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#include "cbase.h"
#include "c_asw_door.h"
#include <vgui/ISurface.h>
#include <vgui_controls/Panel.h>
#include "vgui/IInput.h"
#include "engine/ivdebugoverlay.h"
#include "asw_shareddefs.h"
#include "effect_dispatch_data.h"
#include "c_te_effect_dispatch.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
RecvPropFloat (RECVINFO(m_flTotalSealTime)),
RecvPropFloat (RECVINFO(m_flCurrentSealTime)),
RecvPropInt (RECVINFO(m_iDoorStrength)),
RecvPropInt (RECVINFO(m_iDoorType)),
RecvPropInt (RECVINFO(m_lifeState)),
RecvPropInt (RECVINFO(m_iHealth) ),
RecvPropBool (RECVINFO(m_bAutoOpen)),
RecvPropBool (RECVINFO(m_bBashable)),
RecvPropBool (RECVINFO(m_bShootable)),
RecvPropBool (RECVINFO(m_bCanCloseToWeld)),
RecvPropBool (RECVINFO(m_bRecommendedSeal)),
RecvPropBool (RECVINFO(m_bWasWeldedByMarine)),
RecvPropFloat (RECVINFO(m_fLastMomentFlipDamage)),
RecvPropVector (RECVINFO(m_vecClosedPosition)),
RecvPropBool (RECVINFO(m_bSkillMarineHelping)),
bool C_ASW_Door::s_bLoadedSealedIconTexture = false;
bool C_ASW_Door::s_bLoadedFullySealedIconTexture = false;
int C_ASW_Door::s_nSealedIconTextureID = -1;
int C_ASW_Door::s_nFullySealedIconTextureID = -1;
// for mousing over door health
CUtlVector<C_ASW_Door*> g_ClientDoorList;
m_fLastWeldedTime = 0.0f;
Q_snprintf(m_szSealedIconTexture, sizeof(m_szSealedIconTexture), "vgui/swarm/UseIcons/UseIconDoorPartlySealed");
// returns how sealed this door is, from 0 to 1.0
float C_ASW_Door::GetSealAmount()
if (m_flTotalSealTime <= 0)
return 0;
return (m_flCurrentSealTime/m_flTotalSealTime);
int C_ASW_Door::GetSealedIconTextureID()
if (!s_bLoadedSealedIconTexture)
// load the portrait textures
s_nSealedIconTextureID = vgui::surface()->CreateNewTextureID();
vgui::surface()->DrawSetTextureFile( s_nSealedIconTextureID, m_szSealedIconTexture, true, false);
s_bLoadedSealedIconTexture = true;
return s_nSealedIconTextureID;
int C_ASW_Door::GetFullySealedIconTextureID()
if (!s_bLoadedFullySealedIconTexture)
s_nFullySealedIconTextureID = vgui::surface()->CreateNewTextureID();
vgui::surface()->DrawSetTextureFile( s_nFullySealedIconTextureID, "vgui/swarm/UseIcons/UseIconDoorFullySealed", true, false);
s_bLoadedFullySealedIconTexture = true;
return s_nFullySealedIconTextureID;
const char* C_ASW_Door::GetSealedIconText()
if ( gpGlobals->curtime > m_fLastWeldedTime + 1.0f )
if ( m_bWasWeldedByMarine )
if ( GetSealAmount() >= 1.0f )
return "#asw_door_fully_reinforced";
else if ( GetSealAmount() >= 0.5f )
return "#asw_door_reinforced";
return "#asw_door_sealed";
if ( m_bUnwelding )
return "#asw_door_unsealing";
if ( GetSealAmount() >= 0.5f )
return "#asw_door_reinforcing";
return "#asw_door_sealing";
bool C_ASW_Door::IsOpen()
Vector diff = GetAbsOrigin() - m_vecClosedPosition;
float dist = diff.LengthSqr();
return (dist > 2); // 2 to allow for network rounding...
