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4 years ago
//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $Workfile: $
// $Date: $
// $Log: $
// $NoKeywords: $
#ifndef MEMPOOL_H
#define MEMPOOL_H
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "tier0/memalloc.h"
#include "tier0/tslist.h"
#include "tier0/platform.h"
#include "tier1/utlvector.h"
#include "tier1/utlrbtree.h"
// Purpose: Optimized pool memory allocator
typedef void (*MemoryPoolReportFunc_t)( PRINTF_FORMAT_STRING char const* pMsg, ... );
// Ways a memory pool can grow when it needs to make a new blob:
enum MemoryPoolGrowType_t
UTLMEMORYPOOL_GROW_NONE=0, // Don't allow new blobs.
UTLMEMORYPOOL_GROW_FAST=1, // New blob size is numElements * (i+1) (ie: the blocks it allocates
// get larger and larger each time it allocates one).
UTLMEMORYPOOL_GROW_SLOW=2 // New blob size is numElements.
class CUtlMemoryPool
// !KLUDGE! For legacy code support, import the global enum into this scope
enum MemoryPoolGrowType_t
CUtlMemoryPool( int blockSize, int numElements, int growMode = UTLMEMORYPOOL_GROW_FAST, const char *pszAllocOwner = NULL, int nAlignment = 0 );
void* Alloc(); // Allocate the element size you specified in the constructor.
void* Alloc( size_t amount );
void* AllocZero(); // Allocate the element size you specified in the constructor, zero the memory before construction
void* AllocZero( size_t amount );
void Free(void *pMem);
// Frees everything
void Clear();
// Error reporting...
static void SetErrorReportFunc( MemoryPoolReportFunc_t func );
// returns number of allocated blocks
int Count() { return m_BlocksAllocated; }
int PeakCount() { return m_PeakAlloc; }
class CBlob
CBlob *m_pPrev, *m_pNext;
int m_NumBytes; // Number of bytes in this blob.
char m_Data[1];
char m_Padding[3]; // to int align the struct
// Resets the pool
void Init();
void AddNewBlob();
void ReportLeaks();
int m_BlockSize;
int m_BlocksPerBlob;
int m_GrowMode; // GROW_ enum.
// Put m_BlocksAllocated in front of m_pHeadOfFreeList for better
// packing on 64-bit where pointers are 8-byte aligned.
int m_BlocksAllocated;
// FIXME: Change m_ppMemBlob into a growable array?
void *m_pHeadOfFreeList;
int m_PeakAlloc;
unsigned short m_nAlignment;
unsigned short m_NumBlobs;
const char * m_pszAllocOwner;
// CBlob could be not a multiple of 4 bytes so stuff it at the end here to keep us otherwise aligned
CBlob m_BlobHead;
static MemoryPoolReportFunc_t g_ReportFunc;
class CMemoryPoolMT : public CUtlMemoryPool
// MoeMod : add alignment
CMemoryPoolMT(int blockSize, int numElements, int growMode = UTLMEMORYPOOL_GROW_FAST, const char *pszAllocOwner = NULL, int nAlignment = 0) : CUtlMemoryPool( blockSize, numElements, growMode, pszAllocOwner, nAlignment) {}
4 years ago
void* Alloc() { AUTO_LOCK( m_mutex ); return CUtlMemoryPool::Alloc(); }
void* Alloc( size_t amount ) { AUTO_LOCK( m_mutex ); return CUtlMemoryPool::Alloc( amount ); }
void* AllocZero() { AUTO_LOCK( m_mutex ); return CUtlMemoryPool::AllocZero(); }
void* AllocZero( size_t amount ) { AUTO_LOCK( m_mutex ); return CUtlMemoryPool::AllocZero( amount ); }
void Free(void *pMem) { AUTO_LOCK( m_mutex ); CUtlMemoryPool::Free( pMem ); }
// Frees everything
void Clear() { AUTO_LOCK( m_mutex ); return CUtlMemoryPool::Clear(); }
CThreadFastMutex m_mutex; // @TODO: Rework to use tslist (toml 7/6/2007)
// Wrapper macro to make an allocator that returns particular typed allocations
// and construction and destruction of objects.
