Modified source engine (2017) developed by valve and leaked in 2020. Not for commercial purporses
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

2302 lines
62 KiB

5 years ago
//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// NOTE: To make use of this file, g_pFullFileSystem must be defined, or you can modify
// this source to take an IFileSystem * as input.
// @note Tom Bui: we need to use fopen below in the jpeg code, so we can't have this on...
#if !defined( POSIX )
#undef fopen
#endif // POSIX
#if defined( WIN32 ) && !defined( _X360 )
#include <windows.h> // SRC only!!
#elif defined( POSIX )
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#ifdef OSX
#include <copyfile.h>
#include "imageutils.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "utlbuffer.h"
#include "bitmap/bitmap.h"
#include "vtf/vtf.h"
// clang3 on OSX folks the attribute into the prototype, causing a compile failure
// filed radar bug 10397783
#if ( __clang_major__ == 3 )
#include <setjmp.h>
extern void longjmp( jmp_buf, int ) __attribute__((noreturn));
#include "common.h"
// @note Tom Bui: instead of forcing the project to include EngineInterface.h...
#include "cdll_int.h"
// engine interface singleton accessors
extern IVEngineClient *engine;
extern class IGameUIFuncs *gameuifuncs;
extern class IEngineSound *enginesound;
extern class IMatchmaking *matchmaking;
extern class IXboxSystem *xboxsystem;
extern class IAchievementMgr *achievementmgr;
extern class CSteamAPIContext *steamapicontext;
#include "replay/ienginereplay.h"
extern IEngineReplay *g_pEngine;
#include "EngineInterface.h"
#include "cdll_int.h"
extern IVEngineClient *engine;
// use the JPEGLIB_USE_STDIO define so that we can read in jpeg's from outside the game directory tree.
#include "jpeglib/jpeglib.h"
#include "libpng/png.h"
#include <setjmp.h>
#include "bitmap/tgawriter.h"
#include "ivtex.h"
#ifdef WIN32
#include <io.h>
#ifdef OSX
#include <copyfile.h>
#ifndef WIN32
#define DeleteFile(s) remove(s)
#if defined( _X360 )
#include "xbox/xbox_win32stubs.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include <tier0/memdbgon.h>
// Purpose:
struct ValveJpegErrorHandler_t
// The default manager
struct jpeg_error_mgr m_Base;
// For handling any errors
jmp_buf m_ErrorContext;
struct JPEGDestinationManager_t
struct jpeg_destination_mgr pub; // public fields
CUtlBuffer *pBuffer; // target/final buffer
byte *buffer; // start of temp buffer
// Purpose: We'll override the default error handler so we can deal with errors without having to exit the engine
static void ValveJpegErrorHandler( j_common_ptr cinfo )
ValveJpegErrorHandler_t *pError = reinterpret_cast< ValveJpegErrorHandler_t * >( cinfo->err );
char buffer[ JMSG_LENGTH_MAX ];
/* Create the message */
( *cinfo->err->format_message )( cinfo, buffer );
Warning( "%s\n", buffer );
// Bail
longjmp( pError->m_ErrorContext, 1 );
// convert the JPEG file given to a TGA file at the given output path.
ConversionErrorType ImgUtl_ConvertJPEGToTGA( const char *jpegpath, const char *tgaPath, bool bRequirePowerOfTwo )
#if !defined( _X360 )
// !FIXME! This really probably should use ImgUtl_ReadJPEGAsRGBA, to avoid duplicated code.
struct jpeg_decompress_struct jpegInfo;
struct ValveJpegErrorHandler_t jerr;
JSAMPROW row_pointer[1];
int row_stride;
int cur_row = 0;
// image attributes
int image_height;
int image_width;
// open the jpeg image file.
FILE *infile = fopen(jpegpath, "rb");
if (infile == NULL)
// setup error to print to stderr.
jpegInfo.err = jpeg_std_error(&jerr.m_Base);
jpegInfo.err->error_exit = &ValveJpegErrorHandler;
// create the decompress struct.
if ( setjmp( jerr.m_ErrorContext ) )
// Get here if there is any error
jpeg_destroy_decompress( &jpegInfo );
jpeg_stdio_src(&jpegInfo, infile);
// read in the jpeg header and make sure that's all good.
if (jpeg_read_header(&jpegInfo, TRUE) != JPEG_HEADER_OK)
// start the decompress with the jpeg engine.
if ( !jpeg_start_decompress(&jpegInfo) )
// Check for valid width and height (ie. power of 2 and print out an error and exit if not).
if ( ( bRequirePowerOfTwo && ( !IsPowerOfTwo(jpegInfo.image_height) || !IsPowerOfTwo(jpegInfo.image_width) ) )
|| jpegInfo.output_components != 3 )
fclose( infile );
// now that we've started the decompress with the jpeg lib, we have the attributes of the
// image ready to be read out of the decompress struct.
row_stride = jpegInfo.output_width * jpegInfo.output_components;
image_height = jpegInfo.image_height;
image_width = jpegInfo.image_width;
int mem_required = jpegInfo.image_height * jpegInfo.image_width * jpegInfo.output_components;
// allocate the memory to read the image data into.
unsigned char *buf = (unsigned char *)malloc(mem_required);
if (buf == NULL)
// read in all the scan lines of the image into our image data buffer.
bool working = true;
while (working && (jpegInfo.output_scanline < jpegInfo.output_height))
row_pointer[0] = &(buf[cur_row * row_stride]);
if ( !jpeg_read_scanlines(&jpegInfo, row_pointer, 1) )
working = false;
if (!working)
// ok, at this point we have read in the JPEG image to our buffer, now we need to write it out as a TGA file.
CUtlBuffer outBuf;
bool bRetVal = TGAWriter::WriteToBuffer( buf, outBuf, image_width, image_height, IMAGE_FORMAT_RGB888, IMAGE_FORMAT_RGB888 );
if ( bRetVal )
if ( !g_pFullFileSystem->WriteFile( tgaPath, NULL, outBuf ) )
bRetVal = false;
// convert the bmp file given to a TGA file at the given destination path.
ConversionErrorType ImgUtl_ConvertBMPToTGA(const char *bmpPath, const char *tgaPath)
if ( !IsPC() )
#ifdef WIN32
int nWidth, nHeight;
ConversionErrorType result;
unsigned char *pBufRGBA = ImgUtl_ReadBMPAsRGBA( bmpPath, nWidth, nHeight, result );
if ( result != CE_SUCCESS)
Assert( !pBufRGBA );
free( pBufRGBA );
return result;
Assert( pBufRGBA );
// write out the TGA file using the RGB data buffer.
CUtlBuffer outBuf;
bool retval = TGAWriter::WriteToBuffer(pBufRGBA, outBuf, nWidth, nHeight, IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA8888, IMAGE_FORMAT_RGB888);
free( pBufRGBA );
if ( retval )
if ( !g_pFullFileSystem->WriteFile( tgaPath, NULL, outBuf ) )
retval = false;
#else // WIN32
unsigned char *ImgUtl_ReadVTFAsRGBA( const char *vtfPath, int &width, int &height, ConversionErrorType &errcode )
// Just load the whole file into a memory buffer
CUtlBuffer bufFileContents;
if ( !g_pFullFileSystem->ReadFile( vtfPath, NULL, bufFileContents ) )
return NULL;
IVTFTexture *pVTFTexture = CreateVTFTexture();
if ( !pVTFTexture->Unserialize( bufFileContents ) )
DestroyVTFTexture( pVTFTexture );
return NULL;
width = pVTFTexture->Width();
height = pVTFTexture->Height();
pVTFTexture->ConvertImageFormat( IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA8888, false );
int nMemSize = ImageLoader::GetMemRequired( width, height, 1, IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA8888, false );
unsigned char *pMemImage = (unsigned char *)malloc(nMemSize);
if ( pMemImage == NULL )
DestroyVTFTexture( pVTFTexture );
errcode = CE_MEMORY_ERROR;
return NULL;
Q_memcpy( pMemImage, pVTFTexture->ImageData(), nMemSize );
DestroyVTFTexture( pVTFTexture );
errcode = CE_SUCCESS;
return pMemImage;
// read a TGA header from the current point in the file stream.