bool C_ASW_Door::IsMoving()
Vector vel;
return vel.LengthSqr() > 0;
#define DOOR_HEIGHT 135.0f
Vector C_ASW_Door::GetWeldFacingPoint(C_BaseEntity* pOther)
// work out which side of the door the marine is on
Vector diff = pOther->GetAbsOrigin() - GetAbsOrigin();
QAngle angDoorFacing = GetAbsAngles();
Vector vecDoorFacing = vec3_origin;
AngleVectors(angDoorFacing, &vecDoorFacing);
bool bFrontSide = (DotProduct(vecDoorFacing, diff) > 0);
// depending on the side, get one of the corners
angDoorFacing.y -= bFrontSide ? 81 : 102;
AngleVectors(angDoorFacing, &vecDoorFacing);
Vector result = GetAbsOrigin() + vecDoorFacing * DOOR_CORNER_DISTANCE;
// correct by height
result.z += DOOR_HEIGHT * (1.0f - GetSealAmount());
return result;
Vector C_ASW_Door::GetSparkNormal( C_BaseEntity* pOther )
// work out which side of the door the marine is on
Vector diff = pOther->GetAbsOrigin() - GetAbsOrigin();
QAngle angDoorFacing = GetAbsAngles();
Vector vecDoorFacing = vec3_origin;
AngleVectors(angDoorFacing, &vecDoorFacing);
bool bFrontSide = (DotProduct(vecDoorFacing, diff) > 0);
if (bFrontSide)
return vecDoorFacing;
return -vecDoorFacing;
// checks the client door list for a door near this position
// NOTE: currently only returns damaged doors
C_ASW_Door* C_ASW_Door::GetDoorNear(Vector vecSrc)
for (int i=0;i<g_ClientDoorList.Count();i++)
C_ASW_Door *pEnt = g_ClientDoorList[i];
int iDoorType;
if (!pEnt || pEnt->GetHealth() <= 0 || pEnt->GetHealthFraction(iDoorType) >= 1.0f)
Vector mins, maxs;
// get the size of the door
// pull out all 8 corners of this volume
Vector worldPos[8];
Vector screenPos[8];
worldPos[0] = mins;
worldPos[1] = mins; worldPos[1].x = maxs.x;
worldPos[2] = mins; worldPos[2].y = maxs.y;
worldPos[3] = mins; worldPos[3].z = maxs.z;
worldPos[4] = mins;
worldPos[5] = maxs; worldPos[5].x = mins.x;
worldPos[6] = maxs; worldPos[6].y = mins.y;
worldPos[7] = maxs; worldPos[7].z = mins.z;
// convert them to screen space
for (int k=0;k<8;k++)
debugoverlay->ScreenPosition( worldPos[k], screenPos[k] );
// find the rectangle bounding all screen space points
Vector topLeft = screenPos[0];
Vector bottomRight = screenPos[0];
for (int k=0;k<8;k++)
topLeft.x = MIN(screenPos[k].x, topLeft.x);
topLeft.y = MIN(screenPos[k].y, topLeft.y);
bottomRight.x = MAX(screenPos[k].x, bottomRight.x);
bottomRight.y = MAX(screenPos[k].y, bottomRight.y);
int BracketSize = 5; // todo: set by screen res?
// pad it a bit
topLeft.x -= BracketSize * 2;
topLeft.y -= BracketSize * 2;
bottomRight.x += BracketSize * 2;
bottomRight.y += BracketSize * 2;
// check if the cursor is inside this
int x, y;
vgui::input()->GetCursorPos( x, y );
if (x >= topLeft.x && x <= bottomRight.x &&
y >= topLeft.y && y <= bottomRight.y)
return pEnt;
return NULL;
float C_ASW_Door::GetHealthFraction(int &iDoorType) const
if ( m_iDoorStrength == 0 ) // indestructable
iDoorType = 2;
return 1.0f;
if ( m_iDoorStrength == ASW_DOOR_NORMAL_HEALTH ) // normal
iDoorType = 0;
iDoorType = 1; // reinforced
return ( static_cast< float >( MAX( 0, m_iHealth ) ) - MIN( 0.0f, m_fLastMomentFlipDamage ) ) / static_cast< float >( m_iDoorStrength );
void C_ASW_Door::OnDataChanged( DataUpdateType_t type )
BaseClass::OnDataChanged( type );
if ( !IsAlive() && VPhysicsGetObject())
if ( m_flOldSealTime != m_flCurrentSealTime )
m_fLastWeldedTime = gpGlobals->curtime;
m_bUnwelding = ( m_flOldSealTime > m_flCurrentSealTime );
m_flOldSealTime = m_flCurrentSealTime;
void C_ASW_Door::ImpactTrace( trace_t *pTrace, int iDamageType, char *pCustomImpactName )
Assert( pTrace->m_pEnt );
CBaseEntity *pEntity = pTrace->m_pEnt;
// Build the impact data
CEffectData data;
data.m_vOrigin = pTrace->endpos;
data.m_vStart = pTrace->startpos;
data.m_nSurfaceProp = pTrace->surface.surfaceProps;
if (!m_bShootable)
data.m_nSurfaceProp = physprops->GetSurfaceIndex("metal");
data.m_nDamageType = iDamageType;
data.m_nHitBox = pTrace->hitbox;
data.m_hEntity = ClientEntityList().EntIndexToHandle( pEntity->entindex() );
data.m_nEntIndex = pEntity->entindex();
// Send it on its way
if ( !pCustomImpactName )
DispatchEffect( "Impact", data );
DispatchEffect( pCustomImpactName, data );