Modified source engine (2017) developed by valve and leaked in 2020. Not for commercial purporses
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

536 lines
11 KiB

5 years ago
//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include <assert.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include "depcheck_util.h"
#include "codeprocessor.h"
double UTIL_FloatTime (void)
// more precise, less portable
clock_t current;
static clock_t base;
static bool first = true;
current = clock();
if ( first )
first = false;
base = current;
return (double)(current - base)/(double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
void CCodeProcessor::AddHeader( int depth, const char *filename, const char *rootmodule )
// if ( depth < 1 )
// return;
if ( depth != 1 )
// Check header list
for ( int i = 0; i < m_nHeaderCount; i++ )
if ( !stricmp( m_Headers[ i ].name, filename ) )
vprint( 0, "%s included twice in module %s\n", filename, rootmodule );
// Add to list
strcpy( m_Headers[ m_nHeaderCount++ ].name, filename );
void CCodeProcessor::CreateBackup( const char *filename, bool& wasreadonly )
assert( strstr( filename, ".cpp" ) );
// attrib it, change extension, save it
if ( GetFileAttributes( filename ) & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY )
wasreadonly = true;
SetFileAttributes( filename, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL );
wasreadonly = false;
char backupname[ 256 ];
strcpy( backupname, filename );
strcpy( (char *)&backupname[ strlen( filename ) - 4 ], ".bak" );
unlink( backupname );
rename( filename, backupname );
void CCodeProcessor::RestoreBackup( const char *filename, bool makereadonly )
assert( strstr( filename, ".cpp" ) );
char backupname[ 256 ];
strcpy( backupname, filename );
strcpy( (char *)&backupname[ strlen( filename ) - 4 ], ".bak" );
SetFileAttributes( filename, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL );
unlink( filename );
rename( backupname, filename );
if ( makereadonly )
SetFileAttributes( filename, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY );
unlink( backupname );
bool CCodeProcessor::TryBuild( const char *rootdir, const char *filename, unsigned char *buffer, int filelength )
// vprintf( "trying build\n" );
FILE *fp;
fp = fopen( filename, "wb" );
if ( !fp )
assert( 0 );
return false;
fwrite( buffer, filelength, 1, fp );
fclose( fp );
// if build is successful, return true
// return true;
char commandline[ 512 ];
char directory[ 512 ];
sprintf( directory, rootdir );
// sprintf( commandline, "msdev engdll.dsw /MAKE \"quiver - Win32 GL Debug\" /OUT log.txt" );
// Builds the default configuration
sprintf( commandline, "\"C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\Common\\MSDev98\\Bin\\msdev.exe\" %s /MAKE \"%s\" /OUT log.txt", m_szDSP, m_szConfig );
memset( &pi, 0, sizeof( pi ) );
memset( &si, 0, sizeof( si ) );
si.cb = sizeof( si );
if ( !CreateProcess( NULL, commandline, NULL, NULL, TRUE, 0, NULL, directory, &si, &pi ) )
LPVOID lpMsgBuf;
(LPTSTR) &lpMsgBuf,
// Process any inserts in lpMsgBuf.
// ...
// Display the string.
MessageBox( NULL, (LPCTSTR)lpMsgBuf, "Error", MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION );
// Free the buffer.
LocalFree( lpMsgBuf );
return false;
// Wait until child process exits.
WaitForSingleObject( pi.hProcess, INFINITE );
bool retval = false;
DWORD exitCode = -1;
if ( GetExitCodeProcess( pi.hProcess, &exitCode ) )
if ( !exitCode )
retval = true;
// Close process and thread handles.
CloseHandle( pi.hProcess );
CloseHandle( pi.hThread );
return retval;
void CCodeProcessor::ProcessModule( bool forcequiet, int depth, int& maxdepth, int& numheaders, int& skippedfiles, const char *baseroot, const char *root, const char *module )
char filename[ 256 ];
bool checkroot = false;
if ( depth > maxdepth )
maxdepth = depth;
// Load the base module
sprintf( filename, "%s\\%s", root, module );
strlwr( filename );
bool firstheader = true;
// Check module list
for ( int i = 0; i < m_nModuleCount; i++ )
if ( !stricmp( m_Modules[ i ].name, filename ) )
if ( forcequiet )
if ( m_Modules[ i ].skipped )
AddHeader( depth, filename, m_szCurrentCPP );
int filelength;
char *buffer = (char *)COM_LoadFile( filename, &filelength );
if ( !buffer )
if ( !checkroot )
checkroot = true;
// Load the base module
sprintf( filename, "%s\\%s", baseroot, module );
goto retry;
m_Modules[ m_nModuleCount ].skipped = true;
strcpy( m_Modules[ m_nModuleCount++ ].name, filename );
m_nBytesProcessed += filelength;
m_Modules[ m_nModuleCount ].skipped = false;
strcpy( m_Modules[ m_nModuleCount++ ].name, filename );
bool readonly = false;
bool madechanges = false;
CreateBackup( filename, readonly );
if ( !forcequiet )
strcpy( m_szCurrentCPP, filename );
