Modified source engine (2017) developed by valve and leaked in 2020. Not for commercial purporses
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1879 lines
31 KiB

5 years ago
// Win32 2010 Project Generator Definition
"Version" "2010"
// Configuration
"type" "ignore"
"type" "ignore"
"type" "ignore"
"type" "ignore"
"type" "ignore"
"type" "ignore"
"type" "ignore"
"type" "ignore"
"type" "bool"
"type" "string"
"output" "OutDir"
"globalproperty" "1"
"AppendSlash" "1"
"type" "string"
"output" "IntDir"
"globalproperty" "1"
"AppendSlash" "1"
"type" "string"
"type" "string"
"output" "TargetExt"
"globalproperty" "1"
"type" "string"
"type" "string"
"type" "string"
"type" "string"
"output" "ExecutablePath"
"globalproperty" "1"
"Utility" "Utility"
"Application (.exe)" "Application"
"Title (.xex)" "Title"
"Dynamic Library (.dll)" "DynamicLibrary"
"Dynamic Library (.xex)" "DynamicLibrary"
"Static Library (.lib)" "StaticLibrary"
"Use Standard Windows Libraries" "false"
"Use MFC in a Static Library" "Static"
"Use MFC in a Shared DLL" "Dynamic"
"Not Using ATL" "false"
"Static Link to ATL" "Static"
"Dynamic Link to ATL" "Dynamic"
"Not Set" "NotSet"
"Use Unicode Character Set" "Unicode"
"Use Multi-Byte Character Set" "MultiByte"
"type" "ignore"
"No Whole Program Optimization" "false"
"Use Link Time Code Generation" "true"
"Profile Guided Optimization - Instrument" "PGInstrument"
"Profile Guided Optimization - Optimize" "PGOptimize"
"Profile Guided Optimization - Update" "PGUpdate"
"type" "string"
"type" "string"
"type" "string"
"type" "bool"
"type" "ignore"
"type" "string"
"type" "bool"
"type" "bool"
"type" "ignore"
"type" "ignore"
"type" "ignore"
"type" "ignore"
"type" "ignore"
"type" "ignore"
"type" "ignore"
"type" "ignore"
// General
"type" "string"
"PreferSemicolonNoComma" "1"
"type" "string"
"alias" "ResolveUsingReferences"
"C7 Compatible (/Z7)" "OldStyle"
"Program Database (/Zi)" "ProgramDatabase"
"Program Database for Edit & Continue (/ZI)" "EditAndContinue"
"output" "CompileAsManaged"
"No Common Language RunTime Support" "false"
"Common Language RunTime Support (/clr)" "true"
"Pure MSIL Common Language RunTime Support (/clr:pure)" "Pure"
"Safe MSIL Common Language RunTime Support (/clr:safe)" "Safe"
"Common Language RunTime Support, Old Syntax (/clr:oldSyntax)" "OldSyntax"
"type" "bool"
"Off: Turn Off All Warnings (/W0)" "TurnOffAllWarnings"
"Level 1 (/W1)" "Level1"
"Level 2 (/W2)" "Level2"
"Level 3 (/W3)" "Level3"
"Level 4 (/W4)" "Level4"
"EnableAllWarnings (/Wall)" "EnableAllWarnings"
"type" "bool"
"output" "TreatWarningAsError"
"type" "bool"
"type" "bool"
// Optimization
"Disabled (/Od)" "Disabled"
"Minimize Size (/O1)" "MinSpace"
"Maximize Speed (/O2)" "MaxSpeed"
"Full Optimization (/Ox)" "Full"
"Default" "Default"
"Disabled (/Ob0)" "Disabled"
"Only __inline (/Ob1)" "OnlyExplicitInline"
"Any Suitable (/Ob2)" "AnySuitable"
"type" "bool"
