Modified source engine (2017) developed by valve and leaked in 2020. Not for commercial purporses
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5 years ago
//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "cbase.h"
#include "simple_physics.h"
#include "mathlib/vmatrix.h"
#include "beamdraw.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
class C_Hairball : public C_BaseEntity
DECLARE_CLASS( C_Hairball, C_BaseEntity );
class CHairballDelegate : public CSimplePhysics::IHelper
virtual void GetNodeForces( CSimplePhysics::CNode *pNodes, int iNode, Vector *pAccel );
virtual void ApplyConstraints( CSimplePhysics::CNode *pNodes, int nNodes );
C_Hairball *m_pParent;
void Init();
// IClientThinkable.
virtual void ClientThink();
// IClientRenderable.
virtual int DrawModel( int flags );
float m_flSphereRadius;
int m_nHairs;
int m_nNodesPerHair;
float m_flSpringDist; // = hair length / (m_nNodesPerHair-1)
CUtlVector<CSimplePhysics::CNode> m_Nodes; // This is m_nHairs * m_nNodesPerHair large.
CUtlVector<Vector> m_HairPositions; // Untransformed base hair positions, distributed on the sphere.
CUtlVector<Vector> m_TransformedHairPositions; // Transformed base hair positions, distributed on the sphere.
CHairballDelegate m_Delegate;
CSimplePhysics m_Physics;
IMaterial *m_pMaterial;
// Super sophisticated AI.
float m_flSitStillTime;
Vector m_vMoveDir;
float m_flSpinDuration;
float m_flCurSpinTime;
float m_flSpinRateX, m_flSpinRateY;
bool m_bFirstThink;
void C_Hairball::CHairballDelegate::GetNodeForces( CSimplePhysics::CNode *pNodes, int iNode, Vector *pAccel )
pAccel->Init( 0, 0, -1500 );
void C_Hairball::CHairballDelegate::ApplyConstraints( CSimplePhysics::CNode *pNodes, int nNodes )
int nSegments = m_pParent->m_nNodesPerHair - 1;
float flSpringDistSqr = m_pParent->m_flSpringDist * m_pParent->m_flSpringDist;
static int nIterations = 1;
for( int iIteration=0; iIteration < nIterations; iIteration++ )
for ( int iHair=0; iHair < m_pParent->m_nHairs; iHair++ )
CSimplePhysics::CNode *pBase = &pNodes[iHair * m_pParent->m_nNodesPerHair];
for( int i=0; i < nSegments; i++ )
Vector &vNode1 = pBase[i].m_vPos;
Vector &vNode2 = pBase[i+1].m_vPos;
Vector vTo = vNode1 - vNode2;
float flDistSqr = vTo.LengthSqr();
if( flDistSqr > flSpringDistSqr )
float flDist = (float)sqrt( flDistSqr );
vTo *= 1 - (m_pParent->m_flSpringDist / flDist);
vNode1 -= vTo * 0.5f;
vNode2 += vTo * 0.5f;
// Lock the base of each hair to the right spot.
pBase->m_vPos = m_pParent->m_TransformedHairPositions[iHair];
m_nHairs = 100;
m_nNodesPerHair = 3;
float flHairLength = 20;
m_flSpringDist = flHairLength / (m_nNodesPerHair - 1);
m_Nodes.SetSize( m_nHairs * m_nNodesPerHair );
m_HairPositions.SetSize( m_nHairs );
m_TransformedHairPositions.SetSize( m_nHairs );
m_flSphereRadius = 20;
m_flSpinDuration = 1;
m_flCurSpinTime = 0;
m_flSpinRateX = m_flSpinRateY = 0;
// Distribute on the sphere (need a better random distribution for the sphere).
for ( int i=0; i < m_HairPositions.Count(); i++ )
float theta = RandomFloat( -M_PI, M_PI );
float phi = RandomFloat( -M_PI/2, M_PI/2 );
float cosPhi = cos( phi );
cos(theta) * cosPhi * m_flSphereRadius,
sin(theta) * cosPhi * m_flSphereRadius,
sin(phi) * m_flSphereRadius );
m_Delegate.m_pParent = this;
m_Physics.Init( 1.0 / 20 ); // NOTE: PLAY WITH THIS FOR EFFICIENCY
m_pMaterial = NULL;
m_bFirstThink = true;
void C_Hairball::Init()
ClientEntityList().AddNonNetworkableEntity( this );
ClientThinkList()->SetNextClientThink( GetClientHandle(), CLIENT_THINK_ALWAYS );
m_pMaterial = materials->FindMaterial( "cable/cable", TEXTURE_GROUP_OTHER );
m_flSitStillTime = 5;
void C_Hairball::ClientThink()
// Do some AI-type stuff.. move the entity around.
//C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
//m_vecAngles = SetAbsAngles( pPlayer->GetAbsAngles() ); // copy player angles.
