Modified source engine (2017) developed by valve and leaked in 2020. Not for commercial purporses
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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5 years ago
//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $Workfile: $
// $NoKeywords: $
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "c_baseentity.h"
#include "studio.h"
#include "utlvector.h"
#include "ragdoll.h"
#include "mouthinfo.h"
// Shared activities
#include "ai_activity.h"
#include "animationlayer.h"
#include "sequence_Transitioner.h"
#include "bone_accessor.h"
#include "bone_merge_cache.h"
#include "ragdoll_shared.h"
#include "tier0/threadtools.h"
#include "datacache/idatacache.h"
class C_BaseClientShader
virtual void RenderMaterial( C_BaseEntity *pEntity, int count, const vec4_t *verts, const vec4_t *normals, const vec2_t *texcoords, vec4_t *lightvalues );
class IRagdoll;
class CIKContext;
class CIKState;
class ConVar;
class C_RopeKeyframe;
class CBoneBitList;
class CBoneList;
class KeyValues;
class CJiggleBones;
class IBoneSetup;
typedef unsigned short MDLHandle_t;
extern ConVar vcollide_wireframe;
struct ClientModelRenderInfo_t : public ModelRenderInfo_t
// Added space for lighting origin override. Just allocated space, need to set base pointer
matrix3x4_t lightingOffset;
// Added space for model to world matrix. Just allocated space, need to set base pointer
matrix3x4_t modelToWorld;
struct RagdollInfo_t
bool m_bActive;
float m_flSaveTime;
int m_nNumBones;
Vector m_rgBonePos[MAXSTUDIOBONES];
Quaternion m_rgBoneQuaternion[MAXSTUDIOBONES];
class CAttachmentData
matrix3x4_t m_AttachmentToWorld;
QAngle m_angRotation;
Vector m_vOriginVelocity;
int m_nLastFramecount : 31;
int m_bAnglesComputed : 1;
typedef unsigned int ClientSideAnimationListHandle_t;
#define INVALID_CLIENTSIDEANIMATION_LIST_HANDLE (ClientSideAnimationListHandle_t)~0
class C_BaseAnimating : public C_BaseEntity, private IModelLoadCallback
DECLARE_CLASS( C_BaseAnimating, C_BaseEntity );
virtual C_BaseAnimating* GetBaseAnimating() { return this; }
bool UsesPowerOfTwoFrameBufferTexture( void );
virtual bool Interpolate( float currentTime );
virtual void Simulate();
virtual void Release();
float GetAnimTimeInterval( void ) const;
virtual unsigned char GetClientSideFade( void );
// Get bone controller values.
virtual void GetBoneControllers(float controllers[MAXSTUDIOBONECTRLS]);
virtual float SetBoneController ( int iController, float flValue );
LocalFlexController_t GetNumFlexControllers( void );
const char *GetFlexDescFacs( int iFlexDesc );
const char *GetFlexControllerName( LocalFlexController_t iFlexController );
const char *GetFlexControllerType( LocalFlexController_t iFlexController );
virtual void GetAimEntOrigin( IClientEntity *pAttachedTo, Vector *pAbsOrigin, QAngle *pAbsAngles );
// Computes a box that surrounds all hitboxes
bool ComputeHitboxSurroundingBox( Vector *pVecWorldMins, Vector *pVecWorldMaxs );
bool ComputeEntitySpaceHitboxSurroundingBox( Vector *pVecWorldMins, Vector *pVecWorldMaxs );
// Gets the hitbox-to-world transforms, returns false if there was a problem
bool HitboxToWorldTransforms( matrix3x4_t *pHitboxToWorld[MAXSTUDIOBONES] );
// base model functionality
float ClampCycle( float cycle, bool isLooping );
virtual void GetPoseParameters( CStudioHdr *pStudioHdr, float poseParameter[MAXSTUDIOPOSEPARAM] );
virtual void BuildTransformations( CStudioHdr *pStudioHdr, Vector *pos, Quaternion q[], const matrix3x4_t& cameraTransform, int boneMask, CBoneBitList &boneComputed );
virtual void ApplyBoneMatrixTransform( matrix3x4_t& transform );
virtual int VPhysicsGetObjectList( IPhysicsObject **pList, int listMax );
// model specific
virtual bool SetupBones( matrix3x4_t *pBoneToWorldOut, int nMaxBones, int boneMask, float currentTime );
virtual void UpdateIKLocks( float currentTime );
virtual void CalculateIKLocks( float currentTime );
virtual bool ShouldDraw();
virtual int DrawModel( int flags );
virtual int InternalDrawModel( int flags );
virtual bool OnInternalDrawModel( ClientModelRenderInfo_t *pInfo );
