Modified source engine (2017) developed by valve and leaked in 2020. Not for commercial purporses
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

527 lines
18 KiB

5 years ago
//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#if !defined( _X360 ) && !defined( NO_STEAM )
#include "steam/steam_api.h"
//#include "dota_gc_common.h"
#include "gcsdk/gcclientsdk.h"
//#include "dota_gamerules.h"
#include "tf_gcmessages.pb.h"
#include "../clientsteamcontext.h"
#include "../gc_clientsystem.h"
#include "GameEventListener.h"
#include "tf_quickplay_shared.h"
#include "confirm_dialog.h"
#include "econ_game_account_client.h"
#include "tf_matchmaking_shared.h"
#include "tf_match_join_handlers.h"
#include "netadr.h"
class CTFParty;
class CTFGSLobby;
class CMvMMissionSet;
class IMatchJoiningHandler;
//class CDOTAGameAccountClient;
//class CDOTABetaParticipation;
#if !defined( TF_GC_PING_DEBUG ) && ( defined( STAGING_ONLY ) || defined( _DEBUG ) )
namespace GCSDK
typedef uint64 PlayerGroupID_t;
/// High level matchmaking UI flow. This represents the state that we show to the player,
/// and might not reflect all underlying asynchronous operations.
enum EMatchmakingUIState
eMatchmakingUIState_Inactive, //< At the main menu or in a regular game. No lobby exists
eMatchmakingUIState_Chat, //< Setting options, chatting, not in search queue
eMatchmakingUIState_InQueue, //< In matchmaking queue, awaiting to be matched with compatible players and a gameserver. Game could start at any moment
eMatchmakingUIState_Connecting, //< Matched with other players and assigned a gameerver, trying to connect to a game server
eMatchmakingUIState_InGame, //< In a game
enum EAbandonGameStatus
k_EAbandonGameStatus_Safe, //< It's totally safe to leave
k_EAbandonGameStatus_AbandonWithoutPenalty, //< Leaving right now would be considered "abandoning", but there will be no penalty right now
k_EAbandonGameStatus_AbandonWithPenalty, //< Leaving right now would be considered "abandoning", and you will be penalized
class CLoalPlayerSOCacheListener;
class CSendCreateOrUpdatePartyMsgJob;
class CTFGCClientSystem : public CGCClientSystem, public GCSDK::ISharedObjectListener, public CGameEventListener
friend class CTFMatchmakingPopup;
friend class CLoalPlayerSOCacheListener;
friend class CSendCreateOrUpdatePartyMsgJob;
CTFGCClientSystem( void );
~CTFGCClientSystem( void );
// CAutoGameSystemPerFrame
virtual bool Init() OVERRIDE;
virtual void PostInit() OVERRIDE;
virtual void LevelInitPreEntity() OVERRIDE;
virtual void LevelShutdownPostEntity() OVERRIDE;
virtual void Shutdown() OVERRIDE;
virtual void Update( float frametime ) OVERRIDE;
// Force discard all current ping data, forcing it to be refreshed, and causing BHavePingData to be false until it
// completes.
// Normally, the client think will idly refresh this data, so this is only valuable for debug or cases where we know
// the network changed and our previous data is worse than no data.
void InvalidatePingData();
bool BHavePingData() { return m_rtLastPingFix > 0; }
// If !BHavePingData() this will have no datacenters in it.