vprint( 0, "- %s\n", (char *)&filename[ m_nOffset ] );
// Parse tokens looking for #include directives or class starts
char *current = buffer;
char *startofline;
current = CC_ParseToken( current );
while ( current )
// No more tokens
if ( strlen( com_token ) <= 0 )
if ( !stricmp( com_token, "#include" ) )
startofline = current - strlen( "#include" );
current = CC_ParseToken( current );
if ( strlen( com_token ) > 0)
vprint( 1, "#include %s", com_token );
AddHeader( depth, filename, m_szCurrentCPP );
bool dobuild = true;
if ( firstheader )
if ( !stricmp( com_token, "cbase.h" ) )
dobuild = false;
if ( !TryBuild( baseroot, filename, (unsigned char *)buffer, filelength ) )
// build is broken, stop
assert( 0 );
firstheader = false;
if ( dobuild )
// Try removing the header and compiling
char saveinfo[2];
memcpy( saveinfo, startofline, 2 );
startofline[ 0 ] = '/';
startofline[ 1 ] = '/';
if ( TryBuild( baseroot, filename, (unsigned char *)buffer, filelength ) )
vprint( 0, ", unnecessary\n" );
madechanges = true;
// Restore line
memcpy( startofline, saveinfo, 2 );
vprint( 0, "\n" );
vprint( 0, "\n" );
current = CC_ParseToken( current );
// Save out last set of changes
FILE *fp;
fp = fopen( filename, "wb" );
if ( fp )
fwrite( buffer, filelength, 1, fp );
fclose( fp );
COM_FreeFile( (unsigned char *)buffer );
if ( !madechanges )
RestoreBackup( filename, readonly );
if ( !forcequiet && !GetQuiet() )
vprint( 0, " %s: headers (%i)", (char *)&filename[ m_nOffset ], numheaders );
if ( maxdepth > 1 )
vprint( 0, ", depth %i", maxdepth );
vprint( 0, "\n" );
m_nLinesOfCode += linesprocessed;
linesprocessed = 0;
void CCodeProcessor::ProcessModules( const char *root, const char *rootmodule )
// Reset header list per module
m_nHeaderCount = 0;
m_nModuleCount = 0;
int numheaders = 0;
int maxdepth = 0;
int skippedfiles = 0;
bool canstart = false;
if ( strstr( root, "tf2_hud" ) )
canstart = true;
if ( !canstart )
vprint( 0, "skipping %s\n", rootmodule );
ProcessModule( false, 0, maxdepth, numheaders, skippedfiles, root, root, rootmodule );
void CCodeProcessor::PrintResults( void )
vprint( 0, "\nChecking for errors and totaling...\n\n" );
vprint( 0, "parsed from %i files ( %i headers parsed )\n",
m_nHeadersProcessed );
vprint( 0, "%.3f K lines of code processed\n",
(double)m_nLinesOfCode / 1024.0 );
double elapsed = ( m_flEnd - m_flStart );
if ( elapsed > 0.0 )
vprint( 0, "%.2f K processed in %.3f seconds, throughput %.2f KB/sec\n\n",
(double)m_nBytesProcessed / 1024.0, elapsed, (double)m_nBytesProcessed / ( 1024.0 * elapsed ) );
CCodeProcessor::CCodeProcessor( void )
m_nModuleCount = 0;
m_bQuiet = false;
m_bLogToFile = false;
m_nFilesProcessed = 0;
m_nHeadersProcessed = 0;
m_nOffset = 0;
m_nBytesProcessed = 0;
m_nLinesOfCode = 0;
m_flStart = 0.0;
m_flEnd = 0.0;
m_szCurrentCPP[ 0 ] = 0;
CCodeProcessor::~CCodeProcessor( void )
char const *stristr( char const *src, char const *search )
char buf1[ 512 ];
char buf2[ 512 ];
strcpy( buf1, src );
_strlwr( buf1 );
strcpy( buf2, search );
_strlwr( buf2 );
char *p = strstr( buf1, buf2 );
if ( p )
int len = p - buf1;
return src + len;
return NULL;
void CCodeProcessor::ConstructModuleList_R( int level, const char *gamespecific, const char *root )
char directory[ 256 ];
char filename[ 256 ];
sprintf( directory, "%s\\*.*", root );
if ( ( ff = FindFirstFile( directory, &wfd ) ) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
if ( wfd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY )
if ( wfd.cFileName[ 0 ] == '.' )
// Once we descend down a branch, don't keep looking for hl2/tf2 in name, just recurse through all children
if ( level == 0 && !stristr( wfd.cFileName, gamespecific ) )
// Recurse down directory
sprintf( filename, "%s\\%s", root, wfd.cFileName );
ConstructModuleList_R( level+1, gamespecific, filename );
if ( strstr( wfd.cFileName, ".cpp" ) )
ProcessModules( root, wfd.cFileName );
} while ( FindNextFile( ff, &wfd ) );
void CCodeProcessor::Process( const char *gamespecific, const char *root, const char *dsp, const char *config )
strcpy( m_szDSP, dsp );
strcpy( m_szConfig, config );
m_nBytesProcessed = 0;
m_nFilesProcessed = 0;
m_nHeadersProcessed = 0;
m_nLinesOfCode = 0;
linesprocessed = 0;
m_nOffset = strlen( root ) + 1;
m_nModuleCount = 0;
m_nHeaderCount = 0;
m_flStart = UTIL_FloatTime();
vprint( 0, "--- Processing %s\n\n", root );
ConstructModuleList_R( 0, gamespecific, root );
m_flEnd = UTIL_FloatTime();
void CCodeProcessor::SetQuiet( bool quiet )
m_bQuiet = quiet;
bool CCodeProcessor::GetQuiet( void ) const
return m_bQuiet;
void CCodeProcessor::SetLogFile( bool log )
m_bLogToFile = log;
bool CCodeProcessor::GetLogFile( void ) const
return m_bLogToFile;
static CCodeProcessor g_Processor;
ICodeProcessor *processor = ( ICodeProcessor * )&g_Processor;