"output" "IntrinsicFunctions"
"Neither" "Neither"
"Favor Fast Code (/Ot)" "Speed"
"Favor Small Code (/Os)" "Size"
"type" "bool"
"type" "bool"
"type" "bool"
// Preprocessor
"type" "string"
"type" "string"
"type" "bool"
"type" "bool"
"type" "bool"
"type" "bool"
"type" "bool"
// Code Generation
"type" "bool"
"output" "StringPooling"
"type" "bool"
"output" "MinimalRebuild"
"alias" "EnableCPPExceptions"
"output" "ExceptionHandling"
"Yes With SEH Exceptions (/EHa)" "Async"
"Yes (/EHsc)" "Sync"
"Yes with Extern C functions (/EHs)" "SyncCThrow"
"No" "false"
"type" "bool"
"Stack Frames (/RTCs)" "StackFrameRuntimeCheck"
"Uninitialized Variables (/RTCu)" "UninitializedLocalUsageCheck"
"Both (/RTC1, equiv. to /RTCsu)" "EnableFastChecks"
"Both (/RTC1, equiv. to /RTCsu) (/RTC1)" "EnableFastChecks"
"Default" "Default"
"Multi-threaded (/MT)" "MultiThreaded"
"Multi-threaded Debug (/MTd)" "MultiThreadedDebug"
"Multi-threaded DLL (/MD)" "MultiThreadedDLL"
"Multi-threaded Debug DLL (/MDd)" "MultiThreadedDebugDLL"
"1 Byte (/Zp1)" "1Byte"
"2 Bytes (/Zp2)" "2Bytes"
"4 Bytes (/Zp4)" "4Bytes"
"8 Bytes (/Zp8)" "8Bytes"
"16 Bytes (/Zp16)" "16Bytes"
"Default" "Default"
"type" "bool"
"type" "bool"
"output" "FunctionLevelLinking"
"Streaming SIMD Extensions (/arch:SSE)" "StreamingSIMDExtensions"
"Streaming SIMD Extensions (/arch:SSE) (/arch:SSE)" "StreamingSIMDExtensions"
"Streaming SIMD Extensions 2 (/arch:SSE2)" "StreamingSIMDExtensions2"
"Streaming SIMD Extensions 2 (/arch:SSE2) (/arch:SSE2)" "StreamingSIMDExtensions2"
"Not Set" "NotSet"
"Precise (/fp:precise)" "Precise"
"Strict (/fp:strict)" "Strict"
"Fast (/fp:fast)" "Fast"
"type" "bool"
"output" "FloatingPointExceptions"
"type" "bool"
// Language
"type" "bool"
"type" "ignore"
"type" "bool"
"type" "bool"
"type" "bool"
"output" "RuntimeTypeInfo"
"type" "bool"
// Precompiled Headers
"alias" "PrecompiledHeader"
"output" "PrecompiledHeader"
"Not Using Precompiled Headers" "NotUsing"
"Create Precompiled Header (/Yc)" "Create"
"Create (/Yc)" "Create"
"Use Precompiled Header (/Yu)" "Use"
"Use (/Yu)" "Use"
"alias" "PrecompiledHeaderFile"
"output" "PrecompiledHeaderFile"
"type" "string"
"fixslashes" "1"
"type" "string"
"legacy" "$PrecompiledHeaderFile"
// Output Files
"type" "bool"
"No Listing" "NoListing"
"Assembly-Only Listing (/FA)" "AssemblyCode"
"Assembly With Machine Code (/FAc)" "AssemblyAndMachineCode"
"Assembly With Source Code (/FAs)" "AssemblyAndSourceCode"
"Assembly, Machine Code and Source (/FAcs)" "All"
"type" "string"
"output" "AssemblerListingLocation"
"type" "string"
"type" "string"
"output" "ProgramDataBaseFileName"
"type" "bool"
"type" "string"
// Browse Information
"output" "BrowseInformation"
"type" "bool"
"legacy" "$BrowseFile"
"type" "string"
// Advanced
"__cdecl (/Gd)" "Cdecl"
"__fastcall (/Gr)" "FastCall"
"__stdcall (/Gz)" "StdCall"
"Default" "Default"
"Compile as C Code (/TC)" "CompileAsC"
