mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 06:01:53 +00:00
343 lines
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343 lines
9.0 KiB
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#include "cbase.h"
#include "c_asw_jukebox.h"
#include "soundenvelope.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "KeyValues.h"
#include "gamestringpool.h"
#include "fmtstr.h"
const char *sz_PlaylistFilename = "scripts/jukebox_playlist.txt";
CASWJukeboxPlaylist g_ASWJukebox;
: m_szHexname( null )
, m_szFilename( null )
, m_szAlbum( null )
, m_szArtist( null )
, m_szGenre( null )
, m_bIsMarkedForDeletion( false )
TrackInfo_t::TrackInfo_t( const char *szFilename, const char *szHexname, const char *szAlbum, const char *szArtist, const char *szGenre )
: m_szHexname( AllocPooledString( szHexname ) )
, m_szFilename( AllocPooledString( szFilename ))
, m_szAlbum( szAlbum )
, m_szArtist( szArtist )
, m_szGenre( szGenre )
, m_bIsMarkedForDeletion( false )
void TrackInfo_t::PrepareKVForListView( KeyValues *kv )
// add the file to the list
kv->SetString("text", m_szFilename );
kv->SetString("genre", m_szGenre );
kv->SetString("artist", m_szArtist );
kv->SetString("album", m_szAlbum );
bool TrackInfo_t::operator==( const TrackInfo_t& rhs ) const
return( FStrEq( m_szHexname, rhs.m_szHexname ) );
static void PlayRandomTrackFromJukebox( void )
Msg( "Playing random track from jukebox..." );
IGameEvent * event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "jukebox_play_random" );
if ( event )
gameeventmanager->FireEvent( event );
static void StopJukebox( void )
Msg( "Stopping jukebox..." );
IGameEvent * event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "jukebox_stop" );
if ( event )
gameeventmanager->FireEvent( event );
static ConCommand ASW_StopJukebox( "ASW_StopJukebox", StopJukebox, "Stop the jukebox music", FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY );
static ConCommand ASW_PlayRandomTrackFromJukebox( "ASW_PlayRandomTrackFromJukebox", PlayRandomTrackFromJukebox, "Play a random track from the user's jukebox", FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY );
static ConVar ASW_JukeboxFadeOutTime( "ASW_JukeboxFadeOutTime", "1.0" );
void CASWJukeboxPlaylist::AddMusicToPlaylist( const char *szFilename, const char *szHexname, const char *szAlbum, const char *szArtist, const char *szGenre )
for( int i=0; i<m_CombatMusicPlaylist.Count(); ++i )
if( FStrEq( m_CombatMusicPlaylist[i].m_szHexname, szHexname ) )
m_CombatMusicPlaylist.AddToTail( TrackInfo_t( szFilename, szHexname, szAlbum, szArtist, szGenre ) );
void CASWJukeboxPlaylist::LoadPlaylistKV()
KeyValues *pKV = new KeyValues( "playlist" );
if( pKV->LoadFromFile( filesystem, sz_PlaylistFilename ) )
// If the load succeeded, create the playlist
for( KeyValues *sub = pKV->GetFirstSubKey(); sub != NULL; sub = sub->GetNextTrueSubKey() )
const char *szTrackName = sub->GetString("TrackName");
const char *szHexName = sub->GetString("HexName");
const char *szAlbum = sub->GetString("Album");
const char *szArtist = sub->GetString("Artist");
const char *szGenre = sub->GetString("Genre");
AddMusicToPlaylist( szTrackName, szHexName, szAlbum, szArtist, szGenre );
bool CASWJukeboxPlaylist::Init()
m_pCombatMusic = NULL;
m_iCurrentTrack = -1;
// Load the saved playlist
ListenForGameEvent( "jukebox_play_random" );
ListenForGameEvent( "jukebox_stop" );
return true;
void CASWJukeboxPlaylist::Shutdown()
void CASWJukeboxPlaylist::FireGameEvent( IGameEvent *event )
if( !event )
if( FStrEq( event->GetName(), "jukebox_play_random") )
// Play some random music
float fadeInTime = event->GetFloat( "fadeintime" );
const char *szDefaultTrack = event->GetString( "defaulttrack" );
PlayRandomTrack( fadeInTime, szDefaultTrack );
else if( FStrEq( event->GetName(), "jukebox_stop" ) )
// Always fade the music from the stop event
float fadeOutTime = event->GetFloat( "fadeouttime" );
StopTrack( false, fadeOutTime );
void CASWJukeboxPlaylist::PlayRandomTrack( float fadeInTime /*= 1.0f*/, const char *szDefaultTrack /*= null */ )
// Choose a random track to play
int count = m_CombatMusicPlaylist.Count();
int index = 0;
CSoundPatch* pNewSound = null;
CLocalPlayerFilter filter;
if( count == 0 )
DevMsg( "JUKEBOX: Playing Track: %s%s.mp3\n", "*#music/_mp3/", szDefaultTrack );
if( !Q_strcmp("", szDefaultTrack ) )