static void ImgUtl_ReadTGAHeader(FILE *infile, TGAHeader &header)
if (infile == NULL)
fread(&header.identsize, sizeof(header.identsize), 1, infile);
fread(&header.colourmaptype, sizeof(header.colourmaptype), 1, infile);
fread(&header.imagetype, sizeof(header.imagetype), 1, infile);
fread(&header.colourmapstart, sizeof(header.colourmapstart), 1, infile);
fread(&header.colourmaplength, sizeof(header.colourmaplength), 1, infile);
fread(&header.colourmapbits, sizeof(header.colourmapbits), 1, infile);
fread(&header.xstart, sizeof(header.xstart), 1, infile);
fread(&header.ystart, sizeof(header.ystart), 1, infile);
fread(&header.width, sizeof(header.width), 1, infile);
fread(&header.height, sizeof(header.height), 1, infile);
fread(&header.bits, sizeof(header.bits), 1, infile);
fread(&header.descriptor, sizeof(header.descriptor), 1, infile);
// write a TGA header to the current point in the file stream.
static void WriteTGAHeader(FILE *outfile, TGAHeader &header)
if (outfile == NULL)
fwrite(&header.identsize, sizeof(header.identsize), 1, outfile);
fwrite(&header.colourmaptype, sizeof(header.colourmaptype), 1, outfile);
fwrite(&header.imagetype, sizeof(header.imagetype), 1, outfile);
fwrite(&header.colourmapstart, sizeof(header.colourmapstart), 1, outfile);
fwrite(&header.colourmaplength, sizeof(header.colourmaplength), 1, outfile);
fwrite(&header.colourmapbits, sizeof(header.colourmapbits), 1, outfile);
fwrite(&header.xstart, sizeof(header.xstart), 1, outfile);
fwrite(&header.ystart, sizeof(header.ystart), 1, outfile);
fwrite(&header.width, sizeof(header.width), 1, outfile);
fwrite(&header.height, sizeof(header.height), 1, outfile);
fwrite(&header.bits, sizeof(header.bits), 1, outfile);
fwrite(&header.descriptor, sizeof(header.descriptor), 1, outfile);
// reads in a TGA file and converts it to 32 bit RGBA color values in a memory buffer.
unsigned char * ImgUtl_ReadTGAAsRGBA(const char *tgaPath, int &width, int &height, ConversionErrorType &errcode, TGAHeader &tgaHeader )
FILE *tgaFile = fopen(tgaPath, "rb");
if (tgaFile == NULL)
return NULL;
// read header for TGA file.
ImgUtl_ReadTGAHeader(tgaFile, tgaHeader);
if (
( tgaHeader.imagetype != 2 ) // image type 2 is uncompressed RGB, other types not supported.
|| ( tgaHeader.descriptor & 0x10 ) // Origin on righthand side (flipped horizontally from common sense) --- nobody ever uses this
|| ( tgaHeader.bits != 24 && tgaHeader.bits != 32 ) // Must be 24- ot 32-bit
return NULL;
int tgaDataSize = tgaHeader.width * tgaHeader.height * tgaHeader.bits / 8;
unsigned char *tgaData = (unsigned char *)malloc(tgaDataSize);
if (tgaData == NULL)
errcode = CE_MEMORY_ERROR;
return NULL;
fread(tgaData, 1, tgaDataSize, tgaFile);
width = tgaHeader.width;
height = tgaHeader.height;
int numPixels = tgaHeader.width * tgaHeader.height;
if (tgaHeader.bits == 24)
// image needs to be converted to a 32-bit image.
unsigned char *retBuf = (unsigned char *)malloc(numPixels * 4);
if (retBuf == NULL)
errcode = CE_MEMORY_ERROR;
return NULL;
// convert from BGR to RGBA color format.
for (int index = 0; index < numPixels; ++index)
retBuf[index * 4] = tgaData[index * 3 + 2];
retBuf[index * 4 + 1] = tgaData[index * 3 + 1];
retBuf[index * 4 + 2] = tgaData[index * 3];
retBuf[index * 4 + 3] = 0xff;
tgaData = retBuf;
tgaHeader.bits = 32;
else if (tgaHeader.bits == 32)
// Swap blue and red to convert BGR -> RGB
for (int index = 0; index < numPixels; ++index)
V_swap( tgaData[index*4], tgaData[index*4 + 2] );
// Flip image vertically if necessary
if ( !( tgaHeader.descriptor & 0x20 ) )
int y0 = 0;
int y1 = height-1;
int iStride = width*4;
while ( y0 < y1 )
unsigned char *ptr0 = tgaData + y0*iStride;
unsigned char *ptr1 = tgaData + y1*iStride;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < iStride ; ++i )
V_swap( ptr0[i], ptr1[i] );
tgaHeader.descriptor |= 0x20;
errcode = CE_SUCCESS;
return tgaData;
unsigned char *ImgUtl_ReadJPEGAsRGBA( const char *jpegPath, int &width, int &height, ConversionErrorType &errcode )
#if !defined( _X360 )
struct jpeg_decompress_struct jpegInfo;
struct ValveJpegErrorHandler_t jerr;
JSAMPROW row_pointer[1];
int row_stride;
int cur_row = 0;
// image attributes
int image_height;
int image_width;
// open the jpeg image file.
FILE *infile = fopen(jpegPath, "rb");
if (infile == NULL)
return NULL;
//CJpegSourceMgr src;
//FileHandle_t fileHandle = g_pFullFileSystem->Open( jpegPath, "rb" );
//if ( fileHandle == FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE )
// return NULL;
//if ( !src.Init( g_pFullFileSystem, fileHandle ) ) {
// g_pFullFileSystem->Close( fileHandle );
// return NULL;
// setup error to print to stderr.
memset( &jpegInfo, 0, sizeof( jpegInfo ) );
jpegInfo.err = jpeg_std_error(&jerr.m_Base);
jpegInfo.err->error_exit = &ValveJpegErrorHandler;
// create the decompress struct.
if ( setjmp( jerr.m_ErrorContext ) )
// Get here if there is any error
jpeg_destroy_decompress( &jpegInfo );
fclose( infile );
//g_pFullFileSystem->Close( fileHandle );
return NULL;
jpeg_stdio_src(&jpegInfo, infile);
//jpegInfo.src = &src;
// read in the jpeg header and make sure that's all good.
if (jpeg_read_header(&jpegInfo, TRUE) != JPEG_HEADER_OK)
fclose( infile );
//g_pFullFileSystem->Close( fileHandle );
return NULL;
// start the decompress with the jpeg engine.
if ( !jpeg_start_decompress(&jpegInfo) )
fclose( infile );
//g_pFullFileSystem->Close( fileHandle );
return NULL;
// We only support 24-bit JPEG's
if ( jpegInfo.out_color_space != JCS_RGB || jpegInfo.output_components != 3 )
fclose( infile );
//g_pFullFileSystem->Close( fileHandle );
return NULL;
// now that we've started the decompress with the jpeg lib, we have the attributes of the
// image ready to be read out of the decompress struct.
row_stride = jpegInfo.output_width * 4;
image_height = jpegInfo.image_height;
image_width = jpegInfo.image_width;
int mem_required = jpegInfo.image_height * row_stride;
// allocate the memory to read the image data into.
unsigned char *buf = (unsigned char *)malloc(mem_required);
if (buf == NULL)
fclose( infile );
//g_pFullFileSystem->Close( fileHandle );
errcode = CE_MEMORY_ERROR;
return NULL;
// read in all the scan lines of the image into our image data buffer.
bool working = true;
while (working && (jpegInfo.output_scanline < jpegInfo.output_height))
unsigned char *pRow = &(buf[cur_row * row_stride]);
row_pointer[0] = pRow;
if ( !jpeg_read_scanlines(&jpegInfo, row_pointer, 1) )
working = false;
// Expand the row RGB -> RGBA
for ( int x = image_width-1 ; x >= 0 ; --x )
pRow[x*4+3] = 0xff;
pRow[x*4+2] = pRow[x*3+2];
pRow[x*4+1] = pRow[x*3+1];
pRow[x*4] = pRow[x*3];
// Clean up
fclose( infile );
//g_pFullFileSystem->Close( fileHandle );
// Check success status
if (!working)
return NULL;
// OK!
width = image_width;
height = image_height;
errcode = CE_SUCCESS;
return buf;
return NULL;
static void ReadPNGData( png_structp png_ptr, png_bytep outBytes, png_size_t byteCountToRead )
// Cast pointer
CUtlBuffer *pBuf = (CUtlBuffer *)png_get_io_ptr( png_ptr );
Assert( pBuf );
// Check for IO error
if ( pBuf->TellGet() + (int)byteCountToRead > pBuf->TellPut() )
// Attempt to read past the end of the buffer.