"Compile as C++ Code (/TP)" "CompileAsCpp"
"type" "string"
"type" "string"
"legacy" "$ForceIncludes"
"output" "ForcedIncludeFiles"
"type" "string"
"legacy" "$Force#Using"
"alias" "ForcedUsingFile"
"type" "bool"
"type" "bool"
"type" "bool"
"legacy" "$OmitDefaultLibraryNames"
"legacy" "$ErrorReporting"
"output" "ErrorReporting"
"Do Not Send Report (/errorReport:none)" "None"
"Prompt Immediately (/errorReport:prompt)" "Prompt"
"Queue For Next Login (/errorReport:queue)" "Queue"
"Send Automatically (/errorReport:send)" "Send"
"type" "string"
// Command Line
"type" "string"
"type" "string"
"type" "string"
"PreferSemicolonNoComma" "1"
"PreferSemicolonNoSpace" "1"
"type" "string"
"Not Set" "NotSet"
"MachineARM (/MACHINE:ARM)" "MachineARM"
"MachineEBC (/MACHINE:EBC)" "MachineEBC"
"MachineIA64 (/MACHINE:IA64)" "MachineIA64"
"MachineMIPS (/MACHINE:MIPS)" "MachineIA64"
"MachineMIPS16 (/MACHINE:MIPS16)" "MachineMIPS16"
"MachineSH4 (/MACHINE:SH4)" "MachineSH4"
"MachineX64 (/MACHINE:X64)" "MachineX64"
"MachineX86 (/MACHINE:X86)" "MachineX86"
"type" "bool"
"type" "string"
"type" "bool"
"type" "string"
"output" "IgnoreDefaultLibraryNames"
"PreferSemicolonNoComma" "1"
"PreferSemicolonNoSpace" "1"
"type" "string"
"type" "string"
"type" "bool"
"type" "bool"
"type" "string"
"type" "ignore"
"type" "ignore"
"type" "ignore"
"type" "ignore"
"type" "ignore"
"type" "ignore"
"type" "ignore"
"type" "ignore"
// General
"type" "string"
"fixslashes" "1"
"Not Set" "NotSet"
"Display All Progress Messages (/VERBOSE)" "LinkVerbose"
"For Libraries Searched (/VERBOSE:Lib)" "LinkVerboseLib"
"About COMDAT folding during optimized linking (/VERBOSE:ICF)" "LinkVerboseICF"
"About data removed during optimized linking (/VERBOSE:REF)" "LinkVerboseREF"
"About Modules incompatible with SEH (/VERBOSE:SAFESEH)" "LinkVerboseSAFESEH"
"About linker activity related to managed code (/VERBOSE:CLR)" "LinkVerboseCLR"
"type" "string"
"output" "LinkIncremental"
"type" "bool"
"globalproperty" "1"
"type" "bool"
"type" "bool"
"globalproperty" "1"
"type" "bool"
"type" "bool"
"type" "string"
"type" "bool"
"type" "bool"
"type" "bool"
"type" "bool"
"type" "bool"
"Enabled (/FORCE)" "Enabled"
"Multiply Defined Symbol Only (/FORCE:MULTIPLE)" "MultiplyDefinedSymbolOnly"
"Undefined Symbol Only (/FORCE:UNRESOLVED)" "UndefinedSymbolOnly"
"Enabled (/FUNCTIONPADMIN)" "Enabled"
"X86 Image Only (/FUNCTIONPADMIN:5)" "X86Image"
"X64 Image Only (/FUNCTIONPADMIN:6)" "X64Image"
"Itanium Image Only (/FUNCTIONPADMIN:16)" "ItaniumImage"
"type" "string"
"type" "string"
"PreferSemicolonNoComma" "1"
"PreferSemicolonNoSpace" "1"
"type" "bool"
"type" "string"
"legacy" "$IgnoreSpecificLibrary"
"PreferSemicolonNoComma" "1"
"PreferSemicolonNoSpace" "1"
"type" "string"
"type" "string"
"type" "string"
"type" "string"
"type" "string"
"legacy" "$DelayLoadedDLL"
"output" "DelayLoadDLLs"
"type" "string"
"type" "bool"
