Modified source engine (2017) developed by valve and leaked in 2020. Not for commercial purporses
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5 years ago
//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "tier0/fasttimer.h"
#include <crtdbg.h>
class CPlayerClassData;
class CPlayerClass;
class CBaseTFPlayer;
class COrder;
class CBaseObject;
class CBaseTechnology;
class CWeaponCombatShield;
enum ResupplyReason_t
class CBaseTFPlayer;
class CTFTeam;
// Base PlayerClass
// The PlayerClass classes handle all class specific weaponry / abilities / etc
class CPlayerClass
CPlayerClass( CBaseTFPlayer *pPlayer, TFClass iClass );
virtual ~CPlayerClass();
// Any objects created/owned by class should be allocated and destroyed here
virtual void ClassActivate( void );
virtual void ClassDeactivate( void );
// Class initialization
virtual void CreateClass( void ); // Create the class upon initial spawn
virtual void RespawnClass( void ); // Called upon all respawns
virtual bool ResupplyAmmo( float flPercentage, ResupplyReason_t reason ); // Reset the ammo counts
virtual bool ResupplyAmmoType( float flAmount, const char *pAmmoType ); // Purpose: Supply the player with Ammo. Return true if some ammo was given.
virtual void SetMaxHealth( float flMaxHealth ); // Set the player's max health
int GetMaxHealthCVarValue(); // Return the player class's max health cvar
virtual float GetMaxSpeed( void ); // Calculate and return the player's max speed
virtual float GetMaxWalkSpeed( void ); // Calculate and return the player's max walking speed
virtual void SetMaxSpeed( float flMaxSpeed ); // Set the player's max speed
virtual string_t GetClassModel( int nTeam ); // Return a string containing this class's model
virtual const char* GetClassModelString( int nTeam );
virtual void SetupMoveData( void ); // Setup the default player movement data.
virtual void SetupSizeData( void );
virtual bool CanSeePlayerOnRadar( CBaseTFPlayer *pl );
virtual void ItemPostFrame( void );
virtual bool ClientCommand( const CCommand &args );
// Class abilities
virtual void ClassThink( void );
virtual void GainedNewTechnology( CBaseTechnology *pTechnology ); // New technology has been gained
// Deployment
virtual float GetDeployTime( void ) { return 0.0; };
// Resources
virtual int ClassCostAdjustment( ResupplyBuyType_t nType ) { return 0; }
// Objects
int GetNumObjects( int iObjectType );
virtual int CanBuild( int iObjectType );
virtual int StartedBuildingObject( int iObjectType );
virtual void StoppedBuilding( int iObjectType );
virtual void FinishedObject( CBaseObject *pObject );
virtual void PickupObject( CBaseObject *pObject );
virtual void OwnedObjectDestroyed( CBaseObject *pObject );
virtual void OwnedObjectChangeToTeam( CBaseObject *pObject, CBaseTFPlayer *pNewOwner );
virtual void OwnedObjectChangeFromTeam( CBaseObject *pObject, CBaseTFPlayer *pOldOwner );
virtual void CheckDeterioratingObjects( void );
// Hooks
virtual float OnTakeDamage( const CTakeDamageInfo &info );
virtual bool ShouldApplyDamageForce( const CTakeDamageInfo &info );
// Vehicles
virtual void OnVehicleStart() {}
virtual void OnVehicleEnd() {}
virtual bool CanGetInVehicle( void ) { return true; }
virtual void PlayerDied( CBaseEntity *pAttacker );
virtual void PlayerKilledPlayer( CBaseTFPlayer *pVictim );
virtual void SetPlayerHull( void );
virtual void GetPlayerHull( bool bDucking, Vector &vecMin, Vector &vecMax );
// Player Physics Shadow
virtual void InitVCollision( void );
// Powerups
virtual void PowerupStart( int iPowerup, float flAmount, CBaseEntity *pAttacker, CDamageModifier *pDamageModifier );
virtual void PowerupEnd( int iPowerup );
// Camo
virtual void ClearCamouflage( void ) { return; };
// Disguise
virtual void FinishedDisguising( void ) { return; };
virtual void StopDisguising( void ) { return; };
// Orders
virtual void CreatePersonalOrder( void );
// Create a high-priority order. This should be called by all player classes before
// they try to create class-specific orders. This function returns true if an order is
// created.
bool CreateInitialOrder();
bool AnyResourceZoneOrders();
bool AnyNonResourceZoneOrders(); // Returns true if there are any non-resource-zone orders.
// If there are, then no class should make any overriding orders.
// Respawn ( allow classes to override spawn points )
virtual CBaseEntity *SelectSpawnPoint( void );
void *operator new( size_t stAllocateBlock )
Assert( stAllocateBlock != 0 );
void *pMem = malloc( stAllocateBlock );
memset( pMem, 0, stAllocateBlock );
return pMem;
void* operator new( size_t stAllocateBlock, int nBlockUse, const char *pFileName, int nLine )
Assert( stAllocateBlock != 0 );
void *pMem = _malloc_dbg( stAllocateBlock, nBlockUse, pFileName, nLine );
memset( pMem, 0, stAllocateBlock );
return pMem;
void operator delete( void *pMem )
free( pMem );
void SetClassModel( string_t sModelName, int nTeam ) { m_sClassModel[nTeam] = sModelName; }
// Weapon & Tech Associations
void AddWeaponTechAssoc( char *pWeaponTech );
// Accessors.
inline CBaseTFPlayer* GetPlayer() { return m_pPlayer; }
CTFTeam* GetTeam();
virtual void ResetViewOffset( void );
virtual TFClass GetTFClass( void );
void AddWeaponTechAssociations( void );
// For CNetworkVar support. Chain to the player entity.
void NetworkStateChanged();
TFClass m_TFClass;
double m_flNormalizedEngagementNextTime;
CBaseTFPlayer *m_pPlayer; // Reference to the player
float m_flMaxWalkingSpeed;
string_t m_sClassModel[ MAX_TF_TEAMS + 1 ];
// Weapon & Tech associations
// Used to give out all weapons the player currently has the technologies for.
struct WeaponTechAssociation_t
char *pWeaponTech;
WeaponTechAssociation_t m_WeaponTechAssociations[ MAX_WEAPONS ];
int m_iNumWeaponTechAssociations;
CHandle<CWeaponCombatShield> m_hWpnShield;
void ClearAllWeaponTechAssoc( void );
bool m_bTechAssociationsSet;