// Use longjmp to report the error
png_longjmp( png_ptr, 1 );
// Read the bytes
pBuf->Get( outBytes, byteCountToRead );
unsigned char *ImgUtl_ReadPNGAsRGBA( const char *pngPath, int &width, int &height, ConversionErrorType &errcode )
#if !defined( _X360 )
// Just load the whole file into a memory buffer
CUtlBuffer bufFileContents;
if ( !g_pFullFileSystem->ReadFile( pngPath, NULL, bufFileContents ) )
return NULL;
// Load it
return ImgUtl_ReadPNGAsRGBAFromBuffer( bufFileContents, width, height, errcode );
return NULL;
unsigned char *ImgUtl_ReadPNGAsRGBAFromBuffer( CUtlBuffer &buffer, int &width, int &height, ConversionErrorType &errcode )
#if !defined( _X360 )
png_const_bytep pngData = (png_const_bytep)buffer.Base();
if (png_sig_cmp( pngData, 0, 8))
return NULL;
png_structp png_ptr = NULL;
png_infop info_ptr = NULL;
/* could pass pointers to user-defined error handlers instead of NULLs: */
png_ptr = png_create_read_struct( PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, NULL, NULL, NULL );
if (!png_ptr)
errcode = CE_MEMORY_ERROR;
return NULL;
unsigned char *pResultData = NULL;
png_bytepp row_pointers = NULL;
info_ptr = png_create_info_struct( png_ptr );
if ( !info_ptr )
errcode = CE_MEMORY_ERROR;
png_destroy_read_struct( &png_ptr, &info_ptr, NULL );
if ( row_pointers )
free( row_pointers );
if ( pResultData )
free( pResultData );
return NULL;
/* setjmp() must be called in every function that calls a PNG-reading
* libpng function */
if ( setjmp( png_jmpbuf(png_ptr) ) )
goto fail;
png_set_read_fn( png_ptr, &buffer, ReadPNGData );
png_read_info( png_ptr, info_ptr ); /* read all PNG info up to image data */
/* alternatively, could make separate calls to png_get_image_width(),
* etc., but want bit_depth and color_type for later [don't care about
* compression_type and filter_type => NULLs] */
int bit_depth;
int color_type;
uint32 png_width;
uint32 png_height;
png_get_IHDR( png_ptr, info_ptr, &png_width, &png_height, &bit_depth, &color_type, NULL, NULL, NULL );
width = png_width;
height = png_height;
png_uint_32 rowbytes;
/* expand palette images to RGB, low-bit-depth grayscale images to 8 bits,
* transparency chunks to full alpha channel; strip 16-bit-per-sample
* images to 8 bits per sample; and convert grayscale to RGB[A] */
if (color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE)
png_set_expand( png_ptr );
if (color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY && bit_depth < 8)
png_set_expand( png_ptr );
if (png_get_valid( png_ptr, info_ptr, PNG_INFO_tRNS ) )
png_set_expand( png_ptr );
if (bit_depth == 16)
png_set_strip_16( png_ptr );
if (color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY ||
png_set_gray_to_rgb( png_ptr );
// Force in an alpha channel
if ( !( color_type & PNG_COLOR_MASK_ALPHA ) )
png_set_add_alpha(png_ptr, 255, PNG_FILLER_AFTER);
double gamma;
if (png_get_gAMA(png_ptr, info_ptr, &gamma))
png_set_gamma(png_ptr, display_exponent, gamma);
/* all transformations have been registered; now update info_ptr data,
* get rowbytes and channels, and allocate image memory */
png_read_update_info( png_ptr, info_ptr );
rowbytes = png_get_rowbytes( png_ptr, info_ptr );
png_byte channels = (int)png_get_channels( png_ptr, info_ptr );
if ( channels != 4 )
Assert( channels == 4 );
goto fail;
row_pointers = (png_bytepp)malloc( height*sizeof(png_bytep) );
pResultData = (unsigned char *)malloc( rowbytes*height );
if ( row_pointers == NULL || pResultData == NULL )
errcode = CE_MEMORY_ERROR;
goto fail;
/* set the individual row_pointers to point at the correct offsets */
for ( int i = 0; i < height; ++i)
row_pointers[i] = pResultData + i*rowbytes;
/* now we can go ahead and just read the whole image */
png_read_image( png_ptr, row_pointers );
png_read_end(png_ptr, NULL);
free( row_pointers );
row_pointers = NULL;
// Clean up
png_destroy_read_struct( &png_ptr, &info_ptr, NULL );
// OK!
width = png_width;
height = png_height;
errcode = CE_SUCCESS;
return pResultData;
return NULL;
unsigned char *ImgUtl_ReadBMPAsRGBA( const char *bmpPath, int &width, int &height, ConversionErrorType &errcode )
#ifdef WIN32
// Load up bitmap
// Handle failure
if ( hBitmap == NULL)
// !KLUDGE! Try to detect what went wrong
FILE *fp = fopen( bmpPath, "rb" );
if (fp == NULL)
return NULL;
BITMAP bitmap;
GetObject(hBitmap, sizeof(bitmap), &bitmap);
BITMAPINFO *bitmapInfo;
bool bUseColorTable = false;
if (bitmap.bmBitsPixel == 24 || bitmap.bmBitsPixel == 32)
bitmapInfo = (BITMAPINFO *)malloc(sizeof(BITMAPINFO));
else if (bitmap.bmBitsPixel == 8 || bitmap.bmBitsPixel == 4 || bitmap.bmBitsPixel == 1)
int colorsUsed = 1 << bitmap.bmBitsPixel;
bitmapInfo = (BITMAPINFO *)malloc(colorsUsed * sizeof(RGBQUAD) + sizeof(BITMAPINFO));
bUseColorTable = true;
return NULL;
memset(bitmapInfo, 0, sizeof(BITMAPINFO));
bitmapInfo->bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(bitmapInfo->bmiHeader);
if (bUseColorTable)
bitmapInfo->bmiHeader.biBitCount = bitmap.bmBitsPixel; // need to specify the bits per pixel so GDI will generate a color table for us.
HDC dc = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL);
int retcode = GetDIBits(dc, hBitmap, 0, bitmap.bmHeight, NULL, bitmapInfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS);
if (retcode == 0)
// error getting the bitmap info for some reason.
return NULL;
int nDestStride = 4 * bitmap.bmWidth;
int mem_required = nDestStride * bitmap.bmHeight; // mem required for copying the data out into RGBA format.
unsigned char *buf = (unsigned char *)malloc(mem_required);
if (buf == NULL)
errcode = CE_MEMORY_ERROR;
return NULL;
if (bitmapInfo->bmiHeader.biBitCount == 32)
for (int y = 0; y < bitmap.bmHeight; ++y)
unsigned char *pDest = buf + nDestStride * ( ( bitmap.bmHeight - 1 ) - y ); // BMPs are stored upside down
const unsigned char *pSrc = (unsigned char *)(bitmap.bmBits) + (y * bitmap.bmWidthBytes);
for (int x = 0; x < bitmap.bmWidth; ++x)
// Swap BGR -> RGB while copying data
pDest[0] = pSrc[2]; // R
pDest[1] = pSrc[1]; // G
pDest[2] = pSrc[0]; // B
pDest[3] = pSrc[3]; // A
pSrc += 4;
pDest += 4;
else if (bitmapInfo->bmiHeader.biBitCount == 24)
for (int y = 0; y < bitmap.bmHeight; ++y)
unsigned char *pDest = buf + nDestStride * ( ( bitmap.bmHeight - 1 ) - y ); // BMPs are stored upside down
const unsigned char *pSrc = (unsigned char *)(bitmap.bmBits) + (y * bitmap.bmWidthBytes);
for (int x = 0; x < bitmap.bmWidth; ++x)
// Swap BGR -> RGB while copying data
pDest[0] = pSrc[2]; // R
pDest[1] = pSrc[1]; // G
pDest[2] = pSrc[0]; // B
pDest[3] = 0xff; // A
pSrc += 3;
pDest += 4;
else if (bitmapInfo->bmiHeader.biBitCount == 8)
// 8-bit 256 color bitmap.
for (int y = 0; y < bitmap.bmHeight; ++y)
unsigned char *pDest = buf + nDestStride * ( ( bitmap.bmHeight - 1 ) - y ); // BMPs are stored upside down
const unsigned char *pSrc = (unsigned char *)(bitmap.bmBits) + (y * bitmap.bmWidthBytes);
for (int x = 0; x < bitmap.bmWidth; ++x)
// compute the color map entry for this pixel
int colorTableEntry = *pSrc;
// get the color for this color map entry.