CMsgGCDataCenterPing_Update GetPingData() { return m_msgCachedPingUpdate; }
// ISharedObjectListener
virtual void SOCreated( const CSteamID & steamIDOwner, const GCSDK::CSharedObject *pObject, GCSDK::ESOCacheEvent eEvent ) OVERRIDE;
virtual void PreSOUpdate( const CSteamID & steamIDOwner, GCSDK::ESOCacheEvent eEvent ) OVERRIDE { /* do nothing */ }
virtual void SOUpdated( const CSteamID & steamIDOwner, const GCSDK::CSharedObject *pObject, GCSDK::ESOCacheEvent eEvent ) OVERRIDE;
virtual void PostSOUpdate( const CSteamID & steamIDOwner, GCSDK::ESOCacheEvent eEvent ) OVERRIDE { /* do nothing */ }
virtual void SODestroyed( const CSteamID & steamIDOwner, const GCSDK::CSharedObject *pObject, GCSDK::ESOCacheEvent eEvent ) OVERRIDE;
virtual void SOCacheSubscribed( const CSteamID & steamIDOwner, GCSDK::ESOCacheEvent eEvent ) OVERRIDE;
virtual void SOCacheUnsubscribed( const CSteamID & steamIDOwner, GCSDK::ESOCacheEvent eEvent ) OVERRIDE { m_pSOCache = NULL; }
// IGameEventListener2
virtual void FireGameEvent( IGameEvent *event ) OVERRIDE;
enum SOChangeType_t
void SOChanged( const GCSDK::CSharedObject *pObject, SOChangeType_t changeType, GCSDK::ESOCacheEvent eEvent );
// uint32 GetWins() { return m_unWinCount; }
// uint32 GetLosses() { return m_unLossCount; }
// int GetHeroRecordCount() { return m_aHeroRecords.Count(); }
// GCHeroRecord_t* GetHeroRecord( int nIndex ) { return &m_aHeroRecords[ nIndex ]; }
// KeyValues* GetNewsKeys() { return m_pNewsKeys; }
// KeyValues* GetNewsStory( uint64 unNewsID );
// KeyValues* GetNewsStoryByIndex( int nNewsIndex );
// void SetGetNewsTime( float flGetNewsTime ) { m_flGetNewsTime = flGetNewsTime; }
// void GameRules_State_Enter( DOTA_GameState newState );
// void SetCurrentMatchID( uint32 unMatchID ) { m_unCurrentMatchID = unMatchID; }
// uint32 GetCurrentMatchID() { return m_unCurrentMatchID; }
void OnGCUserSessionCreated() { }
bool HasGCUserSessionBeenCreated();
// CDOTAGameAccountClient* GetGameAccountClient();
// void DumpGameAccountClient();
// CDOTABetaParticipation* GetBetaParticipation();
// void DumpBetaParticipation();
CTFParty* GetParty();
void CreateNewParty();
CTFGSLobby* GetLobby();
void DumpParty();
void DumpLobby();
void DumpInvites();
void DumpPing();
/// Request to jump to a particular step
void RequestSelectWizardStep( TF_Matchmaking_WizardStep eWizardStep );
/// Fetch current high-level logical UI state
EMatchmakingUIState GetMatchmakingUIState();
/// Fetch current wizard step.
TF_Matchmaking_WizardStep GetWizardStep() const { return m_eLocalWizardStep; }
/// Activate matchmaking system. Doesn't necessarily do any network activity
void BeginMatchmaking( TF_MatchmakingMode mode );
bool BAllowMatchMakingInGame( void ) const;
/// Quit the current game and lobby, if any and go back to the main menu
void EndMatchmaking( bool bSendAbandonLobby = false );
bool BExitMatchmakingAfterDisconnect( void );
/// Called to active the invite UI
void RequestActivateInvite();
void ConnectToServer( const char *connect );
// void StopFindingMatch();
// void StartWatchingGame( const CSteamID &gameServerSteamID );
// void StartWatchingGame( const CSteamID &gameServerSteamID, const CSteamID &watchServerSteamID );
// void CancelWatchGameRequest();
// GCSDK::CGCClientSharedObjectCache *GetSOCache() { return m_pSOCache; }
// void SetAutoSpectateCheckTime( float flAutoSpectateCheckTime ) { m_flAutoSpectateCheckTime = flAutoSpectateCheckTime; }
// // downloading files
// struct CDownloadingFile
// {
// uint32 m_unFileID;
// HTTPRequestHandle m_hRequestHandle;
// CCallResult< CTFGCClientSystem, HTTPRequestCompleted_t > m_Callback;
// char m_szLocalFilename[MAX_PATH];
// char m_szRemoteURL[MAX_PATH];
// };
// CUtlVector<CDownloadingFile*> m_DownloadingFiles;
// void DownloadFile( const char *pszRemoteURL, const char *pszLocalFilename, bool bForceDownload = false );
// void OnDownloadCompleted( HTTPRequestCompleted_t *arg, bool bFailed );
// void SetTodayMessages( CMsgDOTATodayMessages *pMessages ) { m_TodayMessages = *pMessages; }
// CMsgDOTATodayMessages* GetTodayMessages() { return &m_TodayMessages; }
// void StartWatchingGameResponse( const CMsgWatchGameResponse &response );
// Search criteria
TF_MatchmakingMode GetSearchMode();
// What MvM challenges?