template< class T >
class CClassMemoryPool : public CUtlMemoryPool
// MoeMod : bad default align here, should be alignof(T)
CClassMemoryPool(int numElements, int growMode = GROW_FAST, int nAlignment = alignof(T) ) :
4 years ago
CUtlMemoryPool( sizeof(T), numElements, growMode, MEM_ALLOC_CLASSNAME(T), nAlignment ) {
COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( sizeof(CUtlMemoryPool) == 64 );
COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( sizeof(CUtlMemoryPool) == 48 );
T* Alloc();
T* AllocZero();
void Free( T *pMem );
void Clear();
// Specialized pool for aligned data management (e.g., Xbox cubemaps)
template <int ITEM_SIZE, int ALIGNMENT, int CHUNK_SIZE, class CAllocator, int COMPACT_THRESHOLD = 4 >
class CAlignedMemPool
void *Alloc();
void Free( void *p );
static int __cdecl CompareChunk( void * const *ppLeft, void * const *ppRight );
void Compact();
int NumTotal() { return m_Chunks.Count() * ( CHUNK_SIZE / BLOCK_SIZE ); }
int NumAllocated() { return NumTotal() - m_nFree; }
int NumFree() { return m_nFree; }
int BytesTotal() { return NumTotal() * BLOCK_SIZE; }
int BytesAllocated() { return NumAllocated() * BLOCK_SIZE; }
int BytesFree() { return NumFree() * BLOCK_SIZE; }
int ItemSize() { return ITEM_SIZE; }
int BlockSize() { return BLOCK_SIZE; }
int ChunkSize() { return CHUNK_SIZE; }
struct FreeBlock_t
FreeBlock_t *pNext;
byte reserved[ BLOCK_SIZE - sizeof( FreeBlock_t *) ];
CUtlVector<void *> m_Chunks; // Chunks are tracked outside blocks (unlike CUtlMemoryPool) to simplify alignment issues
FreeBlock_t * m_pFirstFree;
int m_nFree;
CAllocator m_Allocator;
float m_TimeLastCompact;
// Pool variant using standard allocation
template <typename T, int nInitialCount = 0, bool bDefCreateNewIfEmpty = true >
class CObjectPool
int i = nInitialCount;
while ( i-- > 0 )
m_AvailableObjects.PushItem( new T );
int NumAvailable()
return m_AvailableObjects.Count();
void Purge()
T *p;
while ( m_AvailableObjects.PopItem( &p ) )
delete p;
T *GetObject( bool bCreateNewIfEmpty = bDefCreateNewIfEmpty )
T *p;
if ( !m_AvailableObjects.PopItem( &p ) )
p = ( bCreateNewIfEmpty ) ? new T : NULL;
return p;
void PutObject( T *p )
m_AvailableObjects.PushItem( p );
CTSList<T *> m_AvailableObjects;
template< class T >
inline T* CClassMemoryPool<T>::Alloc()
T *pRet;
pRet = (T*)CUtlMemoryPool::Alloc();
if ( pRet )
Construct( pRet );
return pRet;
template< class T >
inline T* CClassMemoryPool<T>::AllocZero()
T *pRet;
pRet = (T*)CUtlMemoryPool::AllocZero();
if ( pRet )
Construct( pRet );
return pRet;
template< class T >
inline void CClassMemoryPool<T>::Free(T *pMem)
if ( pMem )
Destruct( pMem );
CUtlMemoryPool::Free( pMem );
template< class T >
inline void CClassMemoryPool<T>::Clear()
CUtlRBTree<void *> freeBlocks;
SetDefLessFunc( freeBlocks );
void *pCurFree = m_pHeadOfFreeList;
while ( pCurFree != NULL )
freeBlocks.Insert( pCurFree );
pCurFree = *((void**)pCurFree);
for( CBlob *pCur=m_BlobHead.m_pNext; pCur != &m_BlobHead; pCur=pCur->m_pNext )
// MoeMod : should realign to real data.