RGBQUAD *rgbQuad = &(bitmapInfo->bmiColors[colorTableEntry]);
// copy the color values for this pixel to the destination buffer.
pDest[0] = rgbQuad->rgbRed;
pDest[1] = rgbQuad->rgbGreen;
pDest[2] = rgbQuad->rgbBlue;
pDest[3] = 0xff;
pDest += 4;
else if (bitmapInfo->bmiHeader.biBitCount == 4)
// 4-bit 16 color bitmap.
for (int y = 0; y < bitmap.bmHeight; ++y)
unsigned char *pDest = buf + nDestStride * ( ( bitmap.bmHeight - 1 ) - y ); // BMPs are stored upside down
const unsigned char *pSrc = (unsigned char *)(bitmap.bmBits) + (y * bitmap.bmWidthBytes);
// Two pixels at a time
for (int x = 0; x < bitmap.bmWidth; x += 2)
// get the color table entry for this pixel
int colorTableEntry = (0xf0 & *pSrc) >> 4;
// get the color values for this pixel's color table entry.
RGBQUAD *rgbQuad = &(bitmapInfo->bmiColors[colorTableEntry]);
// copy the pixel's color values to the destination buffer.
pDest[0] = pSrc[2]; // R
pDest[1] = pSrc[1]; // G
pDest[2] = pSrc[0]; // B
pDest[3] = 0xff; // A
// make sure we haven't reached the end of the row.
if ((x + 1) > bitmap.bmWidth)
pDest += 4;
// get the color table entry for this pixel.
colorTableEntry = 0x0f & *pSrc;
// get the color values for this pixel's color table entry.
rgbQuad = &(bitmapInfo->bmiColors[colorTableEntry]);
// copy the pixel's color values to the destination buffer.
pDest[0] = pSrc[2]; // R
pDest[1] = pSrc[1]; // G
pDest[2] = pSrc[0]; // B
pDest[3] = 0xff; // A
pDest += 4;
else if (bitmapInfo->bmiHeader.biBitCount == 1)
// 1-bit monochrome bitmap.
for (int y = 0; y < bitmap.bmHeight; ++y)
unsigned char *pDest = buf + nDestStride * ( ( bitmap.bmHeight - 1 ) - y ); // BMPs are stored upside down
const unsigned char *pSrc = (unsigned char *)(bitmap.bmBits) + (y * bitmap.bmWidthBytes);
// Eight pixels at a time
int x = 0;
while (x < bitmap.bmWidth)
RGBQUAD *rgbQuad = NULL;
int bitMask = 0x80;
// go through all 8 bits in this byte to get all 8 pixel colors.
// get the value of the bit for this pixel.
int bit = *pSrc & bitMask;
// bit will either be 0 or non-zero since there are only two colors.
if (bit == 0)
rgbQuad = &(bitmapInfo->bmiColors[0]);
rgbQuad = &(bitmapInfo->bmiColors[1]);
// copy this pixel's color values into the destination buffer.
pDest[0] = pSrc[2]; // R
pDest[1] = pSrc[1]; // G
pDest[2] = pSrc[0]; // B
pDest[3] = 0xff; // A
pDest += 4;
// go to the next pixel.
bitMask = bitMask >> 1;
} while ((x < bitmap.bmWidth) && (bitMask > 0));
return NULL;
// OK!
width = bitmap.bmWidth;
height = bitmap.bmHeight;
errcode = CE_SUCCESS;
return buf;
return NULL;
unsigned char *ImgUtl_ReadImageAsRGBA( const char *path, int &width, int &height, ConversionErrorType &errcode )
// Split out the file extension
const char *pExt = V_GetFileExtension( path );
if ( pExt )
if ( !Q_stricmp(pExt, "vtf") )
return ImgUtl_ReadVTFAsRGBA( path, width, height, errcode );
if ( !Q_stricmp(pExt, "bmp") )
return ImgUtl_ReadBMPAsRGBA( path, width, height, errcode );
if ( !Q_stricmp(pExt, "jpg") || !Q_stricmp(pExt, "jpeg") )
return ImgUtl_ReadJPEGAsRGBA( path, width, height, errcode );
if ( !Q_stricmp(pExt, "png") )
return ImgUtl_ReadPNGAsRGBA( path, width, height, errcode );
if ( !Q_stricmp(pExt, "tga") )
TGAHeader header;
return ImgUtl_ReadTGAAsRGBA( path, width, height, errcode, header );
return NULL;
// resizes the file specified by tgaPath so that it has dimensions that are
// powers-of-two and is equal to or smaller than (nMaxWidth)x(nMaxHeight).
// also converts from 24-bit RGB to 32-bit RGB (with 8-bit alpha)
ConversionErrorType ImgUtl_ConvertTGA(const char *tgaPath, int nMaxWidth/*=-1*/, int nMaxHeight/*=-1*/)
int tgaWidth = 0, tgaHeight = 0;
ConversionErrorType errcode;
TGAHeader tgaHeader;
unsigned char *srcBuffer = ImgUtl_ReadTGAAsRGBA(tgaPath, tgaWidth, tgaHeight, errcode, tgaHeader);
if (srcBuffer == NULL)
return errcode;
int paddedImageWidth, paddedImageHeight;
if ((tgaWidth <= 0) || (tgaHeight <= 0))
// get the nearest power of two that is greater than the width of the image.
paddedImageWidth = tgaWidth;
if (!IsPowerOfTwo(paddedImageWidth))
// width is not a power of two, calculate the next highest power of two value.
int i = 1;
while (paddedImageWidth > 1)
paddedImageWidth = paddedImageWidth >> 1;
paddedImageWidth = paddedImageWidth << i;
// make sure the width is less than or equal to nMaxWidth
if (nMaxWidth != -1 && paddedImageWidth > nMaxWidth)
paddedImageWidth = nMaxWidth;
// get the nearest power of two that is greater than the height of the image
paddedImageHeight = tgaHeight;
if (!IsPowerOfTwo(paddedImageHeight))
// height is not a power of two, calculate the next highest power of two value.
int i = 1;
while (paddedImageHeight > 1)
paddedImageHeight = paddedImageHeight >> 1;
paddedImageHeight = paddedImageHeight << i;
// make sure the height is less than or equal to nMaxHeight
if (nMaxHeight != -1 && paddedImageHeight > nMaxHeight)
paddedImageHeight = nMaxHeight;
// compute the amount of stretching that needs to be done to both width and height to get the image to fit.
float widthRatio = (float)paddedImageWidth / tgaWidth;
float heightRatio = (float)paddedImageHeight / tgaHeight;
int finalWidth;
int finalHeight;
// compute the final dimensions of the stretched image.
if (widthRatio < heightRatio)
finalWidth = paddedImageWidth;
finalHeight = (int)(tgaHeight * widthRatio + 0.5f);
// i.e. for 1x1 size pixels in the resized image we will take color from sourceRatio x sourceRatio sized pixels in the source image.
else if (heightRatio < widthRatio)
finalHeight = paddedImageHeight;
finalWidth = (int)(tgaWidth * heightRatio + 0.5f);
finalHeight = paddedImageHeight;
finalWidth = paddedImageWidth;
unsigned char *resizeBuffer = (unsigned char *)malloc(finalWidth * finalHeight * 4);
// do the actual stretching
ImgUtl_StretchRGBAImage(srcBuffer, tgaWidth, tgaHeight, resizeBuffer, finalWidth, finalHeight);
free(srcBuffer); // don't need this anymore.