"globalproperty" "1"
"type" "string"
"type" "string"
"type" "bool"
"type" "bool"
"alias" "EnableUserAccountControl"
"asInvoker (/level='asInvoker')" "AsInvoker"
"highestAvailable (/level='highestAvailable')" "HighestAvailable"
"requireAdministrator (/level='requireAdministrator')" "RequireAdministrator"
"type" "bool"
// Debugging
"type" "bool"
"output" "GenerateDebugInformation"
"type" "string"
"output" "ProgramDatabaseFile"
"type" "string"
"type" "bool"
"type" "string"
"type" "bool"
"output" "AssemblyDebug"
"No runtime tracking and enable optimizations (/ASSEMBLYDEBUG:DISABLE)" "false"
"Runtime tracking and disable optimizations (/ASSEMBLYDEBUG)" "true"
"Yes (/ASSEMBLYDEBUG)" "true"
"Not Set" "NotSet"
"Console (/SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE)" "Console"
"Windows (/SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS)" "Windows"
"Native (/SUBSYSTEM:NATIVE)" "Native"
"EFI Application (/SUBSYSTEM:EFI_APPLICATION)" "EFI Application"
"EFI Boot Service Driver (/SUBSYSTEM:EFI_BOOT_SERVICE_DRIVER)" "EFI Boot Service Driver"
"type" "string"
"type" "integer"
"type" "integer"
// System
"type" "integer"
"type" "integer"
"output" "LargeAddressAware"
"Do Not Support Addresses Larger Than 2 Gigabytes (/LARGEADDRESSAWARE:NO)" "false"
"Support Addresses Larger Than 2 Gigabytes (/LARGEADDRESSAWARE)" "true"
"type" "bool"
"type" "bool"
"type" "bool"
"Not Set" "NotSet"
"Driver (/DRIVER)" "Driver"
"Up Only (/DRIVER:UPONLY)" "UpOnly"
// Optimization
"output" "OptimizeReferences"
"No (/OPT:NOREF)" "false"
"Keep Unreferenced Data (/OPT:NOREF)" "false"
"Yes (/OPT:REF)" "true"
"Eliminate Unreferenced Data (/OPT:REF)" "true"
"Do Not Remove Redundant COMDATs (/OPT:NOICF)" "false"
"No (/OPT:NOICF)" "false"
"Remove Redundant COMDATs (/OPT:ICF)" "true"
"Yes (/OPT:ICF)" "true"
"type" "string"
"type" "string"
"Default" "Default"
"Use Link Time Code Generation (/ltcg)" "UseLinkTimeCodeGeneration"
"Profile Guided Optimization - Instrument (/ltcg:pginstrument)" "PGInstrument"
"Profile Guided Optimization - Optimize (/ltcg:pgoptimize)" "PGOptimization"
"Profile Guided Optimization - Update (/ltcg:pgupdate)" "PGUpdate"
"type" "string"
"type" "bool"
"type" "string"
"type" "string"
"type" "integer"
// Advanced
"type" "string"
"output" "EntryPointSymbol"
"type" "bool"
"type" "bool"
"type" "string"
"type" "bool"
"Generate a relocation section (/FIXED:NO)" "false"
"No (/FIXED:NO)" "false"
"Image must be loaded at a fixed address (/FIXED)" "true"
"Yes (/FIXED)" "true"
"type" "bool"
"type" "bool"
"type" "bool"
"type" "bool"
"type" "string"
"type" "string"
"Not Set" "NotSet"
"MachineARM (/MACHINE:ARM)" "MachineARM"
"MachineEBC (/MACHINE:EBC)" "MachineEBC"
"MachineIA64 (/MACHINE:IA64)" "MachineIA64"
"MachineMIPS (/MACHINE:MIPS)" "MachineIA64"
"MachineMIPS16 (/MACHINE:MIPS16)" "MachineMIPS16"
"MachineSH4 (/MACHINE:SH4)" "MachineSH4"
"MachineX64 (/MACHINE:X64)" "MachineX64"