virtual bool OnPostInternalDrawModel( ClientModelRenderInfo_t *pInfo );
void DoInternalDrawModel( ClientModelRenderInfo_t *pInfo, DrawModelState_t *pState, matrix3x4_t *pBoneToWorldArray = NULL );
virtual CMouthInfo *GetMouth();
virtual void ControlMouth( CStudioHdr *pStudioHdr );
// override in sub-classes
virtual void DoAnimationEvents( CStudioHdr *pStudio );
virtual void FireEvent( const Vector& origin, const QAngle& angles, int event, const char *options );
virtual void FireObsoleteEvent( const Vector& origin, const QAngle& angles, int event, const char *options );
virtual const char* ModifyEventParticles( const char* token ) { return token; }
// Parses and distributes muzzle flash events
virtual bool DispatchMuzzleEffect( const char *options, bool isFirstPerson );
// virtual void AllocateMaterials( void );
// virtual void FreeMaterials( void );
virtual void ValidateModelIndex( void );
virtual CStudioHdr *OnNewModel( void );
CStudioHdr *GetModelPtr() const;
void InvalidateMdlCache();
virtual void SetPredictable( bool state );
void UseClientSideAnimation();
// C_BaseClientShader **p_ClientShaders;
virtual void StandardBlendingRules( CStudioHdr *pStudioHdr, Vector pos[], Quaternion q[], float currentTime, int boneMask );
void UnragdollBlend( CStudioHdr *hdr, Vector pos[], Quaternion q[], float currentTime );
void MaintainSequenceTransitions( IBoneSetup &boneSetup, float flCycle, Vector pos[], Quaternion q[] );
virtual void AccumulateLayers( IBoneSetup &boneSetup, Vector pos[], Quaternion q[], float currentTime );
virtual void ChildLayerBlend( Vector pos[], Quaternion q[], float currentTime, int boneMask );
// Attachments
int LookupAttachment( const char *pAttachmentName );
int LookupRandomAttachment( const char *pAttachmentNameSubstring );
int LookupPoseParameter( CStudioHdr *pStudioHdr, const char *szName );
inline int LookupPoseParameter( const char *szName ) { return LookupPoseParameter(GetModelPtr(), szName); }
float SetPoseParameter( CStudioHdr *pStudioHdr, const char *szName, float flValue );
inline float SetPoseParameter( const char *szName, float flValue ) { return SetPoseParameter( GetModelPtr(), szName, flValue ); }
float SetPoseParameter( CStudioHdr *pStudioHdr, int iParameter, float flValue );
inline float SetPoseParameter( int iParameter, float flValue ) { return SetPoseParameter( GetModelPtr(), iParameter, flValue ); }
float GetPoseParameter( int iPoseParameter );
bool GetPoseParameterRange( int iPoseParameter, float &minValue, float &maxValue );
int LookupBone( const char *szName );
void GetBonePosition( int iBone, Vector &origin, QAngle &angles );
void GetBoneTransform( int iBone, matrix3x4_t &pBoneToWorld );
// [menglish] Finds the bone associated with the given hitbox
int GetHitboxBone( int hitboxIndex );
// Bone attachments
virtual void AttachEntityToBone( C_BaseAnimating* attachTarget, int boneIndexAttached=-1, Vector bonePosition=Vector(0,0,0), QAngle boneAngles=QAngle(0,0,0) );
void AddBoneAttachment( C_BaseAnimating* newBoneAttachment );
void RemoveBoneAttachment( C_BaseAnimating* boneAttachment );
void RemoveBoneAttachments();
void DestroyBoneAttachments();
void MoveBoneAttachments( C_BaseAnimating* attachTarget );
int GetNumBoneAttachments();
C_BaseAnimating* GetBoneAttachment( int i );
virtual void NotifyBoneAttached( C_BaseAnimating* attachTarget );
virtual void UpdateBoneAttachments( void );
//bool solveIK(float a, float b, const Vector &Foot, const Vector &Knee1, Vector &Knee2);
//void DebugIK( mstudioikchain_t *pikchain );
virtual void PreDataUpdate( DataUpdateType_t updateType );
virtual void PostDataUpdate( DataUpdateType_t updateType );
virtual int RestoreData( const char *context, int slot, int type );
virtual void NotifyShouldTransmit( ShouldTransmitState_t state );
virtual void OnPreDataChanged( DataUpdateType_t updateType );
virtual void OnDataChanged( DataUpdateType_t updateType );
virtual void AddEntity( void );
// This can be used to force client side animation to be on. Only use if you know what you're doing!