///// need to pad the image so both dimensions are power of two's /////
unsigned char *finalBuffer = (unsigned char *)malloc(paddedImageWidth * paddedImageHeight * 4);
ImgUtl_PadRGBAImage(resizeBuffer, finalWidth, finalHeight, finalBuffer, paddedImageWidth, paddedImageHeight);
FILE *outfile = fopen(tgaPath, "wb");
if (outfile == NULL)
tgaHeader.width = paddedImageWidth;
tgaHeader.height = paddedImageHeight;
WriteTGAHeader(outfile, tgaHeader);
// Write the image data --- remember that TGA uses BGRA data
int numPixels = paddedImageWidth * paddedImageHeight;
for (int i = 0 ; i < numPixels ; ++i )
fputc( finalBuffer[i*4 + 2], outfile ); // B
fputc( finalBuffer[i*4 + 1], outfile ); // G
fputc( finalBuffer[i*4 ], outfile ); // R
fputc( finalBuffer[i*4 + 3], outfile ); // A
return CE_SUCCESS;
// resize by stretching (or compressing) an RGBA image pointed to by srcBuf into the buffer pointed to by destBuf.
// the buffers are assumed to be sized appropriately to accomidate RGBA images of the given widths and heights.
ConversionErrorType ImgUtl_StretchRGBAImage(const unsigned char *srcBuf, const int srcWidth, const int srcHeight,
unsigned char *destBuf, const int destWidth, const int destHeight)
if ((srcBuf == NULL) || (destBuf == NULL))
int destRow,destColumn;
float ratioX = (float)srcWidth / (float)destWidth;
float ratioY = (float)srcHeight / (float)destHeight;
// loop through all the pixels in the destination image.
for (destRow = 0; destRow < destHeight; ++destRow)
for (destColumn = 0; destColumn < destWidth; ++destColumn)
// calculate the center of the pixel in the source image.
float srcCenterX = ratioX * (destColumn + 0.5f);
float srcCenterY = ratioY * (destRow + 0.5f);
// calculate the starting and ending coords for this destination pixel in the source image.
float srcStartX = srcCenterX - (ratioX / 2.0f);
if (srcStartX < 0.0f)
srcStartX = 0.0f; // this should never happen, but just in case.
float srcStartY = srcCenterY - (ratioY / 2.0f);
if (srcStartY < 0.0f)
srcStartY = 0.0f; // this should never happen, but just in case.
float srcEndX = srcCenterX + (ratioX / 2.0f);
if (srcEndX > srcWidth)
srcEndX = srcWidth; // this should never happen, but just in case.
float srcEndY = srcCenterY + (ratioY / 2.0f);
if (srcEndY > srcHeight)
srcEndY = srcHeight; // this should never happen, but just in case.
// Calculate the percentage of each source pixels' contribution to the destination pixel color.
float srcCurrentX; // initialized at the start of the y loop.
float srcCurrentY = srcStartY;
float destRed = 0.0f;
float destGreen = 0.0f;
float destBlue = 0.0f;
float destAlpha = 0.0f;
//// loop for the parts of the source image that will contribute color to the destination pixel.
while (srcCurrentY < srcEndY)
float srcCurrentEndY = (float)((int)srcCurrentY + 1);
if (srcCurrentEndY > srcEndY)
srcCurrentEndY = srcEndY;
float srcCurrentHeight = srcCurrentEndY - srcCurrentY;
srcCurrentX = srcStartX;
while (srcCurrentX < srcEndX)
float srcCurrentEndX = (float)((int)srcCurrentX + 1);
if (srcCurrentEndX > srcEndX)
srcCurrentEndX = srcEndX;
float srcCurrentWidth = srcCurrentEndX - srcCurrentX;
// compute the percentage of the destination pixel's color this source pixel will contribute.
float srcColorPercentage = (srcCurrentWidth / ratioX) * (srcCurrentHeight / ratioY);
int srcCurrentPixelX = (int)srcCurrentX;
int srcCurrentPixelY = (int)srcCurrentY;
// get the color values for this source pixel.
unsigned char srcCurrentRed = srcBuf[(srcCurrentPixelY * srcWidth * 4) + (srcCurrentPixelX * 4)];
unsigned char srcCurrentGreen = srcBuf[(srcCurrentPixelY * srcWidth * 4) + (srcCurrentPixelX * 4) + 1];
unsigned char srcCurrentBlue = srcBuf[(srcCurrentPixelY * srcWidth * 4) + (srcCurrentPixelX * 4) + 2];
unsigned char srcCurrentAlpha = srcBuf[(srcCurrentPixelY * srcWidth * 4) + (srcCurrentPixelX * 4) + 3];
// add the color contribution from this source pixel to the destination pixel.
destRed += srcCurrentRed * srcColorPercentage;
destGreen += srcCurrentGreen * srcColorPercentage;
destBlue += srcCurrentBlue * srcColorPercentage;
destAlpha += srcCurrentAlpha * srcColorPercentage;
srcCurrentX = srcCurrentEndX;
srcCurrentY = srcCurrentEndY;
// assign the computed color to the destination pixel, round to the nearest value. Make sure the value doesn't exceed 255.
destBuf[(destRow * destWidth * 4) + (destColumn * 4)] = min((int)(destRed + 0.5f), 255);
destBuf[(destRow * destWidth * 4) + (destColumn * 4) + 1] = min((int)(destGreen + 0.5f), 255);
destBuf[(destRow * destWidth * 4) + (destColumn * 4) + 2] = min((int)(destBlue + 0.5f), 255);
destBuf[(destRow * destWidth * 4) + (destColumn * 4) + 3] = min((int)(destAlpha + 0.5f), 255);
} // column loop
} // row loop
return CE_SUCCESS;
ConversionErrorType ImgUtl_PadRGBAImage(const unsigned char *srcBuf, const int srcWidth, const int srcHeight,
unsigned char *destBuf, const int destWidth, const int destHeight)
if ((srcBuf == NULL) || (destBuf == NULL))
memset(destBuf, 0, destWidth * destHeight * 4);
if ((destWidth < srcWidth) || (destHeight < srcHeight))
if ((srcWidth == destWidth) && (srcHeight == destHeight))
// no padding is needed, just copy the buffer straight over and call it done.
memcpy(destBuf, srcBuf, destWidth * destHeight * 4);
return CE_SUCCESS;
if (destWidth == srcWidth)
// only the top and bottom of the image need padding.
// do this separately since we can do this more efficiently than the other cases.
int numRowsToPad = (destHeight - srcHeight) / 2;
memcpy(destBuf + (numRowsToPad * destWidth * 4), srcBuf, srcWidth * srcHeight * 4);
int numColumnsToPad = (destWidth - srcWidth) / 2;
int numRowsToPad = (destHeight - srcHeight) / 2;
int lastRow = numRowsToPad + srcHeight;
int row;
for (row = numRowsToPad; row < lastRow; ++row)
unsigned char * destOffset = destBuf + (row * destWidth * 4) + (numColumnsToPad * 4);
const unsigned char * srcOffset = srcBuf + ((row - numRowsToPad) * srcWidth * 4);
memcpy(destOffset, srcOffset, srcWidth * 4);
return CE_SUCCESS;
// convert TGA file at the given location to a VTF file of the same root name at the same location.
ConversionErrorType ImgUtl_ConvertTGAToVTF(const char *tgaPath, int nMaxWidth/*=-1*/, int nMaxHeight/*=-1*/ )
FILE *infile = fopen(tgaPath, "rb");
if (infile == NULL)
Msg( "Failed to open TGA: %s\n", tgaPath);
// read out the header of the image.