void GetSearchChallenges( CMvMMissionSet &challenges );
void SetSearchChallenges( const CMvMMissionSet &challenges );
// Willing to join the game late?
bool GetSearchJoinLate();
void SetSearchJoinLate( bool bJoinLate );
// Quickplay
EGameCategory GetQuickplayGameType();
void SetQuickplayGameType( EGameCategory type );
// "Play for loot" - requires a ticket. If the challenge is beaten, then the winners
// get some loot
bool GetSearchPlayForBraggingRights();
void SetSearchPlayForBraggingRights( bool bPlayForBraggingRights );
int GetSearchMannUpTourIndex();
void SetSearchMannUpTourIndex( int idxTour );
#endif // USE_MVM_TOUR
// Casual matchmaking groups and categories
void SelectCasualMap( uint32 nMapDefIndex, bool bSelected );
bool IsCasualMapSelected( uint32 nMapDefIndex ) const;
void ClearCasualSearchCriteria();
void SaveCasualSearchCriteriaToDisk();
void LoadCasualSearchCriteria();
// Update custom MM ping setting from the convar
void UpdateCustomPingTolerance();
// Check if the local player is doubling down
bool GetLocalPlayerSquadSurplus();
void SetLocalPlayerSquadSurplus( bool bSquadSurplus );
// Ladders
uint32 GetLadderType();
void SetLadderType( uint32 nType );
// World status
const CMsgTFWorldStatus &WorldStatus() const { return m_WorldStatus; }
static const char *k_pszSteamLobbyKey_PartyID;
/// Accept the invite, join the specified lobby
void AcceptFriendInviteToJoinLobby( const CSteamID &steamIDLobby );
/// Return true if we're the leader of the party.
/// NOTE: Returns true if we don't have a party!
bool BIsPartyLeader();
bool BHasOutstandingMatchmakingPartyMessage() const;
enum ELobbyMsgType
/// Chat (though the steam lobby)
void SendSteamLobbyChat( ELobbyMsgType eType, const char *pszText );
/// See if we've got a ticket
static bool BLocalPlayerInventoryHasMvmTicket( void );
static int GetLocalPlayerInventoryMvmTicketCount( void );
/// See if we've got a double-down
static bool BLocalPlayerInventoryHasSquadSurplusVoucher( void );
static int GetLocalPlayerInventorySquadSurplusVoucherCount( void );
/// Get info about the local player's badge. Returns false if we can't
/// find his inventory or he doesn't own a badge
static bool BGetLocalPlayerBadgeInfoForTour( int iTourIndex, uint32 *pnBadgeLevel, uint32 *pnCompletedChallenges );
#endif // USE_MVM_TOUR
struct MatchMakerHealthData_t
float m_flRatio;
Color m_colorBar;
CUtlString m_strLocToken;
MatchMakerHealthData_t GetHealthBracketForRatio( float flRatio ) const;
uint32 GetMostSearchedCount() const { return m_nMostSearchedMapCount; }
MatchMakerHealthData_t GetOverallHealthDataForLocalCriteria() const;
MatchMakerHealthData_t GetHealthDataForMap( uint32 nMapIndex ) const;
void RequestMatchMakerStats() const;
void SetMatchMakerStats( const CMsgGCMatchMakerStatsResponse newStats );
const CMsgGCMatchMakerStatsResponse &GetMatchMakerStats() { return m_MatchMakerStats; }
const CUtlDict< float > &GetDataCenterPopulationRatioDict( EMatchGroup eMatchGroup ) { return m_dictDataCenterPopulationRatio[ eMatchGroup ]; }
void AcknowledgePendingXPSources( EMatchGroup eMatchGroup ) const;
void AcknowledgeNotification( uint32 nAccountID, uint64 ulNotificationID ) const;
void SetSurveyRequest( const CMsgGCSurveyRequest& msgSurveyRequest );
const CMsgGCSurveyRequest& GetSurveyRequest() const { return m_msgSurveyRequest; }
void SendSurveyResponse( int32 nResponse );
void ClearSurveyRequest();
/// Most recent matchmaking progress stats received
CMsgMatchmakingProgress m_msgMatchmakingProgress;
bool BConnectedToMatchServer( bool bLiveMatch );
// !! Does NOT mean you're *in* this match. See Above.
bool BHaveLiveMatch() const;
EAbandonGameStatus GetAssignedMatchAbandonStatus();
bool BUserWantsToBeInMatchmaking() const { return m_bUserWantsToBeInMatchmaking; }
EMatchGroup GetLiveMatchGroup() const;
// Helper that combines GetMatchAbandonStatus and BConnectedToMatch as this is usually what you're asking.