"MachineX86 (/MACHINE:X86)" "MachineX86"
"type" "bool"
"Default threading attribute (/CLRTHREADATTRIBUTE:NONE)" "DefaultThreadingAttribute"
"MTA threading attribute (/CLRTHREADATTRIBUTE:MTA)" "MTAThreadingAttribute"
"STA threading attribute (/CLRTHREADATTRIBUTE:STA)" "STAThreadingAttribute"
"Default image type" "Default"
"Force IJW image (/CLRIMAGETYPE:IJW)" "ForceIJWImage"
"Force pure IL image (/CLRIMAGETYPE:PURE)" "ForcePureILImage"
"Force safe IL image (/CLRIMAGETYPE:SAFE)" "ForceSafeILImage"
"type" "string"
"type" "string"
"type" "bool"
"type" "bool"
"output" "LinkErrorReporting"
"Prompt Immediately (/ERRORREPORT:PROMPT)" "PromptImmediately"
"Queue For Next Login (/ERRORREPORT:QUEUE)" "QueueForNextLogin"
"Send Error Report (/ERRORREPORT:SEND)" "SendErrorReport"
"No Error Report (/ERRORREPORT:NONE)" "NoErrorReport"
"type" "string"
"output" "CLRSupportLastError"
"Enabled (/CLRSupportLastError)" "Enabled"
"Disabled (/CLRSupportLastError:NO)" "Disabled"
"System Dlls Only (/CLRSupportLastError:SYSTEMDLL)" "SystemDlls"
"type" "bool"
// Command Line
"type" "string"
"type" "ignore"
"type" "ignore"
"type" "ignore"
"type" "bool"
"type" "bool"
"type" "string"
"type" "string"
"type" "string"
"type" "bool"
"type" "string"
"type" "string"
"type" "bool"
"type" "string"
"type" "bool"
"type" "bool"
"type" "bool"
"type" "string"
"type" "string"
"type" "string"
"type" "string"
"type" "bool"
"type" "string"
"type" "string"
"type" "ignore"
"type" "ignore"
"type" "bool"
"type" "string"
"type" "string"
"type" "bool"
"type" "string"
"type" "bool"
"type" "string"
"type" "bool"
"type" "string"
"type" "string"
"Default" "0"
"Afrikaans (0x436)" "1078"
"Albanian (0x41c)" "1052"
"Arabic (Saudi Arabia) (0x401)" "1025"
"Arabic (Iraq) (0x801)" "2049"
"Arabic (Egypt) (0xc01)" "3073"
"Arabic (Libya) (0x1001)" "4097"
"Arabic (Algeria) (0x1401)" "5121"
"Arabic (Morocco) (0x1801)" "6145"
"Arabic (Tunisia) (0x1c01)" "7169"
"Arabic (Oman) (0x2001)" "8193"
"Arabic (Yemen) (0x2401)" "9217"
"Arabic (Syria) (0x2801)" "10241"
"Arabic (Jordan) (0x2c01)" "11265"
"Arabic (Lebanon) (0x3001)" "12289"
"Arabic (Kuwait) (0x3401)" "13313"
"Arabic (U.A.E.) (0x3801)" "14337"
"Arabic (Bahrain) (0x3c01)" "15361"
"Arabic (Qatar) (0x4001)" "16385"
"Basque (0x42d)" "1069"
"Bulgarian (0x402)" "1026"
"Belarusian (0x423)" "1059"
"Catalan (0x403)" "1027"
"Chinese (Taiwan) (0x404)" "1028"
"Chinese (PRC) (0x804)" "2052"
"Chinese (Hong Kong S.A.R.) (0xc04)" "3076"
"Chinese (Singapore) (0x1004)" "4100"
"Croatian (0x41a)" "1050"
"Czech (0x405)" "1029"
"Danish (0x406)" "1030"
"Dutch (Netherlands) (0x413)" "1043"
"Dutch (Belgium) (0x813)" "2067"
"English (United States) (0x409)" "1033"
"English (United Kingdom) (0x809)" "2057"
"English (Australia) (0xc09)" "3081"
"English (Canada) (0x1009)" "4105"
"English (New Zealand) (0x1409)" "5129"
"English (Ireland) (0x1809)" "6153"
