetClassResultSound( int iClass, int iSound );
virtual void SetClassResultDescription( int iClass, const char *pDesc );
virtual void SetClassResultAssociateWeapons( int iClass, bool associate );
virtual void AddContainedTechnology( const char *pszTech );
virtual void AddDependentTechnology( const char *pszTech );
// Returns true if the specified class is affected by this technology, or any contained techs
virtual bool AffectsClass( int iClass );
virtual bool IsClassUpgrade( void );
virtual bool IsVehicle( void );
virtual bool IsTechLevelUpgrade( void );
virtual bool IsResourceTech( void );
virtual void SetHidden( bool hide );
virtual bool IsHidden( void );
// Used by client to avoid giving you the same hint twice for a technology
// during a game/session
virtual void ResetHintsGiven( void );
virtual bool GetHintsGiven( int type );
virtual void SetHintsGiven( int type, bool given );
// Returns the level to which this technology belongs
virtual int GetLevel( void );
// Returns the internal name of the technology ( no spaces )
virtual const char *GetName( void );
// Returns the printable name of the technology
virtual const char *GetPrintName( void );
// Returns the button name of the technology;
virtual const char *GetButtonName( void );
// Returns the non-class specific description of this technology
virtual const char *GetDescription( int iPlayerClass );
// Returns the sound to play for this technology
virtual const char *GetSoundFile( int iClass );
virtual int GetSound( int iClass );
// Set availability of the technology for the specified team
virtual void SetAvailable( bool state );
// Returns true if the team has the technology
virtual int GetAvailable( void );
// Zero out all preference/voting by players
virtual void ZeroPreferences( void );
// Add one to the preference count for this technology for the specified team
virtual void IncrementPreferences( void );
// Retrieve the number of player's who want to vote for this technology
virtual int GetPreferenceCount( void );
// Retrieves the cost of purchasing the technology (doesn't factor in the resource levels)
float GetResourceCost( void );
// Retrieves the current amount of resources spent on the technology
float GetResourceLevel( void );
// Sets a resource level to an amount
void SetResourceLevel( float flResourceLevel );
// Spends resources on buying this technology
bool IncreaseResourceLevel( float flResourcesToSpend );
// Figure out my overall owned percentage
void RecalculateOverallLevel( void );
float GetOverallLevel( void );
void ForceComplete( void );
// Goal technologies ( Techs related to a team's goal in a map )
bool IsAGoalTechnology( void );
void SetGoalTechnology( bool bGoal );
// Check if class wants to enumerate weapon associations
bool GetAssociateWeaponsForClass( int iClass );
// Weapon associatations
int GetNumWeaponAssociations( void );
char const *GetAssociatedWeapon( int index );
void AddAssociatedWeapon( const char *weaponname );
// Contained Technology access
int GetNumberContainedTechs( void );
const char *GetContainedTechName( int iTech );
void SetContainedTech( int iTech, CBaseTechnology *pTech );
// Dependent Technology access
int GetNumberDependentTechs( void );
const char *GetDependentTechName( int iTech );
void SetDependentTech( int iTech, CBaseTechnology *pTech );
bool DependsOn( CBaseTechnology *pTech );
bool HasInactiveDependencies( void );
// Dirty bit, used for fast knowledge of when to resend techs
bool IsDirty( void );
void SetDirty( bool bDirty );
// Evil, Game DLL only code
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
// The technology has been acquired by the team.
virtual void AddTechnologyToTeam( CTFTeam *pTeam );
// The technology has just been acquired, for each player on the acquiring team
// ask the technology to add any necessary weapons/items/abilities/modifiers, etc.
virtual void AddTechnologyToPlayer( CBaseTFPlayer *player );
// A technology watcher entity wants to register as a watcher for this technology
virtual void RegisterWatcher( CInfoCustomTechnology *pWatcher );
CUtlVector< CInfoCustomTechnology* > m_aWatchers;
void UpdateWatchers( void );
// Hud Data
void SetActive( bool state );
bool GetActive( void );
void SetPreferred( bool state );
bool GetPreferred( void );
void SetVoters( int voters );
int GetVoters( void );
void SetTextureName( const char *texture );
const char *GetTextureName( void );
void SetTextureId( int id );
int GetTextureId( void );
// Name of the technology. Used to identify it in code.
// Print name of the technology. Used to print the name of this technology to users.
// Button name of technology in the tech tree
// Description of the technology
char m_pszDescription[ TECHNOLOGY_DESC_LENGTH ];
// Level to which the technology belongs
int m_nTechLevel;
// Sound played to the entire team when this technology is received
int m_iTeamSound;
// Results for this technology when it's achieved, on a per-class basis
classresult_t m_ClassResults[ TFCLASS_CLASS_COUNT ];
// Resource costs
float m_fResourceCost;
// Resource levels (amount of resource spent on the technology so far)
float m_fResourceLevel;
float m_flOverallOwnedPercentage;
// Technologies contained within this one
int m_iContainedTechs;
CBaseTechnology *m_pContainedTechs[ MAX_CONTAINED_TECHNOLOGIES ];
// Technologies this tech depends on
int m_iDependentTechs;
CBaseTechnology *m_pDependentTechs[ MAX_DEPENDANT_TECHNOLOGIES ];
// Weapon association
int m_nNumWeaponAssociations;
// Does the team have access to the technology
bool m_bAvailable;
// Is this a "placeholder" tech that shouldn't show up in the real tree
bool m_bHidden;
CUtlVector< int > m_HintsGiven;
// Count of how many team members voted for this technology for spending resources
int m_nPreferenceCount;
bool m_bGoalTechnology; // True if this tech's related to a team's goal in the current map
bool m_bClassUpgrade; // True if the tech unlocks a new class
bool m_bVehicle; // True if the tech unlocks a vehicle
bool m_bTechLevelUpgrade; // True if the tech unlocks a new tech level
bool m_bResourceTech; // True if related to resource gathering
// Dirty bit, used for fast knowledge of when to resend techs
bool m_bDirty;
// Hud data
bool m_bActive;
bool m_bPreferred;
int m_nVoters;
int m_nTextureID;
// Purpose: The Technology Tree.
class CTechnologyTree
// Construction
CTechnologyTree( IFileSystem* pFileSystem, int nTeamNumber );
virtual ~CTechnologyTree( void );
// Startup/shutdown
void Shutdown( void );
// Accessors
void AddTechnologyFile( IFileSystem* pFileSystem, int nTeamNumber, char *sFileName );
void LinkContainedTechnologies( void );
void LinkDependentTechnologies( void );
int GetIndex( CBaseTechnology *pItem ); // Get the index of the specified item
CBaseTechnology *GetTechnology( int index );
CBaseTechnology *GetTechnology( const char *pName );
float GetPercentageOfTechLevelOwned( int iTechLevel );
// Size of list
int GetNumberTechnologies( void );
// Local client's preferred item
void SetPreferredTechnology( CBaseTechnology *pItem );
CBaseTechnology *GetPreferredTechnology( void );
// Preference handling
void ClearPreferenceCount( void );
void IncrementPreferences( void );
int GetPreferenceCount( void ); // Get the number of players who've voted on techs
CBaseTechnology *GetDesiredTechnology( int iDesireLevel );
// Growable list of technologies
CUtlVector< CBaseTechnology * > m_Technologies;
int m_nPreferenceCount;
#endif // TECHTREE_H