// Normally, the server entity should set this.
void ForceClientSideAnimationOn();
void AddToClientSideAnimationList();
void RemoveFromClientSideAnimationList();
5 years ago
virtual bool IsSelfAnimating();
virtual void ResetLatched();
// implements these so ragdolls can handle frustum culling & leaf visibility
virtual void GetRenderBounds( Vector& theMins, Vector& theMaxs );
virtual const Vector& GetRenderOrigin( void );
virtual const QAngle& GetRenderAngles( void );
virtual bool GetSoundSpatialization( SpatializationInfo_t& info );
// Attachments.
bool GetAttachment( const char *szName, Vector &absOrigin );
bool GetAttachment( const char *szName, Vector &absOrigin, QAngle &absAngles );
// Inherited from C_BaseEntity
virtual bool GetAttachment( int number, Vector &origin );
virtual bool GetAttachment( int number, Vector &origin, QAngle &angles );
virtual bool GetAttachment( int number, matrix3x4_t &matrix );
virtual bool GetAttachmentVelocity( int number, Vector &originVel, Quaternion &angleVel );
// Returns the attachment in local space
bool GetAttachmentLocal( int iAttachment, matrix3x4_t &attachmentToLocal );
bool GetAttachmentLocal( int iAttachment, Vector &origin, QAngle &angles );
bool GetAttachmentLocal( int iAttachment, Vector &origin );
bool GetRootBone( matrix3x4_t &rootBone );
// Should this object cast render-to-texture shadows?
virtual ShadowType_t ShadowCastType();
// Should we collide?
virtual CollideType_t GetCollideType( void );
virtual bool TestCollision( const Ray_t &ray, unsigned int fContentsMask, trace_t& tr );
virtual bool TestHitboxes( const Ray_t &ray, unsigned int fContentsMask, trace_t& tr );
// returns true if we're currently being ragdolled
bool IsRagdoll() const;
bool IsAboutToRagdoll() const;
virtual C_BaseAnimating *BecomeRagdollOnClient();
C_BaseAnimating *CreateRagdollCopy();
bool InitAsClientRagdoll( const matrix3x4_t *pDeltaBones0, const matrix3x4_t *pDeltaBones1, const matrix3x4_t *pCurrentBonePosition, float boneDt, bool bFixedConstraints=false );
void IgniteRagdoll( C_BaseAnimating *pSource );
void TransferDissolveFrom( C_BaseAnimating *pSource );
virtual void SaveRagdollInfo( int numbones, const matrix3x4_t &cameraTransform, CBoneAccessor &pBoneToWorld );
virtual bool RetrieveRagdollInfo( Vector *pos, Quaternion *q );
virtual void Clear( void );
void ClearRagdoll();
void CreateUnragdollInfo( C_BaseAnimating *pRagdoll );
void ForceSetupBonesAtTime( matrix3x4_t *pBonesOut, float flTime );
virtual void GetRagdollInitBoneArrays( matrix3x4_t *pDeltaBones0, matrix3x4_t *pDeltaBones1, matrix3x4_t *pCurrentBones, float boneDt );
5 years ago
// For shadows rendering the correct body + sequence...