TGAHeader header;
ImgUtl_ReadTGAHeader(infile, header);
// check to make sure that the TGA has the proper dimensions and size.
if (!IsPowerOfTwo(header.width) || !IsPowerOfTwo(header.height))
Msg( "Failed to open TGA - size dimensions (%d, %d) not power of 2: %s\n", header.width, header.height, tgaPath);
// check to make sure that the TGA isn't too big, if we care.
if ( ( nMaxWidth != -1 && header.width > nMaxWidth ) || ( nMaxHeight != -1 && header.height > nMaxHeight ) )
Msg( "Failed to open TGA - dimensions too large (%d, %d) (max: %d, %d): %s\n", header.width, header.height, nMaxWidth, nMaxHeight, tgaPath);
int imageMemoryFootprint = header.width * header.height * header.bits / 8;
CUtlBuffer inbuf(0, imageMemoryFootprint);
// read in the image
int nBytesRead = fread(inbuf.Base(), imageMemoryFootprint, 1, infile);
inbuf.SeekPut( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_HEAD, nBytesRead );
// load vtex_dll.dll and get the interface to it.
CSysModule *vtexmod = Sys_LoadModule("vtex_dll");
if (vtexmod == NULL)
Msg( "Failed to open TGA conversion module vtex_dll: %s\n", tgaPath);
CreateInterfaceFn factory = Sys_GetFactory(vtexmod);
if (factory == NULL)
Msg( "Failed to open TGA conversion module vtex_dll Factory: %s\n", tgaPath);
IVTex *vtex = (IVTex *)factory(IVTEX_VERSION_STRING, NULL);
if (vtex == NULL)
Msg( "Failed to open TGA conversion module vtex_dll Factory (is null): %s\n", tgaPath);
char *vtfParams[4];
// the 0th entry is skipped cause normally thats the program name.
vtfParams[0] = "";
vtfParams[1] = "-quiet";
vtfParams[2] = "-dontusegamedir";
vtfParams[3] = (char *)tgaPath;
// call vtex to do the conversion.
vtex->VTex(4, vtfParams); // how do we know this works?
return CE_SUCCESS;
static void DoCopyFile( const char *source, const char *destination )
#if defined( WIN32 )
CopyFile( source, destination, true );
#elif defined( OSX )
copyfile( source, destination, NULL, COPYFILE_ALL );
#elif defined( ENGINE_DLL )
::COM_CopyFile( source, destination );
g_pEngine->CopyFile( source, destination );
engine->CopyLocalFile( source, destination );
static void DoDeleteFile( const char *filename )
#ifdef WIN32
DeleteFile( filename );
unlink( filename );
ConversionErrorType ImgUtl_ConvertToVTFAndDumpVMT( const char *pInPath, const char *pMaterialsSubDir, int nMaxWidth/*=-1*/, int nMaxHeight/*=-1*/ )
#ifndef _XBOX
if ((pInPath == NULL) || (pInPath[0] == 0))
ConversionErrorType nErrorCode = CE_SUCCESS;
// get the extension of the file we're to convert
char extension[MAX_PATH];
const char *constchar = pInPath + strlen(pInPath);
while ((constchar > pInPath) && (*(constchar-1) != '.'))
Q_strncpy(extension, constchar, MAX_PATH);
bool deleteIntermediateTGA = false;
bool deleteIntermediateVTF = false;
bool convertTGAToVTF = true;
char tgaPath[MAX_PATH*2];
char *c;
bool failed = false;
Q_strncpy(tgaPath, pInPath, sizeof(tgaPath));
// Construct a TGA version if necessary
if (stricmp(extension, "tga"))
// It is not a TGA file, so create a temporary file name for the TGA you have to create
c = tgaPath + strlen(tgaPath);
while ((c > tgaPath) && (*(c-1) != '\\') && (*(c-1) != '/'))
*c = 0;
char origpath[MAX_PATH*2];
Q_strncpy(origpath, tgaPath, sizeof(origpath));
// Look for an empty temp file - find the first one that doesn't exist.
int index = 0;
do {
Q_snprintf(tgaPath, sizeof(tgaPath), "%stemp%d.tga", origpath, index);
} while (_access(tgaPath, 0) != -1);
// Convert the other formats to TGA
// jpeg files
if (!stricmp(extension, "jpg") || !stricmp(extension, "jpeg"))
// convert from the jpeg file format to the TGA file format
nErrorCode = ImgUtl_ConvertJPEGToTGA(pInPath, tgaPath, false);
if (nErrorCode == CE_SUCCESS)
deleteIntermediateTGA = true;
failed = true;
// bmp files
else if (!stricmp(extension, "bmp"))
// convert from the bmp file format to the TGA file format
nErrorCode = ImgUtl_ConvertBMPToTGA(pInPath, tgaPath);
if (nErrorCode == CE_SUCCESS)
deleteIntermediateTGA = true;
failed = true;
// vtf files
else if (!stricmp(extension, "vtf"))
// if the file is already in the vtf format there's no need to convert it.
convertTGAToVTF = false;
// if we now have a TGA file, convert it to VTF
if (convertTGAToVTF && !failed)
nErrorCode = ImgUtl_ConvertTGA( tgaPath, nMaxWidth, nMaxHeight ); // resize TGA so that it has power-of-two dimensions with a max size of (nMaxWidth)x(nMaxHeight).
if (nErrorCode != CE_SUCCESS)
failed = true;
if (!failed)
char tempPath[MAX_PATH*2];
Q_strncpy(tempPath, tgaPath, sizeof(tempPath));
nErrorCode = ImgUtl_ConvertTGAToVTF( tempPath, nMaxWidth, nMaxHeight );
if (nErrorCode == CE_SUCCESS)
deleteIntermediateVTF = true;
Msg( "Failed to convert TGA to VTF: %s\n", tempPath);
failed = true;
// At this point everything should be a VTF file
char finalPath[MAX_PATH*2];
finalPath[0] = 0;
char vtfPath[MAX_PATH*2];
vtfPath[0] = 0;
// If we haven't failed so far, create a VMT to go with this VTF
if (!failed)
// If I had to convert from another filetype (i.e. the original was NOT a .vtf)
if ( convertTGAToVTF )
Q_strncpy(vtfPath, tgaPath, sizeof(vtfPath));
// rename the tga file to be a vtf file.
c = vtfPath + strlen(vtfPath);
while ((c > vtfPath) && (*(c-1) != '.'))
*c = 0;
Q_strncat(vtfPath, "vtf", sizeof(vtfPath), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS);
// We were handed a vtf file originally, so use it.
Q_strncpy(vtfPath, pInPath, sizeof(vtfPath));
// get the vtfFilename from the path.
const char *vtfFilename = pInPath + strlen(pInPath);
while ((vtfFilename > pInPath) && (*(vtfFilename-1) != '\\') && (*(vtfFilename-1) != '/'))
// Create a safe version of pOutDir with corrected slashes
char szOutDir[MAX_PATH*2];
V_strcpy_safe( szOutDir, IsPosix() ? "/materials/" : "\\materials\\" );
if ( pMaterialsSubDir[0] == '\\' || pMaterialsSubDir[0] == '/' )
pMaterialsSubDir = pMaterialsSubDir + 1;
V_strcat_safe(szOutDir, pMaterialsSubDir, sizeof(szOutDir) );
Q_StripTrailingSlash( szOutDir );
Q_AppendSlash( szOutDir, sizeof(szOutDir) );
Q_strncpy(finalPath, com_gamedir, sizeof(finalPath));
Q_strncpy(finalPath, g_pEngine->GetGameDir(), sizeof(finalPath));
Q_strncpy(finalPath, engine->GetGameDirectory(), sizeof(finalPath));
Q_strncat(finalPath, szOutDir, sizeof(finalPath), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS);
Q_strncat(finalPath, vtfFilename, sizeof(finalPath), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS);
c = finalPath + strlen(finalPath);
while ((c > finalPath) && (*(c-1) != '.'))