EAbandonGameStatus GetCurrentServerAbandonStatus()
return BConnectedToMatchServer( true ) ? GetAssignedMatchAbandonStatus() : k_EAbandonGameStatus_Safe;
void RejoinLobby( bool bConfirmed );
bool JoinMMMatch();
void LeaveGameAndPrepareToJoinParty( GCSDK::PlayerGroupID_t nPartyID );
bool BIsPhoneVerified( void );
bool BIsPhoneIdentifying( void );
bool BHasCompetitiveAccess( void );
bool BIsIPRecentMatchServer( netadr_t ip ) { return m_vecMatchServerHistory.Find( ip ) != m_vecMatchServerHistory.InvalidIndex(); }
void AddLocalPlayerSOListener( ISharedObjectListener* pListener, bool bImmedately = true );
void RemoveLocalPlayerSOListener( ISharedObjectListener* pListener );
void SetPingOverride( const char *pszDataCenter, uint32 nPing, CMsgGCDataCenterPing_Update_Status eStatus );
void ClearPingOverrides();
// CGCClientSystem
virtual void PreInitGC() OVERRIDE;
virtual void PostInitGC() OVERRIDE;
virtual void ReceivedClientWelcome( const CMsgClientWelcome &msg ) OVERRIDE;
friend class CGCClientAcceptInviteResponse;
friend class CGCWorldStatusBroadcast;
// void CreateSourceTVProxy( uint32 source_tv_public_addr, uint32 source_tv_private_addr, uint32 source_tv_port );
void PingThink();
CMsgCreateOrUpdateParty *GetCreateOrUpdatePartyMsg();
CSendCreateOrUpdatePartyMsgJob *m_pPendingCreateOrUpdatePartyMsg;
float m_flSendPartyUpdateMessageTime;
void SetWorldStatus( CMsgTFWorldStatus &status ) { m_WorldStatus = status; }
CMsgGCMatchMakerStatsResponse m_MatchMakerStats;
uint32 m_nMostSearchedMapCount;
CMsgTFWorldStatus m_WorldStatus;
// uint32 m_unCurrentMatchID;
bool m_bRegisteredSharedObjects;
bool m_bInittedGC;
EMatchmakingUIState m_eMatchmakingUIState;
/// The lobby we joined/created (presumably) for matchmaking purposes
CSteamID m_steamIDLobby;
/// The lobby we have accepted the invite for, but not yet joined.
/// (We'll do it when there's a good opportunity)
CSteamID m_steamIDLobbyInviteAccepted;
enum EAcceptInviteStep
EAcceptInviteStep m_eAcceptInviteStep;
/// Status of creating lobby.
int m_eCreateLobbyStatus;
/// Check if we're in a steam lobby, then leave it
void LeaveSteamLobby();
/// Should we active the invite UI at the next opportunity?
bool m_bWantToActivateInviteUI;
// The gameserver is authoritative on matches once we are assigned, so even if the lobby is lost or stale, these
// control: Where our assigned match is, and if we consider ourselves absolved of it.
CSteamID m_steamIDGCAssignedMatch;
// So we can consider the match over, based on the gameserver telling us so (or us abandoning). Once the lobby state
// via the GC agrees, SOChanged will clear.
bool m_bAssignedMatchEnded;
EMatchGroup m_eAssignedMatchGroup;
uint64 m_uAssignedMatchID;
// History of assigned matches so things like the server browser can reason about our connect history.