virtual int GetBody() { return m_nBody; }
virtual int GetSkin() { return m_nSkin; }
bool IsOnFire() { return ( (GetFlags() & FL_ONFIRE) != 0 ); }
inline float GetPlaybackRate();
inline void SetPlaybackRate( float rate );
void SetModelScale( float scale, float change_duration = 0.0f );
float GetModelScale() const { return m_flModelScale; }
inline bool IsModelScaleFractional() const; /// very fast way to ask if the model scale is < 1.0f (faster than if (GetModelScale() < 1.0f) )
inline bool IsModelScaled() const;
void UpdateModelScale( void );
virtual void RefreshCollisionBounds( void );
int GetSequence();
virtual void SetSequence(int nSequence);
inline void ResetSequence(int nSequence);
float GetSequenceGroundSpeed( CStudioHdr *pStudioHdr, int iSequence );
inline float GetSequenceGroundSpeed( int iSequence ) { return GetSequenceGroundSpeed(GetModelPtr(), iSequence); }
bool IsSequenceLooping( CStudioHdr *pStudioHdr, int iSequence );
inline bool IsSequenceLooping( int iSequence ) { return IsSequenceLooping(GetModelPtr(),iSequence); }
float GetSequenceMoveDist( CStudioHdr *pStudioHdr, int iSequence );
void GetSequenceLinearMotion( int iSequence, Vector *pVec );
void GetBlendedLinearVelocity( Vector *pVec );
int LookupSequence ( const char *label );
int LookupActivity( const char *label );
char const *GetSequenceName( int iSequence );
char const *GetSequenceActivityName( int iSequence );
Activity GetSequenceActivity( int iSequence );
KeyValues *GetSequenceKeyValues( int iSequence );
virtual void StudioFrameAdvance(); // advance animation frame to some time in the future
// Clientside animation
virtual float FrameAdvance( float flInterval = 0.0f );
virtual float GetSequenceCycleRate( CStudioHdr *pStudioHdr, int iSequence );
virtual void UpdateClientSideAnimation();
void ClientSideAnimationChanged();
virtual unsigned int ComputeClientSideAnimationFlags();
virtual void ResetClientsideFrame( void ) { SetCycle( 0 ); }
void SetCycle( float flCycle );
float GetCycle() const;
void SetBodygroup( int iGroup, int iValue );
int GetBodygroup( int iGroup );
const char *GetBodygroupName( int iGroup );
int FindBodygroupByName( const char *name );
int GetBodygroupCount( int iGroup );
int GetNumBodyGroups( void );
class CBoneCache *GetBoneCache( CStudioHdr *pStudioHdr );
void SetHitboxSet( int setnum );
void SetHitboxSetByName( const char *setname );
int GetHitboxSet( void );
char const *GetHitboxSetName( void );
int GetHitboxSetCount( void );
void DrawClientHitboxes( float duration = 0.0f, bool monocolor = false );
C_BaseAnimating* FindFollowedEntity();
virtual bool IsActivityFinished( void ) { return m_bSequenceFinished; }
inline bool IsSequenceFinished( void );
inline bool SequenceLoops( void ) { return m_bSequenceLoops; }
// All view model attachments origins are stretched so you can place entities at them and
// they will match up with where the attachment winds up being drawn on the view model, since
// the view models are drawn with a different FOV.
// If you're drawing something inside of a view model's DrawModel() function, then you want the
// original attachment origin instead of the adjusted one. To get that, call this on the
// adjusted attachment origin.
virtual void UncorrectViewModelAttachment( Vector &vOrigin ) {}
// Call this if SetupBones() has already been called this frame but you need to move the
// entity and rerender.
void InvalidateBoneCache();
bool IsBoneCacheValid() const; // Returns true if the bone cache is considered good for this frame.
void GetCachedBoneMatrix( int boneIndex, matrix3x4_t &out );
// Wrappers for CBoneAccessor.
const matrix3x4_t& GetBone( int iBone ) const;
matrix3x4_t& GetBoneForWrite( int iBone );
// Used for debugging. Will produce asserts if someone tries to setup bones or
// attachments before it's allowed.
// Use the "AutoAllowBoneAccess" class to auto push/pop bone access.