T *p = (T *)AlignValue( pCur->m_Data, m_nAlignment );
4 years ago
T *pLimit = (T *)(pCur->m_Data + pCur->m_NumBytes);
while ( p < pLimit )
if ( freeBlocks.Find( p ) == freeBlocks.InvalidIndex() )
Destruct( p );
// Macros that make it simple to make a class use a fixed-size allocator
// Put DECLARE_FIXEDSIZE_ALLOCATOR in the private section of a class,
public: \
inline void* operator new( size_t size ) { MEM_ALLOC_CREDIT_(#_class " pool"); return s_Allocator.Alloc(size); } \
inline void* operator new( size_t size, int nBlockUse, const char *pFileName, int nLine ) { MEM_ALLOC_CREDIT_(#_class " pool"); return s_Allocator.Alloc(size); } \
inline void operator delete( void* p ) { s_Allocator.Free(p); } \
inline void operator delete( void* p, int nBlockUse, const char *pFileName, int nLine ) { s_Allocator.Free(p); } \
private: \
static CUtlMemoryPool s_Allocator
#define DEFINE_FIXEDSIZE_ALLOCATOR( _class, _initsize, _grow ) \
CUtlMemoryPool _class::s_Allocator(sizeof(_class), _initsize, _grow, #_class " pool")
#define DEFINE_FIXEDSIZE_ALLOCATOR_ALIGNED( _class, _initsize, _grow, _alignment ) \
CUtlMemoryPool _class::s_Allocator(sizeof(_class), _initsize, _grow, #_class " pool", _alignment )
public: \
inline void* operator new( size_t size ) { MEM_ALLOC_CREDIT_(#_class " pool"); return s_Allocator.Alloc(size); } \
inline void* operator new( size_t size, int nBlockUse, const char *pFileName, int nLine ) { MEM_ALLOC_CREDIT_(#_class " pool"); return s_Allocator.Alloc(size); } \
inline void operator delete( void* p ) { s_Allocator.Free(p); } \
inline void operator delete( void* p, int nBlockUse, const char *pFileName, int nLine ) { s_Allocator.Free(p); } \
private: \
static CMemoryPoolMT s_Allocator
#define DEFINE_FIXEDSIZE_ALLOCATOR_MT( _class, _initsize, _grow ) \
CMemoryPoolMT _class::s_Allocator(sizeof(_class), _initsize, _grow, #_class " pool", alignof(_class))
4 years ago
// Macros that make it simple to make a class use a fixed-size allocator
// This version allows us to use a memory pool which is externally defined...
// Put DECLARE_FIXEDSIZE_ALLOCATOR_EXTERNAL in the private section of a class,
public: \
inline void* operator new( size_t size ) { MEM_ALLOC_CREDIT_(#_class " pool"); return s_pAllocator->Alloc(size); } \
inline void* operator new( size_t size, int nBlockUse, const char *pFileName, int nLine ) { MEM_ALLOC_CREDIT_(#_class " pool"); return s_pAllocator->Alloc(size); } \
inline void operator delete( void* p ) { s_pAllocator->Free(p); } \
private: \
static CUtlMemoryPool* s_pAllocator
#define DEFINE_FIXEDSIZE_ALLOCATOR_EXTERNAL( _class, _allocator ) \
CUtlMemoryPool* _class::s_pAllocator = _allocator
template <int ITEM_SIZE, int ALIGNMENT, int CHUNK_SIZE, class CAllocator, int COMPACT_THRESHOLD >
inline CAlignedMemPool<ITEM_SIZE, ALIGNMENT, CHUNK_SIZE, CAllocator, COMPACT_THRESHOLD>::CAlignedMemPool()
: m_pFirstFree( 0 ),
m_nFree( 0 ),
m_TimeLastCompact( 0 )
COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( sizeof( FreeBlock_t ) >= BLOCK_SIZE );
COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( ALIGN_VALUE( sizeof( FreeBlock_t ), ALIGNMENT ) == sizeof( FreeBlock_t ) );
template <int ITEM_SIZE, int ALIGNMENT, int CHUNK_SIZE, class CAllocator, int COMPACT_THRESHOLD >
inline void *CAlignedMemPool<ITEM_SIZE, ALIGNMENT, CHUNK_SIZE, CAllocator, COMPACT_THRESHOLD>::Alloc()
if ( !m_pFirstFree )
FreeBlock_t *pNew = (FreeBlock_t *)m_Allocator.Alloc( CHUNK_SIZE );
Assert( (unsigned)pNew % ALIGNMENT == 0 );
m_Chunks.AddToTail( pNew );
m_pFirstFree = pNew;
for ( int i = 0; i < m_nFree - 1; i++ )
pNew->pNext = pNew + 1;
pNew->pNext = NULL;
void *p = m_pFirstFree;
m_pFirstFree = m_pFirstFree->pNext;
return p;
template <int ITEM_SIZE, int ALIGNMENT, int CHUNK_SIZE, class CAllocator, int COMPACT_THRESHOLD >
inline void CAlignedMemPool<ITEM_SIZE, ALIGNMENT, CHUNK_SIZE, CAllocator, COMPACT_THRESHOLD>::Free( void *p )
// Insertion sort to encourage allocation clusters in chunks
FreeBlock_t *pFree = ((FreeBlock_t *)p);
FreeBlock_t *pCur = m_pFirstFree;
FreeBlock_t *pPrev = NULL;
while ( pCur && pFree > pCur )
pPrev = pCur;
pCur = pCur->pNext;
pFree->pNext = pCur;
if ( pPrev )
pPrev->pNext = pFree;
m_pFirstFree = pFree;
float time = Plat_FloatTime();
float compactTime = ( m_nFree >= ( CHUNK_SIZE / BLOCK_SIZE ) * COMPACT_THRESHOLD * 4 ) ? 15.0 : 30.0;
if ( m_TimeLastCompact > time || m_TimeLastCompact + compactTime < Plat_FloatTime() )
m_TimeLastCompact = time;
template <int ITEM_SIZE, int ALIGNMENT, int CHUNK_SIZE, class CAllocator, int COMPACT_THRESHOLD >
inline int __cdecl CAlignedMemPool<ITEM_SIZE, ALIGNMENT, CHUNK_SIZE, CAllocator, COMPACT_THRESHOLD>::CompareChunk( void * const *ppLeft, void * const *ppRight )
return (int)(((uintp)*ppLeft) - ((uintp)*ppRight));
4 years ago
template <int ITEM_SIZE, int ALIGNMENT, int CHUNK_SIZE, class CAllocator, int COMPACT_THRESHOLD >
inline void CAlignedMemPool<ITEM_SIZE, ALIGNMENT, CHUNK_SIZE, CAllocator, COMPACT_THRESHOLD>::Compact()
FreeBlock_t *pCur = m_pFirstFree;
FreeBlock_t *pPrev = NULL;
m_Chunks.Sort( CompareChunk );
FreeBlock_t *p = m_pFirstFree;
while ( p )
if ( p->pNext && p > p->pNext )
__asm { int 3 }
p = p->pNext;
for ( int i = 0; i < m_Chunks.Count(); i++ )
if ( i + 1 < m_Chunks.Count() )
if ( m_Chunks[i] > m_Chunks[i + 1] )
__asm { int 3 }
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < m_Chunks.Count(); i++ )
int nBlocksPerChunk = CHUNK_SIZE / BLOCK_SIZE;
FreeBlock_t *pChunkLimit = ((FreeBlock_t *)m_Chunks[i]) + nBlocksPerChunk;
int nFromChunk = 0;
if ( pCur == m_Chunks[i] )
FreeBlock_t *pFirst = pCur;
while ( pCur && pCur >= m_Chunks[i] && pCur < pChunkLimit )
pCur = pCur->pNext;
pCur = pFirst;
while ( pCur && pCur >= m_Chunks[i] && pCur < pChunkLimit )
if ( nFromChunk != nBlocksPerChunk )
if ( pPrev )
pPrev->pNext = pCur;
m_pFirstFree = pCur;
pPrev = pCur;
else if ( pPrev )
pPrev->pNext = NULL;
m_pFirstFree = NULL;
pCur = pCur->pNext;
if ( nFromChunk == nBlocksPerChunk )
m_Allocator.Free( m_Chunks[i] );
m_nFree -= nBlocksPerChunk;
m_Chunks[i] = 0;
for ( i = m_Chunks.Count() - 1; i >= 0 ; i-- )
if ( !m_Chunks[i] )
m_Chunks.FastRemove( i );
#endif // MEMPOOL_H