Modified source engine (2017) developed by valve and leaked in 2020. Not for commercial purporses
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

224 lines
6.0 KiB

5 years ago
#include "tier0/dbg.h"
#include "unitlib/unitlib.h"
#include "tier1/utlstring.h"
DEFINE_TESTSUITE( UtlStringTestSuite )
static void ConstructorTests()
CUtlString string;
Shipping_Assert( string.Length() == 0 );
Shipping_Assert( string.IsEmpty() == true );
Shipping_Assert( string.GetForModify() && string.GetForModify()[ 0 ] == 0 );
CUtlString string2( "shiz" );
Shipping_Assert( string2.Length() == 4 );
Shipping_Assert( !V_stricmp( string2.Get(), "shiz" ) );
CUtlString string3( "thisstringismuchlongerthantwentywholehugecharacters", 20 );
Shipping_Assert( string3.Length() == 20 );
static void BasicFunctionalityTests()
CUtlString empty;
empty.SetLength( 10 );
Assert( empty.Length() == 10 );
V_memcpy( empty.GetForModify(), "blah", 4 );
empty.GetForModify()[ 4 ] = 0;
Assert( empty.Length() == 4 );
Shipping_Assert( !V_stricmp( empty.Get(), "blah" ) );
Shipping_Assert( empty.IsEmpty() );
empty = "blah";
Shipping_Assert( !empty.IsEmpty() );
Shipping_Assert( empty.IsEmpty() );
empty = "CaMeLcAsE";
Shipping_Assert( empty.IsEqual_CaseSensitive( "CaMeLcAsE" ) );
Shipping_Assert( empty.IsEqual_CaseInsensitive( "camelCASE" ) );
CUtlString copy( empty );
Shipping_Assert( empty == copy );
Shipping_Assert( empty != copy );
empty.Append( "271" );
Shipping_Assert( !V_stricmp( empty.Get(), "camelcase271" ) );
empty.Append( "35123", 3 );
Shipping_Assert( !V_stricmp( empty.Get(), "camelcase271351" ) );
empty.Append( 'A' );
Shipping_Assert( !V_stricmp( empty.Get(), "camelcase271351A" ) );
empty.Append( '/' );
empty.Append( '\\' );
Shipping_Assert( !V_stricmp( empty.Get(), "camelcase271351A/\\" ) );
Shipping_Assert( !V_stricmp( empty.Get(), "camelcase271351A" ) );
empty = "sometext";
empty.SetLength( 4 );
Shipping_Assert( empty.Get()[ 4 ] == '\0' ); // Check for null terminator
Shipping_Assert( empty.Length() == 4 );
Shipping_Assert( empty == "some" );
static void TrimAPITests()
CUtlString orig( " testy " );
CUtlString orig2( "\n \n\ttesty\t\r\n \n\t\r" );
CUtlString s;
s = orig;
s.TrimLeft( ' ' );
Shipping_Assert( !V_stricmp( s.Get(), "testy " ) );
s = orig;
s.TrimRight( ' ' );
Shipping_Assert( !V_stricmp( s.Get(), " testy" ) );
s = orig2;
Shipping_Assert( !V_stricmp( s.Get(), "testy" ) );
s = orig;
s.Trim( ' ' );
Shipping_Assert( !V_stricmp( s.Get(), "testy" ) );
s = orig2;
Shipping_Assert( !V_stricmp( s.Get(), "testy" ) );
static void OperatorAPITests()
CUtlString orig( "base" );
CUtlString orig2( "different" );
// operator = on CUtlString
orig = orig2;
Shipping_Assert( !V_stricmp( orig.Get(), "different" ) );
// perator = on const char *
orig = "different2";
Shipping_Assert( !V_stricmp( orig.Get(), "different2" ) );
orig = orig2;
// op ==
Shipping_Assert( orig == orig2 );
orig = "base";
// op !=