"English (South Africa) (0x1c09)" "7177"
"English (Jamaica) (0x2009)" "8201"
"English (Caribbean) (0x2409)" "9225"
"Estonian (0x425)" "1061"
"Farsi (0x429)" "1065"
"Finnish (0x40b)" "1035"
"French (France) (0x40c)" "1036"
"French (Belgium) (0x80c)" "2060"
"French (Canada) (0xc0c)" "3084"
"French (Switzerland) (0x100c)" "4108"
"French (Luxembourg) (0x140c)" "5132"
"German (Germany) (0x407)" "1031"
"German (Switzerland) (0x807)" "2055"
"German (Austria) (0xc07)" "3079"
"German (Luxembourg) (0x1007)" "4103"
"German (Liechtenstein) (0x1407)" "5127"
"Greek (0x408)" "1032"
"Hebrew (0x40d)" "1037"
"Hungarian (0x40e)" "1038"
"Icelandic (0x40f)" "1039"
"Indonesian (0x421)" "1057"
"Italian (Italy) (0x410)" "1040"
"Italian (Switzerland) (0x810)" "2064"
"Japanese (0x411)" "1041"
"Korean (0x412)" "1042"
"0x812" "2066"
"Latvian (0x426)" "1062"
"Lithuanian (0x427)" "1063"
"Norwegian (Bokmal) (0x414)" "1044"
"Norwegian (Nynorsk) (0x814)" "2068"
"Polish (0x415)" "1045"
"Portuguese (Brazil) (0x416)" "1046"
"Portuguese (Portugal) (0x816)" "2070"
"Romanian (0x418)" "1048"
"Russian (0x419)" "1049"
"Slovak (0x41b)" "1051"
"Spanish (Traditional Sort) (0x40a)" "1034"
"Spanish (Mexico) (0x80a)" "2058"
"Spanish (International Sort) (0xc0a)" "3082"
"Spanish (Guatemala) (0x100a)" "4106"
"Spanish (Costa Rica) (0x140a)" "5130"
"Spanish (Panama) (0x180a)" "6154"
"Spanish (Dominican Republic) (0x1c0a)" "7178"
"Spanish (Venezuela) (0x200a)" "8202"
"Spanish (Colombia) (0x240a)" "9226"
"Spanish (Peru) (0x280a)" "10250"
"Spanish (Argentina) (0x2c0a)" "11274"
"Spanish (Ecuador) (0x300a)" "12298"
"Spanish (Chile) (0x340a)" "13322"
"Spanish (Uruguay) (0x380a)" "14346"
"Spanish (Paraguay) (0x3c0a)" "15370"
"Spanish (Bolivia) (0x400a)" "16394"
"Swedish (0x41d)" "1053"
"Thai (0x41e)" "1054"
"Turkish (0x41f)" "1055"
"Ukrainian (0x422)" "1058"
"Serbian (Latin) (0x81a)" "2074"
"Urdu (0x420)" "1056"
"type" "string"
"PreferSemicolonNoComma" "1"
"type" "bool"
"type" "bool"
"type" "string"
"type" "string"
"type" "string"
"output" "Command"
"type" "string"
"output" "Message"
"type" "bool"
"output" "PreBuildEventUseInBuild"
"globalproperty" "1"
"invertoutput" "1"
"type" "bool"
"output" "PreBuildEventUseInBuild"
"globalproperty" "1"
"type" "string"
"output" "Command"
"type" "string"
"output" "Message"
"type" "bool"
"output" "PreLinkEventUseInBuild"
"globalproperty" "1"
"invertoutput" "1"
"type" "bool"
"output" "PreLinkEventUseInBuild"
"globalproperty" "1"
"type" "string"
"output" "Command"
"type" "string"
"output" "Message"
"type" "bool"
"output" "PostBuildEventUseInBuild"
"globalproperty" "1"
"invertoutput" "1"
"type" "bool"
"output" "PostBuildEventUseInBuild"
"globalproperty" "1"
"type" "string"
"output" "Command"
"type" "string"
"output" "Message"
"type" "string"
"type" "string"
"output" "AdditionalInputs"
"AddIntermediateAssemblyToReferenceList" "0"
"AddIntermediateAssemblyToReferenceList" "0"