Assert( !GetMoveParent() );
// Sophisticated AI.
m_flCurSpinTime += gpGlobals->frametime;
if ( m_flCurSpinTime < m_flSpinDuration )
float div = m_flCurSpinTime / m_flSpinDuration;
QAngle angles = GetLocalAngles();
angles.x += m_flSpinRateX * SmoothCurve( div );
angles.y += m_flSpinRateY * SmoothCurve( div );
SetLocalAngles( angles );
// Flip between stopped and starting.
if ( fabs( m_flSpinRateX ) > 0.01f )
m_flSpinRateX = m_flSpinRateY = 0;
m_flSpinDuration = RandomFloat( 1, 2 );
static float flXSpeed = 3;
static float flYSpeed = flXSpeed * 0.1f;
m_flSpinRateX = RandomFloat( -M_PI*flXSpeed, M_PI*flXSpeed );
m_flSpinRateY = RandomFloat( -M_PI*flYSpeed, M_PI*flYSpeed );
m_flSpinDuration = RandomFloat( 1, 4 );
m_flCurSpinTime = 0;
if ( m_flSitStillTime > 0 )
m_flSitStillTime -= gpGlobals->frametime;
if ( m_flSitStillTime <= 0 )
// Shoot out some random lines and find the longest one.
m_vMoveDir.Init( 1, 0, 0 );
float flLongestFraction = 0;
for ( int i=0; i < 15; i++ )
Vector vDir( RandomFloat( -1, 1 ), RandomFloat( -1, 1 ), RandomFloat( -1, 1 ) );
VectorNormalize( vDir );
trace_t trace;
UTIL_TraceLine( GetAbsOrigin(), GetAbsOrigin() + vDir * 10000, MASK_SOLID, NULL, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &trace );
if ( trace.fraction != 1.0 )
if ( trace.fraction > flLongestFraction )
flLongestFraction = trace.fraction;
m_vMoveDir = vDir;
m_vMoveDir *= 650; // set speed.
m_flSitStillTime = -1; // Move in this direction..
// Move in the specified direction.
Vector vEnd = GetAbsOrigin() + m_vMoveDir * gpGlobals->frametime;
trace_t trace;
UTIL_TraceLine( GetAbsOrigin(), vEnd, MASK_SOLID, NULL, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &trace );
if ( trace.fraction < 1 )
// Ok, stop moving.
m_flSitStillTime = RandomFloat( 1, 3 );
SetLocalOrigin( GetLocalOrigin() + m_vMoveDir * gpGlobals->frametime );
// Transform the base hair positions so we can lock them down.
VMatrix mTransform;
mTransform.SetupMatrixOrgAngles( GetLocalOrigin(), GetLocalAngles() );
for ( int i=0; i < m_HairPositions.Count(); i++ )
Vector3DMultiplyPosition( mTransform, m_HairPositions[i], m_TransformedHairPositions[i] );
if ( m_bFirstThink )
m_bFirstThink = false;
for ( int i=0; i < m_HairPositions.Count(); i++ )
for ( int j=0; j < m_nNodesPerHair; j++ )
m_Nodes[i*m_nNodesPerHair+j].Init( m_TransformedHairPositions[i] );
// Simulate the physics and apply constraints.
m_Physics.Simulate( m_Nodes.Base(), m_Nodes.Count(), &m_Delegate, gpGlobals->frametime, 0.98 );
int C_Hairball::DrawModel( int flags )
if ( !m_pMaterial )
return 0;
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( g_pMaterialSystem );
for ( int iHair=0; iHair < m_nHairs; iHair++ )
CSimplePhysics::CNode *pBase = &m_Nodes[iHair * m_nNodesPerHair];
CBeamSegDraw beamDraw;
beamDraw.Start( pRenderContext, m_nNodesPerHair-1, m_pMaterial );
for ( int i=0; i < m_nNodesPerHair; i++ )
BeamSeg_t seg;
seg.m_vPos = pBase[i].m_vPredicted;
seg.m_vColor.Init( 0, 0, 0 );
seg.m_flTexCoord = 0;
static float flHairWidth = 1;
seg.m_flWidth = flHairWidth;
seg.m_flAlpha = 0;
beamDraw.NextSeg( &seg );
return 1;
void CreateHairballCallback()
for ( int i=0; i < 20; i++ )
C_Hairball *pHairball = new C_Hairball;
// Put it a short distance in front of the player.
C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
if ( !pPlayer )
Vector vForward;
AngleVectors( pPlayer->GetAbsAngles(), &vForward );
pHairball->SetLocalOrigin( pPlayer->GetAbsOrigin() + vForward * 300 + RandomVector( 0, 100 ) );
ConCommand cc_CreateHairball( "CreateHairball", CreateHairballCallback, 0, FCVAR_CHEAT );