Shipping_Assert( orig != orig2 );
orig += "1";
Shipping_Assert( !V_stricmp( orig.Get(), "base1" ) );
orig2 = "2";
orig += orig2;
Shipping_Assert( !V_stricmp( orig.Get(), "base12" ) );
orig += '3';
Shipping_Assert( !V_stricmp( orig.Get(), "base123" ) );
// integer
orig += 123;
Shipping_Assert( !V_stricmp( orig.Get(), "base123123" ) );
orig += 1.5f;
Shipping_Assert( !V_stricmp( orig.Get(), "base1231231.5" ) );
orig = "1";
orig2 = "2";
CUtlString newString = orig + orig2;
Shipping_Assert( !V_stricmp( newString.Get(), "12" ) );
newString = orig + "3";
Shipping_Assert( !V_stricmp( newString.Get(), "13" ) );
newString = orig + 42;
Shipping_Assert( !V_stricmp( newString.Get(), "142" ) );
orig = "this is a long string";
newString = orig.Slice( 4 );
Shipping_Assert( !V_stricmp( newString.Get(), " is a long string" ) );
newString = orig.Slice( 5, 10 );
Shipping_Assert( !V_stricmp( newString.Get(), "is a " ) );
newString = orig.Left( 4 );
Shipping_Assert( !V_stricmp( newString.Get(), "this" ) );
newString = orig.Right( 6 );
Shipping_Assert( !V_stricmp( newString.Get(), "string" ) );
newString = orig.Replace( 's', 'q' );
Shipping_Assert( !V_stricmp( newString.Get(), "thiq iq a long qtring" ) );
static void PatternTests()
CUtlString str( "this is a very long pattern of very long things" );
CUtlString pattern( "this is*" );
Shipping_Assert( str.MatchesPattern( pattern ) );
pattern = "notpresent";
Shipping_Assert( !str.MatchesPattern( pattern ) );
static void FmtStr( CUtlString &str, const char *pFmt, ... )
va_list argptr;
va_start( argptr, pFmt );
str.FormatV( pFmt, argptr );
va_end( argptr );
static void FormatTests()
CUtlString str;
str.Format( "%s %s %i", "shiz", "baz", 1 );
Shipping_Assert( !V_stricmp( str.Get(), "shiz baz 1" ) );
FmtStr( str, "blah%i", 3 );
Shipping_Assert( !V_stricmp( str.Get(), "blah3" ) );
static void FileNameAPITests()
CUtlString path( "c:\\source2\\game\\source2\\somefile.ext" );
CUtlString absPath = path.AbsPath();
Shipping_Assert( absPath == path );
CUtlString file = path.UnqualifiedFilename();
Shipping_Assert( !V_stricmp( file.Get(), "somefile.ext" ) );
CUtlString dir = path.DirName();
Shipping_Assert( !V_stricmp( dir.Get(), "c:\\source2\\game\\source2" ) );
dir = dir.DirName();
Shipping_Assert( !V_stricmp( dir.Get(), "c:\\source2\\game" ) );
CUtlString baseName = path.StripExtension();
Shipping_Assert( !V_stricmp( baseName.Get(), "c:\\source2\\game\\source2\\somefile" ) );
dir = path.StripFilename();
Shipping_Assert( !V_stricmp( dir.Get(), "c:\\source2\\game\\source2" ) );
file = path.GetBaseFilename();
Shipping_Assert( !V_stricmp( file.Get(), "somefile" ) );
CUtlString ext = path.GetExtension();
Shipping_Assert( !V_stricmp( ext.Get(), "ext" ) );
absPath = path.PathJoin( dir.Get(), file.Get() );
Shipping_Assert( !V_stricmp( absPath.Get(), "c:\\source2\\game\\source2\\somefile" ) );
DEFINE_TESTCASE( UtlStringTest, UtlStringTestSuite )
Msg( "Running CUtlString tests\n" );