*c = 0;
Q_strncat(finalPath,"vtf", sizeof(finalPath), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS);
// make sure the directory exists before we try to copy the file.
g_pFullFileSystem->CreateDirHierarchy(szOutDir + 1, "GAME");
//g_pFullFileSystem->CreateDirHierarchy("materials/VGUI/logos/", "GAME");
// write out the spray VMT file.
if ( strcmp(vtfPath, finalPath) ) // If they're not already the same
nErrorCode = ImgUtl_WriteGenericVMT(finalPath, pMaterialsSubDir);
if (nErrorCode != CE_SUCCESS)
failed = true;
if (!failed)
// copy vtf file to the final location, only if we're not already in vtf
DoCopyFile( vtfPath, finalPath );
// delete the intermediate VTF file if one was made.
if (deleteIntermediateVTF)
DoDeleteFile( vtfPath );
// the TGA->VTF conversion process generates a .txt file if one wasn't already there.
// in this case, delete the .txt file.
c = vtfPath + strlen(vtfPath);
while ((c > vtfPath) && (*(c-1) != '.'))
Q_strncpy(c, "txt", sizeof(vtfPath)-(c-vtfPath));
DoDeleteFile( vtfPath );
// delete the intermediate TGA file if one was made.
if (deleteIntermediateTGA)
DoDeleteFile( tgaPath );
return nErrorCode;
ConversionErrorType ImgUtl_WriteGenericVMT( const char *vtfPath, const char *pMaterialsSubDir )
if (vtfPath == NULL || pMaterialsSubDir == NULL )
// make the vmt filename
char vmtPath[MAX_PATH*4];
Q_strncpy(vmtPath, vtfPath, sizeof(vmtPath));
char *c = vmtPath + strlen(vmtPath);
while ((c > vmtPath) && (*(c-1) != '.'))
Q_strncpy(c, "vmt", sizeof(vmtPath) - (c - vmtPath));
// get the root filename for the vtf file
char filename[MAX_PATH];
while ((c > vmtPath) && (*(c-1) != '/') && (*(c-1) != '\\'))
int i = 0;
while ((*c != 0) && (*c != '.'))
filename[i++] = *(c++);
filename[i] = 0;
// create the vmt file.
FILE *vmtFile = fopen(vmtPath, "w");
if (vmtFile == NULL)
// make a copy of the subdir and remove any trailing slash
char szMaterialsSubDir[ MAX_PATH*2 ];
V_strcpy_safe( szMaterialsSubDir, pMaterialsSubDir );
V_StripTrailingSlash( szMaterialsSubDir );
// fix slashes
V_FixSlashes( szMaterialsSubDir );
// write the contents of the file.
fprintf(vmtFile, "\"UnlitGeneric\"\n{\n\t\"$basetexture\" \"%s%c%s\"\n\t\"$translucent\" \"1\"\n\t\"$ignorez\" \"1\"\n\t\"$vertexcolor\" \"1\"\n\t\"$vertexalpha\" \"1\"\n}\n", szMaterialsSubDir, CORRECT_PATH_SEPARATOR, filename);
return CE_SUCCESS;
static void WritePNGData( png_structp png_ptr, png_bytep inBytes, png_size_t byteCountToWrite )
// Cast pointer
CUtlBuffer *pBuf = (CUtlBuffer *)png_get_io_ptr( png_ptr );
Assert( pBuf );
// Write the bytes
pBuf->Put( inBytes, byteCountToWrite );
// What? Put() returns void. No way to detect error?
static void FlushPNGData( png_structp png_ptr )
// We're writing to a memory buffer, it's a NOP
ConversionErrorType ImgUtl_WriteRGBAAsPNGToBuffer( const unsigned char *pRGBAData, int nWidth, int nHeight, CUtlBuffer &bufOutData, int nStride )
#if !defined( _X360 )
// Auto detect image stride
if ( nStride <= 0 )
nStride = nWidth*4;
/* could pass pointers to user-defined error handlers instead of NULLs: */
png_structp png_ptr = png_create_write_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING,
if (png_ptr == NULL)
ConversionErrorType errcode = CE_MEMORY_ERROR;
png_bytepp row_pointers = NULL;
png_infop info_ptr = png_create_info_struct(png_ptr);
if ( !info_ptr )
errcode = CE_MEMORY_ERROR;
if ( row_pointers )
free( row_pointers );
png_destroy_write_struct( &png_ptr, &info_ptr );
return errcode;
// We'll use the default setjmp / longjmp error handling.
if ( setjmp( png_jmpbuf(png_ptr) ) )
// Error "writing". But since we're writing to a memory bufferm,
// that just means we must have run out of memory
errcode = CE_MEMORY_ERROR;
goto fail;
// Setup stream writing callbacks
png_set_write_fn(png_ptr, (void *)&bufOutData, WritePNGData, FlushPNGData);
// Setup info structure
png_set_IHDR(png_ptr, info_ptr, nWidth, nHeight, 8, PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB_ALPHA,
// !FIXME! Here we really should scan for the common case of
// an opaque image (all alpha=255) and strip the alpha channel
// in that case.
// Write the file header information.
png_write_info(png_ptr, info_ptr);
row_pointers = (png_bytepp)malloc( nHeight*sizeof(png_bytep) );
if ( row_pointers == NULL )
errcode = CE_MEMORY_ERROR;
goto fail;
/* set the individual row_pointers to point at the correct offsets */
for ( int i = 0; i < nHeight; ++i)
row_pointers[i] = const_cast<unsigned char *>(pRGBAData + i*nStride);
// Write the image
png_write_image(png_ptr, row_pointers);
/* It is REQUIRED to call this to finish writing the rest of the file */
png_write_end(png_ptr, info_ptr);
// Clean up, and we're done
free( row_pointers );
row_pointers = NULL;
png_destroy_write_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr);
return CE_SUCCESS;
// Purpose: Initialize destination --- called by jpeg_start_compress
// before any data is actually written.
METHODDEF(void) init_destination (j_compress_ptr cinfo)
JPEGDestinationManager_t *dest = ( JPEGDestinationManager_t *) cinfo->dest;
// Allocate the output buffer --- it will be released when done with image
dest->buffer = (byte *)
(*cinfo->mem->alloc_small) ((j_common_ptr) cinfo, JPOOL_IMAGE,
JPEG_OUTPUT_BUF_SIZE * sizeof(byte));
dest->pub.next_output_byte = dest->buffer;
dest->pub.free_in_buffer = JPEG_OUTPUT_BUF_SIZE;
// Purpose: Empty the output buffer --- called whenever buffer fills up.
// Input : boolean -
METHODDEF(boolean) empty_output_buffer (j_compress_ptr cinfo)
JPEGDestinationManager_t *dest = ( JPEGDestinationManager_t * ) cinfo->dest;
CUtlBuffer *buf = dest->pBuffer;
// Add some data
buf->Put( dest->buffer, JPEG_OUTPUT_BUF_SIZE );
dest->pub.next_output_byte = dest->buffer;
dest->pub.free_in_buffer = JPEG_OUTPUT_BUF_SIZE;
return TRUE;
// Purpose: Terminate destination --- called by jpeg_finish_compress
// after all data has been written. Usually needs to flush buffer.
// NB: *not* called by jpeg_abort or jpeg_destroy; surrounding
// application must deal with any cleanup that should happen even
// for error exit.
METHODDEF(void) term_destination (j_compress_ptr cinfo)
JPEGDestinationManager_t *dest = (JPEGDestinationManager_t *) cinfo->dest;
size_t datacount = JPEG_OUTPUT_BUF_SIZE - dest->pub.free_in_buffer;
CUtlBuffer *buf = dest->pBuffer;
/* Write any data remaining in the buffer */
if (datacount > 0)
buf->Put( dest->buffer, datacount );
// Purpose: Set up functions for writing data to a CUtlBuffer instead of FILE *
GLOBAL(void) jpeg_UtlBuffer_dest (j_compress_ptr cinfo, CUtlBuffer *pBuffer )
JPEGDestinationManager_t *dest;
/* The destination object is made permanent so that multiple JPEG images
* can be written to the same file without re-executing jpeg_stdio_dest.