// Use a distinct "tag" when pushing/popping - asserts when push/pop tags do not match.
struct AutoAllowBoneAccess
AutoAllowBoneAccess( bool bAllowForNormalModels, bool bAllowForViewModels );
~AutoAllowBoneAccess( void );
static void PushAllowBoneAccess( bool bAllowForNormalModels, bool bAllowForViewModels, char const *tagPush );
static void PopBoneAccess( char const *tagPop );
static void ThreadedBoneSetup();
static void InitBoneSetupThreadPool();
static void ShutdownBoneSetupThreadPool();
// Invalidate bone caches so all SetupBones() calls force bone transforms to be regenerated.
static void InvalidateBoneCaches();
// Purpose: My physics object has been updated, react or extract data
virtual void VPhysicsUpdate( IPhysicsObject *pPhysics );
void DisableMuzzleFlash(); // Turn off the muzzle flash (ie: signal that we handled the server's event).
virtual void DoMuzzleFlash(); // Force a muzzle flash event. Note: this only QUEUES an event, so
// ProcessMuzzleFlashEvent will get called later.
bool ShouldMuzzleFlash() const; // Is the muzzle flash event on?
// This is called to do the actual muzzle flash effect.
virtual void ProcessMuzzleFlashEvent();
// Update client side animations
static void UpdateClientSideAnimations();
// Load the model's keyvalues section and create effects listed inside it
void InitModelEffects( void );
// Sometimes the server wants to update the client's cycle to get the two to run in sync (for proper hit detection)
virtual void SetServerIntendedCycle( float intended ) { (void)intended; }
virtual float GetServerIntendedCycle( void ) { return -1.0f; }
// For prediction
int SelectWeightedSequence ( int activity );
void ResetSequenceInfo( void );
float SequenceDuration( void );
float SequenceDuration( CStudioHdr *pStudioHdr, int iSequence );
inline float SequenceDuration( int iSequence ) { return SequenceDuration(GetModelPtr(), iSequence); }
int FindTransitionSequence( int iCurrentSequence, int iGoalSequence, int *piDir );
void RagdollMoved( void );
virtual void GetToolRecordingState( KeyValues *msg );
virtual void CleanupToolRecordingState( KeyValues *msg );
void SetReceivedSequence( void );
virtual bool ShouldResetSequenceOnNewModel( void );
virtual bool IsViewModel() const;
// View models scale their attachment positions to account for FOV. To get the unmodified
// attachment position (like if you're rendering something else during the view model's DrawModel call),
// use TransformViewModelAttachmentToWorld.
virtual void FormatViewModelAttachment( int nAttachment, matrix3x4_t &attachmentToWorld ) {}
// View models say yes to this.
bool IsBoneAccessAllowed() const;
CMouthInfo& MouthInfo();
// Models used in a ModelPanel say yes to this
virtual bool IsMenuModel() const;
// Allow studio models to tell C_BaseEntity what their m_nBody value is
virtual int GetStudioBody( void ) { return m_nBody; }
virtual bool CalcAttachments();
// This method should return true if the bones have changed + SetupBones needs to be called
virtual float LastBoneChangedTime() { return FLT_MAX; }
CBoneList* RecordBones( CStudioHdr *hdr, matrix3x4_t *pBoneState );
bool PutAttachment( int number, const matrix3x4_t &attachmentToWorld );
void TermRopes();
void DelayedInitModelEffects( void );
void UpdateRelevantInterpolatedVars();
void AddBaseAnimatingInterpolatedVars();
void RemoveBaseAnimatingInterpolatedVars();
CRagdoll *m_pRagdoll;
// Texture group to use
int m_nSkin;
// Object bodygroup
int m_nBody;
// Hitbox set to use (default 0)
int m_nHitboxSet;
CSequenceTransitioner m_SequenceTransitioner;
CIKContext *m_pIk;
int m_iEyeAttachment;
// Animation playback framerate
float m_flPlaybackRate;
// Decomposed ragdoll info
bool m_bStoreRagdollInfo;
RagdollInfo_t *m_pRagdollInfo;
Vector m_vecForce;
int m_nForceBone;
// Is bone cache valid
// bone transformation matrix
unsigned long m_iMostRecentModelBoneCounter;
unsigned long m_iMostRecentBoneSetupRequest;
int m_iPrevBoneMask;
int m_iAccumulatedBoneMask;
CBoneAccessor m_BoneAccessor;
CThreadFastMutex m_BoneSetupLock;
ClientSideAnimationListHandle_t m_ClientSideAnimationListHandle;
// Client-side animation
bool m_bClientSideFrameReset;
// Bone attachments. Used for attaching one BaseAnimating to another's bones.
// Client side only.