pNewSound = CSoundEnvelopeController::GetController().SoundCreate( filter, 0, CHAN_STATIC, szDefaultTrack, SNDLVL_NONE );
// If there's more than one track, randomize it so the current track doesn't repeat itself
if( count > 1 )
do {
index = rand() % (count );
} while( index == m_iCurrentTrack );
DevMsg( "JUKEBOX: Playing Track: %s%s.mp3\n", "*#music/_mp3/", m_CombatMusicPlaylist[index].m_szHexname );
pNewSound = CSoundEnvelopeController::GetController().SoundCreate( filter, 0, CHAN_STATIC, CFmtStr( "%s%s.mp3", "*#music/_mp3/", m_CombatMusicPlaylist[index].m_szHexname), SNDLVL_NONE );
if( !pNewSound )
// If combat music is playing and there's more than one track, fade it out and play the new music once it's done
if( m_pCombatMusic )
if( count == 1 )
StopTrack( false, fadeInTime );
CSoundEnvelopeController::GetController().Play( pNewSound, 0.0f, 100, 1.0f );
CSoundEnvelopeController::GetController().Play( pNewSound, 0.0f, 100 );
CSoundEnvelopeController::GetController().SoundChangeVolume( pNewSound, 1.0f, fadeInTime );
m_pCombatMusic = pNewSound;
m_iCurrentTrack = index;
void CASWJukeboxPlaylist::StopTrack( bool immediate /*= true*/, float fadeOutTime /*= 1.0f */ )
if( m_pCombatMusic )
if( immediate )
CSoundEnvelopeController::GetController().SoundDestroy( m_pCombatMusic );
CSoundEnvelopeController::GetController().SoundFadeOut( m_pCombatMusic, fadeOutTime, true );
m_pCombatMusic = NULL;
m_iCurrentTrack = -1;
void CASWJukeboxPlaylist::LevelShutdownPostEntity( void )
// Stop music
StopTrack( true );
void CASWJukeboxPlaylist::ExportPlayistKV( void )
KeyValues *pPlaylistKV = new KeyValues("playlist");
for( int i=0; i<m_CombatMusicPlaylist.Count(); ++i )
KeyValues *pTrackKV = new KeyValues("Track");
pTrackKV->SetString( "TrackName", m_CombatMusicPlaylist[i].m_szFilename );
pTrackKV->SetString( "HexName", m_CombatMusicPlaylist[i].m_szHexname );
pTrackKV->SetString( "Album", m_CombatMusicPlaylist[i].m_szAlbum );
pTrackKV->SetString( "Artist", m_CombatMusicPlaylist[i].m_szArtist);
pTrackKV->SetString( "Genre", m_CombatMusicPlaylist[i].m_szGenre );
pPlaylistKV->AddSubKey( pTrackKV );
pPlaylistKV->SaveToFile( filesystem, sz_PlaylistFilename );
void CASWJukeboxPlaylist::SavePlaylist()
const char * CASWJukeboxPlaylist::GetTrackName( int index )
if( index >= m_CombatMusicPlaylist.Count() )
return null;
return m_CombatMusicPlaylist[index].m_szFilename;
const char * CASWJukeboxPlaylist::GetTrackArtist( int index )
if( index >= m_CombatMusicPlaylist.Count() )
return null;
return m_CombatMusicPlaylist[index].m_szArtist;
const char * CASWJukeboxPlaylist::GetTrackAlbum( int index )
if( index >= m_CombatMusicPlaylist.Count() )
return null;
return m_CombatMusicPlaylist[index].m_szAlbum;
const char * CASWJukeboxPlaylist::GetTrackGenre( int index )
if( index >= m_CombatMusicPlaylist.Count() )
return null;
return m_CombatMusicPlaylist[index].m_szGenre;
int CASWJukeboxPlaylist::GetTrackCount()
return m_CombatMusicPlaylist.Count();
void CASWJukeboxPlaylist::RemoveMusicFromPlaylist( const char* szHexnameToRemove )
if( m_CombatMusicPlaylist.Count() > 0 )
TrackInfo_t temp;
temp.m_szHexname = szHexnameToRemove;
m_CombatMusicPlaylist.FindAndFastRemove( temp );
//m_CombatMusicPlaylist.Remove( szHexnameToRemove );
void CASWJukeboxPlaylist::PrepareTrackKV( int index, KeyValues *pKV )
if( index >= m_CombatMusicPlaylist.Count() && !m_CombatMusicPlaylist[index].m_bIsMarkedForDeletion )
m_CombatMusicPlaylist[index].PrepareKVForListView( pKV );
void CASWJukeboxPlaylist::MarkTrackForDeletion( int index )
if( index >= m_CombatMusicPlaylist.Count() )
if( index == m_iCurrentTrack )
StopTrack( true, 0.0f );
m_CombatMusicPlaylist[index].m_bIsMarkedForDeletion = true;
// Delete the audio file too
const char *szFullpath = CFmtStr( "%s%s.mp3", "sound/music/_mp3/", m_CombatMusicPlaylist[index].m_szHexname );
if( filesystem->FileExists( szFullpath, NULL ) )
filesystem->RemoveFile( szFullpath, NULL );
void CASWJukeboxPlaylist::Cleanup( void )
for( int i=0; i<m_CombatMusicPlaylist.Count(); )
if( m_CombatMusicPlaylist[i].m_bIsMarkedForDeletion )
m_CombatMusicPlaylist.Remove( i );
void CASWJukeboxPlaylist::LevelInitPostEntity( void )
// Load the saved playlist
void CASWJukeboxPlaylist::RemoveAllMusic( void )
StopTrack( true, 0.0f );
bool CASWJukeboxPlaylist::IsMusicPlaying( void )
return m_pCombatMusic != NULL;