* This makes it dangerous to use this manager and a different destination
* manager serially with the same JPEG object, because their private object
* sizes may be different. Caveat programmer.
if (cinfo->dest == NULL) { /* first time for this JPEG object? */
cinfo->dest = (struct jpeg_destination_mgr *)
(*cinfo->mem->alloc_small) ((j_common_ptr) cinfo, JPOOL_PERMANENT,
dest = ( JPEGDestinationManager_t * ) cinfo->dest;
dest->pub.init_destination = init_destination;
dest->pub.empty_output_buffer = empty_output_buffer;
dest->pub.term_destination = term_destination;
dest->pBuffer = pBuffer;
// Purpose: Write three channel RGB data to a JPEG file
bool ImgUtl_WriteRGBToJPEG( unsigned char *pSrcBuf, unsigned int nSrcWidth, unsigned int nSrcHeight, const char *lpszFilename )
CUtlBuffer dstBuf;
JSAMPROW row_pointer[1]; // pointer to JSAMPLE row[s]
int row_stride; // physical row width in image buffer
// stderr handler
struct jpeg_error_mgr jerr;
// compression data structure
struct jpeg_compress_struct cinfo;
row_stride = nSrcWidth * 3; // JSAMPLEs per row in image_buffer
// point at stderr
cinfo.err = jpeg_std_error(&jerr);
// create compressor
// Hook CUtlBuffer to compression
jpeg_UtlBuffer_dest(&cinfo, &dstBuf );
// image width and height, in pixels
cinfo.image_width = nSrcWidth;
cinfo.image_height = nSrcHeight;
// RGB is 3 component
cinfo.input_components = 3;
// # of color components per pixel
cinfo.in_color_space = JCS_RGB;
// Apply settings
jpeg_set_quality(&cinfo, 100, TRUE );
// Start compressor
jpeg_start_compress(&cinfo, TRUE);
// Write scanlines
while ( cinfo.next_scanline < cinfo.image_height )
row_pointer[ 0 ] = &pSrcBuf[ cinfo.next_scanline * row_stride ];
jpeg_write_scanlines( &cinfo, row_pointer, 1 );
// Finalize image
// Cleanup
return CE_SUCCESS;
ConversionErrorType ImgUtl_WriteRGBAAsJPEGToBuffer( const unsigned char *pRGBAData, int nWidth, int nHeight, CUtlBuffer &bufOutData, int nStride )
#if !defined( _X360 )
JSAMPROW row_pointer[1]; // pointer to JSAMPLE row[s]
int row_stride; // physical row width in image buffer
// stderr handler
struct jpeg_error_mgr jerr;
// compression data structure
struct jpeg_compress_struct cinfo;
row_stride = nWidth * 4;
// point at stderr
cinfo.err = jpeg_std_error(&jerr);
// create compressor
// Hook CUtlBuffer to compression
jpeg_UtlBuffer_dest(&cinfo, &bufOutData );
// image width and height, in pixels
cinfo.image_width = nWidth;
cinfo.image_height = nHeight;
// RGB is 3 component
cinfo.input_components = 3;
// # of color components per pixel
cinfo.in_color_space = JCS_RGB;
// Apply settings
jpeg_set_quality(&cinfo, 100, TRUE );
// Start compressor
jpeg_start_compress(&cinfo, TRUE);
// Write scanlines
unsigned char *pDstRow = (unsigned char *)malloc( sizeof(unsigned char) * nWidth * 4 );
while ( cinfo.next_scanline < cinfo.image_height )
const unsigned char *pSrcRow = &(pRGBAData[cinfo.next_scanline * row_stride]);
// convert row from RGBA to RGB
for ( int x = nWidth-1 ; x >= 0 ; --x )
pDstRow[x*3+2] = pSrcRow[x*4+2];
pDstRow[x*3+1] = pSrcRow[x*4+1];
pDstRow[x*3] = pSrcRow[x*4];
row_pointer[ 0 ] = pDstRow;
jpeg_write_scanlines( &cinfo, row_pointer, 1 );
// Finalize image
// Cleanup
free( pDstRow );
return CE_SUCCESS;
ConversionErrorType ImgUtl_LoadBitmap( const char *pszFilename, Bitmap_t &bitmap )
ConversionErrorType nErrorCode;
int width, height;
unsigned char *buffer = ImgUtl_ReadImageAsRGBA( pszFilename, width, height, nErrorCode );
if ( nErrorCode != CE_SUCCESS )
return nErrorCode;
// Install the buffer into the bitmap, and transfer ownership
bitmap.SetBuffer( width, height, IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA8888, buffer, true, width*4 );
return CE_SUCCESS;
static ConversionErrorType ImgUtl_LoadJPEGBitmapFromBuffer( CUtlBuffer &fileData, Bitmap_t &bitmap )
// @todo implement
static ConversionErrorType ImgUtl_SaveJPEGBitmapToBuffer( CUtlBuffer &fileData, const Bitmap_t &bitmap )
if ( !bitmap.IsValid() )
Assert( bitmap.IsValid() );
// Sorry, only RGBA8888 supported right now
if ( bitmap.Format() != IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA8888 )
Assert( bitmap.Format() == IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA8888 );
// Do it
ConversionErrorType result = ImgUtl_WriteRGBAAsJPEGToBuffer(
return result;
ConversionErrorType ImgUtl_LoadBitmapFromBuffer( CUtlBuffer &fileData, Bitmap_t &bitmap, ImageFileFormat eImageFileFormat )
switch ( eImageFileFormat )
case kImageFileFormat_PNG:
return ImgUtl_LoadPNGBitmapFromBuffer( fileData, bitmap );
case kImageFileFormat_JPG:
return ImgUtl_LoadJPEGBitmapFromBuffer( fileData, bitmap );
ConversionErrorType ImgUtl_SaveBitmapToBuffer( CUtlBuffer &fileData, const Bitmap_t &bitmap, ImageFileFormat eImageFileFormat )
switch ( eImageFileFormat )
case kImageFileFormat_PNG:
return ImgUtl_SavePNGBitmapToBuffer( fileData, bitmap );
case kImageFileFormat_JPG:
return ImgUtl_SaveJPEGBitmapToBuffer( fileData, bitmap );
ConversionErrorType ImgUtl_LoadPNGBitmapFromBuffer( CUtlBuffer &fileData, Bitmap_t &bitmap )
ConversionErrorType nErrorCode;
int width, height;
unsigned char *buffer = ImgUtl_ReadPNGAsRGBAFromBuffer( fileData, width, height, nErrorCode );
if ( nErrorCode != CE_SUCCESS )
return nErrorCode;
// Install the buffer into the bitmap, and transfer ownership
bitmap.SetBuffer( width, height, IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA8888, buffer, true, width*4 );
return CE_SUCCESS;
ConversionErrorType ImgUtl_SavePNGBitmapToBuffer( CUtlBuffer &fileData, const Bitmap_t &bitmap )
if ( !bitmap.IsValid() )
Assert( bitmap.IsValid() );
// Sorry, only RGBA8888 supported right now
if ( bitmap.Format() != IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA8888 )
Assert( bitmap.Format() == IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA8888 );
// Do it
ConversionErrorType result = ImgUtl_WriteRGBAAsPNGToBuffer(
return result;
ConversionErrorType ImgUtl_ResizeBitmap( Bitmap_t &destBitmap, int nWidth, int nHeight, const Bitmap_t *pImgSource )
// Check for resizing in place, then save off data into a temp
Bitmap_t temp;
if ( pImgSource == NULL || pImgSource == &destBitmap )
temp.MakeLogicalCopyOf( destBitmap, destBitmap.GetOwnsBuffer() );
pImgSource = &temp;
// No source image?
if ( !pImgSource->IsValid() )
Assert( pImgSource->IsValid() );
// Sorry, we're using an existing rescaling routine that
// only withs for RGBA images with assumed stride
if (
pImgSource->Format() != IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA8888
|| pImgSource->Stride() != pImgSource->Width()*4
) {
Assert( pImgSource->Format() == IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA8888 );
Assert( pImgSource->Stride() == pImgSource->Width()*4 );
// Allocate buffer
destBitmap.Init( nWidth, nHeight, IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA8888 );
// Something wrong?
if ( !destBitmap.IsValid() )
Assert( destBitmap.IsValid() );
// Do it
return ImgUtl_StretchRGBAImage(
pImgSource->GetBits(), pImgSource->Width(), pImgSource->Height(),
destBitmap.GetBits(), destBitmap.Width(), destBitmap.Height()