Modified source engine (2017) developed by valve and leaked in 2020. Not for commercial purporses
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

410 lines
11 KiB

5 years ago
//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Valve includes
#include "itemtest/itemtest_controls.h"
#include "vgui_controls/ComboBox.h"
#include "vgui_controls/MenuItem.h"
#include "vgui_controls/PanelListPanel.h"
#include "vgui/ISystem.h"
#include "vgui_controls/MessageBox.h"
#include "tier1/fmtstr.h"
// Last include
#include <tier0/memdbgon.h>
CFinalSubPanel::CFinalSubPanel( vgui::Panel *pParent, const char *pszName, const char *pszNextName )
: BaseClass( pParent, pszName, pszNextName )
CItemUploadWizard *pItemUploadWizard = dynamic_cast< CItemUploadWizard * >( GetWizardPanel() );
if ( !pItemUploadWizard )
m_pHLMVButton = new vgui::Button( this, "hlmvButton", "#hlmvButton", this, "Hlmv" );
m_pHLMVLabel = new vgui::Label( this, "hlmvLabel", "#hlmvLabel" );
CFmtStrMax sCmd;
if ( GetHlmvCmd( sCmd ) )
m_pHLMVLabel->SetText( sCmd.Access() );
m_pPanelListPanel->AddItem( m_pHLMVButton, m_pHLMVLabel );
m_pHLMVButton->AddActionSignalTarget( this );
m_pExploreMaterialContentButton = new vgui::Button( this, "exploreMaterialContentButton", "#exploreMaterialContentButton", this, "ExploreMaterialContent" );
m_pExploreMaterialContentLabel = new vgui::Label( this, "exploreMaterialContentLabel", "#exploreMaterialContentLabel" );
m_pPanelListPanel->AddItem( m_pExploreMaterialContentButton, m_pExploreMaterialContentLabel );
m_pExploreModelContentButton = new vgui::Button( this, "exploreModelContentButton", "#exploreModelContentButton", this, "ExploreModelContent" );
m_pExploreModelContentLabel = new vgui::Label( this, "exploreModelContentLabel", "#exploreModelContentLabel" );
m_pPanelListPanel->AddItem( m_pExploreModelContentButton, m_pExploreModelContentLabel );
m_pExploreMaterialGameButton = new vgui::Button( this, "exploreMaterialGameButton", "#exploreMaterialGameButton", this, "ExploreMaterialGame" );
m_pExploreMaterialGameLabel = new vgui::Label( this, "exploreMaterialGameLabel", "#exploreMaterialGameLabel" );
m_pPanelListPanel->AddItem( m_pExploreMaterialGameButton, m_pExploreMaterialGameLabel );
m_pExploreModelGameButton = new vgui::Button( this, "exploreModelGameButton", "#exploreModelGameButton", this, "ExploreModelGame" );
m_pExploreModelGameLabel = new vgui::Label( this, "exploreModelGameLabel", "#exploreModelGameLabel" );
m_pPanelListPanel->AddItem( m_pExploreModelGameButton, m_pExploreModelGameLabel );
void CFinalSubPanel::PerformLayout()
m_pPanelListPanel->SetFirstColumnWidth( 256 );
void CFinalSubPanel::UpdateGUI()
void CFinalSubPanel::OnCommand( const char *command )
if ( !V_strcmp( command, "Gather" ) )
else if ( !V_strcmp( command, "StudioMDL" ) )
else if ( !V_strcmp( command, "Zip" ) )
else if ( !V_strcmp( command, "Hlmv" ) )
else if ( !V_strcmp( command, "ExploreMaterialContent" ) )
OnExplore( true, true );
else if ( !V_strcmp( command, "ExploreModelContent" ) )
OnExplore( false, true );
else if ( !V_strcmp( command, "ExploreMaterialGame" ) )
OnExplore( true, false );
else if ( !V_strcmp( command, "ExploreModelGame" ) )
OnExplore( false, false );
BaseClass::OnCommand( command );
bool CFinalSubPanel::UpdateStatus()
CItemUploadWizard *pItemUploadWizard = dynamic_cast< CItemUploadWizard * >( GetWizardPanel() );
if ( !pItemUploadWizard )
return false;
SetStatus( true, "", NULL, true );
CAsset &asset = pItemUploadWizard->Asset();
char szBuf[ MAX_PATH ];
CUtlString sDir;
asset.GetAbsoluteDir( sDir, "materialsrc", true );
V_FixupPathName( szBuf, ARRAYSIZE( szBuf ), sDir.Get() );
m_pExploreMaterialContentLabel->SetText( szBuf );
asset.GetAbsoluteDir( sDir, "materials", false );
V_FixupPathName( szBuf, ARRAYSIZE( szBuf ), sDir.Get() );
m_pExploreMaterialGameLabel->SetText( szBuf );
asset.GetAbsoluteDir( sDir, NULL, true );
V_FixupPathName( szBuf, ARRAYSIZE( szBuf ), sDir.Get() );
m_pExploreModelContentLabel->SetText( szBuf );
asset.GetAbsoluteDir( sDir, NULL, false );
V_FixupPathName( szBuf, ARRAYSIZE( szBuf ), sDir.Get() );
m_pExploreModelGameLabel->SetText( szBuf );
CFmtStrMax sCmd;
if ( GetHlmvCmd( sCmd ) )
m_pHLMVLabel->SetText( sCmd.Access() );
return BaseClass::UpdateStatus();
return true;
void CFinalSubPanel::OnGather()
CItemUploadWizard *pItemUploadWizard = dynamic_cast< CItemUploadWizard * >( GetWizardPanel() );
if ( !pItemUploadWizard )
// m_pGatherLabel->SetText( "Gather Failed" );
// m_pGatherLabel->SetText( "OnGather" );
m_pExploreMaterialContentButton->SetEnabled( true );
m_pExploreModelContentButton->SetEnabled( true );
void CFinalSubPanel::OnStudioMDL()
CItemUploadWizard *pItemUploadWizard = dynamic_cast< CItemUploadWizard * >( GetWizardPanel() );
if ( !pItemUploadWizard )
// m_pStudioMDLLabel->SetText( "StudioMDL Failed" );
// m_pStudioMDLLabel->SetText( "OnStudioMDL" );
// The idea is that there could be three steps...