CUtlVector< netadr_t > m_vecMatchServerHistory;
// Set when m_steamIDAssignedServer changes for the next Update()
bool m_bServerAssignmentChanged;
// SDR ping system
RTime32 m_rtLastPingFix;
bool m_bPendingPingRefresh;
bool m_bSentInitialPingFix;
// Cached ping data message as of rtLastPingFix
CMsgGCDataCenterPing_Update m_msgCachedPingUpdate;
CMsgGCDataCenterPing_Update m_msgPingOverrides;
// Asks user if they want to rejoin an existing lobby
float m_flCheckForRejoinTime; // Due to network race conditions, delay for a bit before we respond
void RejoinActiveMatch( void );
// float m_flGetNewsTime;
// float m_flAutoSpectateCheckTime;
GCSDK::CGCClientSharedObjectCache *m_pSOCache;
// uint32 m_unWinCount;
// uint32 m_unLossCount;
// int m_nSignOnState;
enum EConnectState
EConnectState m_eConnectState;
bool IsConnectStateDisconnected()
if ( BAllowMatchMakingInGame() )
return m_eConnectState != eConnectState_ConnectingToMatchmade &&
m_eConnectState != eConnectState_ConnectedToMatchmade;
return m_eConnectState == eConnectState_Disconnected;
// CUtlSortVector<GCHeroRecord_t, CGCHeroRecordLess> m_aHeroRecords;
// KeyValues *m_pNewsKeys;
bool m_bGCUserSessionCreated;
bool m_bUserWantsToBeInMatchmaking;
GCSDK::PlayerGroupID_t m_nPendingAutoJoinPartyID;
// Are we connected, and to whom
CSteamID m_steamIDCurrentServer;
// CMsgDOTATodayMessages m_TodayMessages;
// DOTAGameVersion m_GameVersion;
void SendCreateOrUpdatePartyMsg( TF_Matchmaking_WizardStep eWizardStep );
void SendExitMatchmaking( bool bExplicitAbandon );
void FireGameEventLobbyUpdated();
void FireGameEventPartyUpdated();
CMsgMatchSearchCriteria m_msgLocalSearchCriteria;
TF_Matchmaking_WizardStep m_eLocalWizardStep;
bool m_bLocalSquadSurplus;
// void CheckSendAdjustSearchCriteria();
void AssertMakesSenseToReadSearchCriteria();
bool BAllowMatchmakingSearch();
bool BInternalSetSearchMannUpTourIndex( int idxTour );
#endif // USE_MVM_TOUR
bool BInternalSetSearchChallenges( const CMvMMissionSet &challenges );
CCallback<CTFGCClientSystem, LobbyCreated_t, false> m_callbackSteamLobbyCreated;
CCallback<CTFGCClientSystem, LobbyEnter_t, false> m_callbackSteamLobbyEnter;
CCallback<CTFGCClientSystem, LobbyChatMsg_t, false> m_callbackSteamLobbyChatMsg;
CCallback<CTFGCClientSystem, GameLobbyJoinRequested_t, false> m_callbackSteamGameLobbyJoinRequested;
CCallback<CTFGCClientSystem, LobbyDataUpdate_t, false > m_callbackSteamLobbyDataUpdate;
CCallback<CTFGCClientSystem, LobbyChatUpdate_t, false > m_callbackSteamLobbyChatUpdate;
void OnSteamLobbyCreated( LobbyCreated_t *pInfo );
void OnSteamLobbyEnter( LobbyEnter_t *pInfo );
void OnSteamLobbyChatMsg( LobbyChatMsg_t *pInfo );
void OnSteamGameLobbyJoinRequested( GameLobbyJoinRequested_t *pInfo );
void OnSteamLobbyDataUpdate( LobbyDataUpdate_t *pInfo );
void OnSteamLobbyChatUpdate( LobbyChatUpdate_t *pInfo );
/// Check if we have a steam lobby. If we have one (and it's not the wrong one!) then return true.
/// Otherwise, initiate creation, if possible
/// Returns:
/// -1 error
/// 0 in progress
/// 1 OK
int CheckSteamLobbyCreated();
/// Check if we need to associate the party and steam lobby with each other
void CheckAssociatePartyAndSteamLobby();
/// if we want to active the invite UI, and we're ready, then do it now!
void CheckReadyToActivateInvite();
/// Called when we fail to accept the invite
void OnFailedToAcceptInvite();
CUtlVector< ISharedObjectListener* > m_vecDelayedLocalPlayerSOListenersToAdd;
CTFMatchMakingPopupPrompJoinHandler m_PromptJoinHandler;
CTFImmediateAutoJoinHandler m_AutoJoinHandler;
CMsgGCSurveyRequest m_msgSurveyRequest;
CUtlDict< float > m_dictDataCenterPopulationRatio[ k_nMatchGroup_Count ];
CTFGCClientSystem* GTFGCClientSystem();