CUtlVector<CHandle<C_BaseAnimating> > m_BoneAttachments;
int m_boneIndexAttached;
Vector m_bonePosition;
QAngle m_boneAngles;
CHandle<C_BaseAnimating> m_pAttachedTo;
float m_fadeMinDist;
float m_fadeMaxDist;
float m_flFadeScale;
float m_flGroundSpeed; // computed linear movement rate for current sequence
float m_flLastEventCheck; // cycle index of when events were last checked
bool m_bSequenceFinished;// flag set when StudioAdvanceFrame moves across a frame boundry
bool m_bSequenceLoops; // true if the sequence loops
// Mouth lipsync/envelope following values
CMouthInfo m_mouth;
CNetworkVar( float, m_flModelScale );
// Animation blending factors
float m_flPoseParameter[MAXSTUDIOPOSEPARAM];
CInterpolatedVarArray< float, MAXSTUDIOPOSEPARAM > m_iv_flPoseParameter;
float m_flOldPoseParameters[MAXSTUDIOPOSEPARAM];
int m_nPrevSequence;
int m_nRestoreSequence;
// Ropes that got spawned when the model was created.
CUtlLinkedList<C_RopeKeyframe*,unsigned short> m_Ropes;
// event processing info
float m_flPrevEventCycle;
int m_nEventSequence;
float m_flEncodedController[MAXSTUDIOBONECTRLS];
CInterpolatedVarArray< float, MAXSTUDIOBONECTRLS > m_iv_flEncodedController;
float m_flOldEncodedController[MAXSTUDIOBONECTRLS];
// Clientside animation
bool m_bClientSideAnimation;
bool m_bLastClientSideFrameReset;
int m_nNewSequenceParity;
int m_nResetEventsParity;
int m_nPrevNewSequenceParity;
int m_nPrevResetEventsParity;
bool m_builtRagdoll;
Vector m_vecPreRagdollMins;
Vector m_vecPreRagdollMaxs;
// Current animation sequence
int m_nSequence;
bool m_bReceivedSequence;
// Current cycle location from server
float m_flCycle;
CInterpolatedVar< float > m_iv_flCycle;
float m_flOldCycle;
bool m_bNoModelParticles;
float m_flOldModelScale;
int m_nOldSequence;
CBoneMergeCache *m_pBoneMergeCache; // This caches the strcmp lookups that it has to do
// when merg
CUtlVector< matrix3x4_t > m_CachedBoneData; // never access this directly. Use m_BoneAccessor.
memhandle_t m_hitboxBoneCacheHandle;
float m_flLastBoneSetupTime;
CJiggleBones *m_pJiggleBones;
// Calculated attachment points
CUtlVector<CAttachmentData> m_Attachments;
void SetupBones_AttachmentHelper( CStudioHdr *pStudioHdr );
5 years ago
EHANDLE m_hLightingOrigin;
EHANDLE m_hLightingOriginRelative;
// These are compared against each other to determine if the entity should muzzle flash.
CNetworkVar( unsigned char, m_nMuzzleFlashParity );
unsigned char m_nOldMuzzleFlashParity;
bool m_bInitModelEffects;
// Dynamic models
bool m_bDynamicModelAllowed;
bool m_bDynamicModelPending;
bool m_bResetSequenceInfoOnLoad;
CRefCountedModelIndex m_AutoRefModelIndex;
void EnableDynamicModels() { m_bDynamicModelAllowed = true; }
bool IsDynamicModelLoading() const { return m_bDynamicModelPending; }
virtual void OnModelLoadComplete( const model_t* pModel );
void LockStudioHdr();
void UnlockStudioHdr();
mutable CStudioHdr *m_pStudioHdr;
mutable MDLHandle_t m_hStudioHdr;
CThreadFastMutex m_StudioHdrInitLock;
class C_ClientRagdoll : public C_BaseAnimating, public IPVSNotify
C_ClientRagdoll( bool bRestoring = true );
DECLARE_CLASS( C_ClientRagdoll, C_BaseAnimating );
// inherited from IPVSNotify
virtual void OnPVSStatusChanged( bool bInPVS );
virtual void Release( void );
virtual void SetupWeights( const matrix3x4_t *pBoneToWorld, int nFlexWeightCount, float *pFlexWeights, float *pFlexDelayedWeights );
virtual void ImpactTrace( trace_t *pTrace, int iDamageType, const char *pCustomImpactName );
void ClientThink( void );
void ReleaseRagdoll( void ) { m_bReleaseRagdoll = true; }
bool ShouldSavePhysics( void ) { return true; }
virtual void OnSave();
virtual void OnRestore();
virtual int ObjectCaps( void ) { return BaseClass::ObjectCaps() | FCAP_SAVE_NON_NETWORKABLE; }
virtual IPVSNotify* GetPVSNotifyInterface() { return this; }
void HandleAnimatedFriction( void );
virtual void SUB_Remove( void );
void FadeOut( void );
virtual float LastBoneChangedTime();
bool m_bFadeOut;
bool m_bImportant;
float m_flEffectTime;
int m_iCurrentFriction;
int m_iMinFriction;
int m_iMaxFriction;
float m_flFrictionModTime;
float m_flFrictionTime;
int m_iFrictionAnimState;
bool m_bReleaseRagdoll;
bool m_bFadingOut;
float m_flScaleEnd[NUM_HITBOX_FIRES];
float m_flScaleTimeStart[NUM_HITBOX_FIRES];
float m_flScaleTimeEnd[NUM_HITBOX_FIRES];
// Purpose: Serves the 90% case of calling SetSequence / ResetSequenceInfo.