// 1. Gather data from user specified sources into properly named & organized content, make VMT's & QC
// 2. Run StudioMDL on the gathered content
// 3. Zip the results
// Right now all three steps are combined
void CFinalSubPanel::OnZip()
CItemUploadWizard *pItemUploadWizard = dynamic_cast< CItemUploadWizard * >( GetWizardPanel() );
CAsset &asset = pItemUploadWizard->Asset();
const bool bOk = asset.Compile();
vgui::MessageBox *pMsgDialog = NULL;
if ( bOk )
pMsgDialog = new vgui::MessageBox( "Compile Ok", "Compile Ok", this );
pMsgDialog = new vgui::MessageBox( "Compile Failed", "Compile Failed", this );
pMsgDialog->SetOKButtonVisible( true );
pMsgDialog->SetOKButtonText( "Quit ItemTest" );
pMsgDialog->SetCommand( new KeyValues( "QuitApp" ) );
pMsgDialog->SetCancelButtonVisible( true );
pMsgDialog->SetCancelButtonText( "Dismiss And Continue" );
pMsgDialog->AddActionSignalTarget( this );
void CFinalSubPanel::OnHlmv()
CUtlString sBinDir;
if ( !CItemUpload::GetBinDirectory( sBinDir ) )
m_pHLMVLabel->SetText( "Cannot determine bin directory" );
char szBinLaunchDir[ MAX_PATH ];
V_ExtractFilePath( sBinDir.String(), szBinLaunchDir, ARRAYSIZE( szBinLaunchDir ) );
CFmtStrMax sCmd;
if ( !GetHlmvCmd( sCmd ) )
if ( CItemUpload::RunCommandLine( sCmd.Access(), szBinLaunchDir, false ) )
m_pHLMVLabel->SetText( sCmd.Access() );
m_pHLMVLabel->SetText( "Hlmv launch failed" );
void CFinalSubPanel::OnExplore( bool bMaterial, bool bContent )
vgui::Label *pLabel = NULL;
if ( bMaterial )
if ( bContent )
pLabel = m_pExploreMaterialContentLabel;
pLabel = m_pExploreMaterialGameLabel;
if ( bContent )
pLabel = m_pExploreModelContentLabel;
pLabel = m_pExploreModelGameLabel;
CItemUploadWizard *pItemUploadWizard = dynamic_cast< CItemUploadWizard * >( GetWizardPanel() );
if ( !pItemUploadWizard )
pLabel->SetText( "Explore game failed" );
CAsset &asset = pItemUploadWizard->Asset();
CUtlString sDir;
const char *pszPrefix = bMaterial ? ( bContent ? "materialsrc" : "materials" ) : NULL;
asset.GetAbsoluteDir( sDir, pszPrefix, bContent );
char szBuf[ MAX_PATH ];
V_FixupPathName( szBuf, ARRAYSIZE( szBuf ), sDir.Get() );
vgui::system()->ShellExecute( "open", szBuf );
pLabel->SetText( szBuf );
void CFinalSubPanel::OnQuitApp()
CItemUploadWizard *pItemUploadWizard = dynamic_cast< CItemUploadWizard * >( GetWizardPanel() );
if ( !pItemUploadWizard )
bool CFinalSubPanel::GetHlmvCmd( CFmtStrMax &sHlmvCmd )
CItemUploadWizard *pItemUploadWizard = dynamic_cast< CItemUploadWizard * >( GetWizardPanel() );
if ( !pItemUploadWizard )
m_pHLMVLabel->SetText( "Hlmv Failed" );
return false;
CUtlString sBinDir;
if ( !CItemUpload::GetBinDirectory( sBinDir ) )
m_pHLMVLabel->SetText( "Cannot determine bin directory" );
return false;
CAsset &asset = pItemUploadWizard->Asset();
CSmartPtr< CTargetMDL > pTargetMDL = asset.GetTargetMDL();
if ( !pTargetMDL.IsValid() )
m_pHLMVLabel->SetText( "No TargetMDL" );
return false;
CUtlString sMdlPath;
if ( !pTargetMDL->GetOutputPath( sMdlPath ) )
m_pHLMVLabel->SetText( "Cannot determine path to MDL" );
return false;
if ( CItemUpload::GetDevMode() )
sHlmvCmd.sprintf( "\"%s\\hlmv.exe\" \"%s\"", sBinDir.Get(), sMdlPath.Get() );
CUtlString sVProjectDir;
if ( CItemUpload::GetVProjectDir( sVProjectDir ) )
sHlmvCmd.sprintf( "\"%s\\hlmv.exe\" -allowdebug -game \"%s\" -nop4 \"%s\"", sBinDir.Get(), sVProjectDir.Get(), sMdlPath.Get() );
m_pHLMVLabel->SetText( "Cannot determine VPROJECT (gamedir)" );
return false;
return true;