Modified source engine (2017) developed by valve and leaked in 2020. Not for commercial purporses
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5 years ago
//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#include "cbase.h"
#include "tf_walker_base.h"
#include "in_buttons.h"
#include "shake.h"
static float MAX_WALKER_VEL = 100;
m_iMovePoseParamX = -1;
m_iMovePoseParamY = -1;
m_bWalkMode = false;
m_flDontMakeSoundsUntil = 0;
m_flPlaybackSpeedBoost = 1;
m_flVelocityDecayRate = 80;
m_LastButtons = 0;
void CWalkerBase::SpawnWalker(
const char *pModelName,
int objectType,
const Vector &vPlacementMins,
const Vector &vPlacementMaxs,
int iHealth,
int nMaxPassengers,
float flPlaybackSpeedBoost
SetModel( pModelName );
SetType( objectType );
UTIL_SetSize( this, vPlacementMins, vPlacementMaxs );
m_iHealth = iHealth;
m_flPlaybackSpeedBoost = flPlaybackSpeedBoost;
m_takedamage = DAMAGE_YES;
SetMaxPassengerCount( nMaxPassengers );
// The model should be set before the derived class calls our Spawn().
Assert( GetModel() );
// By default, all walkers use the walk_box animation as they move.
m_iMovePoseParamX = LookupPoseParameter( "move_x" );
m_iMovePoseParamY = LookupPoseParameter( "move_y" );
EnableWalkMode( true );
// The base class spawn sets a default collision group, so this needs to
// be called post.
// HACKHACK: this is just so CBaseObject doesn't call StudioFrameAdvance for us. We should probably have
// a specific flag for this behavior.
m_fObjectFlags |= OF_DOESNT_HAVE_A_MODEL;
// We animate, so let's not use manual mode for now.
SetContextThink( WalkerThink, gpGlobals->curtime, "WalkerThink" );
void CWalkerBase::EnableWalkMode( bool bEnable )
m_bWalkMode = bEnable;
// Stop any movement..
if ( bEnable )
ResetSequence( LookupSequence( "walk_box" ) );
// HACK: there should be a better way to this.. like CBaseAnimating::ResetAnimation,
// or ResetSequence should do it.
SetCycle( 0 );
void CWalkerBase::AdjustInitialBuildAngles()
QAngle vNewAngles = GetAbsAngles();
vNewAngles[YAW] += 90;
SetAbsAngles( vNewAngles );
void CWalkerBase::WalkerThink()
float dt = GetTimeDelta();
// Decay our velocity.
if ( m_bWalkMode )
m_flPlaybackRate = m_flPlaybackSpeedBoost;
float flDecayRate = m_flVelocityDecayRate;
float flLen = m_vSteerVelocity.Length();
Vector2DNormalize( m_vSteerVelocity );
float flDecayAmt = flDecayRate * dt;
flLen = MAX( 0, flLen - flDecayAmt );
m_vSteerVelocity *= flLen;
// Setup our pose parameters.
SetPoseParameter( m_iMovePoseParamX, RemapVal( m_vSteerVelocity.x, -MAX_WALKER_VEL, MAX_WALKER_VEL, -1, 1 ) );
SetPoseParameter( m_iMovePoseParamY, RemapVal( m_vSteerVelocity.y, -MAX_WALKER_VEL, MAX_WALKER_VEL, -1, 1 ) );
// Use an idle animation if they're not moving.
int iWantedSequence = LookupSequence( "walk_box" );
if ( m_vSteerVelocity.x == 0 && m_vSteerVelocity.y == 0 )
iWantedSequence = LookupSequence( "idle" );
// HACK: HL2 Strider has no idle
if ( iWantedSequence == -1 )
iWantedSequence = LookupSequence( "ragdoll" );
if ( iWantedSequence != -1 && GetSequence() != iWantedSequence )
ResetSequence( iWantedSequence );
// Now ask the model how far it thought it moved based on the animation.
// Turns out the animation thinks it's moving just a tiny bit, even when we're centered on the idle animation,
// so we just force it not to move here if we know we're not supposed to move.
if ( m_vSteerVelocity.Length() > 0 )
Vector vNewPos = GetWalkerLocalMovement();
SetLocalOrigin( vNewPos );
// Hard-coded for now. These should come from the vehicle's script eventually.
// Now slowly rotate towards the player's eye angles.
CBasePlayer *pPlayer = GetPassenger( VEHICLE_ROLE_DRIVER );
if ( pPlayer )
static float flAccelRate = 180;
static float flRotateRate = 60;
// Figure out a force to apply to our current velocity.
Vector2D vAccel( 0, 0 );
if ( m_LastButtons & IN_FORWARD )
vAccel.x += flAccelRate;
if ( m_LastButtons & IN_BACK )
vAccel.x -= flAccelRate;
if ( m_LastButtons & IN_MOVELEFT )
vAccel.y -= flAccelRate;
if ( m_LastButtons & IN_MOVERIGHT )
vAccel.y += flAccelRate;
m_vSteerVelocity += vAccel * dt;
m_vSteerVelocity.x = clamp( m_vSteerVelocity.x, -MAX_WALKER_VEL, MAX_WALKER_VEL );
m_vSteerVelocity.y = clamp( m_vSteerVelocity.y, -MAX_WALKER_VEL, MAX_WALKER_VEL );
float wantedYaw = m_vLastCmdViewAngles[YAW];
QAngle curAngles = GetAbsAngles();
curAngles[YAW] = ApproachAngle( wantedYaw, curAngles[YAW], flRotateRate * dt );
SetAbsAngles( curAngles );
DispatchAnimEvents( this );
// Get another think.
SetContextThink( WalkerThink, gpGlobals->curtime + dt, "WalkerThink" );
Vector CWalkerBase::GetWalkerLocalMovement()
bool bIgnored;
Vector vNewPos;
QAngle vNewAngles;
GetIntervalMovement( GetAnimTimeInterval(), bIgnored, vNewPos, vNewAngles );
return vNewPos;
const Vector2D& CWalkerBase::GetSteerVelocity() const
return m_vSteerVelocity;
void CWalkerBase::Spawn()
// Derived classes should call SpawnWalker instead of chaining down to CWalkerBase::Spawn().
Assert( false );
void CWalkerBase::Activate()
void CWalkerBase::WalkerActivate( void )
// Until we're finished building, turn off vphysics-based motion
SetPoseParameter( m_iMovePoseParamX, 0 );
SetPoseParameter( m_iMovePoseParamY, 0 );
void CWalkerBase::SetVelocityDecayRate( float flDecayRate )
m_flVelocityDecayRate = flDecayRate;
float CWalkerBase::GetTimeDelta() const
return 0.1;
void CWalkerBase::SetupMove( CBasePlayer *pPlayer, CUserCmd *ucmd, IMoveHelper *pHelper, CMoveData *move )
// This calls StudioFrameAdvance for us.
//BaseClass::SetupMove( pPlayer, ucmd, pHelper, move );
// Lose control when the player dies
if ( pPlayer->IsAlive() == false )
m_LastButtons = 0;
// Only the driver gets to drive.
int nRole = GetPassengerRole( pPlayer );
m_LastButtons = ucmd->buttons;
m_vLastCmdViewAngles = ucmd->viewangles;
bool CWalkerBase::IsPassengerVisible( int nRole )
return true;
bool CWalkerBase::StartBuilding( CBaseEntity *pBuilder )
if ( !BaseClass::StartBuilding( pBuilder ) )
return false;
return true;