inline void C_BaseAnimating::ResetSequence(int nSequence)
SetSequence( nSequence );
inline float C_BaseAnimating::GetPlaybackRate()
return m_flPlaybackRate;
inline void C_BaseAnimating::SetPlaybackRate( float rate )
m_flPlaybackRate = rate;
inline const matrix3x4_t& C_BaseAnimating::GetBone( int iBone ) const
return m_BoneAccessor.GetBone( iBone );
inline matrix3x4_t& C_BaseAnimating::GetBoneForWrite( int iBone )
return m_BoneAccessor.GetBoneForWrite( iBone );
inline bool C_BaseAnimating::ShouldMuzzleFlash() const
return m_nOldMuzzleFlashParity != m_nMuzzleFlashParity;
inline float C_BaseAnimating::GetCycle() const
return m_flCycle;
// Purpose: return a pointer to an updated studiomdl cache cache
inline CStudioHdr *C_BaseAnimating::GetModelPtr() const
if ( IsDynamicModelLoading() )
return NULL;
#ifdef _DEBUG
// GetModelPtr() is often called before OnNewModel() so go ahead and set it up first chance.
// static IDataCacheSection *pModelCache = datacache->FindSection( "ModelData" );
// AssertOnce( pModelCache->IsFrameLocking() );
if ( !m_pStudioHdr )
const_cast<C_BaseAnimating *>(this)->LockStudioHdr();
Assert( m_pStudioHdr ? m_pStudioHdr->GetRenderHdr() == mdlcache->GetStudioHdr(m_hStudioHdr) : m_hStudioHdr == MDLHANDLE_INVALID );
return m_pStudioHdr;
inline void C_BaseAnimating::InvalidateMdlCache()
if ( m_pStudioHdr )
delete m_pStudioHdr;
m_pStudioHdr = NULL;
5 years ago
inline bool C_BaseAnimating::IsModelScaleFractional() const /// very fast way to ask if the model scale is < 1.0f
5 years ago
COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( sizeof( m_flModelScale ) == sizeof( int ) );
return *((const int *) &m_flModelScale) < 0x3f800000;
5 years ago
inline bool C_BaseAnimating::IsModelScaled() const
return ( m_flModelScale > 1.0f+FLT_EPSILON || m_flModelScale < 1.0f-FLT_EPSILON );
// Sequence access
inline int C_BaseAnimating::GetSequence()
return m_nSequence;
inline bool C_BaseAnimating::IsSequenceFinished( void )
return m_bSequenceFinished;
inline float C_BaseAnimating::SequenceDuration( void )
return SequenceDuration( GetSequence() );
// Mouth
inline CMouthInfo& C_BaseAnimating::MouthInfo()
return m_mouth;
// FIXME: move these to somewhere that makes sense
void GetColumn( matrix3x4_t& src, int column, Vector &dest );
void SetColumn( Vector &src, int column, matrix3x4_t& dest );
extern void DevMsgRT( PRINTF_FORMAT_STRING char const* pMsg, ... );